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Marketing Plan “Milkis”

Kiara Victoria Rojas Quevedo

Natalia Nieto Torres

Class 2509

May 20, 2022

Table of content
Table of figures

The main idea of this marketing plan is based on two important systems, in which it will seek to
present a marketing plan on MILKIS, a Korean market to a Colombian market focused on segments
of children specializing in supermarket sectors, school cafeterias in order to be become a product
for a children's lunch box, in the same way, a series of strategies and components will be shown
that will illustrate the way in which we will be able to enter and relate these two segments into

Considering the importance of the education of children in the school system from an early age in
Colombia, a world of endless characteristics is based that will allow us to generate a recognizable
top of mind at any level, due to the understanding of Colombian culture and its childhood. , so it is
understood that a Korean system based on a strong culture, competitive at the school level, is
related to a high blood pressure level in childhood with a mixture of balanced nutrition in a fine
diet of nutrients and vegetables, compared with a family culture, enriched with support for study
and cultural enrichment, fostering good relationships and communication allied with a food
culture that is quite important in Colombia in the school life of children, food with a good source
of protein.

Taking this into account, the main reason the Korean originating product MILKIS was chosen for
this marketing plan was not only because in the Korean market but also has been a success it is a
different beverage option for children, with the contribution of milk nutrients that offer several
benefits such as nutrients, vitamins, and calcium, offering a differential food in the Colombian
market of beverages for young people, seeking to generate an inclusion of international markets
by mixing cultures and flavors in a market as volatile as the Colombian and especially when today's
children love many other countries and experience different international foods and cultures,
which makes the success of this plan more possible since it takes advantage of the children's
current tastes at international levels and the influence in the tastes of young people and children
due to the globalization of cultures.



Milkis is a company that enters the Colombian market in order to become a unique and special
experience in flavors and experiences in Colombian children and youth and their daily lives.


By 2025 Milkis will be recognized as the best international brand in the market beverages for
youth and children, improving by 15% the initial scope of the first year in the relevant target
market and having a differential market position.

Short term:

 Sales: reach a minimum of 80 schools in cafeteria areas and 200 chain supermarkets
 Service and people: generate a customer service differentiated by the product and a social
campaign for its consumption
 Promotion: in the first 3 to 6 months implement marketing strategies in social networks,
video games and physical marketing in a differential and innovative way to increase the
top-of-mind capacity of the product

Long term:

 Quality and personalized flavor: become a brand of beverages preferred by children and
young people recognized for its quality and flavor and in the same way for the creation of
new special unique flavors thought of in the culture of Colombia
 Culture: Generate a recognized brand culture in the youth population of Colombia
 Interactivity: implement a strategy of international rapprochement of the Korean and
Colombian market on the experience generated by the product



South Korea is in the east. From towards, it has an area of 100,380 km2, and as shown in figure 1
recovered from macro data, it has a respective population of 51,781,000 million people, ranking
number 28 in the population table.
Figure 1. Demographic table Korea. Retrieved form: (Corea del sur Economia y demografia,2022)

Korea's economy has always been good due to two important factors, one is exports, and the
other is the sale of domestic products. However, the pandemic initially generated a 0.9% decrease
in its GDP, although it is important to note that By the end of last year, this same increase by 4%,
which has made it the highest GDP since 2010, all according to the Bank of Korea (BOK, 2022), in
the same way, they also highlight the increase in exports by 9, 8% this due clearly to products
derived from petroleum and coal.

The covid-19 generated a negative impact as we observed in the previous GDP, however, South
Korea was one of the best in terms of propagation control, generating direct protection against
the impact on consumption.

