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Cochlear Implants International

An Interdisciplinary Journal

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Telehealth rehabilitation for adults with cochlear

implants in response to the Covid-19 pandemic:
platform selection and case studies

Julie M. Carter, Catherine F. Killan & Jillian J. Ridgwell

To cite this article: Julie M. Carter, Catherine F. Killan & Jillian J. Ridgwell (2021): Telehealth
rehabilitation for adults with cochlear implants in response to the Covid-19 pandemic: platform
selection and case studies, Cochlear Implants International, DOI: 10.1080/14670100.2021.1949524

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Technical Report
Telehealth rehabilitation for adults with
cochlear implants in response to the
Covid-19 pandemic: platform selection and
case studies
Julie M. Carter1, Catherine F. Killan1,2,3, Jillian J. Ridgwell1
Yorkshire Auditory Implant Service, Bradford Teaching Hospitals Foundation NHS Trust, Bradford, UK,
NIHR Nottingham Hearing Biomedical Research Centre, University of Nottingham, Nottingham, UK, 3Hearing
Sciences, Division of Clinical Neuroscience, School of Medicine, University of Nottingham, Nottingham, UK

Background: Effective information giving and goal setting before cochlear implantation and individualised
rehabilitation following implantation are both crucial for shaping patients’ expectations and optimising
outcomes. The Covid-19 pandemic led to temporary cessation of face to face clinic appointments. This
created a need for telehealth rehabilitation for adults whose hearing loss presents unique communication
Aims: We describe the piloting and implementation of telehealth rehabilitation within an adult cochlear
implant service.
Method: Video conferencing and telehealth tools were assessed in terms of security, accessibility and
functionality. Written support materials were developed. Telehealth sessions were piloted with lay
volunteers. During service implementation, feedback was collected from patients and staff.
Outcomes & results: A video call platform was identified that was supported by the host Trust and also met
the rehabilitation service’s needs. A telehealth service was successfully implemented, ensuring continuity of
care during lockdown. We share the platform selection framework used, practical lessons learned and
patient support materials.
Conclusion: .Telehealth rehabilitation facilitated a well-received, effective service for adult cochlear implant
patients. It is predicted that the benefits of telehealth rehabilitation will last beyond the lockdown restrictions
posed by Covid-19.
Keywords: Cochlear implant, Adults, Rehabilitation, Covid-19, Telehealth, Telemedicine, Speech and language therapy

The Yorkshire Auditory Implant Service (YAIS) is technicians. Based at the Listening for Life Centre
part of the National Health Service (NHS) for (LFLC), Bradford Royal Infirmary, the service
England and Wales. We assess children and adult accepts patients from a wide geographical area,
patients with severe-to-profound hearing impairment across Yorkshire and its surrounding regions. The
who are being considered for cochlear implantation, population we serve is culturally diverse and rep-
also providing audiology support and rehabilitation resents a wide range of socio-economic backgrounds.
to those patients who have undergone the procedure. YAIS’s adult rehabilitation team, comprising two
The team consists of administration staff, audiolo- SLTs and a RSW, offers appointments pre- and
gists, consultant ear nose and throat surgeons, post-implant (Table 1). Counselling, listening rehabi-
speech & language therapists (SLTs), teachers of the litation, and communication training can be crucial
deaf, a rehabilitation support worker (RSW) and in optimising outcomes for adults receiving cochlear
implants (CIs). Our service’s model includes infor-
Correspondence to: Julie M. Carter, Yorkshire Auditory Implant Service, mation giving and goal setting prior to cochlear
Listening for Life Centre, Bradford Royal Infirmary, Duckworth Lane,
Bradford BD9 6RJ, UK. Email: implantation, and rehabilitation following implan-
tation. These appointments have traditionally been
Supplemental data for this article can be accessed at
1080/14670100.2021.1949524. provided in-person, either one-to-one or in group

