Talentelgia Campus Placement - Compressed

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Ensuring Future
Future with
with Miracles

Dear Sir/Ma’am,

Gree�ngs from Talentelgia Technologies Pvt.Ltd.

Subject- Proposal for Industrial training cum Campus Placement

We hereby approach your esteemed college to offer high class six-months Industrial training to students
who are passionate about building their career in the so�ware industry. Upon SUCCESSFUL comple�on of
the training, they will get an opportunity to start their career and get absorbed in the company as a Junior
Software Engineer.
We at Talentelgia Technologies have been empowering customers since 2012, Talentelgia is one of the
leading offshore IT development company that executes web development, CMS customiza�on, ERPs,
mobile applica�ons, e-commerce and digital marke�ng services. Please do visit our website
www.talentelgia.com for more informa�on.

Company overview:

Over 10 years of 80+ Developers & UI 500+ Project 25+ Countries With
Technology Engineers Delivered Happy Clients

50+ Turn key 100% Client Registered office in Company office in

so�ware solu�ons in Sa�sfac�on United States and Mohali, Sector -67
Challenging business Guarantee United Kingdom
We have prepared a robust training curriculum for students in
advanced JavaScript, MEAN / MERN stack, LAMP stack and .NET,
etc. The training is offered online by our in-house trainers known
for their in-depth knowledge in IT domain. They have more than
10+ years of development and training experience and has
trained more than 1500 students on Java Script, html, LAMP,
Angular, React, Node, Mongo dB, MySQL. On the comple�on of
the Industrial training schedule, our selec�on commi�ee will
select the best students who can be hired on our company
payroll and other promising students get full support, mock
interviews to make sure they are able to clear their job
interviews in any of the renowned IT companies.

Qualification Requirement -

B.tech(CSE/IT) / BCA+MCA - Final year students only

Minimum 60% Aggregate and No backlogs

Basic terms and condition of Industrial training programme in Talentelgia Technologies -

The course is mainly divided into 03 levels:

Level 01 - 0-2 Months (Basic training)

Level 02 - 3rd Month (Technical + Assessment)

Level 03 - 4-6 Months (Live project+ Advanced technical training)

Level 1

First two months will be a basic training involving technologies like JavaScript, HTML, OOPS, CSS, MVC
It will be a stepping stone for students to learn and on the basis of their ap�tude from the 3rd month
onward they will be trained individually as Full stack in technologies like-

MEAN MERN .net/Core React JS Angular LAMP

Level 2

In the third month a midterm assessment will be conducted to assess their skill set and ap�tude.
Students, who will clear the assessment will be assigned a Mentor who will be a professional so�ware
engineer of the company and the so�ware intern will get trained under him/her.
Some basic rules for training to be adhered to - else the training will be forfeited by the company at any
�me during the tenure of 06 months.

Discipline to a�end training and adhere to company �mings from 9 AM to 6:30 PM

No absenteeism during training programme - Any student due to any reason was not able to a�end
3 classes in a month will not be allowed to con�nue further in the training programme and company
is not liable to issue training cer�ficate to him/her
Sincerity in training - complete and submit all assignments on �me with proper protocol

Level 3

4th-6th month -

The Level 3 industrial training focuses on technology specific training as a Full stack Developer.
Technology will be assigned to the so�ware intern basis his/her interest, skill set and performance in the
past months.
The company will be suppor�ng the so�ware intern at all levels and gauging his performance and
discipline at regular intervals.
Trainees will be given an opportunity to learn and work on live projects to handle real �me scenarios
(front end /back-end technologies)
Trainees will be ge�ng an exposure to work with Senior Developer as a mentor and to be a part of a
development team
Trainees get corporate exposure and get familiar with assessments and handling task and priori�zing
In these �mes a developer is not only required to work by wri�ng codes op�mally but also must know
how to handle client communica�on therefore, they will be undertaking mandatory English
communica�on session to enhance their overall personality
The same Rules are applicable as of Level 1 for successful comple�on of training - No nego�a�on in
discipline, if observed that the student is not taking the training seriously then the training programme
will cease to exist and no liability on the company to offer cer�ficate

Selection Process:

Selection Process Online Offline

Mode Google Meet Campus

Step 1 A�end Company Presenta�on A�end Company Presenta�on

Step 2 Online Technical Group interview Online Technical Test(MCQ's)

Step 3 HR round Technical Interview

Le�er of Intent(Document
Step 4 Submission & Verifica�on HR Round

Le�er of Intent(Document
Step 5 Offer le�er Submission & Verifica�on
Step 6 NA Offer Le�er

Company Online Technical Group HR Letter of Intent

Presentation interview/ Online test Round and Offer letter
Placement in the Company along with Remuneration and Growth Structure :
Upon successfully clearing the selec�on process, the Interns will be offered an Internship cum Job Program.

