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Practice TEST – first half Bimester III – Reading/Writing Skills

Estudiante: __________________________________________________ III BIM SECUNDARIA 2022

Docente: Lic. Constantin Oprea Año: IV° sección: A / B
Competencia: Escribe diversos tipos de textos en inglés / Lee diversos tipos de textos en inglés

Read the article and answer the questions below.

Pollution and its Negative Effects

Pollution is when something harmful or poisonous contaminates the air, soil, water, or environment. Pollution
happens when ecosystems cannot get rid of harmful substances, also called pollutants. There are many different
pollutants and their effects on ecosystems are complex.

Sometimes, natural disasters can cause pollution. But most often, pollutants are the result of human activity. Some
pollutants come from big man-made disasters like oil spills, chemical spills, or nuclear accidents. Lots of
pollutants come from everyday human activities. Cars leak exhaust from their engines. Water is polluted with
man-made cleaners and chemicals. Food wrappers, plastic bottles, and more fill dumps with garbage.

Pollution can have terrible consequences. It hurts people and the planet. Humans can become sick or have shorter
lives. It can cause the destruction of natural habitats. Ecosystems on land and in the ocean can lose their delicate
balance. Some of these costs of pollution are permanent, and it means our earth and the people and animals that
live on it may never be the same.

As long as people live on the earth, we cannot completely stop pollution. But, we can pollute a lot less. We need
to protect ourselves and the environment by living more sustainably. That means that we have to think about the
future today. So, we need to address existing pollution. But we also need to anticipate and prevent future pollution
sources in order to protect the environment and public health. Any environmental damage must be punishable by
law, and polluters should pay for the damage caused to the environment.
What other title would you give to this article?
Answer the following questions.
1. The damage caused by pollution might be irreversible.
a. true
b. false
2. The ecosystem
a. can always cope with pollutants.
b. may not always be able to cope with pollution.
c. cannot cope with pollution anymore.
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Telf. 477 8760 / 652 4480 Web:

3. Pollution
a. is always caused by humans.
b. may sometimes be caused by natural disasters.
c. is a natural consequence of man's activities on Earth.

4. An ideal solution to prevent pollution would be to

a. refrain the development of some countries.
b. continue developmental projects.
c. take into consideration that future generations need to live in a healthy environment.

5. What are some sources of pollution mentioned?

a. human activities, oil spills, nuclear accidents
b. wars, migrations, oil spills
c. natural disasters, wars

6. What does living sustainably mean?

a. the growing population of the planet
b. educating people about pollution
c. thinking about future generations and their needs

7. What do governments need to do to reduce pollutants before the problem gets worse?
a. Enforce stricter rules and punish people that pollute.
b. Make more rules.
c. Organize public debates with scientists.

8. What are some of the many consequences that pollution has on us?
a. People get sleepy, tired and they don’t go to work.
b. Humans may become ill and have shorter life spans.
c. We grow accustomed to it and nothing really happens.

Is pollution a serious problem in your city? Explain briefly. Don’t forget to include some vocabulary of the

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Telf. 477 8760 / 652 4480 Web:

You are going to read an article written by a young pianist. For questions 1-8 choose the answer (А, В, С or D) which you think
fits best according to the text.

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1 How did Berrak feel about playing the piano when she was very young?
A She really enjoyed it.
В She only did it because her mother wanted her to.
С She didn’t like the fact she had to practice a lot.
D She felt strange and different from her friends.

2 How did she feel the first time she performed in front of an audience?
A nervous and under pressure
В strange because everyone was looking at her
С happy and relaxed
D She was concentrating so much on playing she didn’t notice the audience.

3 Why did Berrak feel different from her friends when she was at school?
A Because the teachers gave her less homework.
В Because her friends didn't know what career they wanted to follow.
С Because she was the only one who wanted to become a musician.
D Because she found the pressure of exams less stressful.

