Signs and Omens Circulating File A

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Circulating File
A compilation of Extracts
from the Edgar Cayce Readings
Edgar Cayce Readings Copyrighted by
Edgar Cayce Foundation
1971, 1993-2013
All Rights Reserved

These readings or parts thereof may not be reproduced

in any form without permission in writing from the
Edgar Cayce Foundation
215 67th Street
Virginia Beach, VA 23451
Printed in U.S.A.

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Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2013 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation

Circulating Files are collections of verbatim quotes of what Edgar Cayce said during his
readings on a given subject or, in some cases everything. We have medical circulating
files which focus on the over 9,000 health-related readings with subjects from Acidity-
Alkalinity to Weight Loss. We also have non-medical circulating files on a broad range of
topics, for example Egypt: Sphinx, Pyramids, and Hall of Records, Fear and Its Far-
Reaching Effects, Advice to Parents, Serving in Accord with Ideals, and Business
Each circulating file is simply a collection of reading quotes or full readings given for
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Blessings, A.R.E. Member Services Team
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Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2013 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation
Signs and Omens
A. General Extracts from the Cayce Readings
Numerological Influences
Astrological Influences
Past-Life Influences
Physical Issues
“Search For God,” Lesson on “Destiny”
His Return
B. Case Studies from the Readings
1. Reading # 114-1, 42-yr-old woman
2. Reading # 136-4, 12, 20-yr-old woman
3. Reading # 137-13, 26-yr-old man
4. Reading # 262-23, Norfolk Study Group #1
5. Reading # 274-7, 36-yr-old man
6. Reading # 423-3, 46-yr-old man
7. Reading # 500-1, 35-yr-old woman
8. Reading # 540-3, 32-yr-old woman
9. Reading # 694-2, 45-yr-old woman
10. Reading # 695-1, 57-yr-old woman
11. Reading # 707-1, 6, 57-yr-old man
12. Reading # 729-1, 44-yr-old woman
13. Reading # 818-1, 49-yr-old woman
14. Reading # 1035-1, 18-yr-old girl
15. Reading # 1037-1, 49-yr-old woman
16. Reading # 1183-1, 55-yr-old woman
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Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2013 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation
17. Reading # 1602-5, 41-yr-old woman
18. Reading # 1671-2, 21-yr-old man
19. Reading # 1681-1, 33-yr-old man
20. Reading # 1770-2, 49-yr-old woman
21. Reading # 1877-2, 45-yr-old woman
22. Reading # 1931-1, 19-yr-old boy
23. Reading # 1992-1, 4, 38-yr-old woman
24. Reading # 2029-1, 54-yr-old woman
25. Reading # 3011-3, 68-yr-old man
C. Related Circulating Files and Research Bulletins*:
1. Aura Charts and Life Seals, Vol. 1→3
2. Birthmarks
3. Color
4. Gemstones
5. Human Relations: Astrological Influences on Earth
6. Intuition, Visions and Dreams
7. Mediums, Borderland Experiences, and Warnings
8. Numerology
9. Psychic Development: Benefits and Cautions
10. Types of Psychic Experiences
11. Vibrations
12. Yoga, Chanting & Breathing Exercises
* Circulating Files & Research Bulletins are available from A.R.E. membership services
at (800) 333-4499 or:
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Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2013 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation
General Extracts from the Cayce Readings
2556-1, F 30 (Teacher), 5/5/41
The entity is a "sensitive," yet one well versed in many ways in the occult,
the mystic influences, the signs and omens - whether conscious or same or not.
261-25, M 48 (Banking, Investments), 10/4/36
(Q) My investment management business at ..., ... Ave., N.Y., has
continued to grow but rather slowly. Have you any comment as to this activity?
(A) This should be to the body, to the mind, and the enquiring mind of
[261] as an excellent omen. Know, that which grows nominally, normally, is a
healthy growth. That which comes by spurts and bounds oft is not that prepared
for the rebounds that so oft occur in such associations.
Making haste slowly should be ever in such activities the watchword. For,
to use some of another land's ways - the English way - is not a bad way for
America to follow, in THAT direction.
This then as we would comment, is healthy and is safe. Keep it that way.
1286-1, F 30 (Model), 11/8/36
(Q) What is the significance of the "M" left on the entity's writing pad two
years ago?
(A) As has been indicated as to the entity being "sensitive" to the
influences about self, this is a sign, an omen of an influence outside of self that
might become a destructive or a helpful influence. But ever is there the choice.
This then is rather as the proof and as the understanding to the entity of such an
1167-2, F 40 (Divorced in 1920), 5/14/36
While the sojourns in the earth as well as those environs under which and
through which the entity passes in the interims are indications, or as signs or
omens, there are none that surpass the will of the individual. For THAT is
supreme in making its choice. Will rather than knowledge, rather than
understanding, rather than other influences, makes for that as may bring
developing or retarding in the experience of an entity.
Choice, then, is the factor, as will; as to whether choice is as for that which
is the easier way, or for self aggrandizement, or for self-exaltation - or that self
may have that which gives fame or fortune for its activity among its brethren, its
associates. Not that these are not well; but positions, power, might, positions of
fame, positions of fortune, are the outcome of specific choices of individuals'
activities, and are not mere coincidence - or not accidents.
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Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2013 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation
849-18, M 30 (Writer), 6/26/37
(Q) Of the many persons whom I have met in New York who are interested
in psychic phenomena, which would be best for me to develop as companions and
partners in the furtherance of my program for myself in this field?
(A) Those that hold the more to that of spirituality as related to psychic
influences in the life, rather than to that of any individual idea or approach;
though all of these are to be kept as a part - or, as has been indicated, as signs,
as omens, as directions (as they are). For as has been given, and as is
understood by the entity, only in the various forms as they have approached their
materiality in their respective fields has the interest been seen. But the entity
realizes that "psychic" is not other than of the soul; not so much spiritism or spirit
as SPIRITUALITY - or spirit-activity, God-force of the soul active in the individual
or person. Hence those that hold fast to that.
1009-4, M 73 (Retired), 8/27/36
As to the abilities of the entity, then, and that to which it may attain and
how: In self may be found the key, the answer to those things that cry - either
aloud in the inner self or that may be as omens or as signs along the way.
For as the entity does and has done unto others, so there comes in the
hours of need, in the hours of depression, in the hours of joy, in the hours of
sorrow, fruits of that ye have sown. For as ye sow, so shall ye reap. In Him there
may be seen the light, but in self it must be met.
Let the light of the glory of a RISEN Lord ever be thy light, thy guide, thy
way of approach to knowledge, power, wisdom and might. For the might is of the
Lord, the wisdom is His; knowledge is of God.
Those things that make for bringing happiness, then, the bringing of
peace, are from walking the closer with the Christ!
1058-1, F 23 (Clerk Typist), 11/15/35
a little of everything
Yes, we have the records of the entity now known as, or called, [1058];
and those relations with the universe and universal forces, that are a part of the
entity's sojourn in the material plane as well as those influences that make for the
development of the soul-entity through those environs about the earth.
This entity, as we shall see, has many conditions to meet - which may only
be met in relationships to Creative Forces that are made manifest through those
experiences of the application of the Spirit of Truth as set in Him, in the
relationships to the individuals and groups whom the entity may contact from day
to day in the present experience.
The purposes, then, for the entity's entering into activity in the present,
that become manifest in the material world, are set before the entity in that in
which it may apply itself in its relationships to individuals, to groups, to masses.
Those influences that are emblematical or are of the earth's environs, that will
make for omens or helpful influences, are apparent from the entity's activities in
sojourns in the earth.
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Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2013 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation
Hence, as we would find, the wearing of the stone lapis linguis would be as
an aid in its meditative periods, and would become as a helpful influence. Not as
that of "lucky," but rather that as of a helpful influence towards making for the
ability to make decisions in dealing with mental attributes.
Also the odor of the peach blossom, or of those natures partaking of the
sandalwood as combined with same. Also the numerological aspects make for the
numbers as of three and seven. These make for those expressions, then, that are
manifest in the activities in its delving into or in its dealings with problems.
For, as will be seen from those experiences through the astrological
sojourns (as they are termed by some), we have these influences:
Some are an affliction. Some are in the benevolent influence.
Hence we will find periods in the experience of the entity when from
astrological aspects the entity becomes subject to those influences of affliction.
But let each soul know, there is no influence above that of the WILL of the
individual when made one with the Creative Forces as are set in Him.
For His promises are sure. And He will not leave those comfortless who
seek, but will abide with those that seek to know His face, His will, His biddings.
Not everyone that saith "Lord," but he that DOETH the will. THIS, then, is that will
which beareth witness with His Spirit, that ye become indeed the children of the
living God, KNOWN by thy dealings with thy fellow man.
818-1, F 49 (Housewife [Husband a Naval Officer]), 2/8/35
In giving that which may be helpful to this entity in its present experience,
there may be given that approach from which such information may come at this
time, in order that there be as little confusion in the experience of the entity in the
present as possible. For this entity seeks earnestly. The experiences that may be
seen through the sojourns in the earth have been fraught with those things that
have made for soul development. And because one experience or another makes
for confusion in the present, it is well that the entity set self aright; that it may go on
- ON - to the mark of the higher calling which is set in Him, the example unto the
sons and daughters of men, their elder brother, even Jesus.
As to the influences, then, that make for signs, omens, periods when this or
that in the experience of a soul is the more active, do not confuse signs with that
which is sought. Do not confuse the impulses that may arise in the inner urges
even, or those from the emotions of the body that take hold upon the soul and the
spiritual forces with that which has prompted same. For first there should be the
realization by all that matter in any form is of the spirit, whether from the atom in a
corpuscle in the body, or the sphere or orb of any of those systems seen about the
earth and described by the psalmist, "The heavens declare the glory of God, the
firmament showeth His handiwork; day unto day uttereth speech, night unto night
sheweth knowledge." So in the transition of an entity, a soul, such as this entity -
known in the present as [818] - whether in the body or out of the body it shows
forth the Lord's work till He come again; made a little lower than the angels, yet
with that promise, that ability, that gift of the Father to each soul that it may be one
with Him, yet know itself to be itself and one with Him.
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Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2013 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation
416-2, M 28 (Freight Agent, Telegrapher), 4/29/34
(Q) What value is there in palmistry? To what extent may it be relied
(A) As we have given in regard to any and every omen, it is an indication -
yes. As to whether or not it will come to pass depends upon what the body, the
mind of such an one does ABOUT that it knows in relationship to itself. It may be
depended upon, then, about twenty percent as being absolute - and about eighty
percent "chance" or what a body does with its opportunities. The same as may
be said about an individual that has prepared himself to be a medium through
which there may be expressed in excellent executive. How much does the
preparation have to do with the body being an excellent executive? About twenty
percent, and the application is the rest! It is just so with all activities.
For, the will of a soul, of a body, is supreme - even as to whether it
makes of itself a channel for the spiritual influences in its experience or for the
selfish desires of its own body and its aggrandizing of those influences.
O if souls, bodies, everywhere, would gain that knowledge that the
abilities to be sons of God or of the devil lie within self's own individual will! For,
as has been given of old, "I am persuaded that neither principalities nor souls,
individuals nor conditions, may separate me from the love of God save myself."
To be that He would have thee be, in all that thou doest and hast done from day
to day, is being then a channel - and being used by Him, rather than using the
blessings He has given thee for thine undoing.
(Q) How should I proceed to improve myself mentally and spiritually?
(A) By making application day by day of that thou knowest to do as in
relationships to thy fellow man, day by day. For, it is ever as in the training for
any activity in the material or commercial life; personal application of that thou
knowest brings about those experiences in the lives of individuals that some call
"luck" or "chance." For, when the will to do is ever present and not faltered by
doubts and fears that may arise in the experience of all, then does it build, then
does it attract that which builds and builds and IS the constructive force in the
experience of all.
Numerological Influences
338-4, F 43 (former Telegrapher, now Art Student) 7/1/36
(Q) Where may I obtain a numerological reading that would be reliable so
that I may better determine my abilities in the present?
(A)These we find may be given through many channels. These may be
given through these influences or forces, yet these are rather as the expressions
that would be given as signs and not as omens. For the WILL makes for that
determination. But if those are sought for, as we find the better may be had from
such a one as Moon Trail. [Horace Hambling, English medium, on tour in U.S.A.]
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Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2013 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation
462-11, M 52 (Dredge Captain), 3/13/37
(Q) Why does 13, or 4, seem to play such a part in my life and what is the
significance of it?
(A) This as we find comes to what may be called the vibrations under
which the entity as an entity is active, or the contacts with what may be the
mental or the material channels through which there are the manifestations.
They are as omens, or as the effect of vibratory forces upon the activities of the
individual entity for bringing experiences into manifestation.
To this particular entity the 13 (and 4) comes rather as a mental
experience, and appears to be the door to or the door in or out of a new activity.
As these come into the experience then, the entity experiences that it is either
the beginning of or the end of some particular period of manifestations.
Do not rely upon same as other than that in the experience.
(Q) Should I leave the initial L. out of my name?
(A) We would change the vibrations of the body entirely by same, and
these will come nearer then to being 5 and 8, or changes - with a general reaping
from changes as brought into the experience.
Again it is a choice as to whether or not to change. But remember, these
influences of 13, 4, 5, 8, will always be present - if the changes are made! They
are merely omens or signs; not factors that produce - but are the production of
the activities of the body mental, physical and material.
1402-3, F 59 (Widow, Writer on Astrology & Numerology), 7/20/38
While a great deal has been and is written or presented for various
reasons on the subjects of psychic phenomena, numerology, astrology and
kindred subjects, these each have their place in the experience of the human
activity if the approach is made from a spiritual angle - and not from that point
where the individual may seek, through personal knowledge of these, as to days
or weeks or years or numbers, to take advantage of his fellow man.
Each phase of the experience should be taken and applied in a prayerful,
a sincere manner; and not accrediting the influence from the numbers, the stars
or any omen in itself, but the AUTHOR; giving the credit to the author of ALL of
these things!
261-15, M 47 (Banking, Investments), 8/17/35
(Q) Can the entity's psychic faculties be expressed or developed through
(A) As we have indicated oft, astrology and numerology and symbology
are all but the gateways or the signs of expression.
As for this entity, as we have indicated the symbols of numerology may be
developed; but the INTUITIVE forces that arise WITH same make for rather the
safer, the saner, the more spiritual way, with the less aptitude of turning to forces
from without.
(continued on next page)
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Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2013 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation
For, as we see in numbers, or numerology: One indicates STRENGTH,
power, influence; yet has all the weaknesses of all other influences that may be
brought to bear upon any given activity in which same may be indicated. But it is
KNOWN as strength and power; even as the UNION of self with the Creative
Forces that express themselves in the activity of matter, in ANY form, is power.
Two makes for a division; yet in the multiple of same, in four, it makes for
the greater weaknesses in the divisions. In six and eight it makes for the same
characterizations, yet TERMED more in these that one is power, two is
weakness, three is the strength of one with the weakness of two; four being more
and more of a division and weakness; six being the changes that have been
made in the DOUBLE strength of three. Seven is the spiritual number. Eight
indicates the commercial change. Nine indicates strength and power, with a
These, then, are as INDICATIONS; and NOT other than the SIGNS of
things, that may be altered ever by the force or factor from which they emanate.
Hence INTUITIVE force is the better, for in this there may come more the
union of the spirit of truth with Creative Energy; thus the answer may be SHOWN
thee, whether in Urim, in Thummim, in dream, in numbers, in WHATEVER
manner or form. For He IS the strength of them all, and beareth witness IN thee
and through thee - if ye but do His biddings.
(Q) If so, how can they be used through this method for the benefit of
(A) As indicated, there are many channels, many manners - as we have
just given. These are as free in themselves; the numbers, see?
As related to individuals these each vibrate to certain numbers according
to their name, their birth date, their relationships to various activities. Then when
these appear, they become either as strengths or as losses or as helps or as
change, or as the spiritual forces. But, as indicated, they are rather as the signs,
or the omens; and may be given as warnings, may be given as helps, may be
given in any manner that they may be constructive in the experience of the
1869-1, F 46, 5/1/39
One inclined to give too much to omens and signs, and those influences
that arise from associations or affiliations with those who are reported to be
occultists, - or a form of scientific research.
It is well that all of these be considered, but know that much that is
attained through the mental concept may be misleading. It must be rather the
awareness of the oneness of the universal consciousness, that may bring the
spirit of truth and peace.
Know that no form of omen or signs should ever be confusing in the
experience of an entity. Thus, while astrological, numerological or the mystic
signs are important to a degree, they are merely RELATIVE as to purposes.
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Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2013 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation
For know, as has been indicated of old, "If ye will be my people, I will be
thy God" was not spoken at random, but that each soul, each entity may become
- as it seeks - aware of the oneness with the promises which have been and are
the birthright of every soul that comes into materialization.
Signs and wonders, lights and noises, - yea, even though one come from
heaven and declare that He hath not come in the flesh, such an one would lead
thee astray.
In the aspects as we find them from the astrological sojourns, the entity
comes close to the cusps.
Hence they are in that position (through the signs!) that the influences are
for the entity to be both a materialist AND one given to spiritual things.
It behooves the entity, then, all the more to so examine self as to know not
only in what ye believe but WHO is the AUTHOR of that ye profess to believe.
Thus the applying of self in its daily associations with its fellow man, in
keeping with the tenets and ideals of that which is the ideal of the entity, will bring
more and more awareness of the relationships to the Creative Force ye call God.
For HE is mindful of all, and hath not willed that any soul should be led
astray. Seek, then, and ye shall find; knock and it will be opened unto you.
Study then to show thyself approved unto thy ideal, a workman not
ashamed, - rightly dividing the words of truth, putting the accent where it belongs.
Know that all is - as Life - the gift of the Creator, and that the opportunities
which present themselves from day to day are to be made manifest as a
glorifying of the Father. For that is thy mission in this experience.
Astrological Influences
1592-1, F 56 (Actress, Religious Preference: "Christian and Hindu"), 5/16/38
Hence, as has been so oft indicated, the astrological aspects, the mental
or material sojourns through an experience in the earth, are only indications; and
the activities or applications of self through same are only given as signs, as
For the WILL of the entity is that which is the birthright.
1767-2, M 76 (Manufacturer), 1/8/39
As to the urges which arise astrologically - which are only urges and have
nothing to do with the choice the entity makes of that urge - we find that these
are only as signs, omens. For, as is and ever has been the experience, TODAY
there is set before thee good and evil, life and death - choose thou! It is the will,
the self that makes the choice as to the urges!
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2533-1, M 36 (Insurance Agent), 7/8/41
From the sojourns of the entity in Neptune we find rather the influences of
water, as well as things coming from water, are a part of the entity's experience.
Thus the entity should ever keep a pearl about the self or upon the person, not
only for the material vibration but for the ideal expression. For, it will be an omen
– not only because of the vibrations that it may give to self but because of
keeping the even temperament, yea the temper itself. For the entity can get
mad, and when it is mad it is really MAD!
820-1, M 25 (Government Clerk), 2/8/35
Sojourns in environments are those innate activities, while sojourns in the
earth are those of the emotional natures; yet each one is under the influence
more of the will - or what an entity does about an urge - than merely the position
of a sojourn of the entity. Although there are influences from the astrological
angle, they are as signs, omens and impulses; not as destinies, for the destiny of
each soul is in what the entity does about the application of creative influences
and forces in its own experience in any environ.
1222-1, F 34 (Housewife), 7/17/36
As to the influences that arise from the astrological sojourns, these are
rather in keeping with the time – the Aquarius forces, and as there are the
beginnings of the Aquarian age.
Then DO NOT consider self as being unusual because unusual
experiences arise in thy associations, in thy meditations, in thy activities with thy
fellow men. Do not do OTHER, though, than contemplate these. Remember
thou art in the same signs, omens, as the Mother of Him; that gave to the earth
the physical man, Jesus - Aquarius in its PERCEPTION, perfection.
Hence when those experiences arose in that life, ye find it said, "She
pondered these in her heart."
Hence the same injunction might be given. For no better direction can be
had or given than the consecrating of self in body, in mind, in activity to the
service of those influences, those forces that may be as those that the self may
give to others in the meditations, in the supplications; keeping self in those
directions that INDEED as He gave, "Ye abide in me, I in the Father," and ye
may know those forces from the abiding presence of the Master's forces.
1073-4, F 51 (Housewife, Opera Singer), 2/17/36
As to that which may be helpful to the entity from the records of the
experiences in the earth, and in the interims of the astrological sojourns, we find
many are as omens. Hence these should be used as such, and not to become
other than stepping-stones for understanding and making for abilities, the use of
self in soul development.
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For the entrance of each soul is that it may become more and more aware
in materiality of the oneness of all force, with one purpose and one desire to be
wholly in Him - and to be a channel where His blessings may come to others; or
to be more and more in that way of manifesting the Creative Forces we call God
in manifested form among the fellow men.
In Mercury we find the high mental abilities; the experiences of searching
in mysteries, omens, various characteristics of mental forces; and the ABILITIES
to transmit to others THAT the ENTITY HAS EXPERIENCED in self - if it will
apply self in those directions!
1648-1, F 57 (Librarian), 7/28/38
In giving the interpretations of the records as we find them, these are
given with the desire that the experience may be a helpful one; and that the
entity, meeting self in the influences that are latent and manifested, may realize it
is doing so through the use of the will in relationships to Creative Forces or God -
as manifested in the experiences of the entity in the present sojourn.
Also these are given with the desire that the entity may realize that the
opportunities as present themselves for activity in relationships to others,
whether these are used in constructive forces to the glory of that the entity has or
may set as its ideal, are the influences that make for weal or woe as to the
growth of the soul experience.
For while we find body, mind and soul are phases of the experiences of an
entity in materiality, these are but the manners through which the real ego or I
Am manifests.
Then while the urges that arise from the astrological sojourns or aspects,
as well as from the appearances of the entity in the earth, are influences, they
are not greater than the WILL of self in its choice of what it will do about its
concept of Creative Force or God in its experience.
Hence they are only signs or omens through which one may take
cognizance to realize the weaknesses as well as the virtues - which in this entity
are many (the virtues).
For there have been many experiences through which the entity has
passed in the material sojourns, so that the very emotions or the influences from
the astrological sojourns only become as visions or dreams - rather than those
that make for great overpowering urges.
However, these are given that the entity may feel or know whereunto the
calling has come, and the activities of the self that have met and do meet with
that which is the ideal of self in the present experience.
2326-1, F 60 (Executive Housekeeper in Hospital), 8/21/40
As in all influences, there are those indications of signs, omens; which is
the first law as He gave, that the sun, the moon, the stars, the planets in their
course were given to man as signs, as omens, as indications that the way may
be clear to those who seek.
(continued on next page)
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Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2013 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation
Hence, as will be indicated, rather than that which is oft interpreted, that
the individual impulse is because of the planets or the sun or moon being in a
given position at the period of birth, it is that - as the souls are a part of the
Creative Forces - the sun, the moon and the planets are as much affected by that
influence of a birth, as affecting - or more! Yet because of their position they
become as signs, or tendencies or inclinations, as a part of the entity's
experience. For, experience is that through which awareness arises in the
consciousness of either spirit, mind or body. Thus these become as the shadows
of that which was, that which is, that which may be.
1493-1, F 64 (Widow, Dental Hygienist), 12/4/37
If the constructive or creative forces are chosen, that are the manifestations
of the Maker . . . then man chooses the way that builds into the consciousness the
awareness of that godly approach to the Christ-Consciousness.
Those that choose for self that of fame, fortune or whatnot, that takes hold
upon materiality alone, build that which becomes dross in the experience; and
bring discomfort, disease, disturbance to the body and the mind, and - as it were
shrivel or starve the soul.
Hence into man's consciousness there have been given signs, omens,
signposts, as it were; in not only the manifestations through man's experiences
within his higher mental self, as may be had from the astrological aspects - which
are from sojourns of the entity in those environments between the periods of
manifestation in the earth; but in those that arise as emotions through the
material senses from the sojourns in the earth; and also the teachings, the
warnings that are given here, there, from those who are as messengers….
We find such experiences are brought from these innate influences, that
are signs or omens or directions; hence have nothing to do other than pointing
the way. For while one may be influenced by such signs, the very will is that
which makes for the choice itself - which is in its essence the gift of the Creator,
that the soul might choose to be one with that which is everlasting; which is and
can be only constructive, born of what may be truly said to be the fruits of the
spirit of truth itself; as: longsuffering, patience, kindness, brotherly love. Not
envying, not making for strife or that which would even make any soul afraid.
These are then those things that, grown to fruition and applied in the daily
experiences and associations one with another, bring into the heart and soul of
an entity that peace which He, the loving Brother, gave, "My peace I leave with
thee - not as the world knoweth peace, but my peace," that comes of love, of
patience, of those things known as the virtues in the experience….
And the entity will find more and more that ye approach more and more to
the very throne of grace, ye will find thyself leaning upon the arms of some to
whom ye have shown those fruits of the spirit; to someone ye have comforted in
trials, to someone whom ye have fed - whether in the fruits of the spirit or in the
needs of the body or the heart. These be those things that bring the
consciousness of His abiding presence.
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1219-1, F 40 (Stenographer), 7/13/36
Coming in this experience in those environs of April is not the result of the
entity's activities in this material plane. It is rather then the indication to the entity,
as signs, as omens of what HAVE been the experiences of the entity through its
sojourns in the earth and what during those activities the entity did ABOUT, did
with, the opportunities for manifesting itself in such a way and manner as to be a
channel, a glorifying, an example of Creative Forces through that experience the
entity has had.
Hence the warnings as are given from the natural inclinations, for the
entity finds itself from those very experiences that arise from those influences
from Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, as to be those forces where they may be
turned to very good, very bad influences.
There should ever be as a sign, as an omen, as a guiding influence, as
from each day's activity, as to each day's opportunities, "There is set before
THEE life and death, good and evil - choose thou."
The astrological forces are indications of the entity's activities and show
inclinations, but they should be rather as knowledge, rather as understanding;
knowing these things exist as urges, as inclinations, but that in the daily dealings
with the fellow man the problems of the hour, the problems of the day, are
sufficient unto THEMSELVES. And as an entity, a mental being uses same in
the LIGHT of its ideal, so does the SOUL become aware of its associations with,
its contacts with, that which brings blessings, that which brings reverses, that
brings consternation, that brings harmony.
These are in the experience of each soul. And what the entity does about
that free will that is the heritage of each soul, as its BIRTHRIGHT - the WILL -
makes for development or retardment; and nothing may separate thee from the
knowledge of the Father but thyself!
As is indicated from the astrological aspects, that purpose for the present
experience is PATIENCE to be learned, patience to be a portion of self, patience
to be the experience of the entity.
And yet so oft does the entity find in its dealings and in its relationships
with individuals and groups and activities that this virtue is lacking, or it is
something that is intangible. Yet this must be learned.
457-2, F 23 (office worker in husband’s business), 5/13/31
In those influences in Neptune, will bring those of the mystic forces as are
seen in the influences that come about the entity as related to the influences of
mysterious experiences, movements as may be seen, felt, heard or experienced
by the entity from unseen sources. These should not be taken as evil omens,
nor of those influences following that would be hindrances; rather may the entity
apply same in the EXPERIENCES of self and come to be known - by the
APPLICATIONS of the influences - as one with a keen INSIGHT, or one
INTUITIVELY led and guided into the proper choosing, the proper relationships,
the proper attitudes, the proper conditions for the better development of self and
of those conditions as related to individuals, peoples, and others about self.
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1849-2, F 37 (Owner Personal Therapy Salon), 7/3/39
In giving the interpretations of the records as we find them, these are
chosen with the desire and purpose that these may be a helpful influence or
experience for the entity.
For the abilities for a great spiritual as well as mental and material
advancement may be the experience of the entity in the present sojourn.
That there has been quite a checkered as well as a varied application of
the abilities of the entity is indicated in the present. Yet, as may be inferred, the
entity being not only a Uranian but an Atlantean, it has the abilities for quite an
unusual career.
This has been and may be again, dependent upon the application of the
influences and abilities; a very high, a very exalted, and yet at others a very
discouraging, a very DETERMINED experience, - yet an application that may
make for disappointments in the material expression of those influences and
forces in the experiences of the entity in the present.
There may be given much, yet it is the application of so little that needs be
for the entity to comprehend, to understand, to be awakened to the purposes, the
desires, the causes that rule the influences in the material as well as in the
mental and spiritual relationships through this material sojourn.
Coming in those astrological aspects, we find the entity is one with a great
deal of strength of character, strength of purpose; and yet so easily persuaded or
dissuaded by material circumstance, - yet innately knowing there IS a way that
may seem right unto a man, though the end thereof is death, is disappointment,
is that which maketh the heart afraid.
