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Construction and Building Materials xxx (2018) xxx–xxx

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Further evidence of interfacial adhesive bond strength enhancement

through fiber reinforcement in repairs
Cristina Zanotti a,⇑, Giulia Rostagno b, Brian Tingley a
Department of Civil Engineering, University of British Columbia, 6250 Applied Science Lane, Vancouver, BC V6T 1Z4, Canada
Department of Civil, Architectural, Environmental, Land Planning Engineering and Mathematics (DICATAM), University of Brescia, via Branze 43, 25123 Brescia, Italy

h i g h l i g h t s g r a p h i c a l a b s t r a c t

 Adding steel or PVA fibers to a repair

increases cohesive bond to the
 With 0.5% & 1% fiber volume
fractions, cohesion strength is
increased of up to 100%.
 Fibers’ enhancement of substrate-
repair bond requires proper interface

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: While intensive structural and non-structural repair is required worldwide to compensate the current
Received 3 March 2017 infrastructure deficit, repair effectiveness is jeopardized by poor durability, compatibility, and bond.
Received in revised form 13 September Benefits of fiber reinforcement in concrete repairs are remarkable as durability is enhanced and the effect
of poor compatibility can be mitigated. Furthermore, fibers’ potential to improve concrete-concrete bond,
Accepted 21 December 2017
Available online xxxx
a crucial property in repair applications, has been demonstrated. Only a few studies, however, are avail-
able on the effect of fibers on substrate-repair bond and additional analysis form different bond tests,
fiber reinforcements, and substrate treatments are required to fully utilize such benefits in repair appli-
Concrete repair
Substrate-repair bond In this study, substrate-repair shear bond strength in fiber reinforced repair mortars is investigated.
Adhesion strength Based on previous encouraging results on 8 mm long Poly-Vinyl-Alcohol (PVA) fibers, PVA fibers with dif-
Cohesion ferent lengths (8 and 12 mm) and 13 mm long steel fibers are compared. Two fiber volume fractions, equal
Fiber reinforced concrete to 0.5% and 1% are applied beyond the control condition (plain mortar). While results currently available
Surface roughness are focused on roughened substrates, sandblasted substrates and substrates left as-cast are considered in
these experiments. Substrate-repair bond strength is assessed through Modified Slant Shear Cylinder
(MSSC) test with different bond plane inclinations, corresponding to different normal-shear stress ratios.
Adhesion strength and friction coefficient, two parameters inherently characterizing substrate-repair
bond, are assessed. The bond enhancing mechanisms offered by the different types of fibers and their cor-
relation to surface treatment are discussed. Variations of indirectly determined coefficients are statisti-
cally validated through a permutation technique applied to the 170 samples tested overall.
Ó 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

⇑ Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (C. Zanotti).
0950-0618/Ó 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Please cite this article in press as: C. Zanotti et al., Further evidence of interfacial adhesive bond strength enhancement through fiber reinforcement in
repairs, Constr. Build. Mater. (2018),
2 C. Zanotti et al. / Construction and Building Materials xxx (2018) xxx–xxx

