Alsaadi2007 Factores Sistemicos

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J Clin Periodontol 2007; 34: 610–617 doi: 10.1111/j.1600-051X.2007.01077.

Ghada Alsaadi1, Marc Quirynen1,

Impact of local and systemic Arnošt Komárek2 and Daniel van

factors on the incidence of oral

Department of Periodontology, Faculty of
Medicine, School of Dentistry, Oral Pathology
and Maxillofacial Surgery, Catholic University
of Leuven, Leuven, Belgium; 2Biostaistical
implant failures, up to abutment centre, School of Public Health, Catholic
University of Leuven, Leuven, Belgium;
Holder of P-I Brånemark Chair in

connection Osseointegration

Alsaadi G, Quirynen M, Komárek A, van Steenberghe D. Impact of local and systemic

factors on the incidence of oral implant failures, up to abutment connection. J Clin
Periodontol 2007; 34: 610–617. doi: 10.1111/j.1600-051X.2007.01077.x.

Aim: The aim of this retrospective study was to assess the influence of systemic and
local bone and intra-oral factors on the occurrence of early implant failures, i.e. up to
the abutment connection.
Material and Methods: The surgical records of 2004 consecutive patients from the
total patient population who had been treated in the period 1982–2003 (with a total of
6946 Brånemark systems implants) at the Department of Periodontology of the
Catholic University Leuven were evaluated. For each patient the medical history was
carefully checked. Data collection and analysis mainly focused on endogenous factors
such as hypertension, coagulation problems, osteoporosis, hypo-hyperthyroidy,
chemotherapy, diabetes type I or II, Crohn’s disease, some local factors [e.g. bone
quality and quantity, implant (length, diameter, location), type of edentulism,
Periotests value at implant insertion, radiotherapy], smoking habits and breach of
sterility during surgery.
Results: A global failure rate of 3.6% was recorded. Osteoporosis, Crohn’s disease,
smoking habits, implant (length, diameter and location) and vicinity with the natural
Key words: bone quality; dental implants;
dentition were all significantly associated with early implant failures (po0.05). osseointegration; oral implants; systemic
Conclusion: The indication for the use of oral implants should sometimes be disease
reconsidered when alternative prosthetic treatments are available in the presence of
possibly interfering systemic or local factors. Accepted for publication 13 February 2007

When a properly documented implant failures, depending on whether they mechanisms that normally lead to
system with a long-term success rate has occur before or at abutment connection wound healing by means of bone appo-
been selected, an implant-supported (5 early) or rather after occlusal loading sition do not take place, and rather a
prosthesis is supposed to provide the took place by means of a prosthetic fibrous scar tissue is formed in between
patient a long-lasting rehabilitation superstructure (5 late). This subdivision the implant surface and surrounding
(Lindquist et al. 1996). A failure of an is relevant as the failures in these two bone (Esposito et al. 1999). This can
implant can, on the other hand, compro- time periods are associated with differ- lead to epithelial downgrowth, a so-
mise the achieved oral rehabilitation. ent systemic and local factors. An early called saucerization or marsupialization
Failures of the endosseous implants failure of an implant results from ‘‘an of the implant, which results in mobility
can be subdivided into early and late inability to establish an intimate bone- or even implant loss. Thus, the anchor-
to-implant contact’’ (Esposito et al. ing function of the endosseous implant
Conflict of interest and source of 1998, Quirynen et al. 2002). This means cannot be assured. Late implant failures,
funding statement that bone healing after implant insertion on the other hand, are influenced by both
The authors declare that they have no is impaired or even jeopardized. Both the microbial environment and the pros-
conflict of interests. systemic and local factors can interfere thetic rehabilitation. These failures have
with these primarily cellular events. The been associated with both peri-implan-
610 r 2007 The Authors. Journal compilation r 2007 Blackwell Munksgaard
Incidence of oral implant failures up to abutment connection 611

