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# introduced last year to directly address the issue of identity theft eds to seriously consider the impact of a prison sentence on offenders, ty applications has been steadily increasing over the last 50 years 1 The aticle focuses narrowly on one aspect of the problem rather than taking a broad view. © The suggested measures should be quickly implemented to avoid further problems. the unit 13 1 Professor Soltero said that, in line with government guidelines, the team would consult the local community as regards the best solution to the siting of the drilling platform. She promised that the community would be fully involved from the outset and that her team, in turn, would inform the public at every stage. A spokesperson for the company said that, at this stage, there is no proof of the side-effects of the drug, but in view of / in the light of the public concern, the company was withdrawing it. Im spite of this necessary measure, she was sure that the drug would soon return to the market. Dr Leiman said that while on the one hand the government wanted to encourage research, on ‘the other hand they were reducing funding for universities; in other words, research would inevitably suffer. 1m addition to 2 new building on the campus, the team will receive a very generous grant to conduct their research. In relation te the university's plan, this represents an exciting and much- awaited development. In particular, the new facility would attract outside investment, ‘With the exception of one study in 1986, no major research has been cartied out into the problem, Dr Peters stated. The greatest need by far at the moment was a concerted effort to kick: start a research programme. Professor Karpal said that, on the basis of her studies so far, she was optimistic that a cure for the disease would be found. To some extent, there was already cause for optimism, but, for the most part, hopes had to rest on the possibility of a breakthrough in the near future, 7 Lauren Charles said that, on the whole, social conditions had improved since the report, ‘especially in terms of jobs and housing for the poorer sectors. If economic and social policy had ‘alled in any respect, it was in child care for the less well-off '8 The professor said that he was delighted to accept the award on behalf of the whole ‘He said that, in some ways, he had been the lucky one, so to speak, in that he had been able to ‘work in conjunction with such a wonderful team. i 1 bychance 7 Bytar 2 From then on '8 For the most part Imaccordance with 9 In most respects 3 4 10 to some extent 6 convince me of 7. searching for 8 provided us with 9 consented to 10 reacted positively to referred us to account for associated with dispose of benefit enormously from The course leader divided her students into groups. They had to trace everyone who had been exposed to the infection, At the moment we have too few nurses attending to too many patients, Excellent teaching coupled with first-class research have made this a successful coi The country emerged from the crisis as a much stronger power. ee Joe acquired an interest in politics from his uncle who often spoke of his days a3 se, The government called for an investigation into the explosion atthe nuclear reve In your speech don't forget to emphasise the advantages of studying here 14.3 144 BION RUN wee Unit 15 15.1 1 with, for 5 into/on, for (of is also possible) 2 on/about, of 6 into, to 3 of, into 7 about/on, at, between 4 on/about, into, for/behind 8 of, to 1 Her dissertation produced some interesting insights into how young children develop a visu ‘sense and the age at which development is most noticeable. The reason for people being unwilling to be interviewed after the demonstration was that wy were afraid of being arrested later. 3. As regards solar phenomena, Hierstat’s approach to the analysis is different from that of Donewski. He questioned the assumptions behind much of the previous research, 4 Changes in the temperature of the soil were measured over time. 5 Alack of funding led to the project being cancelled, and social scientists blamed the governs negative attitude to/towards social science research. 6 Jawil’s article puts great emphasis on the need for more research into the problem and aj ‘the case for greater attention to the underlying causes. attitude to/towards, Principle behind difference between rationale for/behind 15.2 64 16.5 16.6 dissertation topic may be complicated but, be that as it may, I have absolu My ie it. | have always been interested in the Romantic movement in Englis ft eeson decided to compare Romantic poetry in different European countries, I've focused for the most part on poets from Britain and Germany, Although as a rule essay-writing comes easily to ine, t'm finding it difficult to get down to writing up my research because I’m ; ; supposed to be revising for a couple of exams at the same time. But | shan’t have any problems in terms of finding enough to say on the subject. tely no regrets about h literature and for 1 by means of which - The others all mean generally or for the most part while by means of which means using this method. 2 with the exception of X - The others all focus on how X is affected by something whereas with the exception of X is focusing on other things rather than X. 3 inaddition to - The others are all concerned with trying to be more specific in what they are talking about while in addition to is adding something extra to what is being said. 1A 2C3B4B5C Possible answers: 1 | enjoy watching most sports with the exception of football. 2 Apoor relationship between parents and children is often due to the fact that they do not spend enough time together. 3 | love reading novels as opposed to reading English textbooks / writing English essays / reading novels in my own language. 4 In your first year of graduate school you have to take an end-of-year exam in addition to writing a 4,000-word essay. 5 Itwas a very useful course in the sense that | learnt an enormous amount from it.

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