Assignment (Chemistry)

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I Explain how the periodic table was developed.


The periodic table was developed in an attempt to put all the known elements into a sensible
arrangement. The periodic table of elements that we know today was developed by Dmitri
Mendeleev. At first, he arranged the elements in order of increasing relative atomic mass. When
he was doing this, he noticed a pattern in the chemical/physical properties of the elements called
periodic trend. He then rearranged the periodic table by grouping elements with similar properties
below each other, leaving gaps for elements that are yet to be discovered

II Examine a clear pattern that emerges in the electronic configuration of the elements in Group 1A
alkali metals and Group 2A alkaline earth metals.
Alkali metals has less electron than Group 2A it has 1 less electron.
Example Li has a 3 electron, and the Beryllium has 4 electrons.

As for the electron configuration. The electron increase downside and it decrease
upside. As for alkali metals the lowest electron is Lithium and the largest is
Francium. And as for Alkaline earth Metals lowest electron is Beryllium and largest
is Radium.

III Distinguish the groups of elements in the periodic table by using color coding.
The color-coding
helps you to
identify which
group of
elements they
belong to for,
instance, the
metalloids, and
non-metals, don’t
fall neatly in the
same column

IV Give examples of cations, anions and atom that are isoelectronic and provide its ground state
electronic configuration.
sodium (Na+), Iron (Fe2+), and Lead (Pb2+)

(O2-), sulfide (S2-), fluoride (F-), chloride (Cl-), bromide (Br-), iodide (I-), nitride (N3-) and
hydride (H-)

Isoelectric and it’s electronic configuration:

𝐾 + 𝐶𝑎2+ 𝐶𝑙 − 𝑆 2− 𝑃3− 𝐴𝑟 = 1𝑠 2 2𝑠 2 2𝑝6 3𝑠 2 3𝑝6

V In the first-row transition metals (Sc to Cu), the 4s orbital is always filled before the 3d orbitals.
Determine the electron configuration of manganese ion.
1𝑠 2 2𝑠 2 2𝑝2 3𝑠 2 3𝑝6 3𝑑5 4𝑠 2

VI Illustrate how electrons in an atom shield one another.



It occurs when the inner shielding electrons shield the

outer valence electrons from the full attraction of the

VII Show the atomic radius of many representative elements and noble gases according to their
positions in the periodic table.
As we progress down the group of elements, the atomic radius increases. The variety of energy
levels will increase as we move down a group of the elements as the number of electrons
increases. Every resultant energy level is far from the nucleus. Therefore, the atomic radius
increases as the group, and its energy levels increase.

But as we progress across it, the atomic radius decreases. As we go over a period, electrons are
included to the same vitality level. And at the same time, protons are being added to the nucleus.
The concentration of the protons within the nucleus makes a higher effective nuclear charge. In
other words, there’s a stronger force pulling the electrons closer to the nucleus, and as a result,
it has a smaller atomic radius.

Trends in atomic size measure result from differences with the successful nuclear charges
(𝑍𝑒𝑓𝑓 ) experienced by electrons within the outermost orbitals of the elements. For all the
elements except hydrogen, the effective nuclear charge is continuously less than the actual
atomic charge because of its shielding effects. The more prominent the nuclear charge, the more
the outermost electrons strongly get attracted to the nucleus, and the smaller the atomic radius.
VIII Show the changes in size that result when alkali metals are converted to cations and halogens
are converted to anions and interpret.
The alkali metals are all shiny, soft, highly reactive metals at standard temperature and pressure
and readily lose their outermost electron to form cations with charge +1. They can all be cut
easily with a knife due to their softness, exposing a shiny surface that tarnishes rapidly in air due
to oxidation by atmospheric moisture and oxygen (and in the case of lithium, nitrogen). Because
of their high reactivity, they must be stored under oil to prevent reaction with air, and are found
naturally only in salts and never as the free elements. Caesium, the fifth alkali metal, is the most
reactive of all the metals. All the alkali metals react with water, with the heavier alkali metals
reacting more vigorously than the lighter ones.

When several reaction variables may be changed, it is important to isolate the effects of each
during the course of study. In other words: only one variable should be changed at a time, the
others being held as constant as possible. For example, we can examine the effect of changing
the halogen substituent from Cl to Br to I, using ethyl as a common R–group, cyanide anion as a
common nucleophile, and ethanol as a common solvent. We would find a common substitution
product, C2H5–CN, in all cases, but the speed or rate of the reaction would increase in the
order: Cl < Br < I.

IX Illustrate the changes in the sizes of Li and F when they react to form LiF.

This picture shows how Lithium and Fluoride are held together through an ionic bond.
Note that non-metal is not written as fluorine, but rather has an “ide” suffix.

The atomic number represents the number of protons which will be found within the nucleus of
an atom. Now, Li has an atomic number of 3 and F has 9, therefore, F has a lot of protons than
Atoms that share a period have their outer electrons located on the second energy level. From
the image above (ionic bond), it states that the outer electrons from Li and F are located on the
same energy level. If one has more protons, it'll attract the electrons more. Therefore, fluoride
will attract more since it has 9 protons.

As a result, the atomic size of the fluoride will be smaller than lithium, or in different words,
lithium will have a larger atomic radius than the fluoride.

End of Assignment No 3

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