2.6 years of Service Level Agreement from the date of joining

Below men�oned remunera�on along with placement will be given on the basis of technical assessment,
performance, accountability & discipline at work.

Remuneration and Growth Structure for 2.6yrs

Month/Year Stipend/Salary Designation

1 to 6 months INR 10000/- to INR 15000/- So�ware Intern

6 months to 1.6yrs up to INR 25000/- Junior So�ware Engineer

30% to 40% hike on last

1.6yr to 2.6yrs drawn salary
So�ware Engineer

We sincerely hope that you share a posi�ve response for the campus drive for Industrial training
programme. This ini�a�ve will be mutually beneficial to all recipients - Students are getting the best training
and getting observed in the IT company, the college gets a good placement association in Tricity and the
company benefits from adding young energetic talent and future industry experts.
We are happy to share some success stories of
Campus Interns from deemed university in Tri-city and
we are proud of the way they are shaping up as young
talent in the company.

In December 2019, Talentelgia Technologies came in our University for the

campus placement drive, CGC-Landran. The process was simple there were 3 to
4 rounds. A�er clearing all rounds, I got an offer for the posi�on of "So�ware
Intern" I was very happy ge�ng the offer le�er. In 2020, I stepped into the
Talentelgia family as an intern and I was raw in this field, lot of things were there
to learn as a fresher. So, during our training period my all mentors helped me to
learn new frameworks and technologies including frontend and backend like
Angular, Node.js, Mongo dB, Express.js and much more. As part of this journey,
Abhishek Garg there was a lot of learning in 2020.A�er successful comple�on of internship, I
Course got an offer for the posi�on of "Junior So�ware Developer" in MEAN Stack. At
MCA, Batch 2022, last, I would only say, as a fresher there are lot of opportuni�es, learning, fun
Chandigarh University and challenges provided by this company - I am happy to begin my career with
Talentelgia Technologies.

I am working as a So�ware Intern at Talentelgia Technologies and am really

happy with how things have unfolded. Talentelgia visited our campus for
recruitment, where two rounds of the selec�on took place. When the results
were announced, I was so happy as this was going to be my first ever job.
Although wai�ng to start working here was tough, the day finally came and I
joined. Since then my mentors, have been making things easier for me.
I was trained in various technologies like HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, Javascript,
Typescript, and React. Shortly, I got the chance to choose the technology and
chose React. And one month a�er this, I was assigned a mentor and a live
MCA, Batch 2022, I have also been a part of client calls which has added loads to my confidence.
Panjab University
Also, the fun ac�vi�es every Thursday are the cherry on the top we all eagerly
look forward to each week.
I am so happy that the growth opportuni�es here are limitless; all you need is a
desire to learn.
Talentelgia Technologies came into our campus - Panjab University, for campus
placement. The selec�on process included a virtual technical interview and HR
Gratefully I passed all the interview rounds and got an offer as So�ware Intern
in the company. I joined Talentelgia Technologies as and since then, I have
learned several valuable skills like email ethics, coordina�on with the team, and
I also learned a new framework from scratch with the guidance of the mentors
Samriti as the work environment is healthy and all the seniors very helpful.
Course Although it was ini�ally challenging to perform the given tasks while working on
MCA, Batch 2022, the live project but I kept learning and can now complete the tasks within the
Panjab University given �me.
I feel like being here will help me learn a lot which will help me grow in
corporate life.