From the urges arising not only from the astrological sojourns but from the
very activities in which the entity has applied itself through the earthly
experiences, this present experience included, we find that omens, figures (or
numerologically speaking), as well as metals and colors, having much to do with
the entity in its application of the intent, the purpose of the entity from experience
to experience. This is true whether applied from the past sojourns, or from the
present material analysis of individual or of companionable circumstance.
Thus we find there have been those relationships in this material plane, as
well as those through the activities in various spheres, that have caused a great
deal of anxiety, as well as periods of stumbling, as well as periods of exaltation
and of glorifying.
As to colors, - black and gold should be much about the entity. Not that
these natures ARE as the background, but the urges innately for keeping self
purged, and keeping the mental attitude as well as the purposes and desires in
the way in which there may be kept in the forefront the greater application of the
purposes of an individual making material manifestation.
Three's or their multiples, or their squares, become the numbers, or the
numerological aspects for the entity.
Also, for the harmonies for the entity, that represented in the fleur de lis,
with the shield of the Roman, as combined with that upon the flag of the
Egyptian, should be as the life purposes.
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For in each of these will be seen a great influence in not only the present
material sojourn but how and in what manner such forces may bring those
vibrations to the entity in this material plane.
The associations, then, with those that are of French extract, as combined
with conditions having to do with Rome, - not Italy but ROME as a background;
and the odors as from Egypt; these be the influences that may be brought about
the entity for that urge to be kept the greater, or for the more harmonious balance
in its abilities for choice in material associations with individuals or groups.
We find from the astrological aspects the influences from Venus, Jupiter, -
Uranus being the ruling force with these.
Hence as will be indicated by the experience of the entity in the present
sojourn, those things having to do with home, the building of home, as to its own
flesh or blood, have had for the entity experiences in which EXTREMES have
been manifested; arising to the heights even of ecstasy at times, and yet at
others the very opposite becoming a part of the material experience.
These have also applied, and will apply, in the marital relationships, as
well as the associations in a commercial nature.
Yet the application needs to be centered in the spiritual, and not to
become shaken by signs or omens or that as may be of material or mental
For, each soul enters the material plane for the fulfilling of a purpose; that
it, the soul, may be one with the Creative Forces. And when such is allowed to
be overridden because of the application for material gains, or for self-
indulgence, or self-glorification, or for self-exaltation, - then stumblingblocks are
in the experience.
Yet, as with this entity, we find there is a continual harking to those innate
urges for a greater spiritual understanding, that innate call for a greater spiritual
1770-2, F 49 (Widow, Former Concert Singer), 12/29/38
It is well with this entity that in the sounding of the name, in the writing of
same, it always all be included. The vibration, the harmonious effect of same
becomes almost as a shield in the entity's experience; as well as in the
numerological effects and their vibrations upon those the entity may approach.
And this is ever a part of the entity's experience as an emissary or
messenger to others. Hence it is well that its own mental and material and
spiritual self there be kept that balance.
In giving the interpretations of the records as we find them here, for this
entity there will be chosen the interpretations with the desire that it may be a
helpful experience. Yet this will be almost, as ye would call, a brief of that which
MIGHT be the interpreting of all of that which has been, which is to be, part of the
entity's experience through the sojourns in this material plane.
(continued next on the page)
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As is seen, all phases of activity are seen in the manner, the means, the
way that each influence or force becomes a part of the entity. For as it is in a
three-dimensional plane, it receives those influences or environs, or those that
are as signs and omens from all phases of that which is without self.
For instance, the astrological influences are not in the form or manner as
has been so oft and is so oft judged by the purely astrological aspects from
records. For the shifting, the changes that have been wrought in the zodiac as
well as the signs and positions of this material sphere in relationship to the whole
have been misjudged. But rather is this judgement drawn from the
EXPERIENCE of the ENTITY, as an entity, in that environ.
And as there has been and is attributed to the planetary influences about
this present solar system or environ, these become a part of the experience of
the entity - the innate, the soul self.
Through the use or application of any influence then does it become so
much a part of a soul, or a soul-entity.
Hence we find these as signs or omens, - as also the numerological, the
vibratory forces of color, or those of the mineral as may be crystallized in material
Hence the bloodstone or the ruby is well to ever be about the entity, upon
its body; so that the very vibratory forces of same give - with that of thought in
constructive force - creative environs or vibrations for the entity in its use or
784-1, M 40 (Divorcee, Unemployed), 1/8/35
In entering the present experience, there are many of those things that
may be called influences in the experience of the entity in the present sojourn.
It would be well if the entity would, for its own best experiences in the
present, know that no influence - astrological, numerlogical, environmental or
hereditary through the blood - exceeds the WILL of self. Too easily has the
entity experienced that this, that and the other sign or omen has influenced the
self in opposition even at times to self's own inner urge. It is not alone for the
lack nor for the lack nor for the great quantity of knowledge an entity may have,
but the greater influence is what the entity in its WILL, its MIND, does about - and
with - that knowledge it finds as a mental and spiritual and practical thing in the
experiences in a material world. It is not by might nor by power but "by My Spirit"
saith the Lord. For the Spirit or the prompting of the Spirit is the heritage of each
soul. And as each soul is called by and through the attuning of self to the divine
within, the divine manifestations from without, such a soul may know whereunto it
may apply itself; and be not anxious, be not troubled about the outcome. For
man can of himself do but little, for God giveth the increase in those fields of
service; and He, the Father, knoweth that we have need of from day to day.
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Past-Life Influences
1468-1 F 47 (Social Secretary, Divorced), 11/2/37
(Q) What are the lights which I see coming and going, like twinkling stars?
(A) As there were those varying lights that appeared when ye first beheld
the company following the Master, they are as the ways being pointed for the
greater awakening, the greater understanding in thy spiritual and mental
experiences in the earth.
These are AS the influences such as we have given in regard to the urges
from astrological sojourns and from experiences in the earth; they are signs,
omens. Not to be worshipped AS such; but as He gave the light of the rainbow
to those of old, they are as but the keeping of the promise to thee, that thy ways,
thy works, thy activities are not forgotten before Him. They are assurances, then,
of His love, of His care.
Then with HIM ye can never, no never, feel or be alone.
(Q) Would my life work be writing?
(A) These are as experiences that applied in giving the beauties of love,
not in the material alone but as to how the divine love overcomes, may bring
help, aid and hope.
And he that saves a soul through hope renewed hath covered a multitude
of shortcomings.
These would be well - but as in cards, in verse, in the stories of the way to
Jerusalem - from Bethany to Jerusalem, from the Temple to the Cross - these
would be well.
(Q) Is there anything I can do to help it come through?
(A) Look within - these will aid. BEGIN it! As ye use that ye have in hand,
more and more will be given thee.
But, as has been depicted for thee, can ye not see the place, the little
town in the hills from which ye journeyed to the city of the many strange noises,
the many strange lights, the many unusual customs to THINE own tenets! And
then this new experience of He that brought hope and cheer to those that were ill
in body, those that had lost hope through the holding to material things and to the
old tenets of tradition? And can you not see the great throng as they spread their
garments - yea, those of high and low estate or position - and all the wonderment
and loveliness of companionship sought in the material ways? These became a
vision. Build upon it, carrying - as it were - thine own part in same. And it may
be brought through to a BEAUTIFUL, helpful experience - From Bethany to
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416-1, M 27 (Freight Agent, Telegrapher), 10/8/33
In the latter portion the entity gained, for with the recall of the priest to
Egypt the entity continued as the ruler of the land to keep associations and
contacts with his people who returned to the Egyptian land; such a contact that
enabled the people to build much of the places in the land that are yet as
mysteries to the more advanced in some lines of activity. And the entity gained
throughout. [2/20/43 See 845-9 indicating that Mrs. [845] from Egypt was Mr.
[416]'s wife in Nubia.]
The occult or the mystic influences in the present are innate, and yet
active, in the experience of the entity. And the abilities or those activities in the
way of charms, that add to any thought, to the entity in the present will ever be as
omens to the entity. Not as in the thought of irreverence, or irrelevant to the
ideas or ideals of constructive influence, but that which tends to make the mental
forces directed in such channels as to make for the attunement of the physical-
mental and the spiritual-mental to combine in their influences in the mind of an
entity or soul.
319-2, F 55 (Secretary [to School Board]), 11/7/35
Before that we find the entity was in the periods or sojourns during the
activities in what is now the French, or French and Spanish land; during those
periods when there were the gatherings of many for the preparations for the
Crusades that became as influences or activities in the Holy Land.
Hence those things that have a classic nature, or are as emblems of the
classic experiences of individuals during that period become as things that are as
omens and as a portion of the entity's activities.
Hence the entity's neatness, the tidiness.
1551-2, F 37 (Traveling Saleslady, commission basis) 3/15/38
There are influences that bear upon the experiences innately, as well as
upon the emotions. But know that these are not impelling, but must be used as
signs, as omens.
And know that there must first be found within self that which is an ideal.
Not merely the ideal home, the ideal economic security, the ideal channel or
outlet for the physical and mental emotions, but that ideal which ye would have
thy God, thy Lord, have in relation to thee.
Then know that it is indeed necessary in self for the ideal of every phase
of the experience - physically, mentally, spiritually - to be founded in that which is
eternal, that is as Life itself.
For Life IS, and it is earnest, and it is good, and it is sad, and it IS
beautiful, and it is ugly; just as ye apply it in thy dealings and relations with thy
fellow man – as patterned from thy ideal.
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Then indeed it is what it is in the present because of what ye have set in
motion or done about same in thy experiences here, now, and THROUGHOUT
the ages of thy sojourn in the earth as well as in the interims about the environs
of the earth between the earthly sojourns.
882-1, F 59 (Housewife), 4/15/35
Before that we find the entity was in the Egyptian land, as now known,
during those periods when there were turmoils and strifes through those
upheavals by the rebellions in the land; during those periods when the Atlanteans
were entering, and when those of the now called Arabian and Persian lands
were seeking for an entrance.
The entity was among the natives of the land that were in the associations
and activities of the king deposed, but rather among the princesses of that land.
As the rebellions and changes came about, the entity embraced the activities of
the Atlanteans' experience, the Atlanteans' teachings, and later - with the
reestablishing of the Priest, with the beginning of the disseminations of those
activities - where there were those understandings of the relationships with the
material things that partook of health-giving forces to the body, those things as of
the air and water that make for the health-giving to the mental forces and the
influences of the fire or the purifying began to be understood - the entity then
made for great activities among those associated in the Temple service, the
Temple activities.
Hence customs, symbols, omens, are a portion of the entity's innate and
manifested self from experience to experience.
And these may bring into the experience in the present a greater
understanding of those relationships of the souls of men to the Creative Forces in
its activities through those forces of flesh and mind that make known the
mysteries of nature, the mysteries of the spiritual forces in and among the sons
of men.
The name then was Jah-ptel.
683-1, F 43 (Chiropractor), 10/8/34
The entity then was among the daughters of Ra-Ta that went into Egypt,
yet when the rebellions arose there were separations from the activities and the
entity joined then with those of Ibex that made for the destruction in those
portions of the land.
With the return of the Priest from the Abyssinian land, and the beginnings
of the activities with the people that came from the Atlantean land, the entity
again - in the name Ali-Shepht - made for ovations to the Priest and the activities
in aiding to establish those things known NOW as the medical, the application of
the material things from the earth for the healings, and for the things that brought
strength to weakened bodies - in the stimulations of same. (continued next page)
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The entity then advanced to a position of aid and help; becoming that
would be termed in the present among the first to be established as nurses in the
infirmaries that were established in the land; gaining much from these
experiences; but when there arose again the dissensions between those from the
Atlantean land and the natives, the entity brought turmoils to self by the
harkening to the incantations that were made, and the figures and signs and
omens that were set aside, rather than following those that were being presented
by those in the Temple Beautiful. But in the latter days the entity again returned
to the fold, when there had been the regeneration of the Priest, or the father, and
the entity aided then in bringing the lessons of the law of One to the peoples in
many varied lands.
295-8, F 30 (Secretary), 8/31/33
GC: . . . You will please look up the records made by this entity in the
Palestine appearance as described in her Life Reading of Dec. 23, 1929, a copy
of which I hold in my hand, when Jesus, the Christ walked among men, and you
will give a detailed account of the life of this entity as Mary, the sister of Martha
and Lazarus….
(Q) What is the entity's symbol or sign?
(A) The rose with the Cross in same. Valley rose.
[See the circulating files titled: Aura Charts and Life Seals, Volumes 1→3 for this
type of information.]
2862-1, F 2, 11/24/42
Before that the entity was in the Egyptian land. There the entity was
among those who were the emissaries prepared through purification in the
Temple Beautiful [GD's notes: in which [849], present uncle, was the musician
who led in purification ceremonies; [437] was interpreter to various groups;
[1315] was a teacher in schools of art; [1101] perhaps in land to which [2862]
went as emissary; [1528] famous architect or artist.); and as one that went to
other lands in those activities that made for the bettering of others.
There we find the entity was in those activities directing the development
of the young in other lands.
Travel becomes a part of the entity's experience; unusual places; a special
interest in the mystic and in omens and signs. And these, if kept in that way of
correct spiritual guidance, may be an unfoldment in the experience of the entity in
its dealings with others.
The name then was Al-Ves-Etta.
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938-1, F 29 (Singer), 6/21/35
For Life and its expressions are one. Each soul or entity will and does
return, or cycle, as does nature in its manifestations about man; thus leaving,
making or presenting - as it were - those infallible, indelible truths that it - Life - is
continuous. And though there may be a few short years in this or that
experience, they are one; the soul, the inner self being purified, being lifted up,
that it may be one with that first cause, that first purpose for its coming into
And though there may be those experiences here and there, each has its
relationships with that which has gone before, that is to come. And there has
been given to each soul that privilege, that choice, of being one with the Creative
Forces. And the patterns that have been set as marks along man's progress are
plain. NONE mount higher than that which has been left in Him who made that
intercession for man, that man through Him might have the advocate with the
Father. And those truths, those tenets - yea, those promises - that have been set
in Him, are true; and may be the experience of each and every soul, as each
entity seeks, strives, tries, desires to become and pursues the way of becoming
one with Him.
For the words that He has given are simple, "Inasmuch as ye do it unto
the least, ye do it unto me."
Then, as there has been and is the passage of a soul through time and
space, through this and that experience, it has been and is for the purpose of
giving more and more opportunities to express that which justifies man in his
relationships one with another; in mercy, love, patience, long-suffering, brotherly
love. For these be the fruits of the spirit, and they that would be one with Him
must worship Him in spirit and in truth.
Then in the study, in the meditating upon that as may be presented from
thine records here, look to these in that way and manner; knowing that we as
souls can of ourselves do nothing save the Spirit giveth utterance, permission, or
furnisheth the opportunity. But as we use what is given in this or that experience,
expression or manifestation, then may and doth the Lord give the greater
As to those things then that become as signs, omens, destined forces that
are set before the entity from and by its advent into the earth's experience at this
particular period, we find:
These from the astrological, numerological and all the phases of those
things that man has set as signs, are as good omens to the entity. While there
be some in the material experiences that appear as such, from man's judgement,
there have been the opportunities that have been embraced by the entity.
And now, in the heyday of the excess and the experiences of the entity in
the present, if these are used for self-indulgences they may become as the
stumblingblocks in the way of progress.
If they are used in that manner to show forth His love as He has promised,
then may peace and harmony, joy and contentment enter the heart, the soul of
the entity - and bring that peace that passeth understanding.
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997-1, F 46 (Housewife), 9/9/35
Before that we find the entity was in the Roman land, during those periods
when there were the exchanges of the Roman activities and expansion of the
various lands; in what is now the northern African land, portions of Palestine,
portions of now Turkey.
The entity knew of such activities then rather through its own associates
who sojourned there. For the entity was the mother, sister, and wife of those
who acted in the capacity of the soldiery, or those who acted in the capacity of
judge, or those who acted in such capacities at the various meetings for the
exploration and domination of those lands.
From same in the present there is rather the anxiety which arises innately
as to the jobs that may be given to people in their various estates; that is, the
entity may find itself often worrying about whether or not an individual - who is
possibly only known to the entity – will fulfill his mission in this or that activity.
There are the anxieties felt as to those who go on special missions and things of
that nature; these become a very portion of the entity's experience, INNATELY.
For through that experience in the Roman land the entity, as one
Pompeai, was looked upon rather as a seeress, as one not wholly understood.
For the entity then was given to the study of what would NOW be termed the
religions of the world, of THAT day or that period.
Such study brought much to the entity; and in the present we find that
symbols and such come to be a part of the entity's own activity. Omens, days,
days of the year and of the month and of the period, these become a part of the
entity's experience INNATELY and manifestedly. If these are used rather in the
light of those experiences indicated - that is, in the analyzing of self, rather than
in calling judgments upon others - it will make for a great deal more harmonious
experience for self in the present.
691-1, F 34 (Secretary), 10/12/34
Many are the records of the entity, and bright are they in many of its
activities. There is a condition that is out of the ordinary, for the entity should in
this appearance become a channel for expressions of the divine activities in the
earth through the efforts or expressions in its own writings.
In giving that which may be helpful for this entity in this experience, not
only from the astrological sojourn of the entity in the environs about the earth -
that have been accredited by the ancients to those influences upon the earth, the
activative forces in their positions about the earth - but those things that are more
as omens, the various accredited vibrations as in stones, etc., we find having an
influence upon the entity. For the entity should ever wear about the body the
lapis lazuli or the lapis linguis; for these will bring strength to the body through
those vibrations that are brought or built in the innate experience of the entity
from its sojourn in the Egyptian land.
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1651-2, F 49 (Housewife), 4/11/40
(Q) Describe in more detail the lapis stone suggested for the body to wear.
(A) As understood, and may be found by the investigating of same, there
is a blue-green stone, that is a fusion in copper deposits, that has the same
vibration as the body; and thus is a helpful influence, not merely as an omen or
good luck charm, but as the vibratory helpful force for health, for strength, for the
ability through the mental self to act upon things, conditions, decisions and
Because of its softness, it will necessarily have to be encased in glass - as
two crystals and this between same.
It may be worn around the neck, the wrist or the like. But wear it, for it will
bring health and hope, and - best of all - the ability to DO that so desired.
4006-1, F 41, 3/29/44
(Q) Will wearing opals by one who does not have them as birth stone
signify ill omens for that person?
(A) No, opals will be helpful if there is kept the correct attitude, for it will
enable the entity to hold on to self or to prevent those who would be angry from
flying off the handle too much.
2073-2, F 39 (Housewife), 4/12/40
Coral should be about the entity at all times; worn, - not as a charm, not
other than the vibrations of the body as related to same. Because of the very
nature of its construction, and the very activity of the soul forces of the entity, this
would become a helpful influence in the experience of the entity. Hence this we
would wear about the body, but against the flesh.
All things that have to do with such as marine activities will be a part of the
entity's ULTIMATE activity in this material experience.
In giving the interpretations of the records as we find them here for this
entity, these are chosen with the desire, the purpose, that this may be a helpful
experience for the entity; that it may realize or become aware of the purposes
for which it entered this material plane.
For, a birth into materiality is not by chance, but that the will of the
Creative Forces may make manifest in the experience of each soul its purpose in
a material and mental plane.
Through the very indications of that element as would be helpful in its
experience (the coral), we find that the entity is highly sensitive to intuitive forces,
spiritual aspects, spiritual imports….
And the entity oft becomes aware of a vision within the environs or
surroundings that is not of an earthly making, but is of the celestial spheres; and
also of the beauty in color, and the figures that are indicated in those colors, as
also music that blends with same, more than of individuals or personalities or
individualities that appear in same.
(continued on the next page)
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Cultivate these, for they - as the activities in the imaginative realms
(should some choose to call them such) - become close akin to the real soul
self; just as the wearing of the coral - not as a worshipfulness, but as the omen or
as the charm (if one would choose to call it such) – would keep the body in better
WRITE such visions - keep them; they will be helpful to many.
900-117, M 30 (Stockbroker), 8/27/25
(Q) I met Ben Block and I said to him: "I forgot to send that letter to the
Stock Exchange telling of our admittance to your firm as partners. I'll do that
now." He motioned I should and I thought of how calmly and quietly we took
such a big event; that is, the announcement that [137] and [900] had been
admitted as partners to the firm of Block, Maloney & Co. I mailed the letter with
some stamps and money enclosed.
(A) Still the same experience of the inmost forces of the entity, [900],
showing that in the inner forces the larger magnitude only become as
commonplace circumstances or conditions, and this, as we see, is of the omen to
the entity of the rise in the financial circles and in circumstances and associations
with others of the same cult.
And as is seen in the mailing of the papers, of the stamps, that of the
necessity of being a genuine condition to bring about such circumstances.
Hence the greater lesson would be the genuineness of the individual actions
toward all whom the entity may contact, especially in that of the uses of the
forces as are manifested for the entity's advancement.
Physical Issues
900-94, M 30 (Stockbroker), 7/15/25
(Q) Friday Morning, July 10, 1925. "Saw a cake, like a birthday cake, with
lighted candles."
(A) This, we see, is an omen of distressing forces that is to present to the
body through that of aggrandizement of appetite within self. Beware of trouble
from stomach from same, for as the enlightening forces come from these, these
as the conditions that may be met and prepared against within the appetite of the
individuals itself. Beware of too much sweets. Beware of too much
aggrandizement of the appetite in self.
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1173-6, M 28, 11/14/36
(Q) From time to time when the body swallows he notices a cracking
sound in his ears. Should anything be done for this?
(A) The applications of the massage as indicated for those centers more
specifically in the upper dorsal and through the cervical area reach to those
portions where the effect of the circulation will alleviate those disturbances. Do
not be alarmed at these conditions, for rather are there the indications that the
system is attempting to coordinate the better in the flow of all the forces that
accord with the cerebrospinal to the sensory organism.
For as the sensory organisms affect through the vagus center to the
auditory forces, to the throat, to the optics and to all portions of the system, these
are rather an inclination or a sign or an omen to the body of their reacting nearer
normal. But with these manipulations and these applications these conditions
should gradually become normal.
5188-1, M 24 (USAF Sergeant, Radio Technician), 6/3/44
For, life itself is the manifestation of that divine influence. Not that ye
become as one gloomy, sad, but rather be joyous in the Lord, and these will not
only bring greater blessings to thee in thy vision but in thy ability to meet the
infections which may come from those malarial conditions from the swamp or
from the mosquito. All of these ye can put aside, trusting only in the Christ.
Occasionally, do massage along the spine with Cocoa Butter; that is, an
ounce in which there has been put five grains of quinine, mixed thoroughly.
Massage this along the spine, under the arm and in the groin. Not only will the
mosquito not bite, but there will be no malaria. These are not as an omen, but
are those influences which will keep the body in attune with the infinite.
Know that the Lord doeth all things well. Keep His law. For it is not
beyond understanding if ye seek not to have thine own way, but can truly in
heart, in mind and body, daily say, "Thy will, O God, be done, in me and through
me, daily."
2797-1, F 32, 8/26/42
For some time back there has been a pressure in the 3rd and 4th cervical
that deflected the flow of the impulse in the sympathetic and cerebrospinal
reaction. Hence the localizing of the disturbance to the face and the soft tissue in
throat and head.
The glands in the thyroid, in the adrenals, and at times even of the pineal
become involved in same, sympathetically; from these pressures as they exist in
this body.
(continued on the next page)
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The effect upon the nerve system as indicated, is to cause the glands that
secrete for the lymph activity in the digestive forces to supply such natures that,
lacking in the leucocyte impulse, do not heal - or do not throw off the
Hence we will find at times that these areas become swollen, from the
attempt of the body to adjust itself with the lack of this proper impulse for healing
or coagulation in the blood force; producing a form of infection. That it has not
become acute, save at times, it is a good omen, as might be said.
And these conditions may be relieved, if there is the systematic reaction
given the body forces as to aid in bringing normal impulses through the body.
Search For God, Lesson on “Destiny”
262-75, Search For God, Group #1, 1/6/35
Destiny is, then, a law - an immutable law, that is as lasting as that which
brought all into being that is manifested in all the varied spheres of
materialization, or manifestation; and that of which man has seen the signs here,
there, written in those experiences of the travelers along the varied spheres of
experience. Man in the interpretation of those signs has often mistaken the sign
for the law.
Hence to those that hold to this or that theory, then, this group would
present - in reference to the destiny of mind, of body, of soul - that which may
become as a light to many who have stumbled upon those signs in their
activities, in their efforts here and there.
Then, in giving that from which and upon which ye as individuals have
applied and may apply as a group in giving an aid to others, in making their paths
straight, look ye to the LAW that is destiny - destined - in the Word of Him. For
He gave that though the heavens and the earth pass away, His Word shall NOT
pass away. What is the gospel? What IS the truth? What is the judgment?
What is the law?
"As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he"? ye ask. "As ye do it unto the
least of these, my little ones, ye do it unto me"? another asks. "As ye would that
men should do unto you, do ye even so to them" says another.
What gave He as the last command? "A new commandment I give unto
you, Love one another." What is thy lesson on Love? How many live same in
their daily experience?
But ye ask again, What of Destiny? He hath not willed that any soul
should perish but that EVERY soul shall know the will of God to DO it!
Then, ye wonder - can such be possible in threescore and ten years in the
earth? Also ye wonder - doth the time of birth, the place of the environment,
make or have a part in destiny? Do the days or the years, or the numbers, all
have their part? Yea, more than that! Yet, as has been given, all these are but
signs along the way; they are but omens; they are but the marks that have
indicated - for, as given, He has set His mark, and these are SIGNS, not the
destinies! For the destiny of the mind, of the body, of the soul, is with Him.
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For naught that man may do maketh for the righteousness, but the mercy
of the Father as exemplified in the Son makes for the destinies of that trinity of
the mind, the body, the soul, in its effort, in its endeavor, in any environ, in any
experience, to mark the way; yea, even so clearly that there may not be longer
the stumbling, the wandering - for the day of the Lord draweth nigh for many.
While ye wander, search thine own heart and KNOW as of old that faith is
counted as righteousness to those that love the Lord. Those of ye study that ye
show yourselves approved unto Him that giveth life; that would direct the mind,
that manifests in the body, that would have thy soul as a COMPANION with Him
- thy elder brother! Who hath OPENED the gates of heaven, who hath closed -
to you that manifest love - the gates of hell! For He hath given. And he that
confesseth that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the living God, hath LIFE eternal -
and the gates of hell shall NOT prevail against him!
What, then, is thy Destiny? It is made in that thou pervertest not that thou
KNOWEST to do in thine heart respecting thy fellow man! For ye look to Him
who is the author and the finisher of faith. He IS Faith, AND Truth, AND Light -
AND in no other is there comeliness at all. For He is the rock of salvation; the
bright, the morning star; the rose of Sharon; the WONDERFUL counsellor. In
Him IS thy Destiny. Turn ye not away from Him. [GD's note: Again warning not
to accept Halaliel or any other.]
As to those things that are marks, signs, omens along the way -
UNDERSTAND them for what they ARE! Put NOT thy trust in THEM! For He
has given (and remember He gave, "Heavens and the earth may pass, but my
Word shall not!"); he that seeks shall find; he that knocketh, to HIM shall be
opened. For He hath spoken, and His word is; that "Though ye wander far afield,
though ye become beset by the doubts and the fears, though ye even turn thy
back upon ME, if ye will remember the promises and TURN, I WILL HEAR -
SPEEDILY - and will forgive thy trespasses, even as YOU forgive those that
trespass against you."
Let love be without dissimulation. Look not upon that which may bring
only joy to thee, yet even peace to thee; for He is thy light and thy guide. Put
rather thy life, thy EXPERIENCES, thy associations, even thine own self, into His
keeping; knowing He is able to keep that thou hast committed unto Him - and
may save thee, for He alone hath the words of life. And no matter what ye make
or mark, or mar, He is STILL with thee, ready to harken when ye call.
262-77, Search For God Study Group #1, 1/20/35 “Destiny” (continued)
Then, what is destiny? That the soul who seeks shall the sooner find; that
the soul who puts into practice day by day that which is known may the sooner
enjoin itself to that which IS hope and peace and happiness and love and joy in
the earth….
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Then, that which hinders most - this group, any group, the world - is
speaking one thing and living in the inner self another. This destines to bring
confusion and turmoil and strife and want, and a reckoning with that which makes
for tears, sorrow, and that is of the earth earthy. And ye are, as He gave,
servants of - workers with - THAT force whom ye serve.
In presenting self, then, as has been given, come to the altar of truth
within thine own self. There He through His promise, IN His promise, will meet
thee, and it shall be shown thee that which is the way, the manner.
Individuals in their understanding falter here and there, for they have been
told and have listened from their own observation, rather than experience, that
this way, that way, the prayer at this period or at that period, the stars at this
period have meant or do indicate or do mean that this number from the name,
this day means this or that, and in the application comes confusion. These - as
has been given - are signs, are omens; but how gavest He? "The heavens and
the earth will pass away, but my word shall not pass away."
