Coreia Hoje - Outubro de 2017 (INGLÊS)

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10, 2017 51

Rising Strategic Status of

Korea Changes Landscape of
Korea-US Confrontation
N RECENT YEARS, KOREA’S STRATEGIC making nuclear warheads small, light and diversi-
I nuclear force has rapidly developed. This has
made a drastic change in the landscape of the Korea-
fied and possessed A-bombs and H-bombs. Recent
years witnessed Korea’s continuous successes in test-
US confrontation. In July last, in particular, Korea fire of highly precise and diversified strategic weap-
succeeded in two rounds of test-fire of intercontinen- ons that can strike any area in the world.
tal ballistic missiles, completely changing the previ- In May last Korea demonstrated the actual war
ous landscape of the Korea-US confrontation that capacities of new types of strategic weapons includ-
had lasted for over 70 years. ing mid- and long-distance ground-to-ground strate-
From a historical point of view, the Korea-US gic ballistic missile Hwasong 12 and mid- and long-
confrontation during the period was based on a distance ground-to-ground strategic ballistic missile
landscape in which Korea countered the US’s unilat- Pukguksong 2, and finally took a place rightfully
eral aggressive manoeuvres and nuclear threat and among the nations possessed of ICBMs. This meant
blackmail. This was because of disparity of military its victory in the fierce confrontation against the US
power between the US, a nuclear superpower, and for its building of a strategic nuclear force. And it put
Korea, a non-nuclear country. The US styled itself as an end to the previous landscape of Korea-US con-
the “strongest nuclear power in the world” possessed frontation with the US exposed to a serious threat.
of lots of nuclear weapons and other strategic strik- On July 28 last Korea conducted the test-fire of
ing means of different kinds to attack any country in an ICBM for confirming its maximum shooting
the world, while Korea had only tactical weapons range, thus sending a solemn warning to the US.
for self-defence. The US underwent a disastrous Korea’s mode of counteraction has already turned
defeat in the Korean war in the 1950s. But it tena- into one of preemptive strike.
ciously tried to start another aggressive war in Korea Extremely confused by the might of Korea’s stra-
relying on the superiority of its strategic nuclear tegic nuclear force, the US is now bent on checking
means. the country’s military attack.
Now, however, Korea has been possessed of On the 12th of the same month Washington Times
ICBMs that have the US mainland within their wrote on its Internet homepage that the Pentagon
shooting range after having A-bombs and H-bombs. had a plan of investing billions of US dollars in
This has put an end to the superiority of the US’s renovating the missile defense system, adding that
strategic nuclear means. they were intending to allocate US$ 1.5 billion of
The Secretary of State, the Secretary of Defense, US$ 7.9 billion—planned to be invested in a ground-
the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and other to-air missile defense system and an Aegis ballistic
US administration and military officials are scream- missile defense system—for the renovation of 36
ing that Korea is posing the worst threat to them. ground-to-air missile defense systems across the US.
In the past the US viciously attempted to prevent The US military planned to regularly conduct a mis-
Korea from building a strategic nuclear force in order sile defense exercise against north Korea’s missile
to maintain the superiority of its strategic nuclear “threat” for a long time, the newspaper revealed.
means in its confrontation with Korea. Slandering Experts, however, comment that as the US is
Korea’s “nukes” and “fire of missiles” as a “threat” to incapable of checking the development of Korea’s
world peace, the US enlisted its vassals and even strategic nuclear force, the future Korea-US con-
international organizations in the attempt to impose frontation will turn into the one whereby Korea
military pressure and sanctions on Korea. presses harder upon the US by dint of its rapidly
All the schemes of the US, however, failed to developing military striking ability and the latter
check Korea’s development of its strategic nuclear puts all its efforts in checking the former’s military
force. Rather, they further awakened and roused the attack.
country and strengthened its justification for having The Americans are keenly aware of Korea’s daily
nuclear weapons. rising strategic status and their country’s dangerous
It was on February 10, 2005 that Korea officially situation. They are resolutely demanding that the
proclaimed its possession of nuclear weapons. For hopeless hostile Korea policy be changed. In his
over ten years since then the country succeeded in comment a senior researcher of the Kato Institute, ►

52 KOREA TODAY No. 10, 2017


The successful second

round of test fire of
intercontinental ballistic
missile Hwasong 14 on
July 28, 2017.

KOREA TODAY No. 10, 2017 53


Eternal Line

ECENTLY THE KOREAN PEOPLE simultaneously at the fifth plenary meeting of the
R succeeded in two rounds of test fire of intercon-
tinental ballistic missiles Hwasong 14. This means
fourth Party Central Committee held that year. In
accordance with the line the Korean people consoli-
they are powerful enough to put the whole territory dated their defence capability by their own efforts.
of the US within range of their nukes. The US imperialists always referred to the so-
Korea’s comprehensive national power and stra- cialist Korea that had attained the dignity of an
tegic status are rising higher day after day. And gone independent country as an encumbrance. Taking
forever is the time when the US imperialists threat- advantage of the socialist collapse in some east
ened the Korean people with nukes. European countries, the US imperialists further
intensified the nuclear threat and blackmail against
Inevitability of History Korea, considering it a “dangerous entity” that might
make a direct breach in the international order in
Originally the Korean people had no will to pos- the US-led new era. Whether to live as independent
sess nukes. Why did they take the road towards a guards or become slaves—in answer to this question
nuclear state? Because they had to safeguard the of history the Korean people prioritized the military
sovereignty of their country and their national dig- affairs as the most important for the nation and put
nity. primary efforts into the development of the defence
From of old the Korean peninsula was the target industry.
of aggression by the imperialists because of its geo- Frightened by the way the Korean people un-
political position. The US, in particular, watched for yieldingly kept advancing along the road towards
a chance to invade Korea from the early 19th century. socialism of Juche in any harsh trials and difficul-
Following the end of the Second World War, it occu- ties, the US imperialists went so far as to designate
pied half of the peninsula and tried to realize its Korea as “axis of evil” and a target of preemptive
ambition of world supremacy by using it as its step- nuclear strike.
ping-stone. Flinching in the face of the US’s frantic nuclear
An extension of the attempt was the Korean war campaign, the UN and even the powers around Ko-
(1950-1953). During the war the US intended to turn rea followed in step with Washington while pursuing
the entire peninsula into a complete “radioactive their own interests. There was nobody to trust.
corridor area” by dropping scores of A-bombs on it. Dwelling on the situation, the Russian website
The US imperialists were just brutes that would Ruskaya Pravda wrote, “Korea resembles an envel-
never hesitate to reduce the peninsula into the ruins oped fortress, and this is related to a constant threat
enveloped by nuclear clouds in order to put their from outside. In the protracted confrontation with
ambition of world supremacy into reality. the US the only way for Korea to keep its safety in
In 1962, amidst the US’s continuous nuclear war case it is invaded is to have the capability to inflict
threat, there occurred the Caribbean crisis known as an irretrievable loss to the invading country, that is,
Cuban Missile Crisis, which made the Korean people nukes. There is no other alternative in the world
more keenly realize that they should further where the jungle law is prevailing.”
strengthen their self-defensive power in order to The Korean people needed a mighty nuclear de-
safeguard the sovereignty and dignity of their coun- terrent to defend their sovereignty and dignity.
In view of the prevailing situation the Workers’ Korea Does not Shrink
Party of Korea put forward the strategic line of
building up the economy and defences of the country Originally the atomic industry of Korea was built ►

► who is a foreign policy expert and was a special ad- from north Korea’s list of targets; in fact the simplest
viser to US president Reagan, said: As a matter of way to put an end to the fear of north Korea’s mis-
fact there is no justification for the US’s continuous siles aimed at the US proper is disengaging from the
protection of south Korea, which the US has been problem of the Korean peninsula; and it is undesir-
committed to since the end of the Korean war; what able to leave the US affected by the nuclear danger of
is important is that GIs’ withdrawal from south Ko- the Korean peninsula any longer.
rea will make it possible to erase the name of the US Jo Un Hyang

2 KOREA TODAY No. 10, 2017


► for a peaceful purpose. But the US took issue with it, capability to launch a nuclear attack on the US; this
arguing that it could be used to make “nukes.” proves that economic sanctions and diplomatic isola-
Washington instigated an international organization tion can never stop Korea from strengthening its
to put pressure on the country and had it completely nuclear capability; the US military experts think
debarred from importing advanced techniques and that Korea has 13 to 21 nuclear weapons at the mo-
equipment. ment and they believe it will have 100 nukes by
Meanwhile, the US incessantly renewed and 2020; and the nuclear capability of Korea is
completed plans of nuclear war against Korea, and strengthening day by day.
examined in detail the feasibility of carrying out the The comment is not groundless. While seeing the
plans through varieties of nuclear war rehearsals. military parade and the Pyongyang citizens’ mass
Every year never passed without the US’s frantic demonstration held in April last to celebrate the
nuclear war exercises taking place around the Ko- 105th birth anniversary of President Kim Il Sung,
rean peninsula, and international organizations the world press observed cavalcades of Juche guns
abandoned impartiality and unreasonably imposed with longer barrels, new-model tanks, large-caliber
pressure and sanctions on Korea. multiple launch rocket systems, ground-to-air rock-
In order to cope with the situation Pyongyang ets and other military equipment and seven kinds of
declared that Korea would quit the Nuclear Non- long-range strategic weapons and processions of
proliferation Treaty and announced its immediate special troops in night glasses-fixed helmets, and
withdrawal from the International Atomic Energy commented that in fact it was a “parade of the stra-
Agency, thus resolutely rejecting foreign forces’ in- tegic force.”
terference in the nuclear power of the country and Korea’s success in two rounds of test fire of inter-
safeguarding its sovereignty. continental ballistic missiles Hwasong 14 in July last
This was, however, not enough to frustrate the demonstrated once again at home and abroad the
US’s schemes of aggression thoroughly. Century after unfathomable strength of the Korean people who are
century and decade after decade, dark clouds of nu- simultaneously conducting economic construction
clear threat from the US always hung over the Ko- and building up the nuclear force by dint of the great
rean peninsula, bringing violent storms to the land. power of self-development despite the unprecedented
With the passage of time the US imperialists sanctions and pressure.
became all the more outspoken in their scheme to The US’s Internet news agency NK NEWS re-
start a nuclear war. This required the Korean people ported: This means that Korea manufactured a com-
to possess a self-defensive nuclear deterrent without pletely new missile; and what is most amazing is that
delay. it succeeded in the first test fire of the missile that is
In 2005 Korea announced its possession of nukes. totally new in scale, thrust and flight properties.
October of the following year witnessed its first suc- The Iranian news agency IRNA reported: Korea
cessful underground nuclear test followed by the developed nukes and manufactured the interconti-
second underground nuclear test—the nuclear blast nental ballistic missiles solely by the strength of self-
of this round was 20 times greater than that of the development without getting support or assistance
first round—in May 2009 and the third round of the from any advanced countries; this is the best success
test in February 2013. achieved in the worst adversity in which the country
Frightened at this the US imperialists resorted to is undergoing extreme sanctions imposed by the US
all ways and means to make Korea give up nukes, and its followers; and Korea unfailingly does what it
menacing the country’s sovereignty and right to ex- decides to and nothing can check its advance.
istence. Taking into consideration the prevailing It is the Korean people’s invariable mettle to
situation and the requirement of the developing brave through difficulties and ordeals in the indomi-
Korean revolution, Supreme Leader Kim Jong Un table spirit of attack by countering the enemy’s knife
put forward the strategic line of simultaneously con- with a sword and its rifle with a gun.
ducting economic construction and building up the It is a matter of course in the world that no mat-
nuclear force at the historic March 2013 Plenary ter how honest-minded and right one may be, one, if
Meeting of the Central Committee of the Workers’ not strong, has to shed bitter tears as a plaything of
Party of Korea. the strong.
Accordingly, Korea developed and perfected in The Korean people understand through their
succession means of nuclear attack and strategic experience that the dignity and sovereignty of their
weapons to put an end to its age-old confrontation country can be defended and ensured only by their
with the US and win an ultimate victory. When Ko- own power. So, they will keep strengthening their
rea succeeded in the test blast of its first H-bomb in nuclear force under the aforesaid strategic line, the
January 2016 the American ABC commented: Korea eternal banner of their invincibility.
that is already possessed of nukes will soon have the Kim Ye Ryong

KOREA TODAY No. 10, 2017 3


Anti-US Shouts from Korea

The Pyongyang citizens’

mass rally and demon-
stration to fully support
the DPRK government’s
statement in August 2017.

4 KOREA TODAY No. 10, 2017


We Will Take Revenge

UR COUNTRY HAS as shooting, burning or
O attained the strongest nu-
clear force, and this is a rightful
burying alive innocent
people in groups wher-
choice to safeguard the sover- ever they went. In Sin-
eignty of our country and the chon county alone they
right to existence of our nation killed 35 383 people, a
from the high-handed and arbi- fourth of the total local
trary policy of the US. We know population, by employing
that the Americans have pursued brutal methods like
a hostile Korea policy and nuclear burying alive, skinning
threat and blackmail for more and disembowelling
than half a century. alive. The massacre in Jo Nam Il.
They labelled the test fire of Sinchon clearly showed
our intercontinental ballistic that the US imperialists were all regard as our heart—and dis-
missiles as a “threat to the inter- cannibals and murderers of the allowing the use of strategic mis-
national peace and security” and 20th century who inherited sav- siles. These atrocious schemes are
used it to fabricate UNSC Resolu- agery and ferocity from their an- making all the army and people
tion No. 2371 aimed at frustrating cestors who had derived pleasure including the workers of my com-
our country’s economic develop- from murder and were imbued plex more firmly determined to
ment and improvement of our with the mediaeval racist theory. wipe the US imperialists off the
living standards completely. Over 60 years have passed earth.
Worse still, the US authorities, since then. But the Korean people Annihilate thoroughly and
terrified by our success in the test are still burning their heart with mercilessly the descendants of the
fire of the ICBM, don’t hesitate to the determination to take revenge American cannibals through all-
utter thoughtless words for an upon the US imperialist murder- people resistance!
extremely dangerous war without ers. They have sharpened their Let all of us be human bullets
interruption. Not long ago US will to wage the final fight with and bombs to hasten the final
President Trump said that even if the century-old enemy some day. downfall of the US imperialists!
a war breaks out, it will come in We are a nation with great The entire nation is burning
Korea, and that even if thousands self-respect. We show no mercy with the determination to plunge
die, they will be there, not in to anyone who dares to touch us. the American empire into the
America. This just reminds me of The US should have a proper deepest abyss of death.
the murderous order given by idea of us Korean people. In the The workers of my complex
Walker, the 8th Army commander 1950s we destroyed the US in- will hold fast the banner of crea-
of the US aggression forces, dur- vaders by countering their A- tion and self-development and
ing the Korean war in the 1950s. bomb with rifles. Now we have raise higher the torch of a new,
“Don’t let your hands tremble become the master of a military great leap forward in the revolu-
even when those who appear be- power possessed of A- and H- tion, and, if a chance comes, turn
fore you are children or old people. bombs and intercontinental bal- out in the sacred battle to wipe
Kill them! In doing so, you will be listic missiles capable of striking out the enemy, and thus satisfy
saving yourselves from catastro- the US mainland. the nation’s pent-up grudge.
phe and fulfilling your duty as the The Americans have conceived
soldiers of the UN Forces.” This plans for “beheading operation” Jo Nam Il,
order was exactly carried out by and “internal harassing opera- chief engineer of the
the US aggressor troops. They tion” for the purpose of making a Kim Jong Thae Electric
committed such indelible crimes “conquest” of Pyongyang—that we Locomotive Complex

KOREA TODAY No. 10, 2017 5

Monthly Journal (736)


The successful second round of test fire of intercontinental

ballistic missile Hwasong 14 on July 28, 2017.

