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Renewable Energy 35 (2010) 1565–1573

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GHG balances of bioenergy systems – Overview of key steps in the production

chain and methodological concerns
Francesco Cherubini*
Industrial Ecology Programme, Department of Energy and Process Engineering, Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), 7491 Trondheim, Norway

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: This paper deals with a methodology for calculating the greenhouse gas (GHG) balances of bioenergy
Received 21 June 2009 systems producing electricity, heat and transportation biofuels from biomass residues or crops.
Accepted 20 November 2009 Proceeding from the standard Life-Cycle Assessment (LCA) as defined by ISO 14040 norms, this work
Available online 29 December 2009
provides an overview of the application of the LCA methodology to bioenergy systems in order to
estimate GHG balances. In this paper, key steps in the bioenergy chain are identified and the bioenergy
systems are compared with fossil reference systems producing the same amount of final products/
GHG balance
services. The GHG emission balances of the two systems can thus be compared. Afterwards, the most
Biomass important methodological assumptions (e.g. functional unit, allocation, reference system, system
Biofuels boundaries) and key aspects affecting the final outcomes are discussed. These key aspects are: changes in
organic carbon pools, land-use change effects (both direct and indirect), N2O and CH4 emissions from
agricultural soils and effects of crop residue removal for bioenergy use. This paper finally provides some
guidelines concerning the compilation of GHG balances of bioenergy systems, with recommendations
and indications on how to show final results, address the key methodological issues and give homog-
enous findings (in order to enhance the comparison across case studies).
Ó 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction balance calculation of biomass based energy (i.e. bioenergy) systems,

by identifying energy and materials used as well as direct and indirect
Our strong dependence on fossil fuels results on the intensive GHG emissions [2,3]. Given the variety of processes leading to bio-
use and consumption of petroleum derivatives which, combined energy and the numerous assumptions on which bioenergy systems
with diminishing petroleum resources, causes environmental and are based, outcomes of GHG balances can differ even for apparently
political concerns. There is clear scientific evidence that emissions similar systems. The main reasons for diverging results are:
of greenhouse gases (GHGs), such as carbon dioxide (CO2), methane
(CH4) and nitrous oxide (N2O), arising from fossil fuel combustion - type of biomass sources,
and land-use change as a result of human activities, are perturbing - conversion technologies,
the Earth’s climate [1]. New renewable sources for energy and - input data,
transportation fuels are therefore object of research and develop- - end-use technologies,
ment activities. Biomass is a promising alternative to fossil fuels for - allocation method,
producing electricity and transportation biofuels, since it is - system boundaries,
a renewable source of carbon and it is locally available in many - reference energy system and
countries, with the advantage to promote and revitalize rural areas. - other assumptions (such as land-use change effects, soil N2O
In addition, if managed with sustainable practices, it can be a valu- emissions, data quality and age, etc.).
able option for mitigating climate change and increasing national
energy security. The aim of this paper is to provide an overview of the most
There is a broad agreement in the scientific community that Life- important steps in bioenergy production chains and discuss the key
Cycle Assessment (LCA) is one of the best methodologies for the GHG methodological aspects affecting final results. In order to increase
the uniformity of basic assumptions and comparability of case
* Tel.: þ4773598942. studies, some guidelines and recommendations for GHG balances of
E-mail address: bioenergy systems are finally proposed.

0960-1481/$ – see front matter Ó 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
1566 F. Cherubini / Renewable Energy 35 (2010) 1565–1573

2. The LCA approach the form of elementary flows to and from the environment
from all the unit processes involved in the study (ISO 14041).
An LCA is the investigation and evaluation of the environmental 3. Life-Cycle Impact Assessment (LCIA): assessment of the
impacts of a given product or service. This assessment methodology potential impacts associated with the identified forms of
is based on the identification of energy and materials used and resource use and environmental emissions. This phase aims at
emissions released to the environment. LCA evaluates all stages of evaluating the contribution to impact categories such as global
a production chain from the perspective that they are interdepen- warming, acidification, etc. The first step is termed character-
dent, meaning that one operation leads to the next. LCA includes the ization. Here, impact potentials are calculated based on the LCI
estimation of environmental impacts (e.g. GHG emissions) from all results. The next two steps are normalization and weighting,
stages in the product life cycle. One of the main reasons for which an but these are both voluntary according to the ISO standard.
LCA is applied is to compare the full range of environmental and Normalization provides a basis for comparing different types of
social damages assignable to products and services, with the environmental impact categories (all impacts get the same
possibility to make comparisons and choose the least burdensome unit). Weighting implies assigning a weighting factor to each
alternative (e.g. comparison of electricity production from biomass impact category depending on the relative importance (ISO
residues and coal). 14042).
As reported in Fig. 1, the term life cycle refers to the major 4. Life-Cycle Interpretation: interpretation of the results from the
activities in the course of the product’s life span, from raw materials previous phases of the study in relation to the objectives of the
acquisition, processing, to recycle and waste management, study. All conclusions are drafted during this phase. Sometimes
accounting for all the auxiliary energy and material inputs required an independent critical review is necessary, especially when
along the full chain in the inventory. comparisons are made that are used in the public domain (ISO
As defined in the ISO 14040 standards, a typical LCA study 14043).
consists of the following stages:

1. Goal and scope definition: define and describe the object of the 3. LCA and bioenergy: background and current situation
analysis, establish the context in which the assessment is
developed, discuss assumptions and data quality, identify Bioenergy is renewable energy made available from materials
system boundaries and environmental effects. The object of derived from biological sources, i.e. biomass. Biomass is any organic
study is described in terms of a so-called functional unit (ISO material which has stored sunlight in the form of chemical energy.
14041). A wide range of biomass sources can be used to produce bioenergy
2. Life-cycle inventory (LCI): this phase involves data collection in a variety of forms. For example, food, fibre, and wood process
and modelling, compilation of data both about energy and residues from industrial sectors, energy and perennial crops and
material flows and emissions to the environment, throughout agricultural residues from the agricultural sector and forest resi-
the life cycle of the case study. Usually, life-cycle inventories dues and short-rotation coppice from the forestry sector can be
and modelling are carried out using dedicated software pack- utilized to generate electricity, heat, combined heat and power and
ages. The data must be related to the functional unit defined in other bioenergy carriers. Bioenergy provides about 10% of the
the goal and scope definition. Data can be presented in tables world’s total primary energy supply and most of this is for use in
and some interpretations can be made already at this stage. The the residential sector (for heating and cooking). In 2005, bioenergy
LCI table provides information about all inputs and outputs in represented 78% of all renewable energy produced [4].

Life-Cycle Chain

Raw material acquisition

Useful Products

Main Product(s)