The signs, the omens then, are to be used as stepping-stones for an
UNDERSTANDING; not to be confused with nor given - through that gift in thee
of constructive forces from the Father-God Himself - other power than they
contain within themselves. For each soul that meets and encounters and
accredits receives the same in return. How gave He on this? "He that receiveth a
prophet [Halaliel?] in the name of a prophet hath a prophet's reward." This does
not indicate that the prophet received is of God, an angel of heaven or of hell; but
in the name, in the manner, in the way as received so cometh the reward. THAT
is destined! Why? In the seed of thought, whether of body, mind or soul, IS the
seed thereof; and it bears fruit which is of its own kind and nature. Said He, "Ye
do not gather grapes from thistles; neither may ye expect to do evil looking for
good." For the destiny is in that which has set the world, yea, the earth and all
that is therein, in motion. And ye in thy blindness, thy foolishness, thy DESIRE
for self, look for some EASY way; when all the ease, all the hope, all the life there
is IS in Him! Then, HIS way is the easy way. What is His way? "He that would
force thee to go one mile, go with him twain; he that would sue thee and take
away thy coat, give him thy cloak also." Did He say whether justly or unjustly?
Who did He say is the judge? "Judge not that ye be not judged." For, "As ye do it
unto the least in the earth, ye do it unto me." [Warning re accepting Halaliel's
offer given in 262-71]
Then, when ye seek to do His biddings and do otherwise than thou would
have Him do unto thee, thou alone maketh the way harder for thyself. For the
will of the Father is LIFE! It is life eternal to as many as will accept, as many as
will view that which they hear from the still small voice as they meet Him within.
For ye are made up of mind, body, soul. The soul is the God-part in thee, the
LIVING God. The manifestations that ye make in thy mind make for that growth
which is manifested in the body in the earth and in thy soul in the everlasting.
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His Return
3976-15, 1/19/34
HLC: We seek at this time such information as will be of value and
interest to those present, including T. Mitchell Hastings, Jr. in the next room,
regarding the spiritual, mental and physical changes which are coming to the
First, then: There is soon to come into the world a body [see next
paragraph]; one of our own number here that to many has been a representative
of a sect, of a thought, of a philosophy, of a group, yet one beloved of all men in
all places where the universality of God in the earth has been proclaimed, where
the oneness of the Father as God is known and is consciously magnified in the
activities of individuals that proclaim the acceptable day of the Lord. Hence that
one John, the beloved in the earth - his name shall be John, and also at the
place where he met face to face [Peniel]. [GD's note: Could this mean that John,
the beloved, had been Jacob? See 3976-15, Par. R2*** below.]
When, where, is to be this one? In the hearts and minds of those that
have set themselves in that position that they become a channel through which
spiritual, mental and material things become one in the purpose and desires of
that physical body! [GD's note: Beginning of new age of spiritual awakening?
See 5749-5, Par. 5--7; 281-38, Par. 16.]
As to the material changes that are to be as an omen, as a sign to those
that this is shortly to come to pass – as has been given of old, the sun will be
darkened and the earth shall be broken up in divers places - and THEN shall be
PROCLAIMED - through the spiritual interception in the hearts and minds and
souls of those that have sought His way - that HIS star has appeared, and will
point [pause] the way for those that enter into the holy of holies in themselves.
For, God the Father, God the Teacher, God the director, in the minds and hearts
of men, must ever be IN those that come to know Him as first and foremost in the
seeking of those souls; for He is first the GOD to the individual and as He is
exemplified, as He is manifested in the heart and in the acts of the body, of the
individual, He becomes manifested before men. And those that seek in the latter
portion of the year of our Lord (as ye have counted in and among men) '36, He
[He, Christ Spirit?] will appear. [See 3976-1, Reports below*** (12/20/34 EC note
in re '36), and 3976-10, Par. 4-A, 5-A on 2/8/32 in re '36 changes.]
*** Reports: 12/20/34 EC, on awaking from Ck. Physical Rdg. 287-16, said "Oh,
that beautiful music!" When questioned, he said "I was about to have an
experience when you woke me up. I heard the most beautiful music. I seemed
to get the impression that things are going to happen up in the air that have
never been experienced or seen by people before - war, turmoil and strife
(Armageddon) - wars and rumors of wars; that they will be stopped by the forces
in the heavens."
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Astrology: Neptune
Par. 8
Attitudes & Emotions: Earth Sojourns
Par. 10
Bible: Books Of: James 1:17
Par. 13
Par. 13
: II Timothy 2:15
Par. 13
Clairvoyance of E.C.: Action & Places
Par. 3
Color: Blue
Par. 9
Human Relations
Par. 5
Par. 3
Incarnations: Holland
Par. 9
: Mongolia
Par. 12
: Persia
Par. 11
: Peru
Par. 10
Mind: Memory: Incarnations
Par. 9
Prophecy: Personal: Warning: Physical: Firearms Par. 3
Soul Development: Love: Brotherly
Par. 11
: Service
Par. 11
Soul Retrogression: Jealousy
Par. 12
: Misapplication
Par. 10
Symbology: Signs: Omens
Par. 7
Vocational Guidance: Nursing
Par. 11, 13
: Science: Bacteriology
Par. 5
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TEXT OF READING 114-1 F 42 (Registered Nurse)
This Psychic Reading given by Edgar Cayce at his office, 115 West 35th Street,
Virginia Beach, Va., this 1st day of August, 1927, in accordance with request
made by self - Miss [114].
1. GC: You will give the relation of this entity and the Universe, and the Universal
Forces, giving the conditions that are as personalities, latent and exhibited, in the
present life. Also the former appearances in the earth's plane, giving the time,
place, and the name, and that in that life which built or retarded the development
for the entity, giving the abilities of the present entity and that to which it may
attain, and how.
2. EC: We have the entity here, and those relations with the Universe and
Universal Forces as appear in the present earth's plane in urges and inclinations
as are manifested, irrespective and with will's forces in the present earth's plane.
3. In entering we find the entity comes (What an array!) under the influence of
Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, with changing influences in many of the phases of the
moon, with the influence of Saturn and Mars. Hence, beware of ever becoming
involved in any condition where firearms will be an important factor as to settling
of same.
4. Under these influences, irrespective of the will's force, then, we find these
conditions as exist with this entity in the present experience through the earth's
5. Under the influence of Mercury, Jupiter and Venus, we find one inclined to be
studious, especially delving into conditions requiring study of same in detail and
in minutia. Hence we find - with those other influences - the entity would and
could make of self a wonderful bacteriologist; for the love as is manifest in the
body - while of the nature that is sincere - is toward the peoples as a whole,
rather than as of an INDIVIDUAL thing or condition, see? that is, the body loves
in groups, or in purpose, or in intent, rather than of the individual or individual
condition. This - while not in that way of being a fault - produces many
misunderstandings for the entity, and while the friendships and the ties that are
made by the entity are sincere - are lasting - are true - yet many misunderstand
on account of such conditions. These are not as faults, but the body should apply
will's force in making self better understood, and not work on - or for self -
hardships that are often causing depressions and being misunderstood.
6. As to those greater influences in which the will's forces are applied in this
body, irrespective of the planetary conditions, we find:
7. While the body is not of the superstitious nature as would be termed in some
respects, yet we find omens, wishing stones, or any conditions wherein there is
special sentiment or special attachments in any way - these mean much to the
body, and - APPLIED correctly - may often lead to better understanding of the
ways, the means, and the whyfores of much of the discord as is seen by
attempted combinations, especially toward marital relations.
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8. In the appearances and the influences these have on this entity, we find these
are - as it were - of a PECULIAR influence, for these become VERY decided at
times, especially when the body mentally, physically, is influenced by those
influences as exerted through the Neptune influence, for:
9. As is seen in the appearance before this, we find in the land now known as
Holland, and in the name Bertrand. The entity finds that the development there -
while in the position of one that was as a layman, or as of the populace, yet much
was wrought in the entity's development through that period - while this
experience brought many of the CHANGES as appear in the inmost feelings of
the entity at the present, and especially the colors - blue - and of the various
effects that the scenery and the wind mills, and the study of Holland has upon the
entity - which, if studied correctly and followed to its end, would be PROOF much
for this entity and others of those conditions as may be re-entering the inmost
forces of an entity, and are almost brought entirely through to consciousness.
10. In the one before this we find in that period when there were changes being
wrought in the land now known as Peru. The entity then among those that were
in power just before the conquest, or the entering in of those that conquered or
brought havoc to the peoples of that land. The entity, while not in the position of
power as would be called direct, yet serving the peoples - the common peoples -
the masses - through the influence that the entity exerted ON ones in power, and
then in the name Iciona. The entity gained and lost through this experience,
bringing to many the better understanding, yet in self's OWN application we find
the entity disregarded many of those conditions that it lived in one way and
presented self to be as another way - this bringing those consternations in the
inmost self. In the present urge there is seen often indecision by the entity
especially when same is related to religious tenents of any nature, or of those
relations as exist between sex - this becomes, as it were, a bugbear to the entity,
and the entity finds self often put-to to understand just why these inner feelings
should arise, when it feels so certain that it KNOWS its own position; yet inwardly
feels it isn't true.
11. In the one before this we find in the period of the destruction as wrought in
Persian lands in the invading forces from the western portion of that known as
India. The entity then among those carried captive into the land, and brought
much - even though it suffered physically - to the peoples with whom the entity
then associated, and in the name Andiz. In the urge as is seen from this
experience, the entity dislikes anything pertaining to the nature of bondage, and
is well in that way of rendering assistance to the needy, no matter what their
position may be in the social world or field. This period the entity gained much,
and is that urge and influence felt most in the life's experience, the life's work, in
the present experience in the earth's plane - for when there came in the earlier
portion of the present experience that of those conditions that brought distresses
in oppression in the physical sense, these urges became more active, and as the
body pushed forth its own efforts there came that intense desire to help, and the
love - as given - for groups or masses, or conditions, rather than individuals -
becomes the developing and manifesting self.
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12. In the one before this we find in the Mongoloid country, when those peoples
were studying - as it were - the relations of the then position of the peoples to
those that were heard of in the west and south. The entity then among the
teachers of that day, and - as is seen - none of the explorations through the
geological or archaeological findings has astonished, or even been other than "It
should have been found before" in the mind of the entity. In this period the name
Sibio, and the entity gained and lost, through not being able to prevent the
jealousies arising when there SEEMINGLY was not need of same, by and
through those with whom same was associated.
13. As to the abilities in the present earth's plane, those - as will be seen - are
many, but lie especially in those lines of study and application of self towards the
details for the uplifting of those that occupy positions that are of a submerged
nature, on account of living - or of improper understanding OF living. These,
then, relate to nursing, medicine, teaching of the care of the body, of the care of
person, and the relations one with another - but first make self secure in the
desires of the heart being made One with that creative force that gives, "Study to
show self approved unto Him, the Giver of all good and perfect gifts, " and keep
SELF unspotted from the world.
14. We are through for the present.
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Dream interpretation
B1. 6/6/25 Letter: "At first I thought readings on dreams silly but [900]'s seemed
to have brought about such startling results that even a skeptic may not ignore
their worth. Will you please interpret - give in detail the lessons to be learned and
better understanding my mind may get from the following dreams?"
TEXT OF READING 136-4 F 20 (Bride)
This psychic reading given by Edgar Cayce at his office, 322 Grafton Avenue,
Dayton, Ohio, this 9th day of June, 1925.
1. GC: You will have before you the body and the enquiring mind of [136], of ...,
W. Va., with the various dreams this body has had. I will give you the date and
the dream, and you will give the interpretation and lesson this body is to learn
from these, in a manner understandable to this body….
6. (Q) Early Friday morning, June 5, in Room 230 Greenbrier Hotel, White
Sulphur Springs, I dreamed I saw a woman stretched on a bedspring and the
spring seemed to sway backward. I dreamed that something inside of me said,
[136], you will awaken to something different, and I suddenly felt a smile on my
(A) In this we see the relation awakening in the subconscious forces of the
conditions that become existent in physical, mental and the spiritual of the entity's
awakening. As is seen in the first, with the body prone on springs, bending
backward, that is the relation of the conditions made manifest by the new
conditions. In the voice, we find the awakening of the superconscious to the
subconscious forces of the condition, and an omen of good pleasure, giving the
joys that shall be found in such relations in the consummation of same.
Dream interpretation
Cause: Effect
Par. 4-A
Healing: Spiritual
Par. 3-A
Oneness: Forces
Par. 3-A
Symbology: Signs: Omens
Par. 4-A
Work: E.C.: Quotations & Similes:
"Nothing Happens By Chance"
Par. 4-A
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B1. 8/25/25 Husband [900] submitted dreams of [136] for interpretation.
TEXT OF READING 136-12 F 21 (Bride)
This psychic reading given by Edgar Cayce at his office, 322 Grafton Avenue,
Dayton, Ohio, this 27th day of August, 1925, in accordance with request made by
self, through husband, [900].
2. EC: Yes, we have the body, the enquiring mind, here. These are as we see
the presentations of conditions weighed between subconscious and the
conscious forces in a cosmic or subjection of the consciousness, yet through the
vision of that physical force of the subconscious are brought to the
consciousness in dream-vision, see? and may be used as lessons for a more
perfect understanding of those forces as may be manifest in the physical world.
Ready for dream.
3. (Q) Sunday morning, August 23, 1925, at home in Deal. "Dreamed I had an
earache and was waiting for my mother in front of Katz & Bestoff's, a drug store
in my old home, New Orleans. My mother came and my ear hurt so, I wanted her
to take me to a doctor. 'You don't need one, ' she said. 'You can overcome that
yourself.' I did and it so surprised me that I went driving with my friend C. C. and
told her all about it. 'What you need, ' she said, 'is Christian Science. You ought
to try it, for that is Christian Science. Become a Christian Scientist.' 'No, ' I
replied, 'I have my own Science - Jewish Science. I cured myself, just naturally.'"
(A) In this we see the presentation of the truths as are manifest in the physical
world that are loathe to be gathered in a physical experience; for as is seen, the
forces which are manifest to bring the relief to physical force are not of a one
faith, but a oneness in faith in the God-force manifest in the individual, see?
Study then those truths, for they remain a oneness, whether Jewish, Gentile,
Greek, or heathen.
4. (Q) Tuesday morning, August 25, 1925, at home in Deal. "My husband had a
four leaf clover in a soap dish. Something happened and I said to him: 'You see, I
told you that would not bring you good luck. It has brought you bad luck.'"
(A) This again is those attemptings of the subconscious forces to gain those
lessons through those conditions that are, as considered in a physical life, of an
omen or good luck, see? Then the greater lesson as would be gained: Truth and
the lesson of truth comes from cause and effect, the omen being that under such
and such relations or conditions they point to certain laws being carried out.
Nothing happens by chance, nothing is as good luck, as commonly called, for the
cause must be present to produce that which is real….
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Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2013 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation
Psychic Experiences: Work: E.C.: Readings
Par. 8-A
Psychic Phenomena: Lights
Par. 8-A
Symbology: Signs: Omens
Par. 8-A
This psychic reading given by Edgar Cayce at his office, 322 Grafton Avenue,
Dayton, Ohio, this 30th day of January, 1925, in accordance with request made
by self - [137].
1. GC: You will have before you the body of [137], located on the floor ... Streets,
New York City, and the enquiring mind of this body. You will also have before
you all the readings, or all the information that has come from the Universal
Forces to the body, [137], through the body, Edgar Cayce, or through his own
manifestations, including information on horoscope, on physical, mental and
spiritual. You will also answer questions as I ask them on all of these readings on
this given information, in a manner understandable to the mind of [137].
2. EC: Yes, we have the body here, and the enquiring mind of this body, with the
information as understood by this mind, both as to own interpretation and that as
given. There may be much said as to the conditions regarding this information,
and the action of such information correlated with that understanding of this
body, [137]. These, as given, will be given, that the body, through its own mental
forces better understands that relation of self to the forces that be, and the
relation of self, through mental and material forces, to others….
8. (Q) On Thursday night, January 15, 1925, as the body Edgar Cayce was about
to give a psychic reading 137-12 in Apartment 106 of the Cambridge Hotel, New
York City, [137] saw a kind of bright shining star (very brilliant) over the body of
Edgar Cayce. It was seen for only a fraction of a second. Explain, please, what
this flash was, and what it meant or should mean to the body, [137].
(A) We do not find this occurring in Apartment 106. The manifestation, though,
as seen, or felt, or experienced, by this body, [137], at this time, was that
collaboration of the psychic forces meeting together from each vibration, and
from the higher developed forces of the body became physical manifestations in
this time. This, then, should be the understanding for the body: The strength, the
ability, the brightness, the possibility, the exalted forces as are manifested in the
body itself, and the manifestations should be reverenced with that association of
star to the human mind. We are through for the present.
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Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2013 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation
Astronomy: Constellation: Orion
Par. 4
: Pleiades
Par. 4
Attitudes & Emotions: Love: Brotherly
Par. 6-A
Child Training
Par. 12-A
Par. 4
Dimensions: Third
Par. 9-A
Healing: Spiritual
Par. 10-A
Par. 10-A
Meditation: Experiences
Par. 8-A, 11-A
Psychic Development: Awakening: Definition
Par. 7-A
Psychic Experiences
Par. 9-A
Search For God: FELLOWSHIP
Sex: Healing: Spiritual
Par. 10-A
Symbology: Signs: Omens
Par. 8-A
Time: Oneness
Par. 9-A
B1. Subject of Reading - "Norfolk Study Group #1."
This psychic reading given by Edgar Cayce at his home on Arctic Crescent,
Virginia Beach, Virginia, this 10th day of July, 1932, in accordance with request
made by those present.
1. GC: You will have before you the group gathered here and the work which
they are doing. You will please give us further data and information on
FELLOWSHIP upon which we are preparing our present lesson. You will answer
the questions which various individuals present will ask.
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2. EC: Yes, we have the group as gathered here, as a group, as individuals.
These, as we find, in their preparation for the study necessary in preparing such
lessons, are well. These show some improvement in their activity. Some are still
rather backward - yea, indolent - in the accepting of that as is necessary for their
part in the undertaking; for as these are to give a definite outline for individuals,
there must be the concerted effort on the part of each to act in the manner
toward the preparations as they would desire were the conditions reversed.
3. In consideration of fellowship, this should mean a great deal to each and every
member of this or such a group; for with the application in their own experience
there may be expected, and there may be received, that true fellowship in the
experience of the individual; and when such is NOT one's experience, then such
ones may know they are lacking in THEIR efforts in being what they should in
their relationships to themselves, their Maker, the group.
4. Then, make for that which is sincere in purpose, pure in mind, reasonable
even to self, walking in the way that brings a more close union with Him, that
"Will ye be my people, I will be your God." He seeks to find that expression even
in all who are called in the I AM THAT I AM, and is an ever active force that
through all ages, all peoples, may be a memorial that one has fellowship with
Him, that brought the Pleiades into being, that set the bands of Orion, or the
waters in the deep that are cast upon the land, or brings breath into the life of all
creatures, and supplies the union with those creative forces that makes for the
SONGS of the spheres - the Lord is His name! Ready for questions.
6. (Q) [307]: Can brotherhood exist among men without true fellowship?
(A) Fellowship is first brotherhood, a pattern of - or a shadow of - what
fellowship is; for, as has been given, all one sees manifest in a material world is
but a reflection or a shadow of the real or the spiritual life. Brotherhood, then, is
an expression of the fellowship that exists in the SPIRITUAL life.
7. (Q) [585]: Please explain to me what is meant by the awakening. Have I fully
realized it?
(A) The awakening is the consciousness of a relationship that exists in
animate or inanimate, finite or infinite. Becoming conscious of, aware of, the
existence of conditions, relations, and such, is an awakening. As to self's being
awakened, or aware of, that depends upon what is referred to. As to the
ABILITIES of self to become conscious of, or aware of, all are endowed with that,
will they but be awakened or aroused to the necessity of becoming aware of.
8. (Q) Interpret the meaning of the drops of blood which I saw in meditation.
(A) As there has been builded in self that consciousness that WITHOUT the
shedding of blood there is no remission, or without the shedding of blood there is no
purification, then this is rather the using of symbols within self's own consciousness
to bring about that awareness of self's position. This rather confuses the body!
In making self aware of that that is a portion of self's own development, as in
the drops of blood brought with same the idea of the purifying of the mental and
spiritual self that there might be the more awareness of, in the conscious or
material self, of that awareness received in the mental and spiritual self; so, as
we would speak of omens, know that self is aroused! Then don't let yourself go
back to sleep!
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9. (Q) [993]: Please interpret the meaning of the lights which I saw about Mr.
Cayce's head during the last reading on FELLOWSHIP. [262-22]
(A) This, too, may be as a symbol of the awareness of, the closeness of,
relationships of the entity and the subject through which these were being
brought to the consciousness of individuals during such a period; for, as there
has oft been seen by the entity, those manifestations in the material plane of the
spiritual essences as manifested through the activities of the entity seen, then
those expressions as seen at the period are a reflection of the spiritual.
Remember those laws as just given! That made manifest in a third dimensional
plane, or materialization, is a shadow or reflection of that from which it has its
emanation! Then, there is seen in this that it is a harkening to those experiences
of the entity in the various periods of its existence in association with those
conditions being considered in that particular moment or period as is called time.
An attunement of self to the presence of that being manifest. All are wading in
rather deep water! But learn what you are doing! [See also 281-8, Par. 26-A.]
10. (Q) [2124]: Is the present method of healing I am using the best for the fullest
development of my abilities in this field of work?
(A) Provided they are kept wholly upon the spiritual plane, and because they
CAN become mechanical are not allowed to partake of the carnal influences that
oft are aroused at the same time or periods. This is a development. This is an
ability of self, that is harkened from the experiences of self through the sojourn in
the earth's experience, and may be made to become a manner and way of
manifesting that love that is and was shed upon self. Be true to that as is given
11. (Q) [560]: Please interpret the following which I received during meditation:
"That I may touch the hearts, the souls, the minds of others."
(A) A message of the Infinite to the infinite of self, seeking to use self as a
channel of expression to others. A call. Then, be true TO that, even as the
opportunity and the abilities are increased by the power of the might that would
touch the hearts, the souls, the minds of those that self may contact in the
various experiences in the preparation of truths, that may go in lessons or in
thought that may be carried in unison for the awakening of the Christ
Consciousness in the lives and hearts of others.
12. (Q) [341]: How should we explain to others how to interpret their experiences
as signs of development towards a true realization of fellowship?
(A) This has been given in how ones may answer their experiences, have an
answer to their experiences, in the way of TRAINING the child (for we all are
children) in its development. Or, as this: When an experience of self is in
question, then ask self in the mental being so that the answer may be yes or no,
and with sincerity. Then, whether the answer is yes or no, as to any question with
spiritual forces, then ACCEPT that. Then in meditation and prayer ASK the Spirit
whether THAT answer RECEIVED in the mental is yes or no, and KNOW the
Spirit answers! Doubt not! For he that looks back, or doubts, is worse than the
infidel. Remember Lot's wife!
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Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2013 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation
Clairvoyance of E.C.: Action & Places
Par. 1
Karma: Human Relations: Talents: Archaeology Par. 4, 9-A, 13-A
: Science: Chemistry
Par. 4
Nature: Plants
Par. 1, 19-A
Odors: General
Par. 13-A
: Perfumes
Par. 1, 5
Prophecy: Archaeology
Par. 9-A
Psychic Experiences: Work: E.C.: Readings
Par. 8-A
Symbology: Signs: Omens
Par. 1, 19-A
Vocational Guidance: Archaeology
Par. 9-A, 13-A, 17-A
: Science: Chemistry
Par. 17-A
TEXT OF READING 274-7 M 36 (Chemist (Cosmetic Lab) Christian)
This psychic reading given by Edgar Cayce, Virginia Beach, Virginia, this 2nd
day of June, 1934.
(Body and enquiring mind, in regard to information given in his Life Reading
through these sources, upon which he seeks expansion, clarification, and further
information, advice and guidance as to how he may make practical application of
same in his present life. Questions.)
1. EC: Yes. So many things we find surround this body and its associations.
Odors! (In undertone: Can't find the name of this - there's a kind of an ivy; it isn't
like the strawberry, yet it is; it isn't just a ground ivy that runs, but an ivy that
blooms. The leaf of this the body should study in its associations, for it would
make an odor that would be so unusual and effective and worthwhile, as well as
being that which he should use as his omen or have about him often. [274].)…
4. It has been given respecting that which is innate and manifested in the
experience of this entity, as to what brought the entity into this environ from its
land of nativity; and how in this land the development may be in particular
environs or directions. Why was the influence of chemical engineering chosen in
the experience of the entity? These things may be seen from the periods of
development in the various activities in the earth; as well as interest in genealogy
and archaeology, a development that comes in the line of the present
development of the inner self from the mental experiences in the chemical
analyses of various activities - and especially as to the activities in which the
entity is engaged that influence the activity of individuals. In this manner:
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5. Does the odor of an orris compound affect every individual alike? Or does the
attar of roses or the essence of clover or of honeysuckle or crabapple or the like
affect the same way and manner? No. To some it would bring repellent
influences; to others it would bring experiences that have been builded in the
inner self. Hence it is given to some that they ADORN themselves in body with
those things which appeal to them, to make themselves appealing to others, and
yet the very things that to THEM are an appealing expression would be abhorrent
to others….
7. These all would be of interest to the body, and especially in the study of many
of those things that have been outlined.
8. . . . Oh, how the odors come pressing about! [M. D. said later she saw at this
point oblique light from EC's face.]
9. (Q) Should I undertake right now to prepare for work in the field of
(A) This will be of particular interest to the entity; and, as it will be seen by
making associations with the varied institutions that make for such an activity, the
abilities of the entity in that particular field of activity - that is, in archaeology; the
ability of being a real chemical engineer in not only the field of cosmetics but in
others - will be found particularly necessary. And, as we find, the associations
that we would make would be with the University of Pennsylvania, the institutes
in Washington; for they are combined - and, as we find, are to make next
February a particular survey in a field of activity that will be of peculiar interest to
the body. Of course, if it's accepted as a hobby it may be a hobby later in the
experience. But if it is looked upon - and expressed - that the abilities of the entity
in such associations and connections may be used in the activities that may be
opened or uncovered, you see, then it may be made a life's work. What is the
approach? The associations, of course, will make variations as to whether the
desire is to do that or not, see?...
11. (Q) Into what country will these expeditions be made?
(A) As indicated, those that are of the most interest to the body, and that will
have to do - in their excavations - with things in which the body has been trained
in the present experience. (Get the idea, and then you will follow it.) The
openings, you see; not that you will just uncover an old temple or find a new slab
that's got a different joint of some animal upon it, but that in the excavations will
be found those things of particular interest as related to influences in the lives of
individuals throughout the ages. For, there is no greater influence in a physical
body (and this means animal or man; and man, presumptuously at times, is the
higher order of same) than the effect of odors upon the olfactory nerves of the
body. They have made much of the developments for the body. Look at the
difference in your New Englander that smells of earth and certain characters, the
ringing of the nose, and those in the other climes where they have smelt hot
peppers and swamps. Watch the difference in the characterizations of the
individuals, or the temperament of same. Nothing has had much more influence
than such in the MATERIAL life….
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13. (Q) Would there be any financial advantage in it; that is, would it be some
steady position which would allow me to take care of my family, or would it be
more or less as a hobby later in life?
(A) That depends upon whether it is to be approached from that angle or not!
Don't make these questions overlap, because many of these here have been
answered, you see. It should first be decided within self as to whether or not this
is to be made a life's work. How? First, parallel as to what the activities have
been in varied individual experiences. That the body looks upon such as being a
proof POSITIVE of certain things that have been ideas or tenets in self, and that
those who may be in charge may pooh-pooh at such things, doesn't mean a thing
save as to how MUCH the body [274] may make of this as an interest in being
able to EXPRESS self; that is, to be sure, express self in writing, in notation, in
activities, as to what the findings may be. This is a pretty large field of interest!
The abilities of the body in certain directions, for certain forms and kinds of
classifications, are excellent! How many of those that usually open an egg that's
been buried for five to ten million years can, by its analysis, tell you what it's
composition is, or what the fowl or animal fed upon that laid it? This body can!
Get the idea?
If there were opened a sarcophagus in the form of an activity where the feet
of such an animal or man or body were chemically analyzed, as related to the
odors and their active influences upon the body itself, would it not be possible to
indicate as to what had been the means or activities of such a body during that
experience in the earth? and as to what were the principal food values? Such
abilities would lend much to many of these. In opening a tomb wherein there had
been the form of classifications or activities in a temple service, it would be able
to tell whether there had been such sacrifices required as the destruction of
animal life or of man, or whether there was used the odors of flowers, trees,
buds, or a combination. How valuable would such an one as this body be to
many engaged in such work? Not a great many who go into such things see
except as a general thing, or rather the superficial portion; while the body - if
turning its abilities in this direction - would be more of the analytical, see?...