titis resulting from plaque-induced of the surgical records. The surgical machined (n 5 6316) or a Ti-Unites
gingivitis and peri-implantitis and/or records are printed forms kept in the surface (n 5 630). As a statistical com-
occlusal overloading (van Steenberghe operation room, available for each parison showed no difference (p-
et al. 1990, Quirynen et al. 2002). patient provided with implants. They value40.05), all implants could be
Systemic diseases may affect oral are divided into two parts; the first part grouped.
tissues by increasing their susceptibility – filled at implant surgery – concerns A minimal bone height of 7 mm was
to other diseases or by interfering with patient general health and habits – smok- required for implant placement. The
wound healing. Medications may also ing, bone quality and quantity according general health and the behavioural his-
affect the outcome of implants. It to Lekholm & Zarb (1985) index, and tory of the patient were recorded on the
remains a matter of debate as to which information regarding the implant types surgery form after thorough questioning
systemic factors compromise the used (location, type, length and dia- of the patients pre-operatively. Further-
achievement of an intimate bone-to- meter). The second part deals with the more, two other forms, one dealing with
implant interface and/or its maintenance abutment surgery: abutment (type, all the information regarding the
over time. It is especially during the length) and information regarding implants used and bone quality and
healing time that systemic factors can implant failure before or at this phase. quantity, and the other one dealing
be most easily identified as risk factors As a perfect coincidence with the with all the information regarding abut-
from many other (local) cofactors. After patient files could be ascertained, check- ment surgery were available. If the
abutment surgery and especially after ing in the patient files was abandoned implant failed before or at abutment
loading by prosthetic superstructures, afterwards and only the surgical files surgery, the failure was recorded. An
many local factors also play a role were further used. implant was considered a failure if a
(van Steenberghe et al. 2003). The Early failure – i.e. before and up to peri-implant radiolucency could be
influence of general health problems abutment connection – was related to the detected on the intra-oral radiographs,
on the osseointegration process is poorly presence of health or behavioural factors, if an individual implants showed the
documented (van Steenberghe et al. implant length and diameter, bone qual- slightest sign of mobility corresponding
2002). Although many studies noted ity and quantity, implant location, type of to a PTV of X5 and if the patient
the role of systemic and local factors edentulism, prescription of antibiotics showed subjective signs of pain or
in the long-term maintenance of pre- or immediately after surgery, dehis- infection that required implant removal.
osseointegration, less is known concern- cence or perforation of the jaw bone Jaw bone quality and the degree of
ing the factors affecting the initial bone during surgery, Periotests (Siemens A jaw bone resorption were evaluated by
apposition up to the abutment placement G, Bensheim, Germany) value (PTV) the periodontologist at implant place-
process (Kronström et al. 2000, 2001). and placement torque measurement ment. Tactile evaluation during drilling
The aim of this large-scale retrospec- (OsseoCaret; Nobel Biocare, Gothen- and assessment of the alveolar crest both
tive study was to assess the influence of burg, Sweden), at the crestal third, the radiographically and clinically allowed
systemic and local bone and intra-oral middle third and the apical third at classification according to the Lekholm
factors on the occurrence of early implant implant insertion. The PTV measures & Zarb (1985) index.
failures up to abutment connection. the stability of the implant–bone conti- The following health or behavioural
nuum by tapping with an elctro-magne- factors were particularly (i.e. by ques-
tically driven rod on the implant. The tioning the patient and/or checking his
Material and Methods outcome is expressed in arbitrary units, medical records from other departments
ranging from 8 to 150 (Tricio et al. in the hospital) assessed: smoking
1995). Implants should lead to values habits, hypertension, ischaemic cardiac
The surgical records of 2004 consecu- below 15; the more negative the values, problems, coagulation anomalies, gas-
tive patients (1212 females, 792 males) the better the stability. Placement torque tric problems such as ulcers, osteoporo-
treated by means of endosseous measurement was recorded during sis, hypo- or hyperthyroidism,
implants during the period 1982–2003 implant insertion, by means of an elec- hypercholesterolaemia, asthma, diabetes
at the Department of Periodontology of tronic torque force measurement device, type I or II, Crohn’s disease, rheumatoid
the University Hospital of the Catholic which is a part of a controlled motor arthritis, chemotherapy and intake of
University Leuven were evaluated. It is device. The latter measures the torque medication (antidepressants, steroids).
a general policy of the department to force (Ncm) while tapping or inserting Patients who smoked were allocated to
accept all patients who can benefit from the implant at the crestal third, the mid- one of the following three categories:
implants for their oral rehabilitation dle third and the apical third of each (o10 cigarettes/day, 10–20 cigarettes/
even if systemic or local factors can implant insertion trajectory. day or 420 cigarettes/day). Local bone
compromise the outcome. These If the surgical records were not fully factors, such as radiotherapy of the area
patients received a total of 6946 complete the patient’s file was exam- concerned, were also recorded. Finally,
implants (all Brånemark systems, ined. For a total of 232 patients because a special note was made for patients
Nobel Biocare, Gothenburg, Sweden). of purely administrative reasons, the with claustrophobia. These patients
These were inserted under strict aseptic files could not be retrieved. were treated with reduced coverage of
conditions in the operating theatre of the the face, often without a nose cape and
department, according to the well- Data collection and analysis
as such with a breach of asepsis (van
defined protocol described in the Surgi- Steenberghe et al. 1997). As the com-
cal Manual for the Brånemark systems. Only screw-shaped Brånemark systems plication often occurred during surgery,
For a total of 700 patients, patient’s files implants (Nobel Biocare, Gothenburg, the removal of some drapes often led to
were evaluated to check the reliability Sweden) were used either with a unavoidable microbial contamination.
r 2007 The Authors. Journal compilation r 2007 Blackwell Munksgaard
612 Alsaadi et al.