8 For Improvement of the People’s Health

9 Munsu Area Turns into Hospital Village
12 Unified Medical Education
13 Efficacious Products Developed

Monthly journal Korea Today is printed in English, Russian and Chinese, and posted on the Internet
site in English, Russian, Chinese, French, Spanish and Arabic.

6 KOREA TODAY No. 10, 2017

14 Doctors Visit Patients
15 Firm Root of the WPK
16 Motherly Party
18 In Support of War for Liberation of Northeast China (8)
20 Tradition of Self-reliance
22 Pyongyang Dental Hygiene Supplies Factory
24 With Their Own Efforts
25 Happiness of Researchers
Front Cover: The demon-
strators give vent to 26 How Full Marks Come
their trust in the Work-
ers’ Party of Korea 27 Victory of Offensive Football

Photo by Ra Phyong Ryol 28 From Small Gym

29 Little Poet
30 Living Memory
32 For Elderly People
32 National Drink Sungnyung
34 Life of Hero Midwife
36 Short Story
38 Disabled Artistes Held in Public Affection
40 Korean West Coast, Stopover for Migratory Birds
41 Koguryo, Leader of Oriental Science
42 Eight Famous Scenes on Mt. Paektu (2)
Back Cover: Ryomyong 44 Historical Relics in Kaesong (3)
Street at night
46 Mausoleum of King Tangun Tells
Photos by Ra Jin Hyok
47 National Intangible Cultural Heritage (11)
Customs of Chusok
13502 ㄱ-78227 48 Why Labelled as “Prostitutes”?
Edited by Ri Chol Ryong
Address: Sochon-dong,
Sosong District,
Pyongyang, DPRK

© The Foreign Language

Magazines 2017

KOREA TODAY No. 10, 2017 7

For Improvement of the
People’s Health
Happiness What He Exactly Wanted to Do

NE DAY IN SEPTEMBER 2016 One day in October 2016 Supreme Leader

O Supreme Leader Kim Jong Un inspected
the newly built Medical Oxygen Factory. It was the
Kim Jong Un visited the newly built Ryugyong
General Ophthalmic Hospital. Enjoying a pano-
Supreme Leader who initiated the construction of ramic view of the hospital, he said with a broad
the factory. He fixed its site in the suburbs of Py- smile on his face that it had already been built
ongyang and visited the construction site to take wonderfully though he chose its site in January that
measures to solve problems arising in the project. year. The external form clearly showed it was an
That day he looked round the oxygen separat- ophthalmic hospital as the façade of its outpatient
ing station, gaseous oxygen filling station and ward depicted man’s eye and an eye-chart was dis-
other places of the factory to acquaint himself played on its inpatient ward’s outer wall, he added.
with its construction and operation plan in detail. Noting that the Munsu area had turned into a
While inspecting the oxygen supply station the more perfect hospital village as it was intensively
Supreme Leader recalled his instruction that an arranged with such hospitals as the Breast
oxygen supply station should be built so as not to Tumour Institute of the Pyongyang Maternity
inconvenience hospitals in receiving medical oxy- Hospital, the Ryugyong Dental Hospital and the
gen, and said that it was now built wonderfully on Okryu Children’s Hospital as well as the modern
the principle of ensuring aesthetic value, conven- Ryugyong General Ophthalmic Hospital, the
ience and practicality. Oxygen cylinders standing Supreme Leader said he was very pleased to pic-
in rows at the station were spectacular, he said ture the people enjoying the benefits of the social-
and added with a bright smile that it was very ist healthcare system to the full without any in-
good to have names of hospitals inscribed on the convenience. Then he went round outpatient and
cylinders to be supplied to them. inpatient wards to inquire about details of the
Referring to the factory as a small yet impor- construction and technical specifications of the
tant factory conducive to protection of the people’s facilities. Saying that the hospital was a perfect
lives and promotion of their health, Kim Jong Un people’s hospital of the world level of which the
set forth to the factory such tasks as to normalize country could boast to the world, the Supreme
production by improving the technical knowledge Leader noted with pleasure that he had done just
and skills of the employees and developing their what he exactly wanted to do, and that one of his
sense of responsibility, to do the management of wishes for the people had come true.
equipment and technology scrupulously and take He continued to say that the construction of the
good care of facilities and to establish a strict ex- ophthalmic hospital meant the construction of
amination system in order to supply quality live different medical service bases one after another
oxygen suited to the hygienic standard. And he annually in recent several years, and that the
said that similar modern oxygen production bases Workers’ Party of Korea continued to channel
should be built in other places across the country great efforts into building up the material and
on the basis of the successful construction of the technical foundations for healthcare not because
factory. the country was well off but because it was an
Later that day the Supreme Leader said that important undertaking to give full play to the
the modern factory had been built wonderfully to advantages of the country’s socialist health system
provide hospitals with high-quality live oxygen for whereby the Party and the government took thor-
people’s health, adding he was satisfied that he ough responsible care of the people’s lives and
had done another worthwhile job for the welfare of health, and to defend socialism.
the people. He said that it was just his happiness. Ri Song Chol

8 KOREA TODAY No. 10, 2017

Munsu Area Turns into
Hospital Village
HE MUNSU AREA IN cancer treatment room, those for ing is surrounded by green car-
T Pyongyang is a hub of special
and general hospitals. A few years
research and scores of sickrooms.
It is also equipped with tens of
pets of lawn, statues of different
themes and an outdoor play-
ago the area had only several thousands of medical facilities ground. So, it looks like a chil-
hospitals including the Pyongy- and apparatuses of over 70 kinds, dren’s hospital at a glance. The
ang Maternity Hospital and the and staffed mainly with doctors hospital is provided with all con-
Academy of Koryo Medicine. In and researchers in their thirties ditions for children to receive
recent years more medical facili- and forties, all graduates of the medical treatment without worry
ties have been built in the area, postgraduate course of the Py- and get education for different
including the Breast Tumour ongyang Medical College of ages during their stay in the hos-
Institute of the Pyongyang Ma- Kim Il Sung University. Nearly pital like at their schools.
ternity Hospital, the Okryu 100 000 women from across the The Academy of Koryo Medi-
Children’s Hospital, the Ryu- country have recovered from rele- cine, a Korean-style gabled house,
gyong Dental Hospital, and the vant diseases after receiving studies and disseminates the
Ryugyong General Ophthalmic medical treatment at the institute methods of treating many incur-
Hospital. This is the result of the since its inauguration in 2012. able diseases by combining Koryo
popular health policy pursued by The Okryu Children’s Hospi- medicine and modern medicine.
the Workers’ Party of Korea and tal faces the Pyongyang Mater- The academy consists of a Koryo
the State which spare nothing for nity Hospital with a road between internal medicine institute, a
the improvement of the people’s them. Thanks to the country’s Koryo surgery institute, an acu-
health. love for the younger generation puncture and moxibustion insti-
The Breast Tumour Institute and the future it was built as a tute, a physical constitution insti-
of the Pyongyang Maternity Hos- modern medical service centre for tute, a basic Koryo medicine in-
pital has rooms for diagnosis and children. The six-storey hospital stitute, a Koryo pharmacy insti-
treatment such as a galactogra- has a total floor space of over tute, a general examination office,
phy room, an X-raying room and a 22 800 square metres. The build- a Koryo dispensary, an out- ►

The Pyongyang Maternity Hospital and the Breast

Tumour Institute of the Pyongyang Maternity Hospital.

KOREA TODAY No. 10, 2017 9

The Okryu Children’s Hospital.

The Munsu area has turned into a hospital village.

10 KOREA TODAY No. 10, 2017

► patient department, and a ward and exchange of advanced medi- facilities, an eight-storey building
block with an accommodation cal science and technology and a for inpatients and an eyeglass
capacity of hundreds of patients. dental hygiene requisites shop. In shop which also can correct and
A little past the academy there the hospital everyone can get make eyeglasses for customers.
are the Ryugyong Dental Hospital dental treatment of high level The air around the hospital
and the Ryugyong General Oph- including the correction of posi- village is fresh and clean as there
thalmic Hospital. The three- tion of teeth by latest medical is no industrial establishment in
storey dental hospital has several equipment. Since its inauguration the area, and the good layout of
treatment departments and ser- it has treated over 120 000 pa- road network ensures the unin-
vice facilities. Equipped with tients. terrupted running of ambulances.
scores of modern universal dental The Ryugyong General Oph- There is also a helipad in the
units and chairs the hospital can thalmic Hospital was built in area.
treat hundreds of patients a day. October last year. With a total Now the people are keenly
And it has full sets of advanced floor space of 11 800 square me- feeling the benefit of the socialist
appliances that can ensure pre- tres, the hospital is a modern, health system while getting free
cise prostheses. The hospital also general medical service centre medical care in the hospital vil-
has a treatment room, a wading that comprises a four-storey lage, the outcome of the Workers’
pool and various other amuse- building for outpatients with Party of Korea and the State’s
ment facilities for children, medi- treatment, operation and eyesight policy of prioritizing, respecting
cal information and technical testing rooms furnished with ad- and loving the people.
exchange rooms for circulation vanced ophthalmic treatment Pak Thae Ho

KOREA TODAY No. 10, 2017 11

Unified Medical Education

YONGYANG MEDICAL teachers from similar medical played lots of data—video data,
P College of Kim Il Sung
University is now striving to unify
colleges across the country.
The training course based on
multimedia presentations, e-
teaching materials, education
medical education as required by various forms and ways like lec- supporting programs, program
its mission as academic centre for tures by subject and discussion of data on mock lectures, textbooks,
the sector of the national medical teaching materials led to presen- reference books and the data on
education. tation of multimedia-based e- latest science and technology
The undertaking started in teaching plans and experience in and manuals for practice—badly
July 2015, and reached a full- putting the contents of education needed for improving the quality
scale practical stage last year. of over 100 subjects on a practical, of education in all provincial
The college set a great goal of comprehensive and modern basis. medical colleges.
realizing the unity of education on And more than ten new utilitar- All the activities created a
a hundred subjects by the end of ian teaching plans were intro- sensation. But they required huge
the year, not over 20 subjects that duced, over 20 lectures on the efforts to assemble lots of people
they had expected. Having pre- trend of latest science and tech- and technical equipment at a
pared through much deliberation, nology were given, over 100 place. In particular, such activi-
the college organized the first teaching programs and thousands ties were unable to spread in time
training course on the general of teaching plans were discussed data on world medical science and
primary subjects in late March and e-teaching plans were technology in rapid progress. And
and another larger-scale training showed. the suggested opinions had to be
course in April for hundreds of In addition, the college dis- collected and dealt with only at ►

Pyongyang Medical College of Kim Il Sung University.

12 KOREA TODAY No. 10, 2017

Medical education develops using the national computer network.

► another similar course organized have two-way dialogue based on show sponsored by the Education
one or some months later. This image data with its ten counter- Commission.
resulted in poor progress in the parts across the country. This Now experts say that the
education work. Then the college made it possible to remove the achievement of the college means
set another goal of conducting the qualitative disparity between the another stride in putting many
activities through the national central and provincial colleges universities in closer connection
computer network as required by while saving time and much ef- and developing the medical edu-
the developing reality. By the forts. cation as required by the new
first half of this year, the college Some time ago, the college was century.
established in its library an appreciated as an example in
intranet through which they can unifying sectoral education at a Kim Chol Ung

Efficacious Products Developed

HE CUTTING-EDGE that of the electromagnetic The researchers developed
T Technology Company of
the State Commission of Science
wave from a healthy man is
very effective in restoring the
health tonics such as Kumgang
medicinal stone extract,
and Technology has developed diseased organs in the body to Kumgang medicinal stone bio-
various kinds of highly effica- normal. The result of a clinical active radiating material, and
cious Kumgang medicinal stone test of the medicinal stone the undiluted solution of natural
products. products shows that they im- mushroom and insam, and func-
The researchers of the prove complexion, remove fa- tional goods like Kumgang me-
company confirmed that the tigue, strengthen the function dicinal stone far-infrared tile
bio-electromagnetic field of the digestive system and and Kumgang medicinal stone
caused by the mixing of the overall immunity and further pillow—all of them are regis-
medicinal stone and rare-earth raise the extent to which vari- tered as State patented articles.
metal which emit the wave- ous malignant tumours and Now they are winning popular-
length of the same intensity as diabetes are restrained. ity abroad as well. ‰

KOREA TODAY No. 10, 2017 13

Doctors Visit Patients

OME TIME AGO, I VISITED THE JONGBAEK would make and take festive dishes to the patient’s
S Polyclinic in Rangnang District, Pyongyang. Sin
Yong Ok, who had become the head of the polyclinic
house and treat her. Then the woman would feel as if
the doctor were her own mother.
after working as a section doctor and then a depart- Thanks to three years of the doctor’s painstaking
ment head there, said, “A polyclinic is the lowest efforts, the patient’s health has much improved. “I
preventive and curative medical care centre which want you to speak highly of such a health worker
always takes medical care of local residents with the who visits her patient first on New Year’s Day
help of section doctors for different households. It though she has other places to visit,” the woman
gives priority to the work to prevent illnesses from wrote at the end of the letter.
developing among the residents, and enables them to Now I began to read another letter, the one from
get medical treatment in time.” She went on to say Kwak Hyon Sil in Neighbourhood Unit No. 3, Jong-
that while working as a section doctor she often baek-dong No. 2. She fell into a critical state by a
asked her husband to accompany her on her night heart shock and massive spasm one night after she
visits to her charges, afraid of darkness, and her had had operations twice on critical dysfunctional
husband would wait for her outside until she fin- uterine bleeding. Her daughter and neighbours
ished her work. rushed to the polyclinic. A doctor on night duty came
She showed me some letters. The first was a let- to the house and gave the first aid to the patient.
ter of thanks from Song Kyong Hui in Neighbour- Then the doctor took her to a hospital, took part in a
hood Unit No. 34, Jongbaek-dong No. 2. Three years doctors’ consultation there, and left the hospital only
ago Song moved to Jongbaek-dong. At that time she after seeing the patient restored to life. But the pa-
was so fatigued that she could hardly move her body, tient could not know the doctor’s face and name. In
for she had undergone operations many times on the letter she asked the polyclinic to look for the
paralysis of the lower half of her body due to the doctor. The doctor was Kim Yong Bok.
fracture of the cervical vertebrae. I went to meet the doctor. She looked really
One day she got a visit from a doctor who intro- warm-hearted. She said, “Family doctors have the
duced herself as the one in charge of her family. The data on not only the number of members of each
doctor examined her body in detail and advised her family in her charge but also students and children
to brace up and get medical treatment again. From or chronic invalids of the family. It has already been
then on the doctor visited the patient’s house before over 30 years. In the period I made the round of the
or after work almost every day so as to give her families in my charge almost every day, and learned
manual therapy and acupuncture. Whenever her from medical books and eminent doctors.”
illness became worse, she came to her house on time Then suddenly I heard singing of children from a
to take an emergency measure. Sometimes she called room. Out of curiosity, I turned my step to the room
on her house with health foods she made by herself, which was for family doctors. Unexpectedly there
saying that treatment was effective when her nutri- were triplets singing in the room. I came to know
tive conditions were good. On New Year’s Day she there that triplets have regular medical examinations
until they go out into the world and that they are
Doctors prepare to make the rounds provided with reserve medicines and tonics by the
of the families in their charge. polyclinic. The triplets, second graders of a primary
school, were singing a song at the request of Jon Song
Chol, doctor in charge of them after they had exami-
nations. I also met some other doctors including Han
Un Ju. This woman doctor treated a resident in her
charge for a month and half, and thus helped him
begin to work again. The patient had been suffering a
serious cerebral disease which even his family
thought impossible to be cured. All those doctors their
charges hold in respect are ordinary ones.
Leaving the polyclinic, I believed that all resi-
dents of the Jongbaek area would work in good
health, bringing about innovations in their work
places, thanks to their doctors’ responsible and sin-
cere care of them.
Rim Ok

