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Elements of Civil Engineering & Mechanics (21CIV14/24)

Module 3 – Question Bank

Centroid & Moment of inertia
1. Define the following: a) Centroid b) Centre of gravity c) Axis of symmetry d) Axis of reference

2. From first principles determine the centroid of a rectangle.

3. Determine the centroid of a triangle of base ‘B’ and height ‘H’.

4. Determine the centroid of a semi-circular lamina of radius ‘R’ by the method of integration.

5. Derive an expression for centroid of quarter circle of radius ‘R’.

6. Determine the position of centroid of the area shown in figure. All the dimensions are in mm.
( x=158.8mm, y=52.55mm )

7. Locate the centroid of the plane shown in figure, with respect to ‘O’. ( x=-5.95m, y=-4.66m )

8. Determine the position of centroid with respect to ‘O’. All the dimensions are in mm.
( x=100mm, y=134.17mm )

Prepared by A Muralidhar, Dept. Of Civil Engg., APS College of Engineering

9. Determine the position of centroid of the plane shown in figure with respect to the base. All
the dimensions are in mm. ( x=38.79mm, y=54.15mm )

10. Locate the centroid of the area shown in figure with respect to the Cartesian coordinate
system shown. ( x=4.2m, y=2.65m )

11. Determine the position of centroid for the lamina with a circular cut-out shown in figure.
( x=73.51mm, y=63.8mm )

12. Locate the centroids of the following areas. ( i. x=8.56mm, y=11.43mm ii. x=0, y=28.77mm )
13. Locate the centroid of the area shown in figure. All the dimensions are in meters. ( x=5.54m,
y=4.76m )

14. Locate the centroid of the shaded area shown in figure. All the dimensions are in mm.
( x=80mm, y=37.34mm )

15. Locate the centroid of the shaded area shown in figure. All the dimensions are in mm.
( x=542.06mm, y=655.54mm )

16. Locate the centroid of the shaded area shown in figure with respect to the axes shown. All
the dimensions are in mm. ( x=37.76mm, y=52.24mm )

Prepared by A Muralidhar, Dept. Of Civil Engg., APS College of Engineering

17. Determine centroid of the shaded area with reference to apex. All the dimensions are in mm.
( x=80mm, y=161.17mm )

18. Determine the position of the centroid for the shaded area with respect to the axes as shown
in figure. ( x=20.38mm, y=24.37mm )

19. Locate the centroid of an area shown in figure with respect to OX and OY. All the dimensions
are in mm. ( x=75mm, y=50.83mm )
20. Locate centroid of a lamina shown in figure with respect to point ‘A’. ( x=42.41mm,
y=35.07mm )

21. Find centroid of the shaded area shown in figure with respect to given X and Y axes.
( x=195.78mm, y=0 )

22. Find centroid of the shaded area shown in figure with respect to given X and Y axes. ( x=-
55.11mm, y=-55.11mm )

23. For the shaded area shown in figure, find ‘a’ such that centroid is at ‘O’. ( a=92mm )

Prepared by A Muralidhar, Dept. Of Civil Engg., APS College of Engineering

24. Determine the location of the centroid of the shaded portion of the lamina shown in figure with
respect to the origin ‘O’. ( x=112.55mm, y=19.65mm )

25. Find the centroid of the shaded area shown in figure, obtained by cutting a semi circle of
diameter 100mm from the quadrant of a circle of radius 100mm. ( x=34.8mm, y=63.66mm )

26. With reference to the coordinate axis x and y, locate the centroid of the area shown in figure.
( x=-23.74mm, y=151.02mm )

27. Locate the centroid of the shaded area shown in figure with respect to point ‘O’. ( x=3.88cm,
y=6.90cm )
28. Locate the centroid of the shaded area shown in figure with respect to OX and OY. All the
dimensions are in mm. ( x=63mm, y=46.28mm )

29. Determine the centroid of the shaded area shown in figure with respect to OX and OY.
( x=-30.42mm, y=-70.42mm )

30. Find the centroid of the shaded area shown in figure with respect to axis given. All the
dimensions are in mm. ( x=-31.96mm, y=100mm )

Prepared by A Muralidhar, Dept. Of Civil Engg., APS College of Engineering

31. Locate the centroid of the shaded area shown in figure with respect to the axis shown.
( x=85mm, y=47.5mm )

32. Locate the centroid of a plane lamina as shown in figure with respect to point ‘O’.
( x=-107.8mm, y=64.4mm )

33. Locate the centroid of the shaded area as shown in figure with respect to point ‘O’.
( x=107.2mm, y=107.2mm )

34. Find the centroid of the given figure with respect to point ‘O’. ( x=42.41mm, y=35.07mm )
35. Determine the centroid of lamina shown in figure and mark the centroid. ( x=5.65m, y=2.80m )

