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Title: SCIENCE, TECHNOLOGY & SOCIETY (This module is 100% taken from 3G E-learning)


Technology shapes every facet of modern life. Familiarity with the characteristics, capabilities, and limitations of
current and emerging technologies is indispensable to wise and effective decisions and practices in government,
business, and personal life. At all levels and in all disciplines, careers in industry, government, and education ever
more turn on the ability to see and seize the opportunities and address the problems that technology often
presents. Technological developments are indeed re-defining those very careers and changing the workplace itself.
Technology is increasingly playing a larger role in society. From clearly beneficial uses to more questionable
uses, we are only beginning to understand how new technology impacts society. Furthermore, technology has the
potential to greatly influence what “society” even means, and subsequently, how we participate in it.
The politics of science and technology is broad and multidisciplinary. Its areas of study range from those
traditionally covered by political scientists, such as international relations, political theory, public opinion, and public
policy, to more contemporary themes that draw upon fields such as sociology and include govern mentality,
expertise, and citizen engagement. At the same time, the fields that are most connected with many of these areas
often overlook or seem to underappreciate the social complexities and political importance of science and
technology. While no single treatment of the subject offers a complete picture of the rich topical themes and varied
scholarly debates that make up the field, there are a number of starting points that provide basic introductions,
helpful overviews, and, at times, more stimulating critiques.

The learning concepts and activities

Technology in Society is an international journal devoted to a range of interdisciplinary fields most simply identified by
the terms: technology assessment, science, technology and society; management of technology; technology and policy;
the economics of technology; technology transfer, appropriate technology and economic development; ethical and
value implications of science and technology; science and public policy; and technology forecasting. A focus
common to all these fields is the role of technology in society - its economics, political and cultural dynamics; the
social forces that shape technological decisions and the choices that are open to society with respect to the uses of

Society on the one hand, and science and technology on the other hand, influence each other continuously.
Societal, political and cultural developments shape science and technology, while science and technology affect
society. This is one of the key insights of Science and Technology Studies (STS), the field that studies the relationship
between scientific knowledge and practices, technology and society. Popular ideas such as that science and technology
develop autonomously, that technology is no more than a neutral instrument, or that science delivers an objective
representation of the world, have been put into question by STS. Because science and technology play such an
ole in sustainability issues, STS can be important in understanding the interaction between socio-political questions,
technological choices and scientific knowledge for sustainability.

How do you use this section?

This section have two units. Each unit has the following parts:
► Learning objectives
► Keywords
► What do you already know?
► What do you need to know?
► Unit summary
► Progress check test

Technology and society or technology and culture refers to cyclical co- OBJECTIVES
dependence, co-influence, co-production of technology and society upon After reading and analyzing the unit,
the other (technology upon culture, and vice versa). This synergistic you should be able to:
relationship occurred from the dawn of humankind, with the invention of
1. Discuss the Relationship
simple tools and continues into modern technologies such as the printing between Technology and
press and computers. The academic discipline studying the impacts of Society
science, technology, and society and vice versa is called (and can be 2. Explain the Impact of
found at) Science and technology studies. Technology on Society
3. Elaborate the Technology
Impact on Social Change
4. Utilization of Technology in
Local Society

Technology has become a huge part of everyday society’s life.

technology, they become able to take advantage of it. When an innovation

achieves a certain point after it has been presented and promoted, this
technology becomes part of the society. Digital technology has entered each
process and activity made by the social system. In fact, it constructed another
worldwide communication system in addition to its origin.
Technology affects our society significantly. It has become an integral part
in our life by bringing so much benefits to us. Technology improves the
efficiency in education, medicine, transportation, entertainment and more.
When mentioning of how technology impacts our society, people will think
of its positive influence. Although the rise of new technology has improved
our daily lives by bringing many conveniences, it increases the rate of obesity
and the isolation in our society. Technology makes people become more
isolated. It significantly impacts our social interaction. One might think that
social network brings people together. For example, you can easily find your
long lost friends on a social network such as Facebook or Twitter. However,
technology is also ruining our face to face communication. People today are
more connected to one another than ever before in human history, thanks to
Internet-based social networking sites and text messaging. But they are also
more lonely and distant from one another in their unplugged lives. The picture
of people holding their phone and texting is not hard to find in public. You can
easily see a group of friends go to a restaurant and all of them spend more
time playing with their phones than having conversation with their friends.
Briefly, technology seems to connect people together but it actually
disconnects people. As a matter of fact, technology does not only make
people lack communication, it also makes people lack physical activity.


Technology is very important aspect of human condition as it
provides cloths, shelters, foods, transportations etc.
Technological determinism is the theory that technology is an
autonomous force that changes society and it is also the key force to our
society. This provides explanations for many changes that can be observed
in society, and it has a very simple cause/ effect form. However, this
theory is false, if you think you have an instance, it means you are looking
at just one part of a much more complex situation, and ignoring the complex
social network that supports the technology.
However, technology is a major and really the main cause of social change
as a lot of changes in the society is largely caused by technology but within
human control. The computer and email technology has reduced the period it
takes to transmit messages between two parties or more as emails sent
electronically can be received immediately, thereby saving lots of man hours,
and consequently even reducing human and vehicular traffic as people do
not need to sometimes travel to send and receive documents.
The computerization of the banking is not necessarily to reduce wage


bills and increase profit as new technologies and this computerization
brings new employment opportunities for a lot of IT professionals who will
manage this technology. The new innovation in banking is to guarantee
efficiency and productivity the same applies in the containerization of cargo.
Like earlier specified these technologies were not only
technologically determined, it did have its economic, social, cultural and
political reasons. These technologies did give room for employment as
more people gets employed to manage these technologies, the more income
and more revenue for government and ultimately growth in economy, thereby
causing political stability which has it cultural advantages as a peaceful society
is a viable society.
A society is an organized group of person associated together for
purposes such as social, political and religious, while technology on the other
hand is an application or even sometime seen as object. This report will help
us to determine which of the above mention attempt that is best in relating both
technology and society, their strength and weakness, merits and demerits and
possible whether they have been able to really answer to the obvious question
of whether the society is inflecting technology or its technology that is KEY WORD
influencing the society. Technological determinism
is a reductionist theory that
assumes that a society’s
technology determines the
development of its social
structure and cultural

Technological Determinism

Technological determinism is one of the three attempts that this report

intends to use in determining the relationship between technology and the
society. Before analyze this attitude or theory.
Technology determinism does explain the relationship between
technology and the society, but it does not adequately explain the relationship
technology and society. A lot of social changes are also independent as
technology does not have any influence. Technology cannot be said to be
autonomous as not all social changes and activities are dependent on
technology examples are the computer and email technology where
information’s, messages and documents are sent electronically, not needing
people to take mail from one location to another, but this technology is still
largely not dependent
as the computer cannot send mails on its own, construction of identity, depending on which identity

which means it is not out of man’s control as people is appropriate or desired at a specific point in time.
still get employment to receive, read and possibly As a result, “whatever the experts do, the
reply mails, so does not cause any redundancy or pluralistic situation changes not only the social
unemployment. position of the traditional definitions of reality, but
Technological Determinism explains also the way in which these are held in the
relationship between technology and society which consciousness of individuals”
asserts that. Technological Determinism is also a
popular view about the relationship between Social Shaping
technology and society. It is the same Technology
Determinism that says new technologies develop Social shaping is theory that addressed the
the change in society. And the theory presumes outcomes or impacts of technological change, the
that a society’s technology drives the design patterns and implementation of technology.
development of its social structure and cultural In recent years, social shaping has increased and
values. also gained its recognition. It thus goes beyond
Therefore the term ‘technological traditional approaches, concerned merely to assess
determinism’ is an idea, a belief, a theory that the `social impacts’ of technology, to examine what
human, individual and societal change are caused shapes the technology which is having these
primarily by technology, that technology is the ‘impacts’, and the way in which these impacts are
main agent of social change. However, there is still achieved. Technological change is often seen as
the debate whether technological determinism is a something that takes its own way.
theory or an attitude. This refers to the belief that
technology is the agent of social change. It is both What is the relationship between technology and
popular attitude, reflected in such expressions as society? Who affects who? Can one exist without
‘you cannot stop progresses and a theoretical the other?
position. Looking at the relationship between
When we talk about the progress that society has
technological determinism as a theory and as an
had, is it equal to the progress technology has had
attitude, determinism is a popular attitude to
or is the progress of technology a way to achieve
technology, but it cannot be used as a theory or
progress. How is the interaction between society
basis for explaining the relationship between society
and technology?
and technology.
There are two mayor trends of thoughts in the
Social Constructionism
relationship between technology and society,
one explains the development of technology as
Social Constructionism is an “artefact” in a social predetermine and the changes that occur to our
invention or construction by an individual in a society are cause because of technology, this trend
particular society. “Also theory that in addition to of thought puts technology as the shaper of
express the socially designed ways of our social life society. Technology is deterministic and a
which can also be in connect with knowledge roadmap of technological change can be
achieved and develop within society context, as constructed. The other trend goes against the
opposed to realism”. believe that technology is a shaper of society, it
believes that society is the shaper of technology and
“Social Constructionism is a term used theories
by no means technology is deterministic, this are
that express the socially originated way of our social
called social constructivism. Technology changes
life.”. Main feature of Social construction theory is
because of pressure from society.
viewing knowledge as socially distributed.
Through origin relationship between knowledge
and its social base knowledge becomes a social
product and a factor in social change. Social
distribution of knowledge has implications for
► Both trends of thought make reliable is not ready for a type of technology then they will


