20BCD7129 - Fda - Lab Assignment 7

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> #Recoding the values less than 6 with zero
> x[x<6]=0
[1] 0 0 0 6 8 9
> # Recoding the value 6 with NA
> x[x==6]=NA
[1] 0 0 0 NA 8 9
> A <-c(3, 2, NA, 5, 3, 7, NA, NA, 5, 2, 6)
> is.na(A)
> A[ is.na(A) ]=0
> #Recoding Categorical variable
> gender <-c("MALE","FEMALE","FEMALE "," MALE","FEMALE")
> gender[gender=="MALE"]=1
> gender
> #Recoding MALE by 1 and FEMALE by 2 using ifelse()
> gender=c("MALE","FEMALE","FEMALE","MALE","MALE")
> ifelse (gender == "MALE", 1,2)
[1] 1 2 2 1 1
> # Recoding MALE by 1, FEMALE by 2 and UNKNOWN by 3 using ifelse()
> ifelse (gender == "MALE", 1, ifelse (gender == "FEMALE", 2,3))
[1] 1 2 2 3 1
> #Dat Frame
> X=data.frame(Gender = c("F", "M", "M", "F", "B", "M", "M"), Height = c(154, 160, 130, 145,
169, 183, 166))
> #Recoding MALE by 1, FEMALE by 2 and other by 99 using ifelse()
> X[,1]=ifelse(X[,1] == "M", 1, ifelse(X[,1] == "F", 2, 99))
Gender Height
1 2 154
2 1 160
3 1 130
4 2 145
5 99 169
6 1 183
7 1 166
> # Replacing all the data in a field with a number
> X$Gender=5
Gender Height
1 5 154
2 5 160
3 5 130
4 5 145
5 5 169
6 5 183
7 5 166
> # Replacing all the data in a field with text
> X$Gender="Two"
Gender Height
1 Two 154
2 Two 160
3 Two 130
4 Two 145
5 Two 169
6 Two 183
7 Two 166
> #Replacing all the data in a field with NA (missing data)
> X$Gender="NA"
Gender Height
1 NA 154
2 NA 160
3 NA 130
4 NA 145
5 NA 169
6 NA 183
7 NA 166
> # Replacing the data in a field based on equal to some value
> A=data.frame(Gender = c("F", "F", "M", "F", "B", "M", "M"), Height = c(154, 167, 178, 145,
169, 183, 176))
> A$Height[A$Height==169]="ONE Sixty NINE"
> A$Height[A$Height<=169]="lessthanONE Sixty NINE"
> A$Height[A$Height>=169]="greater thanONE Sixty NINE"
Gender Height
1 F greater thanONE Sixty NINE
2 F greater thanONE Sixty NINE
3 M greater thanONE Sixty NINE
4 F greater thanONE Sixty NINE
5 B greater thanONE Sixty NINE
6 M greater thanONE Sixty NINE
7 M greater thanONE Sixty NINE
> #replacing only missing data
> A=data.frame(Gender = c("F", NA, "M", NA, "B", "M", "M"), Height = c(154, 167, 178, 145,
169, 183, 176))
> A$Gender[is.na(A$Gender)]="Missing Grade"
Gender Height
1 F 154
2 Missing Grade 167
3 M 178
4 Missing Grade 145
5 B 169
6 M 183
7 M 176
> #creating the new column with NA
> A$Gender1=NA
Gender Height Gender1
1 F 154 NA
2 Missing Grade 167 NA
3 M 178 NA
4 Missing Grade 145 NA
5 B 169 NA
6 M 183 NA
7 M 176 NA
> #copying the data from the existing column into the new one.
> A$Gender1=A$Gender
> A$Gender1[A$Gender=="M"]=4
Gender Height Gender1
1 F 154 F
2 Missing Grade 167 Missing Grade
3 M 178 4
4 Missing Grade 145 Missing Grade
5 B 169 B
6 M 183 4
7 M 176 4


Reg.no: 20BCD7129

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