17. (Q) Would you say that my present occupation as chemical engineer in
charge of research and production in a perfume and cosmetic concern is a sound
one, viewed from the same angle?
(A) A sound one, viewed from the same angle; would be particularly
interested in those activities and things as indicated….
19. (Q) Is there any other advice that would be of benefit to me along these lines
at present?
(A) There's SO MUCH that may be given! And we would try to find this - we
will go back to this - that we may. There is - from certain characterizations of soil
and climatic conditions, as well as other influences - not an ivy, and it is an ivy; its
bloom is purple, its leaf is shaped round instead of oblong - as the strawberry,
but it's not poisonous - and it should be sought by the body.
While the fleur-de-lis may have been as a pathological [?] symbol, the
scientific would be more from the blossom and leaf of this particular flower - as
an interest for this body. Well, we are through for the present.
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Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2013 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation
Angels & Archangels: Guardian Angel
Par. 26-A
Bartlett's Familiar Quotations: 171-b
Par. 27-A
Bible: Books Of: Isaiah 28:10
Par. 27-A
: Isaiah 28:13
Par. 27-A
: Luke 4:10
Par. 27-A
: Luke 11:9
Par. 27-A
: Matthew 4:6
Par. 27-A
: Matthew 7:7
Par. 27-A
: Psalms 91:11
Par. 27-A
: Romans 11:33
Par. 29-A
: I Samuel 1:21
Par. 26-A
: Characters: Elkanah
Par. 26-A
Knowledge: Application
Par. 29-A
Life: God
Par. 24
Soul Development: Tolerance
Par. 24
Symbology: Signs
Par. 28-A
TEXT OF READING 423-3 M 46 (Executive, Spiritualist)
This psychic reading given by Edgar Cayce, this 22nd day of January, 1934.
22. As to the abilities in the present, and that to which it may attain, and how:
23. As has been seen from the experiences, whenever there have been those
activities that have made for the exemplification of the so-called virtues in man's
activities, there have been brought for the entity developments mentally,
spiritually, in its relationships for its own soul's activity. For, only by aiding others
may the soul within itself advance for its development towards filling that purpose
for which it came into material experience in the earth (and as the entity finds,
and as the entity seeks to know for what purpose it entered into this present
sojourn in its present surroundings).
24. In the present, then, there are those abilities to influence groups, influence
individuals, as to their proper relationships to the material conditions in the earth
as related to their mental and soul development also, as well as to the more
material things of life. Yet the greater joy, the greater development may come in
making manifest those virtues that have been manifest in the earth by the entity
in tolerance, in a closer sojourn of the manifesting of love and patience, and
truth, and life, and light; for life and light are the manifestations of God in the
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25. Ready for questions.
26. (Q) Please give name and history of highest spirit guide assigned to my wife
and me?
(A) These had best be sought in self. Not that these may not be given, for
they are present with thee in thy activities; but "What is thy name?" that has been
sought by others, and as the answer came then, "What meanest these
experiences in thy life?" so may the name come to thee, even as it did to
Elkannah [Elkanah - 1 Sam. 1:21; husband of Hannah, father of Samuel] as he
offered the sacrifice, as he offered meat - for he is thy guide.
27. (Q) Has he any instructions as for our contact with him?
(A) Seek and ye shall find. Put into application that thou knowest day by day,
for it is line upon line, precept upon precept, here a little and there a little that ye
gather together those forces that make for the greater material manifestation of
those influences in thy daily experience that may bring thee to the
consciousness, to the understanding of those forces that would aid thee.
For, as has been given, when thou hast shown in thine heart thy willingness
to be guided and directed by HIS force, He gives His angels charge concerning
thee that they bear thee up and prevent the stumblings that come to the sons of
the Creative Forces in and among the sons of men.
Hence keep - keep - true to self and to that thou knowest, for the way is open
before thee. Seek rather to show thyself as one worthy of acceptance to the God
influence that is shown in man's experience through the manifestations of His
Son in the earth; for He is thy guide, HE will show thee the way. His brethren, His
brothers in the activities in the earth, may show thee thy way.
28. (Q) What is the sign of his presence?
(A) The circle with the Cross; these make for the sign that all thou hast heard
is fulfilled in Him.
29. (Q) Who is A-z-u-a-b?
(A) One that would make known much, but seek - seek - seek; yet thou
knowest, as in thine earthly experience, knowledge without the use of that thou
knowest comes to naught. He will be near, but let him make manifest - let him
speak the NAME; for HE, HE, will guide when thou hast prepared thine self for
the greater work that lies just ahead.
Give glory, then, to the Father through His Son, that He hast thought, He hast
shown, He hast manifest in His relationships with thee that thou art worthy of
acceptation for a definite activity in thine experience. And, as thou hast hated in
thine brother the faults, the fault-findings, the untrue to their obligations, the
untrue to their relationships with thee, so let this attitude make thee ever humble
in His presence; for His law, His Cross, His arms may sustain thee; for it is given
thee in His name, the Christ, the Lord of all, that His ways are not past finding
out, His love is not past being given in thine own experience with thy brothers
day by day. For, as thou walkest in the way that brings life, light and hope into
the experience of thy brother, so may His joy - that passeth understanding - be in
thine heart and quicken thy soul as to being near with Him.
30. We are through for the present.
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Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2013 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation
Archaeology: Personal
Par. 22-A
Gems & Stones
Par. 4
Incarnations: Mound Builders
Par. 22-A
: Persia: Uhjltd
Par. 14--16
Mind: Memory: Incarnations
Par. 22-A-- 24-A
Symbology: Signs: Omens
Par. 4, 16
TEXT OF READING 500-1 F 35 (Naturopath, Christian Background)
This psychic reading given by Edgar Cayce, this 26th day of January, 1934.
(Life Reading Suggestion)
4. As to the astrological aspects, as we find, these are of specific activity. The
omen the body should ever wear on the person is a Maltese cross, or a stone of
the agate or amethyst - for their vibrations are the better. But, as the body should
comprehend in regard to all such influences, it is as to what the body does about
same; not that it relies upon such, but knowing that such influences aid in
increasing the ability or efficiency in the periods of exertion or activity, use them
rather as stepping-stones and not those things upon which the activities in a
mental and spiritual plane would be builded. They are step-stones rather than
foundations, then, in the experience….
9. As to the applications, then, of those things that may shortly come to pass
from the astrological influences in the experience of this entity, know that with the
greater possibilities, the greater obligations assumed by those even that use that
influence with the abilities, there is more required of those that are aware. Some,
then, dare say that ignorance is bliss; yet to stumble in the darkness is to
become as the groper and the dependent one upon another influence. Yet the
crying has ever been from the Father that each soul should stand upon its own
feet and dare to call God its Father, its God, and claim the right to be one with
Him, and not a groveler in the dust of the earth - or a groper….
14. Before this we find the entity in that land now known as the Arabian or
Persian, during those places and peoples when there was the dissemination of
those tenets and truths that had been gathered by a nomad people - yet that
came to mean much to many peoples in many lands, and a city and a
commercial center - in a manner - between the east and the west - then had
grown up.
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15. The entity was among those peoples that came up from the Egyptian land
during that sojourn, and aided in establishing for their own peoples as well as
those of the eastern lands the co-relationships where they might meet on the
common ground for the understanding of their religious cults, educational factors
- as they would be termed in the present day, that might bring into the experience
of those in the various centers that which was being taught by that leader in the
16. Throughout the experience the entity gained, yet causing much turmoil; for
the entity then prevented many of those associations in what would now be
called wedded life, on account of the various characters of disorders in the
bodies; and this brought dissension, yet those activities in the land that rose in its
beauty later in the Grecian influences - not in that day, but the later day when
beauty of body was almost worshiped - were begun by the entity in those
sojourns in a hill city near what would now be called Shushtar, Arabia - or Persia.
And there may be found in those tombs there, much that the entity accomplished
in the way of making for the preservation of bodies and of those tenets in an
unusual way and manner. These are in tablets, and - as indicated - the sign or
symbol that should be worn may be found; because they still carry on them much
of the symbols that would be written from the Maltese cross - as would be termed
in the present, but then called the Yahama [?]….
19. In the present experience the entity finds self often confused by influences
from without and from within, taking issue rather within self; and yet, as indicated
from its experiences, if there is applied more of those tenets that were seen in
the Arabian - and even in the appearance as Alahoi (?) in the Virginian land, as
now called, there may come - in the application of self for bringing influences in
the experience of others - that which will answer to the soul's desire to know itself
to be at-one with that Spirit that is sought by everyone as the ONE force in the
life, in the experience, in the sojourns throughout the earth, or in matter, for the
expression of the Fatherhood in His beings.
20. Keep thine body, thine mind, thine soul, pure. Let no question be in thine
inner self as to whether there is being accorded the BEST thou knowest in
THINE own environ. He requires nothing less, and nothing more.
21. Ready for questions.
22. (Q) Please give the significance of the copper screen and Gulf of Mexico
which comes to me during meditation.
(A) The associations of the legends and the truths preserved through those
periods of sojourn when the entity aided so much in giving them to a peoples. Dig
it up, then - near Youngstown, Ohio, where there is the tomb of the entity!
23. (Q) Just what does the screen represent?
(A) The message.
24. (Q) Just what does the water or Gulf of Mexico represent?
(A) Over which it came!
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Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2013 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation
Attitudes & Emotions: Earth Sojourns
Par. 3
Par. 11--13
Jesus: Pattern
Par. 4--7, 13, 19
Par. 3
Life: Opportunity
Par. 8--10, 13
Meditation: Experiences
Par. 27-A
Par. 27-A
Psychic Experiences: Intuition
Par. 8, 9
: Visions
Par. 14
Reincarnation: Purpose
Par. 16--20
Soul Retrogression: Selfishness
Par. 6, 15
Symbology: Birthmarks
Par. 29-A
This psychic reading given by Edgar Cayce, this 13th day of February, 1936.
2. In the application of those experiences in the earth, the developments
regarding the experiences and associations, we find:
3. These have a great deal to do with urges that arise in the experience of this
entity, as with every entity. Yet these should not be looked upon with disfavor;
neither should they be considered as experiences in which there is no turning
from same - or, as is sometimes termed by others as being, karma from which
there is no turning. But rather should the experiences be as signs along the way;
means and manners in which they may be experienced and applied in the
material activity of the entity as stepping-stones, as things to be avoided, as
things to be embraced, as opportunities.
4. For, as has been given of old, indeed with every disturbing factor, with every
ill, with every way, there has been prepared a manner, a means, a way of escape
IN Him!
5. When these become interpreted, then, in the experience of this entity, we find:
6. These are to be used as those things that become as omens, as signs. And
they are to be applied in the LIGHT of, in the understanding of, that for which He
stood - and stands; the purpose, the way, the means of escape from self, from
self-indulgences, from self-aggrandizements, from self-emoluments with the
things of the flesh.
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7. For we know that in Him there is the way, the manner; which, if applied in the
experience, becomes such as to lead one as from darkness into light - here a
little, there a little, line upon line, precept upon precept.
8. And those opportunities come into the experience of self to warn others.
Those impressions come; those feelings, those manifestations, those impelling
influences through the high mental-intuitive forces that PROMPT - that guide the
entity in its associations, in its contacts.
9. For more and more does there become the awareness in the inner
consciousness of the entity of its associations with individual entities it meets
along life's pathway.
10. And with this meeting, with this association, comes the greater opportunity for
the entity.
11. For FEW there be who have held so earnestly to the promptings of that which
has been their ideal in their activities in the earth!
12. Not that they have not been spoken of, thought of, considered by many as
without the realms of those that must be standards in various periods of activity.
Yet there has been ever innate, deep within the entity's self, the promptings that
have held; as does the needle to the star, as does right to justice, as does love to
giving, as does honor to humbleness, as do those influences that make for the
modifying, the arousing, of that which is creative in its impulse.
13. Hence oft in the experience such opportunities come, such experiences - if
there is kept the ideal in Him as the guide, the way, pointing out to self in the light
of His understanding those experiences that become as stepping-stones to the
way that leads to life in Him, the everlasting way; that manner, that
understanding that makes for the arousing in the experiences of others the
thinking more of the divine within.
14. Thus, as the entity receives through those manners of expression in writings,
in visions, in dreams - hold fast to that as He has set. WEIGH them in the
balance of that He has given as the balance for every soul. "Abide in me - and I
in Him - and thus become one with the Lord of righteousness, of justice, of
mercy, of love."
15. If those impulses become tinged with self-aggrandizement, or self-
indulgences, they become as those things that are without the pall - and become
stumbling-stones along the way of light.
16. In the physical forces of the body, these we find show much better
coordination with the mental and the physical and the spiritual. Yet they each in
their own phase of expression must find, from the experience of self, that which
will keep the body as one in accord with the purposes for which the entity entered
into the present experience.
17. What was the purpose, then? That ye might show forth, in thy dealings with
thy fellow man, that thou hast gained along the pathway of experience and life;
the GLORIES of the Lord; the MANNERS, the ways; BECOMING the helpmeet
of those that wander and become oft entangled in the turmoils of wisdom that is
only worldly wise; aiding those that are weak, in knowing of a truth, "Know, O ye
people, the Lord thy God is One!" in purpose, in aim, in desire, in ends, in the
MANIFESTATIONS in the earth….
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19. For all power HAS been given unto HIM who hath overcome the world,
overcome even death; and is at the right hand of glory; that we, too, may know
the way, the light; that we may drink DEEP of the waters of life; that we may
break the bread of His body, that - being broken even as His - it may give life,
may give sustenance, may give strength to those that are weak, to those that
have faltered by the way.
20. THESE be the purposes; these be the lines of thy activity through this
material world in the present experience.
21. Oft the visions come to self of those needing thy help. FALTER not; even
though others may not - for the MOMENT - understand. But let not thy right hand
know what the left hand doeth; but do ALL PURPOSELY unto the glory of God
and not to the gratifying, nor to the satisfying, of any SELF in thy activities.
22. BE a light to those that are dimmed in their efforts. BE a strong arm of
purpose to those that are weak. Give the cheering word to those that are sad.
For ye INDEED know that thy Redeemer liveth, and in Him IS life, light and
27. (Q) Please explain the roaring sound in my right ear which I have heard in
recent meditation.
(A) Thou hast heard that the voice of Him cometh as the rushing of mighty
waters; and that injunction which came with same, "PEACE - BE STILL." For it is
not only in the storm, nor the rocks, but rather the still small voice that comes
after same.
Hence thou hast drawn, and do draw, nigh unto the brink of a greater
Hold fast to His hand, that leads the way!...
29. (Q) Why do I have a mark on my physical body? [See 540-14, 5/1/39
questions re. infection and nature of this birthmark.]
(A) As given, there is set a mark in those that they - themselves may know
that they have been called; that they may understand that they have been called.
For it has been given, "I will set my mark upon my own, and they shall hear my
voice, and answer - WITHIN."
Seek into self to know whereunto such has called thee, that ye may answer
even as He, "Here am I, Lord, use me as Thou seest fit."
30. (Q) Regarding former incarnations and associations: What was my name in
the Galilean incarnation, as the sister of James and John?
(A) (Interrupting, before question was finished) As has been given, oft does
there come into the experience of the entity - not only in the meditations but even
as a flash, even as in passing, even as in a handclasp, even as in a glance - an
awakening to the knowledge that there IS, there has been, there ever was, an
association. Not always of body but of the mind, of thought, of purpose.
Then, even as in the Galilean experience, when thou didst hear Him give, "As
ye abide in me, I will bring to your remembrance that thou hast had with me from
the foundations of the earth."
In the experience - Oh, so much may be given - for Naomi!...
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Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2013 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation
Par. 3
: Sleep
Par. 3
Arts: Creative: Music
Par. 3
Astrology: Venus
Par. 4
Attitudes & Emotions: Detachment
Par. 4
: Faith
Par. 3
: Gentleness
Par. 3
: Harmony
Par. 3
: Hope
Par. 3
: Justice
Par. 3
: Kindness
Par. 3
: Love
Par. 3, 4
: Brotherly
Par. 3
: Mercy
Par. 3
: Truth
Par. 3
: Turmoil
Par. 3
Cause: Effect: Creation
Par. 3
Color: Personal
Par. 3, 29-A
Gems & Stones
Par. 3, 30-A
Human Relations
Par. 3, 4
: Friendship
Par. 4
Ideals: Service
Par. 3, 30-A
Nature: Supernatural: Elementals
Par. 4
Par. 3
Occult: Magic: Charms
Par. 3
: Mystic
Par. 2, 3
: Superstitions
Par. 3
Odors: Vibrations
Par. 3
Planetary Sojourns
Par. 3
Par. 3
Speech: Human Relations
Par. 3
Symbology: Signs: Omens
Par. 3
Par. 3
Water: Creation
Par. 3
Work: E.C.: Quotations & Similes:
"If Ye Would Have...Give..."
Par. 3
Par. 4
"Loving Indifference"
Par. 4
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Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2013 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation
TEXT OF READING 694-2 F 45 (Stenographer, Christian)
This psychic reading given by Edgar Cayce, this 16th day of October, 1934.
2. In entering this present experience we find there are many influences from the
mystical, or the little understood conditions about the earth, that influence the
entity; and in the present experience there have been many conditions arising
from time to time that have been - to many, and to the entity itself - little
understood, as to how, by this or that - when apparently from the material angle
conditions must evidently be thus and so, yet these have - as it were, from the
practical side - been rather the outcome of unseen influences, of conditions that
have had little to do with the material things. And yet these have always brought
to the entity rather wonderment than understanding. For the necessities of the
material world have crowded where, were there the practical application of those
things and conditions that have been in part experiences these would have been
changed entirely for the entity.
3. Then we find not only the influences from the astrological sojourns but from
the material environments of the entity under such conditions where there were
given, as it were, by those environs in which the entity enacted its sojourns in the
earth, the accrediting of activities in the associations of that sojourn, that have
builded for omens, the numerological, those that are often called the
superstitions of the people in the various environs. Hence we find these as those
things that should be in the form of omens about the body; not as good luck
charms, but they may be termed so by many; for these are from those activities
and sojourns that will make for variations in the VIBRATIONS about the entity,
hence bringing much more of harmony into the experience of the entity in the
present activity: The very red stones; as of coral, that is rather of the deep sea
variety, and when this is worn about the neck or about the waist - or upon the
arm - let it rest upon the flesh, for it will bring quiet to the body. Let the raiment be
something of blue, EVER, upon the flesh of the body, whether in the waking or in
the sleeping - and especially in the sleeping hours, for it will bring the influences
as the music that quiets, through the vibrations that are set off by such. And let
the numbers as in three, six and nine ever be the choice, whether in the activities
in the material, in the sojourn, in the position, in the place, or in WHATEVER the
activities may be; for these carry with them their vibration by the NATURAL
relative forces to the human emotions. And the body will find that the unquiet and
the tumultuous conditions will be changed to the harmonious abilities to give out.
And if a body-mind, a body-physical, a soul-body would have understanding,
then GIVE - that it may have. For they that would have life, love, hope, faith,
brotherly love, kindness, gentleness, mercy, must SHOW these things in their
relationships to those they meet in every walk of life. Dare to speak gently, when
even thine self is troubled. Dare to speak gently when thou art even berated by
those from whom, in the MATERIAL sense, ye have every right to expect or to
even demand honor, and hope, and faith. Though they act in the opposite, with
these environs about self as intimated the entity will be able to meet such; not as
omens, not as good luck, but as facts for thine OWN development. For thy soul
has been tried as by fire through many of thine experiences in the earth.
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Yet there are those things that make for harmony in their relationships as one to
another, as do the turmoils of the mother-water that brings forth in its activity
about the earth those tiny creatures that in their beginnings make for the
establishing of that which is the foundation of much of those in materiality. Hence
the red, the deep red coral, upon thine flesh, will bring quietness in those turmoils
that have arisen within the inner self; as also will the pigments of blue to the body
bring the air, the fragrance of love, mercy, truth and justice that is within self.
4. As to the astrological sojourns that the entity has experienced, we find adverse
influences through the Venus sojourn; bringing those experiences - in its
relationships with the MENTAL activities of individuals - of many disappointments,
many experiences in friendships that have made at times fears - even to the entity
- to give even confidences to those that in the flesh and in the material things had
felt that these would be so helpful. But there is being pointed out not elementals
save those that have been builded into materiality, that may aid and strengthen
the relationships in those things about self, those very conditions. To thine own
self in these relationships be true, and thou wilt not be false to any - to whom thou
shouldest show forth in thine life, thine expression of life, thine activities in the
material things, the love even of the Father. BE rather, then, in thine associations
in friendships, the impersonal; yet with the love of thy fellow man so deep, so
high, as to show forth THAT love that passeth understanding. For REST rather in
those promises that He has given, in "A new commandment I give, that ye love
one another," and thus FULFIL the law of love. Love IS law, law IS love, to those
that love HIS appearing….
29. (Q) What shade of blue should the entity use in her dress?
(A) Turquoise!
30. (Q) Should the coral, as suggested, be any particular shape or carving?
(A) No particular shape, just so it is mounted so that the coral itself may be
upon the flesh of the body.
Keep that thou hast PURPOSED in thine heart, that thou wilt serve thy Lord.
Let others do as they may; choose thou this: "As for me, I will serve the LIVING
God; not a dead one, not an outlook for that outside of myself - for He meets with
me, and I am happy in Him." We are through.
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Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2013 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation
Astrology: Uranus
Par. 6
: Venus
Par. 4
Creation: Souls
Par. 6
Human Relations
Par. 6
Soul Development: Helpfulness
Par. 2
: Service
Par. 20
Soul Retrogression: Selfishness
Par. 5
Symbology: Signs: Omens
Par. 3, 22-A, 23-A
Work: E.C.: Quotations & Similes:
"First Things First"
Par. 6
"Just Being Kind..."
Par. 22-A
"Kingdom Of Heaven Within"
Par. 6
TEXT OF READING 695-1 F 57 (Gov't Worker (?), Rosicrucian)
This psychic reading given by Edgar Cayce, this 14th day of October, 1934.
1. EC: [EC mumbled over several dates in searching backward to birth date.]
Yes, we have the entity here, and those relations with the universe and universal
forces that are latent and manifested in the personalities of the present entity.
2. In the application of what have been the impelling influences in the experience
of this entity, [695], much more might be given as to how the entity in the present
experience has used that which has been in its experience as a helpful influence
in the experience of others, and thus made for itself a development in the present
that has transcended any that we see in its activities. However, these influences
have been as a star to many that have guided them in their search, their seeking
for those things that would become as standards, as rest places upon the periods
of activity, and the entity has aided thus in bringing to many that which has been
the place for their help, their aid, in their goings in the various activities of the
3. From the astrological experiences of the entity we find these have been such
as to have aided materially in this present experience, so that omens, figures as
related to seals, the varied conditions in the experiences of a material mind that
make for emblems of understanding are as a guide oft in the experience even in
the present. And the star with the rose upon same should be the emblem worn
ever by the entity about its body, for it will to the entity bring the strength and light
and hopefulness that is signified in the blooming of beauty in the light of the love
of the Father to the sons of men.
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4. In Venus we find those influences that have made, do make for the gentleness
of purpose, when there have not been the active forces of the adverse influence
in Mars. For while those conditions that arise from same have brought at times in
the experience the wrath, the madness of others and the disappointments in self
in the relationships to the higher meanings of the Venus influence, these have
often tempered justice in the experience when considered from the purely
material angle. Yet with the disappointments that have come in the active forces
of the experience of the entity in the present there has been the growth in the
greater understanding, and more and more the abilities for the application in the
truer sense of "Love casteth out fear; love vaunteth not itself, is not puffed up,
thinketh no evil." This is the greater of the stumbling-steps in the experience of
the entity in the present, to THINK no evil, to know that the love of the Father - of
those forces that He may manifest in the earth through the sons of men - may be
those very experiences in the activity of all that may bring strength.
5. Then, that to be blotted from the experience is selfishness; becoming less and
less self-aware, but more and more growing in the grace, the knowledge, the
understanding that He doeth all things well.
6. As to the influences in the sojourn of the entity in Jupiter with the Uranian
forces, these have made for extremes in the experience of the entity in the
present; those periods when apparently all was hopeful and bright, all were in
those directions of grasping more and more the purposefulness of life's
experience in the earth. Yet under that Uranian force have come also the periods
when as from nowhere there has come despair, and the influence as of
nothingness, when nothing, no one, might be WHOLLY trusted. Yet from the
experiences in the present these have grown through the application of the self
to those things that are known. And, as all should gather, doing the first things
first - and that not by might nor by power, not by the heralding that some great
force is manifested or may manifest in the experience of self or those about it,
not as the laudation or praises as of any, but rather from the still small voice as
from within - there may come the strength of the hope, of the happiness that
passeth understanding to those of an EARTHLY reasoning mind. For He is in
HIS holy temple in thee, and will meet thee in thine search for Him; not from
without but rather from within may each soul know Him, through patience with
self, with others; seeing in those that would speak evil of thee, those that would
despitefully use thee, those even who would take advantage of thine gentleness,
thine kindness, only the good; knowing that none may do such save that the
power be given them through the Giver of ALL power, ALL life, that thou -
through thine own experience - may know that the Father suffereth with each
child He hath purged, that it may be a companion with Him. For it was in seeking
for such companionship that thy soul was brought into being; and would thou
lose that birthright in Him? For He will guard, sustain thee in thine seeking - but
seek from within!...
18. As to the abilities of the entity in the present, and that to which it may attain,
and how:
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19. In the present the entity has applied, and is applying, that it has gained
through those experiences in the earth, and more those experiences in its
sojourns in the environs about materiality.
20. Then, stand thou steadfast in that way thou hast chosen for thy activities in
and among thy fellow man, knowing in self that thou hast chosen - and for the
purposes that thou hast consecrated thyself in thine service to those thou may
meet day by day; CHOOSING to know through self rather than through those of
any channel that may make overtures to thine mental self. For thy Father, thy
God, thy Brother, thy Savior, has promised to meet thee within thine inner self,
and to THERE bear witness, to THERE guide, guard and keep thee! And these
are able to keep that thou commitest unto them in thine inner self. For it is thy
soul that seeks the home not made with hands, but eternity in His life, His star
that should guide thee in thy seeking that thou may in thine glory bloom as the
Rose of Sharon, as the Lily of the Valley. For thy service and thine walks before
thy fellow man have come, do come, as a sweet incense before the Throne of
21. Ready for questions.
22. (Q) Should the star and the rose be combined in one symbol - five pointed
(A) Five-pointed star and rose in ONE symbol. The rose upon the face or in
the center of same.
One is the light that will guide thee. The other is the symbol of life that is ever
as a sweet essence or incense before Him, guiding, unfolding in the service that
thou dost give to thy fellow man. For he that is just kind, just gentle, ever hopeful
to his fellow man, lendeth unto the Lord.
23. (Q) Would the star and the cross have the same significance?
(A) Not wholly. One is as an event; the other is as the growth of thine own
24. (Q) What was the significance of the calculations made before the reading
(A) Correlating the activities of the entity in its relation to this material
experience as it passed through the various periods, as it's called in man's
counting of time. Only that as has been pointed to the entity. All in Him, He in
thee, may make for that awakening that brings the strength and the aid.
25. We are through for the present.
11/7/34 Ltr. to EC from [695]:
Dear Mr. Cayce:
Yours of October 31, duly received, and in reply I would like to say that, as stated
on the morning of my life reading, I could not get very much from it, but could not seem
to find the time to call, as you suggested, but the latter part of the week that you left
here, I called up Mrs. [264] for an appointment with you, when she told me that you had
left on Tuesday, but that she thought she might be able to help me, so I went to her
apartment that evening, and she spent several hours in going over the reading with me -
in fact, I was ashamed of myself after I left her, and found that it was almost midnight,
but the time passed so rapidly, pleasantly, and beneficially, that neither of us seemed to
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have any idea of the time, Mr. [853] having gone to some banquet, but returned just as I
was leaving.
I have joined the study group, which has had two meetings since you left, and
find them very interesting, enlightening, and instructive, but I have not yet reached that
stage of development where I can put into practice, the high ideals set forth in their
entirety. However, I believe that by plodding along, absorbing and appropriating here a
little, and there a little, step by step, I will eventually attain that standard which has been
mapped out for me, but I feel at present I am far from the goal.
In my life reading you said I should wear the rose and star as one symbol,
although I generally wear them as two symbols, representing the Eastern Star Order,
and the Rosicrucian Order, to which I belong. However, I am inclosing a rough sketch of
the combined symbol which I have evolved, for any comments you may wish to make.
The center, a white field, contains 3 triangles, in the center of which is a red rose. The 5
points, each a color of the spectrum, is surrounded by a golden or yellow enamel circle,
symbolizing Eternity - without beginning and without end, the same to be made in a size
suitable for wearing on a chain as a pendent. If you can offer any suggestions by way of
improvement, it will be very much appreciated.