© 2021 Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group

DOI 10.1080/14670100.2021.1949524 Cochlear Implants International 2021 1
Carter et al. Telehealth rehabilitation for adults with cochlear implants in response to the Covid-19 pandemic

therapy sessions, by SLTs. Our service had no prior Table 1 Appointments offered by the adult rehabilitation
team prior to March 2020 (onset of Covid restrictions)
experience in delivering these services via telehealth.
In March 2020, the UK’s cases of Covid-19 were Usual delivery method
growing and national lockdown measures were put Stage in (all face-to-face, clinic
pathway Session type appointments)
in place, restricting the movement of people outside
of their own homes as much as possible. Employers Pre- Initial assessment Individual
were asked to allow staff to work from home wherever implant session
Information session Individual or group
practicable and only essential travel was allowed. Baselines (goal Individual
People with health conditions putting them at higher setting) session
Post- Switch on session 1 Individual
risk of being severely affected by Covid-19 were implant
advised to stay at home (‘shield’). The advice to Switch on session 2 Individual
healthcare services at this time was to instigate, … a 6 week follow up Individual
12 week follow up Individual
principle of ‘digital first’ in primary care and with Phone group (if Group
out-patients: unless there are clinical or practical appropriate)
reasons, all consultations should be done by telemedi- Music group (if Group
cine (Great Britain, House of Commons 2020). Conversation practice Group
All YAIS patients were contacted and advised that for older adults (if
appointments would not be offered until further
Improving Group
notice and most scheduled appointments were post- communication group
poned. Patients who had recently been implanted (if appropriate)
CI User support Group
were prioritised and offered their initial audiology & groups
rehabilitation implant activation appointments at
The impact of lockdown on YAIS patient rehabili-
tation included: online listening rehabilitation for adults under the
care of CI services.
• Patients being unable to attend face to face appoint-
Telehealth has been used for other client groups
ments, either due to restrictions on travel or shielding
within speech and language therapy, including those
• As lockdown lifted and prioritised patients were
offered face to face appointments (those needing with dysfluency (O’Brian et al., 2008), dysphagia
audiological review or urgently requiring support (Burns et al., 2019), and acquired communication
with their implant), staff were required to wear impairment (Pitt et al., 2019). However, adults with
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) according to severe-to-profound hearing impairment experience
national guidance, including face masks and visors unique communication challenges. These can
(in addition to aprons and gloves) and to observe include increased reliance on lip-reading, greater
social distancing of 2 metres dependence on good sound quality, in some cases a
need for sign-language support, and access to
Patient support and therapy groups would not be written material to supplement spoken conversation.
offered for the foreseeable future due to social distan- Therefore methods used for telehealth in typically-
cing measures and to reduce virus transmission risk to hearing client groups may not be directly applicable
patients and staff. to CI service users. It is also important to consider
To minimise disruption to patient care while the technical limitations of telehealth platforms, as
adhering to health and safety measures, the adult these can affect the accessibility of online interven-
rehabilitation team sought to establish whether any tions for elderly and hearing-impaired adults (Meyer
face to face appointments could be successfully et al., 2019). Finally, the delivery of any healthcare
delivered via telehealth, pre-operatively to provide intervention online must comply with information
adequate preparation for implantation and guide governance guidance, ensuring online security and
expectations, and post-operatively to deliver effec- patient confidentiality.
tive rehabilitation. Telehealth solutions could become a long-term
Studies have been published over several years on feature of CI care, regardless of the time-course of
the feasibility of carrying out speech processor pro- coronavirus-related restrictions. Prior to the pandemic
gramming, CI function testing, and speech perception they had been successfully implemented to increase
assessments with adults online (Cullington et al., accessibility to CIs for those who are distributed
2018; Kuzovkov et al., 2014; Ramos et al., 2009; over a wide geographical area and/or whose age or
Schepers et al., 2019). However, to our knowledge, health makes travel burdensome (Hughes et al.,
and in line with a systematic review from 2016 (Bush 2012). Telehealth brings time and cost-savings for
et al. 2016), no previous studies have addressed patients, who have reported satisfaction in receiving