1. Introduction sented a study where interfacial bond was tested with a Modified
Slant Shear Cylinder (MSSC) test under different combinations of
Several countries are facing a remarkable infrastructure deficit, shear and compressive stresses and cohesion and friction coeffi-
requiring extensive budget investment for maintenance, repair, cients were extrapolated based on the Mohr-Coulomb approach.
rehabilitation, and retrofit. Lack of durability has not only been The research demonstrated that 8 mm PVA fibers enhance shear
observed in concrete infrastructure, but also in repair interventions bond strength and adhesion in sandblasted interfaces [14]; along-
affected by substrate-repair debonding and poor compatibility, side, additional questions were raised: what would be the effect of
which intensify repair vulnerability to environmental attack and different fiber reinforcements? To what extent may sandblasting
internal chemo-physical deteriorative processes [1,2]. Fiber rein- affect the adhesive shear bond amelioration conferred by fibers?
forcement represents a viable way to enhance concrete durability. A new study is presented where the same testing technique
Fibers can improve crack growth, impact and fatigue resistance adopted in [14], based on MSSC test, Mohr-Coulomb approach,
[3,4], control permeability under stress [5], and reduce bleeding and statistical validation through permutation analysis, was
[6], as well as shrinkage and thermal cracking [7–9]. Sporadic stud- applied to compare the effects of three types of fibers, namely: 8
ies have shown that also substrate-repair bond is improved by the mm long Poly-Vinyl-Alcohol (PVA) fibers, 12 mm long PVA fibers,
addition of fiber reinforcement to the repair material [10–14]. and 13 mm long steel fibers. The effect of PVA fiber length was
With substrate-repair interface representing the weakest link of assessed by comparing 8 mm and 12 mm long fibers. Steel fibers
repair systems, the ability of fibers to enhance not only mechanical with similar length (13 mm) were also considered. Steel fibers
properties and durability, but also interfacial bond, has generated and PVA fibers have rather different mechanical, physical, and
increasing interest in their implementation for repair applications. chemical properties as well as different adhesion characteristics
Banthia and Dubeau [10] tested the tensile bond between con- to the cement matrix. Therefore, different substrate-repair bond
crete and cement-based composites reinforced with carbon and strengths and different substrate-repair slip resisting mechanisms
steel micro-fibers, to assess their suitability as thin repairs. The can be expected. Beyond the plain mortar as control condition, 0.5%
authors performed closed-loop tensile tests on the interface and and 1% fiber volume fractions were employed.
observed adhesion enhancement from 0.8 MPa (plain repair) up Each repair mortar was applied on two types of surfaces, that is,
to 1.4 MPa when a 3% volume fraction of steel fibers was added sandblasted substrates and substrates left as cast (smooth inter-
to the mortar matrix. Lim and Li [11] studied the bond between face). While there are several studies available on the effect of
concrete substrates and overlays made with Engineered Cementi- sandblasting on substrate-repair bond (such as [17–22] among
tious Composites (ECC); bending tests were performed, which others), their comparison within this context demonstrated the
resulted in a combined state of shear and tension at the interface. key-role played by substrate treatment in activating the shear
Higher bond strength was observed when ECC was employed, bond enhancing mechanisms offered by fibers.
compared to other cementitious overlays; the improvement was
attributed to the development of a crack trapping mechanism that 2. Materials and methods
arrested crack growth in ECC when the interfacial crack was devi-
ated (kinked [11,15]) out of the bond plane. Zanotti et al. [12] 2.1. Materials
tested the crack growth resistance of sandblasted interfaces in
Mode-I (pure tension) and found that the addition of 8 mm Poly- In order to maximize compatibility and consistently with the
Vinyl-Alcohol (PVA) fibers to the repair mortar enhanced interfa- previous investigation on 8 mm PVA fibers and sandblasted inter-
cial crack nucleation and resistance to growth. Micro-crack devia- faces [14], the mix proportions shown in Table 1 were adopted. The
tion outside the interface was observed and the interfacial crack effects of the following three types of fiber reinforcement were
improvement was attributed to crack blunting as well as reduced compared: Poly-Vinyl-Alcohol (PVA) fibers with two different
shrinkage and operational damage. Wagner et al. [13] performed lengths (8 mm and 12 mm) and 13 mm long steel fibers. Technical
mechanical characterization of interfaces between concrete sub- information on PVA and steel fibers is provided in Table 2.
grade and strain hardening cementitious repair layers reinforced
with 8 mm PVA fibers. The authors tested the interfaces in closed 2.2. Test set-up
loop under wedge splitting and various combinations of shear
and tensile stresses. In the wedge splitting test (tension), it was The slant shear test consists of applying a compressive load to a
found that PVA fibers were effective only when surface roughness cylinder where repair material and substrate are bonded together
and bond strength were sufficiently high to allow crack formation at a standard 30° inclination [23] (Fig. 1a), resulting in a combination
in the fiber reinforced concrete. For combined shear and tension, of shear and normal stresses along the substrate-repair interface
conclusive result discussion was referred to ensuing inverse analy- (Fig. 1b). Compared to the standard slant shear test, a modified ver-
sis. In this regard, Sajdlová and Kabele [16] have recently offered sion previously developed was adopted in this study [24]. This exact
novel insights on the stability of Mode II crack propagation same testing procedure was adopted in [14], so that the previous
between two or more layers of materials with variable composition results obtained with 8 mm PVA fibers on sandblasted interfaces
and microstructure. can be compared. The main features of the test are summarized here-
It is evident that, while the studies presented above highlighted after, while more details are provided in [24]. Three different bond
that fiber reinforcement can enhance interfacial adhesive bond, plane inclinations, a, equal to 30°, 25°, and 20° were applied
knowledge gaps remain and additional studies comparing different (Fig. 1c and d) rather than the standard 30° angle only [23]. The cylin-
fiber reinforcements, repair matrices, and substrate treatments, as der diameters were varied to keep similar interfacial areas and min-
well as different interfacial stresses and repair size, are required imize size effects as the slant angle, a, changes. The distance
before the repair sector can comprehensively master the bond between the edges of the cylinder and the bond plane was kept equal
advantages offered by fibers. to the diameter to minimize the effect of loading plate-cylinder fric-
In particular, the results available focus on interfaces subjected tional stresses on the substrate-repair interfacial stresses.
to tension (pure or combined to shear), while the effect of fiber Substrate-repair interfacial shear stresses are given by:
reinforcement on shear bond strength and correlated adhesive
shear bond remains mostly unknown. Zanotti et al. [14,17] pre- sn ¼ r0 sinð2aÞ ð1Þ

