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Breathwork Regression

What I know can get you to your goals the almost as if the physical sensations are
fastest with the information you’ve given me is walls being broken down to allow the
a modality of hypnotherapy called Breathwork. emotions we need to work on to come up to
the surface.
Have you ever heard of this?
● Once emotions get strong enough, they’ll
In Breathwork... either bridge you back to the cause of why
you are here, or I’ll do a little bit of
● You don’t have to think about your issue,
technique to help get to the cause.
but you can.
● You’ll be in total control. If at any time it’s Getting Started:
too just much, you’re too uncomfortable,
1. You’ll do most of the work in the beginning.
say you’ve had enough and want to stop.
I will get you started and I’ll show you the
● It’s going to be my job to push you to
pace. When we get to the cause, I’ll take
continue because usually, when you’ve had
enough is just before your breakthrough
2. Breathing happens in 8 to 10-minute cycles.
takes place.
At the end of each cycle, I’ll ask you what
● It is okay if you feel like you may want to
you’re experiencing like sensations or
stop or be tired. I will ask you if you would
emotions. I’ll tell you when you have 5
like me to encourage you to keep going.
minutes left and 2 minutes left. We will most
● It’s just hyper-oxygenating your body. It’s
likely do 3-4 cycles of this.
not hyperventilating or anything dangerous
3. No need to analyze what is happening, just
at all.
allow yourself to feel physically and
● You’ll be putting a tremendous amount of
energy into your body with the deep breaths
4. Consider the physical sensations as energy
you’ll be taking. That energy tends to bring
shifting to allow healing or unblock things
up a lot of emotion.
long blocked. The technique will move it.
● Most likely, you’ll feel physical sensations
5. Whatever happens is what is meant to
first, and it might be a bit uncomfortable.
happen, so we follow the process.
You may feel slight discomfort. There may
be a feeling of vibration, or your body may Before we get started, you may want to use the
feel like it’s getting tight. bathroom. This technique often gives people a
● Whatever happens, you want to allow it strong sensation to use the bathroom so you
because after physical sensations start to might want to check, just in case.
subside, the emotions start to arise. It’s
Now, keep your arms and legs uncrossed, lay If I see your breaths weaken a little, you’ll hear
as flat as you can comfortably, and we will get me breathing, so match my breathing. Just
started. trust the process, trust your breathing.

Are you ready? 8 - 10 minutes later

Breathe into your diaphragm like this (and Okay, give me a quick report – if there’s
show them), so your stomach and chest rise. anything you want to share? If nothing has
come up, just keep breathing. Stay with the
You will breathe deep enough through your
breath process, but if there’s something
mouth that your stomach, chest, and shoulder
significant that comes up, feel free to share.
blades all feel it.
Repeat for 8 - 10 minutes
When you exhale back through your mouth, I
want you to imagine that breath as a release of Okay, what can you report now?
that oxygen, so your chest and stomach fall.
If nothing has come up,
The inhale and exhale will feel like a loop with
Keep breathing. Stay with the breath process,
one inhalation and exhalation leading into the
but if there’s something significant that comes
next, like this (show them).
up, feel free to share.
You want to inhale through the mouth and
Repeat for 8 - 10 minutes
allow it to expand your stomach, then your rib
cage, and then your shoulder blades. When something comes up jump to below:

Then exhale through the mouth, allowing the GO TO INTRA LIFE REGRESSION SCRIPT
shoulder blades, then the rib cage, and then
stomach to collapse and continue to the next

This will be a loop style breathing that cannot

have a stopping point. You must continue to
breathe like this to reap the benefits of the

Can you show me how you would do that


Great, now keep going.

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