2 Cochlear Implants International 2021

Carter et al. Telehealth rehabilitation for adults with cochlear implants in response to the Covid-19 pandemic

interventions without needing to pay for transport to rehabilitation they will need to carry out post-opera-
a hospital (Wilson and Wells, 2009). The option for tively to achieve optimal outcomes with their
therapists to provide rehabilitation from their homes implant. Patients cannot advance on the CI
might also reduce the number of times they pathway without having attended this appointment.
commute to the CI department per week. If telehealth Although CI surgery was suspended over the initial
lockdown period, there were a number of patients
services can be introduced and maintained across the
at the appropriate stage in the pathway to receive
healthcare sector, the reduction in travel for patients
this session remotely.
and professionals could have wider health benefits • Goal setting session: following the information
for the whole community (Khreis et al., 2019, session, the patient is given time to consider their
Schembari et al., 2015). aims with the implant. This session is a discussion
In summary, the Covid-19 pandemic has led to a of their goals with the SLT to ensure they are realistic
need for the rapid roll-out of telehealth for CI rehabi- prior to having the operation.
litation services internationally. There are good • Six and twelve week follow up appointments: these
reasons why CI telehealth services could remain for post-operative appointments are in place to ensure
the long-term, and it is worth careful planning to that the patient is progressing with their implant in
ensure that they run smoothly and effectively. line with their goals and to provide support and reha-
However, there is little published evidence to bilitation materials as needed.
support clinics in making this transition for CI
therapy services. This means there is an urgent need Telehealth platform selection
within the field to share our experiences of telehealth The SLTs developed a framework to assess the suit-
service development, including successes, challenges ability of available platforms. This was based on
faced, and best practice. Toward that aim, we devel- three key qualities, each broken down into several
oped the following objectives: specific criteria. Other videoconferencing platforms
(1) To assess available video call and dedicated health (e.g. Google Meet) and dedicated telehealth systems
tools for suitability to provide online rehabilitation (e.g. AccuRx) were not supported by the host
services. Trust’s IT department and were therefore not
(2) To describe how the chosen tool was used in the assessed.
implementation of our online rehabilitation Security: Sessions must have the capability to be
service, including pilot sessions and written
confidential and comply with the hospital’s infor-
support materials, and present three case studies
mation governance guidance. This required software
of telehealth rehabilitation.
endorsement by the host hospital, and the availability
of IT department support.
Materials and methods
Accessibility: We considered the accessibility of
The adult rehabilitation team explored alternative
each platform from the perspective of the patient
options for service delivery. NHSX (a joint unit bring-
and service provider. This included whether the
ing together teams from the Department of Health &
patient could join an online session direct from an
Social Care, NHS England and NHS Improvement to
email link without downloading software; compatibil-
drive the digital transformation of care) published
ity with hospital devices and network; and accessibil-
guidance to clinicians as part of their Covid-19
ity to staff via a hospital email account.
Functionality: These considerations were to achieve
We encourage the use of video conferencing to as high quality experience for the patients as possible.
carry out consultations with patients and They included the best possible image quality, so that
service users. This could help to reduce the patients could access lip-reading; the ability for the
spread of COVID 19. It is fine to use video con- host to share their screen allowing patients to view
ferencing tools such as Skype, WhatsApp, presentations, rehabilitation resources etc; the option
Facetime as well as commercial products for live captions; access to a ‘chat’ function, to allow
designed specifically for this purpose. (NHSX, real-time typed text support of spoken content; and
March 2020) the option for session delivery to multiple patients
by more than one staff member. This last criterion
The following appointments were identified as deli-
means that sessions could continue to be provided
verable via telehealth:
by more than one staff member where necessary,
• CI information session: delivered to prospective CI
patients following their initial audiological and reha- and / or a sign-language interpreter could be included
bilitation assessments. This session gives the patient in the appointment.
information on how the CI works, explains the differ- Because of the need for lip-reading and sign-
ence in hearing with an implant compared to normal language interpreting, only video-based platforms
hearing and aims to guide realistic expectations of the were assessed against the framework. These included:

Cochlear Implants International 2021 3

Carter et al. Telehealth rehabilitation for adults with cochlear implants in response to the Covid-19 pandemic

Cisco Webex, Microsoft Teams, and NHS Attend

Anywhere. Other platforms were not considered as

they were not endorsed by the IT department.

patients and

Telehealth platform selection


The three platforms were trialled by the SLTs, who
assessed their performance against the assessment fra-
mework shown in Table 2. Cisco Webex performed


well in all three categories of security, accessibility


and functionality, although it lacked the capability
for live captions at the time of our assessment.
Microsoft Teams met all of the functionality criteria.