Understanding this did not stop the country to position itself as the tenth power in economies
worldwide, understanding the way in which its GDP contributes directly to this, thanks to the
document made by MINCIT it is understood that 2% of that GDP was contributed by the primary
sector, where products such as rice, barley, wheat, and sogo are highlighted, in the same way,
mineral exploitation and livestock, in the same way, MINCIT also names us that 34.1% of GDP was
contributed by the industrial sector and 63.9% of the GDP was contributed by tourism, sales, and
telecommunications, as can be seen in figure 2 that illustrates the GDP, where GDP is represented
by the purple line, advanced economy growth is given by the blue line, and emerging market and
developing economies is given by the red line. (MINCIT, 2021)

It is very convenient to highlight that it is an economy that represents a very low unemployment
rate, they also have controlled inflation, as can be seen in figure 3 which shows the behavior of
inflation, and they do not have high foreign debt.

Figure 2. Annual percent change. Retrieved for: (Real GDP growth Annual percent change, 2022).
Figure 3. The inflation rate of Korea. Retrieved from: (South Korea: Inflation rate 1984-2024 |
Statista, 2022).


The current population of Korea is 51,351,355 people. the socioeconomic situation of Korea from
the years 1965 to 1997 was really dramatic in terms of poverty, however for the year 1996 a really
very feasible situation began for this country because it became a world economy, in which issues
began to shine of employment, of inclusion in the social sector by women and coping with the
budget generated towards poor societies, new demographic trends emerged, women began to
emancipate themselves, liberalism emerged and individualism also emerged, and an important
foreign trade economy was opened. (SOUTH KOREA: SOCIAL AND SOLIDARITY ECONOMY AND

On the other hand, it is also important to understand how the people of this country are
influenced, according to the information provided by Britannica, it is known that the people of
Korea have a relationship with central Asia and Siberia, Mongolia, and the Yellow Sea, in the same
way currently Korea has a homogeneous civilization, which means that the majority of people
living in Korea are clearly native to Korea, although people from Japan and the United States have
been beginning to emigrate to this country. (Britannica,2022)
As for the language spoken in the country, it is said that it is directly influenced by a bit of Chinese
and Japanese with a representative writing of ideograms which allows for generating different
interesting international interactions when transcribing into another language, on the other hand,
because of the of religion, religions such as Buddhism, Daoism, and Confucianism have stood out
over the years, but at the same time, it has been a country that has expressed freedom of belief
while respecting the culture and principles of society. (Britannica,2022)


According to the global innovative ranking agreement, South Korea has been and is the one that
occupies the first position as is observed in figure 4, get from the Bloomberg index (2021), which
generates a clear definition that the level and performance of technology s been one of the best
and strongest at this point. (Bloomberg,2022)

Figure 4. World's 60 most innovative countries by Bloomberg. Retrieved from : (Bloomberg,2022).

In the same way, thanks to the information provided by this study, it is possible to highlight the
way in which Korea has positioned itself as a leader in innovation and development of
telecommunications, as well as being a country that has sought to invest wisely in the technology
as well is 5G, with investment in infrastructure to offer the fastest internet at a global level, in the
same way, that the leading companies in technology are also located in the country, such as
Samsung and LG, the issue in which It has focused with good presence on cybersecurity and
artificial intelligence, this is because the government has become aware of the way in which
cyberattacks and cyber robberies have begun to emerge today, for which reason it has begun to
generate a strengthening of safe innovations to understand how to resolve vulnerabilities in an
adequate manner. (International trade administration,2022)

On the other hand, there is also the creation of aid centers by the government for the creation of
companies and ventures in relation to the generation of technological advances and focused on
artificial intelligence and all its different facets, where different problems are also discussed to
resolve how to generate a computational system that serves external servers to improve our
performance, generation of chips with artificial intelligence for computers. (International trade


The legal and political system of South Korea is based on different characteristics, within them, in
the first place, there are the working hours, which have been defined as a total of 120 hours per
week without defining exact days, but only the fact of complying with the Fixed hours, however,
this is in the event of an increase in production when this is regulated by the change in working
hours to adjust to a normal schedule of 40 hours per week with 15 holidays per year.

