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Roll Serial No.

No. Q. C. A. B.

≤¡ÈJ …ÂX‡R π› ‚¢zW : 54 ] [ ≤¡ÈJ ÆÂÈÈåXΔ …ÂÏ¡π› ‚¢zW : 16

Total No. of Questions : 54 ] [ Total No. of Printed Pages : 16

‚¢xËΔ ‚¢zW : ê·ÂŒÈ : åZãËŒÈ ü˘Ê· — ߢÇY·˜Ô
Code No. : 31-E Subject : Second Language — ENGLISH

å»Ê¢∑ : 09. 04. 2014 ] [ Date : 09. 04. 2014

‚ÂÆÈ ŒÈ : üúπB 9-30 ࢫ ÆÂÈ«˘ÊW„ÂR 12-15 ¬ÂÕ¬π ] [ Time : 9-30 A.M. to 12-15 P.M.

…Â¬Æ Â ÕÂå˘ •¢∑π›È : 100

 ⁄ ] [ Max. Marks : 100


Q. Q. Q. Q. Q.
No. Marks No. Marks No. Marks No. Marks No. Marks

1. 14. 27. 40. 53.

2. 15. 28. 41. 54.

3. 16. 29. 42. ×

4. 17. 30. 43. ×

5. 18. 31. 44. ×

6. 19. 32. 45. ×

7. 20. 33. 46. ×

8. 21. 34. 47. ×

9. 22. 35. 48. ×

10. 23. 36. 49. ×

11. 24. 37. 50. ×

12. 25. 38. 51. ×

13. 26. 39. 52. ×

T ota l Ma rk s

Total Marks in words Grand Total

1. ✓
2. ✓ ✓ ✓
Signature of Evaluators Registration No. Signature of the Signature of the Room
Deputy Chief Invigilator

1812130 [ Turn over

31-E 2

General Instructions :
i) The Question-cum-Answer Booklet consists of objective and subjective types of
questions having 54 questions.
ii) Space has been provided against each objective type question. You have to
choose the correct choice and write the complete answer along with its
alphabet in the space provided.
iii) For subjective type questions enough space for each question has been
provided. You have to answer the questions in the space.
iv) Follow the instructions given against both the objective and subjective types of
v) Candidate should not write the answer with pencil. Answers written in pencil
will not be evaluated. ( Except Graphs, Diagrams & Maps )
vi) In case of Multiple Choice, Fill in the blanks and Matching questions,
scratching / rewriting / marking is not permitted, thereby rendering to
disqualification for evaluation.
vii) Candidates have extra 15 minutes for reading the question paper.

I. Four alternatives are given for each of the following questions / incomplete
statements. Only one of them is correct or most appropriate. Choose the correct
alternative and write the complete answer along with its alphabet in the space
provided against each question. 15 × 1 = 15

1. Andy would have paid eleven pence postage immediately if

(A) the post master had given him three letters

(B) Mr. Durfy had asked him to pay eleven pence postage

(C) Andy had sufficient money

(D) the post master had not called him and his master a goose.

Ans. :
2. “Vikram Sarabhai read about achievements of great scientists.” This shows that

(A) he did not like to waste time

(B) he was fond of books

(C) he had great interest in science

(D) his father asked him to study about scientists.

Ans. :

3 31-E

3. Chandrashekar calls Rahul Dravid the finest batsman because

(A) he used to score at least ninety runs in every match
(B) he is a very good batsman
(C) he scores more runs in a short time
(D) he is technically sound and highly dependable.

Ans. :
4. According to the author, the best sign of civilization is to

(A) work together (B) work together for the common good

(C) work for others (D) work selflessly.

Ans. :
5. What kind of a girl was Daksha ?

(A) Innocent (B) Ignorant

(C) Wise (D) Foolish.

Ans. :
6. When were the intellectuals in the king’s court stunned ?

(A) Daksha solved Mahapanditji’s problem

(B) She came forward to solve Mahapanditji’s problem

(C) She selected the king as her prize

(D) She was declared the wisest in the kingdom.

Ans. :
7. The poet compares the beggar-maid to a

(A) moon in the clouded skies (B) moon about to rise

(C) moon in clear skies (D) moon on fullmoon day.