arguments. Deterministic proclaims that reject it.
technology only occurs because of the Technology and society have a stronger
accumulation of knowledge and the relationship that we might think, people have been
mastery of certain techniques, without this replaced from certain types of job by technology, but
new technology cannot exist. Social also new jobs have been created thanks to
constructivism claims that technology technological changes.
changes and adapts, and those changes
Society does not live on technology but
are to please the needs of certain
embrace it to facilitate it. Progress is not measure
groups and that is the way that
on technological progress alone, it is only a part of
technology is shaped by society. In other
the progress that society has accomplish. Society
words, social constructivism studies the
embraces technology and use it according to its own
relationship between society and
value. Technology can be used to join people
technology by providing empirical models
together and make them understand, but also it
of technological changes and revels the
can be used to separate and segregate people.
course of events that lead to those
But is not technology itself that does that, but the
designer of them. People who design bridges create
► Even with strong arguments, both of them so that places can be connected, but the
those trends have weakness. designer can make sure that buses do not fit so that
Deterministic treat technology as a people without car cannot go to those places. But
black box and do not focus on changes is it the technology that is preventing those people
that the technology has, it just focus on from going or is it the designer? Winner argues
the evolution of the technology. On the that artifacts do have politics but the politics are not
other hand social constructivism tries to of the technology per se but they are the reflection
open that black box but does not go of the designer, either done by mistake or on
farther on explain the consequences of purpose.
those changes.
Technology does not control itself, people
► A third trend explains that both extremes control it and people design it. The problems that
are wrong and that the relationship technology brings to society are just cause by them.
between society and technology is Technology is a creation of society and even though
mutually influence by the other, it can change how we work, how we live and how
technology is at the same time a shaper of we communicate, those changes are brought
society and shaped by it. Technology because society needs them and found solution to
Momentum tries to force its way by problems they had. Technologies like e-
explaining that in the initial stage of a government have changed the way some
technology, it is basically shaped by the governments operate. The implementation of this
society but once the technology has type of systems have made those governments
grown and the systems tends to be bigger more agile, more transparent, and more
and more complex then it tends to be accountable, but is not this the wish of the people
more a shaper of society. for as long as democracy has been implemented?
Technology changes because of a mixture We could argue that the will of the people to end
between the technology we have available and the corruption is what lead to this type of technology to
needs of society. Scientist and technologist can be developed.
come up with new artifacts, new technology but the We have to face the truth, technology change
initial design will change over time. They can create society but to a way that society wants to be change
new products, but when they have them they not to. We design and create the technology so that
always know what to do with it, if society society can be like we want it to be. Society changes
and vice versa, but the change that technology makes on society is based on how society wishes to be.

Technology and the Rate of Social Change

Technology has established itself as a powerful agent of social change. The more the society is advanced,
the more it encourages technology, and, as a result, the more it gets changed due to technology. And
the more rapid the technological change, the more rapid is the social change that it generates.
Significant technological changes have taken place in the past 70-80 years. For a long period in
history, people lived in a world little different from that of their parents. Parents expected their children and
grand children to live much the same lives as they did.

The traditional societies assume an almost unchanging social world and are typically very suspicious
of change. On the contrary, in the modern societies, however, people accept change as the norm. They
look for novelty, new experiences and new ventures. People expect constant improvements in their
material environment.
The technological change has its implications on almost every aspect of society. Some examples may
be cited here.
► Advancement in the medical field has lengthened life expectancy and brought down the death
rate and this has radically altered the population structure.
► Innovations in the field of industry have turned thousands of workers as unemployed persons.
Old manufacturing machineries have become obsolete within a few years.
► Cultural activities of the people have undergone revolutionary changes due to such
innovations as radio, television, cinema, computer and phonograph records.
► The socialization process has become more complex in the modern society. The elderly people
can no longer pass on safely the age old culture to their children. Margret Mead hints at it in a
curious way. She suggests that “the pace of technological change is now so great that the old
and the young live in quite different worlds- so much so that, in a sense, the parents have no
children and the children no parents.
For the first time in history, she points out; the old are no longer the main source of wisdom
and knowledge in the community. The young often know far more relevant information about the modern
world than their parents.
It is, indeed, beyond our imagination to say with certainty about the direction, dynamics, and dimensions
of technology. It is bound to grow with ever greater speed. Since technology is a part of society, it is sure
to affect and influence the course of our social life. People in the days to come would find it more and more
difficult to adjust and accommodate themselves to the ever growing technology.
Understand how much you already know about using appropriate knowledge of relation between
Science and Society.

Relation between Science and Society

Scientists are primarily moved by curiosity, by the passionate desire to know how things happen
in life and Nature and secondly, by the desire to use this knowledge for human welfare.
Nobody can deny that science has rendered invaluable service to mankind in various
spheres. It is due to the discoveries of science that we have been able to find a cure for
most diseases and prevent the outbreak of epidemics, thereby vastly increasing life
The most valuable service which science has rendered to mankind is that it has given it
supreme self confidence. It has given man the assurance that, instead of being a slave to his
environment, he can control and modify it to suit his needs. Before the scientific era, an
agriculturalist eked out a precarious existence, his livelihood depending upon the vagaries of
the weather.
Population control would still be needed if food production is to keep pace with the growth
in numbers, but the spectacular progress which scientific cultivation has made possible in the
field of agriculture has belied all Malthusian fears. Progress in the industrial field has been
even more spectacular, thanks to the application of science to industry.
The world, particularly the developed part of it, now enjoys a standard of living which in
former ages was not even enjoyed by the wealthier classes. The higher standards of living have
made it possible for the governments to provide the social services on a liberal scale.
The machine has not only relieved man of heavy burdensome tasks, but has also provided
him with ample leisure in which he can engage himself in cultural pursuits, cultivate various kinds
of hobbies and travel. It is through science that he has been able to invent new sources of
entertainment and education, such as cinema, radio and television.
The enormous popularity of these sources of entertainment proves how useful they are to
mankind. Before the invention of the printing press, education was confined to a small section
of the community and was of a predominantly religious character. The printing press
revolutionised the art of publication and brought books, periodicals and newspapers within
everyone’s reach.
Democracy would have been impossible without the printing press. The modern media of
mass communication are another fruitful source of education. are being spent on manufacturing
weapons of mass annihilation and space exploration, the affluent nations are not prepared to
help developing nations on a scale which would make a significant impact on their lives.
Many civilisations in the past perished because the people recklessly exploited natural
resources, exhausted the soil and turned the land into a desert.
Science has revolutionised life in the intellectual, social and material spheres, creating a
large number of problems for the human race. These problems are not unmanageable. What is
needed is revolution in the minds of men to ensure that the knowledge and power gained through
science is used for a constructive purpose. The future of mankind cannot be left to be
determined by old parochial passions, reckless competition among producers and the operation
of uncontrolled urges. The future has to be scientifically planned.

Society today is constantly dictated and changed by the latest and

greatest technology that is available. Technology and human life have
become one and cannot be separated. Society
has a cyclical co-dependence on technology. We use technology; depend on
technology in our daily life and our needs and demands for technology keep
on rising. Humans use technology to travel, to communicate, to learn, to do
business and to live in comfort.
Technology has changed our society. There is no denying it that 20 years
ago everything was different - the way we communicated and how we went
about business. Our society has witnessed a revolution. Technology has not
only improved our society but has also made our lives easier.