In the same way, it is necessary to understand the political and legal part related to food and its
export, therefore, there are government entities that "Ministry of Food and Drug Safety - MFDS,
and Ministry of Food and Drug Safety, Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs
(MAFRA)"(report to importer and exporter south Korea,2015), these entities seek to regulate the
quality of the product offered, seeking to comply with national regulations and monitoring of food
products, guaranteeing safety and quality control of imported products and foods and/or at the
time of export.

Similarly, between Korea and Colombia there is currently a free trade agreement in force, which
includes agreements on tariffs and customs duties, generation of importer licenses, application of
sanitary and phytosanitary measures, trade and sustainable development, respecting the
respective agreements, and without to leave behind an important reason which is to seek to bring
in investment and products that may generate an increase in international competitive investment
within the free trade agreement.(Corea | TLC,2022)


Figure 5. Companies Market shares soft drinks industry. Retrieved form: Analysis | Passport

In the competitive environment it is necessary to understand the way in which the target market is
being disbursed to understand how more successful how to attack to generate a real and lasting
positioning, therefore it is understood that an important factor has been the understanding of the
market share with which the brand and home companies have in the Colombian market.

Focusing in the first place on the figure 5 that illustrates the brands for the year 2021 and their
respective participation, they stand out in the first five places, such as: Coca-Cola, Postobon, Hit,
Cristal and Colombian with a percentage of 14.3%, 6.5%, 6%, 5.8% and 5% respectively based on
trade volume issues, and focusing on the last five places we find: Coca-Cola without sugar, Cielo, 7-
up, speedmax and del Valle, with percentages of 1.5%, 1.5% ,1.6%, 1.7% and 1.7% respectively,
which by uniting both points of view allows us to analyze the way in which they have generated
presence in the market and intuit the form of cultural tastes that Colombian consumers handle,
such as the sweet theme and with natural foods.

Figure 6. Brands Market share soft drinks industry. Retrieved form: Analysis | Passport

Finally, in the graph of non-alcoholic beverage companies with the greatest participation in the
market due to marketing, positioning and ability to attract consumers, in the first 5 places are:
Postobon SA, Fomento economic Mexicana, Ajecolombia SA and Bavaria SA with 40.1%, 26.3%,
6.7%, 3.6% and 2.4% respectively, which clearly indicates which is the main and strongest
competitor due to its position in the market and its percentage of participation in national trade
and having as the companies with the lowest competitive margin based on percentages from 0.1%
to 0.3%: Red bull Colombia SA, meals de Colombia, Pepsi cola Colombia and monster energy


In the competitive environment, in the first place, the analysis of the graph presented in trading
economies will be made, in which the competitive system of Colombia is illustrated and how it is
developed, which means that the variation that the competitive index had from 2018 to 2019 was
from 57.00 to 63.73 in the range of 100, which means that it is. good place to be and can make
right benefits to this marketing plan, while there is an increase that allows denoting the country's
improved investment capacity and ranges to allow it to increase its competitiveness at the
international level. (Statista,2022)

The advantage of this information is that it is related to another 140 different economies and
analyzed with 98 factors in terms of capabilities, innovation, production, market size or financial
system, which allows for a more adequate analysis of segmentation. (Tradingeconomics,2021).


Figure 7. Weighted SWOT for Milkis. Retrieved from Authors elaboration

According to table x it was evidenced that in the case of the company Lotte Chilsung Beverages
should be considered mainly in how to lower the level of dependence by the company on its star
products or with better positioning within the market because this can be harmful to it at the time
when these products lose popularity or are replaced with some other product. Methods of
standardization of costs or production at scale that allow the company to reduce those production
costs should also be sought since this will be seen in the final prices to the consumer harming the
range of accessibility to the product losing competitiveness within the market.

Considering the strengths of the company, R&D must continue to be strengthened to develop new
beverages with a differentiating seal, thus maintaining the image of “innovative non-alcoholic
beverages” that it has formed over time, this will also allow the company to position itself in the
market to diversify the products on which Lotte may depend in the future and attract the attention
of consumers.