Please cite this article in press as: C. Zanotti et al., Further evidence of interfacial adhesive bond strength enhancement through fiber reinforcement in
repairs, Constr. Build. Mater. (2018),
C. Zanotti et al. / Construction and Building Materials xxx (2018) xxx–xxx 3

Table 1
Mix Proportions: ratio to cement content [/c], content per unit volume [kg/m3], and volume fraction of fibers (Vf).

Cement Fly ash Sand 10 mm Aggregate Water Fibers (Vf)

3 3 3 3 3
/c kg/m /c kg/m /c kg/m /c kg/m /c kg/m
Substrate 1 840 0.25 210 2 1680 0.48 400 0.5 420 –
Repair 1 840 0.25 210 2 1680 – – 0.5 420 0%, 0.5%, 1%

Table 2
Technical properties of the fibers employed.

Type of fiber Diameter [mm] Cut length [mm] Tensile strength [MPa] Young’s modulus [GPa] Specific gravity [–]
8 mm PVA 0.04 8 1600 40 1.3
12 mm PVA 0.10 12 1100 28 1.3
13 mm steel 0.20 13 2160 210 7.85

Fig. 1. Slant shear bond test (a), stresses developed at the interface (b), and geometry of cylinders employed in this study (c–e) [All dimensions in mm].

rn ¼ r0 sin2 a ð2Þ of 1 min and up to 2 min depending on when the aggregate would
be visible on the substrate surface. In order to avoid oil spreading
where sn is the shear stress acting parallel to the bond plane, ro is over the contact surface, the concrete was positioned into pre-oiled
the applied axial stress that produced failure along the bond plane, molds. Finally, the new mortar was poured on substrates in opti-
and rn is the normal stress acting perpendicular to the bond plane. mum Saturated Surface Dry (SSD) condition [20] and eventually
A Mohr-Coulomb approach is commonly accepted to character- cured as for plain concrete. Overall, two surface conditions and
ize shear bond strength as a function of normal interfacial stresses seven repair mortars were considered. Twelve specimens (four
and fundamental interfacial properties [22,25]. This approach is replicates for each of the three slant angles) were tested for each
also adopted by design codes [26,27]: of the fourteen combinations of repair mortar and surface treat-
sn ¼ c þ rn tanðUÞ ð3Þ ment. Bond tests were supported by standard compressive test
on cylinders [28].
where c is the adhesion strength (or cohesion) and U is the internal
angle of friction.
3. Results
2.3. Specimen and test preparation
3.1. Failure modes
Concrete substrate was cast first. Pre-formed molds were
All slant shear cylinders exhibited a bond failure; however, in
adopted to cast only half of the final specimen. Samples were cov-
few of the sandblasted cylinders (6 of the 85 sandblasted cylinders
ered with plastic sheets soon after casting, demolded 24 h later,
and cured in standard conditions in a moist/temperature con- Table 3
trolled room. Afterwards, the concrete halves were allowed to Percent product passing ASTM E11 [28] sieves for the two grades of glass abrasive
dry for 24 h; for half of the specimens, the contact surfaces were used for sandblasting.
sandblasted, while for the other half, surfaces were left as cast Sieve Size [mm] GA 30–60 GA 50–100
before being cleaned from dust and put back in the molds. Sand-
0.85 99.9% –
blasting was operated with a pressure washer at 4000 PSI (27.6 0.6 99.7% –
MPa). A commercially available glass abrasive product with less 0.425 63.6% 99.8%
than 1% silica content was used. A 50%-50% combination of two 0.3 15.9% 98%
size ranges (Table 3) was employed. The nozzle was held at a dis- 0.212 3.6% 63.2%
0.15 0.2% 19.7%
tance of 10–20 cm from each surface portion for a minimum time

