Statement of The Problem

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Cagayan Valley is a place known by many as more of just a vast plain of rice fields and not by its tourist
destinations. Reflecting to its case will result to the needs of solutions for the place to be heard,
witnessed, and experienced. Moreover, to inform the public specially the tourists that there are still
more than what they know about places considered as treasures of Cagayan.

The town of Allacapan where the study or this research is being associated is a place unfortunate to not
have natural resources big enough to attract large numbers of tourists. Also, the town lacks on facilities
that aims to promote local products and the “Allacapeños pride”. Because of these needs regarding to
the situation of the town, a must need solution should be formulated to boost the deficient tourism of

This research will result on how to come-up with a solution by means of a structure that aims to
promote the hidden wonders or the natural and man-made resources of Cagayan Valley to the public
and to serve as a key to ameliorate the tourism and uplift the way-of-life of Allacapeños.


1. How to merge the concept of ‘promoting the natural and man-made resources of Cagayan’ and
‘the attraction of tourists for Allacapan’ into a design of a Tourism Hub?
2. What aspect of the design should be applied to the Tourism Hub to effectively promote the
natural and man-made resources of Cagayan?
3. How to attract the neighboring towns and cities of Allacapan using a Tourism Hub?


The objective of the project is to establish a place of collective workspace solution with diverse services
in which Allcapan’s tourism will flourish, and by using the project as a magnetism that attracts its
neighboring town and that will benefit the Allacapeño’s economic development, Also, the objective of
the project is to serve as a reflection that signifies and promote the hidden wonders of Cagayan.


1. To build a Tourism Hub with the integration the concept of ‘promoting the natural and man-
made resources of Cagayan’ and ‘the attraction of tourists for Allacapan’.
2. To build a Tourism Hub with a design that promotes and showcase the natural and man-made
resources of Cagayan Valley
3. To build a Tourism Hub that attracts tourist especially the neighboring town and cities of
Allacapan and to encourage them to join in promoting Cagayan Valley as tourist destination

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