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Ghester's Edge

City Districts

The Salt Lockers (Docks) The dock is run by the undead who wordlessly perform their tasks. The portmaster is
a Fallen Aasimar with dark brown skin, bald head and golden eyes with an elaborate piercing on his right ear.
Talks very loudly and cusses a lot.

Vertix Square (Capitol) This is where the mausoleum of the coffin king resides, an epic victorian structure that
is overly embeleshed with stonework that depicts the devastation of Aelon.

Coffer Row (Financial) Coffer Row is currently in financial upheaval, there are those who had a chance to throw
in with Hojo before the fall of Baeton'Mor and those who had no idea. The factions here are shifting in a very
one sided fashion.

Eldorum District (Scholastic) This is where several colleges reside and is considered to be one of the more
refined districts. Here the professors and benefactors reign, students must be gracious and demur or they will
be punished swiftly. The city has so much going on that it doesn't bat an eye at missing students. The three
colleges are Judicandus University of the Arcane, Noctus School of Forbidden Arts and the Lysodeus Academy
of Alchemy.

Xadian Labs (Research) The Xadian Labs are the life blood of this city, fueling and fueled by it's unique
agricultural model. Because the scientists here can collect specimens virtually anywhere with undead servants,
there are very few limitations on their medical and alchemical research

Macabre District (Arts) Just inside the northern gate the knucklebone bazaar spreads out in a promenade of
tents and booths where one can acquire exotic ingredients illegal in other provinces. This district is also home
to the Goulcrest Theatre and the Danse Macabre INN .

The Silver Spine (Noble) Silver Spine is where members of the court of skulls reside, as well as a number of
generous benefactors to the cities research. On the highest point and old mansion looms over this district,
Be'Laroux Manor home of the high vertix.

Barrowdale Valley (Slums) about 70% of the working population of Ghester's Edge lives in the Valley. Living
within the city proper is too expensive for the average citizen. The slums are also home to a community of
second-born, a term to define one who has served "coffin time". Life sentances in the city are served in
undeath, guilty parties are executed, raised by court necromancers and put to work by the Xadian Labs until
they work off their resurrection debt.

Urban Legends of Ghester's Edge

The city of bones is home to occult rituals supernatural encounters, demonic pacts, and necromancy. Parties
who spend too much time in the city may find themselves face to face with one of their many urban legends.
Only by discovering the truth behind the myths can one hope to shake off these entities of the dark.

Miss Chitchat: (Disadvantage on ability checks and saving throws) A small child's voice that whispers creepy
shit in your ear while you are trying to concentrate. The story goes that a Xadian scientist with a sick young
daughter attempted a number of experimental trials on her in order to defeat the illness. The child ended up
succumbing to her malady and the scientist went insane. When they hauled him off to Pleasant Ridge
Sanitarium he ranted about how she would rise from her grave and crawl into bed with him while whispering
unnearving thoughts, each night he would have to kill and bury her again.

"My sister said that mommy killed her. Mommy says that I don't have a sister."

"Little brother won't stop crying and screaming in the middle of the night. I visit his grave and ask him to stop,
but it doesn't help."

"I'm so cold, can I cuddle with you?" A cold feeling creeps across your body."

"The dead are watching us now. That's the good news."

"He has a funny face with a mouth that's sewn shut, bad things happen when he talks."

The Scream Queen:(Whenever you use a perception or investigation check make a DC 16 wisdom save. Save
for half damage or take 6d6 force damage and become deafened for 1 hour.) This is the story of a struggling
student who commited suicide but her spirit thinks she failed and is still alive. She kept trying to comfort her
crying friends but they would not listen to her. She became enraged at this and screams endlessly for those
around to hear her. If you look at her with any fear on your face her rage will only intensify. Students have
claimed that the scream queen haunts them and more than a few have ended their lives saying that the
screaming was too much to bear.

Look to your left, to your right, under your bed, behind your dresser, in your closet but never look up, she hates
being seen.