The type of edentulism was classified univariately significant, type of edentu- Early implant failures related signifi-
according to the presence of the remain- lism and PTV at implant insertion were cantly to the following implant charac-
ing teeth and their location towards the not controlled for as the data were teristics: implant diameter length and
implants in the oral cavity: full edentu- available for only a limited subgroup location.
lism, teeth present only in the antago- of patients. For the purpose of multi- Early failure rates related signifi-
nistic jaw, teeth present in the same jaw variable analysis, the implants with cantly to smoking habits and increased
and in the vicinity or not of the implants. missing data on bone quality and with cigarette consumption.
In the department, a thorough sterility quantity were removed (1100 implants). Early implant failure related signifi-
policy allows limiting the systemic use Consequently, it was not possible to cantly to the type of edentulism.
of antibiotics to well-defined indications evaluate statistically the effect of che- No significant correlation was found
such as endocarditis prophylaxis, a motherapy on early implant failures due between early failure and the torque
remaining infection at the site of sur- to the fact that no early failures have measurements at placement, either in
gery, coughing or sneezing by the been observed in the chemotherapy sub- the crestal, middle or apical third.
patient during surgery. The use of anti- group of the rest of the 5759 implants. The PTVs, when recorded at implant
biotics pre- or immediately after implant Owing to the fact that no failures have placement, were related to early implant
surgery was defined as yes or no. been observed in the group of patients failure. Significantly more early failures
As the type of edentulism was not having a given disease, the effect of occurred with increasing PTV values,
mentioned on the surgical forms, the diabetes type I and rheumatoid arthritis which are indicative of a lower rigidity.
analysis was limited to 676 patients could not be assessed statistically. There was no significant effect of the
(2448 implants) for whom the entire Statistical analyses were performed presence of bony dehiscences or fenes-
patient file was scrutinized. PTV and using the R 2.4.0 software (R Develop- trations at the implant site.
torque force measurements were only ment Core Team 2005) and the R pack- Bone volume (bone quantity) and
performed on a fraction of the patient age gee (Carey 2002). bone quality as assessed by the use of
material because of irregular availability Lekholm & Zarb (1985) index affected
of the devices. Systemic diseases and early implant failure significantly. A
behavioural factors were available for summary of the Univariate GEE logistic
all patients. Results regression for all the above-mentioned
From the treated patient’s population, a factors can be found in Table 1a and b.
Statistical methods total of 252 implants – of different When a multiple comparison was
lengths and diameters – out of the performed; significantly more failures
Logistic regression models were used to 6946 implants installed, appear to have were detected in implants with a wide
evaluate the effect of explanatory vari- failed 1–6 months after placement. This platform (5 mm) when compared with
ables on the early failure of the implant. corresponds to an early failure rate of implant with regular platform (3.75 and
The generalized estimating equation 3.6%. 4 mm), [p-value 5 0.004, 0.02, Odds
(GEE) method (Liang & Zeger 1986, These failures occurred in 178 ratio (95% CI) 5 2.70 (1.53–4.79), 2.73
Zeger & Liang 1986) was used to patients. The distributions of the num- (1.37–5.44), respectively]. Significantly
account for the fact that repeated obser- bers of failed implants per patient are more early failures were detected
vations (several implants) were avail- described in Fig. 1. with short implants (o10 mm) when
able for a single patient.
Firstly, a univariate effect of each
implant-related, behavioural and local
bone factor on the early failure was
evaluated by fitting the univariate GEE 90
logistic regression model. Odds ratios
and their 95% confidence intervals (CIs)
% of patients in the failed implant group

