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Role Of educationa/ Resourte Qntse in Leaching Mathematics Mathematics is very important jor Ouy Life. mathematics xesoure centne has always occupied an important Platt in the curticulierm. Lt helps in fratning and discipline tro mind and alo cleveloping the Power af thinking and coasting. YH has been Aightly sald tal higher te achievement in the field of Mahemalis 50 ts the nations devecaprent + Today in the fast technagi cally erionted society, 1 has found a grater zole to Play: | joe Tero” ; Sq" \ p ols MD Caldetla for Selecting ‘Kesource x Aaeaning aesourtes Sheulel scpport the cuantealum — pud comes. Aeaining Resctncs Should be developed Ahe kenpetorR teachers ¥ Ataning Resciaus shadd be appwpriak for the Subject oea and fer the age, emokiorl alevelopment , ability Level, déening SIRS, and Sovial cteveloepmert of the Learns for whom the materials ate selected x Atarning pesciies bheeld haw a one ofa veniety of nmidta Presentakion modes « i@, in Mulimedta Priseitihon ¥ Thinks eclside the box for subject specific Aools. Ea er | Mathemattles Kabojzatore | Resto tes a5 a (larning J Tht mathematics Aaboratory js a Place whore anybody Lan experiment and explore pattems and jeteas. SD! is a place where one tan find a collection of Gams, puxils, and ofbey feathirg nd Learning Materia), 3 The maths Aah Sov the stuctents Lo tiovgh doing. Need er a Matnmatits Raboratory. ia ee * Matendits Laboratory Is autivity | tontored cern a child is Placed ty problem solving Situation Though Self pexploration and disiwovery va ¢ She Provicles q Solution based on he his exporionie, needs and inplerest, Some of te ways in Which A meathemalics Aaborator4 tan tontrihute £0 Ae Aoatning of The Subject ore: 4 Provides an oppurtunity User matperatics x LH Provielts an opportenity to understand and internalixe the basic matnemalical Lonuepts thtoulgh Concrete objects ard SifuaHOns. # Tt helps te students to build ipperess and tonfidene in Hearing dhe Subject. +The Laboratory Frovieles oppurtenite lo erhibit tte relatedness of matumebice! fontepis Lol, everyday Aifee x U1 Provides scope for grvatey Iivolvenind of both the Mind and te Aand which fatitilate nego- cognition | phjecdives 0 4 Mathematts sabprofrry: | x D1 Provicle “Leaning by doing? x To develop an aHtituee Jof Laguiey x Remove the weakness of paesont day | Mathematits dications. | y To develop much needed Lonfidene iy Studerds- 5 uty of Mathematics dab for stale % chileken experionte He [OY al distovening through exploration with tundesanding Leyes. Meet dA brings then tlosn to Mata mecth contepes t hecrni enjoy Mecth an phility of mecherralics dab for Feachers: % D1 haps tt teaches Joy experiments ailigneel 70 ccoriccaeem with cletailed Step oY 5p ins ltlion x Lomprchensive fealty draining workshops fo thtroduce thir) to ntwey ways of Aeaching. Role of Feacter: Gn tradédlional classwoms his tole is very Simple. “He was at the ihe cnd in autive mode. But to this ee Solely Thue is a great Shith in Als pole. Now fis Roleis becoming so Lamplx in natin. There are expected 7o becobhe Pechoolegt cally onttrled. Some inppoytard Aoles of dtenihers ban be Aisted belo. p As a saci litectoy be must help Ars Leamners Jo clevelop the positive gttitucles yowards the changes thal Me Aaking Place in “hety envisons and abo make ther ready fo jadjus! and adapt Ahtse Changes. /?: As a knowledge Provides his Leamers must | | fo Exposed tp wrending Frolss Abs beesels ‘of Knowledge andl made thtm capable chovse between tre right and wrong at the Sasmt ik: 3 As a guicle At must enable Ais wares to get atguatnted with ntw Ler base digital knowledge and advaniments. 4 As a froin his teconos fyy 7 be traind and mastered upon fahnoloyical tools or instrurrurys etna muke Hum jeady + utilize al) LRMSe a/ Tk | | maximum: - ge AS A capauty builder is ee nist be capacilated with alt tose valium and life gills thal RE neuescry fov Aivieg a Pappy lite. | |b: As a heen phscrvey his Learners Wats? lhe observed py tery autivilles during the exposition 0 pew and Vast werd (ge. peel My | 7 As a Leamey be roust update his knowledge 10 KP pee with global peroulid pe gs a Aeare Teer Aut musé work by haking fhe help of Ais fellow LOUIS. conclusion one. AAS understanding , sounds, Every : aul interests on whit #0 build. ae ae ccitical Ale in assisting Leaintrs fp a engage Muy wndastarding, butlding on earns Urner tandings , wrveeling misstnagpllers and vbsewirg and engaging with hearers ditring the PAOUSSES of Learning. Referee Alips:fmanun edt in oe ae

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