14 KOREA TODAY No. 10, 2017

Firm Root of the WPK

ODAY THE WORKERS’ PARTY OF KOREA ence. The formation of the DIU became the starting
T (WPK) is leading the building of a powerful so-
cialist nation to victory while resolutely overcoming
point of the struggle for founding a Juche-type revo-
lutionary party, a new-type party of the working
all sorts of challenges unprecedented in the history. class in Korea—it was a historic root of the WPK.
The reality of Korea vividly shows the validity and Later, that root grew steadily and trained itself in
vitality of the WPK’s principle of independence and the flames of the arduous anti-Japanese revolution-
its independent faith. ary struggle.
The principle of independence the WPK has in- On July 3, 1930 the Society for Rallying Com-
variably maintained originated from the Down-with- rades was formed in Kalun on the basis of the
Imperialism Union (DIU) which was organized in programme and rules of the DIU. During the
Huadian on October 17, 1926, about 20 years before anti-Japanese armed struggle organized by
the foundation of the Party. At that time the nation- Kim Il Sung, the Changbai County Party Commit-
alists did not believe in the strength of the people tee, the East Manchurian Party Working Committee
and were only engrossed in the factional strife. And and the Homeland Party Working Committee were
the pseudo-Marxists, who were infected by flunkey- founded under the unified guidance of the Party
ism and dogmatism, indulged in empty talks, assert- Committee of the Korean People’s Revolutionary
ing that they should assimilate the experience of a Army (KPRA), establishing a powerful countrywide
foreign country, regardless of the actual conditions and all-nation organizational system of the party. In
of Korea that had turned into a colony of the Japa- May 1936 the Association for Restoration of the Fa-
nese imperialists. therland was formed, and its branches were ex-
Kim Il Sung, with a critical view on them, panded across Korea, thus laying a solid mass
groped for a unique way, entirely unlike them. At ground for the founding of the party.
last, he thought out the road for independent devel- Through the armed struggle against the Japa-
opment of the Korean revolution, and formed the nese imperialists who were armed to the teeth, the
DIU to pioneer the road. In his reminiscences With soldiers of the KPRA grew up into those strong in
the Century President Kim Il Sung said: ideas and faith who would not give up their revolu-
“In the communist movement at that time tionary faith even at the cost of life, and into in-
there were many organizations with eye- domitable fighters who would not lose their revolu-
catching slogans. Ours was a new organization tionary mettle in any adversity although they had
which could scarcely be compared with those no comrades in the flank and rear.
organizations in terms of scale. The public did The Workers’ Party of Korea was founded on
not even know about the existence of the DIU. October 10, 1945 even in the complex situation of
“Nevertheless, we were feverishly excited Korea less than two months after the country was
because we were proud of the fact that ours was liberated in August 1945. This is attributable to the
a communist revolutionary organization of a firm root that originated from the DIU. The DIU’s
new type that was totally different from the programme of building socialism and communism
conventional organizations.” became the programme of the WPK, and the princi-
The immediate task of the DIU was to defeat ple of independence initiated by the DIU served as
Japanese imperialism and achieve the liberation the principle of the WPK in its building and work.
and independence of Korea, and its final objective The DIU was also the cradle of the backbone for
was to build socialism and communism in Korea founding the WPK.
and, further, destroy all imperialism and build com- For over 70 years since its foundation, the WPK
munism throughout the world. The programme of built unique Korean-style people-centred socialism
the DIU was the Juche-oriented, revolutionary one suited to the actual conditions of its own country in
which clarified for the first time the road ahead of accordance with its faith and will. Since the con-
the Korean revolution by correctly reflecting the secutive collapse of socialism in eastern European
socio-economic circumstances and class relations in countries at the end of last century the imperialists
Korea and the centuries-old desire of the Korean have kept focusing their offensive on Korea. But the
people, and it was a militant banner vigorously en- Korean-style socialism is still advancing without
couraging the Korean people to take the genuine vacillation. Under the guidance of Supreme Leader
road of revolution for national liberation and class Kim Jong Un the WPK is accelerating the building
emancipation. Indeed, the formation of the DIU was of a powerful socialist nation at the speed of Mal-
a historic event signaling a new start of the Korean lima, holding aloft the banner of independence,
revolution. Songun and socialism, and thus demonstrating its
Since then the national-liberation movement in dignity and fighting efficiency to the whole world.
Korea broke with the old generation and met a new
era of advance based on the principle of independ- Sim Chol Yong

KOREA TODAY No. 10, 2017 15

Motherly Party
HAIRMAN KIM JONG IL, THE ETERNAL and salmon farms were built across the country, the
C general secretary of the Workers’ Party of
Korea (WPK), regarded it as his primary duty and
Okryu Restaurant, the Chongnyu Restaurant and
other public catering establishments were renovated
revolutionary obligation to take responsible care of on a best level and exemplary apartments like those
everything related to all the people of his country on Mansudae Street appeared.
during his leadership of the WPK. The Chairman The Chairman did everything in his power to
considered it a basic mission and duty of the leader of provide students with the best educational condi-
revolution to take responsible care of the people’s tions despite the difficult situation of the country. He
destiny. So, he did all he could for the good of the made sure that the government spared no expense
people, his mind always burning with a sense of for the sector of education in any ordeals and trials.
responsibility for the people. This led to the establishment of e-libraries with lat-
He saw to it that socio-political organizations est equipment at Kim Il Sung University and Kim
were built as motherly caretakers that regard it as Chaek University of Technology and the moderniza-
the supreme principle of their activities to take re- tion of educational facilities at all educational insti-
sponsible care of the people’s lives and livelihood and tutions.
that designing and planning for the revolution and Streams of soya milk vans can be seen running
construction were done in such a way as to safeguard along streets of the capital city to go to nurseries,
the destiny of the people, make them better off and kindergartens and primary and secondary schools
develop them into more powerful beings. every day. This is also associated with the Chair-
It was always his heart’s desire to take responsi- man’s boundless affection for the rising generations.
bility for the life of the people across the country and One year he inspected the Pyongyang Children’s
provide them with a happier life. Foodstuff Factory, where he was informed that soya
He set the improvement of the people’s living milk from the factory had been supplied to all
standards as the supreme principle of the WPK’s schoolchildren and other children in Pyongyang
activities and paid great attention to the work con- without even a single day’s interruption since 1992.
cerned. In the mid-1990s the Korean people had to It was very good, he said and added that they real-
undergo the Arduous March and the forced march ized his wish by doing so even during the Arduous
owing to the imperialists’ schemes to isolate and March and the forced march. After looking round the
stifle the country. In those difficult times he made production processes of the factory to the last, he
sure that the WPK and the DPRK government paid instructed that similar factories should be built in
deep attention to the people’s life and concentrated other provinces, and stressed that though it was not
all efforts on stabilizing and improving their liveli- an easy job to provide all children of the country with
hood. soya milk, they should solve the problem at any cost.
Saying that farming should be done well to solve Afterwards, nationwide measures were taken to
the problem of food for the people first, he took solve the problems arising in producing the milk
measures to increase grain production decisively. He when a single gram of rice and a single watt of elec-
also showed deep concern for the problem of primary tricity counted. And lots of bases for milk production
consumer goods such as cloth, underwear, footwear have been built in all parts of the country, making it
and soap to be supplied to the people and took posi- possible to supply the milk to pupils and other chil-
tive steps for the solution. dren.
Under his scrupulous care modern stockbreeding The Chairman also strove energetically to enable
bases, condiments factories, fruit farms and sturgeon the people to enjoy much more benefits from the ►

16 KOREA TODAY No. 10, 2017

Chairman Kim Jong Il waves in return for the
people’s enthusiastic cheers in October 2000.

► State and make sure that better bases for their rec- and the North Hwanghae Province Art Theatre; Mts.
reational and leisure activities were built across the Myohyang, Chilbo, Jongbang and Kuwol and other
country. The Koreans never witnessed any reduction scenic spots changed for the better for the recreation
in popular policies while invariably benefiting from of much more working people; and holiday camps,
universal, free compulsory education, free medical sanatoria and rest homes for the sake of the working
care, the social security system, the recuperation and people appeared in all parts of the country.
relaxation system, etc. And the Pyongyang Grand So the Korean people still recollect with deep
Theatre, the National Theatre, the Taedongmun emotion the revolutionary life and achievements of
Cinema, the Central Zoo and other centres for cul- the Chairman who devotedly worked for their good,
tural activities were renovated; lots of cultural fa- and faithfully support the plans and intentions of the
cilities were newly built or renovated including the WPK as he wished.
indoor swimming pool of Kim Il Sung University Kim Jin Ju

KOREA TODAY No. 10, 2017 17

In Support of War for Liberation
of Northeast China (8)
Steadfast Support manding officers of the Fourth nese mainland was mostly liber-
until Whole China Field Army of the Chinese Peo- ated. The remnants of the Kuo-
ple’s Liberation Army concerning mintang forces that survived in
Was Liberated
the matter of whether to continue the provinces ran away to Hainan
to advance southward from the Island. The command of the
W of Shenyang in November
1948, the largest city in Northeast
Yangtze River.
Wang Xiaoming
Pyongyang in February 1949 to
Fourth Field Army gave the 40th
and 43rd armies combat tasks to
liberate Hainan Island. The 40th
China where the general com- ask Korea to help out the Chinese Army included a Korean artillery
mand of Chiang Kaishek’s Kuo- liberation war to the end. unit. Originally, it was a regiment
mintang forces was based, the Kim Il Sung, leader of the that had been formed by
war for liberation of Northeast Democratic People’s Republic of Kim Il Sung and sent to the war
China came to an end with the Korea, received Wang, when he, for liberation of Northeast China.
victory of the Chinese Commu- listening to Wang attentively, Equipped with mountain guns, it
nists. Now the task was to liber- accepted the Chinese request fought a lot of combats. Later as it
ate the whole of China and estab- readily, saying that it was the carried out scores of large-scale
lish a republic. consistent stand of Korea to help battles in many areas such as the
After liberation of Shenyang, out the Chinese revolution to the Liaoshen and Pingjin theatres of
the Fourth Field Army, to which end. war, Guilin and Nanning, it cap-
the Koreans belonged and which Now the Korean units set out tured weapons of the enemy so
was one of the main units of the again on the grave and arduous that it was equipped with modern
Chinese People’s Liberation southward march of 12 000 km. artillery pieces. This artillery
Army, moved on and took Shan- Overcoming almost unbearable battalion participated in the op-
haiguan. Then, they passed the difficulties due to exotic problems erations to liberate Hainan Is-
Great Wall to advance into the like sultry weather, water and land, starting from the Leizhou
Chinese mainland. Sweeping off other natural features, which peninsula in Guangdong province.
130 000 enemy troops they seized were coupled with diseases like All the fighters of the battalion
Tianjin on January 15, 1949. malaria and diarrhea, they and other units had a ceremony to
Zhangjiakou had fallen into the marched 40 km a day, crossing go into action on April 16, 1950.
Communist hand earlier. When the Yangtze River and reaching The infantrymen of the division
Tianjin and Zhangjiakou came Hainan Island at last. They got aboard 500 boats built with
under the Communist control, Fu fought scores of battles until He- bamboos flanked on both sides by
Zuoyi, general commander of the nan, Jiangxi, Guangdong, Hunan, the Korean artillery battalion
Beijing garrison of the Kuomin- Guangxi and Guizhou provinces aboard 12 boats, and left at six in
tang forces, surrendered along were liberated and the five-star the evening. When they sailed for
with his 300 000-strong forces. flag was raised in Tiananmen about 12 km, flare bombs flew up
Beijing was liberated without Square in Beijing, China. into the sky suddenly, and the
even a gun report on January 31, The People’s Republic of China Kuomintang army’s aircraft and
1949. The Chinese People’s Lib- was founded on October 1, 1949, warship pounced upon them with
eration Army annihilated and but the remnants of the Kuomin- a shower of bombs and shells.
captured 520 000 enemy troops in tang forces were still engaged in The Korean combatants of the
the Pingjin theatre of war, and insidious manoeuvres. So the artillery battalion, ordered by the
mowed 555 000-strong enemy Korean units continued to ad- commander, rowed their bamboo
forces in the Huaihai theatre of vance together with the Chinese boats to the back of the enemy
war in the Huadong region north People’s Liberation Army to anni- warship and fired at them all of a
of the Yangtze River, thus com- hilate the enemy to the last man. sudden. Scared at this, the enemy
pletely liberating the area north Hainan Island, the second warship turned around and began
of the Yangtze River from largest island in China after Tai- to take flight.
November 6, 1948 to January 10, wan, is the gateway to the South When she ran away, the bat-
1949. China Sea. With the liberation of talion, along with the landing
Around that time different Guangdong and Guangxi prov- units, moved forward to the island
opinions arose among the com- inces in December 1949, the Chi- swiftly under cover of the dark- ►

18 KOREA TODAY No. 10, 2017

► ness. Dandong, China. As a result the the three-year-and-a-half-long
Presently, an enemy warship Northeast People’s Liberation liberation war you were exem-
on a patrol duty off-shore noticed Army could conclude the battles plary in fighting courageously and
the approaching Communist to liberate Jinzhou, Heishan, strenuously, in defending the
landing forces and opened fire. Dahushan, Shenyang and other government and looking after the
Using 36 guns of different calibres places victoriously and finally people, and in abiding by the
on the 12 boats the Korean take control of the entire North- three rules and eight principles.
artillerymen returned a volley at eastern region. You are sons and daughters of the
once, destroying the enemy war- The Songhuajiang Railway Korean nation, and you are the
ship and defence facilities on the Bridge Restoration Project which pride of both the Korean and the
coast one after another. Finally was completed in October 1948 Chinese nations.” He declared
the 500 boats with infantrymen was participated in by a huge that like the Koreans helped the
got to the shore. Under cover of number of Korean railway Chinese at the cost of their blood
the Korean artillery battalion, guards. They joined the struggle when China was in difficulty, the
they landed and launched a fierce to restore Jinpu, Jinghan, Bein- Chinese would volunteer to go to
attack against the Kuomintang ing, Longhai railway lines in or- Korea and help the Koreans if
forces. der to make a success of the Chi- there was a fighting in Korea.
This battle gave rise to a leg- nese People’s Liberation Army’s The Korean officers and men,
endary story that the Korean plan in the Huaihai theatre of war who had steeled themselves in the
units sank a modern warship of and its Yangtze River crossing war to liberate the whole China,
American make with bamboo operations. accomplished great feats later in
boats. This story went around The Chinese People’s Libera- the Fatherland Liberation War
from mouth to mouth among the tion Army highly praised the Ko- for the freedom and independence
Chinese People’s Liberation Army rean railway guards as “advance of the country against the armed
and other Chinese. party of the Liberation Army.” invasion of the US imperialists.
Hainan Island was liberated The Korean railway guards On May 12, Juche 39 (1950)
on April 30, 1950. opened the history of the Chinese Kim Il Sung met officers and
Meanwhile, the delegates dis- People’s Liberation Army railway men of the Eighteenth Infantry
patched by Kim Il Sung organ- corps, dedicating their priceless Regiment of the Fourth Infantry
ized the Yanbian Grand Democ- blood and sweat to the security of Division of the Korean People’s
ratic Alliance and rallied people railways and to their restoration. Army on their return home from
from all walks of life around the With the triumph of the Chi- the Chinese people’s liberation
alliance under the banner of de- nese revolution the People’s Re- war. On the occasion he said:
mocracy and assisted the Chinese public of China was declared on “Even after liberation of North-
people in their economic rehabili- October 1, 1949 and the five-star east China, lots of Korean
tation. Especially they pushed flag was hoisted in Tiananmen young people moved on to the
ahead with the restoration of Square in Beijing. Chinese mainland. They par-
railway on their own. Having performed great feats ticipated in the Yangtze River
Once the Korean railway force in the Chinese people’s liberation crossing operations and ad-
was given the task to restore war, the Korean units were vanced as far as to the south-
within 15 days the railway that headed for their homeland as ernmost tip of China while lib-
had been damaged in the flood called by Kim Il Sung. Among erating Changsha, Chongqing
that swept the Liaoshen theatre the officers and men of the 15th and many other regions. This
of war, they waged an indomita- Independent Division more than means the Korean young peo-
ble struggle day and night and 2 000 had performed great feats, ple participated in almost all
finished it in seven days, thus and over 100 Koreans of them large battles to liberate China.
making a great contribution to were awarded the title of Hero, “Joining the Chinese peo-
the victory in the Liaoshen thea- and more than 85 percent of the ple’s liberation war the Korean
tre of war. At the time, in order to personnel of the division were young people made a great con-
give active assistance to the Chi- honoured with the membership of tribution to the liberation of
nese Communists in their opera- the Party. China and the birth of the
tions, Kim Il Sung made sure At the ceremony of forming People’s China by fighting
that the Northeast People’s Lib- the ranks officers and men were valiantly defying showers of
eration Army travelled from awarded official citations. Ad- bullets and bombs along the
Haerbin through Tumen to Ko- dressing the meeting, Deng Zihui, long march. As internationalist
rea’s Namyang and then used the chief of the political department of fighters they accomplished
East Coast Railway Line to go to the Fourth Field Army, said in their glorious duty with credit.”
Sinuiju via Kowon, Yangdok and appreciation of the exploits of the
Sopho of Korea and finally enter Korean officers and men: “During (The End)