Please cite this article in press as: C. Zanotti et al., Further evidence of interfacial adhesive bond strength enhancement through fiber reinforcement in
repairs, Constr. Build. Mater. (2018),
4 C. Zanotti et al. / Construction and Building Materials xxx (2018) xxx–xxx

tested), partial material and bond failure was observed; this was of steel fibers in the repair enhances bond strength (higher than
associated with cracks propagating from a different area of the the one of the plain repair mortar), one will notice that mortars
specimen and eventually reaching the interface in mixed bond- with Vf = 0.5% exhibit higher bond strength than the ones with
material failure. The fact that mixed bond-material failure was Vf = 1% (this aspect is further discussed in the next sections).
observed in some of the sandblasted specimens and not in the In conclusion, substrate-repair shear bond strength is signifi-
non-treated ones can be explained by the higher bond strength cantly affected by the inclusion of PVA and steel fibers, in case of
of the former (as discussed in Section 3.3). sandblasted substrate. Conversely, if substrates are left as cast
(i.e., not treated) the addition of fiber reinforcement does not sig-
3.2. Compressive strength nificantly affect bond strength in most instances (Fig. 3). For
smooth interfaces, more insightful information on the effect of
The average compressive strength [30] of the fiber reinforced fibers can be drawn by the following analysis of interaction dia-
repair mortar is equal to 66–71 MPa for the 8 mm long PVA fibers grams, cohesion variations, and their statistical significance.
with Vf = 0.5% and 1% respectively, 64–67 MPa with 12 mm long
PVA fibers and 65 MPa with 13 mm steel fibers. The average com-
3.4. Interaction diagrams
pressive strength of the plain mortar is 64 MPa and that of plain
concrete is equal to 66 MPa.
While average shear bond strength values were discussed
above, shear-normal stress data points from single slant tests are
3.3. Bond strength
plotted in Fig. 3. A different combination of fiber type and content
is presented in each of the seven charts. Interfacial shear and nor-
Average shear bond strength, sn,av, obtained with different
mal stresses were determined through Eqs. (1) and (2). Shear-
quantities and types of fiber reinforcement and in case of both
normal stress interaction diagrams were obtained through linear
sandblasted and ‘‘as cast” interfaces, are shown in Fig. 2. Interfacial
fitting of experimental data points; such fitting is relevant because
shear stresses were calculated through Eq. (1). As expected, surface
three different slant inclinations, corresponding to different shear-
treatment had a major impact on bond strength, which was signif-
normal stress ratios, were applied. Based on Mohr-Coulomb failure
icantly higher in case of sandblasting, compared to ‘‘as cast” sur-
criterion (Eq. (3)), cohesion, c, and friction angle, U, were extrapo-
faces (Fig. 2).
lated from linear fitting. The linear fitting resulted suitable to sand-
Shear bond strength of repair mortars reinforced with 8 mm
blasted interfaces (R2 = 0.90–0.99); however, lower R2 values were
long PVA fiber ranges between 23 and 25 MPa, depending on the
obtained for smooth (as cast) interfaces (R2 = 0.69–0.97). Hence,
fiber volume fraction (Vf), in case of sandblasted interface and for
before analysing the variations of c and U among species, their sta-
bond plane inclination a = 30°. The shear-normal stress ratio
tistical confidence needs to be assessed.
increases for decreasing bond angles and, therefore, bond strength
decreases up to 14–21 MPa for a = 25° and 14 MPa for a = 20°.
Shear bond strength is higher for longer PVA fibers (12 mm) and 3.5. Statistical validation
is equal to 14–18 MPa (depending on Vf) for a = 20°, 18–20 MPa
for a = 25°, and 24–25 MPa for a = 30°. Overall, shear bond The statistical confidence of cohesion and friction angle varia-
strength is increased by increasing the PVA fiber content in the tions among different species was assessed through a statistical
repair mortar (Fig. 2). analysis technique developed when the effect of 8 mm PVA fibers
A different trend was observed with 13 mm long steel fibers. was first analysed [14] and run through the software Matlab. This
Bond strength ranges between 29 and 26 MPa for a = 30°, 23–20 technique is required as the bond coefficients (cohesion and fric-
MPa for a = 25° and 18–15 MPa for a = 20°, in case of Vf = 0.5% tion angle) are indirectly determined from fitting of experimental
and 1%, respectively (Fig. 2). In other words, while the addition data points and therefore.