Given the panorama of the Colombian market, it is considered that a great opportunity to enter
the markets is to take advantage of the trade agreement between both nations (since in the case
of non-alcoholic beverages South Korea has a 0% import tariff according to DIAN) likewise when
entering a new market, it will be a new sources of research for the improvement of its products
not only dinks that adapt to the taste of the market which are currently entering and also allow
the company to adapt to that market (since it is the threat with which the organization must be
most careful).



Figure 8. Demographic review. Retrieved from

As seen in Figure 8, the population difference between South Korea and Colombia is
approximately 143.813. This difference becomes more noticeable when looking at the difference
between the population aged 5 years to 19 years old, which is a difference of 4.812.000, which
would mean an additional 10% of the Korean population outside this age range. However, even
though both nations only represent 0.66% of the world's population, according to the UN, there
are positive estimates of population growth in Colombia.

Psychographic / Behavioral
Figure 9. Growth in the market share of drinks in Colombia Retrieved form: Analysis | Passport

As evidenced in Figure 9, 3 categories referring to the beverage market in Colombia in 2021 were
evaluated. According to the results it can be evidenced that in Alcoholic drinks there was a
decrease of -40% in the last year while in hot drinks and soft drinks had growths of 19% and 41%
respectively (Passport, 2022). This growth in the soft drinks industry is considered because of
many consumers during the pandemic creating a consumer habit of soft drinks.
Figure 10. Growth in the market share of soft drinks in Colombia Retrieved form: Analysis |
Passport (

Regarding the soft drinks industry, a growth in the last year can be evidenced in consumer
preference for energy drinks, RTD tea and juices being 34%, 16,20% and 10,70% respectively while
in beverages such as RTD coffee there was a decrease in their preferences (-36%). It was also
evident that in terms of Asian specialty drinks and concentrates are not within the Colombian
market (Passport, 2022).

This change in preferences for the consumer caused by the pandemic has led him to look for
alternatives of products committed to the health of the consumer (referring to products with
100% natural, vegan value propositions or that contribute to the well-being of consumers in their
homes). In the case of Asian specialty drinks, especially in the case in the case of Milkis which “is a
soft drink with sweet and creamy taste of carbonated water added to sweet and soft milk” (Lotte,
n.d) being a great opportunity to enter in the Colombian market taking advantage of its growing
preference for beverages of healthy preference.

Based on this information in the case of the Colombian market, the population belonging to an
average age between 5 – 19 years old that at the same time are in school and households of
middle or medium-high stratum.

According to the census conducted by DANE (2018), Colombia has an average of 14.243.223
households of which are formed by 3, 4, 5 or more people are an average of 23,2%, 19,5% and
16,8% respectively. Likewise, the population between 0 -4 years old is an average of 22,6% while
between 15-64 years there is an average of 68,2% of the total population. Within the same census
it was determined that 77,1% of the Colombian population is condensed in the municipal capitals.

On the other hand, according to the formal education report carried out by DANE (2020), it was
evidenced that of the 9.882.843 children enrolled nationwide, 41% (4.134.539 children) are in
elementary school, 32% (3.179.426 children) are in middle school and 11% (1.103.818 children)
are in high school.


Based in the value proposition of milkis, the target market for Milkis is “students feeling tired due
to long hours of study” (Lotte, n.d). Seeking to impact the market directly towards the population
that occupies a range between 5 and 19 years old, this population sees themselves as children or
teenagers who are currently studying, who have and economic support through their families and
who liked to accompany the rest of their meals with sugary and carbonated drink but with flavors
different from the traditional ones.

Potential Customer Target

Figure 11. Consumer Profile. Retrieved from Authors elaboration


Based on the data previously analyzed, it is considered that the best strategy to enter the market
initially to market is introduce the product in educational institutions to create a relationship
between the product and the target consumer. Likewise, after reach an expansion in the
distribution channels to the retailers such as Jumbo, Exito, and metro. This process does not just
have the objective of promote a new product in the Colombian market but built a new culture of
healthy beverages that contribute to growth of children and teenagers of the country.