I was selected by Talentelgia Technologies as a So�ware Intern in MERN Stack

when they came to our college for the campus placement drive.
A�er successfully passing all the rounds, I got an offer for a "So�ware Intern" in
the company and was very happy a�er receiving that offer le�er via Email.
Fast-forward, I joined and on the very first day, I knew I was at the right place. I
was a fresher and was new to work and the work environment but the
Talentelgia family did not make me feel le� out at all.
All the team members are suppor�ve and helpful and always have something to
Abhishek Tripathi
teach me, to help me grow. My seniors helped me learn new techniques from
the basic to advanced levels adding more to my confidence.
MCA, Batch 2022, I believe that although there are a lot of opportuni�es and new things to learn,
CGC Landran
one can face all the challenges only if he is a keen learner and a hard worker.
I am thankful to Talentelgia Technologies for giving me a pla�orm to showcase
my capabili�es, polish my skills, and set out on my journey to success!
I am Simran Kumari and I work as So�ware Intern at Talentelgia Technologies Pvt
My journey at Talentelgia Technologies started when I gave an interview and
luckily got selected for the technical round.
Shortly, the online training started, giving me a chance to be a part of this work
place that offers both; learning opportuni�es and fun �me.
Since the start, I admire the friendly and suppor�ve work environment.
Everyone wants to start a career in the best workplace and I am lucky that I got
Simran this opportunity. The best part of this company is that we at Talentelgia are like
Course a family. All the mentors are good, full of knowledge, and helpful.
BTECH, Batch 2022, GURU I am hoping to take my career to success with Talentalgia Technologies.
NANAK INSTITUTE MULLANA I can posi�vely say there are infinite opportuni�es to learn new things and give
yourself a chance.

I am Naseer, a So�ware Intern at Talentelgia Technologies Pvt Ltd. My journey

here started when they came to our university for the virtual campus placement
drive. A�er successfully passing all three rounds, I got an offer le�er via email
for "So�ware Intern" in the company.
I joined and learned a lot during my training. All thanks to my mentors who are
always willing to take the �me to help me. Currently, I am working on the MEAN
stack and am hopeful I will con�nue my learning journey at the same pace!
MCA-LEET, Batch 2022,
Chandigarh University

I joined as a So�ware Intern at Talentelgia Technologies a�er which my technical

training started. It feels great to be a part of an organiza�on where I learn new
things every day. The skills I have learned here will boost my career for sure. I
feel so happy as this is the dream start of my career. The best part of Talentelgia
is support and guidance from the en�re organiza�on. I believe my future will be
very bright in Talentelgia.

I am s�ll learning every day and am thankful to Talentelgia technologies for

giving me this opportunity.
Btech, Batch 2022,
Manav Bharti University
One of my friends referred me to Talentelgia Technologies. The criteria for
selec�on was a virtual technical test with three to four sec�ons.
A�er successfully passing all the rounds, I got an offer for the posi�on of
So�ware Intern and was happy a�er taking that offer le�er in my hand.
Some�mes as an intern, I find things quite challenging. But there is a lot to learn
in a short amount of �me and expecta�ons are high. So many designers applied.
But I got the chance and that makes me so proud of myself.
The team at Talentelgia never made me feel that I was new to the company.
Manmeet Over �me, I have come across amazing people, mentors, senior designers, and
Course developers who helped me as a designer.
MCA Batch 2022, I feel lucky enough as I am also working on Digital Marke�ng Collateral. Work
Panjab University does not feel like work when you have good company.

I joined Talentelgia Technologies as a Quality Analyst Intern.

My first day at Talentelgia technologies was a very joyful moment for me. Our
technical training started with the training and guidance from seniors that have
dras�cally improved my tes�ng skills.
Now, I can handle client documenta�on and learn new things. The skills I have
learned will boost my career.
The best part is the support and guidance from the en�re team.
I am s�ll learning every day and this is a big plus. Thanks to Talentelgia!
Btech, Batch 2022,
CGC Landran

I have joined as a So�ware Intern in Talentelgia Technologia and started my

training with basic coding prac�ces.
Here, I also got a chance to choose a technology stack where I chose python to
begin my career, and feel so fortunate to be part of this organisa�on that is
always adding more to my skill set.
The mentors are suppor�ve and helpful and have valuable knowledge to share.
I like the mindset, culture, and being part of a team that works to make the
young resources the best. It brings happiness to know that I am inves�ng my
�me, knowledge, and experience in a company inves�ng in me.
MCA, Batch 2022,
Panjab University
Our mission is to hire fresh talent who are ambi�ous, passionate and interested in learning and building
their careers. We are proud that most of our employees believe in us and are working for over 5+ years in
the company, this denotes that employees are sa�sfied with the career opportunity and with their technical
advancement. The company not only has a good environment but also provides the latest technologies to
work and grow as a full stack.
We are looking forward to a con�nued associa�on with your deemed university. I will appreciate it if I can
speak and explain further about the company and other benefits the students will get if they decide to join
and build their career with Talentelgia Technologies.

Eagerly wai�ng for your response to my email. Please stay safe and have a great day today.


Pallavi Ranjan | Director HR, Public Rela�ons and Administra�on

Talentelgia Technologies Pvt Ltd
Dibon Building, Ground Floor, Plot No ITC-2, Sector 67
Mohali - 160062, Punjab
Phone: 91 7481816861

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