With best wishes, and hoping to see you when you return to this city, I am,
Sincerely, [Miss [695]]
12/21/34 EC ltr. to Miss [695]:
Dear Miss [695]: -
. . . I'm glad to know, Miss [695], that you were able to get a great deal more from
your Life Reading when you went over it with Mrs. [264]. Our experience with this type of
information has been that each time you read it over you will find something new that
you hadn't seen before.
We are hoping to be in Washington again sometime in January, and if we may be
of assistance to you at that time in making the proper interpretation of any portion of your
Life Reading, don't hesitate to call on us. That's our job, to try and be helpful to others in
any and every way we possibly can. We have had some wonderful experiences with
individuals who have had Life Readings in the last few years, and many people tell us
they are the most helpful readings.
I'm glad to know that you have enjoyed the Study Group work. I really believe it is
a helpful thing, because it IS practical - not something that we may attain to all at once,
but will step by step, here a little, there a little, get hold of an understanding.
Now about the symbol, I don't think I could possibly add any suggestion that
would be helpful to the little sketch you outlined. However, I believe if the pyramid were
not inverted it would be much better. To be sure, I realize this is in opposition to the
teachings of some, yet if the pyramid were erect I think it would be much better and
make a more beautiful design. For, according to our readings, the pyramid stands for
something specific - as it possibly does in the Rosicrucian order, but standing erect is
more as the office of an initiate, and I think you are one.
I hope this finds you feeling much better and able to enjoy a Merry Christmas.
May the blessings of the divine that is within each and every one enable you to always
see the best in every one. Thanking you for your contribution, and with kindest regards, I
Sincerely, EC
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Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2013 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation
Arts: Beauty
Par. 5
: Music of Spheres
Par. 5
Par. 5
Par. 8
Par. 6
Gems & Stones
Par. 5, 8
Individuality & Personality
Par. 6
Par. 8
Par. 5, 7, 8
Par. 8
Par. 22
Psychic Development
Par. 5
Science: Atom
Par. 8
Search For God: Knowledge
Par. 7
Soul Development
Par. 5
Par. 8
Spirit Communication
Par. 6
Symbology: Signs: Omens
Par. 5
Par. 7
Vibrations: Sound
Par. 8
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Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2013 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation
This psychic reading given by Edgar Cayce at The Oakland, 2006 Columbia
Road, Washington, D.C., this 23rd day of October, 1934.
(Life Reading Suggestion)
5. The astronomical, the numerological, the environs of the creations in the
vibrations from metals, from stones, from those of every form, have - through the
experience of the entity at times had their influence; and thus bear for the entity
something that must be used as an omen, or as an experience that may aid the
entity in making the proper interpretations of those things that to many an one
are not lawful to be spoken in materiality - hence come only to those who have
eyes to see, through the spiritual realms, or who have ears to hear the music of
the spheres, the growing or the beauty in all the relationships to man that make
for expressions of the divine that may be, and is, a portion of man's experience.
6. No man, no physical matter, has ever seen GOD at any time; only the
7. As to numbers, the two hundred and ninety-sixth day of the year - this brings
eight as a VIBRATION for the entity that means an awakening within the inner
self to the new possibilities, the new opportunities within self that may make for
not only carrying with it the ABILITIES but the obligations of same as well. For to
whom much is given in any manifested form, of him much is required. For
THESE as we find, my son, are as the basic, elemental principles of truth itself. It
is a growing thing, even as the knowledge of God, even as the knowledge of
truth, even as the knowledge of life; which all are words, yet mean the variations
of expressions of that YE, my son, would worship as a living God.
8. Hence we find the agate, the beryl, should be STONES with the vibrations and
under the influence that the entity may find carrying an incense to the finer self
that makes for an awakening, an opening of the inner self for the
RECEPTIVENESS. And attunement is made through such vibrations, just as
there may be with the tungsten in a portion of a vacuum that may raise those
sound Waves that through their relativity of activity of the electrical vibration that
makes for the activity of the atomic forces in same give that which is gathered
from the ether waves. So may numbers and those vibrations from stones as
given, with metals such as come in the lapis lazuli, make for the raising of the
attunement in self through meditation. But know these, my child, are but means -
and are NOT the God-Force, NOT the Spirit, but the MANIFESTATIONS of
22. In the present may the entity understand and gain that, though the powers
are manifest of all natures in the earth, they are the gift of the ONE God, of the
ONE universal force; and MAN alone makes those deviations for self's own
purposes, self's own aggrandizement. But His promises are sure, "Though ye be
far away, when ye call I will hear." And the power that thou may raise within
thine self to bring is not of thine own making; thou art but the channel. Give the
praise, my son, to the Father THROUGH the Son of light, THROUGH the Son of
man, the lowly Nazarene!
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Bible: Books Of: John 14: 26
Par. 8
: Romans 8: 16
Par. 12-A
: Characters: David
Par. 12-A
: Moses
Par. 12-A
: Samuel
Par. 12-A
Par. 12-A
Nature: Natural
Par. 7
Par. 10
This Psychic Reading given by Edgar Cayce at his home on Arctic Crescent,
Virginia Beach, Va., this 22nd day of May, 1937.
1. GC: You will have before you the activities of [707] in relation to locating the
treasure as buried by him in a past incarnation. Information as given through this
channel October 23, 1934 and March 8, 1937. Questions.
2. EC: Yes, we have the information that has been given as respecting the
activities of [707] as called now, in relationship to the buried treasure in another
3. Now as we find, as has been given, this to become effective or practical in the
experience of the entity in the present must arise from activities of the entity in
relationship to the turning within for direction and for comprehension of what the
influence will be and is as respecting not only the locating of the treasure but its
use when located.
4. As has been given, there were activities, purposes, desires on the part of the
individual entity at the time of putting same away.
5. That there were those experiences that prevented the entity from recovering
same at the time and in using this for the furtherance of the ideas and the ideals
of the entity during that individual experience is evidenced by the information that
it is possible for the entity, in the present experience in the earth, to do same.
6. The activities, desires, and the influences that are the motivating forces in the
experience that may bring same about, then, must necessarily arise from within
and not from without. For these would then as in that experience defeat the very
purpose of the entity in its spiritual, in its mental desire.
7. Then, as has been indicated, at that season when the movements of the
elements within the natural body (physically) may coordinate with the mental and
spiritual body (mentally), there should be the seeking. This was indicated, or
may be indicated by the period when certain plants are in active force, or in
bloom; for this becomes then not as a part of but an evidence, a sign, an omen of
the period being present when in the natural forces - as combined between
mental and spiritual experiences - the entity may be directed from within, by the
motivative forces that move within self.
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8. But if the entity listens to that as may be said by old men's tales or that which
is purely hearsay, then the entity loses its hold upon those forces that have been
given, "Abide in me, and I in the Father may bring to thy remembrance ALL from
the foundations of the earth."
9. Then if the entity will be guided by that which has been just indicated, and only
by that force and influence from within, there may be hopes of a fulfilling of
purposes within self.
10. Do not confuse present and past - they are one, if the entity, the soul, will
make itself attuned to the whole purpose of Creative Energies and forces that
manifest themselves in the activities of the individual.
11. Ready for questions.
12. (Q) Will it be the proper time to go now?
(A) As has been given, such decisions are to be directed by that within self
that answers to the influences or forces from without - but the answers and
directions must come from within; rather than by any helping hand.
Rememberest thou all that has been given as to the manner in which the
individual finds self? Did Moses receive direction save by the period in the
Mount? Did Samuel receive rather than by the meditating within his own closet?
Did David not find more in the meditating within the valley and the cave? Did not
the Master in the Mount and in the Garden receive the answers of those directing
These as directions, these as omens, these as signs ONLY, and the direction
from the inward closer walk with thine inner self and thy purposes and thy desire.
Are they in accord with that which ye would present before the Throne of
mercy and grace, to Him who is the Giver and Maker of all?
Then thy spirit bears witness with His Spirit in the directions that ye shall
13. (Q) Is the place located by [707] in his last trip to Alabama the correct vicinity
of the treasure?
(A) Is not this question in itself evading the work, evading the activity that
must be done by [707] now? Isn't the question out of line with that just given? Is
the self willing to abide by the purposes that made the self in the period it was put
there as one to be reckoned with in not only the dealings with those of its own
people but those who made overtures that prompted the giving of that the entity
saved for the development of the better influences in the experience of all?
Thus the entity must turn within. Seek rather to find not what others have said to
that as will be guided by the self within, but rather to the camp or to that place
where there were the dwellings of the entity's peoples during that experience.
14. We are through for the present.
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Color: Blue
Par. 8
Incarnations: Rome
Par. 8
Mind: Planetary Sojourns
Par. 3
Reincarnation: Purpose
Par. 23
Symbology: Signs: Omens
Par. 2
Will: Astrology
Par. 3
TEXT OF READING 729-1 F 44 (Entertainer, Christian background)
This psychic reading given by Edgar Cayce, this 12th day of November, 1934.
2. In giving that which may be helpful to the entity in its present experience, while
omens, figures, crests, crowns, only have their part in the entity's consciousness,
there is that emblem of the double eagle - or the Roman standard - that should
be either as an emblem or as a pin, or as an omen about the body. Ever the
strength of this (as it was bourne by the entity in the experience) will in the
present make for such a change of vibrations as to be most helpful, most
beneficial to the entity. The ROMAN double eagle.
3. As to those influences that may be given from the astrological sojourns, we
find these are rather from the experience of the soul-entity in the environ as may
be said to exist between the MATERIAL experience, or material or earthly
manifestations of the entity in materiality. Hence we have those mental urges
from such astrological sojourns as the ancients have given in their records as the
position of the planets, the stars, the zodiac, or those elements that are as
guides. Yet EVER does the will of an entity make for that the entity or soul does
about its experience; or the application of the opportunity - or the urge that arises
from within. Hence these are given both good and bad, that are ever in the
experience of materiality; and the mental and spiritual influences of an entity
choose. For, as has been given, "There is set before thee THIS day good and
evil, life and death - Choose thou!"…
8. Again we see BLUE as the color about the entity, or that worn next the body
should ever be a portion of the dress. Not that as is of the mode (mauve), but
rather that which stood in the Roman experience not for that flaunted in strength
but as of power, of a might; yet tempered with mercy and justice. These are as
innate, and find expressions in the mental body, in its visions, in its dreams, in its
aspirations; while the material or the earthly sojourn may find the greater
expression or manifestation in the senses of the body, in the glorifying of self's
own abilities or activities….
21. Then, make thine own ideal in those influences that are spiritual in their
inception, that have their inception or foundation in not those things made with
hands but rather are the constructive forces in the lives and hearts and souls of
men. And thus in the giving out of that thou hast thine self attained may there
come that sought by all, "Well done, thou good and faithful servant; enter into the
joys of thine own labors."…
23. Seek not from without, but rather through that thou hast experienced in thine
own inner self; for it is written in time and space that thou hast a work to perform.
Be thou faithful to the end.
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Attitudes & Emotions: Earth Sojourns
Par. 5
Par. 5
Ideals: Belief
Par. 6
Planetary Sojourns
Par. 4
Par. 3
Symbology: Signs
Par. 3
Par. 4
Par. 5
TEXT OF READING 818-1 F 49 (Housewife [Husband a Naval Officer])
This psychic reading given by Edgar Cayce at 1867 Kalorama Road,
Washington, D.C., this 8th day of February, 1935.
1. EC: Yes, we have the records of the entity now known as [818].
2. In giving that which may be helpful to this entity in its present experience, there
may be given that approach from which such information may come at this time,
in order that there be as little confusion in the experience of the entity in the
present as possible. For this entity seeks earnestly. The experiences that may be
seen through the sojourns in the earth have been fraught with those things that
have made for soul development. And because one experience or another
makes for confusion in the present, it is well that the entity set self aright; that it
may go on - ON - to the mark of the higher calling which is set in Him, the
example unto the sons and daughters of men, their elder brother, even Jesus.
3. As to the influences, then, that make for signs, omens, periods when this or
that in the experience of a soul is the more active, do not confuse signs with that
which is sought. Do not confuse the impulses that may arise in the inner urges
even, or those from the emotions of the body that take hold upon the soul and
the spiritual forces with that which has prompted same. For first there should be
the realization by all that matter in any form is of the spirit, whether from the atom
in a corpuscle in the body, or the sphere or orb of any of those systems seen
about the earth and described by the psalmist, "The heavens declare the glory of
God, the firmament showeth His handiwork; day unto day uttereth speech, night
unto night sheweth knowledge." So in the transition of an entity, a soul, such as
this entity - known in the present as [818] - whether in the body or out of the body
it shows forth the Lord's work till He come again; made a little lower than the
angels, yet with that promise, that ability, that gift of the Father to each soul that it
may be one with Him, yet know itself to be itself and one with Him.
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4. Then, as to the astrological sojourns, these are where the soul-entity is out of
the material body and present with spiritual forces, that are only of a higher
vibration yet are of the same materials of which matter is brought into experience
as the soul enters or possesses a body in a material world; yet each experience,
each phase, each realm, is that ye may become more and more consciously
aware of being IN Him, abiding in that divine creative force that only is that which
is manifested in thine material surroundings as harmony, color, sound,
movement, those powerful forces that are the basis of all that is good, lovely,
precious in the eyes and in the whole of Him that would have thee one with Him.
5. And the indwellings in those environs about the earth, whether - as this entity -
in Venus, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, or in the Moon with its shadows of the Sun
itself, these make for the expressions of the spiritual-creative influences that are
just above the matter phase, or - as a name - in a fourth dimensional plane of
activity. And as an entity enters in the material or matter in material plane as the
earth, such indwellings come as innate urges. And the WILL makes for that
known in materiality as choice. And the activities in the earth are as the
emotional urges that must be met or controlled; and, as in matter, He has
promised to meet thee in thine own temple and there commune with thee that ye
may choose to offer that not as strange fires upon the altar of thy service to thy
fellow man or to thy God, but that thy services, thy activities, may rise as sweet
incense before the throne of grace and mercy and truth in which all may know
they are one with Him.
6. Consider these, my child. KNOW in whom thou hast believed, and know that
He is able to keep that thou committest unto Him against every joy, sorrow, every
trial, every temptation, every exaltation. For it hath not entered the heart of man,
as man, as to the glories, joys, that are prepared for those that are called and
who are TRUE to that whereunto they have been called.
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Astrology: Jupiter
Par. 25
: Mercury
Par. 20
: Neptune
Par. 12, 16
: Uranus
Par. 12, 16
: Venus
Par. 23, 24
Attitudes & Emotions: Earth Sojourns: Atlantis
Par. 5
Bible: Characters: Asaph
Par. 74-A
: David
Par. 74-A
: Joshua
Par. 50, 74-A
Education: Schools: Barnard
Par. 71-A, 74-A
Gems & Stones
Par. 9, R1
Par. 67
Incarnations: America
Par. 32--39
: Atlantis
Par. 5, 58--63
: Bible: Old Testament
Par. 46--57, 74-A
: Egypt: Ra Ta
Par. 58--63
: Greece
Par. 40--45
: Rome
Par. 40--45
Mind: The Builder
Par. 28
Par. 10
Soul Development: Human Relations
Par. 39
: Tolerance
Par. 24
Vocational Guidance: Writing
Par. 38, 45, 68, 71-A
Work: E.C.: Quotations & Similes:
"If Ye Would Have...Give..."
Par. 27
"Like Begets Like"
Par. 27
"Thoughts Are Things"
Par. 29
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B1. 11/17/34 She had been present for Physical Reading for her grandmother,
Mrs. [736], who was in a State Hospital for the insane.
TEXT OF READING 1035-1 F 18 (Hebrew, Christian Science Background)
This psychic reading given by Edgar Cayce at the David E. Kahn home, 44 West
77th St., Apt. 14-W, New York City, this 27th day of October, 1935.
1. EC: Yes, we have the records here, that are manifested and innate
expressions of the entity now known as or called [1035].
2. Unusual, beautiful in many ways, are the records here - as we find.
3. Those things having much to do with what are termed signs or omens become
a portion of the entity's experience in the present, through the activities in the
4. Many of the activities in the earth may be found to have been, some rather gay
- but some rather beautiful in their expression; and making for very definite
tendencies that are innate and may be expressed in the activities of the entity in
the present.
5. Yet some warnings also appear through those omens. For the entity is among
those of the Atlanteans, who in entering the present experience will find things
MUST HAPPEN about the entity. And in its activity there is the positiveness that
resembles even at times, to many, stubbornness; but should not be considered
so much stubbornness as rather the convictions that are deep in the entity's
experience through those abilities that are innate in the experience of the soul of
the entity.
6. These conditions used or applied aright in the present may make for
influences such that the entity may be called blessed in the experience of many.
For many will be influenced by the activities of the entity. And it is as a natural
force that the entity will ever excel in its influence among its associates, in
whatever may be the choice of the entity's activity in the material world.
7. The entity will find two influences or sources of expression before it; a career
in which it may make for not only a name for itself but beneficial or helpful
experiences in the lives of many whom the entity contacts.
8. Again we would refer to the records as written here, regarding omens:
9. Amethyst stones should ever be a portion about the body, either in amulets or
adornments about the body. These in their very vibration will make for an
influence that has to do with the entity in its innate and manifested expressions in
its associations.
10. As to numbers, or numerology: We find that the number nine becomes as the
entity's force or influence, which may be seen in that whatever the entity begins it
DESIRES to FINISH. Everything must be in order. It is manifested in those
tendencies for the expressions of orderliness, neatness. To be sure, nine - in its
completeness, then - is a portion.
11. From the astrological sojourns we find the influences of Jupiter, Venus,
Mercury, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune.
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12. And with Neptune and Uranus there is no wonder that many persons will, in
their contact with the entity, find expressions as to say, "Well, she is rather
curious in her ideas and ideals in many directions." For mystic forces, occult
forces, are a portion INNATELY of the entity.
13. Thus if the entity will act upon not merely the impulse but those URGES that
arise from the INNATE influence within self, the more oft will the entity find those
things in which it may engage its activity, mentally or physically, will be for the
success from every angle.
14. For the entity is sensitive to not only the environs of mystic forces, as may be
said - or occult or spiritual forces and influences, but the SOUL DEVELOPMENT
rather has been and is the influence that animates those experiences.
15. Hence the entity finds in itself at times definite urges in given directions. At
times it allows itself to be influenced or talked out of that which is chosen as to its
activities; but in meditation, in day-dreaming - as it were - the entity enjoys at
times to be alone and to think for itself.
16. So these influences that arise from the Uranus sojourn, as well as Neptune,
bring those periods when many a question, many a problem that becomes a
portion of the entity's activities - whether it pertains to the spiritual, the mental, or
even the material welfares - may be solved by the entity.
17. And it would be well that many of those about the entity oft take the entity's
advice or counsel.
18. But if the entity allows this to become active to such an extent that it tends to
lord its opinions over others, it brings detrimental influence.
19. Know the source from which the impulse arises, and we will find the greater
blessings, the greater harmony will arise in the experiences of the entity.
20. From Mercury's sojourn there are the natural high mental abilities, the
tendencies for the entity in every association to make for an analyzing of
situations, of things, of people.
21. The entity finds itself in most of its contacts forming definite opinions. These
should not ALWAYS become final - that is, the opinions that are once set; yet
such tendencies do arise. Weigh them well. Know the purpose or the motivative
force from which the activities of others also arise.
22. This tends also to give the entity that air or feeling of intolerance. And
tolerance is that which the entity must CULTIVATE within itself; meeting not only
the influences that arise with spiritual forces but with reason, that there may ever
be in the imports and activities of the entity - in its relations throughout this
experience - a well-balanced, well-rounded experience that may make for, as
indicated, the greater advantages not only materially but the mental satisfaction,
the material gratifications, and spiritual developments. These should be hand in
hand in forming the opinions, in forming those activities that may make for those
relationships in the entity's associations throughout this experience.
23. Those influences from Venus make for a sympathetic activity that BECOMES
the entity in all of its relationships, making for a pleasing personality in its
meeting with others and in its influencing of those whom it may meet at times.
24. And the forming of friendships becomes as a NATURAL inclination in the
entity's associations, yet there are those tendencies that are indicated at times to
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END such almost as suddenly as begun. But this, as indicated, if used in those
activities in tolerance and patience, may become as one of the beauties, one of
the virtues that will make for the growth of the soul, the contentment of the mind,
and the fulfilling of its purpose in the earth in the present experience.
25. From Jupiter (for these interpretations have been given backwards) we find
the great expanse, or the large forces or groups to which the influences of the
entity may expand. These, to be sure, depend upon the application of not only
the personality but the individuality of the entity, and the application of self in
relationships to those influences that are indicated innately and that may be
26. Remember this, which may be said to be as a LAW - in self, in the earth, in
its relations to others:
27. Like begets like. If you would have friends, be friendly. If you would have
loving associations, show thine self lovely. And that YE sow in mind, in activity,
ye must reap in thine own experience.
28. KNOW that the Lord liveth, and manifests in and through thee. And that
BORN of the spirit in thine mental self may find expression in the material life.
For Mind, in the mental, IS the Builder; and bringeth forth fruits worthy of that
which is held in the inmost self in its relationships of self to things, to conditions,
to peoples.
29. For thoughts ARE THINGS, and as the currents run they become miracles or
crimes in the experiences of individual life.
30. As to the appearances in the earth, then, and those that influence the entity
in the present, we find:
31. While these are not ALL, these we find are those making for those urges that
come NOW rather as emotions of the mental self; the abilities also of the entity in
the present, as applied to those experiences through the astrological sojourns,
become a portion of the entity's experience in the present.
32. Before this we find the entity was in the land now known as Chicago, during
those periods when it was Fort Dearborn.
33. It was during those periods when there were the establishings of the
associations in and about that place, when there began to be the relationships
established for this not only as a trading post but as a place of abode, as a place
to which and from which many in the surrounding lands came to seek those
things that might be distributed through those activities in the place.
34. The entity then was young in years when it came to be a portion of those
activities, through its associations with its companions in that sojourn, in the
name then Marg Dodson.
35. In the experience the entity gained, not only in the material things but in the
mental and soul development.
36. Much of the business acumen, much of that expressed in its abilities to judge
human nature, arises from the experience in that sojourn. The abilities to make
for much of the correlating of plans and ideas become a part of the entity in the
emotional portion of itself in the present. Many of the abilities for the making of a
career in the present arise from those experiences.
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37. In the present we may find also those abilities to minister unto others in
periods when there is the necessity for sustaining the mental attitudes of people,
whether they be those that are worried in mind or in body.
38. Hence in those fields as a secretarial activity, as a companion, as a nurse,
the entity's activities may FIND an expression that would be most helpful. Yet in
the RECORDING of such activities, even though the time may be given in same -
as in writing, as in those things pertaining to the records of same, there may
come not only satisfaction but material gain - and a breadth of self be expressed.
Also in the ability to aid many to come to the rescue, as it were, of many that are
troubled, the writings would become the channel through which the entity may
reach out and help not only self but others.
39. And as the entity will experience, the wealth of purpose consists not in how
much is known or how much is held in stocks or bonds, but in the ability to give to
others that which will enable them to take hope, to look up, to look unto the hills
from which help may come to many.
40. Before that we find the entity was in that known as the Roman and Grecian
period, when there was first begun the exchange of the ideas and ideals in the
philosophical manner; as to the arts, as to the purposes, rather than as to
political influences.
41. For the entity then was of Roman AND Grecian lineage, and combined in
self's activity that which may be said to have been the BEST of each.
42. Hence the influences that the entity during that sojourn wielded into those
things pertaining to the art and literature of the Romans, the beauty and the
strength of the Grecians, were expressed in the entity's activities during that
period - in the name Sustio.
43. The entity gave aid to many in authority, to those that made for the
establishings of the periods when there was the combination of the Grecians'
presenting of life in the activity of the stage and the Romans' strengthening
influence that depicted the valor of individuals upon periods of activities or
missions to which they were sent.
44. And those things become as dramatic influences in the life or in the
experience of the entity in the present.
45. Hence the abilities to make for creations within self, not only through those
innate expressions but the ability to write in such directions becomes a portion of
the entity - and these abilities need only their magnifying, or their expressions
within self, for the entity to be able to give much that will within the inner recesses
of individuals and groups find lodgements that will give hope and aid in all
experiences in life.
46. Before that we find the entity was in the land now known as the Holy Land,
during those periods when there were those returnings of the peoples who had
been as strangers in a strange land.
47. And the entity's activity became as a portion of those peoples' activity, as
their journeys began through the wilderness.
48. And the entity was among those who entered into the promised land, and
saw those days and periods of the establishing within the land of those that had
been promised that activity.
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49. The entity then found joy in the expressions with those that aided in the
establishings of those periods when, later, from the very writings of the entity the
Psalmist chose much that was set to music.
50. For the entity was an encouraging one to the leader, Joshua, in the
experience; in the name then Shumeman, and was of the daughters then of
51. In the experience in the present from that sojourn there arises that which
makes for a harkening within self to that which is of praise to a holy purpose, a
holy desire.
52. Hence the entity becomes, then, one that must look, within self, to the
answers that were promised there; that:
53. "The Lord thy God is ONE; and meets thee in thine own temple."
54. For those admonitions were given, that the entity set to music:
55. "There is before thee good and evil; choose thou. The Lord heareth the cry
of those that seek Him. The Lord is not far from those that call on Him."
56. These became as a portion of the entity's experience.
57. In the present turn not away from them.
58. Before that we find the entity was in that known as the Atlantean land, during
those periods when there was the exodus from the land to what is now known as
59. The entity then, as a companion of Ax-tell [487], became the leader in those
activities when there was begun the correlation of the experiences of those
peoples when the turmoils and strifes arose.
60. And the entity aided much in the clearing of differences, and in establishing
those activities that made for the greater understandings of all the different
purposes, or the different presentations of purposes in that period.
61. A judge, then, became the entity - as Ix-enl.
62. The entity made for those expressions of the relationships that began to be
expressed anew, according to the activities of the sons of men who chose the
LAW OF ONE as their ideal.
63. Hence things of natures partaking of the oriental reaction become as
thoughts and expressions to the entity in the present.
64. As to the abilities of the entity in the present, then, and that to which it may
attain and how:
65. It has been indicated that the abilities, the possibilities which lie before the
entity are above or beyond the ordinary; yet the purposes, the aims and the
motivative influence (which the entity has set in music) will make for the choice
as to whether these be in keeping with the law of the Lord of One, or whether to
the satisfying or gratifying of desires that arise only from the flesh.
66. Then, how?
67. In making the applications of self rather in that direction as to how HELPFUL,
how hopeful, the entity may make the experience of self in the lives and
expressions of others, as a part of its own experience.
68. As to the fields of activity, choose - whether in ministering to others in nursing
or in secretarial activity, or in combining same with those abilities that lie in the
field of writing or acting.
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69. And it will be found that there may come to the entity a great opportunity. For
many will call the entity blessed, if it is held in that of the Law of One - or many
will say, "Away with such a wayward one."
70. Ready for questions.
71. (Q) Should I go to college?
(A) This would depend upon the choice as to the activities in which the entity
may engage. If in the ministry through nursing or through secretarial activity,
then the choice would be in the PREPARATION for same; not necessarily in
college but in those institutions or schools that are the means or manners for
preparing self in that direction. If the choice is to be as a writer, or to make such
its vocation, then in such a school as Barnard - and in the journalistic portion of
same engage its activities.
72. (Q) Which am I best fitted for?
(A) Either; or they MAY be combined, as indicated.
73. (Q) Which subjects should I take up?
(A) As indicated. Either a special course in nursing or secretarial work, or
those subjects that would fit the self for journalism or writing work.
74. (Q) Would Barnard be better than the University of Wisconsin or Michigan?
(A) From those experiences in the land, Wisconsin and Michigan both call
those urges innate within self. Yet the presentation in Barnard is better for the
entity's abilities. However, we find that the activities may later be presented much
in other realms; and in and about the north and northwest will become the
sources of much that may become a part of the entity's experience.
Hold fast to that thou didst give to thine peoples when thy self, thine inner
self, supplied strength not only to the leaders of men - as Moses and Aaron and
Joshua - but to that which BECAME the strength of the musician [Asaph?] and of
him [David?] of whom it was said, "The Lord loved him."
For thou didst give of thy strength IN those periods that excelled much. And
same may be multiplied in Thine expressions among thy brethren in the present.
75. We are through for the present.
R1. GD's notes in re comments immediately following the reading:
Dislikes amethysts; has given away several such stones which have been gifts to
her. Her father says she has definitely shown abilities in writing, all thru high
school, etc.