Not long ago, there was only landline telephone and even that was not
available to everyone. Having landline telephone connection was considered
snobbery. Then cell phone was introduced and in very short span of time it
dramatically changed our lives and impacted on our day-to-day matters. In
recent timers, our communication has been made quick and efficient.
Communication is used for a number of purposes. People use technology to
communicate with each other. Electronic media like radio, television, internet,
and social media have improved the way we exchange ideas which can
ultimately develop our societies.
Technology is positively impacting our transportation system. In recent
times, we have witnessed that we can call a cab at our doorstep. Even we
have e-ticking system in our city buses. Technology has also improved
education and learning process. Many schools have started integrating
educational technologies in their schools with a great aim of improving the
way students learn. Technologies like smart whiteboards, computers,
mobile phones, ipads, projectors and internet are being used in classrooms
to boost students’ moral to learn. Visual education is becoming more
popular and it has proved
to be the best method of learning in many subjects problems we are experiencing in the world today.


like mathematics, physics, biology, geography, There is no denying that the impact of technology
economics and much more. The business in the world today is huge and can be categorized
community has invested money in various into how it effects our society today and how it
educational technologies which can be used by influences the business activities and operations.
both teachers and their students. Technology has without doubt an impact on
The pervasive use of mobile devices, the society. As a matter of fact, we experience this
Internet and social media has changed the way we effect in our daily lives. It has an effect on the growth
live, work and communicate. Social networking uses of the economy, our culture and our living standards.
have increased manifolds. There is indeed a great It is however important to note that the benefits are
diversity of social networking sites by countries and a double-edged sword with some being detrimental
cultures. Even uneducated people know how to use and other being beneficial. One should be very
social media like facebook. Nowadays, we also careful and get to know how the effects on society
stay connected with old friends online. get to effect the business activities and operations.
Because of technology we have also
revolutionized our medical fields too. Our hospitals Positive Impact of Technology
are more equipped with modern technologies and Technology impacts on our daily lives. Our
keep pace with the needs of today’s patients. We environments are all so full of technology to the
have latest lab testing processes and complex point that most of the time we take it for granted and
surgeries like kidney transplant and open heart never actually notice the level of impact that it has
surgeries are taking place in our hospitals and on us until when we have no telephone, transport,
saving precious lives. water or electricity. Advancements in technology
So far, these are some of the major areas have greatly increased our living standards. Despite
which witnessed changes because of technology. the fact that we are currently experiencing very high
Realising the importance of technology in coming inflation rates and the rates of unemployment are
time our government established an Information very high, generally, people are feeding better, are
Technology university years back. Considering the dressing better and are as a matter of fact living
impact of technology on our society and the ongoing more comfortable lives.
technology developments, we would certainly have Technology also has a great impact on all
a promising future for our coming generations. the fundamental aspects of all our cultures
including laws and how they are enforced,
How Technology Effects our Society? language, art, health care, mobility, education and
The technological growth taking place in the world religion. For instance the great technological
today is doing so very rapidly and there are new improvements in health care have given a chance
advancements being made with each passing day to doctors to treat their patients in an environment
and this is possible owing to the large number of that is virtual through the use of mediums such as
extensive programmes of technological research video conferencing which has also greatly benefited
currently being done by a large number of the legal environment as it allows the judges to still
researchers working within non-profit research listen to the cases of hard core criminals who cannot
organizations, business and universities. The be allowed to get into the court rooms due to
developments being made today are very strong security reasons.
and are very pervasive forces in the business ► Tec hn ology has me c ha nize d
environment today. Technology can easily be a gric ulture : Technology has
referred to as the scientific knowledge to the mechanized agriculture : Modern
practical agricultural technology allows a small
number of people to grow vast quantities
of food in a short period
of time with less input which results into and these include ; (1) road transport

high yields and RIO ”return on used by automobiles ,(2) air transport
investment”. Through government which is used by airplanes , (3) water
subsidies, small and medium sized transportation which is used by ships
farmers have managed to acquire and speed boats and (4) space
ploughing, sowing, watering and transportation used to go to the moon.
harvesting machines. The use of The most used of all these is Road
technology in agriculture has also transportation, this one facilitates the
resulted into the manufacturing of movement of goods and people.
genetic crops which can grow fast and Technologies like automobiles, buses
they can be resistant to many pests and and trucks have improved the way
diseases. Also farmers have access to humans move and how they transport
artificial fertilizers which add value to the their goods from place to another. Also
soil and boost the growth of their crops developing countries are getting funds
and enable them to produce high quality from wealthy countries to improve their
yields. Farmers in dry areas have been road transport which has resulted into
in position to grow healthy crops, they development of rural remote areas.
use advanced water pumps and
sprinklers which derive water from rivers ► Technology has improved
to the farms, the all process can be communica tion : Technology has
automated to save time. A good example improved communication:
is Egypt , this is a desert country which Communication is used for a
receives little rain , but small and big number of purposes. Both society and
farmers have used automated sprinklers organizations depend on
to irrigate their farms. In Egypt, they communication to transfer information.
grow a lot of rice, yet this crop needs People use technology to communicate
sufficient water to grow well. The water with each other. Electronic medias like
is pumped from River Nile to the rice radios, televisions, internet , social
fields on a daily basis. medias have improved the way we
exchange ideas which can develop
► Technology has improved our societies. In many countries, radios
t r a n s p o r t a t i o n : T e c h n o l o g y has and televisions are used to voice the
improved transportation: concerns of the society, they organize live
Transportation is one of the basic areas forums where the community can
of technological activity. Both society and contribute through mobile phones or
businesses have benefited from the new text service systems like tweeter. During
transpiration methods. Transportation political elections, leaders use radio,
provides mobility for people and goods. television and internet medias to reach
Transportation, like all other the people they want to serve. A good
technologies can be viewed as a system. example is the recent presidential election
It is a series of parts that are interrelated. in USA , ”President Barak Obama ” has
These parts all work together to meet a embraced the communication
certain goal. Transportation uses technology to reach and voice out his
vehicles, trains, airplanes, motorbikes, concerns towards the development of
people, roads, energy, information, America. Communication technologies
materials, finance and time. All these parts like Televisions, radios and internet can be
have mentioned work together to move used to persuade, entertain and inform
and relocate people and goods. the society. Small businesses have also
Technology has helped in advancing all used
the four types of transportation
internet and mobile communication time not foreseeable. For instance is there really a


technology to grow and improve their justification for nations coming up with bombs,
customer service. nuclear weapons and missiles to maintain
► Technology has improved education and security?
learning process: Technology has ► Resource Depletion: The more
improved education and learning demand for new technologies and
process: Education is the backbone of advancement of current technologies, the
every economy. People need well and more pressure we put on earth’s natural
organized educational infrastructures resources. Look at the total number of
so that they can learn how to interpret mobile phones and computers being
information. Many schools have manufactured today, our population is
started integrating educational increasing every day and all these billion
technologies in their schools with a consumers demand either a mobile phone
great aim of improving the way students or a computer in their homes or offices.
learn. Technologies like smart This is good news to the manufactures,
whiteboards, computers, mobile like Apple or Samsung, the demand for
phones, ipads , projectors and internet their gadgets is high, but to sustain this
are being used in classrooms to boost demand, they have to exploit Mother
students moral to learn. Visual Nature for resources like aluminum, once
education is becoming more popular and these resources are extracted from the
it has proved to be the best method of earth plates, they will never return back
learning in many subjects like because it took them a billion years to
mathematics, physics, biology, mature. That means that at one time, we
geography , economics and much shall be left with no natural resource
more. The business community has which can be a problem to the future
invested money in various educational generation and economy. Likewise, the
technologies which can be used by intensive farming practices will deplete
both teachers and their students. For the soil. This makes heavy applications of
example, on iTunes, you will find commercial fertilizers necessary to yield
many educational applications which healthy harvests, but also these fertilizers
can allow students and teachers have chemicals which are dangerous to
exchange academic information at any the soil and human lives.
time, this has made learning mobile. ► Increased Population: – Technology has
Also programs like Long distance helped us live longer by improving
learning have opened boundaries to so health facilities and aiding in the
many scholars around round the world. research for solutions for most health
problems which affect humans. This is
Negative Impacts of Technology good news for developed countries, but
is bad news for developing countries
With every advancement that is made in the which have not been in position to
technological world, creative destruction results. access these health care benefits
For example, television impacts negatively on brought by technology. In developed
the movies and synthetic fibers impact the cotton countries population growth is controlled
fibers negatively. The coming in of new types of by advanced birth control methods,
technology also results in a negative impact on this has helped them balance their
the growth of the economy at times; television at population in relation to natural
times consumes all the productive hours that a man resources and other opportunities
has in a day. Every new form of technology gets into
the market together with long term consequences
that are most of the
which come with a planned population. This is different in developing countries, the rate at

which people produce is very high , the mortality rate is high , food is scarce and health care is
► Increased Pollution: Pollution affects the land we grow crops on , the water we drink and
the air we breath. The increased demand for new technologies and advancement of
technologies has resulted into many manufacturing and processing factories. As they work
so hard to create the best technologies for both society and business, they release harmful
chemicals and gasses which have polluted our environment and this has resulted into climate
changes (global warming). So the more technology we enjoy, the more we harm our
environment. Experts have tried to implement ways of reducing this impact by encouraging
factories to go green
, to a small extent, this has been achieved through the development of green technologies like;
green cars , green computers, but a great effort is still needed to reduce the pollution of the air
and the earth.

Technology and Its Impact on Society and Culture

Society has always been impacted by technology. Each invention has affected how people relate to one
another and how cultures have expanded or ended. Technology impacts how cities grow, where
people live, and who owns what. Technologies are the reason a few people are very rich, that people
are more social, and that teaching and learning is changing. We are at a crucial time in history where we
as educators can make a difference in how our students interact with one another and make a place
for themselves in society.

Historical Perspective

People developed a language so they could communicate and learn from elders through their stories.
They invented tools for agriculture, to build homes, and to create weapons for hunting and protection.
Civilizations have been impacted by natural disasters, encroachment from other civilizations, and from
problems within their own community. Technology not only increased humans’ life span but how we live,
how long we live, and how many there are of us.

