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Friday, July 02 nd 2021

Freedom and Patriotism

We use comparative to compare a quality between two
people, things, animals, places, feelings


Thin Thinner than delgado
Beautiful More beautiful than Hermosa/ bonita
Lazy Lazier than perezosa
Rich Richer than rico
Funny Funnier than gracioso
Big Bigger than grande
Fast Faster than rápido
Small Smaller than pequeño
Tall Taller than alto
Strong Stronger than fuerte
Short Shorter than Bajo/pequeño
Long Longer than largo
Slow Slower than lento
Young Younger than joven
Cheap Cheaper than barato
Popular More popular than popular
Pretty Prettier than bonita
Cold Colder than frio
Modern More modern than moderno
High Higher than alto
Comfortable More comfortable than Confortable
Difficult More difficult than difícil
Dangerous More danngerous than peligroso
Good Better than bueno
Bad Worse than malo

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