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Workshop 1Answers

Participants: 1. _____________________________2. _________________________

Total Score: 39 points.

I.Read the following statements and choose True or False. (9pts.)

1. The person who is in charge of the meeting is the person who takes the minutes.

___T ___F

2. The best way to call a meeting is to inform each participant individually by phone.

___T ___F

3. An agenda should outline the order and amount of time to spend on each item at the

___T ___F

4. Engaging in small talk throughout the meeting is an effective way to keep the focus.

___T ___F

5. When someone agrees with a motion it is "seconded".

___T ___F

6. The person who is speaking during a meeting is the person who "has the floor".

___T ___F

8. When there is a tie vote, it is customary for the chairperson to ask one participant to
reconsider his/her decision.

___T ___F

9. During the closing remarks, the person holding the meeting should introduce new staff
members or guest speakers.

___T ___F

10. Reminders are typically announced after all of the items on the agenda have been
___T ___F

II.Fill in the blanks with the correct word or phrase from the box. (8 pts.)

to wrap up finally items in the agenda secondly Thank you for coming firstly
any other business after that

 To start a meeting, we greet people saying  _ Thank you for coming ___.
 It is important to consider the topics that are going to be covered during the
meeting using the expression There are (number) of __ items in the agenda
__________for today's meeting.
 You can also provide some brief description of these topics and sequence them
using the words  ____ firstly ____________, ____ secondly ____________, ___
after that ______________and _____ finally ________________.
 To continue with the introduction of the meeting you can say what is planned for
last saying _ to wrap up _________________.
 It is also important to always consider that there is the __ any other business
____________section of the meeting to discuss unplanned topics.

III.Meeting expressions (6 pts.)

1.What expression can be used to start a meeting?

___Let's make a start.

___The first item on the agenda is ...

2.How do we communicate someone's absence?

___Gabriel sends his apologies.

___Gabriel says he cannot come.

3. How do we introduce the agenda?


In the agenda, we have to talk about ...

___There are (number) of items in the agenda.

4. What expression can we use to continue with a different item?

___And the next item is ...

___Let's move on to the next item ...

5. What's an expression to interrupt?

___Can I say something about ...?

___I am thinking about ...

6. What expression can you use to deal with interruptions?

___Ok. But as I was saying ...

___Just a moment, let me finish.

IV.Giving opinions, agreeing and disagreeing. (5 pts.)

Read the conversation and determine what type of expressions the bold expressions are.

Esther: What's your opinion of the service in the company restaurant?


James: In my opinion ,it's very bad. ___opinion______________

I think , waiters are not enough. ____opinion_________________

Oliver: I agree ,the service is very slow because of that. ____agreeing_______________

Jackie: I'm afraid I disagree ,I think ,it's not so slow. It may be a little bit slow on the
weekends, but they take the regular time to serve the table.____disagreeing__________

V. Order the expressions to be used in a meeting. (7 pts.)

_2___What do you think about BookCC, Mindy?

__1__Is everybody ready?

__4__Yes, but they never deliver on time.

__5__Can I say something here? I agree with Linda - deliveries from BookCC
always arrive late

__3__I think BookCC's products are very cheap.

__7__That's a good idea.

_6___I have an idea. Let's tell them we will order more products if they can make the
delivery more reliable.

VI. Which are some good expressions to close a meeting? More than one option can be
correct. (4pts.)

___We must stop there.

___To continue with the items.

___Can I sum up? We decided ...

___I think that's all for today. Thank you for coming.

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