Unfortunately, in terms of security, Microsoft Teams

was not endorsed by our institution or supported by
the IT department, nor was it accessible using our

Not from home

High quality
hospital email addresses. We were therefore unable

image and
to guarantee compliance with information governance

policies and decided it was not a viable option. NHS
Attend Anywhere met our security and accessibility
criteria and was used widely and successfully in the

Accessible via
Trust when used by staff on site. However its connec-

hospital email
tivity was suboptimal in the home setting of the SLT,

with the screen freezing on occasion. In addition, the
‘share screen’ facility was disabled on hospital devices.
We therefore selected Cisco Webex as the preferred
platform for sessions conducted from the SLT’s
Device and network

home and those with a component involving screen

Not from home


Notes: A tick in a cell indicates that the platform met that criterion. A blank cell indicates that it did not.
sharing. Attend Anywhere has been used for appoint-
Summary of the performance of each platform against the assessment framework

ments not requiring screen sharing.

Access to the chosen platform was granted to the

SLTs by the IT department. This allowed the staff
to become familiar with the platform including
No download

setting up appointments (‘meetings’), establishing


how the email invites would look to patients, and

exploring the ‘screenshare’ and ‘chat’ functions.

Pilot testing was carried out using lay volunteers in
their late 60s/early 70s, with similar technological
experience (frequent tablet or laptop users for internet
Accessible via
email link

access rather than for accessing documents) to a large

proportion of the YAIS adult caseload. Pilot testing

provided a valuable opportunity for the SLTs to fam-
iliarise themselves with the software in a real-time
interaction situation. ‘Chat’ was found to be an effec-

tive written tool to supplement the spoken content of


the telehealth session if participants were unable to


hear. When giving information, muting the listener’s


microphone enabled the best sound quality to be



The SLTs wrote patient information leaflets

describing how to access the telehealth platform
(Appendices 1 and 2). These were sent to patients at
Cisco Webex

the point of arranging a telehealth appointment to

NHS Attend

help them prepare. Telehealth session feedback

Table 2


forms (Appendix 3) were written to collect infor-

mation on the patient experience and to guide

4 Cochlear Implants International 2021

Carter et al. Telehealth rehabilitation for adults with cochlear implants in response to the Covid-19 pandemic

