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Rapid Environmental Assessment (REA) Checklist: Arughat-Aruarbang-Pakhure-Lapu Road

Screening Questions Yes No Remarks

A. Project Siting
Is the Project area adjacent to or within any of
the following environmentally sensitive areas?
 Cultural heritage site No cultural heritage site is located within the Road
✔ Formation Width
 Protected Area None of the project road is inside or adjacent to any
✔ notified protected area.
 Wetland None

 Mangrove None

 Estuarine None

 Buffer zone of protected area None

 Special area for protecting biodiversity No special biodiversity area is located within the
✔ project area.
B. Potential Environmental Impacts
Will the Project cause…
 Encroachment on historical/cultural areas; No encroachment of historical places. However,
disfiguration of landscape by road some religious structures exist along the project
embankments, cuts, fills, and quarries? road which may get partially impacted.
✔ Disfiguration of landscape is not envisaged since it
is expansion/reconstruction of existing roads
without any new bypass hence involving large scale
cut and fills. Quarry material will be procured from
existing licensed quarries. Opening and operation of
new quarry, if needed will follow consent
conditions of Pollution Control Board.
 Encroachment on precious ecology (e.g., No National Parks, wildlife sanctuaries or similar
sensitive or protected areas)?
✔ eco-sensitive areas along the project road
 Alteration of surface water hydrology of Project area is drained by a no. of streams.
waterways crossed by roads, resulting in
increased sediment in streams affected by Adequate measures like retaining walls/breast walls
increased soil erosion at construction site? have been proposed to avoid/reduce siltation in the
water bodies/ponds close to the alignment.

 Deterioration of surface water quality due Adequate sanitary facilities and drainage in the
to silt runoff and sanitary wastes from workers camps will help to avoid this possibility as
worker-based camps and chemicals used ✔ the construction activity in this project will not
in construction? contain any harmful ingredients, no impact on
surface water quality is anticipated.
 Noise and vibration due to blasting and Blasting is not involved. Ambient noise level is
other civil works? expected to increase in the range of 80-90 db due to
various construction activities, maintenance
✔ workshops, and earthmoving equipment. Although
this level of noise exceeds national standards, their
occurrence will be intermittent and co-terminus
with the project construction. All stationary noise
making equipment will be installed with acoustic
enclosures. Timings of noise construction activities
will be regulated near sensitive eceptors.
 dislocation or involuntary resettlement of Extent of impact being assessed

 other social concerns relating to Deterioration in ambient air quality will be
inconveniences in living conditions in the localized and temporarily during construction
project areas that may trigger cases of activity. The project area is largely located in open
upper respiratory problems and stress? areas except some sections. Extensive plantation
✔ along the highway and improved road conditions
will improve the air quality of the area.
 hazardous driving conditions where Suitable traffic management plan will be designed
construction interferes with pre-existing
✔ and implemented by the contractor to prevent any
roads? hazardous driving condition in above situations.
 poor sanitation and solid waste disposal in Proper provisions for sanitation, health care and
construction camps and work sites, and solid waste disposal facilities will be available in
possible transmission of communicable ✔ the contract documents to avoid such possibility.
diseases from workers to local Workers will be made aware about communicable
populations? diseases
 dislocation and compulsory resettlement Extent of impact being assessed
of people living in right-of-way?