based on the robust standard errors from 69.1
the GEE logistic regression model were
computed. The Wald test based on
robust standard errors was used to assess
the significance of each factor. For 50
categorical factors with more than two
levels, robust Wald’s p-values adjusted 40
for the multiple comparison using the
method of Holm (1979) were computed.
Secondly, we evaluated a multivari- 20
able effect of the health factors when
controlled for the behavioural, implant- 10 6.7
related and local bone factors that 0.6 1.1
were univariately (at 5%) significant. 0
5 implants 4 implants 3 implants 2 implants 1 implants
Namely, the following factors were con-
No of failed implants per patient
trolled for: smoking habits, bone quality
and quantity, implant’s site (posterior/ Fig. 1. Percentile distribution of failed implants per patient (178 patients provided with 252
anterior), length and diameter. Although implants experienced one/more failures).
r 2007 The Authors. Journal compilation r 2007 Blackwell Munksgaard
Incidence of oral implant failures up to abutment connection 613

Table 1. Univariate GEE logistic regression: implant-related, behavioural and local bone factors, [p-value 5 0.01, 0.03, Odds ratio (95%
the total number of patients in whom the factors were evaluated and the distribution of the failed CI) 5 1.99 (1.29–3.07), 1.88 (1.196–
and successful implants 2.940), respectively].
Univariate GEE logistic regression: summary A significant difference was detected
between the heavy smoking (420 cigar-
factor (patient/implant) success failed Odds 95% confidence ettes/day) and no smoking groups
ratio interval [p-valueo0.001, Odds ratio (95% CI):
2.72 (1.63–4.54)].
Diameter (2004/6936) p-value: 0.008n A significantly higher failure rate was
3.75 5709 (96.47%) 209 (3.53%) 1 noticed when the implants neighbouring
3.3 69 (94.52%) 4 (5.48%) 1.08 (0.26, 4.43) a teeth were compared with implants
4 776 (96.64%) 27 (3.36%) 0.99 (0.63, 1.55) in full edentulism, or to the presence
5 130 (91.55%) 12 (8.45%) 2.70 (1.53, 4.79) of teeth in the antagonistic jaw only
Length (2004/6946) p-value: 0.049n [p-values: 0.01, 0.03, Odds ratio (95%
10–15 6086 (96.57%) 216 (3.43%) 1 CI): 2.77 (1.45–5.279), 4.879 (1.59–
o10 427 (93.64%) 29 (6.36%) 1.71 (1.11, 2.64)
15.11), respectively].
415 181 (96.28%) 7 (3.72%) 1.21 (0.51, 2.89)
Location (2000/6931) p-value: 0.008n Significantly more failures were
Mandible, anterior 1920 (97.66%) 46 (2.34%) 1 observed for implants placed in jaws
Mandible, posterior 1277 (95.30%) 63 (4.70%) 1.99 (1.29, 3.07) with a quantity grade E (extreme)
Maxilla, anterior 1953 (96.59%) 69 (3.41%) 1.48 (0.95, 2.18) resorption when compared with grade
Maxilla, posterior 1529 (95.38%) 74 (4.62%) 1.88 (1.20, 2.94) A, B or C. [p-values: 0.03, o0.001,
Smoking (2004/6946) p-value:o0.001n 0.009, Odds ratio (95% CI): 3.43
0 5832 (96.72%) 198 (3.28%) 1 (1.49–7.89), 5.21(2.34–11.61), 3.90
o10 216 (95.15%) 11 (4.85%) 1.42 (0.48, 4.23)
10–20 303 (94.69%) 17 (5.31%) 1.87 (1.07, 3.26)
(1.73–8.79), respectively].
420 343 (92.95%) 26 (7.05%) 2.72 (1.63, 4.54) Significantly more failures in bone
Type edentulism (676/2448) p-value:o0.001n quality grade 4 (soft bone with little