Window Licker: (When near a mirror DC 16 dexterity save special rules: Doppleganger)It is rumored that
there is another realm beyond the looking glass, and what lives there eagerly watches you. It lays in wait
hoping to get the chance to pull you in and take your place.

"I woke up to hear a knocking on glass. At first, I thought it was the window until I heard it come from the
mirror again."

"Put the mirrors back, we miss watching you."

The Tooth Fairy:(During long rest DC 16 constitution save or be silenced for 24 hours) Rumored to have been
born deformed with over 60 fully formed teeth. Silent, always smiling. The child was sent to Xadia to be studied
but chewed it's way out of the wagon before it got there. They say it lives under the city in the cisterns,
surfacing only to collect more teeth.

You hear a couple drunks getting into a fight outside in the ally way before she pushes her lanky pale fingers
into your mouth, her face featureless beside a massive toothy grin. Unable to to scream out she grasps one of
your teeth and with a wet cracking sound... You sit bolt upright, relieved it was only a dream, but then you hear
a scuffle in the alley outside and the creak of a door hinge in your room.

The Glutton:(Gorge yourself at every meal time or DC 16 intelligence save every 4 hours for the next 24 hours
or take a level of exhaustion) Lord Royce Barrington III was the heir to Barrington Mills, once the largest farm
in the gravelands. He was a spoiled child and a cruel man who enjoyed nothing but the finest amenities. His
father seeing this had willed that Royce could only claim the family business if he lost 50lbs. The young lord was
unable to lose the weight and ended up making a pact with a marid to lose the weight in exchange for it's
freedom. The marid took his legs and dissapeared never to be seen again. The young lord with the wealth of
the mills at his disposal did nothing but sit and eat for the rest of his days. Each dish more exotic than the last,
it was rumored that he even ate other humans, the undead and the feast of the unicorn.

The funeral procession never came out of the catacombs. The door was locked from the other side, his last
meal. The wealth of the Mills were buried with him, and those who seek it's fortunes are never seen again.

"I was always told not to play with my food, as it is a blessing to eat. However I'm one to tease my meals, and
killing is always a treat.

Tick Tack the Clown:(Upon interraction DC 16 charisma save or be hunted by Tick Tack for 24 hours,
stackable) This is the story of a tanner whos business had gone under, so he took out a loan. Unable to pay it
back when the time came the interest became so high that the only way he could pay it would be to serve
coffin-time. When he finished his sentance 30 years later he found his shop torn down and built over. They say
he dissapeared into the streets, masquerading as the undead, wearing the skins of his victims.

He wanders the Macabre District making balloon animals out of sausage casings and organ tissues, his clown
mask is a texas chainsaw type grotesquery. He will stalk the party if mildly offended, think psychological
disorder, need to "get back at people" mentality.

The longer I wore it the more it grew on me. She had such pretty skin.

"It took five minutes and spoon, but the cap finally came loose with a satisfying pop. Now for the other knee..."

Notable Locations

The Danse Macabre INN (Lodgings) One of the larger and more well crafted inns in GE. Disembodied hands
perform the brunt of the work while a lone bartender Bliss a female tiefling with a bald head covered in tattoos
and horns that crest over the forehead and sweep back, wearing a white shirt, girter and panteloons. She
enjoys getting her customers sauced, drunk people are easier to convince. Mess with her and face the hundred
hands of the Danse Macabre.

Judicandus University (Occult Research) A sister insitution to Nox Academy in Thrax, Judicandus was
established in 1480AD. It is one of the three major colleges in the city and has recently undergone a change of
management. In 1776AD the college changed hands to a shadow lender who now fully finances all the college's
needs. The current headmaster Professor Ky'Shoal has been in charge since the change in leadership, he is a
Callosi elf with a sharp intellect and keen eye.

Hellfire Emporium (Blacksmith) The emporium reaks of sulfur and the heat is near unbearable. Black stone
walls frame this forge with minimal embelishments. At the center of the forge is a massive anvil that bleeds
molten lava when struck. The owner Bone Carver is a brick house of a tiefling with infernal tattoos down his
arms and chest that also glow when the anvil is struck. he has long black hear and a beard that are all braided
into inch thick sections. Something of a workaholic Bone Carver rarely leaves his shop.