Fig. 2. Substrate-repair shear bond strength, sn, plotted as a function of the fiber volume fraction in the repair mortar (Vf = 0%, 0.5%, 1%), the bond plane inclination (a = 30°,
25°, 20°), the substrate treatment (sandblasted or ‘‘as cast”), and the type of fiber reinforcement: PVA (8 mm), PVA (12 mm), steel (13 mm).

Please cite this article in press as: C. Zanotti et al., Further evidence of interfacial adhesive bond strength enhancement through fiber reinforcement in
repairs, Constr. Build. Mater. (2018),
C. Zanotti et al. / Construction and Building Materials xxx (2018) xxx–xxx 5

Fig. 3. Interfacial shear-normal stress (sn-rn) interaction points at failure and linear fitting for plain repair mortar (a), and for mortars reinforced with 0.5% (b, d and f) and 1%
(c, e and g) volume fractions of 8 mm PVA fibers (b and c), 12 mm PVA fibers (d and e), and 13 mm steel fibers (c).

Individual test data in terms of vertical stress at failure, ro,v, cates (m = 4), a total of k = mn = 64 values of cohesion and friction
were permuted for each of the 14 species considered (i.e., for each angle were obtained for each species. Sets of results for two species
fiber type, volume fraction and substrate treatment). Pairs of data that differ for one of the three factors considered (fiber volume
within a species were obtained from results with different slant fraction, fiber type, and surface treatment) were compared by run-
angles. Cohesion and friction values were then extrapolated by lin- ning a statistical T-test between the rows of cohesion and friction
ear fitting of each pair of experimental data through Eqs. (1)–(3). values obtained with permutation. Statistical confidence is gener-
Since three (n = 3) slant angle tests were performed on four repli- ally fulfilled when the probability, P, that the null hypothesis is

Please cite this article in press as: C. Zanotti et al., Further evidence of interfacial adhesive bond strength enhancement through fiber reinforcement in
repairs, Constr. Build. Mater. (2018),
6 C. Zanotti et al. / Construction and Building Materials xxx (2018) xxx–xxx