People migrated to find a better life. For most of history, only the wealthy had access to literature
and a good education. The printing press allowed the masses to receive news, read books, and attend
school. Inventions changed the way we worked like the cotton gin where slaves were stolen from
Africa to be used as free labor with no rights, and the railroads that were built with Chinese labor who had
little or no rights, no property, or a fair wage. Communities developed within large cities to protect and
sustain the different cultures.
After World War II, freeway systems led to the suburbs. Public transportation changed when the


automobile became part of every family. Television shows replaced dinner conversations. We saw man
walk on the moon and the horrors of war in our living rooms.

So Where are We Now?

The Internet and mobile technology are changing the way people interact, work, and learn. Everyone can
report the news or share a picture from their cell phone. You can produce your own music, publish your
own book, blog your thoughts that you usually keep to yourself, create a website with even personal
information, and talk on your cell whenever and wherever you want. We are using technology for our own
use yet it infringes on others. Does this technology allow us to respect each other and value each
other’s time and work or do just the opposite?
Consider these questions about today’s technology:
► Do you answer your cell phone when you are at a party, in line for coffee, dining with friends,
► Would your children rather text message instead of talking to your friends face- to-face?
► Do you post to your blog your thoughts and link to others without researching if the
information is valid?
► Do your children have a MySpace website with links to friends they do not know?
► Would you rather visit a museum in SecondLife than visit a real museum?
► Do you believe that all music, art, and literature should be free?
Our connections seem personal, but are they? Many young people value the number of friends
they have more than the quality of those friendships. The appeal of technology is real. Do you have
an iPhone? Today, the arts, artists, and culture do not seem as valued as in the past. Who owns the
work? How would the Beatles promote their music today? They probably would create a MySpace
site and give away samples of their work. With a Creative Commons license, they would probably
allow others to use but not modify their work. How do artists make money? How does the viewer find
this artist if the artist is not tech savvy? How do you know if the artist is the original artist? With the
proliferation of social networking tools where everyone can share and publish on the web, artists will
have to be innovative and entrepreneurial to be successful.
Value Arts and Culture

With more people and crowded conditions, new technologies will be

necessary to support and sustain us. Let’s also make sure we use these tools
to tell and protect our stories. Video, audio, images, and interactive features
open doors to worlds and cultures that children could never learn in a book.
We need to allow for private spaces for confidential discussions and provide
guides for tentative and eager participants. It is our duty as educators to guide
students and other educators as they become innovative producers, teach
them to become cautious consumers, and learn how they can use these tools
to reach their fullest potential. We need to support the arts and artists and
value each other’s culture. Let’s take these next few years to design digital
ways to connect us not only to each other but to promote our values, to
respect each other, and to encourage innovation as we develop a place for
ourselves in the 21st century!

Information Technology Impact on Society

Information technology has been improving at a rapid pace in the past

decades due to the change in communication and computing, its functions
KEY WORD and use of both the Html and CSS. The support and increase in the use
Information technology of new technologies has been a source of the reduced cost of
is the application of communication which results in technological improvements and increase in
computers to store, competition both in the business sectors. These advancements in technology
study, retrieve, present many significant opportunities also pose major challenges in our
transmit and
society today. The main significant change in IT has been the electronic
manipulate data, or
information, often
commerce through the internet as a new way of business transaction.
Technology has impacted in our society and in different sectors which will
in the context of a
list below.
business or other
enterprise. ► Impact on private life/trend
► Impact on Labour Market
► Impact on Education
► Impact on business and market structure

Impact on Private Life/Trend

The change in IT impact greatly in our private life due to the rapid increase in
the use of computers which has been taken over with high dependability on
ICT as our new way of living there by removing the act of pro activeness and
thinking ability even though it makes socializing easier it also has a negative
effect on our health using computer through stain injuries on our hands,
eyes and wrist.
The amount of time spent on the internet or watching TV has taken a large
part of our day to day activity which has also resulted in the increase in obesity
due to large dependability in technology and fast food. Information technology
has improved our transportation system in many ways making it easy to travel
from one country to another through different means which includes both land
air and
sea. It has equally a raised privacy issues as information are easily shared among people and this


affects both the private and public sectors.

Impact on Labor Market

This has more impact as there is high request for technological know-how in most industries today. Since
the use of technological appliance most jobs are lost, all activities are carried out using technology, like
the use of telephones or internet to communicate compared to writing letters through a postman,
technology bridges the gap and reduces jobs in this area. Firms move businesses and jobs to countries
they can benefit from in ways of low production with use of cheap labor and raw materials.

Impact on Education

The improvement in information technology has been beneficial in the educational aspect of our
economy as we know that education is the backbone of any economy that wants to grow and
information technology has indeed helped with the ease of studying through easy asses to research
materials and not eliminating the old and traditional method of studying in the class, but complementing
the educational system in a more advanced way. Information’s are easily passed from lectures to students
through the internet via Email and this also simplifies the interaction between students during course
Although we still have other means of education which is the distance learning through the internet,
this is highly supported with videos of tutorial and are used by prestigious university to enable people from
different geographical location attain a degree which in turn creates the room for expansion in

Impact on Business and Market Structure

The impact of information technology on business and market structure is mainly seen in the aspect
of reducing geographical distance between the work place and home, many industries like the software
industry make use of this to overcome local market competition for engineers in software, low wages by
the use for employees in countries like India or other places where their wages are lower. Firms can equally
outsource for investment from other countries with better infrastructures and use information technology
like telecommunication and the internet to manage the marketing process. Information technology
brings about the ease of product awareness, choice, and a more interactive and professional was of
marketing products which can be tailored to costumers needs and services in both the own country

of production and other country as a marketing strategy.

Five Positive Effects of Technology on Education

The prevalence of technology drastically affects many areas of society in positive ways, including
education. Modern-day students not only have computers to help them with their schoolwork, they
also use the Internet for research while teachers use technology to enhance their lessons.


If a school’s library is outdated or lacking in a selection of titles, a student might find it difficult to compile
the necessary research for an essay or research paper. As long as the school has a computer lab, students
are able to use the Internet and digital encyclopedias to obtain the research they need. While students
should be wary of the legitimacy of some of the content they read online, many schools use software
like the Encyclopedia Britannica to help students do research.


When schools in different parts of the state, country or world connect, students can “meet” their
counterparts through video conferencing without leaving the classroom. Some sites, such as Glovico,
are used to help students learn foreign languages online by pairing a
group of students with a teacher from another country.


Educational Games

In younger grades, teachers expose children to computers through

educational games. Instead of playing board games that focus on education,
students can learn the basics of spelling, counting and other early educational
lessons through computer games that make learning fun. Because many
schools have at least one computer in each classroom, the teacher can make
that computer a vital part of learning for young students.

Distance Education

In the past, students could take distance or continuing education classes, also
called “correspondence courses,” at community colleges and universities.
After enrolling in a course of this style, a student would receive course
documents in the mail and would be required to mail assignments to his
teacher at the educational institution. The process could be long and
complicated. Thanks to technology, continuing education students can take
courses over the Internet at their convenience.

Web Seminars

Not every school has the resources and budget to send its students on field
trips related to the course of study. When this is the case, the students’ KEY WORD
education can suffer. But thanks to technology, students can use the Internet
to virtually attend Web seminars put on by museums and other educational Entertainment technology
is the discipline of using
institutions. NASA, for instance, offers a program that allows students to talk
to astronauts in space.
or created components
Impact of Technology on the Developing Child to enhance or make
possible any sort
Today’s families are different. Technology’s impact on the 21st century of entertainment
family is fracturing its very foundation, and causing a disintegration of core experience.
values that long ago were the fabric that held families together. Juggling
school, work, home, and community lives, parents now rely heavily on
communication, information, and transportation technology to make their
lives faster and more efficient. Entertainment technology (TV, Internet,
video games, iPads, cell phones) has advanced so rapidly, that families have
scarcely noticed the significant impact and changes to their family structure
and lifestyles. A 2010 Kaiser Foundation study showed that elementary aged
children use on average 7.5 hours per day of entertainment technology, 75
percent of these children have TV’s in their bedrooms, and 50 percent of
North American homes have the TV on all day. Gone is dining room table
conversation, replaced by the “big screen” and take out.
Children now rely on technology for the majority of their play, grossly
limiting challenges to their creativity and imaginations, as
well as limiting necessary challenges to their bodies to achieve optimal sensory and motor development.

Sedentary bodies bombarded with chaotic sensory stimulation are resulting in delays in attaining child
developmental milestones, with subsequent negative impact on basic foundation skills for achieving
literacy. Hard-wired for high speed, today’s young are entering school struggling with self regulation and
attention skills necessary for learning, eventually becoming significant behavior management problems for
teachers in the classroom.

So what is the impact of technology on the developing child? Children’s developing sensory, motor,
and attachment systems have biologically not evolved to accommodate this sedentary, yet frenzied and
chaotic nature of today’s technology. The impact of rapidly advancing technology on the developing child
has seen an increase of physical, psychological and behavior disorders that the health and education
systems are just beginning to detect, much less understand. Child obesity and diabetes are now national
epidemics in both Canada and the U.S., causally related to technology overuse. Diagnoses of ADHD,
autism, coordination disorder, developmental delays, unintelligible speech, learning difficulties, sensory
processing disorder, anxiety, depression, and sleep disorders are associated with technology overuse,
and are increasing at an alarming rate. An urgent closer look at the critical factors for meeting
developmental milestones, and the subsequent impact of technology on those factors, would assist
parents, teachers and health professionals to better understand the complexities of this issue, and
help create effective strategies to reduce technology use.

