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2022 2nd Asia Conference on Information Engineering (ACIE)

Digital Media and VR Art Creation for Metaverse

Yuan Feng*
Muzi Qu Yinan Sun Lu Xun Academy of Fine Arts
Lu Xun Academy of Fine Arts Lu Xun Academy of Fine Arts Dalian, Liaoning, China
Dalian, Liaoning, China Dalian, Liaoning, China e-mail:

Abstract—The booming of 5G, VR and XR technologies is fields; China Teleom has set up five major areas, including
driving the arrival of metaverse era. Metaverse development brand promotion area, smart home area, 5G capability area,
heavily relies on the adoption of the emerging technologies. Only cloud VR experience area, and industry application area.
software and hardware technology can not achieve excellent 5G+VR /AR technology is applied to smart cultural museums,
immediacy and immersion in the virtual world. The visual works innovative interactive methods, planning immersive tour
applied in the metaverse are the essential content core. Visual routes, giant screen theaters and VR games; China Unicom
artists play a very important role in creation fields of NFT brings VR spinning bikes, VR ski machines, VR shooting
2022 2nd Asia Conference on Information Engineering (ACIE) | 978-1-6654-7973-8/22/$31.00 ©2022 IEEE | DOI: 10.1109/ACIE55485.2022.00018

artwork, smart cities, cultural museum interaction, games, film

battles and other 5G+XR innovative applications. The three
and televisions. Exploring the art rules and creative methods of
major operators have proved by practical actions that with the
the metaverse can improve the current digital media presentation
effect and the creative level of VR art, this will attract more
blessing of 5G technology, VR and other XR technologies will
artists into the creation of the metaverse. lead the arrival of the metaverse era. [1]
Although the commercial use of 5G communication
Keywords—metaverse, digital media, VR, encryption art, technology provides people with a new social style of
artificial intelligence immediacy, low latency, and immersion [2], In order to get a
I. INTRODUCTION good user experience, more visual art creators are needed to
join the creation of the metaverse. Our research focuses on the
The advent of the metaverse boom in 2021 indicates that high integration of art and technology, and studies the art rules
new changes will take place in the way of human society and and creative methods of paintings, digital media art,
communication in the future. People join the virtual world architectural design, graphic design, IP design, clothing design,
with their digital identity. In the metaverse, they are free and etc. for the intelligent applications of the metaverse, so as to
independent. People's image in the virtual world is not improve current digital media presentation effects and VR
necessarily the same as that in the real world. People can experience (Fig. 2).
create a new digital identity for themselves. The world of
metaverse pays more attention to the sense of experience,
which will bring people a better world. The development of
metaverse depends on the support of bottom and front-end
technology. In terms of underlying technology: artificial
intelligence, network and computing technology, VR
technology, 5g network, cloud computing, visualization and
digital twins are important supports. The front-end devices in
the metauniverse include VR, AR, interactive control, neural
devices and so on (Fig. 1).

Fig. 2. French artist Anna Zhilyaeva's VR 3D painting creation process


The metaverse is the actualization of the theory of
complex numbers in a mathematical sense. With the evolution
 of human cognition of the world, human knowledge of
Fig. 1. Metaverse ecological map
logarithm extends from natural numbers to integers, which are
discrete points on the one-dimensional number axis; from
At the 2021 World VR Industry Conference, China Mobile integers to real numbers, one-dimensional straight lines can be
innovatively released the virtual VR ecosystem cooperation fully covered. With the introduction of imaginary numbers, the
system, the AR digital twin cloud platform, and the mobile cognition of logarithms has evolved from real numbers to
cloud VR platform. More than 20 cutting-edge technologies complex numbers, which has brought about an increase in
were exhibited on site, covering industry, medical care, dimensionality. The one-dimensional straight line is upgraded
cultural tourism, education, intelligence cities and many other to a two-dimensional plane, which greatly expands human

978-1-6654-7973-8/22/$31.00 ©2022 IEEE 48

DOI 10.1109/ACIE55485.2022.00018

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The development of the metaverse is similar. With the
development of digitization, game spaces and digital twins are
more emphasizing the digitization and virtualization of entities.
The origin of the concept of metaverse is the full digitization
and virtualization of the physical world, rules, and culture,
which corresponds to the pure imaginary number in the plural.
With the further development of the metaverse, the virtual
world and the physical world will be fully integrated, thereby
evolving into a complex world (fig 3). The physical world has
achieved a dimensional upgrade, which will bring about
explosive growth of innovation and business opportunities.
We define the theoretical paradigm of the metaverse (complex Fig. 4. The solution architecture of mass-image-generator in metaverse
world) as Fig. 3:
We add noise z into original design library images x. The
‫ ݈݀ݎ݋ݓݔ݈݁݌݉݋ܥ‬ൌ ‫ ݈݀ݎ݋ݓ݈ܽ݁ݎ‬൅ ݀ ή ‫݈݀ݎ݋ݓ‬ objective for generator G and discriminator D is:

Digital ࣦீ஺ே ሺ‫ܩ‬ǡ ‫ܦ‬ሻ ൌ ‹ ƒš ‫ܧ‬௫ ሾŽ‘‰ ‫ܦ‬ሺ‫ݔ‬ሻሿ ൅ ‫ܧ‬௭ ሾŽ‘‰ሺͳ
ீ ஽
െ ‫ܦ‬൫‫ܩ‬ሺ‫ݖ‬ሻ൯ሻሿ
Digital world

In metaverse, we need high-reosolution images, then we

introduce a Super resolution genitor for intermedient images
y.The adversarial loss function is:
,P DJ LQ DU\ Real world
ࣦீ஺ே ሺ‫ܩ‬௦௥ ǡ ‫ܦ‬௦௥ ሻ ൌ ‹ ƒš ‫ܧ‬௬ೞೝ ሾŽ‘‰ ‫ܦ‬௦௥ ሺ‫ݕ‬௦௥ ሻሿ ൅ ‫ܧ‬௬೗ೝ ሾŽ‘‰ሺͳ
ீೞೝ ஽ೞೝ
㻌 㻗 㻌㻌
5 HDO െ ‫ܦ‬௦௥ ൫‫ܩ‬௦௥ ሺ‫ݕ‬௟௥ ሻ൯ሻሿ
Finally, the principle-discriminator is designed to score the
& R P S OH[ 1 X P E HU Metaverse – Complex world appearance prototypes generated by the two GAN to filter
Fig. 3. The mathematical model of metaverse
unqualified prototypes which are not complying with design
III. MATERIALS AND METHODS A. The Production Technology of VR Works
In order to create visual art works in the metaverse, artists 1) Physical shooting method
should fully understand the needs and characteristics of many The way of using real objects and scenes as VR production
aspects in the metaverse, and use digital media and VR to materials is widely used in VR applications such as
create [3]. transportation, tourism, architecture, film, etc. The image
With the changes in the digital world and the complication collection and production process of the real world is divided
of social learning development, designers will face parametric into two parts: the early stage and the later stage:
design [4], complexity design, adversarial design, and First, use a sports camera to obtain 360°HD videos and
speculative design. The digital media and VR design related to take immersive pictures. Use a small handheld device to
the metaverse give new value to the art design. capture 30fps 360°HD video. And watch from multiple
Digital media relies on computer digital technology, locations. Odyssey can plan all the videos taken by the camera
Internet technology and intelligent technology, and has the into 4:3 videos, and then use the Jump Assembler engine to
characteristics of high scientific and strong knowledge output H.264 MP4 files with panoramic views of 2K and 8K
comprehensive [5]. These characteristics are exactly in line videos. Finally, use Skybox Studio, The Trapcode and other
with the characteristics of VR technology: VR refers to the tools for VR post-production. The current technology solves
technology that is supported by sensor technology, simulation the alignment and stitching of multiple cameras, and solves
technology, multimedia technology, and human-computer the problem of color correction. Artists need to improve the
interaction technology to form a virtual environment and bring workflow and techniques used in graphic design so that these
people an immersive experience. new techniques can be applied to panoramic spherical videos
In Metaverse, designers need to generate massive virtual
objects. Human labors can not afford such heavy burdens. With the increase of 3D data collection, in order to meet
Hence, Artificial Intelligence technologies must be introduced the development needs of metaverse related functions, it is
to dramatically boost productivity and hence reduce repetitive necessary to have shared value and open source visual data
works. Generative Adversarial Nets (GAN) is an effective resources. For example, in terms of environmental architecture,
method to generate batch of images. In our solution, we using airplanes to model cities and store a large amount of
designed a stacked network architecture: the image synthesis urban building data can save a lot of manpower and material
network (G), super resolution network (Gsr) and resources and achieve good design results. In many visual
principle-discriminator. The solution architecture is shown as fields such as apparel design and industrial modeling, data
Fig 4. assets are also very important. Data mining and creation on
this basis also make VR design more efficient.


