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One-Sample Test of Hypothesis

CadSoft, a producer of computer-aided design software for the aerospace

industry receives numerous calls for technical support. In the past, the average
response time has been at least 25 minutes. The company has upgraded its
information systems and believes that this will help reduce response time. As a
result, it believes that the average response time can be reduced to less than 25
minutes. The company collected a sample of 44 response times in the attached
Excel file CadSoft.

(i) State the null and alternative hypotheses

(ii) Import CadSoft into RStudio and perform a one-tail test using a level
of significance  of 0.05

(a) the t-test statistic

(b) the p-value (observed significance level)

Note: You must furnish your R scripts and show the values obtained
by R.

(iii) Repeat the tests using  of 0.15

(iv) From the above results, discuss whether a reduction in response time
has been achieved in the system upgrade.

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