Input Flows Co-Products


Raw Materials Emissions



Recycle Soil


Waste Management

Fig. 1. Scheme of the main steps and flows involved in a generic life cycle assessment.
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3.1. Biomass for heat and power others) promise advantages over 1st generation biofuels in terms of
land-use efficiency and environmental performance [15,16].
A variety of biomass resources (wood, crop residues, municipal
solid waste, grasses and others) are utilized through combustion, to 4. GHG oriented LCA of bioenergy systems
generate bioenergy in the form of heat and power. Generally,
electricity from biomass is produced using a steam cycle process, in 4.1. GHG balance
which biomass is burned in a boiler to produce high pressure steam
which activates a turbine connected to an electric generator [4]. In a GHG balance, emissions of the three most important
Biomass is usually fed into the system as chips, pellets or briquettes. greenhouse gases (CO2, CH4, N2O) must be accounted for over the
Biomass can also be burned with coal in a boiler of a conventional entire life cycle of the bioenergy system. These gases can be emitted
power plant to yield steam and electricity. Co-firing biomass with directly (i.e. biomass combustion and decrease of organic carbon
coal is currently the most cost-efficient way of incorporating pools,) or indirectly (i.e. combustion of auxiliary energy inputs,
renewable technologies into conventional power production production of auxiliary materials, indirect land-use change) and are
because much of the existing power plant infrastructure can be responsible for the effect of increasing temperature in the lower
used without consistent modifications. atmosphere. This effect is quantified by using global warming
GHG balances of bioenergy systems producing electricity and potentials (GWPs) for substances having the same effect as CO2 in
heat were investigated using an LCA approach and many case reflection of heat radiation. GWPs for greenhouse gases are
studies are currently available in the scientific literature [5–7]. expressed as CO2-equivalents, i.e. their effect is expressed relatively
Almost all studies reveal that consistent GHG emission savings to the effect of CO2. GWPs are developed by IPCC (Intergovern-
are achieved when electricity and heat from biomass displace mental Panel on Climate Change) and are quantified for time
electricity and heat produced from fossil sources (e.g. coal, oil, horizons of 20, 100 or 500 years. Equivalence factors for the three
natural gas). When compared with other renewable sources, most important gases are (100 years time horizon):
biomass-derived electricity generally has higher GHG emissions
than hydropower, wind power and geothermal power, while it is - 1 g CO2 ¼ 1 g CO2-eq.
comparable to photovoltaic electricity [5]. - 1 g CH4 ¼ 23 g CO2-eq.
- 1 g N2O ¼ 296 g CO2-eq.
3.2. Biomass for transportation biofuels
The global warming potential of the bioenergy and its fossil
Currently, transportation fuels based on biomass (i.e. biofuels) reference system can then be estimated by calculating the total
are identified as 1st and 2nd generation biofuels. First generation GHG emissions along the production chains, multiplying the
biofuels are produced from sugar, starch, vegetable oil or animal fats GHG emissions by the respective equivalence factors and finally
using conventional technologies. The basic feedstocks are often summed up.
seeds and grains such as wheat, corn and rapeseed. The most The results of a GHG balance should be related to the defined
common first generation biofuels are bioethanol, biodiesel and functional unit (see following section) and are given as follows:
starch-derived biogas, but also straight vegetable oils, biomethanol
and bioethers may be included in this category. The main advan- 1. Total GHG emissions of the bioenergy chain, according to
tages of first generation biofuels are due to the high sugar or oil the following units: per year (kg CO2-eq./a), per unit biomass
content of the raw materials and their easy conversion into biofuel. (kg CO2-eq./kg), per hectare of dedicated agricultural land
Many biofuel production chains have been analysed by means of (if dedicated biomass crops are used as raw materials) (kg CO2-
Life-Cycle Assessment in order to point out the environmental eq./ha), per kW h of electricity produced (kg CO2-eq./kW he) or
aspects affecting biofuels [8,9]. With the exception of a few studies, km driven for transportation biofuels (kg CO2-eq./km).
most LCAs have found a significant net reduction in global warming 2. Total GHG emissions of the reference system, to be expressed
emissions and fossil energy consumption when the most common per year, per unit of electricity or heat produced, and km driven
transportation biofuels (bioethanol and biodiesel) are used to by a car fuelled with gasoline or diesel.
replace conventional diesel and gasoline [10–12]. However, first 3. Estimate the GHG savings of the bioenergy system (given by
generation biofuels currently produced from sugars, starches and subtracting point 1 from point 2) and express the results per
vegetable oils give rise to several concerns: these productions year, per unit of electricity or heat and km driven. When
compete with food and feed for their feedstock and fertile land, their biomass comes from dedicated crops, the annual savings per
potential availability is limited by soil fertility and per hectare yields hectare are of capital importance and should be estimated (by
and the effective savings of CO2 emissions are limited by the high dividing the total annual savings by the agricultural hectares
energy input required for crop cultivation and biomass conversion required to grow the crop).
to fuel [13,14]. These limitations are expected to be partially
overcome by developing the so-called 2nd generation biofuels.
Second generation biofuels are produced from a variety of non- 4.2. Functional unit
food crops which are not in competition with the food and feed
industries. These include the utilization of lignocellulosic materials, One of the main purposes of the functional unit is to provide
such as residues from agriculture, forestry and industry and dedi- a reference to which the input and output process data are
cated crops. Conflicts with food and feed crops for fertile land are normalized and the basis on which the final results are shown.
reduced, because these crops may also grow on poor and degraded Concerning LCA of bioenergy systems, results should be
soils and semi-arid regions. Contrary to first generation biofuels, expressed in terms of the same functional unit, to ensure that the
where the utilized fraction (grains and seeds), represents only comparison is based on delivery of the same service. When
a small portion of the above-ground biomass, second generation assessing the GHG balance of energy systems the approach often
biofuels can often rely on the whole plant for bioenergy production. practiced is to use measures such as input–output ratios or absolute
Second generation biofuels (e.g. Fisher Tropsch (FT)-diesel from emissions and primary energy requirements to be compared with
biomass and bioethanol from lignocellulosic feedstock, among conventional fossil fuel systems. As noted by Larson [2], few studies
1568 F. Cherubini / Renewable Energy 35 (2010) 1565–1573