 accident risks associated with increased Adequate safety measures will be adopted to avoid
vehicular traffic, leading to accidental
✔ such conditions.
spills of toxic materials and loss of life?
Increase in noise and air pollution is expected
 increased noise and air pollution resulting during construction phase. Adequate mitigation
from traffic volume? measures will be adopted to minimize them. During
operation phase, the main source of noise and air
will be traffic. Improved road conditions, extensive
✔ plantation will help reduce the noise and air impact.
Moreover, the alignment mostly passes through
open land which will provide adequate dispersion of
gaseous emission. If measures suggested for noise
sensitive receptors prove inadequate, solid noise
barrier will be placed.
 increased risk of water pollution from oil, This is expected from accidental spillage. Adequate
grease and fuel spills, and other materials
✔ safety provisions have been proposed to avoid such
from vehicles using the road? situation.
 social conflicts if workers from other Most of the workers will be from local areas and
regions or countries are hired?
✔ hence such conflict is not anticipated.
 large population influx during project Workers will be mostly from local villages. Worker
construction and operation that causes
✔ from remote places will be provided with adequate
increased burden on social infrastructure facility. The ratio of local and outside workers will
and services (such as water supply and be such balanced that there is minimum burden on
sanitation systems)? existing social infrastructures and services.
 risks to community health and safety due
to the transport, storage, and use and/or IEE will outline such anticipated risks and
disposal of materials such as explosives, ✔ recommend necessary mitigative measures to avoid
fuel and other chemicals during them.
construction and operation?
 community safety risks due to both Adequate measures have been adopted to mitigate
accidental and natural causes, especially such risks.
where the structural elements or
components of the project are accessible ✔ Adequate awareness will be created amongst people
to members of the affected community or and workers through information disclosure, safety
where their failure could result in injury signage and public consultation about safety aspects
to the community throughout project
construction, operation and
Climate Change and Disaster Risk Yes No Remarks
Project area is located in high damage risk zone
w.r.t seismicity. All civil structures have been
designed as per the standards.

The study area lies in hilly region and has

landslide problem.
Is the Project area subject to hazards such as
Earthquakes, floods, landslides? Project area is vulnerable to landslides for
which appropriate slope stabilization measures
have been incorporated.

Provisions have been made in the design of the
upgrading work to include the measures to
minimize the climate change effects.
Could changes in temperature, precipitation,
or extreme events patterns over the Project
lifespan affect technical or financial Provisions have been made in the design to
sustainability (e.g., increased erosion or ✔ avoid erosion and damage to sub grade.
landslides could increase maintenance costs,
permafrost melting or increased soil moisture
content could affect sub-grade).
Are there any demographic or socioeconomic
aspects of the Project Increase in marginalization is not envisaged.
area that are already vulnerable (e.g., high High rate of urbanization is witnessed and it
incidence of marginalized populations, rural- ✔ has outpaced the population growth trend in the
urban migrants, illegal settlements, ethnic project area due to migration from rural to
minorities, women or children)? urban centers.
Could the Project potentially increase the
climate or disaster vulnerability of the Displaced people will be resettled at nearby
surrounding area (e.g., by encouraging ✔ places which are in high earthquake and flood
settlement in areas that will be more affected zone.
by floods in the future, or encouraging
settlement in earthquake zones)?
Checklist for Preliminary Climate Risk Screening: Arughat-Aruarbang-Pakhure-Lapu Road

Screening Score
Is siting and/or routing of the project (or its components) likely to be
affected by climate conditions including extreme weather-related events 0
Location and Design of such as floods, droughts, storms, landslides?
project Would the project design (e.g., the clearance for bridges) need to
consider any hydro-meteorological parameters (e.g., sea-level, peak 0
river flow, reliable water level, peak wind speed etc.)?
Would weather, current and likely future climate conditions (e.g.,
prevailing humidity level, temperature contrast between hot summer
days and cold winter days, exposure to wind and humidity 0
Materials and Maintenance hydrometeorological parameters likely affect the selection of project
inputs over the life of project outputs (e.g., construction material)?
Would weather, current and likely future climate conditions, and related
extreme events likely affect the maintenance (scheduling and cost) of 0
project output(s)?
Performance of project Would weather/climate conditions, and related extreme events likely
outputs affect the performance (e.g., annual power production) of project 0
output(s) (e.g., hydro-power generation facilities) throughout their
design life time?

Options for answers and corresponding score are provided below:

Response Score
Not Likely 0
Likely 1
Very Likely 2

Responses when added that provide a score of 0 will be considered low risk project. If adding all responses will
result to a score of 1-4 and that no score of 2 was given to any single response, the project will be assigned a
medium risk category. A total score of 5 or more (which include providing a score of 1 in all responses) or a 2 in
any single response, will be categorized as high-risk project.
Result of Initial Screening (Low, Medium, High): Low

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