Milkis is a South Korean drink introduced to the market in 1989 with a great popularity in
countries such as Russia, United States, and Hong Kong, however, this drink is not new in the
market (Lotte, n.d). Despite this panorama, it is considered that its differentiating factor is the
combination “yogurt plus soda” with a wide range of flavors such as melon, strawberry, orange,
peach, grape, mango, pineapple, banana, apple, and lemon (in addition to its traditional one).
Likewise, this drink is designed through a healthy conception for users since it is produced with the
aim of being rich in calcium, vitamin A, vitamin C, and vitamin D being very attractive option for
the perfect complement of the school lunch box for children and teenagers.


Figure 12. BCG matrix. Retrieved from: Authors elaboration

Analyzing our BCG speaking specifically of Colombian brands that have the segment of non-
alcoholic beverages, we clearly realize the way in which the 4 most important located in the upper
left quadrant which is the star, are: Coca-Cola, postobon, hit and crystal, the last ones tempted to
other quadrants, this means that these brands are clearly brands that have great liquidity, and are
market leading products with great growth potential, continuing with the products found in the
quadrant of cow that is Colombian and from the valley in a smaller percentage, but nevertheless
they represent the consolidated products in a market, with the need for a smaller or larger
investment and that at the same time has a consolidated position, however in the lower right area
where it is found h2o, 7-up, speed max and del Valle, are brands that currently in the Colombian
market are not adequately achieving a certain market share market and have a lower growth in
the market.

In the same way, the milk i's logo can be seen in the image, which represents our estimate of the
market perception that we want to have in front of the Colombian market and consumers,
therefore for the product it is important that in a period of 2 years to 4 years already It has been
achieved to have a percentage of 9.8% to 10.5% of market share with a ratio of 3-4, in order to
generate a remarkable positioning, liquidity and perception and this will be sustained with
investment in both digital and physical marketing, in the knowledge and transmission of the
attributes of the product to the digital market, in the implementation of the strategies are in order
to improve the competitive advantage, in the same way this map does not allow to generate a
better knowledge about the perception of Colombian consumers, discover new segments market
to generate more sales.

Figure 13. Strategic Canvas. Retrieved from: Authors elaboration

Based on Figure 13, it can be evidenced that Milkis can enter in the market based on its healthy
proposal basing on the new purchasing behavior that the consumer developed because of the
pandemic “consume healthy to live healthy”. Likewise, Milkis can create a brand image based on
its differentiation in terms of the quality of its product through its nutritional composition (Figure
x). However, a very important feature that must be considered between Milkis and its competitors
when it comes to being able to expand within the Colombian market based on its accessibility to
the public. When we talk about accessibility, it means about in which places the product will be
available for the public and at what price it will be sold (considering the purchasing power of
Colombians), in this sense the key points must be taken in terms of the modalities of promotion,
distribution, and price to be able to take advantage of the blue ocean that this product has.


The following figure illustrates the CBBE Pyramid Analysis for the Milki’s to understand the brand
equity of this product will have when implemented in the Colombian Market:
Figure 14. CBBE pyramid for Milkis Retrieved from Authors elaboration

The Customer-Based Brand Equity pyramid is purely based on consumers, which implies
investigating and understanding their perception, and how this is clearly related to brand identity,
all of this with a single purpose, which is to generate very strong brand loyalty. in the market that
lasts for years.

Taking this into account, it is sought to generate that milkis becomes a brand that is related to fun
life and the best experience, due to this the brand will seek to open the Colombian market in a
different cultural way, understanding how the implementation strategies that will be named Later
on , they will be based on generating sports and school brand experiences , also developing
research on Colombian flavors that may be presented in limited editions at the national level , and
in the same way training the contracted staff to provide the best service to the consumer ,
including after sales .

a. Awareness

With the aim of capturing the attention of the Colombian children and teenagers, we will rely on
diverse campaigns, mainly on campaigns through social media, traditional channels, and events
that involve different schools nationwide. The main objective is that we want to achieve with
these methods is to create a relationship between the healthy but fun between our target
consumers and our product.