Four critical factors necessary to achieve healthy child development are movement, touch, human
connection, and exposure to nature. These types of sensory inputs ensure normal development of posture,
bilateral coordination, optimal arousal states and self-regulation necessary for achieving foundation skills
for eventual school entry. Young children require 2-3 hours per day of active rough and tumble play to
achieve adequate sensory stimulation to their vestibular, proprioceptive and tactile systems. Tactile
stimulation received through touching, hugging and play is critical for the development of praxis, or
patterns. Touch also activates the parasympathetic system lowering cortisol, adrenalin and anxiety.


Nature and “green space” has not only a calming influence on children, but also is attention restorative
and promotes learning.
Further analysis of the impact of technology on the developing child indicates that while the
vestibular, proprioceptive, tactile and attachment systems are under stimulated, the visual and auditory
sensory systems are in “overload.” This sensory imbalance creates huge problems in overall neurological
development, as the brain’s anatomy, chemistry and pathways become permanently altered and impaired.
Young children who are exposed to violence through TV and video games are in a high state of adrenalin
and stress, as the body does not know that what they are watching is not real. Children who overuse
technology report persistent body sensations of overall “shaking”, increased breathing and heart rate,
and a general state of “unease.” This can best be described as a persistent hypervigalent sensory system,
still “on alert” for the oncoming assault. While the long term effects of this chronic state of stress in the
developing child are unknown, we do know that chronic stress in adults results in a weakened immune
system and a variety of serious diseases and disorders.

It is important to come together as parents, teachers and therapists to help society “wake up” and
see the devastating effects technology is having not only on our child’s physical, psychological and
behavioral health, but also on their ability to learn and sustain personal and family relationships. While
technology is a train that will continually move forward, knowledge regarding its detrimental effects, and
action taken toward balancing the use of technology with critical factors for development, will work
toward sustaining our children. While no one can argue the benefits of advanced technology in today’s
world, connection to these devices may have resulted in a disconnection from what society should value
most, children. Rather than hugging, playing, rough housing, and conversing with children, parents are
increasingly resorting to providing their children with more TV, video games, and the latest iPads and cell
phone devices, creating a deep and irreversible chasm between parent and child.

Negative Effects of Technology

The impact of technology on our social, mental, physical and environmental health can be devastating if
we do not keep ourselves in check. There is no denying the benefits we have gained from technological
advancements, but as with all things in life moderation is key. Being aware of the harmful aspects of the
overuse of electronics will help you avoid any unnecessary pitfalls. We have also compiled a list of reading
material that delves deeper into this relatively new area of study.
our brains. Also, the ambient glow from screens

Social isolation is characterized by a lack of contact can affect the release of melatonin, the sleep
with other people in normal daily living, such as, the chemical. Keeping technology out of the bedroom
workplace, with friends and in social activities. We would be a very healthy habit to acquire.
isolate ourselves by walking around in our own little
world, listening to our iPods or staring at the screen Pollution
of the latest mobile device even when we are
With the rapid-changing world of electronics and
around other people. Studies have shown that
technology, the turnover rate for upgrades is
people who are socially isolated will live shorter
staggering. This constant stream of out with the old,
in with the new is adding to the levels of toxicity in
our air and land. E-waste is not always disposed of
Lack of Social Skills
properly, causing deadly chemicals to leach into
The use of online social media outlets causes us to the ground. Plants that manufacture the electronics
meet face-to-face with much less frequency are emitting toxic fumes into the air. Plus there is
resulting in a lack of much needed social skills. We little to no regulations on the disposal of personal E-
lose the ability to read body language and social waste.
cues in other people.
Increased Bullying
The use of technology has caused an increase in
The more time people are spending engrossed in bullying and escalated the degree of severity.
video games, talking to friends online and Kids are no longer able to escape their tormentors
watching funny cat videos on YouTube, they are once they reach the safety of their own homes.
spending less time being active or exercising. Also Bullies infiltrate the security of their victims’
the likelihood of mindlessly eating unhealthy food homes through online avenues. It is also easier to
increases as people are hypnotized by the latest get more kids involved in bullying because people
episode of Honey Boo Boo. are more likely to say things online that they would
not say in person. The increase in cyber-bullying
Depression has also led to an increase in teen suicides.

Technology creates the perfect recipe for

depression with the lack of human contact, Lack of Privacy
overeating and lack of exercise. There is a reason
the use of antidepressants are on the rise and the The internet has stripped the world of privacy. Long
blame cannot be completely dumped on the gone are the days of having an unlisted telephone
pharmaceutical companies. They are not carting number and staying offline to keep your
people into the doctor’s office and force feeding information safe from prying eyes. With a few flicks
them the pills. This is not to say that depression is on a keyboard the average person can find
not a real problem, but some people could cure their anyone’s address and contact information. For
depression by living a healthier lifestyle. those with more sinister intentions, the use of
phishing, viruses and hacking helps to find any
information they wish to obtain. Plus, people have
Poor Sleep Habits
no sense of privacy online. They do not think twice
Some of the negative effects of technology can be about tweeting every move they make, freely giving
linked to the effect it has on sleep habits. We get out their location on Google Map and putting their
sucked into online activities that keep us up too late entire life story on Facebook.
and the constant stream of information can make
it difficult to turn off
Higher Level of Deceit
stalking someone or sending unsolicited nude


On the flip side of having no privacy, people use the photos are examples of grossly crossing social
internet to deceive others. Most people do not dig boundaries.
too deeply when doing a search on someone to
check them out. By creating a few false profiles, Lack of Sexual Boundaries
people are able to pretend to be whomever they
want. People are being “catfished” on dating sites. Exposure to sexual content is more likely to
Hell, you could be talking to someone on the FBI’s happen at a much younger age. Before the
top ten most wanted list and not realize it until you internet the only chance a child had of being
see them getting arrested on the news. exposed to pornography was if their dad did not
hide his Playboy magazine well enough. Now,
Warped Sense of Reality
well, let’s just say you pray your filters are doing
their job when your kid searches for “Puss and
Using the internet as an escape from real life is Donkey” from Shrek.
very easy to do. In real life you only speak to a few Sexting is also a concern with technology being
people each day, there is no Photoshop or avatar used at such a young age. There is no way in
for the reflection in your mirror, bills must be paid hell a girl would have taken a nude photo of herself
and saying smartass things is frowned upon. and handed it to a guy before the popularity of
However, online you are a freaking rock star! You texting. Yet, using your phone to snap a quick boob
have enough “friends” to form a small country, you shot and texting it to your boyfriend seems to be no
look great in your pics or you have a kickass avatar, big deal. If you would not print the picture out and
plus you get rewards or points for saying clever hand it to the guy, then you should not text it. And
things (more if the clever thing is also mean- guys — girls do not want pictures of your penis. So
spirited). Unfortunately we must live in the real stop sending them.
world whether we like it or not.
Lack of Social Bonds
Creating a lasting bond with other people requires
Constantly being “plugged in” and “connected” face-to-face interaction. The more we isolate
causes an extra layer of stress that was not present ourselves with technology the fewer bonds we will
before the overuse of technology. form. People are expected to do more work at home
which takes away time they would be spending with
Blackberry/iPhone Thumb their families. Also, younger people prefer
communicating online versus face-to-face. When
Tendonitis in the thumb, a.k.a. Blackberry/ iPhone people are in the same room and communicating via
Thumb, is a form of repetitive strain injury caused text or instant messaging instead of speaking to
by the frequent use of thumbs to press buttons on each other, there is a problem.
mobile devices. The same injury can also be
obtained from playing too many video games. Constant Distraction

Lack of Social Boundaries When we are focused on a device instead of

what is going on around us we miss a great deal.
Much in the same way that people over share on Think of the number of times you have been
social media sites, there is an increasing tendency texting or talking to a friend and missed the
to cross social boundaries. Cyber opportunity to flirt with the hot guy standing
beside you. There is also a rise in the number of
injuries incurred by people texting while walking.
Neck and Head Pain

Constantly looking down at devices can cause neck pain and over time will
cause the neck to lose its natural curve. Eyestrain can also cause headaches,
blurred vision and migraines.

Shortened Attention Span

The use of social media has shortened our attention span from 12 minutes to
5 minutes. Constant news feeds, getting information in 140 characters and
videos that are 10 minutes or less has literally rewired our brains. People who
KEY WORD are online an average of 5 hours a day have trouble remembering people’s
Social media are names, forget pots on the stove and even their own birthday.
technologies that
facilitate the creation
and sharing of
information, ideas,
People are not only dependent on technology they are also addicted to it.
career interests Studies have shown that when cell phones are taken away subjects heard or
felt fathom vibrations, continuously reached for phones that were not there and
and other forms of
expression via virtual became fidgety and restless. These are some of the same withdrawal
communities and symptoms you would expect from doing drugs.
Lack of Empathy

The constant stream of violent scenes on video games, TV, movies and
YouTube causes people to become desensitized to destruction of any kind.
The normalizing of bad things happening and the culture of narcissism
created by social media creates a society of people who lack empathy. When
people stop caring, the world goes to hell in a hand basket.