true (that is, no statistical evidence that the values being compared smooth interface and they are obtained with inclusion of 12 mm
are significantly different) is less than 5%. Comparisons where P > PVA fibers (Fig. 4). Non-significant friction angle variations are
5% are considered not significant, comparisons around P = 5% are obtained in smooth interfaces (Fig. 4). Similarly, also the effect of
considered marginal. substrate roughness (sandblasted vs smooth) is not significant in
T-test results on c and U variations in sandblasted interfaces this study. While it is well recognized that surface roughness
with different types or amounts of fiber reinforcement in the repair affects the friction angle, reasons for this statistical outcome lie
mortars are plotted in Fig. 4. One can note that P is significantly in the low bond strength of non-sandblasted specimens, whose
lower than 5% (confidence threshold, Fig. 4) in most comparisons. experimental shear normal-stress data points are located near
Cohesion variations observed with the inclusion of different the origin of the interaction diagrams (Fig. 4). This, combined to
amounts of PVA or steel fiber reinforcement in a repair mortar the larger strength scatter in smooth interfaces (resulting from
are statistically significant when the substrate is sandblasted. Both the lack of more ductile slip resisting mechanisms such as mechan-
fiber content and fiber type are influencing factors in this regard. ical interlock - see Chapter 4), leads to non-statistically-significant
Cohesion variations result marginal rather than significant only results in terms of friction variations. Therefore, while cohesion
in the following two instances: when the 8 mm PVA fiber volume variations will be discussed for both sandblasted and smooth spec-
fraction is increased from 0.5% to 1% and when 8 mm and 12 mm imens, the friction angle will be analyzed only for sandblasted
PVA fibers are compared in case of Vf = 0.5%. Accordingly, similar specimens.
cohesion values were obtained in those cases, as shown in the next When comparing the sandblasted and smooth interfaces statis-
Section. tically (Fig. 5), it is found that all cohesion values rejected the null
Friction variations among sandblasted specimens are less statis- hypothesis (P  5%) and, therefore, cohesion variations obtained as
tically significant than cohesion variations (Fig. 4). With surface a function of surface treatment are significant.
treatment being the most important factor when it comes to fric-
tion, fiber reinforcement has a second order effect on interfacial 3.6. Substrate-repair pure shear strength (cohesion)
friction angle. As a result, some specimens exhibit similar friction
angles, with marginal or non-significant deviations (13S-05 vs Cohesion values are plotted in Fig. 6 for varying the fiber vol-
13S-1, 8P-0.5 vs 8P-1, 8P-0.5 vs 12P-0.5, 8P-1vs 12P-1, and 12P- ume fraction in the repair mortar and for different types of fiber
0.5 vs 13s-0.5, Fig. 3). reinforcement and surface treatments.
Overall, lower statistical significance was obtained in smooth A steady cohesion enhancement is observed for the sandblasted
(non-sandblasted) interfaces, compared to the sandblasted ones substrates, by increasing the content of PVA fibers in the repair
(Fig. 4). Such decrease in overall statistical confidence is related mortar (Fig. 6); cohesion is increased up to 103% with PVA fibers.
to the lower bond strength of non-sandblasted specimens and, For the Vf range considered in this study (0–1%), a linear c-Vf trend
especially, to the lack of ductile slip resisting mechanisms avail- is noted with both 8 mm and 12 mm long PVA fibers. 12 mm long
able, as thoroughly discussed in Section 4. Only 3 of 13 cohesion fibers offer a better performance than 8 mm long PVA fibers, with
variations can be confidently considered significant in case of 10–20% higher c values, depending on Vf.. Cohesion trends are in

Fig. 4. Probability, P, that the null hypothesis is true from T-test on pairs of rows of data (for both cohesion and friction angle) belonging to different repair mortars, in case of
either sandblasted interface or interface left as cast (smooth).

Please cite this article in press as: C. Zanotti et al., Further evidence of interfacial adhesive bond strength enhancement through fiber reinforcement in
repairs, Constr. Build. Mater. (2018),
C. Zanotti et al. / Construction and Building Materials xxx (2018) xxx–xxx 7

Fig. 5. Probability, P, that the null hypothesis is true from T-test on pairs of rows of data (for both cohesion and friction angle) belonging to different interface treatments
(sandblasted or not) when the same repair mortar is applied.

Fig. 6. Substrate-repair interfacial cohesion, c, obtained varying the fiber volume fraction, Vf, in the repair mortar for different types of fiber and interface treatment
(sandblasted or as cast).

agreement with the shear bond strength variations discussed in tioning that the test was repeated three times on the 12 specimens
Section 3.3. (4 replicates for each of the 3 slant angles) with 1% Vf of steel fibers
A considerable cohesion increase (98%, Fig. 6) is obtained by and different amounts of superplasticizers and the same cohesion
introducing a 0.5% volume fraction of steel fibers in the plain value was obtained. The effect of higher steel fiber contents on
matrix; 0.5% steel fibers provide about the same cohesion strength cohesion strength and interfacial failure mechanisms is currently
achieved with twice the volume fraction of PVA fibers (Vf = 1%, under investigation.
Figs. 3 and 6). However, only a 62% cohesion increase is obtained Much lower cohesion values are obtained for interfaces left as
by increasing Vf from 0% to 1%. In other words, increasing Vf from cast, in comparison with sandblasted interfaces. In addition, fiber
0.5% to 1% causes a drop in cohesion. This reversed variation con- reinforcement has a small influence on cohesion in this case, as val-
cerns only steel fibers but not PVA fibers, and could be attributed idated by the statistical analysis (Fig. 4). The only remarkable
to the stiffer nature of the steel fibers and their larger diameter increase in the cohesion is obtained by introducing a 1% volume
as compared to the expected size of the interface. It is worth men- fraction of 12 mm long PVA fibers (Fig. 6).

