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2, MAY 2003 619

Enhancement of Linear ATC Calculations by the

Incorporation of Reactive Power Flows
Santiago Grijalva, Member, IEEE, Peter W. Sauer, Fellow, IEEE, and James D. Weber, Member, IEEE

Abstract—Fast, accurate algorithms to compute network ca- major simplification that has been in use for many years for
pabilities are indispensable for transfer-based electricity markets. studies where fast solutions are sought for the case involving
Most transfer studies involve contingencies and multipattern sce- static constraints only. This simplification is the use of linear
narios that often can only be performed in reasonable time with the
use of linear methods. One of the limitations of linear ATC is the methods to compute the line flow changes in response to bus in-
error produced by neglecting the effect of reactive power flows in jections (and in response to contingencies such as line outages)
line loading. This paper describes a fast algorithm to incorporate [8]–[11]. These linear methods introduce a number of potential
this effect. The estimation of the line post-transfer complex flow is errors in determining the ATC. These errors can be broadly clas-
based on circle equations and a megavar-corrected megawatt limit. sified into three categories
The method can be easily integrated into existing linear ATC soft-
ware because the computation remains based on active power dis- a) neglecting the nonlinear nature of real power flows;
tribution factors. The algorithm is illustrated in a small example b) ignoring reactive power flows;
and the error correction demonstrated for transfers in larges sys- c) ignoring voltage levels.
The first potential source of error includes the issue of requiring
Index Terms—Linear ATC, reactive power. a suitable margin to voltage collapse. Thus, the traditional linear
power flow solution is at the opposite extreme from the full non-
I. INTRODUCTION linear power flow analysis. This paper proposes an improved
fast method that is between traditional linear methods and full

A VAILABLE transfer capability (ATC) determines the size

of the largest transfer that can be implemented in a certain
direction across the power grid without violating security
nonlinear methods. It addresses the first two sources of error by
extending the preliminary results obtained in reference [12]. A
more detailed version of these results is given in [13].
constraints [1], [2]. While strictly speaking this should be The remainder of this paper is organized as follows: Section II
considered total transfer capability (TTC), we assume here for provides a background on linear ATC and line complex flows.
simplicity that the other components related to ATC are zero. Section III describes the new method, its incorporation into ex-
The determination of ATC requires the continuation version isting linear ATC functions, and discusses the limitations of the
of power flow, steady-state stability, voltage stability, and algorithm. Section IV illustrates the method in a three-bus case
transient stability simulations. The ATC study starts with a base and in large systems. Section V states the conclusions of this
case that corresponds to an initial operating point computed work.
from a power flow solution using usual data specifications at
PQ buses, PV buses, and a slack bus . The transfer direction II. BACKGROUND
is then specified by means of participation factors of source
and sink buses. In the simplest case, this would be a real power A. Linear Static ATC
transaction to take place between bus and bus while holding Based on the “dc” power flow model, linear ATC calculations
all other power flow injections fixed at their base case levels. typically assume a lossless system, where changes in the line
Although the maximum secure transfer should be determined real power flows are linearly related to changes in the net real
using full nonlinear computations (considering both static and power injections. For illustration, we assume a point-to-point
dynamic constraints), ATC studies often involve contingencies transfer from the slack bus , to any bus , and we would like
and multipattern scenarios, making this a formidable task for to maximize this transfer without exceeding the flow limits of
most real systems [3]–[7]. any line or transformer. The key to the linear power flow solu-
This paper does not address any issues associated with at- tion is the use of “power transfer distribution factors” (PTDFs),
tempts to include dynamic constraints. Rather it focuses on a expressed here as sensitivities of line real power flows to bus
Manuscript received September 25, 2002. This work was supported in part by
the NSF Grant NSF EEC 96-15792, the University of Illinois Power Affiliates (1)
Program, the Grainger endowments to the University of Illinois, and the Power
Systems Engineering Research Center (PSERC).
S. Grijalva and P. W. Sauer are with the University of Illinois, Urbana, IL These PTDFs can be determined as linearized sensitivities eval-
61801 USA (e-mail:; uated at the initial operating point, or approximated as con-
J. D. Weber is with PowerWorld Corporation, Urbana, IL 61801 USA (e-mail: stants using only network reactances. These PTDFs are essen-
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TPWRS.2003.810902 tially current dividers in linear circuit theory. As such, they are
0885-8950/03$17.00 © 2003 IEEE