More Violence

After people lose empathy and are accustomed to violence, it becomes the
social norm. Teenage girls are videoing themselves violently beating another
girl; the number of school shootings are rising and videos of people attacking
homeless people are a few examples of violent behavior caused by media.

Higher Energy Consumption

Although individual devices are becoming more energy efficient, the

increased overall use is causing a higher consumption of energy. People do
not turn their devices off; they keep computers on or plugged in, mobile
devices charging and televisions plugged in. Also manufacturing all of
these high tech toys causes an increase in greenhouse gas emissions.

Developmental Issues in Children

Children are using more technology now than they have ever used in the
past. All of the negative effects that social media and
television is having on adults are far greater when it comes to the developing


minds of children. There is no way to know what long term effect technology
will have on our children because this is the first generation to have unlimited


Technology causes people to suffer from mental and emotional

disturbances, such as anxiety, phobias and delusions, which are all
symptoms of neurosis. Being convinced you are very ill after looking up
strange diseases on WebMD or thinking you are famous because you have
had a viral video are a couple of ways technology neurosis manifests itself.

Loss of Hearing and Eyesight

Using headphones and ear buds can cause people to lose their hearing over
time. Likewise, straining your eyes looking at computer and device screens
can cause people to need glasses much earlier in life.


Technology is the application of scientific knowledge to the making of
tools to solve specific problems. Technological advances such as
automobiles, airplanes, radio, television, cellular phones, computers,
modems, and fax machines have brought major advances and changes to
the world. Indeed, 20th century technology has completely—and
irreversibly—changed the way people meet, interact, learn, work, play
travel, worship, and do business.

Technological information increases exponentially: The entire database

of scientific knowledge doubles every several years. This “technological
explosion” is due in part to an “Information explosion,” as well as to advances
in storage, retrieval, and communication of data. In other words, a cycle occurs:
Improvements in technology lead to increases in knowledge and information
and, thus, to uncovering the means to create better technology. Consequently,
sociologists are concerned with how technological societies will be forced to
to the social changes that improvements in Internet to identify potential victims. Other areas of

technology will continue to bring. concern include potential social isolation, random
and reckless dissemination of nonverifiable or
Computer Technology inaccurate information, plagiarism, and family
In the 1990s, people witnessed an explosion of
computer technology—both in America and
around the globe, which has in turn led to a change Biotechnology
in how and where people work. Telecommuters
Recent decades have produced dramatic— though
are employees of agencies or business firms who
controversial—scientific advances in biotechnology
work full‐time or part‐time at home instead of in the
(the application of technology to the practice of
office. They connect to their offices via electronic
medicine). Advances in such areas as reproductive
networking: phone, computer, e‐mail, and fax.
technologies, surrogate parenthood, sex
Telecommuting allows employees to work under
preselection, and genetic engineering have raised
supervisors in another state or country. This form of
difficult political, ethical, and moral questions.
employment especially helps disabled individuals
who are unable to leave home or travel to an
office, as well as Reproductive technologies and sex preselection
working parents of young children.
The Internet—the world’s largest computer
Not every couple wanting to conceive can do so.
network—has revolutionized electronic
If they fail to conceive after one year or more of
networking. The number of people using the
trying, the couple is considered infertile. At any one
Internet continues to double annually, with at least
time, up to 20 percent of couples in the United
50 percent of all Americans “online” in 2000.
States may be infertile.
The Internet originally developed from a
In many cases, doctors can successfully treat
system built by the U.S. Defense Department to
permit governmental work in the aftermath of a
nuclear attack. Although originally only those with ► Fertility drugs (ovulation‐stimulating
governmental or university positions could access hormones) can help when the woman’s
the Internet, now virtually any home can purchase inability to ovulate causes the infertility.
World Wide Web service. Net‐surfers can ► Artificial insemination, which
telecommute, check stock prices, conduct involves collecting and introducing sperm
research, comparison price, shop from home, meet into the vagina using a syringe, proves
others in chat rooms or on bulletin boards, take particularly useful when the man
college courses, and even earn an accredited possesses a below‐normal sperm count.
degree. ► In vitro fertilization, or the “test‐tube baby”
method, involves fertilizing an egg outside
The Internet has certainly provided exciting
the woman’s body and implanting it into
new possibilities for electronic communication,
the uterus. This procedure is useful when
yet critics argue that a dark side exists to this
the woman has blocked fallopian tubes.
informational tool. One area of special concern,
especially for families with young children, is the ► Gamete intrafallopian transfer
ability to access and download pornographic (“GIFT”) involves taking eggs from the
materials. Internet users can download woman›s ovaries, mixing them with the
pornographic photos, trade sexual messages on a man›s sperm, and then inserting them
bulletin board, have overtly sexual conversations into the fallopian tube. In this procedure,
with a distant “playmate,” play erotic games, or fertilization takes place inside the
purchase tickets for a singles cruise. In recent woman›s body rather than outside. To
years, sexual predators have also used the date, couples
in the United States have produced over technologies and sex preselection is altering


20,000 babies using alternatives such as human behavior through genetic engineering.
these. Cloning, or the creation of exact replicas from a
Some couples or individuals decide that single genetic ancestor, represents the most
adopting a child represents the best way of dealing extreme form of genetic engineering. Geneticists
with infertility. Others elect to utilize the services of have cloned animals for years, but may soon focus
a surrogate mother—a woman who contracts with a their efforts on human beings.
couple to carry their fetus to full term, deliver it, One of the latest advances in genetic
and adopt it to the couple. A physician may engineering is gene therapy, in which genetic
artificially inseminate the surrogate with the man›s engineers, in limited cases, can disable genes
sperm or implant an in vitro fertilized egg into her carrying undesirable traits and replace them with
uterus. Either way, the procedure remains genes carrying desirable traits. While these sorts of
controversial, given the many potential ethical, developments pose many possibilities for altering
legal, and moral issues it raises. For example, various organisms and eradicating certain diseases
questions of legal, moral, and biological parenthood and disabilities, gene therapy remains
can give rise to long and complicated custody experimental.
proceedings. For obvious reasons, certain groups, such as
Similar to surrogate motherhood, and also the National Multiple Sclerosis Society and the
controversial, is carrier implantation. The procedure Cystic Fibrosis Foundation, support genetic
involves implanting a fertilized egg into a relative›s engineering in the hopes of dramatic cures being
uterus. Because a relative carries the fetus to term, developed. Still others, like certain religious groups,
the woman or couple avoids the expense and hassle oppose genetic engineering.
of hiring a surrogate mother. Physicians have now There are some areas where technology
successfully implanted embryos into women in their impacts on social change:
50s, following hormone therapy to reverse the
effects of menopause.
Sex preselection techniques designed to help
a couple choose the gender of their unborn child Technology has contributed to the growth of
have also proven controversial. Because sperm industries or to the process of industrialization.
bearing the Y chromosome produce males, Industrialization is a term covering in general terms
couples wanting a male baby attempt to increase the growth in a society hitherto mainly agrarian of
the chances of a Y‐bearing sperm fusing with the modern industry with all its circumstances and
X‐ovum. A number of sperm‐separating problems, economic and social.
techniques supposedly accomplish this. For It describes in general term the growth of a
example, doctors can impregnate the mother‐to‐ society in which a major role is played by
be via artificial insemination of primarily Y‐ manufacturing industry. The industry is
bearing sperm, which they have separated in a test characterized by heavy, fixed capital investment
tube. Success rates of sperm‐separating in plant and building by the application of science
techniques are questionable, with reported figures to industrial techniques and by mainly large-scale
approaching 85 percent. Critics note that society standardized production. The Industrial Revolution
cannot know the effects of gender imbalances of 18th century led to the unprecedented growth
created through sex preselection. Will people prefer of industries. Industrialization is associated with the
more girls than boys? What happens to the future of factory system of production. The family has lost its
marriage and family? economic importance. The factories have brought
down the prices of commodities, improved their
Genetic Engineering quality and maximized their output. The whole
process of production is mechanized.
Perhaps even more presumptuous (or alarming, Consequently the traditional skills have declined
according to some critics) than reproductive and good number of artisans has lost their work.
factories could provide employment opportunities to thousands of people.