KOREA TODAY No. 10, 2017 19

Tradition of Self-reliance
HE CHOLLIMA STEEL own efforts and technology is still measure to operate the trans-
T Complex is well known as
the home of Chollima. Sixty
being carried on today.
This year, like it did last year,
former of furnace No. 4 and com-
pleted in a new way the anthra-
years ago the workers of the com- the complex is increasing the cite-used tundish heating device.
plex performed a miracle by production of quality narrow- Now it is renovating the spraying
turning out 120 000 tons of rolled gauged rails, round steel bars and nozzle of the secondary cooling
steel from a blooming mill with a square billets by modernizing the zone. The undertaking has a very
rated capacity of 60 000 tons. The rolled steel production process. good prospect. Pak Il Sin, leader
Song Myong Ho, chief engineer of of the workshop, said that as they
national leader Kim Il Sung,
the complex, said, “Like in the modernized the production proc-
who had visited the complex sev- esses and replaced the oxygen
past, we are pushing ahead with
eral times, inspected it again in the work to increase the produc- plant with a new one in keeping
September 1962, and grasped tion of iron and steel by dint of with the actual reality, they could
hands of the workers one by one, local raw and other materials and cut the melting time per charge at
saying that the complex was the our own technology.” the refining furnace and double
birthplace of Chollima. Its tradi- The steel workshop, the back- the steel production while saving
tion of working miracles by its bone of the complex, took a proper much energy. He went on to say ►

In front of the UHP electric arc furnace.

20 KOREA TODAY No. 10, 2017

A high-temperature air combustion-style A continuous ingot steel maker.
wire rod heating furnace.

► that in the course of this they using different ores available in Study House and the Kim Chaek
came to have firmer confidence our country. But our technicians University of Technology and is
that self-reliance and self- and workers’ painstaking efforts disseminating science and tech-
development are the best choice. bore fruit at last.” He continued to nology to its technicians and
The wire rod heating furnace say that the usage of the new workers. The online college of the
is also the fruit of the workers’ fireproof materials makes it pos- complex enables its employees to
effort. This furnace, which is sible to save time and labour and receive online lectures given by
based on high-temperature air that the materials can be used for the Kim Chaek University of
combustion technology, does not any heating furnace. He also Technology, and 13 workers got
need heavy oil at all while using added that the low production the diploma of the college in 2015
domestic materials in production. cost and the high quality of the for the first time and three of
Ji Jong Ho, senior engineer of the material resulted in the increased them won academic degrees.
steel workshop, said, “We buckled steel production. Scores of its employees have so
down to the research to find a new The sci-tech learning space far graduated from the online
fireproof material with the deter- plays an important role in the college, and they are playing
mination to do it by ourselves. Of campaign. It has established an leading roles in modernizing the
course, it was a difficult job as we intranet connected with the Sci- complex.
had to find a new material by Tech Complex, the Grand People’s Rim Hye Gyong

KOREA TODAY No. 10, 2017 21

Pyongyang Dental Hygiene
Supplies Factory
The toothpaste tube workshop.


the newly built Pyongyang
Dental Hygiene Supplies Factory.
bol of longevity and cleanliness
from of old.
When I met Ri Yong Suk, gen-
glad to do another thing worth-
while for the people’s long life in
good health. He then expressed
Occupying not so large an area eral manager of the factory, she his intention to help the factory
covered with trees and flowers, told me the following story. develop and produce whatever
the factory consists of a produc- In June last Supreme Leader kinds of good things for dental
tion building, an office building Kim Jong Un visited the fac- hygiene.
and a welfare facility. The outer tory. While looking round the Now the general manager led
walls of the production building production processes, he said that me to the integrated production
are covered with white and green with the construction of the fac- control room first. A large LCD
tiles in good harmony, and the tory he could now realize his wish screen displayed the integrated
front wall features a mark of to provide the people with varie- production system which moni-
Paekhak (white crane), which the ties of quality dental hygiene tors the real-time operation of
Korean people regarded as a sym- supplies and that he was very major production processes such ►

The label printing process. The gargle production process.

22 KOREA TODAY No. 10, 2017

self-development are the best and
that they could solve any problem
by themselves.
After looking round the proc-
esses for production of gargle
bottles, gargle, dental floss, tooth-
picking brush, denture-cleaning
brush, tongue scraper and brush,
I went to the goods exhibition
hall, where chief engineer Mun
Yong Sun welcomed me. She ex-
plained there were on display
over ten sorts of toothpaste, in-
cluding functional and medical
board cases and the cases into toothpaste such as enzyme-
cartons before being carried into a contained toothpaste, fluorine-
storehouse, all through an auto- contained toothpaste and that
matic flow line. My heart warmed made from bark of an Amur cork
to see the filled cardboard cases to be used for hygiene of teeth
piled high in a moment. and prevention or treatment of
The general manager then dental diseases. And she said
told me the following story. that they were striving to develop
A lot of new machines were several kinds of better functional
installed in the toothpaste pro- toothpaste and other dental hy-
duction process, including a 90° giene supplies helpful for health
swivel gear, an inclined conveyor, improvement and that production
► as those for toothpaste tube pro- a 180° swivel gear and a tooth- of such toothpaste and supplies
duction, mixing and maturing, paste tube separating device. The would start before long.
gargle production and clean water factory manufactured the ma- Her words convinced me that
production. According to a con- chines relying on its own techni- the day is coming when the people
troller in the room, the factory cal force. In the course of this, would be able to enjoy a fully
built up its own technical forces they came to be confident that civilized life.
and, in close connection with the their own strength and spirit of Sim Hyon Jin
relevant scientific research insti-
tutes, established the integrated Some of the products.
production system comprising a
system for automatic control of
production processes, a produc-
tion management system and a
business administration system,
making it possible to grasp the
state of production at a glance and
enhance the efficiency of produc-
tion control. They also developed
a new trouble shooting program
greatly conducive to the normal
operation of the equipment, the
controller said.
Next I looked around the
toothpaste production process.
Quality toothpaste from the mix-
ing and maturing workshop was
automatically poured into tubes
produced through an injector, a
six-colour printing machine and
other machines, and the filled
tubes were each put into card-

KOREA TODAY No. 10, 2017 23

With Their Own Efforts
N RECENT YEARS THE ternity Hospital and the Okryu the role of separator. This kind of
I researchers of the Paper Engi-
neering Institute of the State
Children’s Hospital. By solving
the problem of the paper, which
separator should be highly resis-
tant to alkali, highly hygroscopic
Academy of Sciences have regis- had been imported, the research- and ten times faster in being wet
tered successes one after another ers have rendered a sizable bene- than ordinary paper. To meet
in developing functional paper fit to the State and helped estab- such characteristic index required
products. The products are of lish a new norm in medical ser- many scientific problems to be
different sorts and properties. All vice. solved. The researchers used lo-
of them are of great significance Some time ago, they have de- cally available materials to de-
as they are of the cutting-edge veloped mould-release paper the velop scores of functional materi-
level. kind of which could be made only als suited to the mission of the
The high-performance air- by a few countries. In general the separator, and formulated a new
cleaning paper, for example, can mould-release paper is essential adhesion technique and com-
reduce the number of over three in setting the shapes of shoes. But pleted the relevant production
million bacteria that exist per 1 ft³ it was known that the paper could process. This technique won pub-
lic favour at the space science and
technology presentation in 2014.
Meanwhile, they have devel-
oped dozens of functional paper
articles conducive to the improve-
ment of the people’s living stan-
dards and the development of the
national economy. They include
an air-cleaning paper (it is made
of pulp material in Korea) for
mushroom sterilization which
raises the survival rate of mush-
room spore from previous 50 or
70% to 99%, a board paper for
Functional paper goods are developed for the controlling bellows of accordion
people’s life and the economic development. which costs seven times less than
the previous one and has a longer
in the air to a hundred. World- not be made in the country. This life span, a filter paper for the
wide, the capability of lowering time the researchers of the insti- engine of tractor, and a water
the number of bacteria per 1 ft³ to tute accelerated the technical filter-tip of the seawater refiner.
1 000 is defined as 1 000-level, development with the raw mate- All of them were highly appreci-
and that of doing to 100 as 100- rials richly available in the coun- ated at national sci-tech festivals,
level. Considering the fact that try, and laid a solid foundation for shows and exhibitions, for their
the 100-level is recognized as the production of the paper of good unique scientific conceptions and
advanced, their success is very intensity and quality equivalent rational mode of production.
notable. This air-cleaning paper to the world standard. Ri Yong Il, head of the insti-
has a wide range of usage. In the What is most important to the tute, says, “The sanctions of the
medical sector, in particular, it researchers is that they also hostile forces upon our country
can perfectly provide an operating helped the country open up a have made us redouble our ef-
theatre with a germ-free condi- broad avenue to the exploration of forts. The dream of a powerful
tion in case of operation. At pre- outer space. For example, the nation depends on the hand of us
sent the paper is used in operat- battery used in the space equip- scientists. With this consciousness
ing theatres of several hospitals ment can be divided into plate all the members of my institute
including the Breast Tumour and separator, and the perform- are exerting themselves.”
Institute of the Pyongyang Ma- ance of battery depends mainly on Ri Song Chol

24 KOREA TODAY No. 10, 2017

Happiness of Researchers

“M quit smoking since he
used the nicotine plaster. The
developers of the material are
really good guys,” said Kim Yong
Hui, a resident of Pothonggang
District, Pyongyang.
Worldwide, a lot of people say
they will quit smoking which
gives only harms to human body.
However, there are few who have
really quit the habit. This is be-
cause nicotine from smoking
causes a brain to discharge dopa-
mine. This substance makes a The developers of the nicotine plaster.
person feel satisfactory, excited,
or alert. If pro-smokers quit In the past the abovemen- solved the relevant problems. And
smoking abruptly, it will lessen tioned researchers’ successes con- they developed an adhesive power
function of their brains and cause tributed to improvement of the measuring apparatus by them-
a feeling of insecurity and other people’s health. And when a cam- selves and thus ensured the plas-
symptoms. This, it is recognized, paign was widely under way for ter’s adhesive strength. They
makes it hardly possible to quit quitting smoking, they set a goal carried out lots of experiments for
smoking. of developing their own nicotine four months, which in the past
Recently researchers of plaster, the kind of which is used was impossible for even two or
Pyongyang Medical Collage of as a means of helping quit smok- three years. The experiments
Kim Il Sung University devel- ing. numbered over 420, including
oped the aforesaid nicotine plas- Dr. and Assoc. professor Pak those for separation and refining
ter that can be helpful to those Yong Hui, head of an office, said, of nicotine, examination of nico-
who want to quit smoking. The “At first, we doubted we would tine discharge, examination of
material is an anti-smoking prod- make the nicotine plaster as it skin permeability and measure-
uct which supplements the body was recognized as something pro- ment of nicotine concentration in
with a little amount of nicotine at duced by only a few developed blood. The results of the experi-
a smooth rate through the skin countries.” ments made it possible to help
while relieving such symptoms. The researchers launched the regular smokers safely kick the
There are a lot of anti-smoking work to separate nicotine from habit and to protect people’s
products, but the plaster is espe- tobacco and make the plaster by health while checking occurrence
cially popular as it is highly effec- their own effort. The separation of of various cancers including lung
tive with success rate at an over nicotine from tobacco was not cancer.
78 percent. easy. After repeated failures they The nicotine plaster was
Smoking makes the human finally succeeded in separating highly appreciated at a Pyongy-
body absorb carcinogenic tar and nicotine as yellow oil-like liquid. If ang international sci-tech exhibi-
poisonous carbon monoxide, but it was made into a plaster-like tion of health and household
the plaster is free from carcino- percutaneous absorption material medical appliances held in June
genicity and contains only nico- to be absorbed through skin, it last. The researchers have started
tine which tastes of tobacco. When would be able to ensure fixed another project saying that they
a patch of the material is stuck to concentration of nicotine in blood. were glad to see people benefit
the body you’ll be gradually reluc- Determined to use what is avail- from their success. People are
tant to smoke. Even if you ha- able in the country for making affectionately calling them our
bitually take a cigarette in your equipment and materials for pro- researchers.
mouth you’ll soon smash out as its duction of the plaster, they made
taste is unpleasant. strenuous efforts and finally Kim Un Mi

KOREA TODAY No. 10, 2017 25

How Full Marks Come
HOLLIMAGORI PRIMARY it the first goal to make all class- electronic teaching plans for per-
C School in Phyongchon Dis-
trict, Pyongyang is famous for
rooms multi-functional.
It was not an easy job, but
fect distance education were pre-
pared and used actively. This has
developing its pupils excellently. with the determination to dedi- boosted the quality of 45-minute
Every year lots of its gradu- cate themselves to the future of lessons. And the pupils have re-
ates are admitted to schools of the country all its teachers did markably improved their ability
higher grade like Pyongyang Sec- their best to equip the classrooms by referring to homepage data at
ondary School No. 1, and mem- with modern educational instru- any moment, acquiring a wealth
bers of its music circle never fail ments, establish an intranet and of diversified knowledge.
to take one of the top three places computerize the management of Inspection of any class at work
at national schoolchildren’s indi- educational and administrative can be done through the intranet,
vidual art contests. Not long ago affairs by pooling their own wis- and the management of the school
members of its Taekwon-Do circle dom and efforts. They also studied affairs is under way by dint of the
won the relevant event at a junior lots of data on global trends in homepage.
sports meeting which attracted education in an effort to turn the It is said that there is a fine
the whole country. classrooms into utilitarian and teacher behind an able man. This
Kim Jong Ok, headmistress of scientific ones. Their devoted partly means how a teacher
the school, says, “We give priority efforts bore fruit. Each of the should educate students.
to the effort to improve educa- classrooms turned into a multi- On the basis of the achieve-
tional conditions and environ- functional one equipped with ments, the headmistress made
ment, contents and methods. At modern educational instruments efforts to lead the teachers to
the same time we encourage the such as a computer, a television invent new teaching methods to
teachers to enhance their qualifi- camera and a visual aids projector suit the characteristics of the
cations and train the pupils into connected with the intranet. Be- school. In the course of this there
persons of varied attainments.” sides, they established their own were invented and introduced
She tells the following story. homepage “Our School” and im- new teaching methods of develop-
The headmistress held on to proved its efficiency. ing the ability to judge and apply
the idea of “Keep your feet firmly Meanwhile, the school made logically and programs to improve
planted on this land and look out sure that multimedia materials mental faculties. A teacher gave
over the world” as required by the for different subjects designed to lessons consistent with questions
development of the times, and set suit the pupils’ psychology and and answers so as to help pupils
develop the ability to think most
Object-based teaching is encouraged.
correctly and in depth, and an-
other teacher made effective use
of pupils’ psychology to suit their
ages, personalities and tastes in
order to enable them to enhance
their ability of concentration.
And the school often organized
discussions on teaching methods
and teaching materials, meetings
for sharing experience and in-
spections of classes at work. This
made it possible for the teachers
to further improve their qualifica-
tions while learning from one
another and competing among
themselves. Thus the teachers
invented and employed other new
teaching methods of making it
possible for the pupils to under- ►