No teeth 697 (97.08%) 21 (2.92%) 1 cortical bone) were detected when com-
In the anterior jaw only 360 (97.83%) 8 (2.17%) 0.57 (0.17, 1.93) pared with grade 2 [p-value o0.001,
In the same jaw 520 (94.55%) 30 (5.45%) 1.97 (0.94, 4.11) Odds ratio (95% CI): 3.05 (1.73–5.38),
Neighbouring implant 749 (92.24%) 63 (7.76%) 2.77 (1.45, 5.28) and more failures in grade 1 compared
(b) with grade 2 [p-value 5 0.02, Odds ratio
Crestal third Ncm (138/320) p-value: 0.841
Increase by 1 307 (95.94%) 13 (4.06%) 1.04 (0.70, 1.55)
(95% CI): 0.42 (0.23–0.77)].
Middle third Ncm (138/320) p-value: 0.242 Systemic diseases and medical thera-
Increase by 1 307 (95.94%) 13 (4.06%) 1.07 (0.96, 1.20) pies were analysed when controlled for
Apical third Ncm (138/320) p-value: 0.180 the other diseases and for factors sig-
Increase by 1 307 (95.94%) 13 (4.06%) 1.07 (0.97, 1.18) nificantly (at the 5% level) related to the
PTV (71/189) p-value: 0.05n early failure (smoking habits, bone qual-
Increase by 1 168 (88.89%) 21 (11.11%) 1.13 (1.000, 1.28) ity and quantity, site, length and dia-
Dehiscence (430/1380) p-value: 0.362 meter).
No 1238 (96.79%) 41 (3.21%) 1
Yes 96 (95.05%) 5 (4.95%) 1.627 (0.571, 4.632)
Certain factors, such as cardiac and
Fenestration (418/1345) p-value: 0.989 gastric diseases, controlled diabetes type
No 1267 (96.79%) 42 (3.21%) 1 II, coagulation problems, hypertension,
Yes 35 (97.22%) 1 (2.78%) 0.986 (0.14, 6.86) hypo- or hyperthyroidism, hypercholes-
Bone quantity (1759/5800) p-value: 0.002n trolaemia, asthma, radiotherapy of the
A 998 (96.33%) 38 (3.67%) 1 area concerned, claustrophobia and anti-
B 2362 (97.36%) 64 (2.64%) 0.66 (0.41, 1.05) depressant and steroid medication, did
C 1700 (96.48%) 62 (3.52%) 0.88 (0.53, 1.46) not lead to an increased incidence of the
D 375 (95.42%) 18 (4.58%) 1.07 (0.51, 2.25)
E 159 (86.89%) 24 (13.11%) 3.43 (1.49, 7.89)
early failures.
Bone quality (1759/5782) p-value:o0.001n Crohn’s disease and osteoporosis, in
1 480 (94.86%) 26 (5.14%) 1 contrast, were significantly related to
2 2390 (97.87%) 52 (2.13%) 0.42 (0.23, 0.77) implant failures. Again, a significant
3 2074 (96.38%) 78 (3.62%) 0.70 (0.40, 1.22) correlation became evident between
4 632 (92.67%) 50 (7.33%) 1.28 (0.67, 2.45) early failures and, implant diameter,
Surface (2004/6946) p-value: 0.999 implant location (anterior/posterior)
Machined 6088 (96.39%) 228 (3.61%) 1 and smoking habits (Table 2).
Ti-Unites 606 (96.19%) 24 (3.81%) 1.00 (0.531, 1.88)
When a multiple comparison was
Significant p-value o 0.05. performed; Significantly more failures
PTV, Periotests value. were observed with wide platform
implants when compared with regular
compared with implants with a length Significantly more early failures were implant diameters (4 mm) [p-value 5
raging from 10 to 15 mm [p-value detected in the mandibular and maxil- 0.02, Odds ratio (95% CI): 3.02
5 0.04, Odds ratio (95% CI) 5 1.710 lary posterior regions when compared (1.399–6.52)], and significantly more
(1.11–2.64)]. with the mandibular anterior region failures were detected in the posterior
r 2007 The Authors. Journal compilation r 2007 Blackwell Munksgaard
614 Alsaadi et al.