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Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2013 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation
Akashic Records
Par. 2
Gems & Stones
Par. 5
Ideals: Belief
Par. 43
Nature: Flowers
Par. 6
Reincarnation: Unnecessary: General
Par. 49-A
Symbology: Signs: Omens
Par. 3, 4
Work: E.C.: Quotations & Similes:
"Do That Thou Knowest"
Par. 42, 44, 51-A
TEXT OF READING 1037-1 F 49 (Widow, Christian)
This psychic reading given by Edgar Cayce, this 28th day of October, 1935.
2. In giving that as may be helpful to this entity in the present, know that the
records that are made by an entity in its activities in the earth are the reflection of
that the entity has done about its knowledge, its understanding of Creative
Forces in the relations of self to the fellow man.
3. About the entity we find much that may be indicative of those influences in the
earth that are as the appearances. These, as we find, bespeak of associations
with heraldry, banners, swords, stays and the like; the shield with the bow, the
coloring and the reflection of green fields and woods. And the clash that is made
in resistances of individuals as to purposefulness, force, power, might of main,
becomes associated with the entity.
4. From those experiences we find that omens arise. Not that they influence, but
create by their VIBRATION an element through which the MENTAL and the
spiritual forces of the entity may vibrate for constructive experience in their
5. The pearl and the moonstone, these in combination or in their setting alone,
are well to have about the body.
6. As to flowers - the pansy, in its reproduction of its vibrations from the earth, is
active in such manners as to become centralizing for the entity in its meditation….
41. As to the abilities of the entity in the present, and that to which it may attain,
and how:
42. In applying that thou hast in hand TODAY! Do today the things thou
KNOWEST to do; tomorrow it will be given thee that thou shouldst do THEN.
43. Know in whom, in what thou hast believed. For as He has kept thee as in the
shadow of His hand, as He has upheld thee when thou didst walk in the way, so
may ye strengthen thy fellow man.
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44. Not in precept only, but in applying that thou KNOWEST to do - WHERE thou
49. (Q) Can I finish my purpose in this incarnation, so that I will not need to return
to the earth?
(A) As may any; if they will but put OFF the old and on the new - that is in
Him; becoming aware of that I AM conscience within self that becomes one with
Him. Yes.
50. (Q) And how long will I have to do this?
(A) How long will you require?
51. (Q) How will I progress most in the present?
(A) By the application of that thou knowest to do, in bringing awareness to
others of His presence in them.
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Par. 5
Clairvoyance of E.C.: Discretion
Par. 2
Destiny & Free Will
Par. 8
Environment: Locality
Par. 42-A
Knowledge: Application
Par. 2
Mind: The Builder
Par. 3
Symbology: Signs: Omens
Par. 2, 4--7
Vibrations: Places
Par. 42-A
Will: Birthright
Par. 2
Work: E.C.: Quotations & Similes:
"Begin Where You Are"
Par. 42-A
"Channel Of Blessings"
Par. 8
"If Ye Will Call I Will Hear..."
Par. 8
TEXT OF READING 1183-1 F 55 (Government Office Worker)
This psychic reading given by Edgar Cayce, this 1st day of June, 1936.
1. EC: Yes, we have the records here and those relations with the universe and
universal forces, that are latent and manifested in the records of that entity now
known as or called [1183].
2. In giving that as we find may be helpful to the entity in the present experience,
know that while there are urges innate and manifested from the experiences in
the earth, as well as those that are innate expressions from the environs about
the earth or those called by some astrological influences, these are as signs, as
omens. And it is rather what the entity does about that which IS in the
KNOWLEDGE of self that counts. And no influence is greater than the will of self,
that given as the birthright to each soul in its sojourns through its experience in
seeking to find its way back; to become a companion with the Creative Forces,
the purposes for which it, the soul, came into being.
3. And in whatever environ, whether in body or out of the body, the
consciousness or awareness of the experiences as in relationship to Creative
Forces makes for that which draws the entity nearer to its oneness with its
source or else through its own self it separates self. For as has been given, there
is nothing in heaven, in earth, that may separate a soul from its Maker but the
entity itself.
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4. In giving then these signs, these omens for the entity, for this entity it will be
found that there are days - as in astrological, as in numerological experience;
there are flowers, there are jewels, there are those things in its experience that
add to the INFLUENCES in and about the entity. And how much the ENTITY
accredits or GIVES the force of power TO those influences depends upon how
much they come to mean in the experience of the entity.
5. Just so in the astrological aspects. In so far as the entity allows itself to be
influenced by same, they have the influence upon the entity.
6. For as He has given, he that receiveth a prophet in the name of a prophet
receives the PROPHET'S reward.
7. He then that accredits those influences that are as omens, as signs, as
inclinations, as indications of being the ruling forces, is ruled by same.
8. Destiny then is indeed in the hands of the INDIVIDUAL, for He hath given,
"Though ye be far, if ye call I will hear." If ye be unto thy brethren, unto thy
associates, unto those about thee as a channel of blessings, then He thy Father,
thy God, will direct thee in the ways thou should go….
15. Remember, the Lord thy God is ONE! Thy experiences through the earth
then are one. The activities of thy body, thy mind, thy soul SHOULD be then as
one. And each experience to thine self comes as those influences that make for
regeneration, uplift, the experience which if taken into the activities of self
becomes as the means for bringing harmony and peace in the inner self….
42. (Q) Where do I vibrate best (that is, in what locality)?
(A) Where thou ART! For the vibrations should be from WITHIN, rather than
from WITHOUT! And so create within thine inner self those closer relationships
that where thy body is, THERE may be found succor and aid and help and love
for others.
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Par. 11--13
Destiny & Free Will
Par. 14
Good: Evil
Par. 7--10
Jesus: Grace: Law of
Par. 3, 4, 14
Karma: World Affairs
Par. 3, 4, 14
Mind: Thought Forms: World Affairs
Par. 5
Sin: Creation
Par. 7--10
Soul Development: Human Relations
Par. 19
: Patience
Par. 18, 19
Time: Space: Relativity
Par. 17, 18
B1. See 1602-4.
B2. 11/18/39 She submitted these questions:
Q1...May, 1941, is given, astrologically, as the time of the beginnings of riots,
turmults and revolution in and about N.Y.C. Is this correct and what may be
looked for? Q2...May 3rd, 1942 is given as a period of earth disturbances;
quakes and floods. If this is so, what territory will be effected and how. If these
dates are not correct, when could such be expected? Q3...If these indications are
correct, should my family and I remain in N.Y.C. Q4...Where, specifically, should
we locate and when. Any advice or suggestions?...
TEXT OF READING 1602-5 F 41 (Housewife, Religious Preference - "Truth")
This Psychic Reading given by Edgar Cayce, this 28th day of November, 1939.
1. HLC: It has been indicated, thru various sources, that the period immediately
ahead, is one of change in many fields - politically, economically, and
geologically. Will you clarify these predictions for me….
3. As in relationship to changes, - these are indicated not only through
prophecies but through astrological aspects, as well as the thought and intent of
persons and groups in high places; bringing about these things, these conditions,
in what might be said to be the fullness of time.
4. However, - since the advent of the Son of Man in the earth, giving man an
advocate with the Father, there has been an influence that may counteract much
of that which has been indicated that would come as retribution, or in filling the
law of an evolution of ideas and the relationship of material things to the thoughts
and intents of individuals and groups.
5. Then, as to whether the hearts and minds of individuals or souls (who were
given authority concerning the laws of the universe) are fired with the thoughts of
dire consequences or those things that bespeak of the greater development of a
spiritual awakening, is still in the keeping and in the activities of individuals who -
as this entity - have caught a glimpse, or an awareness, of that which is in the
making, in the affairs of state, nation, and nations, and the universe, as related to
the conditions upon the face of Mother Earth.
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6. There enters much, then, that might become questions as respecting that
which has been foretold, or prophesied, as well as respecting the activities of
groups and individuals who have acted and who are to act as a counterbalance
to these happenings in the earth.
7. In the first premise, - know what was the cause of indifference, or sin, entering
material manifestations. Was it the purpose by God that such should be, or by
the Godhead? or was it that this force or power seeking expression found - with
the expression - that there came the forces of positive and negative?
8. And with same the awareness of one influence or force, taking certain courses
or directions, became negative. The others became the greater positive….
10. Thus in the experience of souls through their evolution in the material things
of the earth, there has been brought just that same effect in the material affairs of
the souls active in manifesting at this particular period or sphere of development.
11. Much of just this comprehending is indicated in some of those records that
are now becoming more and more a part of man's experience, or awareness; in
that the cosmic or universal or spiritual laws are bringing same into that category
or phase of experience where they become a part of individual experience.
12. This may be indicated from the records in the rocks; it may be indicated in the
pyramids, - man's attempts to leave a sign to those who, in the spiritual
comprehension of material associations in spirit, would interpret that which had
been, that which is, and that which was to be.
13. Hence it is seen that there are interpretations that become a matter of the
consciousness of the individual so making same.
14. Or, to return to the first premise, it depends upon which line is taken by such
an individual making such interpretation; whether a pessimistic or an optimistic,
or a positive or a negative; or (by negative we mean) one that sees the world, as
related to the earth and its position in the universe, being damned irrespective of
what souls do about same, - taking little or no account of the words, the
promises, yea the activities of Him. HE manifested in the earth that as would
bring to the seeker an awareness of the constructive influence of same.
15. This may be indicated or seen in the record according to the Book, - which is
as a sign, a guide to those who seek to know His ways, His purposes to man.
16. These interpretations of the promises, the pledges taken and given in the
lives and activities - or during the phases of a sojourn of an individual soul, must
be taken into account.
17. And then these indicate as to what is to come to pass, even through these
periods of the earth's journey through space; "catching up," as it were, with Time.
18. And then the soul realizes - in his search for his Maker - the patience that
was, is and will be manifested in Him; He that is the way, the truth and the light.
19. AGAIN the interpretation of the signs and the omens becomes an individual
experience. And each soul - as this entity - then is given the privilege, the
opportunity to LIVE such an activity in its relationships to its fellow man; filling,
fulfilling, and interpreting that which has been indicated, in such measures and
such manners as to bring hope and not fear, peace and not hate, that which is
CONSTRUCTIVE and NOT destructive, into the lives and minds and hearts of
others. We will rest for the period.
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Archaeology: Personal
Par. 31
Astrology: Neptune
Par. 19, 20
Attitudes & Emotions: Faultfinding
Par. 13, 14
Bartlett's Familiar Quotations: 171-b
Par. 18
Bible: Books Of: Luke 6:37
Par. 14
: Matthew 7:1--2
Par. 14
: Matthew 7:12
Par. 15
Birth: Physical
Par. 56-A
Clairvoyance Of E.C.: Discretion
Par. 5
Forces: Creative
Par. 22, 32, 41
Human Relations: General
Par. 55-A
Par. 20--24
Incarnations: America
Par. 26--32
: Egypt: Ra Ta
Par. 43--47
: Greece
Par. 33--36
: Persia: Uhjltd
Par. 37--42
Names: People Mentioned: Socrates
Par. 34
Reincarnation: Purpose
Par. 6
Soul Development: Application
Par. 22, 23
: Spirituality
Par. 7, 8
Soul Retrogression: Grudges
Par. 35
Symbology: Signs
Par. 3, 4, 36
Vocational Guidance: Science: Chemistry
Par. 11, 52, 54-A, 55-A
Work: E.C.: Quotations & Similes:
"Spirit Is Life, Mind Is The Builder,
Physical Is The Result..."
Par. 7, 8
"Use That In Hand"
Par. 51
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B1. 8/27/38 His father obtained a Physical Rdg. for him - see 1671-1.
B2. 1/30/39 Father's letter: "He is a high school graduate, has tried grocery store
clerking, and is now employed as board marker in a stock and bond brokerage
company. I am very anxious to get him started in some line of work that he will
like, and one that will assure him a comfortable living."
TEXT OF READING 1671-2 M 21 (Protestant)
This Psychic Reading given by Edgar Cayce at his home on Arctic Crescent,
Virginia Beach, Va., this 16th day of February, 1939, in accordance with request
made by the self - Mr. [1671], through his father.
2. EC: Yes, we have the records here of that entity now called Mr. [1671].
3. In giving the interpretations of the records here, we find this as an emblem
should be kept in the consciousness of the entity in its dealings with its fellow
man, - in its choices day by day as to activities of itself in relation to things,
conditions or individuals:
4. That of the balance, with justice and integrity as upon each scale.
5. In choosing those interpretations from the records as are given here, these are
chosen with the desire that the experience may be applied in the activities of the
entity in such a manner as to make this sojourn in the material plane one of
6. To be sure, these are drawn from the premise that each entity enters with
certain abilities and faculties for activities in given endeavors, that would make
for or mar the development not only in the material but aid in bringing through the
mental experience and association a greater oneness with the universal energies
or spiritual influences - which is the purpose for the entering of each soul into
material manifestations.
7. Hence these are from that premise that the mental and spiritual is that portion
that must be the directing force, and that material successes - so called - will be
the result of well-applied spiritual and mental purposes and desires by the entity.
8. For without a knowledge of spiritual and mental things, little of growth or
advancement may be made by an entity.
9. In giving then the influences that bear upon this entity, we find these as
impelling forces in the present experience - but irrespective of what has been
done or may be done:
10. One of high mental abilities, that turns towards great detail and exactness, -
as may be indicated from the emblem of the life of the entity.
11. Also the entity is one that, with the training - or the desire for same, which is
innate and may be made manifest - would find the greatest pleasures in chemical
or electrochemical research.
12. But in any endeavor where there are the needs for details, these will be of
interest especially to this entity.
13. As may be also gained by the study of the emblem of life of the entity, the
inclination to see faults in others is a manifested and an innate part of the entity.
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14. Hence it would be well that the entity practice in its own inner self that
injunction which has been given, "Judge not that ye be not judged, for with what
judgement ye mete it shall be measured to you again."
15. Do then unto others that as ye would have others do to thee. And this
correction in the inclinations will make for a much more peaceful, a much more
optimistic experience for the entity in its daily contact with others.
16. Mercury, the Sun, Venus and Neptune become the planetary influences as
we find in the experience from the sojourns of the entity in those environs.
17. Hence the abilities, the high mental atmosphere of the entity, the reasoning
as well as the inclinations to pass judgements, - as well as a great physical
strength and resistance, if there is kept the full attunement to constructive and
creative thought within the activities and in the application of the entity as relating
to itself.
18. And again it may be said, it is well that the entity remember, "Be ye true to
thine own self and ye will not be false to any."
19. From the influence in Neptune, or the water sign, we find the quick
perception, and the intuitive abilities; also the interest in those things of the
unseen forces or powers we find innate in the experience.
20. As to how and in what manner the influences that arise from these are to be
applied, surely depends upon that which the entity has used and will use as its
standard, its ideal. Not mere ideas; but there are ideals spiritual, ideals mental,
ideals that have been attained in the material manifestations.
21. What are thine?
22. Answer these from within thine own self, not as others may indicate. For thy
relationship to Creative Forces, to the now, to the future, to the past, is as ONE in
thine own application.
23. For ye are - as every entity - the result of that ye HAVE applied and do apply
in thy experience of that thou hast chosen as thy ideal.
24. Make sure it is founded in that which is eternal.
25. As to the appearances in the earth, - here we find quite a varying experience
of the entity.
26. Before this we find the entity was in the land of the present nativity or birth,
during those periods following the French Revolution, - when the followers of and
the peoples close to that leader were so active in establishing an IDEA among
the peoples.
27. The entity was among those who were born of those parents in this new land,
in the name Renee Deveaux.
28. In the experience the entity gained; for it chose rather to remain in this new
land, when others of that group or company returned to France.
29. We find the entity then was active in that capacity of making use of nature's
activities for the betterment of the material as well as the mental attitude and
atmosphere or environ of its fellows and associates.
30. And the entity gave self in making for better conditions in the social and
educational fields, and in the abilities to rule or direct the affairs of that group in
this particular land.
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31. And until recently there might have been found records of the entity's activity
there, in the first settlings in what was known as Catawba; and the records of that
old settlement would bear out the activities of the entity as a leader and director
in the early settling there.
32. In the present from that experience, then, use nature's forces by the
application and study of the details necessary for the using of nature's forces for
man's material welfare, as well as for the understanding through the study of
same as to his relationship to the Creative Forces or God.
33. Before that we find the entity was in the land now called the Grecian, when
there were those periods of study of the mental abilities, during the days of the
counseling from the great teacher in those lands who gave himself for an idea, -
yea, an ideal, - as to the freedom of man in thought and in speech, as to his full
and complete relationships to the material, the mental and the spiritual realms.
34. The entity came under the influence of those teachings, and carried from
Socrates' discussions that of the fear, - yet that which enabled the entity to aid in
many of those activities in which the great detail became necessary, in the
compounding of those things that might be a part of or an aid to man in his
recovery from, in his protection from, those conditions in the body.
35. Not altogether was the entity what one would term a doctor, nor yet a
chemist, but rather as a combination of these; interested in all the activities of
that day; gaining and losing through the experience. The entity gained in the
application of self for the betterments and better understanding; losing in the
overjudgements and the holding of grudges and belittling of those who
understood not as self.
36. In the present, then, there is the warning again to oft consider that which is
the seal or the emblem to which ye must keep the great balance.
37. Before that we find the entity was in the lands now called the Persian and the
Arabian, or when there was the development of that 'city in the hills and the
38. The entity was among those who were the followers or the corps of officers of
the King who was active during those experiences in attempting to overthrow or
overcome that teacher in the 'hills and the plains.'
39. Yet coming under the influences through the material conditions as arose, the
entity became as one who was a corrector of weights, of measurements; setting
standards for the exchange of the goods of one land and another.
40. Again we find the entity was active in brewing those oils and ointments that
were in such demands for those who were in the positions of trust, - not only for
the preservation of those who passed but as emollients and oils for perfuming the
body to impress or to indicate the station in life.
41. In the experience the entity in the latter portion gained, for little was given of
self save as an aid in the better understanding of the relationships of individual
souls or entities to Creative Forces as may be manifested in the dealings of one
entity with another, - though the activities made for material gains.
42. The name then was Periclean.
43. Before that we find the entity was in the Egyptian land, during those days
when there were turmoils and strifes because of the banishment of the Priest.
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44. The entity again was active in those experiences in keeping a record for the
King AND the Priest; siding with the Priest, - went into banishment.
45. With the return after the nine years (as ye judge), to the reconstructive forces,
the entity - as Il-aarzen - aided in the preparations of many of those influences as
gathered from nature for the uses in the fires of the Temple of Sacrifice.
46. Hence odors, and woods as may be used in the preparation of same for the
entity, or for uses of same, are of special significance in the innate forces of this
47. Throughout the experience there the entity gained.
48. As to the abilities of the entity in the present, then, and that to which it may
attain, and how:
49. As has been indicated, study thyself - and what ye really desire to do.
50. Judge not others, but keep thine own skirts CLEAN! Do not act in ANY
manner wherein a question mark may be after that act or deed.
51. Use that thou hast in hand, in those directions indicated.
52. The greater joy and service and material gains may come in those directions
indicated, but in any field where there are the needs for detail work, - whether in
facts, in figures, in formulas or in what - these are the fields for thy activity, -
rather than in the open or in fields or the like.
53. Ready for questions.
54. (Q) Just what specific line would you advise as the life work?
(A) As indicated, these as outlined are the channels through which greater
things may come. But in any field where the mental abilities are needed in detail,
- whether as a datastician, statistician, keeper of records, or combined - by study
- into becoming a chemist or worker in such.
55. (Q) Is the attitude or inclination just outlined applicable to this day and time?
(A) Applicable. For the natures, the tendencies of the mind of man have not
changed; the environs and the manners or means of expression of same are only
under different conditions.
56. (Q) Please give correct time of physical birth.
(A) As has been recorded.
57. We are through with this Reading - We are through for the present.
R1. 1/27/72 Aunt [1100]'s reply to Questionnaire: "The rdg. was thrown out and
nothing was ever done about it."
R2. 3/12/76 Mr. [1671] via his wife requested copy of his Physical and Life
R3. 4/13/76 Wife's ltr.: "Thanks...we need to think and study the material more to
put down in words our reactions. We will plan to later. Mrs. [1100] joins me in
thanking you for helping get these readings to study and evaluate."
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Akashic Records
Par. 5
Astrology: Jupiter
Par. 13
: Mercury
Par. 11
: Uranus
Par. 14
: Venus
Par. 12
Attitudes & Emotions: Earth Sojourns
Par. 8
: Faith
Par. 47, 50
Forces: Creative
Par. 50
Ideals: Belief
Par. 55-A
Incarnations: Atlantis
Par. 11
: Bible: New Testament: Jesus
Par. 13
: Persia: Uhjltd
Par. 12
Mind: Imagination: Day Dreams
Par. 7
: Planetary Sojourns
Par. 6, 7, 9
Occult: Mystic
Par. 14, 16
Reincarnation: Purpose
Par. 3
Symbology: Signs
Par. 48
Time: Space: Relativity
Par. 5
Vocational Guidance: Arts
Par. 17
: Communications
Par. B2, 50, 54-A
B1. 8/24/38 [1681]'s letter to EC:
Dear Mr. Cayce,
My parents, [...] and [...] have just returned today from a most interesting
and beneficial visit to you.
Their enthusiasm has caused me to desire to join your Association, and to
request a life reading on myself as I feel that there are a number of points in
consideration of life which it may be good to change or modify in order that I may
more fully use the powers of which I feel possessed from time to time for the
benefit of my fellow man. Of course, I understand that there may be no such use
destined for me in this life, but perhaps there is some field wherein my
occupation may be of more use indirectly than the one in which I now find myself.
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B2. 9/1/38 [1681]'s letter: ..., Pa.,
Dear Mr. Cayce,
. . . My present occupation seems in line with my temperament, but I feel
that it is possible that some other line of work might be more use to me and to
those with whom I come in contact. I have a hobby, amateur radio, which I have
pursued avidly for quite some years, and have developed it now to the point
where it is being of considerable use to others - the natural course of it is to
justify the time and money I have put into it. I do often wonder, however, whether
I give it too much time. I do not want it to become a burden, nor to let it interfere
in any way with a normal family life at home. I have been married for nearly one
year, and have striven with this hobby for over 14 years, and it is therefore well
established as a part of my daily routine, and is a source of great personal
satisfaction and relaxation especially since development of the present activities
which are two in number: 1) the relaying of personal messages between friends
and relations here and in the Far East (Philippines and China), and 2) operating
semi-weekly schedules with two Carnegie Institute observatories in Peru and
Western Australia. All of this is without charge.
TEXT OF READING 1681-1 M 33 (Banker, Quaker)
This Psychic Reading given by Edgar Cayce at his home on Arctic Crescent,
Virginia Beach, Va., this 7th day of September, 1938.
3. In giving the interpretations of the influences about the entity - (there are quite
many emblems - a great many figures) - that chosen to be given is with the
desire that it may be helpful in the experience of the entity in the present. Hence
much of that which has been a part of the experience through the sojourns in the
earth will be given, forewarning and giving the purposes and intent for the
entrance of each soul into an experience. We would give then also the virtues as
well as the faults; with the desire that these influences be used constructively, or
that they influence the entity in making that choice in which the greater soul and
mental development may be the outcome from same.
4. As to the sources, then - as to the records, then:
5. Each soul, each entity makes upon time and space - through patience
recording same - that as may be indeed the record of the intent and purposes, as
well as the material manifestations of the entity through its sojourn in materiality.
6. Hence we find astrological as well as material sojourns having an influence.
The astrological influences are upon the mental or the intuitive forces, which are
developed in this entity to a great degree - as will be indicated.
7. These come then as dreams, as visions - not as dreams from the separation of
the body, but day dreams and visions in the meditative experiences of the entity.
8. On the other hand, the material sojourns find greater expression in the
emotional forces and influences in the entity's experience. Words fail to give an
adequate or even a correct expression of those that have been the experiences
of the entity. But these will be drawn in such a way and manner that if there will
be the study, the meditating upon same, MUCH will be responding to that within
the innate influences of the entity - and become rather the experiences also.
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9. The astrological influences are not because of certain positions of the stars or
planets, or this or that phase of the astronomical signs, but because of the
sojourns of the entity there during the interims between the earthly appearances.
10. As we find, Mercury and Venus, Jupiter and Uranus become the greater
forces in the experiences of the entity.
11. The high mental abilities, the interests in those things of a mechanical nature,
those things pertaining to the necessity of figures to denote relative relationships
of elements one to another, come from the Mercurian sojourn as well as the
sojourn of the entity in the Atlantean experience.
12. From Venus we find the high regard for duties, obligations; and yet those
influences or forces of the nature that make oft for an element of insecurity in
those things that are only material duties. Beauty, though, and art, and all things
pertaining to harmony, arise from the experiences of the entity in those environs -
as well as from the sojourn of the entity in the Persian and Arabian experience.
13. The influence from Jupiter we find making for a universal appeal, and those
things that would have an influence upon many peoples rather than the
individual. Obligations and duties belong to the individual, in the very nature of
this entity, while the work and the service and the activities belong to the
universe. All of these as we find are from the Jupiterian sojourn as well as the
earthly sojourn in what is now known as the Palestine land.
14. We find the Uranian experience gives the influences for the extremes - and
the positive; yet the willingness to listen at others with the twofold abilities and
always divided opinions - while as to the entity there can only be one way, and
proof must be given the entity; especially as to those things in which it finds itself
from the very Uranian influence interested - in the occult or psychic nature, or the
mystic nature. These, though, must have material, positive proof in the
experience of the entity, if they would make for the lending of self in those
directions - as well as from the sojourns of the entity in those activities just
previous to the present appearance of the entity.
15. These bring, then, innate and manifested urges, and as to what the entity
does about same depends upon just how much choice in this or that direction the
entity makes as to the application of such urges.
16. One very positive, very determined. One inclined to delve into those things
that pertain to the unusual, the spiritual or the manifestations of same. Occult
subjects and influences become a part of the experience, as well as the activities
in which the influences come from such seeking into the beautiful.
17. The entity with a little training or intent in that direction might have become an
artist of no mean ability, if it were of the creative nature rather than the depicting
of nature itself. Hence as commercial art, or those things pertaining to buildings
or architectural developments. Any of these might have been a part of the entity's
18. The entity is very positive, inclined to be one-track-minded at a time; yet
interested in all phases of human experience and human endeavor.
19. As to the application of self from the appearances of the entity in the earth….
45. As to the abilities of the entity in the present, then, and that to which it may
attain, and how:
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46. This, as the entity has experienced, is limited only to the desires of the entity
and its FAITH in the one force or God.
47. For by faith are ye saved, and that NOT of yourself - for it is the gift of thy
48. As has been indicated, then - symbols, signs - all become a part of the
entity's vision or means of visioning; as in the sign of the water bearer, or the
pouring out from the rheostats*, as from the fish, as from the bow and arrow, as
from the signs of the twins in the sky - or the N with the O upon the corner of
same. All of these are symbols.
* [rheostat Elec. Any contrivance for regulating a current by means of (usually)
variable resistances. rheostatic Elec. a. Of or pertaining to a rheostat. b.
Producing continuous static effects; as, Plante's rheostatic machine, a number of
condensers charged in parallel and discharged in series.]
49. Then as to the abilities:
50. In the material - anything that has to do with communications SHOULD be
the eventual activities of the entity. Keep always those things that cause impetus
for activity, or that keep the mind busy. But keep also the faith in the one source
of help, of aid, of good, of hope. For it is only in the Creative Forces as the
source of all good.
51. Then, study to show thyself approved unto thy ideal, to WHOM ye have given
thyself, IN thyself - and know that the way is good. For the Lord is in His temple,
and thy body is the temple wherein ye worship - not thyself but that ability to use
thyself, thy strength, thy might, that He - thy Lord - may be glorified in the minds
and the hearts of thy fellow men. For as ye do it unto the least of thy brethren ye
do it unto thy Maker.
52. Let love rule, rather than rote. Let hope keep thee in paths of righteousness
for His name's sake, and not for what others may say.
53. Ready for questions.
54. (Q) Is my present vocation sufficiently suitable to what ability and leanings I
may have?
(A) The present associations and activities are rather the outgrowth of
circumstance. Those abilities in communications - which will be in the nature of
EVERY sort that has to do with distant and mystic communications - will be and
ARE the greater outlet for the entity. Hold to these, but do not let them interfere
or abuse thy privileges ever.
55. (Q) Is my spiritual trend one that can be called constructive and suitable to
my tendencies?
(A) These, as has been indicated, are in keeping with that ye have done.
Then, as has been indicated, know thy own ideal. Know in Whom as well as in
what ye believe; that is, know the author (as is thy nature) of each impulse as
may be the promptings, the teachings, of policies, of philosophies, of activity. Or
keep HIM - who is the Way - as thy guide?
For His promises are to thee - He stands at the door and knocks. If ye will
open, He will enter - and as has been given, "If ye love me, keep my
commandments - and what ye ask in my name, BELIEVING, will be done in thy
experience." We are through for the present.