improvements to the telehealth service. Both the infor- feature could be used by the patient at the beginning
mation sheet and the feedback form could be sent of the session. One therapist controlled the screen
electronically or by post. If sent electronically, the share of the Powerpoint presentation whilst the
feedback form was designed to be sent in the body other managed the ‘chat’ feature, typing up responses
of an email rather than as an attachment (e.g. to any questions to ensure that P1 could access the
Microsoft Word document) that may or may not be information. There were no issues with connectivity
easy to edit on the patient’s device. throughout the appointment.
Any presentations usually given face-to-face to Learning points for therapists:
groups were amended by the therapists to suit tele- • Following the session, the telehealth version of the
health delivery, by incorporating textual explanation presentation was amended to remove a video which
of the ‘chat’ function and microphone muting at the could not successfully be seen by the patient during
beginning of the session and including frequent, visu- playback on Cisco Webex. The video’s content was
ally prompted opportunities for the patient to ask to consolidate points previously explained in the pres-
entation so it was not necessary to replace it with
additional material.
Notes on the telehealth rehabilitation sessions were
• Muting the typing therapist’s microphone was necess-
taken by the participating SLT, and user feedback was ary to prevent keyboard noise from disrupting the
collected via the telehealth feedback forms. Three session.
representative and informative clinical appointments Patient feedback following session: P1 reported verb-
were chosen to be case studies and the results of pro- ally at the end of the appointment that she was
fessional and participant feedback was summarised. pleased that she had been able to hear the therapists
As telehealth was a new way of working there was during the session at times but was appreciative of
limited access to hospital computers with webcams the text back-up to spoken conversation via the chat
and speakers initially. However, these were quickly feature. P1 and her partner both expressed that they
provided by the IT department. It was necessary to had had sufficient opportunity to ask questions and
find a computer with a webcam and speakers in a that they were grateful that they had been able to
quiet room for telehealth appointments to be carried access the session from their own home removing
out successfully. the need to travel; they had had some anxiety
around attending a hospital setting during lockdown
Case studies so a telehealth appointment solved this problem for
Case 1: information session (individual patient) them.
Pre-Covid session provision: Individual information P1 gave this written feedback following the
sessions were offered if it was felt that the patient appointment:
wouldn’t cope with a group setting – e.g. needed
extra support due to a learning disability, or needed It was nice to see your faces again on screen, but
a British Sign Language (BSL) interpreter. The nothing like face-to-face. It saved us about 3
session consisted of a Powerpoint presentation deliv- hours travelling time. Although I heard most
ered by a SLT with on-screen text support where of what was said, it was reassuring to have sub-
needed. titles on the presentation and for (therapist) to
Post-Covid session provision: Patients receive the type out answers to questions.
information session individually either at LFLC or One advantage is the necessity to retain a
remotely, according to patient preference. defined structure and the muting during the
Patient: P1 was a 70 year old female with severe-to- presentation certainly aids the focus.
profound deafness. She was a hearing aid user being
assessed for cochlear implantation. She had previous A negative aspect to the telehealth appointment was
experience of using videoconferencing platforms to described as, ‘My initial worry/panic that I couldn’t
maintain contact with family during the lockdown connect to the Video call!’ In practice she was able
period, with limited success at hearing speech in to make the call with no difficulty.
online calls. She was offered and consented to a tele-
health information session. The session was arranged Case 2: six week post-operative follow up
on Cisco Webex and the patient was emailed with the Pre-Covid session provision: patients attended LFLC
link to the session and the patient information sheet. for a face-to-face clinical session to discuss their pro-
A text reminder was sent to the patient the day gress with listening via the implant, areas of success
before the appointment. and difficulty, and to receive further guidance on opti-
Session: The telehealth session was attended by the mising their listening. This appointment is tailored to
2 SLTs (one working from LFLC, one from home), P1 the patient, their level of progress with the implant
and her partner. The therapists ensured that the chat and current needs and goals.

Cochlear Implants International 2021 5

Carter et al. Telehealth rehabilitation for adults with cochlear implants in response to the Covid-19 pandemic