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large-change sensitivities and can be used to predict the change

in the line flow (line - ) due to a transfer (bus to bus ) as


Note that is the amount of transferred power

from to . For a given positive line flow limit , assumed
equal to the line MVA rating, and an initial positive line flow
, the size of the transfer that drives the line to its limit is Fig. 1. Transmission line:  -model.
equal to
linear ATC, the previous equation represents a circle in the
plane, with center at
In order to determine ATC, the minimum value of among and radius equal to
all lines in the system is determined
all lines (4)
Here, denotes a constant circle parameter. Incorporating (8)
If contingency conditions are analyzed, outage transfer distri-
and (9) into (7), we obtain
bution factors (OTDFs), which capture the effect of the transfer
and the outages in line flows, are used instead of PTDFs. Note
that it is the linear relation between the transfer and the line
flows that makes linear ATC the fastest algorithm for transfer Since, in general, the complex flow at the sending and re-
studies. To describe the impact of neglecting reactive power ceiving ends of a transmission line are different, there is a cor-
flows, we now present a section on line complex flows. responding -end circle given by the equation
B. Line Complex Flows (11)
Consider the transmission line -model shown in Fig. 1.
The complex power flow from bus to bus (at ) is equal to where in general and . The radii
of the two circles though have the same value.
As the transfer increases, the flow in the line varies but all
feasible operating points in the - plane lie on the oper-
ating circle given by (10). On the other hand, in this plane, the
MVA rating of the line can be represented by a circle with center
at the origin and radius equal to the thermal limit . This
(5) is referred to here as the limiting circle. Given an initial power
system state without overloaded lines, the ATC calculation must
where the voltage magnitudes , , and angles , , are the determine the maximum amount for a transfer to such
state variables. In this equation, is the magnitude and is that the flows lie inside the limiting circle (i.e., for
the angle of the admittance . all - lines (ends and ) in the system.
We are interested in a relation between the line active and re- Typical operating and limiting circles are illustrated in Fig. 2.
active power flows as a transfer takes place across the system. The meaning of the point is discussed in Section III.
Separating the real and imaginary components of (5) and rear-
A. Maximum Complex Flow and Linear ATC
Since the transmission line complex flow is constrained to
be on the operating circle and inside the limiting circle, the
(6) maximum complex flow of the line - corresponds to point
Taking the square of both sides and adding in Fig. 2. Depending on the sign of the distribu-
tion factor two different solutions for can be found.
In order to compute and the following system of
equations must be solved:

If and remain nearly constant during the transfer (i.e.,

), which is an assumption used in (12)

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Fig. 2. Operating and limiting circles. Fig. 3. Three-bus system base case.

Expanding the first equation and subtracting the second one we of active power distribution factors. Note that although can
obtain be assumed to be equal to , might be different from
since in general . Thus, the computation of
(15) and (16) must consider each line end.
Note that given the base case power flow solution, the
maximum active flow values, , are computed once and
where . Substituting back into the they remain constant during the ATC study. This is possible
limiting circle equation the following quadratic expression in since the assumption of constant voltages, which is required in
is obtained linear ATC, makes these values operating point and direction
The process of computing linear ATC including the effect of
reactive flows is summarized as follows
a) compute distribution factors ;
(14) b) compute using (15) and (16);
c) replace by and compute the necessary transfer
Defining the corresponding constant coefficients to overload each line end using (3);
d) obtain the minimum among all line ends.
Since the incorporation of reactive flows into the algorithm re-
sides in computing a new line flow limit, all of the advantages
(15) of the linear ATC method are preserved.