Table 2. Multivariable GEE logistic regression: implant-related, behavioural and local bone face implants. The increased failure rate
factors and health factors of wide-diameter implants reported in
Multivariable GEE logistic regression some studies was mainly associated
with a learning curve, poor bone den-
number of patients 5 1757, number of implants 5 5759 sity, implant design and site preparation
and the fact that this implant was usually
factor Odds ratio 95% CI p-value used as a ‘‘rescue’’ implant.
Hypertension (yes) 0.97 (0.56, 1.67) 0.91 In the present study, significant
Cardiac problem (yes) 0.42 (0.15, 1.22) 0.11 effects of implant length and diameter
Gastric problem (yes) 1.81 (0.55, 5.97) 0.33 were detected, more failures occurring
Osteoporosis (yes) 2.88 (1.51, 5.48) 0.001n with short and wide-diameter implants.
Hypothyroid (yes) 1.00 (0.32, 3.16) 0.998 These implants were systematically
Hyperthyroid (yes) 1.40 (0.07, 26.51) 0.82 installed in compromised sites, marked
Radiotherapy (yes) 0.36 (0.028, 4.65) 0.43 by poor bone quality and quantity. Thus,
Crohn’s disease (yes) 7.95 (3.47, 18.24) o0.001n
Diabetes II (yes) 0.25 (0.05, 1.20) 0.08
these confounding factors may explain
Coagulation (yes) 2.00 (0.93, 4.28) 0.08 the higher failure rate.
Claustrophobia (yes) 2.45 (0.64, 9.39) 0.19 The Ti-Unites surface in the present
Antidepressant medication (yes) 1.28 (0.64, 2.58) 0.49 study did not influence the outcome as
Steroid medication (yes) 1.25 (0.32, 4.98) 0.75 no statistical difference or even a ten-
Hypercholesterol (yes) 1.02 (0.31, 3.35) 0.98 dency concerning the failure rate could
Asthma (yes) 1.92 (0.37, 9.97) 0.44 be found. In a previous paper from our
Smoking (o10) 1.76 (0.60, 5.16) 0.02n centre, a reduced failure rate for Ti-
Smoking (10–20) 1.90 (1.007, 3.60)
Smoking (420) 2.18 (1.20, 3.97)
Unites-surfaced implants was reported
Bone quality (2) 0.56 (0.29, 1.05) 0.15 (Alsaadi et al. 2006). This concerned,
Bone quality (3) 0.82 (0.46, 1.47) however, failed implant replacement
Bone quality (4) 1.04 (0.53, 2.07) instead of insertions in pristine sites.
Bone quantity (B) 0.64 (0.40, 1.02) 0.10 Too high and low bone densities, as
Bone quantity (C) 0.86 (0.51, 1.46) assessed clinically or radiologically,
Bone quantity (D) 0.95 (0.4437, 2.06) have also been pointed out as two
Bone quantity (E) 2.00 (0.77, 5.21) possible reasons for non-integration
Site (posterior) 1.81 (1.30, 2.53) o0.001n
Length (o10 mm) 1.04 (0.61, 1.77) 0.99
(Engquist et al, 1988, Friberg et al.
Length (415 mm) 1.01 (0.41, 2.48) 1991, Jaffin & Berman 1991). In our
Diameter (3.3 mm) 1.18 (0.35, 4.04) 0.04n present findings, it also appears that
Diameter (4 mm) 0.75 (0.45, 1.24) bone quality types 1 and 4 according
Diameter (5 mm) 2.26 (1.20, 4.27) to the Lekholm and Zarb classification
are associated with slightly higher fail-
Significant p-value o 0.05.
ure rates.
The effects of the inhaled tobacco
smoke can be divided into two phases:
regions when compared with the ante- entiate either into fibroblasts or a volatile and a particulate phase. The
rior regions of both jaws [p-value osteoblasts, leading to the formation volatile phase, accounting for 95% of
40.001, Odds ratio (95% CI): 1.18 of, respectively, a scar tissue or bone the cigarette smoke, provides nearly 500
(1.298–2.53)]. (Sennerby 1991). Conditions of poor different components, including nitro-
vascularity or low oxygen tension may gen, carbon monoxide and carbon diox-
direct the mesenchymal cells to a chon- ide. The roughly 3500 different
drogenic differentiation. The mechani- chemicals released in the particulate
Discussion cal stress to which the tissues are phase include nicotine, nornicotine, ana-
Early implant failures occur because, subjected may also influence cellular tabine and anabasine (Hoffmann &
instead of an intimate bone-to-implant differentiation. Distortional stresses Hoffmann 1997). Stripped of water,
contact, a fibrous scar tissue is formed may deform cells, altering their genetic the particulate matter that remains, or
between the bone and the implant sur- expression and synthetic activity, which ‘‘tar’’, contains the majority of the
face. A large variety of causes can be explains why micromovements of the carcinogens of cigarette smoke.
imagined that interfere with the normal implants during the healing phase can Nicotine has been shown to increase
bone wound healing. The tissue reac- affect a correct bone-to-implant bond, platelet aggregation, decrease microvas-
tions following the insertion of an instead forming fibrous scar tissue cular prostacyclin levels and inhibit the
implant in the bone can be compared (Ivanoff et al. 1996, Szmukler-Moncler function of fibroblasts, erythrocytes and
with fracture healing. The healing of the et al. 2000). The role of endogenous macrophages (Jorgensen et al. 1998,
tissue starts with a blood clot that forms factors in cellular turnover and differ- Zevin et al. 1998). Carbon monoxide
between the remaining bone and the entiation is less documented. binds to haemoglobin considerably
implant surface. Depending on the Renouard & Nisand (2006) reported more easily than oxygen, thus displa-
environment and the relative immobility in a review paper that there is a trend cing oxygen from the molecule and
of the bone-to-implant interface, pluri- towards an increased failure rate with lowering the oxygen tension in the tis-
potent mesenchymal cells will differ- short and wide-diameter machined-sur- sues (Leow & Maibach 1998). Smoking
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Incidence of oral implant failures up to abutment connection 615