The Harvester (General Goods) The Harvester is a chain of shops you can find throughout the city that are
owned by the Xadian Labs. Shopkeepers and temperments can vary based on location. The shops themselves
are all laid out the same and in addition to general goods they carry a wide variety of medicinal items. Tim
Burton's Walgreens basically.

Necropolis (Magic Shop) This is one of the only sanctioned magic shops in Ghester's Edge. It is owned and ran
by Elric Amari a human shadow sorceror. He is greying at the temples and facial hair. He is theatrical and hype
up every item the customer looks at. He is very skilled at wording his sentances correctly when asked about
legalities and dark arts.

The Meat Market (Arena) The Meat Market in the cisterns is where the strongest necromancers test their
creations against one another for glory and gold. Xadia, Silverspine and Coffer Row have all been known to
send scouts to the higher billings. On occassion the market puts out an open challenge to any brave enough to
take on the abominations within.

Dullahan's (Shipwright) Many will say that Dullahan's is over priced, but they have run this shipwright business
for nearly 800 years, there is no one close to that reputation. The shop is run by Prima I'gara a female aasimar
with white hair, golden eyes and dark brown skin. She is one of the few craftsman in the city that still pays for
live labor and employs a number of young workers from the slums.

Reaper's Market (meat, fish, livestock, produce, cheese) The reaper's market in the knucklebone bazaar is
where one can acquire some of the highest quality foods in all the world. It is the top 1% of the Graveland's
harvest and it is sold locally before being processed and shipped somewhere else for a high markup.

Skin City (Tanner) The leathworking shop is more of a jumble of tents near the docks in the Salt Lockers. Run by
a Kenku named Yako with a penchant for trickery, he often seeks to prank his guests. The tent setup is broad
with a web of interconnecting bamboo mesh that hangs multiple pelts above the shop. Yako has a reputation
for giving a discount to those with a good sense of humor.

The Cisterns (Sewers) The cisterns are primarily populated and maintained by the dead. A wonder of
infrastructure this massive sewer helps alieviate the spread of disease in the city by running the massive Tibian
River through it. It is said that the cisterns are so large you could probably fit a whole other city within.

Obdurate HQ (Law Enforcement) The police force of the Executorum is feared across the city due to the lack of
judicial defense for citizens. They are often referred to as the heartless for their unerring adherance to the law
without exception. Obdurate infiltrators often wear uniforms enchanted with illusion magic to make them
unidentifiable to potential targets.
Culture: Ghester's Edge is a free practice totalitarian government run by the Coffin King Zerak De'Vis, undead
wraith of the last ruling archmage. The city enjoys unfettered access to forbidden rituals, demonology,
necromancy and many other taboo practices, while existing under a complete iron fist law enforced by the

Coffin-Time: Also known as dirt napping, plant pushing, up the river (euphamism), or down the river (insult) is
when a criminal is fined more than they can pay off within 30 years. If found guilty by the Judicators offenders
are sumarily dispatched by the Executorum and assigned work by the Xadian Labs, the tasks are determined by
the needs of the city. This task whether it be agriculture, dredging, dock work or infrastructure will be worked
until completion until the debt and costs of resurrection are paid.

Economics: Because the bulk of the cities work force is undead, the living tend to gravitate to more arts,
science and arcane speciatlities such as chefs, doctors, alchemists artists and actors. The city itself is financed
by the Xadian Labs through Coffer Row, funded by all of the sanctioned coffin-time and resources earned.

Religon: There are several temples to Syphas, Khoryx and Maathius within the city limits, they are venerated
for their command over death and knowledge. The city has no authoritarian stance on religion as the Coffin
King worships no gods, the mass majority worships knowledge and the pursuit of power.

Military: Aside from daily law enforcement Ghester's Edge has never fielded a military force of it's own but has
the purchasing power to pick up whatever mercenaries it needs. House Idalia in the Silverspine district trains
and contracts sellswords.

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