Post-Covid session provision: this session is Post-Covid session provision: Cisco Webex provides
now delivered either in person at LFLC or remotely. the facility for the session to be delivered remotely to
Patient: P2 was a 52 year old female who had her CI more than one patient simultaneously.
operation in March 2020 and had CI initial activation Patients: Two pre-implant patients were invited to join
during lockdown. She was offered and consented to a the same telehealth information session. P3 was a 32 year
telehealth rehabilitation appointment. The Cisco old male hearing aid user with profound hearing loss. P4
Webex appointment and information sheet was sent was a 57 year old female hearing aid user with profound
to the patient via email. P2 had used video conference hearing loss. It was made clear to both that another
platforms ( particularly Google Meet which has the patient would be present on the screen at their appoint-
benefit of live captions) with family and friends ment, and both consented to this. The Cisco Webex
throughout the lockdown period and was confident information sheet was amended to include points
that she would benefit from input via telehealth. P2 specific to group sessions, namely that it is crucial that
had successfully used the speech-to-text smartphone confidentiality is respected and that patient details are
app ‘Live Transcribe’ during some conversations and not discussed outside of the session.
planned to have this as support during the session if Two therapists, P3 and P4 attended the session. P3
it was required. managed well with hearing aids in the session whilst
Session: The session was attended by the patient P4 relied heavily on the ‘chat’ feature to support her
and one therapist working from home. P2 was access to the spoken content.
able to hear the therapist throughout the session P4’s internet connection was lost part way through
without needing to use Live Transcribe. Screen the session, returning approximately 5 min later. This
share was used when appropriate to show rehabili- affected the flow of the session for P3 and the thera-
tation exercises to the patient. There were no pro- pists. The missed section was repeated for P4 at the
blems with connectivity throughout the end of the session to ensure that she had been given
appointment. all the necessary information.
Learning points for therapist: the session was posi- Learning points for therapists: telehealth delivery to
tively reviewed by both the patient and the therapist. more than one patient simultaneously presented more
P2 had undertaken a significant amount of listening challenges. The connectivity issues of P4 impacted on
practice and had progressed well with her implant. the continuity of the session for P3. The SLTs felt that
Had this not been the case it is plausible that a tele- individual telehealth sessions were more reliably suc-
health appointment would not have been as cessful. Whilst there is a clear advantage to delivering
successful. a group telehealth session with respect to time effi-
Patient feedback following session: P2’s immediate ciency, the potential for one patient’s internet connec-
verbal feedback of the session was favourable; she tion to impact on other patients’ experience needs to
was particularly pleased that she had been able to be considered.
hear the therapist. Following the appointment she Patient feedback following the session: P3 provided
provided this written feedback: the following written feedback after the session:
• Positive: still face to face
I have to say that I have been quite opposed to
• Negative: screen froze a few times made it a bit
remote appointments in the past as I saw it as
a way to push out the user/patient; but I found
P4 did not provide any feedback.
it very useful and convenient indeed when we
did it (or the quality of the interlocutor made
it so enjoyable).
Our implementation of telehealth appointments was
driven by the pandemic and the associated need to
Case 3: information session (delivered to two consider alternative service delivery options. Being a
patients simultaneously) regional service we found that, similar to O’Brian
Pre-Covid session provision: The CI information et al. (2008) and Burns et al. (2019), telehealth
session was delivered at LFLC to a small group of appointments were a preferable option for patients
patients at the same stage in the CI assessment travelling a distance to the service at a time when
pathway. Each patient was able to bring a family national guidance was to ‘stay home’. People with
member or friend. The session was delivered by 2 severe-profound hearing loss are unlikely to be able
SLTs or a SLT and a RSW, using voice recognition to use the telephone, the contact method used by
software/ text support on screen when needed, i.e. O’Brian et al. (2008), resulting in the need for a
for the question and answer section. Current CI video call platform. When comparing the available
users also attended to talk about their experiences platforms (Table 2) we considered what facilities
and to answer questions from the group. were necessary to support our client group to