26 KOREA TODAY No. 10, 2017

Victory of Offensive Football

HERE IS A SAYING: A goal first. However, the DPRK

T nice match depends on at-
tacking and a trophy on defence.
team never lost confidence. They
would quickly switch from de-
It is one of the main points in the fence to attack. In the second half
football circle. But there are only of the match the team’s quick
a few coaches who proved their offensive caused successive me-
opinions right actually. One of lees in the French goal area. It
them is Hwang Yong Bong who managed to equalize with its rival
led the DPRK team to the victory through well-organized passes
in FIFA U-20 Women’s World Cup and fast counterattack, and then
2016. finally shot another decisive goal
He began to play football at for its victory.
the age of 11. Since then his whole Four years ago the French
life has been connected with foot- develop the mode of offensive foot- team won the DPRK team
ball. He displayed his excellent ball—Korea’s traditional mode of through penalty kicks of the final
ability as a forward in a football football—to a higher level, after match of the FIFA U-17 Women’s
team of the then Sapho Boys’ his team won the second place in World Cup. But the FIFA U-20
Middle School in his hometown FIFA U-17 Women’s World Cup Women’s World Cup ended in the
Hamhung. Later he joined a foot- 2012. In fact, it was a great suc- DPRK team’s victory.
ball team of the Rimyongsu cess in his international debut as Then the Asian Football Fed-
Sports Club, and he greatly a coach of the national team. eration put on its website an arti-
helped the team win many rounds However, he could not be content cle that reads in part as follows:
of national championships. with the result because the team The Korean team won all six
He started his new career as a was to participate in the FIFA U- matches by their impressive play
football coach after he finished his 20 Women’s World Cup 2016. He in the World Cup. It shot 21 goals
life as a footballer. In 1999 when then realized that the members of while losing only seven.
he was just over 30 he began to the team were inadequate in their The FIFA’s homepage of the
work as a coach of men’s football physical and technical prepared- Internet carried an article that
team in the abovementioned club. ness for offensive football. So, he reads in part as follows: The Ko-
During the period he developed steadily intensified the training of rean team won FIFA U-20
into an able coach by qualifying them so as to enable them to pos- Women’s World Cup 2016 soon
himself step by step. Thanks to sess offensive power. after winning FIFA U-17
his strict, enthusiastic and accu- His efforts bore fruit in the Women’s World Cup 2016 in Jor-
rate coaching, the team distin- team’s matches with its Spanish dan. There was no other country
guished itself in rounds of na- and US rivals in the FIFA U-20 like Korea that won two World
tional championships. This made Women’s World Cup 2016. Each of Cups a year. The Korean team
him recognized as a coach by the the matches with the two strong demonstrated its mode of offen-
DPRK Football Federation, and in teams lasted for 120 minutes sive football by scoring 21 goals in
2012 he was appointed as a coach including extra time. But the the competition.
of the national juvenile women’s Korean team maintained the Such a success made Yong
football team. mode of offensive football to the Bong one of the top ten coaches of
Coaches are always anxious last, thus winning the matches. the DPRK of the year 2016.
about the results of matches. In So did the team with its French
2013 Yong Bong set it as a task to rival. The French team scored a Ri Kum Chol

► stand ten or a hundred through the pupils’ thinking and practical fruit, so does the school produce
one and easily leading them to ability day after day. able children to become the future
find the answers to any complex The school is still putting more pillars of the country thanks to its
problems most correctly and fast- efforts in inventing more utilitar- teachers’ sincere efforts.
est. As a result, obvious progress ian and better teaching methods.
was made in the development of As fertile soil produces good Pak Un Yong

KOREA TODAY No. 10, 2017 27

From Small Gym

OT LONG AGO THERE secret of their success, the in- dream into reality instead of his
N took place the 43rd national
schoolchildren’s sports contest for
structor told the following story.
It was four years ago that Ri
own. He was then determined to
dedicate himself to the work to
Jongilbong Prize drawing the began to work as a physical edu- train reserve basketball players.
attention of many people in Ko- cation teacher at the aforesaid He started his work with
rea. What was especially spec- school. When he graduated from strictly selecting students with an
tacular was the final basketball the Korea University of Physical aptitude for basketball and form-
match of junior middle schoolchil- Education, his teachers and ing a basketball circle. Something
dren, because it was participated mates told him that if he joined a remarkable about his principle of
in by those from the junior course sports club he would begin a suc- selecting those students was that
of Kim Ju Hyok Senior Middle cessful career. And his dream was emphasis was placed on their
School in Mangyongdae District, just to become a world-class bas- school records. He knew that no
Pyongyang who were seeking to ketball star. He, however, se- matter how good one might be in
win the event for the fourth time. lected the career as a physical physical condition one could not
All the spectators were watching education teacher for a reason. A achieve success without high in-
the game nervously. few days before graduation he had telligence.
Now the third round of the happened to see schoolchildren He trained the circle members
match was under way with a see- practising basketball in a park. in basic movements. Soon they
saw battle continuing between He had found their movements began to train themselves as the
the two teams, but Ri Song Nam, very clumsy. When he had asked, instructor planned. One day the
a basketball instructor from the they had introduced themselves head teacher of the school told him
aforesaid school, kept watching as students of the aforesaid school that there would soon take place a
the match silently. Ri confirmed and expressed their anxiety, say- national schoolchildren’s sports
again that Kim Il Guk, player No. ing that their circle instructor, meeting. From then on the in-
12, was good at breaking through who had taught them basketball, structor and the circle members all
a one-to-one combat and throwing had retired for his advanced age. sweated away at training in the
the ball through the basket from With a heavy heart he had small gym of the school day after
the middle distance while Kim parted from the students. He had day. The time finally came for
Chung Hyok, player No. 10, at once acted as a seed in a basket- them to make their debut. Though
dribbling and defending. The two ball circle in his school days, and it was a few months after the circle
players were quite active in the now it was time to begin to realize was formed, they fully displayed
fourth round as well, and thus the his dream. Should I go to a sports their high skills, mettle and team
match ended in the victory of club or to the school? He thought spirit in preliminary matches. And
their team. and thought. At last he had de- they beat their rival team in the
All of the spectators congratu- cided to go to the school with the final match, thus winning the
lated them. When asked about the intention of putting the students’ event. All of them raised cheers, ►

28 KOREA TODAY No. 10, 2017

Little Poet


T People’s Republic of Korea is
producing a large number of tal-
make efforts.”
The teacher’s
ented teenagers. Among them is words lingered
Kim Tong Myong, who is called in the ears of
little poet. He is a member of 3-7 the boy, and he
class of Pulgungori Junior Middle wanted to be-
School in Pothonggang District, come both a
Pyongyang. poet and a hero.
He was the firstborn of an That eve-
ordinary worker’s family. From ning, he spoke
his earlier childhood he was in of his inward
high favour with his neighbours, thought to his
for he was uncommonly brainy parents. Al-
and intelligent. Seeing him solve though he had
any mathematical problems of not intended to
only addition and subtraction but bring him up into a Doctor of to creation of lots of literary
also multiplication and division mathematics, his father regarded works. In the course of this he had
when he was a kindergartener, the son’s thought laudable and a wish to show his writings to
they said with joy that their vil- patted him on the back in agree- Supreme Leader Kim Jong Un.
lage had produced a future Doctor. ment, saying that what is impor- In December 2016 he com-
One day, when Tong Myong tant to a man is not what he does pleted and presented to the
was in a lesson of primary school, but how he does it. Supreme Leader Snowflakes of
the teacher told a story about Thus, he came to be fond of December, a collection of his own
Hero Ri Su Bok (1933-1951) and literature and had a dream of 12 nursery poems including Short
his note For My Only Motherland. becoming a poet. He had extraor- Winter Night, which is about his
The hero was born a son of a dinary power of observation, earnest yearning for Chairman
farmhand’s family when Korea imagination and expression. He Kim Jong Il, and Please Spread
was under the military occupation knew how to grasp essences of Like a Flower Fragrance, which is
of the Japanese imperialists. any matter and phenomenon and about his yearning for Supreme
Since his childhood he was deeply how to combine his feelings about Leader Kim Jong Un who is
impressed with the importance of them and his relevant sentiments continuously on the snowy road to
the country, and thus he stopped organically. He was a boy of great the front. With a pride of becom-
the embrasure of an enemy pill- tenacity. ing a little poet known throughout
box with his breast during the In his junior middle school the country, he participated in the
Fatherland Liberation War (1950- days, Ri Jong Hyang, his class 8th Congress of the Korean Chil-
1953). Tong Myong was deeply teacher, helped him make the dren’s Union held in June 2017,
touched by the story. The teacher best use of his such merits, and drawing the attention of the
said, “Hero is just a poet. Hero Ri strove to steadily improve the whole country and had the honour
Su Bok set an example. He died a contents and method of teaching of having a souvenir photograph
heroic death leaving a poem to suit his psychological feature so taken with the Supreme Leader.
which reads in part, ‘Is there any as to make him enhance his power When he returned to his home
life, hope or happiness nobler, of creative thinking and imagina- he showed his representative card
greater or more beautiful than tion. Thanks to her careful guid- to his teacher, and said, “I’ll keep
giving up my youth for my coun- ance and his own efforts, his abil- getting full marks at school.”
try? Anyone can be a hero and a ity improved day by day. This led Chae Kwang Myong

► embracing one another. Let all of us further exert our- and those who finished the school
The instructor always says to selves to retain the honour with- are distinguishing themselves at
the circle members, “We managed out being content.” sports clubs or at their work-
to take first place, but it is more He is striving to develop mem- places.
difficult to maintain the honour. bers of the circle into able players, Pak Yong Il

KOREA TODAY No. 10, 2017 29

Living Memory

buildings, a mess hall, a bathing swimming pool, a boating ground,

ground, a hall, a gym, a play- a playground, a folk game yard, a
ground with an open-air stage, a dancing ground, an archery
diving pool, a swimming pool with ground and a labyrinth.
a water slide, a rollerblading The camp can accommodate
ground and so on. some 360 children at a time, and a
The accommodation build- camping period is seven days. It is
ings are equipped with bedrooms, open both in summer and winter
a children’s broadcasting room, a in conformity with the geographi-
clinic, a barber’s, a beauty salon, a cal position of the coastal and
reading room, an e-reading room mountainous province.
and a general information dis- What is most attractive ►

HE KANGWON PROVIN- semination space, where they can

T cial December 6 Children’s
Camp, established in May 1963, is
get wide-ranging knowledge
about nature and society. The hall
located on the seaside in Munchon consists of a computer game room,
City, Kangwon Province. It has a folk game room, a music room, a
been an important base of extra- karaoke room and the like to suit
curricular education for school- the children’s psychology.
children in the province. The mess hall is made up of a
Last year it was renovated. kitchen, a dining hall, a birthday
The old buildings were pulled party room, a cooking instruction
down and new ones went up, giv- room, a cooking book reading
ing a completely new facelift to room and a cooking practice room
the camp to the pleasure of all the where the campers can learn
schoolchildren in the province. knowledge about food, attain food
Occupying 16.8 hectares of processing techniques and make
area with a total floor space of foods by themselves.
15 530 square metres, the camp Outside the buildings are to
has two campers’ accommodation be found a bathing ground, a

30 KOREA TODAY No. 10, 2017

► about summer camping is going Phyonggang. days while training themselves
swimming in the sea. In front of Winter camping consists physically and spiritually, the
the camping buildings which look mainly in going skiing at the Ma- campers bid farewell to their
like a sailing boat as befits a sikryong Ski Resort, which is camping instructors tearfully,
camp in the seaside, there are the particularly pleasant and anx- reluctant to leave the camp.
blue sea and the sand beach. iously awaited activity for camp- Director of the camp Kim
After swimming pleasantly in the ers from the province. They all Chun Mi says, “Camping may
blue water of the East Sea of wish to remain children to con- well be a moment of their life, and
Korea, children indulge in play- tinue to enjoy such a camping all we try to make a scrupulous
ing in the warm sands, making their life. schedule of camping activities so
all forms of things with sand to Camping gives them a good that it will be a good memory for
display their dreams and hopes. opportunity to build up what they the rest of their life. The children
This is really romantic. Quite have learned at school by looking send us letters, and we reply by
memorable is the sea-borne ex- and experiencing in person and to writing ‘See you again.’”
perience of the children from make a lot of friends.
mountainous counties including After spending dream-like Kim Chol Hyon

The campers enjoy themselves to their heart’s content.

KOREA TODAY No. 10, 2017 31

For Elderly People

elderly as an important public policy of the State,

and ensures the undertaking on a legal basis. On
April 30, 2003 there was established the Association
for the Assistance of the Elderly of Korea, the prede-
cessor of the Federation for the Care of the Elderly of
Korea. The federation’s mission is to secure the
rights and interests of the elderly in the country and
enable them to lead a worthwhile, happy life in bet-
ter health both mentally and physically.
On April 26, 2007 there was adopted the Democ-
ratic People’s Republic of Korea Law on the Care of
the Elderly. The Cabinet and provincial, city and
county people’s committees have non-permanent
Vice-chairman Choe Il Hong (right). committees for the care of the elderly to make the
law executed exactly. The committees are staffed
OREA TODAY REPORTER RIM OK HAD with senior officials from the Cabinet, ministries,
K a talk with vice-chairman Choe Il Hong of the
Central Committee of the Federation for the Care of
national organs and public organizations.
The federation acts as a secretariat that deals
the Elderly of Korea on the occasion of the Interna- with the affairs of the committees, thus helping fur-
tional Day of Older Persons. Excerpts: ther strengthen the nationwide system for the care of
the elderly and implement the policy of protecting
At present the issue of the elderly is one of the elderly.
those drawing the attention of the interna- What kinds of work is the federation doing
tional community. Korea is also paying atten- these days?
tion to the issue, isn’t it? The federation is regularly conducting the un-
The current number of the global population dertaking to create a public atmosphere where the
exceeds seven thousand millions, and 12 per cent elderly are held in respect and treated preferentially
of them are aged over 60. It is expected that the as senior revolutionaries, seniors of society and
proportion of the elderly population will rise to 25% families. It actively gives publicity to the public
by 2025. This shows that the aging of population traits of respecting the elderly and the happy life the
is presenting itself as a serious issue across the elderly enjoy under the care of the State through
world. mass media.
But our country has adopted the protection of the The federation also prints and circulates pam- ►

fuls of rice with warm sungnyung and eating them

National Drink
with salted vegetables or pickled-fish dishes. So it
became a custom that all housewives prepared
and served sungnyung in big bowls towards the
Sungnyung end of a meal. In the course of this there came into
being many stories and proverbs on sungnyung
that are still told today.
UNGNYUNG (SCORCHED-RICE TEA) IS Sungnyung is quite easy to make. When you
S a traditional Korean drink which is easy
to make and is distinctly tasty and highly
cook rice, heat boiled rice again after steaming it.
Then the underneath of the rice is scorched
nutritive. because the bottom of the pot is almost moisture-
From olden times the Korean people were fond less. Then pour water to the scorched underneath
of drinking sungnyung after meal. In general they and boil it again. Now tasty sungnyung is ready
liked to finish a meal by mixing a few last spoon- to serve. ‰

32 KOREA TODAY No. 10, 2017

► phlets and books of common knowledge such as Korea. Members of the first association conduct cul-
Health Care of the Elderly and Health and Regimen of tural exchange with their counterparts in other
the Elderly referred to as company in the elderly’s countries through joint performances. They also give
life. And it organizes various functions on the occa- motivational performances at sites of socialist con-
sion of the V Day, the International Day of Older struction, factories and enterprises.
Persons and so on. On those days national and pro- Meanwhile, through exchanges and cooperation
vincial art troupes give performances for the elderly, with international organizations, cooperation or-
and special treatment is given at public catering es- ganizations, charities and overseas Koreans, the
tablishments, pleasure grounds, parks and swim- federation provided the Pyongyang Old People’s
ming pools. Sports meetings and evening entertain- Home with tractors, water heaters and other equip-
ments take place for the elderly. On the International ment and materials, saplings of fruit trees and
Day of Older Persons they have volleyball and table breeds of domestic animals, and sent medicines to
tennis matches and Korean chess and yut games homes for war veterans under construction in all
which are popular with the working people as well. provinces. Now other exchange and cooperation
Under the control of the federation there are the plans are being implemented.
Cultural and Artistic Association of the Elderly of Your words make me think that the elderly
Korea, the Athletic Association of the Elderly of Ko- enjoy great State benefits and that the federa-
rea and the Production Association of the Elderly of tion’s duty is heavy.
You’re right. In our country the number of 100-
year-old people increases with the passage of time,
and the elderly say that sixty is but the prime of
youth and longevity is celebrated at 90.
My federation will continue to strive to make
the elderly lead a worthwhile life and help further
improve the State policy of protecting the elderly
as required by the developing reality and the
elderly. ‰

Elderly people celebrate the International

Day of Older Persons.