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6/8/39 Letter from [1681] from Penna.: "That you have had no word from me
since sending me the report on my Life Rdg. does not mean that I have not been
giving the subject considerable thought. I have, and thought that Rdg. was of
immense interest, I have felt that there are other more useful requirements for
your efforts than to bother you with comments on this phase."
7/24/65 [1681]'s letter: ... Ave. ..., MN
Dear Friends,
Would it be possible to obtain copies of both Life and Health readings which I
received from you back in the early '30s or '40s?...
My late father [1662], was known to Mr. Cayce - I believe they had
considerable correspondence. Both my parents were greatly interested in the
psychic side of life, and were able to break through the "con-man fringe" of mis-
use of these wonderful, natural human abilities, undoubtedly latent in most or all
of us, to where they were able to be of great use to many of their friends. My
mother [1661] communicates with my father almost at will, using a ouija board,
but her impressions come so fast that the ouija board seems to be nothing more
than the switch that turns the "receiver" off and on.
Over the last 15 years or so we have been out of touch with this subject, busy
raising 6 children. Several recent books have brought us back to thinking about it
again, and we would like to try to find some way to be of service in it.
Yours very truly, [1681]
9/16/65 Mr. [1681]'s letter to GD:
Dear Gladys,
I've been very slow in answering your nice note, for which my apologies.
It was good to hear that you are still a part of the A.R.E. group. I can imagine
that having once become a part of that wonderful work it would be almost
impossible to do anything else….
I had really forgotten much of the data in my Life Reading, and was amazed
to find closely the last few years have followed the general direction of
communication which it mentions. In addition to my amateur radio interest - now
centered entirely in communication between Eye-Banks, to keep them informed
as to need for and availability of corneal transplant material, it has been a duty
and pleasure to lecture to several hundred groups on the drug industry,
socialized medicine, etc., the effort being in trying to get people to see that hand-
outs, per se, undercut the natural initiative of the individual and do nothing to
strengthen the spiritual attack on our problems. We never know when someone
will "pick up the ball and run with it", so you really can't stop even though you see
no direct results…. Sincerely, [1681]
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Par. 8--11
: Inaccurate
Par. 8
Par. 11
Dimensions: Third
Par. 7
Gems & Stones
Par. 11, 12, Reports
Life: Balanced
Par. 5
Par. 4, 11
Planetary Sojourns
Par. 8--10
Soul Development: Application
Par. 10, 14
TEXT OF READING 1770-2 F 49 (Widow, Former Concert Singer)
This psychic reading given by Edgar Cayce at his home on Arctic Crescent,
Virginia Beach, Va., this 29th day of December, 1938.
1. GC: You will give the relation of this entity and the universe, and the universal
forces; giving the conditions that are as personalities, latent and exhibited in the
present life; also the former appearances in the earth's plane, giving time, place
and the name, and that in each life which built or retarded the development for
the entity….
4. It is well with this entity that in the sounding of the name, in the writing of
same, it always all be included. The vibration, the harmonious effect of same
becomes almost as a shield in the entity's experience; as well as in the
numerological effects and their vibrations upon those the entity may approach.
5. And this is ever a part of the entity's experience as an emissary or messenger
to others. Hence it is well that its own mental and material and spiritual self there
be kept that balance.
6. In giving the interpretations of the records as we find them here, for this entity
there will be chosen the interpretations with the desire that it may be a helpful
experience. Yet this will be almost, as ye would call, a brief of that which MIGHT
be the interpreting of all of that which has been, which is to be, part of the entity's
experience through the sojourns in this material plane.
7. As is seen, all phases of activity are seen in the manner, the means, the way
that each influence or force becomes a part of the entity. For as it is in a three-
dimensional plane, it receives those influences or environs, or those that are as
signs and omens from all phases of that which is without self.
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8. For instance, the astrological influences are not in the form or manner as has
been so oft and is so oft judged by the purely astrological aspects from records.
For the shifting, the changes that have been wrought in the zodiac as well as the
signs and positions of this material sphere in relationship to the whole have been
misjudged. But rather is this judgement drawn from the EXPERIENCE of the
ENTITY, as an entity, in that environ.
9. And as there has been and is attributed to the planetary influences about this
present solar system or environ, these become a part of the experience of the
entity - the innate, the soul self.
10. Through the use or application of any influence then does it become so much
a part of a soul, or a soul-entity.
11. Hence we find these as signs or omens, - as also the numerological, the
vibratory forces of color, or those of the mineral as may be crystallized in material
12. Hence the bloodstone or the ruby is well to ever be about the entity, upon its
body; so that the very vibratory forces of same give - with that of thought in
constructive force - creative environs or vibrations for the entity in its use or
13. Then in making the choice of these, we find Venus, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus,
as with the Sun and Moon, become a part of the entity in its abilities, as well as in
its faults or failures, or weaknesses, - in its virtues as well as its graces.
14. For it is as an entity, in giving expression of that as thought or felt or
experienced, makes the application in its own experience that the development
or retardment comes….
8/46 Report by Miss Mary Ann Woodward in re 1770-2, Par. 12, etc.:
This party reports she has never worn the ruby as they are too expensive. She
has worn a bloodstone but at the moment the ring has to be repaired so it has
not been worn for some time. While she did wear the bloodstone she noticed no
particular effect. Was not aware of any vibrations.
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Par. 35
Par. 40-A
Jesus: Miracles: Feeding Multitudes
Par. 39-A
: Pattern
Par. 35
Par. 42-A
Soul Development: Human Relations
Par. 20
: Suffering
Par. 35
Symbology: Shield
Par. 3, 14, 30, 41-A
: Signs
Par. 3, 14, 41-A
Work: E.C.: Quotations & Similes:
"Just Being Kind..."
Par. 36
: Readings: Life: Paralleling
Par. 40-A
TEXT OF READING 1877-2 F 45 (Housewife)
This Psychic Reading given by Edgar Cayce at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Milton
W. Harrison, 56 Highland Circle, Bronxville, N.Y., this 18th day of April, 1940.
1. HLC: You will have before you the life existence in the earth plane of [1877],
born in Brooklyn, N.Y., February 14, 1895, as Elcor in the Palestine period at the
time of Jesus. You will give a biographical life of the entity at that period from the
entrance to the departure, giving the developing and retarding influences in that
life and the urges which come from this life to the present experience. You will
answer the questions, as I ask them:
2. EC: Yes, we have the records here of that entity now known as or called
[1877] AS Elcor.
3. It would be well for the entity to consider a painting, a drawing, a stone, or
some form of such, in the shape or form of a shield; not as an omen, not as
merely a sign, but rather as a shield to remind the entity of that as may be given
4. For that as may be gathered from that sojourn may be as a helpful influence in
the present.
5. During the experience the entity was among those peoples in that land
because of the positions of those close to the entity as a helpful influence for the
people of the land, as well as for the influences, forces or powers of other lands.
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6. Hence it was a land of adoption for the entity, rather than merely by the birth
7. Thus we find that the developing of the mental, social and spiritual influences
was twofold, through the experience of the entity.
8. When there was the voicing of groups and individuals as to that fact taking
place in the land, - of a new teacher, a new rabbi, - at first this was considered by
the entity merely as something of the same thing which had been as a report of
those peoples for many, many years.
9. Yet, with the contact in a social manner, and in the manners in which needs
were supplied in healings, and in the variations that were being considered
among the Romans, the Grecians, the Parthians and the Jews of the experience,
the entity began to consider those teachings and influences from a different
angle, or from a different manner of thought.
10. Because of the character or manner of livelihood of many of those who were
proclaimed as disciples or adherents to those teachings, the entity attempted to
dismiss them.
11. However, again and again the entity was presented with those influences
proclaimed by groups, as to the experience and life of the individual, and as to
the followers being in that position of fulfilling the prophecies which had been a
part of not only the teachings of those peculiar peoples, but also of the verse and
the songs of many.
12. Though many of those groups were oft questionable to the entity, these had
again an altering influence in the entity's experience; sometimes doubting,
sometimes fearing, sometimes dismissing.
13. And these have brought, do bring into the present experience of the entity,
periods when such experiences in the lives of individuals apparently AROUSE
something deep within the innate forces and influences of the entity, as to those
very same characters of doubts, of hopes, of fears, of assurances; and these
become again as questionings.
14. Hence as indicated, this sign, this figure, may remind the entity that indeed
one should put on the whole armor, with the shield of faith, and the hope in
righteousness, and with every form as may be outlined in the figure of a shield for
the entity.
15. As to the parentage, and the household environment, - these had little to do
with the things which made for the activities, owing to the associations, the social
life, the variations in those groups and sects among the Jewish population, and
the effect upon such population by the Romans who were in partial political
power, and refrained from an active influence in the religious - or certain portions
of the social life of individuals through the period.
16. Thus the entity finds in the present that these very influences vary in their
EFFECT upon the entity, or their relationships with the entity, in every form of
activity in which the entity finds itself at times, - as to peoples in certain positions,
politically; as to peoples in certain positions socially; as to peoples of certain
beliefs in their religious life, in their social life.
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17. Then, as it might be interpreted, various periods of the activities through that
particular sojourn apparently become re-enacted in relationships in the present
18. These may be literally dismissed from the mind, and the attempt to act as if
independent from the latent urges that arise; but being a part of the entity's
development, being a part of that continuity of opportunity in soul and mental
process, they may not be dismissed from the entity without something being
done about same.
19. Again we would reiterate the reason (if one is sought) for having something to
remind the entity that there is at times a way that seemeth right unto an individual
or person, but the end thereof may be such as to be called death.
20. Also it may remind the entity that there is a way which may be applied and
taken hold of, in every relationship of life, - not as a boastfulness, not as one
setting self above those of other spheres of development or phases of activity,
but in patience, in love, in gentleness, in kindness, - which will hold the entity to
that as will indeed RENEW a righteousness within; creating a more perfect union
with the vital forces of soul and mind, that are continuous in the experience of
every entity.
21. Hence we find, - as conditions developed in that experience, and as activities
were brought about in the life of the man Jesus, - there were periods of
expectancy, periods of fear that there might be an uprising - as to undermine the
very foundations of that upon which the entity and its associates, and its
household, depended; not merely for the position, the political forces that brought
the activities, but for the very THOUGHTS of relationships with the material,
mental and spiritual life, and the physical outlook upon same!
22. Then, - during those periods when there were the activities which brought the
relationships more with those in the religious authority, and as the death was
brought about, - again great changes came into the experience of the entity, as
well as into the experience of groups - and those who had been in authority in
high places of political influence, and those who were in authority among the
various groups of the Jewish leaders.
23. Hence, with the questioning which arose as to the real divinity of Jesus -
through and by the experience of those who saw and talked with those who knew
the facts concerning what had taken place - the realization and the wonderment
of it all dawned upon the entity; so that there was then the humbleness in the
entity's activities for the time.
24. Then when there were the persecutions, and those being questioned as to
their INTENTIONS in their dealings with their government, in their dealings with
their beliefs in the LAW as had been a part of the experiences of so many, - the
entity again faltered in its willingness to stand without questioning; fearing what
others might say.
25. Hence the entity heard again and again the consequences of self's own
conscience, and these eventually became a physical experience of the entity.
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26. Again in the present experience we find, from that sojourn, the periods when
changes are wrought by accident, as it were, or by apparently a preconceived
idea in the minds of those who would attempt to influence the thought or activity
of the entity.
27. Often in that sojourn, by the very nature of the entity's associations with those
in political power and authority, there were changes to other lands.
28. Consequently, there was a knowledge of what took place in other lands, - as
in Alexandria, Cyrene, Silicia, Antioch, and even in Rome as the activities
29. Then eventually, in the latter portion of the sojourn, the entity determined to
stand fast; when there were the activities and ministry of the leaders of the
Church, - even Paul and Silas and their work; for the knowledge of their ministry
brought the determining factors into the experience of the entity.
30. Thus again it may be said that the entity should let that shield be a reminder
to self to put on the whole armor of God, acquitting self as a good soldier;
keeping that breastplate of righteousness, the feet shod as with good tidings
31. Let thy activities among thy fellow men, thy neighbor, - yea, thy enemy, - be
such as ye finally sought to express in those experiences there.
32. For, ye found within self that which has ever been the promise of Him, -
whom ye questioned, whom ye loved, whom ye sought, whom ye doubted; but
whom ye finally embraced with thy whole purpose.
33. That promise is that if ye will open thy heart, He may enter and abide with
thee; and all fear, all doubt, all confusion, WILL be cast away!
34. Hence we find that the entity throughout that sojourn was as one who would
fear (to put in common parlance of the day), yet one who could not turn loose;
one who denied, and yet conscientiously embraced; one who FEARED, yet who
GLADLY aided others who showed the lack of fear - though they were of various
castes, though they were of groups and peoples not the entity's equal in social,
mental, or in any manners.
35. In the present, then, - by keeping self reminded, the entity may remind others
of the needs to live that life which was wholly, truly exemplified in the life of the
man Jesus, who became the Christ through the things which He suffered, and
through demonstrating in the earth the abilities to overcome DEATH, the law of
36. Even so the entity in the present, in its dealings with its fellow men, may
become more and more aware of that Life filling its own thoughts, its own
purposes, its own desires, merely by JUST being kind!
37. Ready for questions.
38. (Q) Of what race or nationality was the entity at that time?
(A) Of the peoples of the Palestine land that were not Jews, but were
AMONG the Jews; and the entity was wed to one of the Romans in authority but
of the Grecian descent.
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39. (Q) What contact did the entity have with Jesus during that period?
(A) OFT the entity was in the presence of the Master, and ESPECIALLY
upon those occasions when He spoke in places where those in authority
When in the house of the "ruler" He was in the entity's own home; and when
the woman of the street was questioned by one of the companions there, it
brought confusion and yet determinations in the experience of the entity.
Also the entity was present when there were about five thousand who saw
and heard the words of the Master after the resurrection; and as the entity thinks,
dreams of or FEELS that experience, the GLORY of it warms the heart in the
40. (Q) Who were the individuals with whom the entity was associated in
Palestine, with whom a closer relationship should be developed now?
(A) This should be a matter, rather, of the awakening from experiences in
self, and the paralleling of such experiences with those who were active in that
particular sojourn; joining their works and services in ways commensurate with
the own activities through that sojourn.
We find that a close relationship should exist with all of those who were of the
household of faith, those who were among the teachers of the Essenes, - those
who were of the households of those who were the channels through which the
prophet and the forerunner came.
41. (Q) What was the spiritual significance, if any, of the entity's life in Palestine?
(A) The very shield itself should indicate this, - as the symbol of what it
means; for there the entity saw, the entity embraced, that which is indeed the
SHIELD of life itself!
42. (Q) What is the symbolic meaning of the name Elcor?
(A) As may be found in scripture itself, - one who JOINED doubt with faith!
43. (Q) Is there any way in which the entity at this time could serve her Father-
God, as she has an intense desire to do so?
(A) As indicated, - it is not by might, nor by some great deed (as the entity
saw illustrated in that experience), nor by something that may be spoken of by
others, but as He has given so oft, it is here a little, there a little, line upon line,
precept upon precept; SOWING the fruits of the spirit, LEAVING the fruition of
same to God!
So oft do individuals stumble over their own abilities, because of not seeing,
not experiencing, great revolutions because of their attempts.
Remember, as it was told to those of old, as it was told to THEE by those
who answered when ye beheld Him enter the glory of the clouds, the sky, -
"Think not He has left thee, for His promise has been, Lo, I am with thee always,
even unto the end of the world."
So, - all who open their hearts, - all who keep their purpose in Him, are as
under the protecting wing of that promise. Faint not, - but keep the faith.
44. We are through for the present.
R1. 3/29/43 She wrote thanking EC for his autographed copy for her of the
special edition of THERE IS A RIVER.
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Astrology: Saturn
Par. 29
: Uranus
Par. 29
: Venus
Par. 28
Clairvoyance Of E.C.: Characteristics Confirmed Par. R4, R5
: Discretion
Par. 3, 4
Education: Schools: Pennsylvania State College Par. 59-A, R1, R2
Environment: Conservation
Par. 58-A
Forces: Creative
Par. 8
Gems & Stones
Par. 11, 15--17
: Lapis Ligurius
Par. 11, 15
Human Relations
Par. 25--27
Par. 19, 20--22, 25, 50
Names: Similar
Par. 38
Prophecy: Personal
Par. 5
: Warnings: Spiritual: Soul Retrogression Par. 19
: World Affairs: America
Par. 43, 56-A, 58-A
Reincarnation: Purpose
Par. 8
Soul Development: Constructiveness
Par. 37
Symbology: Seals
Par. 13, 14
: Signs: Omens
Par. 11--14
Triune: Oneness
Par. 20
Vocational Guidance: Conservation
Par. 24, 43--44, 53, 55-A--59-A
Par. 6--9, 50--52
: Karma
Par. 18
Work: E.C.: Quotations & Similes:
"Extremes Meet In Christ"
Par. 30
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B1. 1/3/38 See mother's Life Rdg., 1506-1, Par. 74-A, 75-A regarding his
TEXT OF READING 1931-1 M 19 (College Student, Protestant)
This psychic reading given by Edgar Cayce at his home on Arctic Crescent,
Virginia Beach, Va., this 23rd day of June, 1939, in accordance with request
made by the self - [1931], Jr., recommended by his mother, Mrs. [1506].
3. In giving the interpretations of the records as we find here, a great deal as we
find is indicated in the choices that are soon to be made by the entity, - as to
what the outcome or the application even as self is to be in this particular
4. Hence from the records here, there may be given those tendencies and
inclinations as they are applied in the present experience that will become the
problems in the activities of the entity here, now, in this sojourn.
5. Through those experiences that have been a part of the material sojourns, as
well as the astrological influences, the entity is one who will be heard from, - not
only in local but in national and international activities.
6. As to whether these are to be constructive in this experience, or merely for the
acquiring of fame or fortune, may depend solely upon the entity.
7. For, know - as ye will experience - there is nothing that may hinder thee from
fulfilling the purpose for which God allowed thee to come into being now BUT
8. Then, when an entity fulfils that purpose for the desire of the Creative Forces
or God, - it is that each soul shall appear before Him CLEAN, - and in that
manner and way that is to the glory of the Father as manifested in self.
9. As to whether those abilities, those virtues or those faults are to be turned into
self-indulgence, self-glorification, self-gratification (through the opportunities that
will be offered), or used to fulfill those spiritual purposes for entering this material
sojourn, depends then upon self.
10. Much might be given as to that which is emblematical in the experience of the
entity, through those various periods of sojourn and activities in conjunction with
individuals; the self not only being of noble lineage in some of the appearances
but associated and affiliated in others with those who have been notables, -
some for their virtues, and some for their vices.
11. As to the material inclinations, - we find things that become what might be
termed as omens. Not that these should be merely considered as good luck
stones that the entity should wear about self often, or most always, - but the lapis
liqurius [?] would bring much that will act in that manner as would be termed a
PROTECTIVE influence, if kept about the entity. This is the green stone, you
see, - the crystallization of copper and those influences that are creative within
12. And we will see from material sojourns how or why, innately or mentally, such
things have been given power, as it were, in the experience of the entity.
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13. In the omens or signs, rather that as would be a pattern of the life, kept where
it might be studied through the periods of meditation or thought, would be a
helpful force, - representing both the virtues and the weaknesses, or the things
that easily beset. This would be then as a shield upon which there would be the
head of the boar; UPRIGHT, however, and the plume upon either side of same,
in the corners of the shield.
14. This, as indicated, then, would represent the shield of faith or hope or trust, -
as the boar the destructive destruction, or gormandizing of self in indulgences, -
and the plumes the attaining to that influence or power for service, as well as the
shield being that through which - as we find indicated - there may be the greater
field for service; as will be the conservation not only of minerals but of wood or
woodcraft, or those things pertaining to the abilities of lands, countries, nations,
to keep in store that which is the very heart of progress within itself.
15. For, as indicated from the influence of the lapis ligurius, there is the need for
not only the copper ore, that is a part of man's OWN development in many fields,
but the need for the very combination of its elements as PROTECTION to not
only the material benefits but the bodily forces necessary for the transmission of
benefits through its own physical being.
16. For, the very elements of body - through which spirit and mind manifest - are
atomic in their nature. Hence so are the elements of this stone indicated, that
partakes of most of the elements that are to man of great influence or power,
because of their representations in the body.
17. Hence the radial activity of radium, as well as the strengthening influences of
gold, the stabilizing influence of silver, are all a part of those elements that make
for the transmission through the activity of the very vibratory forces themselves,
and become to THIS body of great influence; for this entity is not only destined
but rather prone to be thrown INTO those channels where all of such are
necessary for usage in either the protection or destruction of mankind himself. As
to which, - the entity will choose, for it is within his own power.
18. In giving the interpretation then of those influences as we find that relate to
the astrological as well as material sojourns, - these are chosen because of that
as we find indicated as a part of this entity's experience, and - applied in a
constructive way and manner - may become a helpful influence in the experience
in the present. These disregarded, - well, the entity will one day meet itself
coming back!
19. Of course, not all of the appearances are given, nor all of the astrological
influences indicated in the present, - when choices are to be made as to what is
the ideal of the entity; and this is that which confronts the entity in the present.
For the rest, as has been indicated, will be a matter only of waiting. For it will be,
as it were, thrown at the entity, - or the entity will be invited to become a part of
those forces. And then, depending upon what ye have chosen or do choose as
thy ideal, ye will either retard or develop in this sojourn. Not that the entity may
not make a material success and develop spiritually at the same time, but
LONELY indeed is he that may have gained the whole world and lost his soul - or
become weary of the very earth and its environs, and no place for the soul's
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20. In the choices, then, - know that the ideal must first be set in the spiritual,
then the ideal in the mental, as well as the ideal in the material things of life. They
all must be as one, just as the body, the mind and the soul are one. So then must
the ideal principle be of a spiritual or an everlasting nature. For unless the ideal
IS a constructive force, it must eventually turn and become the stumblingblock to
self's material, mental or spiritual advancement.
21. And only that which is spiritual in its nature is everlasting.
22. Then, remember that the choice of thy ideal is what ye must continue to live
WITH - throughout thy whole experience in this sojourn.
23. As to astrological aspects, we find Jupiter as combined with Venus, Saturn
and Uranus being the greater influences.
24. Hence the entity will find the channel for activity in those things that will deal
with great masses of peoples, in the material or mental plane of activity. As we
find, then, the conservation of abilities or powers or activities in every phase of
man's experience should be the channels for the entity to give expression - rather
than in those as may be termed the purely commercial natures, or those that
would have to do with elements or the applications of them in the experience; but
all of those that have to do with the very nature of and the very filling of all the
forces or powers that become as a part of man's experience.
25. And remember in thy ideal of dealing with thy fellow man, there should not be
the thought so much as to what others would do for you, but what's the ideal that
you would do for others!
26. Let this apply to thy relationships in every phase of thy activity with thy fellow
man, whether it is in business or in home or in the social life.
27. Not as to how much ye may gain. Do not get the "gimmies!" Rather have the
"givvies" than the "gimmies."
28. In Venus we find the influences pertaining to NATURE, as well as the
beautiful, as well as those things that are lovely, as well as those things having to
do with the very influences or forces that direct man's nature in his relationships
to others.
29. From Saturn's influence we find the changes, and the various outlooks as will
appear; as in Uranus we find the EXTREMES.
30. For, remember, there is only one source in which the extremes meet -
spiritual life….
43. In the present, then, as indicated, the entity has the ability - from that very
sojourn - to become a judge or a chooser of those influences for conservation, -
that MUST become more and more a part of man's experience, especially in the
environ in which this entity has come.
44. Hence, as indicated, the entity has a definite mission, - not only in making for
the material gains for its own land and peoples and nations, but to spiritualize
those purposes also, rather than the conservation of power or might without a
channel or outlet for the emotions of the spiritual nature of man himself….
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49. As to the abilities of the entity in the present, then, and that to which it may
attain, and how:
50. As to the choice of how the entity will act itself, as to what is to be the choice
of its ideals, - that is alone to the entity.
51. For the urges and impulses may be magnified or minimized by the very
power of the mind and impulse within itself.
52. As to whether it is to be for the fulfilling of that for which it entered, or for the
glorifying of self or a cause or a purpose, or an individual, must be chosen by the
53. In those fields of conservation, not only that is with government, with the
activity of nations, - whether it be of fishes in waters, birds of certain calibre or
needs for food, or for the varied manners that they give protection to certain
portions of the land, or timbers or the better conservation of soil for certain seeds
or crops, - all of these are the channels as we find in which the entity may find
contentment and harmony, and the better outlet for fulfilling that purpose for
which the entity entered this experience.
54. Ready for questions.
55. (Q) For which of these lines is the entity best fitted?
(A) As indicated, - these are all a part of the GENERAL conservation, see?
56. (Q) How should I go about to prepare myself for it?
(A) The study, the interest of the Government or the peoples as related to
these various phases that have so much to do with the life, the civilization, the
peace and harmony of man in his various fields of activity.
57. (Q) Is it advisable for me to make the trip to Alaska with my mother, leaving
Sunday, or is there any other activity more advisable?
(A) This as we find would offer a channel or an opportunity for the study of
these various PHASES of man's experience in a way and manner that may later
become INVALUABLE to the entity, if the choice is in those directions as we
have indicated. Go by all means, if it is practical and possible.
58. (Q) How should I expend my energies while there, to the greatest
(A) Just as indicated.
There have been and are in those fields especially the ATTEMPT of the
Government to lay out plans whereby man may be taken from various portions of
the land or environ where there is less opportunity; but HERE there is the taking
of the activity of the raw and converting it into man's use! But man must learn - as
the entity may particularly aid in - to conserve these very natures in WHATEVER
PORTION of the land he ALREADY resides!
Of course, the land continues to grow, - for it is God's footstool. Man's abuse
of same gives way to those things such that it becomes no longer productive. But
if there is the conservation of its strength - the lands, the timbers, and God's
creatures that manifest through same - it is a continuous thing. For "Ye grow in
grace and in knowledge and in understanding" is applicable to man's secular life
just as much as to his mental or spiritual….
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R1. 12/6/39 He wrote: "I have a thousand and one questions that must be
answered pretty soon and I feel that the only person in the world who can answer
such questions is Edgar Cayce.
"Is it at all possible to have a 'ck. rdg.' after which I could ask a few questions?
I'm pretty much 'up a tree' at present concerning my curriculum here at State
College and I am wondering if there is any other institution at which I would be
more suited - whether I should quit college and go to work - and a whole string of
other questions. Do you think you could arrange a rdg. within the next week?
"Mr. Cayce mentioned in his last rdg. that conservation should be my life's work
and I should go to Penn State if such a course was taught. There is no such
course here. I feel that I am wasting my time at present and would like to get
started in conservation right away. Will you let me know if there is an open day
anytime soon?"
R2. 12/12/39 He wrote: "Thanks very much for the period Thursday a.m. I know
you can help me, for I feel that you know me better than I know myself. After the
rdg. last June I have found myself to be exactly as you described. I feel the old
yearning for the mountains and streams and somehow feel that they are all a part
of me. Before the rdg. I had picked forestry for my life's work, just to prove that
conservation had shown itself before I became conscious of it. But here at State
College new complications have come forth. I have found that I was not cut out to
be a technical forester, as physics, chemistry, etc., have proved time and time
again. There are no woods or streams within seven or eight miles of here and
that is where I feel most at home. There is no course in conservation here and I
feel that conservation is my calling. I would like to get started on my work as
soon as possible but I'm a babe lost in the woods. Where will I go? How will I
R3. 12/14/39 He obtained Ck. Life Rdg. 1931-2. [See subsequent Ck. Life Rdgs.
and Reports.]
1. What jobs have you held since your reading? (In chronological order)
Timber Cruiser, U.S. Forest Service Ranger-Naturalist, U.S, National Park
Service U.S. Park Ranger, U.S. National Park Service U.S. Game Management
Agent, U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service 2. Have you ever spoken with Edgar Cayce?
(Yes) (No) Yes.
How well, if so, did you know him? Corresponded frequently while working for
the U.S. Forest Service in Alaska as well as spoke to him at the June
conferences at Virginia Beach and after life reading and check readings. 3. Do
you feel that Edgar Cayce's source of information depicted you accurately? No
doubt about it. 4. At the time of the reading, did you have confidence in his
counseling? (Yes) (No) Yes. 5. Do you feel that the reading helped you? How?
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By giving direction to natural urges. After following the advice in the readings I
have been truly happy in my life's work. With Edgar Cayce's "road map" the
journey has been great in the conservation field. 6. As you look back, do you see
patterns that were shown in the readings that you didn't see before? Please
explain. No. I think everything mentioned in the readings was accurate in my
case from the start. It was only a matter of getting on with life's work. At the time
of the reading I knew the information was correct and nothing has changed my
mind. 7. Do you think that your life could have been made better by following the
advice more closely? I don't see how it could have been made any better for, as
stated above, I have been very happy in my work to date. I hope that there is still
room for a greater contribution in the conservation field in the future. 8. If Edgar
Cayce were alive would you refer people to him for help? (Yes) (No) Undecided)
Yes. 9. Did any of his predictions manifest themselves? (Granted that you
followed his advice.) Yes.