Please cite this article in press as: C. Zanotti et al., Further evidence of interfacial adhesive bond strength enhancement through fiber reinforcement in
repairs, Constr. Build. Mater. (2018),
8 C. Zanotti et al. / Construction and Building Materials xxx (2018) xxx–xxx

4. Discussion fore, in absence of other mechanisms that can mitigate micro-crack

propagation, not only overall shear strength and cohesion are
In this session, the bond enhancing mechanisms behind the much lower (Figs. 2,3 and 6), but also the sensitivity to micro-
cohesion variations observed are discussed. Since cohesion is the cracks and defects is much higher for smooth interfaces. This gen-
equivalent of the pure interfacial shear strength (sn) in absence erates larger strength fluctuations, resulting in lower statistical
of normal stresses (rn = 0), only the resisting mechanisms involved confidence, as observed for both linear fitting of experimental data
when rn = 0 are considered hereafter. Compared to smooth inter- points (lower R2, Fig. 3) and for cohesion coefficient variations
faces left as cast, sandblasted interfaces exhibited an increase not among different species (higher P, Fig. 4).
only in cohesion but also in statistical significance, due the capabil- Those same mechanisms are helpful to understand why fiber
ity of interfacial roughness to promote deviation of the fracture reinforcement has a different impact on shear strength of sand-
plane from the bond plane [29]. Such deviation entails a failure blasted and smooth interfaces, and to visualize the additional bond
mode shift from bond failure to mixed bond and localized material enhancing mechanisms involved in presence of fiber
failure (in both substrate and repair, Fig. 7) [31] and thereby reinforcement.
enhances shear resistance by means of additional shear resisting With the sandblasted surfaces, one could expect that the larger
mechanisms that are negligible in smooth interfaces. With refer- depressions in the interface profile could encourage the steel fibers
ence to a micro-mechanics approach [33], the following three to run non-parallel to the overall shear plane during casting. To
interfacial shear resisting mechanisms are identified [31–35]: help visualize this effect, a qualitative prediction of the steel fiber
interlocking, overriding, and fracturing. Interlocking and overrid- orientation as a function of direction of flow, substrate roughness,
ing require interfacial roughness to be activated; in addition, local- and substrate inclination is provided in Fig. 7. Steel fibers are
ized compressive crushing occurring with fracturing is negligible known to tend to lie within the matrix in the direction of flow
in smooth interfaces as crack roughness is minimized (while, con- [31]; the effect of the surface roughness profile on fiber orientation
versely, it is promoted in case of roughened interface). In other is clearly affected by the relative size of fibers and concavities. In
words, when the interface is smooth, the only slip resisting mech- these experiments, steel fibers are 13 mm long and the deepest
anism available under pure shear stresses is interfacial fracture gaps reach about 4 mm depth, as shown in Fig. 7, where the profile
resistance with minimized effect of localized crushing [33]. There- curve obtained with laser scanning technique of a representative

Fig. 7. Shear bond failure mechanisms of a sandblasted surface [31] and qualitative prediction of steel fiber orientation based on surface roughness profile (from laser
scanning technique) and direction of flow at casting.

Please cite this article in press as: C. Zanotti et al., Further evidence of interfacial adhesive bond strength enhancement through fiber reinforcement in
repairs, Constr. Build. Mater. (2018),
C. Zanotti et al. / Construction and Building Materials xxx (2018) xxx–xxx 9