has been determined to adversely affect malnutrition encountered in Crohn’s of implant placement seems to increase
bone mineral density, lumbar disc patients can also cause a deficient bone the risk of failure as revealed in a
health, the relative risk of sustaining healing around the implant (Esposito multicentre study (van Steenberghe et
wrist and hip fractures, low back pain et al. 1998). al. 1990). Some of the early failures may
and the dynamics of bone and wound Osteoporosis has been defined as a be linked to an endodontic pathology,
healing (Porter & Hanley 2001). decrease in bone mass and bone density either remaining after tooth extraction
Several studies revealed the negative and an increased risk and/or incidence or around neighbouring teeth (van
effect of smoking on osseointegration, of bone fracture. However, it has been Steenberghe et al. 1999). The higher
and its dose-related effect (for a review, noted that patients without fractures incidence of these pathologies for failed
see Bain 1996). This is in accordance may have lost a significant amount of implants and/or implants with retro-
with the present findings. bone, while many patients with fractures grade peri-implantitis versus successful
Some studies have shown that sys- display levels of bone mass similar to implants is obvious (with 3  or even
temic antibiotic used before implant those of control subjects (Cummings higher incidence). Quirynen et al.
surgery can reduce the occurrence of 1985, Melton & Wahner 1989, Jacobs (2005) reported pathology of the
infections after surgery and increase the et al. 1996) extracted tooth (scar tissue-impacted
success rates of integration (Dent et al. In addition, the relationship between tooth) or possible endodontic pathology
1997, Laskin et al. 2000). Another study skeletal and mandibular or maxillary from the neighbouring tooth. These
found no such effect (Gynther et al. bone mass is limited (von Wowern & findings were in accordance with other
1998), which is in accordance with the Melsen 1979, von Wowern et al. 1988). studies (for a review, see Quirynen &
present study. The trouble with this kind The Word Health Organization has Teughels 2003, Quirynen et al. 2003). In
of studies is that the asepsis cannot be established diagnostic criteria for osteo- the present study, a significant associa-
taken for granted. Many people perform porosis based on bone density measure- tion was detected between early implant
surgery in this field without a proper ments determined by dual energy X-ray failures and vicinity to natural teeth.
surgical background. Often, sterility absorptiometry: a diagnosis of osteo- The use of the Periotests at insertion
measures do not even involve covering porosis is made if the bone mineral seems to be relevant as more early fail-
of the nose, the most infected site in this density level is 2.5 SDs below that of a ures occur, with implants demonstrating
area (van Steenberghe et al. 1997). In mean young population (Glaser & higher PTV values at implant insertion.
the present study, a series of 120 patient Kaplan 1997). Achieving good primary stability seems
files (516 implants) were analysed for There are two types of osteoporosis; to increase the chances of achieving a
the use of antibiotics in the peri-opera- Type I – or high turnover – which proper osseointegration. The use of this
tive period. There was no statistical mostly occurs in women aged 50–75 biomechanical assessment can thus be
effect on the failure rate (p 5 0.8). The due to a sudden decrease in oestrogen recommended.
prescription of antibiotics when sterility as a result of (early) menopause. This
is truly respected proves to be unneces- causes rapid calcium loss from the
sary and, considering the possible side- bones, making the woman susceptible Conclusions
effects, it should even be discouraged. to hip, wrist, forearm and spinal com- This vast number of consecutive
