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Medico-Legal Aspects of Physical Injuries

1. Wounds
2. Burns
3. Asphyxia

Physical Injuries

Effect of some stimulus on the body

Causes of Physical Injuries

a. Physical Violence
b. Heat or Cold
c. Electrical Energy
d. Chemical Energy
e. Radiation by radio-active substances
f. Change of atmospheric pressure
g. Infection


The solution of the natural continuity of any tissue of the living body.

The disruption of anatomic integrity of tissue in the body.

Vital Reaction

Sum total of all reactions of tissue or organ to trauma

Common Reactions of Living tissue to trauma

a. Rubor
Redness or congestion of the area due to an increase of blood supply as a part of reparative

b. Calor
Sensation of heat or increase in temperature.

c. Dolor
Pain on account of involvement of sensory nerve.

d. Loss of Function
On account of trauma, tissue may not be able to function normally.

Classification of Wounds

1. Severity
2. Kind of Instrument Used
3. Manner of Infliction
4. Depth of Wound
5. Relation of Site of Application of Force and Location of Injury
6. Special Types of Wound


A) Mortal Wound
Capable of causing death immediately or shortly after infliction

Parts of Body where wound inflicted is Mortal

Heart and Big Blood Vessel
Brain and Upper Portion of Spinal Cord
Stomach, liver, spleen and intestine

B) Non-mortal Wound
Not capable of causing immediate death

Kinds of Instrument Used

 Blunt instrument
Contusion, hematoma, lacerated wound

 Sharp Instrument
 Sharp-edged: Incised Wound
 Sharp-pointed: Puncture Wound
 Sharp-edge and sharp-pointed: Stab Wound

 Tearing Force
 Lacerated Wound

 Change of Atmospheric Pressure

 Barotrauma
 Heat or Cold
 Frostbite, burns or scald

 Chemical Explosion
 Gunshot or Shrapnel Wound

Manner of Infliction

1. Hit
2. Thrust or Stab
3. Gunpowder Explosion
4. Sliding or Rubbing or Abrasion

 Depth of Wound
 Relation of Site of Application of Force and Location of Injury
 Special Types of Wound

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