carry the analysis further and express results on a per vehicle-km emissions occurring along the fuel chain, for planting and har-
basis, which is the best way to show the LCA findings of trans- vesting the crops, processing the feedstock into biofuel, trans-
portation biofuel systems, in order to make them comparable with porting and storing of feedstocks, distributing and final use of
conventional diesel and gasoline. However, relatively few studies biofuels must be accounted for using a life-cycle perspective. Non-
focus on the question of relative land-use efficiency for different energy utilization of by-products must also be considered; by-
biofuel pathways, which should be the first parameter to take into products can be used to displace other materials, having GHG and
account when dedicated energy crops compete against food, feed energy implications (i.e. GHG credits). The fossil fuel energy system
or fibre production under land-availability constraints, in order to is dealt with in a similar way, including all GHG emissions and
use scarce land resources as efficiently as possible [17]. energy consumption associated with the following life-cycle stages:
Therefore, it is extremely important that GHG balances of bio- production of the raw fossil fuel, refining, storage, distribution and
energy from dedicated biomass crops should be also expressed on combustion. When production of feedstocks for bioenergy uses land
a per hectare basis, since the available area for the production of previously dedicated to other purposes or when the same feedstock
biomass raw materials is the biggest bottleneck for the production of is used for another task (e.g. corn to bioethanol instead of animal
bioenergy. On the other hand, for biomass residue feedstocks, the feed), the reference system should include an alternative land use or
results should be expressed on a per unit output (kW h, km) basis, in an alternative biomass use, respectively. Similarly, when the bio-
order to make the assessment independent from the kind of biomass energy pathway delivers some co-products able to replace existing
feedstock, or per unit input basis (kg, or J of feedstock) in order to be products (thus saving GHG emissions), the reference substituted
independent from the conversion process (this is usually the most products should be defined in the fossil reference system and
relevant option when comparing the best use for a given residue). emissions for their production accounted for in the GHG balance.
At first, it is recommended to show the results before under- If presented in this manner, the differences between the two
taking any allocation step, e.g. reporting the final outcomes on systems producing the same product/service can be compared.
a year basis. Afterwards, GHG emissions should be allocated to the Final savings per year, per hectare of land, per unit of biomass
different co-products using different allocation criteria (see should be given in order to provide a complete picture of the
following section). At a later step, GHG savings per year can be investigated bioenergy system.
estimated, along with other parameters like GHG emissions and In the estimation of the GHG savings of the bioenergy system,
savings per unit of biomass, final product (either kW h or km) and the definition of the fossil reference system has a strong impor-
dedicated agricultural land. tance. According to the assumptions made, results can widely differ.
For instance, fossil-derived electricity can be assumed to be
4.3. Allocation produced from oil, natural gas, coal or other sources, all of which
having different GHG emission factors. In order to compare the
Allocation in LCA is carried out to attribute shares of the total bioenergy system with the fossil best available technologies (but the
environmental impact to the different products of a system. This definition of the reference system might even depend on particular
concept is extremely important for bioenergy systems where needs of the study, as defined in the goal and scope phase), elec-
multiple products are produced (e.g. electricity and heat from CHP tricity in the fossil reference system should be produced from
application, animal feed from bioethanol production). The issue of natural gas: this option has a GHG emission factor of 120 g CO2-eq./
the most suitable allocation procedure is still open. Scientific MJ. By contrast, if coal electricity is replaced, the GHG emission
publications show benefits and disadvantages of several allocation factor is 237 g CO2-eq./MJ [23]. As a consequence, there is a big
methods in LCA [18–21]. difference in the resulting GHG emission savings of the bioenergy
The ISO standards suggest to avoid allocation by expanding system system: savings will be much larger if coal electricity is displaced.
boundaries, when possible. This method relies on the expansion
of the product system to include the additional functions related to 5. Key steps in the bioenergy chain
the co-products. This procedure (called substitution method or
system expansion) has the advantage to avoid allocation issues. 5.1. Source of biomass
If substitution method cannot be applied, input and output data
might be allocated between co-products in proportion to thermo- Biomass for bioenergy purposes can be obtained in two ways:
dynamic and physic parameters (such as energy or exergy content from residues and from dedicated energy crops. The source of
of outputs) or to the economic value of products. Allocation biomass has a big impact on GHG balance outcomes.
methods based on thermodynamic parameters and economic Unlike dedicated bioenergy crops, biomass residues (i.e. mate-
values of the products share the environmental burdens among the rials of biological origin arising as by-products from agriculture,
different outputs, without identifying a main product. Since the forestry and industrial activities) are not produced specifically for
choice of the allocation method has a large influence on final use as an energy resource. They are the result of economic activity
results, this topic should be always investigated in a sensitivity and production of goods in almost all sectors of the economy. As the
analysis, where different methods are compared. production of these residues occurs anyway, their utilization as
energy sources does not usually increase environmental pressures.
4.4. Bioenergy systems vs. reference systems However, there are some exceptions:

In general, the GHG balances of bioenergy systems should be - The removal of forestry or agricultural residues from land can
compared with fossil reference systems [22]. In Fig. 2, the full fuel reduce carbon storage in carbon pools like soil, dead wood or
chains of a bioenergy (left side) and a fossil (right side) system litter, and can deplete soil nutrients.
producing electricity and heat are compared. The bioenergy chain - The creation of a market for biomass residues or by-products,
starts at the top of the diagram with carbon fixation from the giving an additional income stream, can make the production
atmosphere via photosynthesis, or biomass carbon taken as of the main commodity (such as timber) economically more
biomass waste from the agricultural or forest product sector. At the attractive, leading to expansion of this land use, which may
end of the bioenergy chain a certain amount of useful energy have negative environmental impacts (for example, if native
(electricity and heat) is supplied. All energy inputs and GHG forests are replaced). However, increased production of wood
F. Cherubini / Renewable Energy 35 (2010) 1565–1573 1569

