Fair Trade

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Muñoz Belén
5th year advanced

TED TALK: A Just World Starts with You by Benjamin Conard
“Demand quality, not just in the product you buy, but in the life of the person who
made it”
1 Watch the following TED TALK: A Just World Starts with You by Benjamin Conard and take down
notes while watching. Please, turn subtitles on if necessary.
2 Watch the video again and create a mind map developing the most important ideas addressed in
the video and research any of the examples provided in the video to share ideas with the class.


Prof. Muñoz Belén
5th year advanced

Fair trading


3 Explore the following website thoroughly: https://info.fairtrade.net/ and write a list of 10
words, phrases or ideas which you will need to develop a three-minute talk in class about
Fairtrade. You may also create a mind map to help you out.
Prof. Muñoz Belén
5th year advanced

4 Write two questions your classmates should answer in order to elicit further development of
the topic?
A local magazine has asked readers to write an article about the importance of fair-
trading. Write an article describing how significant fair trading is and recommend any
business, either local or national, which could start being part of fair-trading.
Writing Task Organization:
- The Title should be creative.
- The Introduction should present the topic in a general way but making clear what the
article is about.
- The second paragraph should talk about the significance of fair trading in a creative way.
Provide examples to support your ideas.
- The third paragraph should make a recommendation of a business which could be part of
fair trading. Support your ideas.
- The conclusion is a summary of sorts and asks the reader for some feedback on their own
preferences regarding the topic.
Your article should contain between 180 – 250 words.

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