R5. 1/24/72 Personal Questionnaire was sent and ret'd 2/28/72:
NUMBER 1931 - Part Two
1. Were you always interested in nature? Yes No Yes. 2. Were you interested
in anything pertaining to conservation before your first reading? Yes No Yes. If
so, what? A desire to be associated with some type of outdoor work. 3. Did you
find the lapis ligurius to be a helpful influence? Yes No Yes. 4. Did you feel
(always) an innate desire to work in your chosen field? Yes No Yes.
As stated in #2 there was always the desire to be associated with some type of
outdoor work but after the readings the direction was pointed out and it became
only a matter of waiting for the doors to open which they did. The greatest benefit
I received from the readings was the knowledge that my urges were correct and
should be followed in the field of conservation - especially with government.
R6. 10/19/74 He and his wife visited A.R.E.
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Astrology: Jupiter
Par. 27
: Saturn
Par. 28
: Uranus
Par. 28
: Venus
Par. 25
Attitudes & Emotions: Earth Sojourns
Par. 30
: Joy
Par. 30, 55
: Love: Giving
Par. 31
: Selflessness
Par. 29
Child Training
Par. 59-A, 60-A
Clairvoyance of E.C.: Action & Places
Par. 2
: Discretion
Par. 6
Par. 22, 23
Par. 53
Incarnations: America
Par. 32--36
: Bible: New Testament: Jesus
Par. 37--47
: Old Testament
Par. 48--51
Jesus: Pattern
Par. 11
Mind: The Builder: Analysis: Self
Par. 62-A
Names: People Mentioned: Oglethorpe, James E. Par. 32
Reincarnation: People Famous: Oglethorpe,
James E.'s Daughter
Par. 32--36
Soul Development: Service
Par. 43--45, 54
Symbology: Signs: Omens
Par. 9, 10, 26
Vocational Guidance: Education
Par. 19, 57-A, 59-A--61-A
Par. 7, 9, 44, 45
Work: E.C.: Quotations & Similes:
"If Ye Would Have...Give..."
Par. 20, 30
"Know Itself To Be Itself..."
Par. 11
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B1. 8/21/39 Letter: "Having become acquainted with your work through my aunt,
Mrs. [1663], I am more than interested."
TEXT OF READING 1992-1 F 38 (Music teacher)
This Psychic Reading given by Edgar Cayce at his home on Arctic Crescent,
Virginia Beach, Va., this 5th day of September, 1939.
2. EC: (In going back over years from present - " - '36 - realization periods, but
changes - '29 - a seeking and wondering, and changes - '20 - changes - '04 -
yes, a hurt - " etc., on back to birth date.)
3. Yes, we have the records here of that entity now known as or called [1992].
4. In giving the interpretations of the records as we find them here, many phases
of the entity's urges present themselves for interpretation; as well as for patterns
of same.
5. For, there are unusual abilities in the experience of the entity - if these are
applied in the manner as to be kept constructive in their activity.
6. These then we will choose to give, that the experience may be a helpful
influence for the entity at this time. Yet it is indeed true that day by day there is
before one good and bad, constructive and destructive forces. And individuals
choose according to that which is the impelling influence in their experience.
7. Yet, know that it is this will - the birthright to each soul - that makes for growth
or retardment in any given experience or activity.
8. In a form, many things show themselves as emblematical. These to the entity
become rather expressive. These are well.
9. Forms, shadows, colors, numbers, - even as to astrological aspects, - have
their place. But know that they are but as lessons, as signposts along the way.
They indicate, as the weather vane, from what direction the impulse may arise, -
the easier way of any activity; and are not, thus, the thing nor the power itself.
For, learn indeed what it meaneth in this respect, and apply in self's OWN way,
"Know, O child that seeks, the Lord thy God is ONE!"
10. What meaneth this, then? That every form of activity of expression is but a
movement that the individual soul, in the pattern or image of the Maker, may be
more aware that those forces or influences in the experience are not only as
signs and omens but may indeed be used as stepping-stones for the greater
comprehension of the relationship self bears with that universal consciousness.
11. Then indeed, as thy Elder Brother has shown in His journey through the
planes of experience - physical, mental and spiritual - it becomes necessary that
ye become aware of yourself BEING yourself yet one with Him.
12. These are not merely philosophical presentations to thee, but as ye study thy
own abilities, as ye are persuaded here or there to look into this form or that
manner, be not deceived by any. For as hath been given of old, it is not who or
what will bring thee a message from above, or who from over the seas may
present thee with a formula by which ye may use the influences about you to the
greater application of materialization of forces. For lo, it is within thine own self.
He is nearer than thy hand, closer than thy foot.
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13. For it is in Him ye live, and move, and have thy being. And it is in thy body-
temple, where He hath promised to meet thee - in the holy of holies.
14. How, then, do ye keep that holy of holies? Cluttered with strange fires? with
unholy water? with vain sayings, or signs of the moon or of the sun, or the
visitation of seasons? Hath He not warned concerning these? "These I have
hated; but he that will DO the will of the Father, him have I loved." And, "As ye
do it unto the least of these, thy brethren, ye do it unto thy Maker."
15. What has all of this, you say, to do with thy life patterns? MUCH! as will be
seen - as to the abilities and as to the urges which have arisen and do arise.
16. Then, be not confused. Love Him. For He hath promised, "If ye abide in me,
as I abide in the Father, I will come and abide with thee; and all ye ask shall be
done, and I will bring to your remembrance ALL things, from the foundations of
the world! For ye were indeed with me from the beginning."
17. He ALONE - as ye understand and know - is able to keep that He hath
promised thee.
18. As to the aspects of astrological influences, - these have come to mean little,
as the common term might be expressed, and yet because of the experience, or
the experiences of others, these have been attempted at times to be fitted into
the innate urges and patterns that have become the experiences of the entity
from time to time. And yet their diffusion has only proven that there must be
SOMETHING, yet so little for the entity to tie itself TO - as a means or manner, or
even a way to instruct.
19. And the natural inclinations or tendencies, and the abilities of the entity, are
to INSTRUCT and to teach and to write and to lecture and to GIVE TO OTHERS
a comprehension.
20. For it is as life itself, which is the manifestation of the Father-God, - GIVE ye,
if ye would have! Only that ye have given away do ye possess. Only that as ye
have taught to others do ye come to comprehend thyself. For ye see it
manifested as it blossoms and grows to fruition in the lives of others.
21. In the astrological aspects we find Venus, Jupiter, Uranus, Saturn a part of
the entity's experiences, - in their order. And thus we have innate or manifested
urges according to the dreams or visions of the entity.
22. Remember, dreams are but a pattern of that whole. For what is the premise?
Thy Lord is One.
23. Then as the physical consciousness is laid aside, there may come dreams or
visions, and even He, thy Lord, thy Brother, may show thee. For He is the same
yesterday, today and forever. And He hath promised to speak with thee, if ye
desire same; possibly in dreams, in visions, or in the still small voice within.
24. Trust not other means!
25. In Venus we find the love of the beautiful, - which may give expression in the
manners in which the entity may not only become entertaining to others, but
instruct others.
26. These as to forms and formulas, as we have given to understand, are not
other than patterns or shadows; and not the thing itself.
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27. In Jupiter we find the relationships with groups or masses, or the general
trend to instructive forces in the experiences of others; and those of the
harmonious natures as in music or letters pertaining to the instruction to
individuals and peoples.
28. In the Uranian aspects we find the EXTREMES, as have been, as are. And
when these are in conjunction with Saturn forces, the changes have been
wrought so quickly that oft these no doubt have become confusing. But there is
ever the answer, "As ye abide in me, I abide in thee."
29. The less and less of self, then, the more and more of "Thy will, not mine, be
done in me and through me, " the greater becomes the abilities, the greater
becomes the harmonies, the greater joy there is seen in the experiencing of
associations and activities with others; and life becomes not a bed of flowers or
roses but worth while! Things and conditions and experiences become a part of
the entity's activities.
30. As to the experiences or sojourns in the earth, - these we find as not so many
and yet these have been arranged as it were in the experience until we find a
great deal of emotions arising in the experience of the entity. And yet if there is
the ability to quiet self and to turn to the within, these become more and more the
beautiful pattern of experience, and with same joy in the JOYOUSNESS of the
Lord. And these should ever be cultivated, that ye become joyous. For they that
would have must give, - that is the cultivating, the tearing up, and yet in love -
which is that new commandment He gave, that "ye love one another."
31. What is love, then? GIVING - GIVING! For God so loved the world as to
give His only Son, that was manifested in the flesh that we through Him might
have access to Him.
32. Before this we find the entity was in the land of the present sojourn, in those
periods of the first settlings of the land, - among those peoples that are a part of
that experience in the present.
33. We find the entity was among the daughters of one Oglethorpe, Olga. And
the activities were tempered with those pages of experiences that were both
good and bad. Yet there may be seen those activities in which there was the
greater stress laid upon that of INDIVIDUAL SERVICE becoming the criterion
upon which judgments were to be drawn, as to social as well as political and
spiritual and moral relationships.
34. Hence from that sojourn we find the interest in those things pertaining to
being the instructress, the teacher, and especially in the economic forces and
influences as they have to do with the activities in the lives of individuals.
35. These become, then, the channels and outlets in which the entity may in the
present find not only charm but harmonious manner of expression.
36. But because of the temperament of intuitive influence, let not those things
which are but the shadows be active for the form or the life itself.
37. Before that we find the entity was in the land now known as the Promised
Land, during those periods when the Master walked in the earth.
38. There we find the entity was among those peoples TO WHOM the entity - AS
the Mother of the Master - came for help when it was necessary for the fleeing
from the hands of the decree of Herod.
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39. We find the entity there PHYSICALLY acting in the capacity of fulfilling, in the
material expression, God's plans.
40. Think on that! and live that also today.
41. For it was from this entity's own activity and urge that the beasts were
obtained upon which the infant and the Mother fled into Egypt.
42. Hence the interest the entity bore to the activities of those who were bereft by
the edict, in which the entity's OWN child had become a part of that destruction;
and the influences which brought later into the experience of the entity the
comprehending of and the application of the teachings of Him during those
43. The name then was Mateal. In the experience the entity gained in soul
development. For who may be the channel, or have the full knowledge of being
used as a messenger of the all-powerful, and not comprehend some
development of the soul?
44. ALL are in that position of being ABLE to be used, if they will but recognize
their opportunities day by day in their CHOICES of dealings with their fellow-men.
45. WHAT is the choice? That as creates love, hope, faith, patience, kindness,
gentleness in the experience; that bringeth that opportunity more day by day.
46. And as the entity gave to others throughout that experience, aiding in all of
the forms of activities during the development of that God-Child in the earth, so
may it in the present become more and more aware of His presence abiding with
47. For, did ye not aid Him? Comprehend what this meaneth! in thy life, now -
NOW! For, as He would say, "I stand at the door to lead thee into those
channels of service in which this great glory again may be in the consciousness,"
that ye have saved the God-Child in the hearts of many.
48. Before that we find the entity was in the Chaldean land, as now known,
during those periods when the children of promise were called there.
49. We find the entity was among those peoples whose men were in authority in
the land; and there was the knowledge of some of the tenets becoming an
experience of the entity through the servants of the entity.
50. Thus we find the tempering of the experiences, yet the wonderment as to
those influences that were accredited then in those experiences to the
emanations from forces which governed the seasons, the crops, the war, the
peace, the plenty, and of every nature of character.
51. Is there any wonderment in the present, then, that all such - in another form -
present themselves? or that the warnings have been given as to being sure of
the sources? and that thy infinite love be shown, and as to thy abilities to
measure to thy fellow-men in all the varied forms of application those tenets and
truths or psychic forces, or soul forces, in thy present experience?
52. As to the abilities, then, and that to which it may attain, and how:
53. First, know thy ideal - spiritual, mental, material. And know that unless it is
founded upon that which is eternal, it will fade and die away.
54. Then, apply thyself in those directions as indicated, - in ministering to the
needs of others; and ye will find those blessings coming as have been indicated,
in that "Lo, I am with thee always, even unto the end of the world."
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Know that this means YOU, - and thy ability to give to others the greater
awakening as to His consciousness in THEIR lives and their daily dealings with
55. This does not mean becoming a recluse, but rather as He, be JOYOUS, be
happy! For, know that ALL is one in Him, - and HE is love!
56. Ready for questions.
57. (Q) Is music the proper field of activity?
(A) Every field that is a teaching of harmony and beauty is the field for the
entity. More in lecturing than the physical application, would be better.
58. (Q) What are the major deterring factors in my development?
(A) Study that as has been given.
59. (Q) Should I continue my work with children?
(A) By all means! For, as He taught, and as ye learn more, "Suffer little
children to come unto me" is indeed the greater promise to the earth. For unless
we become as children we cannot enter in; unless we learn as they. No faults, no
hates remain in their experience, until they are taught to manifest such. Hence
these may give thee greater insight into the meaning of it all.
60. (Q) Please give specific guidance for this work.
(A) If there are the comparisons of those things just indicated, as well as
combined with the influences which have been given, as to how and where the
child - the children - became to the entity the burden, THEN ye learn the lesson.
61. (Q) Would it be wise for me to turn more attention to work with teachers?
(A) Children!
62. (Q) Do I need further self-development through some special study?
(A) Study SELF, now, more; in comparison with - that HE has given.
63. (Q) Is it time for me to try to publish some of the results of my work, or should
I continue to collect material?
(A) Still collect material, and with that as indicated as the criterion of
judgments upon the character and the manner of material; and then in forty ('40),
in the fall - November - publish same. We are through for the present.
R1. 9/30/39 Mrs. [1992] obtained a physical reading. See 1992-2.
R2. 9/25/39 Letter: "There have been interesting developments in my work for
the coming year since the Life Reading which you gave me early in September. I
am convinced that constructive forces are at work, and with the help of your
study outlines [A SEARCH FOR GOD lessons] - which are wonderful…. I have
never before started a teaching year with as much hope and optimism.
"When anything occurs to you that I might do for the A.R.E., please let me
know. I shall be teaching music to hundreds of children instead of to fifty or sixty
as in former years. Mrs. [1947] and I are working together in the ... [N.C.] school
R3. 9/14/40 Mrs. [1992] obtained her second Life Reading. See 1992-4.
R4. 3/28/42 She obtained her third Physical Rdg. 1992-5.
R5. 11/4/80 GD's note: Mrs. [1992] has been an active member of A.R.E. all
these years.
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Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2013 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation
Incarnations: Bible: Old Testament
Par. 49-A
Ideals: Ideas
Par. 5-A, 48-A
Par. 5-A
Symbology: Signs: Omens
Par. 3
Time: Space
Par. 5-A
B1. 9/5/39 She obtained Life Reading 1992-1.
B2. On 9/30/39 and 2/15/40 she obtained Physical Rdgs. 1992-2 and 1992-3.
TEXT OF READING 1992-4 F 39 (Music Teacher)
This Psychic Reading given by Edgar Cayce at his home on Arctic Crescent,
Virginia Beach, Va., this 14th day of September, 1940.
2. EC: Yes, we have the body, the enquiring mind, [1992]; the information which
has been given regarding the life, the associations and activities.
3. In analyzing the life's work, we find in the present very unusual aspects of
same; the insignias or emblems are not broken, but columns, - hence indicating
building in the experiences of others that as must stabilize their lives.
4. Ready for questions.
5. (Q) Regarding the publication advised in Nov. 1940, is it necessary to
complete it by this fall?
(A) It should be better understood by seekers of truth regarding time and
space as related to conditions in individuals' lives.
As is at times conceived by the mental attitudes of individuals, that which is to
come into materialization - as a book, a manuscript, or even a service as related
to others must pass through its NATURAL laws; or there ARE laws governing
same that are ever uniform.
An idea, an IDEAL, first has its spiritual inception, then its mental conceiving,
and then the physical reactions that make or bring same into materialization.
As to the time of this publication, then, - there must be at least the mental
concept fully analyzed, completed; for the spiritual concept is a part of the entity.
Then, it may be a little later; but don't delay too long….
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48. (Q) In my Life Rdg. I was warned to be sure of my sources. How can I be
sure of sources of things?
(A) Sources not so much of THINGS as of the principles, the purposes, the
desires, see? These, as has ever been indicated, must within themselves
indicate constructive, creative, and not POSSESSIVE or superlative activities, or
any self-aggrandizement or indulgence. Creative in its nature.
49. (Q) How should the influences from the Chaldean experience find expression
as to "forces which govern the seasons, the crops, the war, the peace, the
plenty" etc.?
(A) This is as in the RHYTHM of movement of body. This appears to be far
afield from crop, season or the like; and yet the same rhythm does not apply to
the sowing of the crop as to the gathering of the crop. The appreciations for the
abundance in the seasons of fruition are not expressed in the same manner (or
rhythm) as the appreciations or feelings in the seasons of labor and activities of
same. See? These are to be taken into consideration; just as they were through
the entity's experience in that particular period or sojourn. For, in that season or
period, much that had to do with the giving of expression in such was a part of
the activities of the entity….
3/28/42 Mrs. [1992] obtained her third Physical Rdg., 1992-5.
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Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2013 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation
Arts: Music
Par. 11
: Egypt: Ra Ta Period
Par. 47, 48
: Painting
Par. 12, 58
Astrology: Neptune
Par. 18
: Saturn
Par. 19
: Venus
Par. 17
Attitudes & Emotions: Earth Sojourns
Par. 21
: Hardheadedness
Par. 15, 16
Clairvoyance of E.C.: Action & Places
Par. 2
: Discretion
Par. 8, 9
Consciousness: Christ
Par. 63-A
Forces: Creative
Par. 52
Healing: Economic
Par. 70-A
: Spiritual
Par. 62-A
Par. 20, 58
Human Relations: Leadership
Par. 15, 16
Ideals: Service
Par. 54
Incarnations: Egypt: Ra Ta
Par. 46--49, 52
Jesus: Healings
Par. 62-A
Mind: The Builder: Analysis: Self
Par. 56
: Thoughts
Par. 7
Symbology: Signs: Omens
Par. 5--7, 72-A, 73-A
Vocational Guidance: Education: Welfare
Par. 13, 57
Will: Astrology
Par. 10, 14--16
TEXT OF READING 2029-1 F 54 (Housewife)
This Psychic Reading given by Edgar Cayce at his home on Arctic Crescent,
Virginia Beach, Va., this 21st day of October, 1939.
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4. In giving the interpretations, we find there is much here that might be of an
interest from one phase, and then other information that might be of interest from
other phases.
5. For the symbols, signs, omens, all have been and are a part of the experience
of the entity, - and have at times been a manifested interest.
6. Hence all such in the present hold an interest, and at times influences, for the
7. A Maltese cross of teakwood should be worn by the entity at all times, next to
the skin, about the neck or waist. It will be seen from experiences in the material
plane, as well as the symbols from same, that this would have a helpful influence
by creating a VIBRATION. Not that it would within itself have an influence, but
the associations of same would become as helpful influences, - just as that you
think gradually grows to become YOU - as you digest its influence or force.
8. Then, in choosing from the records here, - these are given with the desire and
the purpose for making this information a helpful influence in the experience; that
many of those questions may be answered that have been a part of the
experience, - not so much as to answer them, but to give verification and
9. Thus to give expression to that which may be as a helpful influence in the
experience becomes that sought, that desired in the present.
10. These are the influences from the correlation of the astrological as well as
material experiences for the entity, - but without respect to the activity of the will.
For, as to how much they influence the entity depends upon how much the entity
allows these to influence the emotions, as well as the vibrations of the body.
11. We find music especially as an influence, particularly that as may be said to
be colorful; that is, those characters which express emotions, those that tell the
story of joy or suffering, - the emotions as related to places, conditions or
12. Also we find the influence pertaining to art, especially as to water color or
sketches, - particularly of pastoral scenes or still life, or such that makes for the
satisfying of beauty in the not totally abstract and yet not what would be called
13. Then, too, we find those influences which would arise from social service in
the affairs of underprivileged individuals or groups, especially children, and
natures having to do with the environs for same respecting those that might
become skilled in given directions or activities.
14. The astrological aspects we find as a part of the experience, though the entity
has developed in this sojourn and thus has nullified much that might be of the
nature tending towards the entertaining of any thought that would be of other
than a constructive nature.
15. But the greater force from the astrological sojourn we find coming in the
headstrong nature; not as defiant, but purposeful in its activities in those
16. Rather has there been this as an incentive, - first being sure of self and its
purpose, the entity has gone ahead. HOLD to this! For in Him is the strength to
carry on that which WILL be and IS constructive in the experience of each soul.
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17. Hence Mercury, Venus, Neptune and Saturn become the ruling astrological
forces. Thus we find a high mental ability, with reasoning powers of EVERY
nature as would be inclined to indicate social service; as well as, from Venus, the
beauty of art, beauty in music, - especially COLORFUL; not of the dirges, save
as some ONE of such is of special interest, yet those that are of a pastoral
nature, those that indicate the emotions through the associations of individuals, -
as longing for home, or ties, or lands, or conditions. These arise from those
influences through which the entity has also materially passed.
18. In Neptune we find the interest in the mystical, or the mystical-spiritual things
in the affairs of individuals; as well as water becoming a part of the experiences
of the entity, - and these for help as well as for woe have been in the experience.
19. In Saturn we find the love for change, for change of scene; the love of travel,
the love of being quite busy at all times or seasons, with only the periods of
relaxation as necessary for the beneficial influences.
20. And for this entity it would be found well, apart from its service or work in
which it would employ itself physically and mentally, to have a hobby - one that
would be ALMOST, apparently, at variance to whatever activity the self would
choose. For, such would keep this entity in a more even balance, more
harmonious in its associations and activities in any phase of its experience.
21. As to the appearances in the earth, - these have been quite varied. Not all
are given, but these are indicated as the influences that in the present make for
the wielding of the emotional expression in the experience of the entity. These
have been rather often. Hence the highly emotional, the highly sensitive nature of
the entity; the ability to oft read others' minds or purposes, even before they give
expression to same; the ability to be analytical in its judgements of others - so
that only the name may indicate to the entity the very individual in its emotions or
46. Before that we find the entity was in the Egyptian land, when there were the
turmoils and the strifes, and the activities that brought such changes in the
teachings in that land, as well as the attempts for the unification of activities in
other lands.
47. There we find the entity's special service was in the first of the Temples of
Sacrifice, - again in the Temple Beautiful. For, some of the music set by those
who had charge of the musical activities had its incentive from, or was prompted
by the activities of the entity urging individuals in those abilities, or the giving
expression of their abilities in the preparation.
48. Hence chants, and those things that bespeak of the tempo or the mood of
individuals, become something soul-stirring at times, as well as something that
causes FEAR in the heart of the entity at others. This is because of the
experiences of the entity through that activity then, - in aiding others to find their
place, their niche, their activity that would bring greater service, greater harmony;
not only in their individual lives but as ways, means and manners in aiding them to
cooperate with groups, as well as states, as well as the government or the nation.
49. The name then was Ar-en-el.
50. As to the abilities of the entity in the present, that to which it may attain, and
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51. In those experiences that have been indicated, little has been said of the
motives or the promptings that impelled the entity in its activity.
52. But, as indicated in the manner in which the services were rendered, first in
the Egyptian, there were influences from without that PROMPTED the activities
of the entity - the creative influence or force, or God.
53. In each of those that influences the entity in the present, then, we find such
being more often the promptings of the inmost self.
54. As is understood by the entity, then, that to which it may attain is only limited
by the desire of the heart, and the purposes for which it would give its service.
55. For in Him ye live and move and have thy being indeed. And as ye do it to
the least of thy brethren, ye do it to thy Maker.
56. Then, study, analyze self and the desire and the purposes. See if these are in
keeping with thy ideal, that was, that is set in Him, the Giver of all good and
perfect gifts.
57. In social service or its associate activities may the entity find the greater
outlet, - whether in sociology or economics, in home building or in establishing
relationships under varied environments.
58. And, as a SYMPATHETIC hobby - PAINT!...
62. (Q) Where and how may I learn to heal mental and physical ills?
(A) Within self, - by the study of vibration as related to human emotion, - or in
those studies also as combined or compared with the teachings of the Teacher of
63. (Q) Where can I get concrete guidance besides from the inner voice?
(A) Seek not other than that of His meeting thee within thine own temple. For
beside Him there is none other. Know, as He gave, they that climb up some other
way are robbers.
Then, listen, - listen to that voice within. Prepare thyself, consecrate thyself,
purify thy body, thy mind, in much the same manner as did those of old who
were, or would be, the priests and priestesses to Jehovah. And then, open thy
heart and thy mind to those promises; surrounding thyself with the
consciousness of the Christ love. And He stands and knocks. Will ye entertain
Him? Then, do not entertain others….
70. (Q) What should I do to become financially secure?
(A) Be secure rather in the spiritual and mental self, and know that the supply
is from Him - and it will be sufficient.
71. (Q) Is there any danger about which I should be forewarned?
(A) The development of self forewarns the entity, as has been experienced in
more than one instance. Hence these are rather of such a nature that they are nil
in the experience of the entity.
72. (Q) Is there any advice further I need?
(A) As has been indicated, much might be said as to the symbols and those
influences, - but apply that which has been indicated, looking within self more
and more; and we will find more peace, more harmony, more understanding.
73. (Q) Where can I get teakwood Maltese cross?
(A) These as we find may be obtained from some concern such as a
Japanese Store in the central portion of the land, or in the east or the west.
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Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2013 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation
Angels & Archangels: White Brotherhood
Par. 4, 6-A, 7-A
Christ: Second Coming
Par. 9-A
Doctors: Cottam, N.
Par. R3
Jesus: Pattern
Par. 3, 4, 8-A
Psychic Phenomena: Lights
Par. 3
Spirit Communication
Par. 3, 4
Symbology: Signs
Par. 3
B1. Previously he obtained 3011-1 and 3011-2 for Parkinson's disease.
B2. 9/23/43 He submitted questions for a Mental-Spiritual Rdg., including: "Will
someone be brought to us to be trained to become our successor or to take over
the home work while we are out in the field lecturing? [GD's note: The "we" no
doubt refers to himself and his wife, Mrs. [3248]. Will financial provision be made
for lecture tours and other expansion of our work so that we do not have to
depend upon voluntary contributions which are so limited and uncertain?"
TEXT OF READING 3011-3 M 68 (M.D., Metaphysician)
This Psychic Reading given by Edgar Cayce at the office of the Association,
Arctic Crescent, Virginia Beach, Va., this 29th day of September, 1943.
1. GC: You will have before you the entity, [3011], who seeks a Mental & Spiritual
Reading, with information, advice and guidance as to his life and work. You will
answer the questions he submits, as I ask them:
2. EC: Yes, we have the entity here.
3. They look for signs. Know rather, as has been given, signs are only given to
those that seek only in Jesus' name. Through messengers, yes. As ye have
seen, as ye experience in the present, the great white light in the center of the
table here is a force or power ye give to those influences about thee.
4. But let this be sent rather by the Master, than calling for same from and
through other channels.
5. Ready for questions.
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6. (Q) Will I be able CONSCIOUSLY to communicate with Masters of the
Brotherhood in this incarnation? If so, is there anything I can do to develop that
(A) If the self is purified of every selfish motive, and if the seeking is that such
be given that it may be administered to warn His people. But if it is only for the
gratifying of self, no.
Possible then, and probable, if the self will sanctify thyself in purpose, in body,
in mind.
7. (Q) Is it likely that I will meet any of the brothers in the flesh, as Mr. Cayce has
done, in this incarnation? If so, where and when?
(A) Ye may meet many. For, oft doth man entertain angels unawares.
8. (Q) What can I do further to become more serviceable to the Brotherhood and
my fellow men?
(A) Purifying, dedicating, consecrating self and purpose in the Master - the one
Master - Him.
9. (Q) We have been told that the Second Coming of the Master in the flesh
would not take place until 1985. Is this approximately correct? Can't we expect
to see Him sooner?
(A) How doth He interpret, as to the day or the hour? No man knoweth save
the Father.
Live ye then, each soul, as though ye expected him today. Then ye shall see
Him as He is, when ye live such a life.
10. (Q) Can you give us any suggestions as to our lecture work when my body is
sufficiently regenerated for that phase of our work?
(A) As ye receive, so give out. And in giving, remember the Lord is the way
and the truth and the light. They that climb up some other deceive themselves.
11. We are through.
R1. See subsequent notations under his Ck. Physical Rdg. 3011-2.
R2. 2/14/46 Dr. [3011] died. We read a beautiful memorial to him in a
metaphysical magazine.

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