sandblasted substrate is plotted along the substrate-repair bond fibers, also PVA fibers were engaged during failure of sandblasted
plane. Steel fibers are also sketched considering their actual specimens. Fibers bound to repair mortar residues were observed
dimensional proportion to the interface roughness profile. Eventu- along the fracture surface of the concrete substrate, as shown in
ally, localized grouping of steel fibers were observed on the failure Fig. 10. The presence of coarse aggregate in the picture is reassur-
surfaces of both substrate and repair halves of the sandblasted ing about the fact that those fracture surfaces belong to the con-
specimens (Fig. 8). From those pictures, one can conclude that steel crete substrate rather than the repair mortar. Bond enhancing
fibers settled inside the larger concavities within the substrate sur- mechanisms offered by PVA fibers are more effective with 12
face and created a ‘‘dowel effect” as they intersected the shear/ mm fiber length than with 8 mm fiber length, given that 10–20%
fracture plane. higher cohesion was achieved with the former in case of sand-
These findings are further validated by juxtaposition of the blasted specimens. This trend is in agreement with previous results
cohesion increments obtained for sandblasted and smooth inter- on the effect of PVA fiber length on concrete crack bridging [4].
faces (Fig. 6). No significant cohesion enhancement was recorded In sandblasted specimens, cohesion enhancements due to
when steel fibers reinforcement was applied in combination to a fiber reinforcement are accompanied by small though steady
smooth interface (Fig. 4). The cut section of a steel fiber reinforced friction reductions (Fig. 3). Although friction variations are less
repair mortar on a smooth interface after failure is shown in Fig. 9. significant (10%) and should be regarded as second order effects,
Steel fibers lied mostly parallel to the bond plane and were not they were statistically validated (Fig. 4). Based on the visual
affected by the failure plane. Therefore, their contribution to bond observation of repair residues and fibers along the substrate
was null, as quantitatively reported (Figs. 4 and 6). In addition, fracture plane of sandblasted specimens, it is reasonable to con-
although steel fibers may still be beneficial in reducing shrinkage clude that fiber reinforcement, by increasing interfacial cohesive-
cracking and delamination of the repair, their grouping together ness, slightly increases the deviation of the fracture plane from
nearby and parallel to the bond plane generates concern as regions the bond plane (Fig. 7) and that such deviation will slightly
of weakness can form that negatively impact the substrate-repair decrease roughness, and, hence, friction along the shear fracture
bond strength. plane.
Significant cohesion enhancement was obtained also with PVA The most notable cohesion enhancement observed in non-
fibers, for sandblasted specimens. PVA fibers are much more sandblasted specimens is the one obtained with 1% Vf of 12 mm
deformable than steel fibers and a dowel effect is not possible in PVA fibers (Fig. 6), where cohesion is increased from 0.72 MPa to
this case; on the other hand, PVA fibers can still be engaged in 1.77 MPa. Marginal enhancements are obtained with smaller
the failure process through different slip resisting mechanisms. amounts of PVA fibers (Figs. 3 and 6). Although cohesion is still
PVA fibers reduce hygro-thermal damage [36,37], such as repair very low, this outcome outlines the ability of PVA fibers to enhance
cracking and delamination induced by restrained shrinkage, and interfacial cohesion even in smooth or quasi-smooth interfaces, as
mitigate operational damage by enhancing damage tolerance and opposed to the behavior of steel fibers, which have no impact on
promoting interfacial soundness while the bond is being devel- cohesive bond of smooth interfaces (Figs. 3 and 6). These different
oped. In addition, PVA fibers enhance interfacial failure resistance performances are mostly attributed to the different stiffness and
through micro-crack deviation and blunting [12,14]. Like steel diameter of PVA and steel fibers (Table 2).

Fig. 8. Fracture surface of a sandblasted substrate where steel fibers are bound to repair mortar after failure (a) and fiber-concrete details from optical microscope (b and c).

Please cite this article in press as: C. Zanotti et al., Further evidence of interfacial adhesive bond strength enhancement through fiber reinforcement in
repairs, Constr. Build. Mater. (2018),
10 C. Zanotti et al. / Construction and Building Materials xxx (2018) xxx–xxx

Fig. 9. Cut section of a steel fiber reinforced repair mortar after failure in case of smooth substrate (a) and detail of a steel fiber parallel to the fracture surface from optical
microscope (b).

Fig. 10. Fracture surface of sandblasted substrate where PVA fibers are bound to repair mortar residues after failure (a) and fiber-concrete details from optical microscope (b–

5. Concluding remarks PVA fibers, and 13 mm long steel fibers were compared. Two dif-
ferent substrate treatments (sandblasted and ‘‘as cast”) were con-
A study on the effect of various fiber reinforcements on sidered to investigate the role of interfacial roughness on the
substrate-repair shear bond strength was presented. 0%, 0.5%, activation of the bond enhancing mechanisms offered by fibers.
and 1% volume fractions (Vf) of 8 mm long PVA fibers, 12 mm long Major conclusions can be summarized as follows:

Please cite this article in press as: C. Zanotti et al., Further evidence of interfacial adhesive bond strength enhancement through fiber reinforcement in
repairs, Constr. Build. Mater. (2018),
C. Zanotti et al. / Construction and Building Materials xxx (2018) xxx–xxx 11

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repairs, Constr. Build. Mater. (2018),

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