Fig. 2. Full life-cycle chains for comparison of bioenergy and fossil energy systems.

products may also have positive climatic impacts through yield is probably the major decider between alternative crops,
substitution of more emission intensive materials. while for other end uses (e.g. transportation biofuels) quality and
suitability of the crop are highly significant. The relative economic
The diversion of biomass residues away from landfill to energy returns are likely to be the major driver in deciding the outcome of
recovery can also alleviate some of the environmental pressures competition for land use between bioenergy and production of
associated with landfill, such as methane emissions from anaerobic food, feed and fibre. The relative returns for bioenergy compared
decomposition of biomass in landfill. with other land uses will be influenced by relative yields and
Concerning dedicated biomass crops, they are grown first and values, which are determined by market forces and market
foremost for energy, though they may also produce non-energy by- distortions (e.g. subsidies). The yield and value of by-products (e.g.
products. The ideal energy crop has efficient solar energy conver- fodder) will also be significant.
sion resulting in high yields (C4 plants are more efficient converters Another important aspect is the growing techniques at different
in high light and high temperature conditions), needs low agro- intensity levels depending on farming operations. In fact, the
chemical inputs, has a low water requirement and has low moisture increasing intensity of cultivation (i.e. the frequency of tillage,
levels at harvest. While it is difficult to find a crop that meets all quantity of fertilizer, use of irrigation) increases yields, but also
these criteria, perennial C4 grasses such as Miscanthus and increases GHG emissions and can challenge the goal of a sustain-
switchgrass (Panicum virgatum L.) are particularly promising [24]. able production. In any case, it is clear that, to be developed, energy
Plants with perennial growth habits have the advantages of low crops must fall within the parameters of sustainable agriculture.
establishment costs (when averaged across the rotation) and more Dedicated energy crops can have the added benefit of providing
resilient in drought. When combustion is the end use of biomass, certain ecosystem services (e.g. C sequestration, biodiversity
1570 F. Cherubini / Renewable Energy 35 (2010) 1565–1573