B. Limitations of Linear ATC With Reactive Flows

the solution for the maximum complex flow is obtained as
The assumptions for traditional linear ATC calculations
correspond to those of the dc power flow. The algorithm de-
(16) scribed in Section III-A utilizes these same assumptions, which
includes the assumption of nearly-constant voltages during the
transfer. Note that the dc power flow assumptions are more
The sign in the previous equation is chosen to be positive if the restrictive than nearly-constant voltages since they also include
PTDF of line - is positive and negative otherwise. small angles and negligible resistances. Consequently, in
In order to incorporate the maximum active flow in ATC, every case where linear ATC is applicable, so is the developed
the only change required is to replace by . This differs algorithm. Thus, the limitations of the above method should be
from linear ATC, where was assumed to be equal to the no worse than traditional linear ATC.
MVA rating of the line. represents a better approximation
to the actual maximum active line flow due to the transfer by IV. EXAMPLES
considering the reactive power component.
The first step to determining is to obtain the circle param- A. Simulation of a Small System
eters , and . Note that these parameters appear Consider the three-bus system in Fig. 3. The line reactances
in (5) as part of the equations of the pre-transfer line flows of are 0.9, 0.37, and 0.28 p.u., and the line MVA ratings are 1.0, 1.3,
the base case power flow solution. Thus, the computation of the and 1.4 p.u., for lines 1–2, 1–3, and 2–3, respectively. The initial
coefficients , , and using (15) is straightforward and so is operating point shown is set up with voltages equal to 1.0, 1.0,
the computation of with (16). The method captures the be- and 1.04 p.u. for buses 1, 2, and 3. Reactive power generation
havior of reactive power for large transfers and retains the use at every bus is unlimited.

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Transactions between areas 1 to 2, 1 to 3, and 2 to 3

(seller/buyer) were simulated across this system. ATC was
computed by three methods
Fig. 4. Error results for the WSCC system.
a) sequential full AC power flow, i.e., the actual ATC;
b) linear ATC, as described in Section II-A; reduction of error is the benefit claimed by the results of this
c) linear ATC with reactive power flows, as described in Sec- proposed method.
tion III-A.
The results are shown in per unit MVA in Table I. B. Large Systems
Corresponding errors are computed for methods b. and c. with The implementation of the algorithm described in Section III
respect to the actual ATC values. for real cases requires modeling system devices, such as trans-
The line data include the line MVA rating , the max- formers with tap changer. Equations similar to (10) and (11) are
imum active flow , and the linearized distribution factors needed for that purpose. These are available in [13].
computed from the initial ac power flow solution. The results The method was first tested on the summer 2001 WSCC case
are organized by transfer between areas 1–2, 1–3, and 2–3. For from the FERC’s 715 filings. Forty-two transfers across the
each direction, the transfer values that overload the lim- British Columbia Hydro, Bonneville Power Administration, and
iting line in the system are shown. For the transfer from area 1 Pacific Gas & Electric control areas were simulated. The simu-
(seller) to area 2 (buyer), the limiting element is line 3-1 (line lation did not include contingency sets, but considered relevant
end 3), which reaches its thermal limit with a transfer of 2.03 contingency conditions as base cases. The internal model had
p.u., or 203 MW. This is the exact ATC value for this partic- 7119 buses, and 9630 lines and transformers. Total generation
ular transfer. The traditional linear ATC method does predict the was 120 GW. The directions were chosen from a single bus in
same limiting line, with a maximum transfer estimate of 2.203 one area to another and between buses of a common control
(8.5% error). The proposed reactive method also predicts the area. The base case presented no thermal violations and had 24
same limiting line, with a maximum transfer estimate of 2.096 elements loaded more than 90%.
(3.3% error). This reduction of error is the benefit claimed by The computation did not consider elements with PTDFs
the results of this proposed method. below 0.5%. ATC was computed for each transfer using three
For the transfer from area 1 (seller) to area 3 (buyer), the lim- methods: sequential full ac power flow (exact solution), linear
iting element is again line 3-1 (line end 3), which reaches its ATC, and linear ATC with the effect of reactive power flows.
thermal limit with a transfer of 1.63 p.u., or 163 MW. This is The sequential power flow computation included a full AC
the exact ATC value for this particular transfer. The traditional model with active controls (e.g., phase-shifters, tap changer
linear ATC method does predict the same limiting line, with a control, and generator reactive power limits). For each case, the
maximum transfer estimate of 1.696 (4.0% error). The proposed first transfer limit was recorded.
reactive method also predicts the same limiting line, with a max- Fig. 4 shows the error obtained with linear ATC and linear
imum transfer estimate of 1.614 ( 1.0 error). As before, this ATC with reactive power flows with respect to the exact full
reduction of error is the benefit claimed by the results of this nonlinear solution. The mean value of the absolute error was
proposed method. 5.61% for the linear ATC and 2.15% for linear ATC with reac-
For the transfer from area 2 (seller) to area 3 (buyer), the lim- tive flows.
iting element is line 3-2 (line end 3), which reaches its thermal In all cases, the reactive approximation method predicted
limit with a transfer of 1.63 p.u., or 163 MW. This is the exact smaller ATC values than the linear method. This was expected
ATC value for this particular transfer. The traditional linear ATC since both simulations use the same PTDFs but the incor-
method does predict the same limiting line, with a maximum poration of reactive power flows accounts for the reactive
transfer estimate of 1.700 (4.3% error). The proposed reactive component.
method also predicts the same limiting line, with a maximum Although in most cases, the error was smaller when the effect
transfer estimate of 1.629 (virtually 0% error). As before, this of reactive flows was included, sometimes the linear method

