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Cloud computing has been emerged as a new computing paradigm which goals
at providing reliable, customized and guaranteed run time computing
environment for the users out there

The term cloud refers to a network or the web. It is technology that uses remote
servers on the web to store, manage, and access data online instead of local
drives. The information can be of any type like pictures, videos, audio,
documents, text and more

SO why Cloud Computing?

Every business out there either it be a small scale or Big IT Industries follows a
conventional methods. That refers for any IT company, we need a server room
that is pretty much a basic need of IT industry. In the server room there should
be a database server, mail server, networking, firewalls, routers, modem,
To establish such IT infrastructure we need a lot of cash flow within the
business, to avoid such issues and reduce the cost of IT infrastructure, Cloud
Computing comes into existence
Cloud computing platforms

What is cloud computing platforms?

A platform that refers to the operating system and hardware of a server in an
web based data centers. It concede software and hardware products to coexist
remotely and at a scale

How cloud platforms works?

Enterprise rent access to computer services such as servers, database, storage,
software analytics, intelligence and networking. Therefore, it should be noticed
that the enterprises don’t have to set up their own data centers or computing
infrastructure. They just have to simply pay for the services that they use

Types of cloud platforms

Not a single platform or sever works for everyone. There are in diverse in
models, types and services that differs according to the user requirements
They include:
Public cloud:
These platforms are the third party providers and are not owned by the end
users. This platform delivers computing resources and services over the internet.
Traditional public clouds always run off premises, but today’s public cloud
service providers have started offering cloud services on client’s on-premises
data centers. This has made location and ownership distinctions obsolete
Private cloud:
A private cloud is a single tenant environment. Meaning the organization using
it does not share resources with other users, Those resources can be managed
and hosted in a variety of ways. The private cloud might be based on the
resources and infrastructure already present in an organization’s premises data
center or on new separate infrastructure, which is provided by the third party
Hybrid cloud:
It is a combination of public and private cloud platforms. Data and applications
move seamlessly between these two. This gives the organization more
flexibility and helps optimizing infrastructure, compliance and security

Big data
Big data is a vast amount of data that can be structured, semi-structured or
unstructured. It is all about analytics and is usually derived from different
sources, such as user input, IoT, sensors, emails etc
It also refers to the act of processing enormous volume of data to address some
query, as well as to identify a trend or pattern, data is analyzed through the set
of mathematical algorithms, which vary depending upon the meaning of the
data and the number of sources involved in generating the particular data and
the business intent behind analysis. Distributed computing software platforms,
such as Apache Hadoop, Databricks and Cloudera are used to split up and
organize such complex analytics.
Big data in the Cloud
Big data and cloud are two distinctly ideas, but the two concepts have become
so interwoven that they cannot be seperated
“Essentially, Big data refers to the large sets of data collected, while Cloud
computing refers to the mechanism that remotely takes this data in and performs
any operations specified on the data.

Big data is often generated by large web based systems . It can be either a
standard or non-standard format. If the data is in a non-standard format,
artificial intelligence from the cloud computing provider may be used in
addition to the machine learning to standardize the data. And then it can be
harnessed through the cloud computing platform and utilized in a variety of
ways like, it can be searched, edited, and used for future insights.
The cloud infrastructure helps us in processing of big data in real-time. It can
take handle a larger impact of data from intensive systems and interpret it in
real-time. Another common relationship between cloud computing and bigdata
is that the power of cloud allows big data analytics to occur in a fraction of the
time it used to

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