4 Why does she say it is important to meet and talk to other musicians at her college?
A Because the music industry is very sociable and it’s important to have lots of friends.
В Because she feels lonely after spending so much time by herself.
С Because other musicians in the college are very supportive of each other.
D Because it increases her possibilities of being asked to perform.

5 When she says in line 22 that ‘in the music business it’s all about recognition and getting your name out
there’ what does she mean?
A It’s important that people know who she is when they see her photograph.
В It’s important that lots of people know what she does and know her name.
C Her name is more important than the way she plays.
D Her name needs to be easy for people to recognise and remember.

6 Why does the college environment often feel like a constant battle?
A Because there isn’t enough work for everyone.
В Because she doesn’t get on with the other students there.
С Because there are lots of competitions.
D Because the teachers are always comparing the students and deciding who is better.

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7 Why did Berrak decide to go into accompaniment?

A Because she thinks it can be more challenging.
В Because it’s better paid.
С Because she can achieve more and become more well-known.
D Because she likes working as part of a team.

8 What does she say is the best thing about studying and pursuing a career in music?
A She could become rich and famous.
В There are lots of job opportunities.
С She spends all her time doing something she loves.
D She finds it an easy subject.

The teachers at your school have complained that many students are spending too much time using the Internet to
visit social networking sites and chat rooms. They have asked the headteacher to disconnect the Internet from the
school’s computer room as they feel it is not an appropriate use of school equipment.

Write a report to the headteacher explaining why internet access should be available to the students. Make some
suggestions about ways in which internet access can be controlled.

Write your answer in 120-180 words in an appropriate style.

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Telf. 477 8760 / 652 4480 Web:

Practice TEST – first half Bimester III – Listening Skills

Estudiante: __________________________________________________ III BIM SECUNDARIA 2022

Docente: Lic. Constantin Oprea Año: IV° sección: A / B
Competencia: Se comunica oralmente en inglés

You will hear people talking in eight different situations. For questions 1-8, choose the best answer
(A, В or C).

1 You hear a woman talking about her job. How does she feel about it?
A It’s boring.
В She likes it.
С She finds it difficult.

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Telf. 477 8760 / 652 4480 Web:

2 You overhear a man telling a friend about a film he saw recently. What type of film was it?
A a romance
В an action film
С science fiction

3 You hear a man telling his colleague about his holiday. What was the problem with it?
A He became ill.
В He argued with his partner.
С He couldn’t see all the things he wanted to see.

4 You overhear a conversation in a supermarket. What are they discussing?

A returning an item
В breaking an item
С buying an item

5 You hear an advertisement on the radio. What is being advertised?

A a festival
В a new music album
C. a cake

6 You .overhear a woman talking on the phone about her new boss. What is she worried about?
A losing her job
В being given extra work to do
С her boss is inexperienced

7 You hear an actor talking on the radio about his new film. What does he say about preparing for the
A He had to learn a new skill.
В He did lots of research.
С It was physically challenging.

8 You overhear two people talking about a car. Why are they talking about the car?
A It’s the man’s first car.
В It’s a brand new car.
С It has broken down.

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Telf. 477 8760 / 652 4480 Web:

You will hear an interview with a member of a sporting association. For questions 24-30, choose the
best answer (A, В or C).

1. Where does the sport originate?

A South Africa
В Britain
С Ireland

2. What does he say about the ball?

A It’s made from leather.
В It’s made from wood.
С It’s the same as a tennis ball.

3. How many points is a goal worth?

A three
В two
С one

4. How many kilometres an hour can the

A 115
В 150
С 110

5. One of the rules of the game is that you

A cannot hold the ball in your hand.
В can only carry the ball using the
С must use the hurley to pick the

6. What does Sean say about the best hurling

A They earn too much money.
В They earn no money.
С They aren’t as skilful as they were

7. What does he say about the fans of the

A They are aggressive.
В Rival fans sit together.
С They come from the nobility.

Jr. José Gálvez Cdra. 3 S/N Plaza de Armas de Santiago de Surco 8

Telf. 477 8760 / 652 4480 Web:

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