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based on a megavar-corrected megawatt limit, which captures

the change in reactive power flow as the active power flow in the
line increases due to large transfers. This limit is both operating
point and direction independent and is inexpensively obtained
from the base case solution. The method can be easily incor-
porated into existing linear ATC software since it only requires
replacing the line MVA ratings by the new megawatt limit.
The assumptions used in the algorithm are based on those of
linear ATC and thus the new method can be applied together
with linear ATC, including simultaneous transactions. Further
work will examine the potential use of other features of this
algorithm to detect complete failure of the linear method due
to voltage collapse phenomena.

[1] “NERC transmission transfer capability task force,” in Available
Fig. 5. Error results for the NYISO system. Transfer Capability Definitions and Determination. Princeton, NJ:
North American Electric Reliability Council, 1996.
[2] P. W. Sauer, “Alternatives for calculating transmission reliability margin
alone was more accurate (e.g., transfers 1 and 9). This occurs (TRM) in available transfer capability (ATC),” in Proc. Thirty-First
in cases where a transfer reduces the reactive flow in the lim- Annu. Hawaii Int. Conf. Sys. Sci., vol. III, Kona, HI, Jan. 6–9, 1998, p.
iting line and improves local voltages, or where the limiting line [3] G. C. Ejebe, J. G. Waight, M. Santos-Nieto, and W. F. Tinney, “Fast
PTDF decreases with the transfer. In those cases, the reactive ap- calculation of linear available transfer capability,” IEEE Trans. Power
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[4] M. Pavella, D. Ruiz-Vega, J. Giri, and R. Avila-Rosales, “An integrated
A second simulation was run over the FERC summer peak scheme for on-line static and transient stability constrained ATC calcu-
case of the New York Independent System Operator (NYISO). lations,” in IEEE Power Eng. Soc., Summer Meeting, vol. 1, 1999, pp.
This case has about 40 000 buses covering most of the Eastern 273–276.
[5] S. Repo, “Real-time transmission capacity calculation in voltage sta-
Interconnection and includes more than 6,000 generating units bility limited power systems,” in Proc. Bulk Power Syst. Dyn. Control
and 139 control areas. Fifty ATC directions were studies across IV-Restructuring, Santorini, Greece, Aug. 24–28, 1998.
different control areas in the NYISO. The simulation did not [6] M. H. Gravener and C. Nwankpa, “Available transfer capability and first
order sensitivity,” IEEE Trans. Power Syst., vol. 14, pp. 512–518, May
include contingency sets, but severe contingencies were imple- 1999.
mented and assumed to be base case conditions. This effectively [7] V. Ajjarapu and C. Christy, “The continuation power flow: A tool for
incorporated further stress in the system and allowed identifica- steady state voltage stability analysis,” IEEE Trans. Power Syst., vol. 7,
pp. 416–423, Feb. 1992.
tion of the behavior of the developed algorithm in a wide range [8] G. T. Heydt, Computer Analysis Methods for Power Systems. New
of system operating scenarios. York, NY: Macmillan, 1986.
As in the previous case, in the NYISO system, the computa- [9] A. J. Wood and B. F. Wollenburg, Power Generation, Operation, and
Control. New York, NY: Wiley, 1996.
tion included only elements with PTDF’s larger than 0.5%. ATC [10] B. Stott and J. L. Marinho, “Linear programming for power system