Ans. :
8. “What harm is there if thy clothes become tattered and stained ?”

The words ‘tattered’ and ‘stained’ symbolize

(A) tilling the ground (B) torn clothes

(C) cutting stones (D) hard work.

Ans. :

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9. What did the Lord of Tartary want trumpeters to do ?

(A) To announce his arrival (B) To put him to sleep
(C) To summon him to meal (D) To call his courtiers.

Ans. :
10. What did the neighbours advise the miser ?
(A) “Don’t feel sorry for the lost treasure.”
(B) “Come to the hole and look at it everyday.”
(C) “It is better to spend the treasure for the good of others.”
(D) “Don’t keep your treasure in the hole.”

Ans. :
11. Fasting is good for health. The word ‘fasting’ is
(A) a verb (B) an adjective
(C) a noun (D) an adverb.

Ans. :
12. One word for, a person who has been appointed or selected to attend a
conference is a/an
(A) ambassador (B) messenger
(C) professor (D) delegate.

Ans. :
13. The word that takes the prefix ‘im’ is
(A) important (B) possible
(C) active (D) pleasant.

Ans. :
14. “I won the Lion Fort but lost my Lion.”
The figure of speech in the above line is
(A) metaphor (B) personification
(C) alliteration (D) simile.

Ans. :
15. ……………… you know English ?
The correct auxiliary verb to be filled in the blank is
(A) Do (B) Have
(C) Has (D) Does.

Ans. :

5 31-E

II. Fill in the blanks : 5× 1=5

16. Fill in the blank with the suitable preposition :

Mr. Ramesh usually comes to office ………………… bus.


17. Fill in the blank with the appropriate conjunction :

Nanjappa is poor …………………… happy and contented.


18. Fill in the blank with the appropriate article :

Prof. Thomas is …………………… European.


19. Fill in the blank with the correct tense form of the verb given in brackets :

Mr. Gowda ………………… ( be + award ) Ph.D. by Mysore University in 2012.


20. Fill in the blank with the correct form of the word given in brackets :

Anil Kumble is non …………………… ( controversy ) bowler.

III. 21. Match the words in List-A with their meanings in List-B. Write the correct
answer in the space provided : 5× 1=5
List-A List-B
(a) delight (i) to visit a place often
(b) haunt (ii) strong
(c) oath (iii) weak
(d) feeble (iv) joy
(e) brisk (v) believe
(vi) follow
(vii) quick and active
(viii) a solemn promise.

Ans. : a) b)

c) d)


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IV. Answer the following questions in two or three sentences each : 10 × 2 = 20

22. How can you say that, Narendranath as a student, was an all rounder ?





23. Why does Nehru call Europeans worst and savages ?





24. Why did Gandhiji repose confidence in Sarojini Naidu ?





25. How did Daksha solve the problem of hatching boiled eggs ?





26. How did the lords of the court describe the beggar-maid ?





7 31-E

27. What does Rabindranath Tagore advise the devotees to do ?





28. What does Walter de la Mare say about the Lord of Tartary’s bed and throne ?





29. When did Bhima come to know that the monkey might be a Yaksha or
Gandharva ?





30. Why was Gandhiji asked to pay a fine of one or two annas ?





31. How did the Duchess get her food when she was on strike ?





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31-E 8

V. Read the following extracts and answer the questions that follow : 5 × 3 = 15

32. “Many thought that he would not be successful as the Chairman.”

a) Who did they think about ?



b) Why did they think so ?



c) How did he prove that they were wrong ?


33. “I didn’t know anything about the cobra.”
a) What was the speaker doing when the cobra came there ?
b) When did the speaker say so ?
c) What does it show about the speaker ?
34. “It is a very difficult question to answer.”
a) What question was it an answer to ?
b) Why did the speaker feel that it was not easy to answer the question ?

c) What answer did he give at last ?



9 31-E

35. “I am proud, I did it.”

a) Who is the ‘I’ ?


b) What did the speaker do ?



c) What does this act show about the speaker ?



36. “This was his only pleasure.”

a) Whose pleasure was this ?



b) What was his pleasure ?



c) When did he lose his pleasure ?