enhancement, salinity mitigation, enhancement of soil and water is produced, the oil must be crushed out of the crop, refined,
quality); the value of these services will depend on the particular transesterified with an alcohol and then distributed to final users to
bioenergy system in question and the reference land use that it be combusted in vehicles. All these processes require energy, both
displaces. For example, these benefits will be high for a mixed heat (supplied with natural gas or oil) and electricity (usually taken
species woodland planted into a cropping district suffering dry- from the grid), which results in GHG emissions which usually have
land salinity as a result of historical land clearing while, on the a significant influence in the final balance. By contrast, when
other hand, if native tropical forests are displaced by bioenergy biomass is used for heat and electricity generation, energy inputs
crops, the value of ecosystem services may be reduced. for treatments are lower than those required for transportation
biofuel chains (after drying, biomass is usually converted to energy
5.2. Cultivation and harvest (or collection) dense forms like chips or pellets and then directly burnt to produce
heat and/or power).
In the case of crops cultivated specifically for biofuel production, When biomass is combusted the resulting CO2 emission is not
GHG emissions are released from energy and material inputs accounted for as a GHG because C has a biological origin and
required by agricultural activities. Fossil fuels and energy are combustion of biomass releases almost the same amount of CO2 as
consumed in ploughing and sowing, fertilizer application, crop was captured by the plant during its growth. However, combustion
management, and harvesting processes. The GHG emissions asso- reactions cause emissions of other GHGs like N2O and CH4, which
ciated with agricultural operations, fossil fuel use and manufacture must be estimated and accounted for in the GHG balance (even if
of auxiliary materials (i.e. fertilizers, machineries, herbicides) must their contribution is expected to be small).
be also accounted for in the GHG balance of the system. In case of transportation biofuel production, the bioenergy
By contrast, when a crop residue is used for energy production, carrier needs to be distributed to the final users by means of suit-
the auxiliary energy and material inputs of the agricultural phase able transport means (e.g. trucks, ships, rails). This step usually has
can be assumed to be zero. In fact, all the emissions from crop a small influence in the GHG balance if the fuel is used within
handling are attributed to the grains and not to the straw or stover. a range of 200–300 km, while it may become relevant if a trans-
However, emissions due to a prior use of the residues and to oceanic boat transport takes place.
machinery for their collection and delivery are taken into account. Combustion of transportation biofuels in vehicles or biomass in
For instance, if the prior use of the residue was landfilling, the turbines releases, besides the biological CO2, other GHGs like N2O
emissions avoided from stopping landfilling must be included in and CH4 (along with other chemical species to be included in other
the GHG balance. Similarly, a bioenergy system based on a collec- impact categories) which must be accounted for in the GHG balance.
tion of forest residues may cause a decline of carbon storage in
forest litter and soil pools with a negative effect in the GHG balance. 6. Key aspects to be considered in the GHG balances
These concerns are grouped within the land-use change effects,
which will be discussed in a following section. In GHG balances of bioenergy systems, there are some key
methodological aspects that must be carefully addressed given
5.3. Fertilizer production and application their potential strong influence on final results. These aspects
should be clearly presented and discussed in the goal and scope
In the GHG balance of bioenergy systems based on dedicated definition section, and every assumption supported by appropriate
crops, a relevant role is usually played by emissions from fertilizer literature references or modelling studies. A sensitivity or uncer-
manufacture. The emission factors used for fertilizer production can tainty analysis, where the influence of these key factors is carefully
vary largely in LCA studies which are even based on the same biofuel investigated, is also recommended. In particular, the role of the
pathways. For instance, fertilizer application rates range from 53 to sensitivity analysis is estimating the effects of variations in key
196 kg N/ha, and primary energy inputs to make nitrogenous parameters to the outcome of the study, in order to establish
fertilizer vary from 42 to 70 MJ/kg N, depending on the fertilizer a required degree of confidence in the results of the bioenergy
production process [25]. As a consequence, the related GHG emis- system relative to its overall goal. In particular, the objective of this
sions for fertilizer production change as well: the range is estimated step is to review the results of the analyses, identify the parameters
to be 3–9.6 kg CO2-eq./kg N, because of different processing which have the largest influence on the final results and check the
technologies, energy sources and utilization of co-products [26]. accuracy of those data. For instance, these key parameters can be
changed according to different data sources or assumptions, and
5.4. Pre-treatment and transport the outcomes compared.
The most important key methodological issues to be addressed
After harvesting of the biomass crop, other sources of GHG in GHG balances of bioenergy systems are discussed hereinafter.
emissions are those associated with energy inputs to biomass pre-
treatment processes, like natural gas or electricity used to dry or 6.1. Changes in organic carbon stocks
chop. In addition, dried biomass needs to be transported to the
conversion or end-use facilities. In order to estimate the GHG Generally, organic C is stored in three different pools: vegetation
emissions of this step, the transport distance and the type of truck (including roots), litter (including dead wood) and soil. When
or vessel used must be defined. Usually, to reduce transportation changing land utilization, these storage pools can change until
costs and enhance handling of the feedstock, biomass is processed a new equilibrium is reached. This is an important aspect because of
into chips, pellets or briquettes at the source, i.e. the field, the forest the large quantities of carbon in soil organic matter: these pools of
or the industry (in case of process residues). carbon are so large that even relatively small percentage increases
or decreases in their size can have relevance in the GHG balance.
5.5. Conversion, distribution and combustion Land-use changes are therefore deemed especially important, and
their effects can consistently reduce GHG savings of bioenergy
Other GHG emissions in the bioenergy chains are released from systems based on dedicated crops or agricultural and forest resi-
the energy inputs required to process the biomass source into dues, depending on the nature of the changes and the period of
a suitable biofuel or energy product. For instance, when biodiesel time assumed.
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The production of dedicated crops for bioenergy requires an previously no conventional crops were grown, and management
agricultural plot that was previously used, and would otherwise be strategies such as those proposed in Cerri and Cerri [44] are
used, for a different purpose. This means that there is a direct land- implemented, no indirect land-use change occurs and the GHG
use change which can have an influence on the GHG balance, and, balance can even turn favourably, as in the case of perennial grasses
on the other hand, the alternative land use (indirect) could have an discussed above.
energy use or climate emission that should be subtracted from the
new situation [27]. Therefore, there is a distinction between direct 6.4. N2O and CH4 emissions from agricultural soils
and indirect land-use change.
An important variable in LCA studies is the contribution to net
6.2. Direct land-use change GHG emissions of N2O, which evolves from nitrogen fertilizer
application and organic matter decomposition in soil [45]. The
Direct land-use change occurs when new agricultural land is application of fertilizer to agricultural land has an effect on the
taken into production and feedstock for biofuel purposes nutrient balance of the soil. Emissions from fields vary depending
displaces a prior land use (e.g. conversion of forest land to on soil type, climate, crop, tillage method, and fertilizer and manure
sugarcane plantations), thereby generating possible changes to application rates [2]. The uncertainties in actual emissions are
the carbon stock of that land. Depending on the earlier use of the magnified by the high global warming potential of N2O, 298 times
land and the crop to be established, this can be a benefit or greater than CO2. The impacts of N2O emissions are especially
a disadvantage: when a forest is converted to agricultural land for significant for annual biofuel crops, since fertilization rates are
biofuel production there would be a loss of carbon stocks; on the larger for these than for perennial energy crops. Crops grown in
other hand, when set-aside land is taken into production the high rainfall environments or under flood irrigation have the
carbon stock may increase. For instance, a study conducted on highest N2O emissions, as denitrification, the major process leading
agricultural land converted from annual row crops to perennial to N2O production, is favoured under moist soil conditions where
grasses demonstrated an increase in carbon sequestration: up to oxygen availability is low [46]. In order to include N2O soil emis-
1.1 t C/ha were sequestered during five years of monitoring [28]. sions in the GHG balance, default emission factors published by
Other studies have also shown that perennial grasses grown for IPCC, which estimates different types of emissions, can be used
biomass feedstock production have the potential to substantially [34]. These default values estimate that about 1.0–1.5% of N in
increase soil C levels [29–33]. However, the changes of carbon in synthetic fertilizer is emitted as N in N2O. A recent study suggests
soil and other pools are very site-specific and highly dependent that these default values may underestimate N2O emissions 3–5
on former and current agronomic practices, climate, and soil folds [47].
characteristics [2]. Concerning CH4 emissions, cultivation of agricultural and
Even if GHG emissions from direct land-use change have just energy crops can reduce the oxidation of methane in aerobic
been included in LCA studies of bioenergy systems recently, some soils, and thereby increase the concentration of methane in the
default values already exist. IPCC provides default values by which atmosphere [48,49]. The reduction in soil uptake (oxidation) of
it is possible to estimate the annual effect of direct land-use change methane is related both to the use of nitrogen fertilizer and
[34], and other factors can be found in literature references. Several cultivation type; the reduction in methane uptake is equivalent to
software tools able to model C stock changes are also available an emission of methane from cultivated soils. A default value of
[35–37]. Drawing general figures for the quantification of direct 10 g CH4/kg N for the emission of CH4 from agricultural land is
land-use change in GHG balances is difficult, each case study should reasonable for most circumstances and results in a relatively
be addressed autonomously and different parameters modelled in small contribution to life-cycle GHG emissions of the bioenergy
a sensitivity analysis. chain [50].