was computed using the sequenctial full ac power flow, linear network security applications,” IEEE Trans. Power Apparat. Syst., vol.
ATC and linear ATC with the effect of reactive power. Fig. 5 PAS-98, pp. 837–848, May–June 1979.
[11] G. L. Landgren and S. W. Anderson, “Simultaneous power interchange
shows the error obtained with linear ATC and linear ATC with capability analysis,” IEEE Trans. Power Apparat. Syst., vol. PAS-92, pp.
reactive flows with respect to the exact solution. In this case, 1973–1986, Nov.–Dec. 1973.
the mean value of the absolute error was 6.41% for the linear [12] S. Grijalva and P. W. Sauer, “Reactive power considerations in linear
ATC computation,” in Proc. 32nd Annu. HI Int. Conf. Syst. Sci., HI,
ATC and 1.68% for linear ATC with reactive flows. Again, the 1999, HICSS-32, pp. 1–11.
reactive approximation resulted in smaller values of ATC with [13] S. Grijalva, “Complex Flow-Based Non-Linear ATC Screening,” Ph.D.
respect to linear ATC for every transfer. dissertation, Univ. Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, IL, 2002.
Note in Figs. 4 and 5 that the linear ATC method tends to
overestimate ATC. The reactive flow method reduced this bias,
as well as the error dispersion.
The results in the previous examples demonstrate that the re-
active power approximation provides a consistent and signif- Santiago Grijalva (M’03) received the electrical en-
icant reduction in the error of linear ATC. It also shows that gineer degree from the Escuela Politécnica Nacional
disregarding the effect of reactive power flows can be a large (EPN)-Ecuador in 1994, the M.S. Certificate in in-
formation systems from the Escuela Politécnica del
component of the errors in linear ATC calculations. Ejército (ESPE)-Ecuador in 1997, and the M.S. de-
gree in electrical engineering in 1999 from the Uni-
versity of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. He is cur-
V. CONCLUSIONS rently pursuing the Ph.D. degree at the Power and En-
The results obtained in this paper show that incorporating ergy Systems Program of the University of Illinois at
the effect of reactive power flows in transmission elements re- From 1995 to 1997, he was with the Ecuadorian National Center for Energy
sults in significant error reduction in linear ATC. The method is Control (CENACE) as EMS Engineer and Manager of the Software Department.

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Peter W. Sauer (S’73–M’77–F’93) received the B.S. James D. Weber (S’91–M’00) received the B.S.
degree in electrical engineering from the University degree in electrical engineering from the University
of Missouri at Rolla, in 1969, and the M.S. and Ph.D. of Wisconsin—Platteville in 1995, and the M.S. and
degrees in electrical engineering from Purdue Uni- Ph.D. degrees from the University of Illinois in 1997
versity, West Lafayette, IN, in 1974 and 1977, respec- and 1999, respectively.
tively. He is currently with PowerWorld Corporation,
He has been on the faculty at The University of Urbana, IL, specializing in developing software,
Illinois at Urbana-Champaign since 1977 where including PowerWorld Simulator, for the electric
he teaches courses and directs research on power utility industry. He was a summer intern at Wisconsin
systems and electric machines. From August 1991 Power and Light Company, Madison, WI, in 1994
to August 1992 he served as the Program Director and 1995, respectively.
for Power Systems in the Electrical and Communication Systems Division of
the National Science Foundation in Washington D.C.

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