Figure 15. Example of promotion for Milkis. Retrieved from Authors elaboration

For this reason, the campaigns will be present our product as that product that gives you a new
beginning full of freshness and energy to perform at its best in their academic, sportive, and
artistic activities. Likewise, we will relate it to the events being one of the main sponsors on
sporting and artistic events in different schools around the country with the aim not only of
encouraging the participation of children and teenagers in these activities, but also create a direct
relationship with the product.

b. Interest
Once we have captured the attention of consumers, we want to generate interest in them by
generating the curiosity of having the experience of our product. Because it is a very new product
in the market, our goal is to provoke in our consumers to generate the following question: What
does a carbonated drink combined with yogurt taste like and why is so popular? By generating this
curiosity, we will generate at the same time the consumer’s need to want to acquire our product
and satisfy their curiosity.

c. Desire

After having created interest and curiosity in our customers, we want to encourage their desire to
buy our product by encouraging extracurricular activities that allow the student to challenge
themselves to go beyond their limits in the company of a product that seeks to provide good
nutrition. Thus, also encouraging the creation of a culture of consumption of healthy alternatives
from the youngest in the households to later be transmitted to the oldest.

d. Action

Finally, to carry out the purchase action of our consumer who have been motivated to consume
our product. Our ultimate objective is to patent that what we have transmitted to them in what
they obtain in the end (being able to evidence its benefits) and that this good experience passes to
consumer loyalty with our brand.


Figure 16. MILKI’S PRODUCT. Retrieved form: milkis6_11.png

Milkis is a South Korean soft drink, which is carbonated milk and yoghurt beverage. This beverage
is based on “milky soft drink, free of artificial colors containing 10,9% non-fat dry milk”. Based on
the technical sheet referring to table x and the nutritional value sheet (table x) it is evident that
Milkis seeks from its composition to provide the consumer with an alternative of flavored healthy
Figure 17. Technical data sheet of Milkis Retrieved from

Figure 18. Nutritional Table of Milkis. Retrieved from


To be able to penetrate the Colombian market with a new product it is necessary to consider that
according to the IMF (n.d) in Colombia the GDP per capita referring to current prices (purchasing
power parity based on international dollar per capita), this indicator allows to compare in terms of
the dollar the purchasing power between 2 economies. Based on this indicator, in the case of
emerging economies such as Latin-America with this indicator we can determine whether a
country is classified as a low-income developing country (LIDC) or not, but to determine such a
relationship the result obtained by the studies will be less than $2.700 dollars (in 2016). In the case
of Colombia, it gets a result of 18.23 thousand. Likewise, it was evidenced that within the
Colombian market the price of carbonated beverages ranges from 2.500 COP to 3.500 COP.

Considering the above information, we consider that to enter and begin to penetrate the market it
is necessary to market out product at the level of the lower price level of its competitors (between
$2.500 COP or less) with the aim of encouraging the market to start consuming our product
without the price being an impediment.


The place of implementation of our strategies must be very conscientious to achieve an adequate
positioning, therefore the decision has been made to do it in presence in supermarkets -retailer, in
school cafeterias and as sponsorship in different school activities such as meetings of families or
important events and in sporting events as a sponsor of intercollegiate, this is because we want to
reach the youth public and children, and the best way to be part of their daily life is to be present
in the places where they are going to spend the most of his time, and in this way achieve a closer
approach to the final consumer and an interaction of the experience offered by this drink.