36. Define the following: a) Moment of inertia b) Radius of gyration c) Polar moment of inertia

37. State and prove parallel axes theorem.

38. State and prove perpendicular axes theorem.

39. Derive an expression for moment of inertia of a rectangle about one of its side.

40. Derive an expression for moment of inertia of a triangle about its centroidal axes.

41. From first principle derive the equation for moment of inertia of a circle about centroidal axes.

42. Determine second moment of area of semi-circle about horizontal diametrical axis.

43. Derive an expression for the moment of inertia of a quadrant about its centroidal axes.

44. Determine the second moment of area about XX axis shown in figure. (IXX=115.55x106mm4)

Prepared by A Muralidhar, Dept. Of Civil Engg., APS College of Engineering

45. Determine the second moment of area about the horizontal centroidal axis for the shaded
area shown in figure. Also find the radius of gyration about the same axis. R1=50mm and
R2=20mm. (y=60.86mm, IXG=9.85x106mm4, KXG=35.84mm)

46. Find the radius of gyration about horizontal centroidal axis of the shaded area shown in figure.
(y=73.5mm, IXG=8.86x106mm4, KXG=56.76mm)

47. Calculate the moment of inertia of the plane section shown in figure about a horizontal axis
through the centroid of the section. (y=397.11mm, IXG=4.7x109mm4)

48. Locate the centroid of the shaded area and find the moment of inertia about the horizontal
axis passing through centroid of the figure shown. (y=28.78mm, IXG=2.99x106mm4)
49. Find the moment of inertia of the plane figure shown about its horizontal centroidal axis.
(y=36.26mm, IXG=2.56x105mm4)

50. Determine the coordinates of the centroid of the composite area with respect to A as shown
in figure and find the moment of inertia about the vertical centroidal axis. (x=40mm,

51. Determine the moment of inertia of the unequal I – section shown in figure about its centroidal
axis. (x=150mm, y=140.625mm, IXG=139.66x106mm4, IYG=29.19x106mm4)

52. Calculate the least radius of gyration for the section shown in figure. (x=57.43mm,
y=52.14mm, IXG=9.84x106mm4, IYG=11.41x106mm4, Kmin=KXG=48.4mm)

Prepared by A Muralidhar, Dept. Of Civil Engg., APS College of Engineering

53. Find the polar radius of gyration for the area shown in figure. (x=12mm, y=8.58mm,
IXG=1.07x104mm4, IYG=0.52x104mm4, IZG=1.59x104mm4, KZG=8.9mm)

54. Find the moment of inertia and radius of gyration of a pre-stressed concrete beam section
shown in figure about horizontal and vertical axis passing through the centroid. (x=300mm,
y=420.27mm, IXG=81.12x108mm4, IYG=19.91x108mm4, KXG=234.12mm, KYG=115.99mm)

55. Determine the moment of inertia of the area shown in figure about the axis AB and PQ.
(x=171.09mm, y=82.2mm, IPQ=52.03x106mm4, IAB=220.29x106mm4)
56. The strength of a 600mm deep and 250mm wide I – beam of uniform thickness 10mm is
increased by welding a 350mm wide and 20mm thick plate to its upper flange as shown in
figure. Determine the increase in moment of inertia of the section about the base AB.

57. Determine the moment of inertia of a square lamina of side ‘a’ about an axis passing through
its diagonal. (a4/12)

58. Determine the moment of inertia of the shaded area about the axis AB. (πR4/8)

Prepared by A Muralidhar, Dept. Of Civil Engg., APS College of Engineering

59. A semicircular cut is made in a rectangular wooden beam as shown in figure. Determine the
polar moment of inertia of the section about its centroidal axis. (x=75mm, y=61.7mm,
IXG=25x106mm4, IYG=38.2x106mm4, IZG=63.2x106mm4)

60. Determine the radius of gyration of the section shown in figure about the centroidal axes. All
the dimensions are in mm. (x=60mm, y=124.3mm, IXG=26.4x106mm4, IYG=3.32x106mm4,
KXG=67.47mm, KYG=23.93mm)

61. Compute the moment of inertia of the area shown in figure about the axis AB. All the
dimensions are in mm. (IAB=2.75x106mm4)
62. Determine the moment of inertia and radius of gyration of the area shown in figure about the
base AB and the centroidal axis parallel to AB. (IAB=4.8x106mm4, IXG=1.82x106mm4,
y=27.69mm, KAB=35.14mm, KXG=21.63mm)

Prepared by A Muralidhar, Dept. Of Civil Engg., APS College of Engineering

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