KOREA TODAY No. 10, 2017 33

Life of Hero Midwife

OT LONG AGO I VISITED policy of the Workers’ Party of

N the Pyongyang Doctors’ Re-
fresher Training College, where
Korea among not only the women
of the county town but also all
my eye was caught by a familiar those in the county and give
woman. She is Labour Hero Choe medical care to all of them in
Jong Sim. She is near the age of labour.
80. Still, she is working as a Back at the hospital, the mid-
teacher at the college to guide wife soon set herself to work. She
young obstetricians in practice. did her round of every village day
I found her still full of energy and night to plainly explain to
for her age. Her story of her life women there why pregnant
deeply impressed me. women should be registered and
get medical examination and why
The Reason for Her to they should get medical care in
Become an Obstetrician labour. This gradually made her
well known, drawing lots of preg-
It was one day in mid- nant women one after another.
February 1945 several months At the time Korea was seeth-
Labour Hero Choe Jong Sim. ing with the grand march of
before Korea’s liberation from the
Japanese imperialists’ military Chollima, and there were coming
occupation. As usual, Jong Sim Hoeyang County People’s Hospi- moving stories of health workers
was playing at the rope jumping tal. She was always busy with her taking sincere care of the people’s
together with her friend Yong Ok work. With the help of neighbour- health. Amidst the atmosphere
in the yard of the latter’s house. hood unit heads and hygienic the midwife worked with greater
All of a sudden, a scream of Yong team leaders, the midwife made a enthusiasm.
Ok’s mother came out of a room, list of names of pregnant women. In 1961 she was again invited
and her father hurried out and And she went to see and repeat- to a national conference of active
away somewhere. After a while, edly advise each of the women to health workers held in the pres-
he ploddingly returned home with be hospitalized in time to get ence of Kim Il Sung, national
his arms dangling. According to medical care in labour. leader of Korea. At the conference
him the county had only a single Every day she was elated with she talked about how she had
doctor, but he turned him away at work. She found her job worth- worked since her participation in
the door, insultingly calling him while, and never felt tired how- the similar conference two years
empty beggar without any penny. ever hard she worked. As soon as before. She had trained dozens of
Helplessly, Yong Ok’s mother she went to a place and gave midwife assistants so as to give
died of hematorrhea in labour. medical care to a woman in la- medical care to all women of the
Other women in the village, too, bour, she was called for another county in labour. After listening
did so unable to get medical care. request for help. So, she often saw attentively to her speech, the
At the age of six at that time, Jong the dawning day at the window of national leader spoke highly of
Sim wanted to become a doctor to her room at the hospital. This was her, saying that she had done a
cure diseases of poor mothers who also a pleasure to her. At last she good thing. On the last day of the
had no access to a hospital with- successfully gave medical care to conference she received the title of
out money. all women in her charge in the Labour Hero.
After the end of the Father- county town. Later she wrote in her note,
land Liberation War (1950-1953), In 1959 the young midwife, at “An obstetrician’s job! The first
Jong Sim, who had grown up into the age of 21, was invited to a medical service a person gets
a young woman with a forked national conference of health comes from us obstetricians and
pigtail, attended a midwife train- workers. In her speech at the midwives. So, our job is the most
ing school out of her desire. After conference she expressed her de- honourable and worthwhile in
graduating from the school she termination to steadily explain dealing with human lives, and
began to work as a midwife at the about and disseminate the health this makes us feel a sense of ►

34 KOREA TODAY No. 10, 2017

► heavy responsibility. The first cry her recall the unforgettable past Jong Sim made decoctions from
of a newborn baby! This is like a she kept her diary as before. Part medicinal herbs available there,
signal that heralds the bright of the diary reads: and prepared data to provide
future of my country and assures April 24, 2005 Fine plenty of hygienic information on
its future prosperity. How good A few days ago I joined in an health care for expectant and
and laudable our job is!” operation on an ectopic pregnant nursing mothers. Though ad-
woman who had reached a sec- vanced in age, she walked and
43 Years Later ond-degree shock by blood loss. walked rough mountain paths in
Bleeding in the abdominal cavity, the county, giving medical care to
In January 2005 Jong Sim the patient was pale. With her women in labour and other
made up her mind to visit Hoey- blood pressure falling, she com- women, together with doctors of
ang County, her birthplace. On plained about her pain. Before she the county people’s hospital. She
the way to the place you have to came to the hospital she had lost readily travelled even a very long
cross Chol Pass with 99 curves time going here and there for distance to take care of a woman
where it is said even birds take a help. Her condition was critical, in labour. And she was not reluc-
rest halfway. From olden times and every moment was priceless. tant to donate her blood to a pa-
the area was a secluded place After the operation, together tient in a critical condition. Such
with rough terrain. So, travellers with the relevant doctors, I sin- devoted efforts of hers led to the
are rarely seen there all the year cerely strove to restore the patient safe birth of many children.
to life by applying Koryo reme- Always in modest attire she
dies, too. At last the woman’s walked in a hurry, shouldering
It was 43 years since she had
condition reached the convales- her first-aid bag with a hygienic
left the place. During the period
cent stage. information board and a knap-
she never forgot it while working
Before leaving the hospital she sack of herbs on the back. So, the
as a department head at the Py-
took hold of our hands, reluctant county residents affectionately
ongyang Maternity Hospital. Now
to part with us. The scene filled called her hero mother. In this
she decided to visit her birthplace
my heart with pride in taking care way she crossed Chol Pass several
and hand over to local obstetri-
of women in this area of Hoeyang. times.
cians copies of books she wrote,
Calling me grandmother from In 2007 she began to work as a
including Hygienic Knowledge for
the Pyongyang Maternity Hospi- teacher at the aforesaid college. In
Expectant and Nursing Mothers,
tal or hero mother, many women 2016 she won a doctorate by pre-
Abnormal Labour and Psychopro-
came to see me for help. Though senting a thesis on painless child-
phylactic Painless Childbirth, and
quite busy with treating patients, birth. She is still active in educa-
obstetrical appliances such as an
I am glad very much. tion and medical treatment for
electromagnetic acupuncture de-
her advanced age.
vice, a painless delivery device
During her stay in the county, Yom Song Hui
and an anti-postpartum hemor-
rhage device. She thought that
Choe Jong Sim (second left) is still engrossed
she wouldn’t be sorry even if she
in education though she is nearly 80.
passed on all her experience and
knowledge to young obstetricians
in her home village.
The villagers welcomed her,
calling her grandmother from the
Pyongyang Maternity Hospital or
hero grandmother.
The Hoeyang County People’s
Hospital associated with the eld-
erly woman’s girlhood dream had
changed beyond recognition.
Every day she went to the hospi-
tal to explain technical problems
arising in obstetrical practice, and
sometimes personally performed
While working together with
doctors in the hospital that made

KOREA TODAY No. 10, 2017 35

Short Story

By Ri Myong

(Continued from the last issue) tone, pushing aside Ra Hyon who pretty soft.
had been about to start a fire. At “Stand up. Salute to the
2 the age of 17, or one or two years teacher!” Sang Gi, monitor of the
older than others, Kwon was of class, shouted stoutly in a hoarse
HE WIND DASHING sturdy build, and the piercing voice. All the other boys and girls
T down the valley of Suchae
Pass carried away the banks of
expression of his eyes below the
bulging brow looked intelligent,
stood up and bowed all together.
After ordering all the class to sit
snow from the roof of the school and yet arrogant. He pulled a down, the teacher, looking at the
toward the sea. The tin roof clat- hand ax from his side, chopped the monitor in particular, passed on to
tered with smash after smash, firewood into small pieces and put the boy the deep thanks from the
and the windows of the classroom them into the stove before making school authorities for his father for
hummed. a fire there. A firewood gatherer the supply of firewood to the
The severe cold took the class- from his childhood, he always school. It was a habit of the
room which had already run out carried the hand ax in his side. He teacher to sincerely thank for
of firewood. The wood stove was began to go to school rather late in anything done to support the
left alone in the middle of the his years. Previously, whenever on school. U’s father, one of shipown-
floor. It was long since the last fire the way back home with a load of ers in the town, used to win other
had been made in the stove, so it wood on his back from a moun- people’s favour by giving assis-
felt chilly, adding to the cold. tain, he had used to sit out of a tance to the school occasionally.
The girls were blowing warm window of the school, learning the The lesson started. The
breath on their hands, and the words written by the teacher on teacher wrote exactly on the
boys stamping their chilly feet, all the blackboard. He did it every blackboard the title and verses of
waiting for the bell to toll the day rain or snow or wind. Know- a song to be learned by the pupils
beginning of the lesson. It was ing this Song Min Cho, one of the during the lesson.
going to be a music lesson liked by founders of the school, had the boy
all the girls and boys. admitted to the school. The Dear South of the River
U Sang Gi entered the ground The wind whirled outside, and
of the school with an ox-sleigh the hood of the stove flapped, After January and February
loaded with bundles of firewood sending out clouds of acrid smoke comes March.
ahead of him. Wearing a quilted that hung over the classroom. When the swallows return
coat, his ears covered with rabbit- Then, the wind soon died down, from the south of the river,
fur muffs, he looked quite indif- for sparks shot up in the quiet Spring will come again to
ferent to the cold. Ra Hyon, who stove. Suddenly a sound like that this land, too.
had been dusting a chalk eraser, of sparrows fluttering came out of ...
was the first to see the boy and the stove. At the moment the bell After writing all the verses
run up to him. And she immedi- rang for the start of the lesson. the teacher sat at an organ and
ately took one of the firewood With a music book under his began to play the tune while sing-
bundles into the classroom and arm Song Min Cho strode into the ing the song. The mild but clear
put it before the stove. Then the classroom, his Korean overcoat sound of the organ reverberated
other boys and girls began to flapping. A man in his mid-forties in the room. The teacher had a
gather round the stove, shouting Song looked very proud and stern little hoarse, baritone voice, but
with joy. with his square-cut hair and short he affably and emotionally sang
“You girl get aside. What are mustache, but when he glanced the song based on yearning and
you going to do?” a boy, named over the black rim of his glasses at naivety so that all the pupils lis-
Kwon Yong Sok, said in a wild each of the pupils his eyes looked tened with breathless attention. ►

36 KOREA TODAY No. 10, 2017

► Then they learned the song line had secretly borrowed the novel impudent, the Japanese officer
after line led by the teacher. from her deskmate. A few days cast flashing eyes at him. “Damn
Singing the song again and again before Sang Gi had noticed it and you, rascal! Bind him!” shouted
enabled them to imagine a fine tried to dissuade her from reading the Jap.
village in spring where the air the forbidden book, but the more Then Song Min Cho stepped
was shimmering with heat on a she had read it the more attrac- ahead of the boy, saying, “Your
hill, young sprouts were peeping, tive she had found it. Yet, she honour the officer, is it a fault
larks were trilling in the sky and could not accuse the mate. that the pupil bought the book
all villagers were sowing seeds in Now a policeman approached mistakenly?”
the land swollen like steamed rice Ra Hyon’s desk, and colour left “Mistakenly? Not at all! I
cake, helping one another. Now her face as she felt her heart know you are using books of this
they wondered full of yearning throbbing. He undid her package kind to bring up bad thinkers,
where was such a place blessed of books on the desk and began to who will stand against the Japa-
with spring that would invite a examine the books carefully. Then nese Empire. You, too, should go
flock of swallows. he abruptly thrust his hand into with us. From now on this school
They, however, could not con- her drawer. In the confusion of will exist no longer.”
tinue with the lesson. Kwon Yong the moment the girl grasped his The policemen handcuffed the
Sok, who was sitting at the far- hand, looking imploringly up at boy and the teacher. The pupils
thest rear, abruptly sprang up him with tears in her eyes. Ex- burst into cry at once.
from his seat, crying, “There’s the cited by her behaviour, the man From the next day Ra Hyon
police, teacher!” Then the boy took out a book without mercy. could not go out. She felt as if she
rushed up to the blackboard to “Gadfly? What’s this? Does the were to blame for the fact that the
erase the words on it. At the mo- insect like a bottle-green fly that school was closed just before the
ment several policemen swarmed lives on the cow’s rump produce a graduation and that Song Min
into the classroom by both the book like this?” the policeman Cho and Kwon Yong Sok were
front and back doors. mumbled doubtfully with the detained. So she confined herself
“Wait!” novel in his hand. Then the police at home with smoldering anxiety.
A Japanese police officer of officer glared at the book. Then, one day, her father quietly
stocky build, with a sneer linger- “O I see, isn’t it Gadfly by the said to her, “My daughter, I’m
ing in his small three-cornered British woman writer Voynich?” sure the young man kept you from
eyes, snatched the chalk eraser The officer’s face brightened, the the misfortune. … So I think it is
from the boy and threw it on to corners of his eyes raised. He got proper for you to go and see him
the floor. the material evidence he had ex- at once.”
“Why! This is so imprudent. pected. His eyes showed signs of That night the girl, together
We’re now at lesson, you know,” laughing once again. At the mo- with her father, went to the police
the teacher protested with anger. ment somebody jumped to the detention house, where they un-
His heart was filled with wrath. officer and snatched the book. expectedly heard the gruesome
“The Dear South of the River? “This is mine! When did you story that the night three days
Spring will come to this land? ... steal it, chick? I’ve been looking before when the snowstorm had
Ha, ha, ha…. What do you mean for it. …Damn it! You’re a thief!” roared the young “prisoner” had
by spring?” the Japanese officer, Yong Sok shouted angrily, wildly broken the lock of his cell with his
who had kept his eyes on the pushing the shoulder of the girl, ax and run away. It was told that
blackboard, spoke maliciously in who fell sideways upon the floor nobody knew the “prisoner” had
fluent Korean. The teacher made with a piercing cry. The unex- concealed the hand ax in his
a wry smile on his lips, his glasses pected sight startled all the po- bosom. Owing to the incident the
flashing. “In fact you’ve deprived licemen and the other boys and teacher had been moved into a cell
us of it,” he said. girls. The girl felt shame and without being allowed to see any
“Mr. Song, we know you often sorrow at being derided as a thief visitor. This was how Yong Sok
inspire the pupils with the anti- for the first time in her life, rather had disappeared.
Japanese spirit here at this plat- than being hit unexpectedly. She Since then Ra Hyon would fall
form. And you’ve organized a buried her face in her hands, into a thought of him at a quiet
secret reading circle here. …” shedding tears unable to tell the night. How can he have no fear?
“What?” truth. After watching the entire He is just like a dauntless warrior
“Don’t pretend to be surprised,” scene, the police officer stared in a folktale. Where is he now?
the officer said and shouted at his with his small eyes at Yong Sok Looking up at the sky she tried to
men to search the room, and they who was gasping without swal- find a star shining like his bright
began to rummage in the pupils’ lowing his anger. eyes but in vain. She missed the
packages of books scattered here “Where did you get the book?” young man, who remained a dig-
and there in the room. the officer asked. nified warrior-like man in her
Ra Hyon found herself trem- “I bought it at the market.” mind.
bling as soon as the policemen “Who sold it?” Upsetting her completely, he
appeared. In the drawer of her “It’s a peddler.” showed up as a fatally wounded
desk was a foreign novel she read Having thought the young communist “bandit.”
at odd moments those days. She boy’s answer very stubborn and (To be continued)