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2) Art creation method lead to the decline of the scarcity of this work.
In the fields of VR applications such as animation, new b) The speed of an artist's creation affects the overall
media, architectural design and industrial design, it is number of works. Therefore, it will have a greater impact on
necessary to create artistic creations in accordance with set the value of art works.
themes, creativity or story content. Original artistic works are
in large demand in today’s VR application fields. Artistic c) Works with sensory added value will be more
creation not only requires the artist to have superb artistic competitive. Works of art with higher academic or visual
quality and innovative thinking, but also requires the artist to innovation in creativity will be more popular [7].
have the ability to operate related VR production technology.
2) Cultural characteristics of encryption Art
In terms of the technology of VR creation, the artist must Blockchain has specific artistic and cultural characteristics.
first use 3D MAX, Maya and other software for initial Firstly, encrypted works of art must be original. In addition,
creation. Usually it is to build a space model and use an equal rights are also reflected in all aspects of creativity and
animation engine to create a virtual reality 3D scene. Then use transaction [8].
Unreal, Twinmtion, Omniverse and other 3D-XR production
platforms for post production. The key to the effect lies in 3) Value marketing of encryption art
important content such as light adjustment, precise docking, The art value logic of blockchain is the same as that of
and color adjustment. The next step is to import it to the cloud ordinary art, that depends more on the artist's self marketing
streaming platform, which is a display platform suitable for ability [9]. Fans are very important to artists. The market on
displaying 3D work development. Online demonstrations of the metaverse platform is very large. The author's activity on
VR and XR can be performed on RGBcore, and 3D works can social networking sites affects the number of followers.
be viewed directly on mobile phones, iPads, computers, or VR If artists are favored by stars, celebrities and even the
devices. (Fig5). In addition, using Unreal's open source founders of blockchain platform. Then his attention will be
platform to drag and drop based on the C language can also very high, and its value will have more room for appreciation.
complete the creation of works. The current technology allows
most designers to easily realize their design ideas. Created in The interaction between artists and fans is also very
entertainment display, VR film and teaching, product design. important. If we media is not active enough, it will affect the
attention of personal brand.
It is worth noting that digital art works need to be well
compatible with the Metaverse open source platform and In addition, community is also important to artists. Artists
wearable devices. Works created in Maya, 3D max, reno, scale with community identity will be more popular.
up and other software should be saved in a common format. In In the Internet age, the value of artists should be
order to communicate with platforms such as anrrivel, transformed and realized through an organization or platform.
promotion, annikword. On the other hand, it realizes Creators should be more active and more like social activists.
versatility with VR helmets, sensing devices, and digital Artists need to have this close relationship with this society
media. Establish universally agreed standards. For example, and shape their personal brand by actively participating in
the USD format, which is now more respected, can be used community co creation activities
across multiple platforms and software.
Creating digital media and VR art facing the metaverse
requires a broader way of thinking. A change in design
methodology is needed. Artists use software or new
 technology create digital media art at the forefront of the times.
The combination of art and science is an interdisciplinary
Fig. 5. VR work creation process
combination, includes biology, engineering and even physics.
B. VR Art Circulation Integrate science into art and explore future oriented creation.
In the era of metaverse, art takes place in a variety of forms or
In the field of VR creation, architecture, games, culture, unexpected forms [10].
tourism and education are all visual art fields with practical
value. In practical art, works are purchased by consumers At present, different applications and spaces share
because of their functions. In VR art, works used solely for relatively little information, but encryption and decentralized
appreciation and collection are endowed with the same computing begin to break some of these barriers. In the future,
circulation value as art collections. They are encrypted art, creators can collaborate, edit and view the same assets in real
also known as blockchain art. Encrypted art have strong time across applications. It is very convenient for creative
circulation and value-added characteristics. workers,
1) Scarcity of encryption Art Although blockchain is an important element in the
a) In the creation of encrypted works of art, the total metaverse, we can also see some different type. For example,
number of single works generated by the artist and the artist's in the "New Art City" [11]space project in Silicon Valley.
commitment to the number of works have a great impact on Designers create some of this scientific fantasy space without
the value of the works. If the artist breaks his promise, it will gravity from the perspective of artists. In such a space, the
works are not on the blockchain. The creators believe that the


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blockchain economy will not bring greater improvement to For artists, the application of VR technology is a reminder
creativity (Fig 6). and update of the artist's creative thinking, providing artists
with a different way of thinking about creation [15]. The VR
technology can break the above factors, break the barriers of
the above factors, which were not possible in traditional art
works, and can be used to create on top of this basis, and to
make their creative inspiration shine.
Metaverse is a new era of Internet development, which has
realized the overall dimension upgrading of the physical world.
It will bring infinite possibilities to relevant fields. In the
virtual world, the visual art of VR multimedia plays a vital
role. VR art creation needs more artists to participate in it,
constantly improve VR production technology, improve
creation level, cross-border and innovation. With the
development of open platform and software technology,
digital media art creation will be more and more efficient. The
combination of technology and art will make art itself have
Fig 6. “” space project new development, and may change the way humans watch and
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