Milky's, the company originally from South Korea throughout its presence in the market since
1989, has quickly become one of the most beloved brands in the country, standing out for its
flavor and quality, therefore it is important to take advantage of the opportunities that offers the
Colombian consumer not only with the sales experience, but also with his taste for flavors and his
interest in trying new things, therefore the fact of breaking the stereotype for the consumer about
a soft drink based on milk will generate a great contribution to the competitive advantage that the
product will have.
Bearing this in mind, it is not only to offer and understand the consumer and conquer him in a
different way, but also the strategies that the personal staff will carry out in market and brand
experience issues play an important role, for which it will be observed in the table of then:

Figure 19. People startegy chart


The promotion for this product will be divided in three sections

 Social Media Content

According to the content on social media (Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook) not only the
information and benefits of the product will be shared, also the important events in which we will
participate (such as sport, artistic or academic events) with relevant information such as date,
hour, place, and how people interest on it can participate will be shared. This method is done with
the aim of having a relevant information.

 TV commercials
Based on traditional media such TV commercials we want to transmit an image not only of
freshness for teenagers, fun for children but we also want to transmit confidence and quality for
our product and its components to Colombian families.

 Physic promotion

This section is more related to the logistic behind our participation in different events named
above. This logistic will not only consist in the support provided to carry out the event but also the
staff in charge of publicizing the product in these physical establishments will really know about
the product that they are selling.


The steps to follow to execute this marketing plan are:

 Initially, an in-depth market study must be done that allows us to choose one of the
twenty-four largest cities in Colombia to start the planning of this project in a more
detailed way and that will fit in the characteristics of the inhabitants of the select city.
 The next step will be when selecting the city which we will start our entry into the market,
we must not only analyze the characteristics of its inhabitants but also their purchase
patterns that allow us to know how we can create the need for them to buy our product.
 When evaluating all this information, it will be defined what minimum characteristics the
contents shared on social media, which will contain the first commercials before being
transmitted, in which part of the supermarket shelves our product will be to create
approaches with our target market.
 Finally, considering the previous points, for the launch of the product the reaction of the
market to it will be kept under study in a period of three months with the aim of making
gradual adjustment to the marketing plan with the aim of adjusting more and more to the
Colombian culture without neglecting the Korean culture creating a product-consumer
relationship and between both cultures.


Based on the fact that the Colombia currently has more that 51 million inhabitants and taking into
account that our segmentation it welcomes and average of 11.822.000 Colombians who belong to
a population between 5 to 19 years old and that on average a 50% of them are schooled at some
academic level.

• Sales Objective

Bearing in mind that our product initially cost COP2.500, and that in the first stage of our
project just 80% of our target market buy our product (being an average of 9.457 million
people) we would estimate that in the first stage of the project the sales would be around

• Volume Objective

As for the volume of initial sales, we estimate a range between 50% to 80% of interest
from the consumer with the expectation that by connecting with the public and capturing
their interest, the sales of our product will increase by 1.5% on the initial results.

• Market Share Objective

Considering that brands such as Coca-cola, Hit, Colombiana, and Pepsi, among others have
a market chare between the 5% to 14%. It is expected to grow to a close share among this
data (6%) considering that this is possible regarding to the fact that when entering the
market our product has a great impact within the community.

• Gross Margin Objective

It is estimated that 45% of the costs related to sales made are related to costs caused by
covering the export processes of Korea to Colombia and its advertising campaigns.
Considering the above it would be estimated that the cost of sales would be

• Net Profit Objective

Finally obtaining a net profit of COP126.912.500


It is extremely important after the implementation of the strategies to understand how to achieve
an approach to the review and control of compliance with these, within which it is important to
have two analyses. one of evaluation of internal financial system due. that the monetization of the
project and what it generates financially is of the utmost importance, and on the other hand there
is a method of evaluation and control of personnel performance strategies and marketing

For the control of the internal financial system there is a descriptive method that will be carried
out at the end of each month by the head of the financial and administrative area where there will
be a description of activities and procedures in relation to, for example, accounting records and
must be consider the operation of each area:

For the control of market and personal strategies, it will be evaluated with a method of
compliance functions and a questionnaire that allows the frequency, quality, risk and compliance
of said factors, which allows real and periodic analysis of whether said factors contribute to the
good development of the company:
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