6.3. Indirect land-use change 6.5. Effects of crop residue removal

Indirect land-use change (or leakage) occurs when land currently There is an ongoing debate on the actual possibilities of crop
used for feed or food crops is changed into bioenergy feedstock residue removal from agricultural cropping systems for bioenergy
production and the demand for the previous land use (i.e. feed, food) production [51,52]. The reference uses of agricultural residues are
remains, the displaced agricultural production will move to other mainly two: straw can be used as fodder for animals or ploughed
places where unfavourable land-use change may occur [38]. back to the field to maintain soil quality. In the first case, an
In order to meet a given demand of bioenergy a certain amount alternative source of animal feed should be assumed and included
of feedstock is needed and, in general, these feedstock quantities in the analysis, while in the second case some issues need to be
can be obtained by [39]: addressed. In fact, current experimental evidences on the effect of
straw removal on processes like soil organic turnover, soil erosion
- biomass use substitution (i.e. destined to biofuel production or crop yields are not consistent because of the strong influence of
instead of food purposes), local conditions (climate, soil type and crop management). There
- crop area expansion, are few references on these effects in the scientific literature, and
- shortening the rotation length, and the patterns are not consistent across references. However,
- yield increment in the same land. removing crop residues for bioenergy production should ensure
environmental, economic and social benefits able to outweigh
Apart from the latter, all the other strategies may result in the direct and ancillary benefits of stover retention (such as
indirect land-use effects. GHG emissions from indirect land-use soil quality).
change are claimed to be even more important than emissions from Usually, differences across rotations are estimated to be gener-
direct land-use change and, despite the high inaccuracy and ally more important than those related to straw management for
calculation difficulties, some authors elaborated a range of values to a given rotation: in a recent study, the removal of straw implied
show the magnitude of this effect [40–43]. However, if bioenergy limited consequences on field emissions [53]. The main GHG
crops are cultivated on fallow, marginal or degraded land where implications which must be considered when crop residues are
1572 F. Cherubini / Renewable Energy 35 (2010) 1565–1573