Hence men have become workers in a very large number. The process of
industrialization has affected the nature, character and the growth of
economy. It has contributed to the growth of cities or to the process of


In many countries the growth of industries has contributed to the growth of

cities. Urbanization denotes a diffusion of the influence of urban centers to a
rural hinterland. Urbanization can be described as a process of becoming
urban moving to cities changing from agriculture to other pursuits common to
cities and corresponding change of behavior patterns. Hence only when a
large proportion of inhabitants in an area come to cities urbanization is said
to occur. Urbanization has become a world phenomenon today. An
unprecedented growth has taken place not only in the number of great cities
but also in their size. As a result of industrialization people have started moving
KEY WORD towards the industrial areas in search of employment. Due to this the
industrial areas developed into towns and cities.
Urbanization refers
to the population Keyword
shift from rural to
urban areas, “the

gradual increase in the Modernization

proportion of people
living in urban areas”, Modernization is a process which indicates the adoption of the modern ways
and the ways in which of life and values. It refers to an attempt on the part of the people particularly
each society adapts to
the change.
those who are custom-bound to adapt themselves to the present-time,
conditions, needs, styles and ways in general. It indicates a change in
people’s food habits, dress habits, speaking styles, tastes, choices,
preferences, ideas, values, recreational activities and so on. People in the
process of getting themselves modernized give more importance to science
and technology. The scientific and technological inventions have modernized
societies in various countries. They have brought about remarkable changes
in the whole system of social relationship and installed new ideologies in the
place of traditional ones.

Development of the means of transport and communication

Development of transport and communication has led to the national and
international trade on a large scale. The road transport, the train service, the
ships and the aero planes have eased the movement of men and material
goods. Post and telegraph, radio and television, newspapers and magazines,
telephone and wireless and the like have developed a great deal. The space
research and the launching of the satellites for communication purposes
have further added to these developments. They have helped the people
belonging to different corners of the nation or the world to have regular
Transformation in the economy and the evolution
between men and women at home. Religion is


of the new social classes
losing hold over the members. People are becoming
The introduction of the factory system of more secular, rational and scientific but less
production has turned the agricultural economy religious in their outlook. Inventions and discoveries
into industrial economy. The industrial or the in science have shaken the foundations of religion.
capitalist economy has divided the social The function of the state or the field of state activity
organization into two predominant classes-the has been widened. Modern technology have
capitalist class and the working class. These two made the states to perform such functions as -the
classes are always at conflict due to mutually protection of the aged, the weaker section and the
opposite interest. In the course of time an minorities making provision for education, health
intermediary class called the middle class has care etc. Transportation and communication
evolved. inventions are leading to a shift of functions from
local government to the central government of the
Unemployment whole state. The modern inventions have also
strengthened nationalism. The modern
The problem of unemployment is a concomitant governments which rule through the bureaucracy
feature of the rapid technological advancement. have further impersonalized the human relations.
Machines not only provide employment
opportunities for men but they also take away the
Cultural Lag
jobs of men through labor- saving devices. This
results in technological unemployment. To provide a law of social change comparable to the
laws of physics and biology that William F.
Technology and war Ogburn in 1922 advanced his theory of social lag.
Ogburn pointed out that social changes always
The dangerous effect of technology is evident originate in the invention by some individual of a
through the modern mode of warfare. The new way of doing something new to do. So far
weaponry has brought fears and anxieties to the he was following in the tradition established by
mankind. They can easily destroy the entire human Gabriel Tarde; but Ogburn then began to wander in
race reveal how technology could be misused. Thus the tracks of Marx, Historically, he argued,
greater the technological advancement the more inventions occur most often in the field of material
risk for the mankind. technology, if only because the advantages of an
improvement in technology are self-evident. With
Changes in social institutions each development in technology there comes,
however, some disturbance to the effective working
Technology has profoundly altered our modes of
of the existing social order. A strain or stress is set
life. Technology has not spared the social
up between the new technique and various
institutions of its effects. The institutions of
organizational aspects of the social system,
family, religion, morality, marriage, state,
changes in which come slowly if at all; the result,
property have been altered. Modern technology in
disequilibrium between new technology and old
taking away industry from the household has
social organization, is social lag.
radically changed the family organization. Many
functions of the family have been taken away by
other agencies. Marriage is losing its sanctity. It is Social Movements
treated as a civil contract than a sacred bond. Social Movement is one of the major forms of
Marriages are becoming more and more collective behaviour. We hear of various kinds of
unstable. Instances of divorce, desertion and social movements launched for one or the other
separation are increasing. Technology has elevated purpose. A social movement can be defined as
the status of women but it has also contributed to collectively acing with some
the stresses and strains in the relations
continuity to promote or resist change in the society or group of which it is a

part. Horton and Hunt have defined it as a collective effort to promote or resist
change. Smelser defines it as organized group effort to generate or resist
social change. According to M.S.A Rao social movement includes two

Collective Action

Social Movement involves collective action. However it takes the form of a

movement only when it is sustained for a long time. This collective action need
not be formally organized. But it should be able to create an interest and
awakening in relatively large number of people.

Oriented towards social change

A social movement is generally oriented towards bringing social change. This

change could either be partial or total. Though the movement is aimed at
bringing about a change in the values, norms, ideologies of the existing
system, efforts are also made by some other forces to resist the changes and
to maintain the status quo. The counter attempts are normally defensive and
restorative rather than innovative and initiating change. They are normally the
organized efforts of an already established order to maintain itself.
KEY WORD Social movement is a collective mobilization of people in a society in an
Social movement is a organized manner under an individual or collective leadership in order to
mass movement and realize an ideologically defined social purpose. Social movements are
characterized by a specific goal which has a collective significance ideological
a collective attempt of
people to bring about a interpretation of the collective goal a rank of committed worker and strong
change, or to resist any leadership. Social movements have a life-cycle of their own origin, maturity and
change. culmination. A study of social movements implies a study of social structure as
movements originate from the contradictions which in turn emanate from social
structure. He states that all social movements center around three factors-
Locality, Issues and social categories. Social movement as an attempt by local
population to change the image or models they have of how their culture
An important component of social movement that distinguishes it from the
general category of collective mobilization is the presence of an ideology. A
student strike involves collective mobilization and is oriented towards
change. But in the absence of an ideology a student strike becomes an
isolated event and not a movement. A social movement requires a minimum
of organizational framework to achieve success or at least to maintain the
tempo of the movement. To make the distinction clear between the leaders
and followers to make clear the purposes of the movement to persuade
people to take part in it or to support it, to adopt different techniques to achieve
the goals - a social movement must have some amount of organizational
frame-work. A social movement may adopt its own technique or method to
achieve its goal. It may follow peaceful or conflicting, violent or non-violent,
compulsive or persuasive, democratic or undemocratic means or methods
to reach its goal.


The use of technology is increasing day by day, we all depend on
technology and we use various technologies to accomplish specific
tasks in our lives. Today we have various emerging technologies
which impact our lives in different ways. Technology is being
implemented in almost every section of our lives and business
structures. It does not matter which industry you are dealing in,
technology will be of use in a certain manner. So embracing it
and learning how to use technology in what ever we do is very
important and recommended. As the world keeps on developing,
technology will be changed, what is working today might not work
not be efficient tomorrow. So it is better to stay up-to-date with
new emerging technologies and learn how to embrace and use
them in your daily life.

Below Are Some Of The Uses Of Technology Today:

1. Use of Technology in Business: Today businesses can save money
by using technology to perform certain tasks. When you compare the amount
of money spent on hiring an individual to perform a certain task and to
guarantee delivery on time, it is totally expensive. When it comes to technology
a small business can scale out and deliver more with less human resource.
For example: If you operate a manufacturing business, instead of hiring
so many people to work in certain section , you can replace that labor with a
”PLC” programmed production line which will automate the all process of
manufacturing . The benefits of using a ”PLC” , is that productivity and
accuracy will be better and first compared to using individuals.
2. The Use of technology in communication: Unlike in the past when
communication was limited to letter writing and waiting for those postal
services to deliver your message. Today technology has made the field of
communications so easy. Now you can draft a business message and email
it or fax in a second without any delays, the recipient will get the message an
they will reply you instantly.
► Also technology has made business meetings so simple, with the introduction of video

conferencing; you no longer have to worry to be late for a business meeting. Now with this video
conferencing technology, you can be in the meeting in a virtual form and engage with your
partners directly.
► Also technology has made it simple to get feed back from your clients on instant: This has
been aided by the introductions of online business to consumer portals like ’’Facebook
Business Pages’’. As a business, you will can get responses and suggestions from your
customers via social network portals. All you need is to create your business page and promote
it, so your clients will always post what they want on your wall and suggest areas of
improvement. This will save you money on direct mail surveys and other means of getting
information from your consumers.

Sites for video conferencing Use vide conferencing tools for ”Accuconference” and you will have face to face
meetings just like as if you were in the same room. This technology will save you a lot of time and
money. This is a leading provider of personal tele-presence for big enterprises. Their technology
enables HD multipoint video conferencing and video collaboration
3. Use of technology in human relationships: As the world develops, people are getting more
carried away with their work and carries. Today a lot is demanded so every one is busy to
have time to find a relationship. So technology has also filled this part. With technology you
can connect and meet new people while at work using social network technology. You can also
use technology to find a new date without living your work. Now days people use mobile phone
apps to meet and connect with new and old friends. Social networks like ,
Tagged. comhave played a big role in connecting both old and new relationships.
However, virtual relationships are not as strong as physical relationships. On the other note, people
who over participate in virtual relationships, end up with no friends in real life and they develop a
diseases called cyber-sickness and loneliness.