Indeed, systematic prescription of anti- pression fractures. patients allows identification of –
biotics leads to unnecessary side-effects Type II – or low turnover, age-related
because of the homogeneity of the treat-
and costs (Lawler et al. 2005) or senile osteoporosis. It occurs when
ment hardware and software – a number
The impact of breach of sterility that bone loss and formation are not equal
of systemic and local factors that may
was constantly compensated by antibio- and more bone is broken down than
interfere with the osseointegration pro-
tics in the present study did not seem to replaced. It affects both men and
cess, although a causal relationship can-
affect the outcome but the few observa- women. It is associated with leg and
not be ascertained. As it limits the
tions do not allow a final conclusion. spinal fractures in both genders.
observation to the stage before the pros-
Crohn’s disease can affect the entire The disease may have an influence on
thetic treatment, confounding factors are
gastro-intestinal system as it is a gen- periodontal attachment loss (Wactaws-
eralized autoimmune disease, and can ki-Wende et al. 1996). Although no
Some identified factors for failure
thus even lead to periodontal lesions studies prove an association between
could be expected, such as smoking,
(van Steenberghe et al. 1976). Crohn’s implant failure and the state of osteo-
while others like Crohn disease, osteo-
disease is characterized by the presence porosis, it has been suggested as a risk
porosis and vicinity to the natural denti-
of many antibody–antigen complexes, factor for implant failure especially for
tion are less known.
leading to an autoimmune inflammatory postmenopausal women (Becker et al.
The indication for the use of oral
process in several parts of the body. 2000). In the present study, a significant
implants should sometimes be reconsid-
Symptoms are enteritis, vasculitis, association was detected between early ered when alternative prosthetic treat-
recurrent oral ulceration, arthritis or implant failures and osteoporosis. ments are available and when possibly
keratoconjuctivitis. The same can occur When using implants in treating par- interfering systemic or local factors are
at the interface with biocompatible tial edentulism, one of the most impor- identified.
implants, normally considered by the tant questions that does concern the
host as a part of the body. In Crohn’s clinician is: is the influence of the
patients, they could be recognized as periodontal and endodontic status of
non-self, thus affecting the outcome of the neighbouring arch of importance?
implant osseointegration (van Steen- A significant plaque accumulation Alsaadi, G., Quirynen, M. & van Steenberghe,
berghe et al. 2002). Moreover, the and gingival inflammation at the time D. (2006) The importance of implant surface
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absorptiometry of the mandible compared (1998) Clinical pharmacology of nicotine. Belgium
with that of the forearm and the lumbar Clinics in Dermatology 16, 557–564. E-mail:

Clinical Relevance Principal findings: The vast number Practical implications: The indica-
Scientific rational for the study: of consecutive patients allows iden- tion for the use of oral implants
Some identified factors for implant tification of a number of systemic should sometimes be reconsidered
failure could be expected, such as and local factors that interfere with when alternative prosthetic treat-
smoking while others like Crohn, the osseointegration process. As it ments are available and when possi-
osteoporosis and vicinity to the nat- limits the observation to the stage bly interfering systemic or local
ural dentition are less known. before the prosthetic treatment, con- factors are identified.
founding factors are eliminated.

r 2007 The Authors. Journal compilation r 2007 Blackwell Munksgaard

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