VI. Quote from memory : 4

37. God moves in a ………………………………………………………………… ,

…………………………………………………………………………… perform ;

He ………………………………………………………………………………… ,

……………………………………………………………………………… storm.

Judge …………………………………………………………………………… ,

……………………………………………………………………………… grace.


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Sweet little red feet, ………………………………………………………………

………………………………………………………………………………… why ?

You lived ……………………………………………………………………………

…………………………………………………………………………… with me ?

I kissed ………………………………………………………………………………

………………………………………………………………………… green trees ?

VII. Answer the following questions in five or six sentences each : 2× 4=8
38. What makes you think that Andy was a simpleton ?


Narrate briefly about Kalpana’s education in India and abroad.












39. Describe Lankesh’s mother as narrated in the poem ‘Mother’.


What does Gabriel Okara say about the people of once upon a time and people
of modern days ?




11 31-E








VIII. Rewrite as directed :
40. Add a suitable question tag to the following statement : 1
Students will answer the questions correctly.

41. Change into passive voice : 1

The teacher does not waste time.

42. Write the other degrees of the following : 2

Milk is the best food for children.



43. Change into indirect speech : 2

Suresh said to his wife, “Did you give pocket money to your son ?”

44. Use the following word first as verb and then as adverb in meaningful
sentences : 2

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31-E 12

45. Point out the difference in meaning between the following pair of words using
them in meaningful sentences : 2

break, brake



46. Combine the following sentences using first as ‘t o o ’ and then as,
‘so … that … not’ : 2

It is very cold. I cannot go out without wearing warm clothes.



IX. 47. Write two paragraphs on any one of the following topics : 5

a) Importance of National festivals

b) Computers

c) Water pollution.












13 31-E















X. 48. Imagine that you are Bharati / Shankar, No. 39, Durgadbail, Hubli.

Write a letter to your friend requesting him / her to attend your brother’s
marriage. Use the clues given below : 5
Welfare — brother’s marriage — 24th April — in a community hall at
Deshpande Nagar — bride a teacher — no dowry — comes from a poor family-
accept no gifts — invitees 200 — come two days before.
Assume that you are Chenne Gowda, a progressive farmer living at Hebbal.
Write an application to the Manager, State Bank of Mysore, Arakalgudu,
requesting him to grant loan. Use the clues given below :
Ten acres of land — close to the river — a tractor — a bullock cart and ten
cows — convert dry land into a garden — grow coconut and areca plants —
level three acres of land — estimated cost 5 lakhs — repayment in five years —
clear title of the land — request for the loan.



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XI. Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions that follow :

Every year we celebrate Mahatma Gandhi Jayanti on October 2 with great devotion.
It is on the same day, thirty five years after the birth of Mahatma Gandhi, another
great son of India, was born. Lal Bahadur was born on October 2, 1904 in an
ordinary family known to be Kayasth family at Mughalsarai in Uttar Pradesh state,
the heart of Hindustan. His father Sharada Prasad was a school teacher. For some
years he worked in Revenue department which was fmous for corruption. But
Sharada Prasad who believed in simplicity and honesty never accepted any bribe. Lal
Bahadur’s mother, Ram Dulari, was a noble lady, devoted to her family.

15 31-E

Lal Bahadur’s childhood was spent in want and great poverty. He lost his father while
he was just eighteen months old. His mother moved with him and his two sisters to
her father’s house seeking shelter. But to her bad luck, though her father was a
compassionate man, he too passed away leaving the family in distress. However, her
brothers looked after their sister and her children very well. Lal Bahadur’s life, thus
was not a bed of roses. Lal Bahadur started his school career in Mughalsarai where
he spent eight years. He was known in the family as well as outside, Nanhe, meaning
the little one. He was called by other name also — Gangaputra which meant son of
the Ganga.

His school career was full of joy. His schoolmates were very friendly towards him.
Nobody including elderly students did harass him any time. They were all together.

49. What kind of a lady was Lal Bahadur’s mother ? 1


50. What made Ram Dulari go to her father’s house with her children ? 1


51. How did his schoolmates look upon Lal Bahadur ? 1


52. How can you say that Lal Bahadur’s father was honest ? 1


53. What is the importance of 2nd October ? 1


54. What were the other names of Lal Bahadur ? 1



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