Apps for Dating : This is a social network for people searching for mates. You can connect with any one
and communicate with them for free. This app has connected more people in the world and most of these connections
have resulted into real marriages.
Twoo: This app helps people connect with others by recommending basing on potential match and
Eharmony: With this app, connections are based on various dimensions of which will result into a
long term relationship. For those in need of long term relationships.
4. Use of technology in education: Today, technology has made a very big change in the education
world. With the invention of technological gadgets and mobile apps which helps students learn easily.
Now days you can access a full library via a mobile app on any smart phone or ipad. Before inventing
this technology, students had to go to physical libraries to get the information they need. some of these
library Apps include
Apps for Education


The Library App – It brings the library in your hands.
My Library: With this app , you can catalog your books by scanning the ISBN with your ipad
camera and it helps students get access to free eBooks.
Book Crawler: This app will solve the book cataloging problem for students, and it also has a
location awareness which will help a student see what others around them are reading.
Library Books: This App can track multiple library cards and let you know when you have got a
book coming due.
The list is endless, but this is good example to show you that technology has made education
5. Use of technology in purchasing: Technology has also made the buying and selling of good so
flexible. With the introduction e-payment systems like and Square Wallet App , users can
easily purchase any thing online without living the comfort of their homes.
For you to use paypal , you will have to sign up with the site for free, then connect your debit card
details so that money is transferred from your physical bank account to your electronic PayPal account.
So when you go to a store like , you can use your PayPal electronic credit to buy anything
on AMAZON.COM . This has made purchasing of items so easy.
6. The Use of technology in agriculture: With the invention of Mobile App for farmers, they can use
an App like ”FamGraze” to work faster and be more accurate while in the field and off the field. For
example, ”FamGraze” app will help a farmer manage their grass more effectively by suggesting the
cheapest feed for their livestock. This app will calculate the amount of grass your animals have in the
field. You will need no paper or any spreadsheets to do all this. Saving you more time while in the
Then we also have the ” Horse Ration App ” , with this app the farmer accurately calculates the amount
of feed t give their horse and avoid the obesity in their animals and health problems which can be cause
by less or over feeding.
Then comes the use of technology in manufacturing fertilizers and tools for farmers, all this cuts
down on the time and increases productivity.

Also technology has changed the agricultural industry by replacing human labor with machines
that are operated or controlled by people or other machines. In the agricultural industry , productivity
is a key factor. If production is high the farmer will make more profits so technology has helped farmers
replace the old ways of farming with machines that can do the job in time right from the day of planting
to the day of harvesting. Lets take a simple example. An animal-drawn plow replaced the dig-ging
stick. Then later , that plow was replaced by the horse drawn moldboard plow. Currently, we have
the large tractors that pull complex tilling machines. But, even these machines are being replaced by
no-till or minimum-till farming practices, which reduce the amount of work it takes to prepare the soil
for planting.
7. Use of technology in banking: Now electronic banking moving money has become so simple. The

invention of VISA ELECTRON has made it simple to move with more money with out having any fears of
getting robbed on the way. You can buy any thing with a Visa Electron card, so in this case you do
not have to move with cash.
Banks use the Visa neutral network software to spot fraud and determine which of their customers
might default or go bankrupt. This neutral network is very good at spotting patterns, so if your profile looks
like that of people who have defaulted, the bank will take action and save you from getting robbed.
8. Use of technology to control and harness natural forces: Natural forces affect and disrupt
human life and daily economic activates. For example; Floods wash away farmland and homes, they carry
out fertile top soil and disrupt the growth of crops. Also fires burn buildings, crops and forests which affect
human life. However, technology has enabled humans build large dams which can harbor excess water
and use that water to generate power. Also fire is tamed to heat our homes and process industrial
materials. Wind is being used to generate electricity. We have converted solar energy to power which is
being used in homes and businesses. All this is a result of using technology to control natural
9: Use of technology in transportation: Transportation is one of the basic areas of technological
activity. Both businesses and individuals have benefited from the new technologies in the travel
industry. Time is money , so we must have first and efficient means of transport. Try to imagine life
without well developed transportation systems. It has become a basic need , because we use advanced
transport means like cars , trains , airplanes to go to work , to transport goods , to go shopping, to visit
friends and families and so much more. However, the transportation technology has been changing
since 1800 to the recent years. Lets take a good example in the picture below.

Technology and It is Benefits

Technology sometimes has a bad reputation for leading people down scary paths of sexting, identity theft,
and introducing predators into their lives. However, technology can streamline schedules, simplify work
and home businesses, coordinate activities, and much more.
Ultimately, technology can offer families a wide array of tools that can prevent blunders like the
infamous birthday party snafu.
Here are 10 ways parents can use technology positively:
► Online calendars help coordinate everyone’s schedules and can be accessed by a variety of
devices. Google Calendar is a great one to try.
► Cell phones allow families to text updates on activities, practices, and even grocery lists. Do you
remember how hard it was to organize schedules without cell phones?
► Teachers are able to use class websites and now we have electronic trains – just to get faster


or apps like Class Dojo to keep parents to some place. The technology evolves, but it finds
updated about school. old ways and old technologies to evolve.
► Busy parents are able to pay bills and We use technology every day, in order to fulfil
bank online. You can conveniently pay specific tasks or specific interests. We have
the electric bill at 11:30 while watching specific needs and we want to have faster
Jimmy Fallon. technologies.
► Doctors are now accepting Skype or using So, what are the advantages and
messaging services to chat with parents disadvantages of the so called “Modern
and patients. This can save a trip to the Technology”? Take a look below.
waiting room full of contagious germs.
► It is easy to check the weather and stay Advantages
updated on severe or threatening
► Improved communication – advanced
situations. Keeping your family safe has
communication technology tools;
never been easier.
► Easy access to information – at anytime
► Monitor a child’s Internet activity with an
and anywhere;
app. Keep worries at bay and be involved
in what your child is viewing, texting, or ► Improved housing and lifestyle – most
messaging online. of the items that we have in our homes
today are automated (if we compare with
► Get homework help or locate answers
houses in the 70´s, 80´s, 90´s);
to difficult questions like “what happens
to atoms when you cut paper or cloth?” by ► Improved entertainment - we have more
Googling or seeking educational websites. video games now, good music to listen
and visual systems like smart TV’s;
► Clean out the family entertainment center
and go digital. Use movie or television ► Social Networking – great
services that do not require bulky boxes, improvement for individuals and
movie cases, or tons of cords. businesses;
► Forget making scrapbooks with paper and ► Convenience in education – online and
craft scissors. Use online photo sites to mobile education;
store, print, and create photo books. ► Convenience of traveling – very
important in our lives and in the business
Technology Advantages and Disadvantages world;
► Changed the health industry – modern
The impact in technology in our lives, today, is technology in hospitals, reducing the
unmeasurable. We use technology every day, in mistakes made by doctors and evolving
different ways and we do it to harming up our lives the patients treatments;
or the society we live in. But what we are used to
call modern technology, technically it is not as new ► Efficiency and productivity – helping
as we think. businesses increasing production,
saving time and money in the industry;
For instance, if we have a great smartphone
today we can figure out that it is just an ► Encourages innovation and creativity
advancement of an ordinary mobile phone that we – it is very easy to start a job today (while
had years ago. Or look at a train today – we used at home). A good example is
to use steam powered trains which helps creative
people get funds for projects through
crowd funding.

► Job loss – replacing humans;

► World destruction weapons – increasing endless wars;
► Increased loneliness – social isolation;
► Competency – increased dependency on modern tools that reduces
our creativity and intelligence.


Read Information Sheet very well then find out how much you can remember
and how much you learned by doing self-check.


Technology Used in Social Media

Thanks to the popularity of the Internet, individuals use social media tools to
connect with each other online. Businesses use these tools to market their
products and connect with existing and potential customers. Several social
media tools exist, including Facebook, Twitter, Google+ and LinkedIn.
Although each service is a “social media” tool, they offer different features.


Facebook’s social networking service allows users to create personal profiles

and connect with other users. The site enables users to share data, including
pictures, Web links, video clips and biographical information with other users.
The service includes a “news feed,” which lists status updates from people to
whom they are connected. There is also a mailbox, games and groups.
Software developers can create Facebook applications and allow them to be
used by the Facebook user base.


Twitter is a popular social networking that features instant updates from people
and organizations that Twitter users follow. Users are allowed to enter posts,
or “tweets,” of up to 140 characters. Because of the limitations, users often
include abbreviations in messages. For example, if a user is “retweeting” a
post they want to share, they can write “RT” (“retweet”) at the beginning
of the message.


Google+ is a more recent entry into social networking platform offerings,

having launched in June 2011. The service allows users to group their friends
into different “circles,” making it easier to share selected information -- such
as music or websites -- with particular groups. Google+ users create their
which include a profile picture, biographical that include information about employment, along
information and website links. Users can share with character and work references, among others.
external websites with other Google+ users by The site includes a feature allowing businesses to
clicking the “+1” button that is integrated on upload job listings to the site. Business can search
individual websites. for and recruit candidates fitting a particular profile.
They also can create their own business pages
LinkedIn featuring corporate background information. The
site contains several “social media” features,
According to LinkedIn’s “Learning Center,” the site including a news feed and user mailboxes
is the largest professional network. LinkedIn users
create professional profiles

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