KOREA TODAY No. 10, 2017 37

Disabled Artistes Held
in Public Affection
ODAY DISABLED PEOPLE IN THE brought me up and put me forward. The teacher is
T Democratic People’s Republic of Korea lead a
worthwhile life, giving full play to their ability.
my motherland. It pays more concern to the disabled.
Under its warm care I have lived for over 50 years
Disabled people good at performance are active as without knowing any misfortune while giving full
members of the Korean Art Association of the Dis- play to my ability.”
abled (KAAD). The melody of her kayagum was representative of
her worthwhile life. This year, too, she, as a member
Kayagum Soloist Kim Myong Suk of the same group, performed in England, her special
ability enchanting the audience.
Kim Myong Suk is a member of the KAAD and
a Merited Artist of Kim Won Gyun University Excellent Soprano
of Music. People hold her in affection and respect
as a kayagum player. Her parents were worried Pae Ok Rim, 23, a member of the KAAD’s artistic
about her future, for she was blind. However, thanks circle, enjoys a life worth living. Since childhood, she
to the free compulsory education, she could study was fond of singing. But she was reluctant to make
and learn to play the kayagum at the Taedong her appearance before people as she was blind. Then
School for the Blind. When she was 14, she began she was visited by many people including Cha Hyok,
to attend the then Pyongyang University of Music chief secretary of the KAAD. They disabused her of
and Dance, improving her ability as a kayagum her wrong concept, and inducted her into the asso-

Kim Myong Suk. Pae Ok Rim.

soloist. Now she trains kayagum players at the uni- ciation in which she found herself sincerely treated
versity. by other members of the association as if she were
In 2015 a Pyongyang disabled people’s exchange their own sister. Now she had confidence that
group gave a performance in England. As a member she could enjoy and sing like others if she made an
of the group the woman performed a kayagum duet effort.
to enthusiastic applause. When the stage master In May last she joined in the aforesaid group’s
informed the audience that the two performers were performance given in England. She won great admi-
not only ordinary kayagum players but also a teacher ration from the audience by singing well world fa-
and a student and that the blind teacher trained mous songs such as Time to Say Goodbye and You
such a good performer for 20 years, the spectators Raise Me up. In fact the songs she sang were those
gave them a big hand and bouquets. That day the for professional singers to sing as singing of them
teacher said, “A good student has a good teacher. required high ability and artistry. So the inviting
Though I’m blind I also have a good teacher who side had been very worried about her singing. ►

38 KOREA TODAY No. 10, 2017

► Physically and Mentally ence said: We saw an impressive performance be-
yond imagination; we could hardly believe it was
The group’s performance in England included the given by the disabled; we were really impressed by
deaf and dumb persons’ dances like Ongheya and their high performing ability; it was a good opportu-
Beauty and the Beast which also fascinated the au- nity for us to understand the reality of the DPRK
dience. Ongheya based on strong and fast rhythms which ensures good educational conditions for the
and interesting and swift clapping and stamping is disabled; and the human rights fuss about the DPRK
regarded as very difficult for the deaf and dumb to was completely groundless.
dance. They, however, performed it as an ensemble The disabled of the DPRK think in unison that
piece on a high level, thus crowning the performance though born disabled they can improve their destiny
remarkably. without limit in their motherland. So they are still
Jon Kyong Sim, an officer in charge of the striving to create new pieces and improve their ar-
KAAD’s artistic affairs, said that the members of tistic ability. And they are conducting artistic ex-
their dancing circle had grown both physically and change and cooperation with their counterparts in
mentally while preparing for the dances. The audi- other countries.
Kim Il Ryong

The Pyongyang disabled people’s

exchange group gives a perform-
ance to the great applause of the
British audience in May 2017.

KOREA TODAY No. 10, 2017 39

Korean West Coast, Stopover
for Migratory Birds
OREA IS BOUNDED BY tries to Australia, New Zealand including great knots, knots and
K the sea on three sides. So it
has diversified natural environ-
and so on in Oceania. The very
route is the East Asian-Oceanian
curlews and so on, all registered
as those on the verge of extinction
ments and serves as an important Flyway. This flyway is used by 50 by the International Union of
flyway and stopover for migratory million aquatic birds of over 200 Conservation of Nature. The sur-
birds in northeast Asia. In the sorts. vey team discovered those birds
world there are nine flyways for Swampy areas including wide whose ankles wear rings from
seasonal birds, and the Korean tideland, estuaries and desert New Zealand ornithologists, and
west coast belongs to the East islands on the Korean west coast put rings on the ankles of many
Asian-Oceanian Flyway. This are typical habitats for migratory other birds. This is part of the
flyway is passed by those birds birds. information exchange to verify
that go to breeding or wintering In May 2014 the Nature Con- the flyway of the birds.
places in spring and autumn. The servation Union of Korea (NCUK) Having more keenly under-
route is too long for the birds to and the Tukorokoro Miranda stood the importance of the sea-
pass at a time, so they need a Naturalists’ Trust of New Zea- sonal birds’ habitats on the Ko-
place to rest en route. The very land adopted a written agree- rean west coast, the NCUK is
place is the Korean west coast. ment on exchange and coopera- striving to protect the migratory
In spring the seasonal birds tion in protecting migratory birds. It has prepared the data on
leave Australia or New Zealand birds, and decided to conduct a preservation of migratory birds,
and fly without a single rest to joint survey of migratory birds and sees to it that its branches
arrive on the coast, where they from 2015 to 2020. Accordingly use copies of the data to give rele-
feed themselves to regain energy there took place a survey this vant lectures to people in the
and grow fat before flying to Sibe- year as well, and the ornitholo- areas concerned so as to encour-
ria of Russia and so on without gists of the two countries discov- age them to positively join in pre-
taking a rest again. After breed- ered over 38 750 aquatic birds on serving the birds’ habitats and
ing there, the birds, in autumn, the Korean west coast. Over other activities for their protec-
return through the Korean west 35 550 of the birds were those tion.
coast and other east Asian coun- that belong to species of snipe, Rim Sang Jun
A joint survey of migratory birds is made.

40 KOREA TODAY No. 10, 2017

Koguryo, Leader of
Oriental Science
OGURYO (277 BC–AD 668) 1910), there was made the
K was an advanced, civilized
state that made much progress in
an astronomical chart based
developing science and technology on the aforesaid stone-
like in all other fields of social life. carved chart. The chart has
Science was one of the important hundreds of constellations
factors of the country’s promi- and 1 467 stars, and projects
nence as a great power. The state the celestial sphere on the
of development in its meteorology, plane surface with the North
astronomy, mathematics, dynam- Pole in the centre. It also
ics and medicine shows well how indicates the positions of the
much progress the country made vernal and autumnal equi-
in the research work as a whole. nox points, the position of
Koguryo people made their every fundamental star of
livelihood by farming, so the the 28 constellations, equa-
country studied deep into and torial circle, zodiacal circle,
developed meteorology and as- longitudinal circle and the
tronomy from its early years. Galaxy.
According to old documents they Mathematics and dy-
recorded details of abnormal cli- namics also developed re-
matic phenomena such as markably in Koguryo. The
drought, flood, storm, earthquake, fact that the astronomical
hail, frost and high temperature, chart, little different from
and made systematical astro- the present one, was drawn
nomical observations on solar and during the period of Koguryo The astronomical chart
lunar eclipses, comets, falling is inconceivable apart from Chonsangryolchabunyajido.
stars and the sun. The observa- deep knowledge of mathe-
tion data include lots of valuable matics. This shows that mathe- moxibustion and medicinal mate-
records, such as those on a comet matics developed on a very high rials and decoctions were mainly
that disappeared 20 days after it level in Koguryo. used in treatment of diseases.
showed up in the sky south of Examples of perfect applica- Acupuncture was developed so
Koguryo in November of the year tion of dynamic knowledge in much as to find merely with a
46, a comet that appeared in the Koguryo are stone gates to burial needle that a hair is hollow. And
vicinity of the Great Bear in Feb- chambers from that period. One of neighbouring countries admired
ruary 158 and a sunspot that them is the one to the entrance medicine of Koguryo, praising
appeared in September 640. from the doorway to the front that it could save even a dying
These are what could not be found chamber in the Tomb of King person, and gave wide publicity to
in similar records of the Kogugwon (Tomb No. 3 in Anak). and used its medical treatments.
neighbouring countries. This tes- Now there remains only the west In Koguryo there were compiled
tifies to the extent to which gate intact in the tomb. Heavy as medical books such as Rosabang,
Koguryo’s astronomy developed at it is, the gate is easy to open and all based on rich clinical experi-
that time. close only by pushing with a fin- ence, and its famous medical men
A typical relic that tells the ger. This proves that masonry travelled neighbouring countries,
advanced astronomical knowl- reached a high stage of develop- passing on excellent medical
edge of Koguryo people is a stone- ment on the basis of dynamic techniques, and thus helped de-
carved astronomical chart. In knowledge in Koguryo. velop the medical science in the
1395, during the period of the Medicine of Koguryo, too, was East.
feudal Joson dynasty (1392– on a high level. Acupuncture and Kim Un Jong

KOREA TODAY No. 10, 2017 41

Eight Famous Scenes
on Mt. Paektu (2)

Autographic Writing Inscribed on Hyangdo Peak.

tionary life and immortal exploits of Kim Jong Il,

Autographic Writing Inscribed the brilliant Songun commander of Paektu, who was
on Hyangdo Peak born as the son of Mt. Paektu and brought glory to
Korea with the courage and grit of Paektu while
W you climb up Mt. Paektu associated with the
soul of the Korean nation is Chairman Kim Jong Il’s
holding aloft the banner of independence.

Majestic Appearance of the

masterly autographic writing inscribed on the Hy-
Peaks on Mt. Paektu
angdo Peak (2 712 m above sea level), which reads:
“Mt. Paektu, the Sacred Mountain of the
The Great Paektu Mountains, the main mountain
range of Korea, originate from the peaks on Mt.
“Kim Jong Il”
Paektu. The Janggun, Hyangdo and Haebal peaks,
The top of the peak with a slightly-inclined verti-
the main peaks of the mountain which rise just like
cal cliff and a ridge of some angular degree is gigan-
symbols of the three commanders of Mt. Paektu, are
tic and of strong purposefulness just like a pole as a
surrounded by Ssangmujigae, Tangyol, Paegun, ►
guide for the rosy future of Korea, and the slope and
ridge are red due to the slaggy tuff of the red volcanic
From ancient times the peak was called Chon-
wang Peak in the meaning that it was the place
where the heavenly King descended before being
renamed like today’s to reflect the Korean people’s
unanimous desire to hand down to posterity along
with Mt. Paektu the great personality of the
Chairman, who was credibly carrying on the revolu-
tionary cause of Juche.
In 1992, towards the Chairman’s birthday
(February 16), the Korean people inscribed the
aforesaid autographic writing of his on the outer
slope of the Hyangdo Peak, out of their pure desire to
loyally support and follow the Chairman for ever
along with Mt. Paektu. It was inscribed like a great
epical picture in harmony with the formative beauty
of the peak which resembles a large, fluttering red
flag. It is one of the Eight Famous Scenes on Mt.
Paektu, reminding the Korean people of the revolu-

42 KOREA TODAY No. 10, 2017

► Chongsok, Piru and other large and small peaks with Peak down towards Lake Chon, and other 40 peaks
precipices at a 60-odd degree angle. All the high display myriads of shapes. Besides, 11 peaks sur-
peaks look just as if they had risen to look down at round the Chail Peak that stands northwest of the
the earth. In particular, the area of the Piru Peak is Janggun Peak while 33 wonderful peaks stand
called Manmulsang or the myriad-shaped peak of around the Paegun Peak. And there stand 10 peaks
Mt. Paektu for it has the Kom Rock that looks like a around the Chongsok Peak, 20 around Ragwon Peak,
bear being on guard by Lake Chon while supporting 3 around the Jebi Peak, 5 around the Tangyol Peak
itself on the forelegs, and the Chokdae, Saja, Mujigae and 12 around the Ssangmujigae Peak.
and other rocks of fantastic forms. In order to hand down to posterity the unique and
In 1908 it was found for the first time that the mysterious features of the peaks on Mt. Paektu, the
main peaks on Mt. Paektu number 16. Well-known members of the expedition corps created a large-
or ordinary geographers and climbers repeatedly sized folding screen-style Korean painting 216 Peaks
explored the region to find out its mysterious sights, of Mt. Paektu Seen from Lake Chon with the help of
but in vain. the Mansudae Art Studio’s artists, and presented the
From the 1980s the Paektusan-Chonji General work to Chairman Kim Jong Il.
Expedition Corps surveyed and measured the peaks Though different from one another in height and
on the crater on Mt. Paektu. In the course of this, appearance, the wonderfulness of the peaks around
they discovered the amazing fact that large and the Janggun, Hyangdo and Haebal peaks cannot be
small peaks, which are over 20m in relative height in attributable to the arrangement of nature alone. The
terms of landscape science, number 216, the number peaks on Mt. Paektu look so great because they seem
similar to the birthday of Chairman Kim Jong Il to depict the single-hearted unity of the Korean peo-
(February 16, 1942). The very fact made the Korean ple who are firmly united around their national
people keenly feel once again that the Chairman, leader, and display the might of the Songun Korea
who firmly carried on the revolutionary cause of that has reached the summit of honour of the century
Juche pioneered by President Kim Il Sung as the by relying on the strength of that unshakable unity.
revolutionary tradition of Paektu, was the eternal Every scene of Mt. Paektu is permeated with the
sun of Songun Korea hailed by Mt. Paektu, and the dignity and pride of the Korean people who carried
great leader of the Kim Il Sung nation. on the tradition of the one and only single-hearted
According to the relevant data, the Janggun Peak unity while enjoying a worthwhile life under the
is surrounded by 14 peaks, the Hyangdo Peak and 15 care of President Kim Il Sung and Chairman
peaks in its vicinity and the Haebal Peak and 15 Kim Jong Il. This is why the mountain is regarded
peaks in its vicinity, all of which seem to rise to as the laudable symbol of the Songun Korea and the
guard the Janggun Peak. The Piru Peak, which sacred mountain of the revolution.
stands on a ridge that stretches from the Janggun Pak Thae Ho

Majestic Appearance of the Peaks on Mt Paektu.