removed from a field where they were previously ploughed back - When agricultural residues are used as raw materials, best
are the following: management practices and above-ground residue harvest rates
need to be established for minimum amount of crop residue
- Grain productivity may decrease because of a lower net that must be retained on the soil to maintain soil organic
mineralization of N in soils [53]. The implications on GHG carbon, minimizing erosion and protecting soil quality and
balances of bioenergy systems consist in an increase of productivity. This very complex issue must be addressed
synthetic fertilizer application to balance the nutrient removed regionally if not on a field or even subfield basis. Rotation,
with the straw and minimize the decrease on crop yields. tillage and fertilization management, soil properties and
- N2O emissions are deemed to decrease slightly with increasing climate will all play major roles in determining the amount of
straw removal. The reason is that straw return to soil increases crop residue that can be removed in a sustainable system.
soil’s denitrification potentials and its capacity to produce N2O - LCA results of bioenergy systems from dedicated crops should
[54]. This effect should be accounted for in the GHG balance. be expressed on a per hectare basis, since the available land for
- Straw removal contributes to increase global warming due to production of biomass raw materials is one of the biggest
the change of soil carbon stocks, in comparison with the case in bottlenecks.
which straw is left in the ground. However, soil carbon loss can - LCA results of bioenergy systems based on biomass residues
be reduced through proper crop rotations. should be expressed on a per unit output basis, if the evalua-
- The manufacture of the additional fertilizers required to tion needs to be independent from the kind of biomass feed-
maintain grain yields releases GHG emissions to be accounted stock (e.g. when different raw materials are compared), or per
for in the GHG balance. unit input basis, in order to be independent from final products
- The application of N fertilizers has also an influence on soil CH4 and conversion processes.
emissions, which must be estimated. - LCA results of transportation biofuel production should be
expressed per km basis, in order to take into account engine
All these GHG effects induced by land-use change (GHGLUC) can mechanical efficiencies, type of fuel and emissions from
then be summarized as follows: combustion (which are relevant for fossil reference systems
based on conventional fossil fuels).
GHGLUC ¼ DSOC þ DN2 O þ FM þ DCH4 - Bioenergy systems based on industrial waste and residues are
expected to provide the largest GHG savings, since they avoid
the high impacts of dedicated crop production, save the
where DSOC is the change (either increase or decrease) in soil
emissions from waste management and do not have land-use
organic carbon (SOC), DN2O is the variation in soil N2O emissions
change implications.
due to residue collection, FM the GHG emissions from the manu-
- Given constraints in land resources and competition with food,
facture of the additional fertilizers used to maintain crop yields, and
feed and fibre production, high biomass yields are extremely
CH4 the variation in soil methane emissions from fertilizer use.
important in achieving high GHG emission savings, although
use of chemical fertilizers to enhance production can reduce
7. Conclusions: guidelines and recommendations the savings.
- Fossil energy savings and GHG mitigation are increased if
- GHG balances of bioenergy systems must be carried out with agricultural co-products (stover, straw.) or process residues
a life-cycle perspective, i.e. accounting for all the direct and (lignin, char.) are combusted to run the biomass conversion
indirect GHG emissions (CO2, CH4, N2O) occurring along the plants.
production chain. - When agricultural residues are collected from fields and used
- GHG balances of bioenergy systems should be always for bioenergy production, the effects of the removal on that
compared with reference systems (which needs to be clearly particular soil type cannot be neglected and the GHG impli-
defined) producing the same amount of product/services from cations (e.g. lower yields, change in N2O and CH4 emissions
fossil sources. The resulting GHG emissions’ savings can from land and decline in soil carbon pools) should be
therefore be estimated. accounted for when compiling the overall balance of the
- The study should select the most appropriate functional unit bioenergy system.
for the assessment, according to the goal of the analysis. - High biomass conversion efficiency to energy products is
- When a bioenergy system produces multiple products (e.g. fundamental for maximising GHG emission savings.
heat and power from CHP applications) allocation can be - A lower degree of savings is achieved when power from
avoided by means of system expansion (or substitution natural gas or cogeneration sources is displaced; high emission
method). Alternatively, other thermodynamic or physic prop- savings rate is achieved when coal-generated power, especially
erties of the co-products can be used as criterion for the with low efficiency, is displaced.
allocation. - Bioenergy systems can contribute to GHG mitigation strategies
- Any change (both decline and increase) in C stock of any pool in transport and energy sectors only if significant emissions
should be taken into consideration in calculating the GHG from land-use change are avoided (or minimized) and appro-
balance of bioenergy systems, because this dynamics may have priate production chains are set up.
a large influence on final results.
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