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Presented by :-
Jagannatha Mishra
● What is Social ?
● What is Media ?
● What is Social Media ?
● Popular Social Sites
● Positive Impacts
● Negative Impacts
● # Tags
● Conclusion
● The term social refers characteristics of all
living organisms as applied to humans
and other animals.
● It always refers to interaction with other
organisms irrespective of whether
interaction is voluntary or involuntary.
● Media can be defined as technologies
that are intended to reach a large
audience by mass communication.
● Media is that which reflects our society.
Classification of media...
● Broadcast media like radio.
● Print media like newspapers,
books and magazines.
● Digital media such as mobile,
pager etc..
● Internet media or social media
such as e-mail, website, blogs
What is Social Media ??
● Social media is the interaction
among the people in which
they share and exchange
information & idea in virtual
community and network.
● It is the future of communication, a countless
array of Internet based tools & platforms that
increase & enhance the sharing of
Popular social sites…
● Facebook
● Twitter
● LinkedIn
● Google+
● YouTube
● Instagram
● WhatsApp etc…
Positive Impacts...
● On the Internet, you can use social
networking sites such as Facebook, twitter
● On these websites you can talk to your
friends and people you haven't seen in a
long time interval.
● This has a positive impacts on society
because you can communicate to a wider
range of people over Internet.
Personal Security
When you are searching online, you have
some form of internal security which should
protect you from hackers, thief's and from
viruses etc..
Health : Positive...
● Using the Internet you can find out what
you have wrong with you and you can get
diagnosed by someone who lives many
miles away from you without travelling.
● Also if the symptoms are correct, It allows
you to know quicker so you would be able
to act against the illness quicker.
Business :Positive..
● To produce a profit also some companies
advertise their products on other websites
to increase the interest in their products.
● This is good because it lets people know
which shop is selling what before they
travel there or can purchase the product
Business : Positive..
● Using the Internet some worldwide
companies can produce large amounts
of profit. For example, Tesco & amazon
● This is the better way to make their
company more known.
Students : Positive…
● By means of ICT students get another option
to study and get qualifications in it.
● Also makes it easier for students to research
what needs to be searched also students can
save their work onto the system and do their
class work on the computers.
● Also it can make it so students can share
their work to themselves so they can improve
it at home.
Negative Impacts…
● We know that however mirror is transparent
or clean but it's other side is always dark.
● Let's take a look on the negative side of
social media…
Personal Security :
● The negative on the security is, there are
some hackers able to break through and
steal data such as your credit card details,
they can also commit fraud and pretend to be
you which will ultimately destroy your
business and reputation.
Health :Negative…
● Also the doctors online may diagnose you
wrong because they aren't seeing you in
● Also if you are on a computer all day then it
will affect your health because you are not
getting any exercise and it may cause some
other health hazards also.
Business : Negative…
● The negative side of the ICT in business is
that it makes it difficult for the new companies
to succeed due to big companies such as
amazon being well known online websites.
● People would more likely visit their websites
over new companies websites or stores and
because of this newer companies go into
bankruptcy before they have barely even
started to sell their products to the general
Students : Negative...
● The negative impact from ICT on students is
that the work that students save on it might
be deleted by a system error.
● Also they could have received the wrong
information from the research they did
because they used the wrong websites.
Some # Tags…
We always use # Tags to define something
or someone. It's just a trend. So here are
● #Connection
● #Collection
● #SenceOfCommunity
● #Engagement
● #BestFriend
● The final conclusion is that social media just
like a HALF GLASS of water.
● It depends upon you WHAT YOU SEE..?

In other words it's

just a matter of choice
that how we use it.

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