KOREA TODAY No. 10, 2017 43

Historical Relics in Kaesong (3)

Mausoleum of King Kyonghyo height) there are embankments at intervals to pre-

vent soil from sliding. The first and second terraces
OCATED IN HAESON-RI, KAESONG CITY, have four stone statues of civil officers and four stone
L the Mausoleum of King Kyonghyo consists of
the tomb of the 31st king of Koryo (918–1392) and
statues of military officers. On the highest terrace lie
the two tombs. The grave mounds are about 6.5 me-
the tomb of his wife. The mausoleum was built from tres high and 13.7 metres in diagonal diameter.
1365 to 1372 under the supervision of the king him- The statues testify to the extent to which the
self. stone carving technique of Koryo developed. Espe-
The mausoleum is distinct from others in that it cially, those of civil and military officers are appreci-
is situated in a unique place. The city has lots of ated as the most excellent among the old stone
tombs of Koryo’s successive kings and queens and sculptures that still remain in Korea for their size
their families. In particular there are over 20 simi- and workmanship. Another distinctive feature of the
lar tombs north of Mt. Songak and south of Mt. mausoleum is that murals of the tombs still remain
Mansu. The Mausoleum of King Kyonghyo lies on unfaded. The tomb of the king is a single chamber
one side of Muson Hill, the western tip from those tomb with a passage, and murals are painted on the
tombs. The east, west and north sides of the mauso- eastern, western and northern walls and the ceiling
leum are surrounded by a mountain except for the of the chamber. Murals painted on the walls are
south side. Its vicinity is well known for its scenic those of 12 spirits of the terrain. They are based on
beauty. different colours such as red, yellow, blue, white,
The mausoleum is also characterized by original dark-red, dark-brown, brown and black.
structure and large scale. It has three long oblong The tomb style of the mausoleum is representa-
terraces lying lengthwise from east to west, and be- tive of tombs in the late period of Koryo and was
low them there is a wide sloping terrace. On the slop- maintained in the period of the feudal Joson
ing terrace (23 m in length and 10 m in vertical dynasty. ►

The Mausoleum of King Kyonghyo.

44 KOREA TODAY No. 10, 2017

juk Bridge. The pavilion housing the two monu-
ments is an 11.41-m-long and 5.25-m-wide gabled
structure with colourful designs painted on brackets
and pillars. Each of the monuments consists of a
stone base, a turtle-shaped pedestal, a main body
and a crown. The main body alone is made of dark-
ish marble, and all the other parts of grey granite.
The monuments are characteristic of big stone
trimming with exquisite workmanship. The pedestal
as a whole is a carved turtle weighing more than ten
tons. The long neck, protruding eyes, and four big
sharp fore-teeth bending inward—all these repre-
sent well the turtle’s characteristic posture. In par-
ticular, patterns engraved on the carapace and the
lotus-shaped cushion stone on which the main body
stands testify to the high art of sculpture.
The Sonjuk Bridge.
The smooth surface of the main body bears inta-
gliated characters.
► From 1905 the Japanese imperialists dug up the The crown of the monument is in the shape of a
mausoleum many times and took away all relics gable roof, and dragons are engraved on the under-
from it. Though it is the tomb of a feudal king, it is a side of the eaves, adding to the monumentality and
valuable legacy showing the relevant ability of the decorative quality of the structure.
Korean ancestors in the period of Koryo. On June The monuments are heritage structures demon-
23, 2013 the mausoleum was registered in the strating the Korean people’s developed artistic tal-
UNESCO list of world cultural heritage. ent and cultural level. On June 23, 2013 it was reg-
istered in the UNESCO list of world cultural heri-
Sonjuk Bridge tage.
Kim Yu Jin
The Sonjuk Bridge in Sonjuk-dong, Kaesong City
is a stone bridge from the period of Koryo (918– The Monuments to Loyalty.
1392). According to the historical data it began to
exist from before the 13th century. Its original name
was Sonji Bridge. It is said that after Jong Mong Ju
(1337–1392), senior government official of Koryo,
was assassinated on it, a bamboo grew up from the
spot. Thereafter the original name of Sonji Bridge
was replaced by the present name. It is 8.35 metres
long and 3.36 metres wide. The granite-floored
bridge was supported by pillars fixed on the founda-
tions laid below the bottom of the stream.
In 1780, during the feudal Joson dynasty (1392–
1910), a descendant of Jong Mong Ju built a parapet
around the bridge to prevent traffic in order to pre-
serve it eternally and laid a new bridge near it. The
Sonjuk Bridge is one of the oldest stone bridges that
remain in the country and is very useful in the
study of the architecture and stone trimming tech-
nique at that time.
On June 23, 2013 it was registered in the
UNESCO list of world cultural heritage.

The Monuments to Loyalty

The Monuments to Loyalty stand in Sonjuk-

dong, Kaesong City. They were erected in the period
of the feudal Joson dynasty to commemorate the
loyalty of Jong Mong Ju who was killed on the Son-

KOREA TODAY No. 10, 2017 45

Mausoleum of King Tangun Tells
HE MAUSOLEUM OF third millennium BC. The state possible to scientifically clarify
T King Tangun, father of the
Korean nation, is located at the
was named Joson (Ancient Joson),
and its founder was called King
that Tangun was not a mythical
figure but a real character born
foot of Mt. Taebak in Munhung-ri, Pakdal. In later ages the name of 5 011(±267) years ago.
Kangdong County, Pyongyang. the king became Tangun written In September 1993 the
Tangun was the founder of in Chinese characters. He died President inspected the relevant
Ancient Joson, the first state of and was buried in Pyongyang, his site and designated a spot where a
the nation, which was a great birthplace. mausoleum was to be rebuilt for
power in the East that existed But Korean historians in the Tangun, and on July 6 next year,
from the early 30th century BC to past were possessed by the ready- the last year of his life, he exam-
108 BC in the wide area of North- made idea that Tangun was a ined the final plan. ►
east Asia with Pyongyang as its mythical figure. Then, based on
capital. the analysis of the legends of
As an excellent martial artist, Tangun related to Mt. Kuwol and
Tangun gradually got aware of Mt. Myohyang and data about the
the need to transform and revolu- tomb of Tangun in Kangdong
tionize the society. After succeed- County, President Kim Il Sung
ing to his father’s post as head of proposed unearthing the tomb
his tribe, he systematically reor- and instructed the historians to
ganized and developed the primi- intensify the study of Tangun.
tive political machinery into the As a result, there started an
one capable of containing inter- overall survey of the tomb in
class and intertribal antagonism. January 1993, and the excavation
On the basis of this he founded of the tomb in the following month
the first state with Pyongyang as revealed bones of two human
its capital at the beginning of the bodies and relics. This made it

The Mausoleum of King Tangun and the Monument

to the Reconstructed Mausoleum of King Tangun.

46 KOREA TODAY No. 10, 2017

National Intangible Cultural Heritage (11)

Customs of Chusok

HUSOK, (AUGUST 15 BY originated from the production

C the lunar calendar) is one of
the folk holidays in Korea. The
activities of the working people.
The day was also character-
day is also called Kawinal or ized by women’s swinging and
Hangawi. men’s archery and ssirum
According to the historical (Korean wrestling). An impor-
data, Hangawi was celebrated tant function of the day was to
splendidly from the period of the take care of the graves of an-
Three Kingdoms. The historical cestors. With the foods made of
book Samguksagi (Chronicles of new crops of the year people
the Three Kingdoms) tells about visited the graves of their de-
kilssam (hand-weaving), a ceased ancestors, cutting over-
women’s favourite game played grown grass of the graves and
on Hangawi. Divided into two repairing them which were
teams women played the game damaged in the rainy season
for a month, and on the day they before holding memorial ser-
summed up the result of the vices.
game, and the losing team The special dishes of the
served wines and foods to the day were wine, songphyon
winners and enjoyed themselves (half-moon-shaped rice cake),
while singing and dancing. This chalttok (glutinous rice-cake),
was called kabae. Kabae is the chestnut and pear. As it was a
written Chinese characters of folk holiday in rich autumn, it
the Korean word kawi, and Kawi was celebrated on a larger scale
or Hangawi means a big holiday than other holidays.
in autumn. This shows that
Chusok is a folk holiday which Rim Ok

► And Chairman Kim Jong Il former tomb and the gateposts. The burial chamber houses
wisely led the project to complete The Monument to the Recon- two wooden coffins put on biers
the mausoleum as a monumental structed Mausoleum of King Tan- side by side in the north-to-south
structure to be handed down to gun is inscribed with a poem direction. The wooden coffins
the posterity and the one to prop- dedicated to the relevant leader- contain glass coffins with the
erly represent both the features of ship achievements of President remains of Tangun and his wife in
the relevant age and the custom Kim Il Sung and Chairman them. Hung on the front wall of
of the Korean nation. He formed a Kim Jong Il. the chamber is a portrait of
committee for reconstruction of The other monument is in- Tangun.
the tomb and made sure that it scribed with words about Tan- A national joint ceremony is
was rebuilt on the highest level as gun’s merits, the names of mem- held at the Mausoleum of King
soon as possible. bers of the association for the Tangun on October 3 every year
The reconstructed Mausoleum repair of the Tomb of King Tan- to mark the National Foundation
of King Tangun covers a total gun in 1936 and those of the do- Day. It is attended by lots of Ko-
area of 45 hectares. It consists of nors to the repair project. reans from the north, the south
the section for the Monument to The mausoleum is in the shape and abroad. The ceremony re-
the Reconstructed Mausoleum of of a quadrangular pyramid with flects the Korean nation’s firm
King Tangun, the section for its top cut off. The pyramid con- will to make a turning-point in
stone images of persons and the sists of 1 994 (to symbolize the national reconciliation and inde-
central section. The first section year of 1994 when the tomb was pendent reunification.
includes the aforesaid monument, reconstructed) blocks of granite
the monument to the repair of the piled on 9 de-escalated stages. Kim Hyang Mi

KOREA TODAY No. 10, 2017 47

Why Labelled as “Prostitutes”?
HE SEXUAL SLAVERY CRIMES COMMIT- February last the Japanese cabinet secretary, in
T ted by the Japanese army in the past are being
disclosed continuously.
reference to the matter of the sexual slavery, said
that among the data the [Japanese] government had
Recently there has been made public a document so far discovered there was nothing that seemed to
containing the list of Korean women, who had been directly testify to the army’s or the authorities’ tak-
drafted to Jinhua City of Zhejiang Province, China as ing away of women.
sexual slaves for the imperial Japanese army during Now in Japan there are ceaselessly heard such
the Pacific war. The document drawn up in April absurd remarks as “the history of ‘comfort women’ is
1944 contains the names, ages and birthplaces of a toilet history” and a “voluntary action for making
over 100 Korean women in their twenties or thirties money.” It is not merely due to its moral meanness
except their jobs, and their addresses were those of that Japan is doggedly and shamelessly denying the
“comfort houses” of the Japanese army. Experts who sexual slavery crime of the army while going so far
studied the document asserted that those women as to call the victims of sexual slavery “prostitutes.”
were forced into a life of sexual slaves for the Japa- The Japanese rulers are now burning with an
nese army and that it is an important document to ambition to realize without fail the “Greater East
prove the Japanese army’s own establishment of the Asia Co-prosperity Sphere” advocated by the Japa-
“comfort houses.” nese militarists in the past, and the ambition has
The south Korean CBS reported that a video was come to the pass that cannot be overlooked. They are
also made public on victims of the sexual slavery by praising the militarist war criminals as the “souls of
the Japanese army. The video had been kept in the the departed war heroes” and overtly visiting the
US National Archives. The 18-second clip made in Yasukuni Shrine where the name tablets of the war
September 1944 shows Korean women who had been criminals are kept, leading the country towards the
taken away as sexual slaves for the Japanese troops road of militarism. Typical examples are the Self-
who had occupied the southern part of China. Their Defense Forces with three services, the national
images were reportedly just the same as those of the security law which guarantees overseas dispatch and
victims which had been already opened to the public. armed intervention, approval of exercise of the “right
As already known the Japanese militarists, by to collective defence” with the United States, large-
means of appeasement, deception and forcible scale expansion of military expenditure and the de-
method, took 200 000 Korean and other women in velopment of up-to-date weapons and equipment of
the regions and countries they had occupied to the attack.
theatres of aggressive war, and forced them into In May last Japanese Prime Minister Abe set
sexual slavery. Being confined in cells those women, forth a “timetable for revision” of the “pacifist consti-
deprived of their names and right to death, had no tution” which bars Japan’s heading for a military
other choice but to succumb to the brutal ill- giant and overseas aggression, and openly declared
treatment done by the soldiers of the former Japa- that they would revise Article 9 of the constitution
nese army who were mad about murder. In case of and enforce a new constitution from 2020. In the
any disobedience they were mercilessly killed by the following month he clarified that the Liberal Democ-
soldiers. Such a crime committed by the Japanese ratic Party would decide on the amendment draft of
army is an extra-villainous inhuman crime, and it is the constitution within this year and that a vote
an international legal and moral obligation for Japan concerned would be held in a session of the Diet
to apologize and compensate for its former army’s slated for spring next year, thus putting spurs to the
sexual slavery crime. revision of the constitution. It is already a nominal
It is, however, still denying the inhuman sexual constitution, but the Japanese authorities’ attempt
slavery crime of the army while deceiving the inter- to revise it is aimed at opening the gate to overseas
national community. In July last the Japanese con- aggression.
sul general to Atlanta, Georgia State of the US, dur- So, Japan, which is keen to attain the old dream
ing an interview to a local newspaper, said that there of the “Greater East Asia Co-prosperity Sphere,”
was no evidence that the Japanese army used finds it necessary to justify its former militarists’
women, including those from Korea, as sexual slaves acts of aggression. From this point of view, it refers
during the Second World War and added insultingly to the victims of the sexual slavery as “prostitutes.”
—shocking the world public—that the women were
“prostitutes,” not those forcibly drafted. In early Kim Il Ryong

48 KOREA TODAY No. 10, 2017

Pyongyang Bell

HE PYONGYANG BELL In the Walled City of Pyongy- cultural relic, the bell was unable
T hangs from the ceiling of a
belfry in Taedongmun-dong, Cen-
ang in those days the bell was
beaten 33 times to toll paru (4
to toll kept in confinement after
the Japanese imperialists’ occu-
tral District, Pyongyang. Its ori- a.m.), and 28 times to toll ingyong pation of the country (1905–
gin dates from olden times. The (10 p.m.), when all the gates of the 1945). Then he earnestly said
relevant data tells that the bell walled city were opened and that now that the country was
had hung from the ceiling of the closed. And all events there were liberated, the bell should be al-
upper storey of the Taedong Gate known to the public through the lowed to toll. So, at 12:00 p.m.,
before being moved to the gen- tolling of the bell. As one of the the sound of the bell echoed
eral’s terrace of the North For- leading bells in the period of the across the country, telling the
tress of Pyongyang after it was feudal Joson dynasty, the Py- great benevolence of the leader.
built in 1714. ongyang Bell was referred to as a The solemn and resounding
The present bell was cast speciality of the city from its early sound of the bell deepened the
between June and September days for its beautiful appearance emotion of the Korean people
1726 in the western yard of the and impressive sound. It is one of greeting the first new year after
Pubyok Pavilion. It is 3.1 metres cultural relics that typifies the the liberation of their country.
high and 1.6 metres across at the Korean bells and testifies to the
mouth and weighs 12.914 tons. high development of the casting Pak Thae Ho
Inscribed on the bell was the Bud- techniques in the country at that
dhist images, the images of the time.
Four Devas, patterns of cloud and On December 31, 1945,
the name of the bell. The hook of Kim Il Sung, the leader of the
the bell is in the shape of two new Korea, inquired whether the
twisted dragons, and the heads of bell near the Taedong Gate could
the dragons are vivid. The newly- toll or not. He said that the bell
cast bell was hung in a belfry built was an important means of de-
in front of the Taedonggwan, an fence signal used by the Korean
inn at that time. The belfry today ancestors in repulsing the foreign
was the one rebuilt in 1827. invaders, and that a valuable

KOREA TODAY No. 10, 2017 49

50 KOREA TODAY No. 10, 2017

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