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successfully access the telehealth appointments, for number and length of appointments can be onerous
example live captions or a facility for the clinician to for patients who do not live nearby. For patients
type out any spoken information that our patients who have commitments such as work or dependents,
were unable to hear or lipread during the session. the time saved travelling will be valuable. If a signifi-
We were accustomed to providing written support in cant number of appointments shift to telehealth,
face to face appointments for our patients and a there will be an environmental benefit, with fewer
number of routine appointments were already in healthcare appointment-related car emissions in the
written presentation format for this reason. These ses- local area as per Schembari et al. (2015) and Khreis
sions were adapted for telehealth delivery, with et al. (2019), in addition to a financial benefit to
written explanations of the telehealth format patients by eliminating the need to pay for transport,
included, for example inserting slides indicating or fuel and car parking, as previously identified by
when microphones would be muted to allow better Wilson and Wells (2009).
sound quality during the session. As previous We are mindful that not all patients will have access
studies have also identified we recognised that some to equipment that will enable them to access tele-
of our patients using video calls for the first time health sessions, either due to personal preference or
may need support in accessing the telehealth platform. financial reasons (‘digital poverty’). Depending on
However due to the restrictions imposed by the pan- the lockdown restrictions that clinics and patients
demic we did not have the option of providing this are working within, some patients may be able to
support in person (Burns et al., 2019; Pitt et al., use equipment loaned by friends or family. There is
2019) and instead wrote detailed support sheets on a need to ensure that patients are not prevented
how to access the video call platforms that were sent from accessing rehabilitation if they are not able to
to the patients with their invitation to the telehealth participate in telehealth sessions. Face-to-face
appointment (Appendices 1 & 2). Pitt et al. (2019) appointments could continue for these patients, or
provided patients with the technology necessary (com- measures taken for the clinic to provide the necessary
puter, webcam, WiFi Hotspot, etc.) to access tele- equipment and support to people in their homes, to
health appointments to patients who did not have ensure equitable service delivery.
their own, which we are not able to do due to lack This record of our rapid roll-out of telehealth reha-
of funding. We are aware that poor access to technol- bilitation for adults at a CI service has some limit-
ogy and lack of technological ability are precluding ations. As the service is new, we have experience
factors to some of our patients being able to access tel- with only a small number of clients. This work has
ehealth appointments and that for those patients, face demonstrated that currently available platforms can
to face sessions at the department will continue to be enable successful rehabilitation for patients with
necessary. Although Pitt et al. (2019) had good out- severe-profound hearing impairment. These encoura-
comes with group intervention via telehealth appoint- ging findings indicate that CI rehabilitation services
ments, to date we have found that individual sessions for adults can be developed in parallel with remote
are more reliably successful with the telehealth plat- programming (Cullington et al., 2018; Kuzovkov
forms we use with our patients. et al., 2014; Ramos et al., 2009; Schepers et al.,
Measures to slow the spread of Covid-19 have 2019). More studies are needed to report outcomes
included the need to wear PPE and to socially dis- for larger patient populations, and to validate tele-
tance, both of which impact on the successful delivery health rehabilitation in comparison to traditional
of face to face clinical sessions to people with severe to face-to-face service delivery. Also, the technology
profound hearing impairment. Establishing a tele- available for telehealth is likely to evolve rapidly,
health service for adult rehabilitation has ensured and so the selection of platforms is a process that
continuity of care for our CI patients. By considering may need to be regularly reviewed.
the security, accessibility and functionality of the Whilst telehealth is not new, its use since the onset
available platforms, we delivered successful sessions, of the Covid-19 pandemic has increased considerably
despite our clients being severe-to-profoundly deaf around the world. It is possible that telehealth plat-
hearing aid users, or recently implanted CI users forms will continue to evolve and improve and meet
beginning to adjust to the sound provided. the needs of this client group better. Our own use of
Some advantages to telehealth sessions as perceived telehealth has evolved since March 2020 and we
by the patients were predictable and will reach beyond have changed our service delivery to reflect this (see
the lifespan of the pandemic. Similar to Hughes Table 3). It is our aim to reintroduce group sessions
et al.’s (2012) findings, travel time for the patient is at LFLC when Covid guidelines allow this.
eliminated as acknowledged in P1’s feedback: ‘It To our knowledge, this is the first report that pro-
saved us about 3 hours travelling time’. Being a vides information on the implementation and initial
regional service, the travel time in addition to the results of a telehealth service for CI rehabilitation

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Table 3 Appointments offered by the adult rehabilitation team post March 2020 (onset of Covid restrictions)

Stage in Usual delivery

pathway Session type method Session location

Pre-implant Initial assessment session Individual Hospital site

Information session Individual Hospital site or remote (patient
Baselines (goal setting) session Individual Hospital site or remote (patient
Post-implant Switch on session 1 Individual Hospital site
Switch on session 2 Individual Hospital site
6 week follow up Individual Hospital site
12 week follow up Individual Hospital site
Personalised rehabilitation sessions Individual Remote
Phone group (if appropriate) Group Remote
Music group (if appropriate) Group Remote
Conversation practice for older adults (if Group Not currently offered
Improving communication group (if Group Not currently offered
CI User support groups Group Not currently offered

for adults. This study adds to the existing knowledge Jillian J. Ridgwell is a Principal Speech & Language
base for online speech and language therapy by Therapist at the Yorkshire Auditory Implant
describing how adults with severe to profound Service. She specialises in hearing impairment and
hearing loss can be supported to access telehealth cochlear implant rehabilitation.
appointments if appropriate adjustments are made
such as providing detailed written information and
adapting session content and delivery. The framework References
we developed to assess potential telehealth appli- Burns, C.L., Ward, E.C., Gray, A., Baker, L., Cowie, B., Winter, N.,
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Service. She has a background in acquired communi- Laryngologica, 134(7): 709–716. doi:10.3109/00016489.2014.
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Meyer, C.J., Koh, S.S.H., Hill, A. 2019. Hear-communicate-
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Catherine F. Killan is a Research Associate at the 1471301219850703.
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working in health and care organisations [online] 8th June
Scientist in Audiology with a background in cochlear 2020. Available from:
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8 Cochlear Implants International 2021

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Cochlear Implants International 2021 9

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