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Welcome to Scraptown

Welcome to Scraptown, a town in rural New South Wales left in ruins

after a huge mistake Australia during the development of their own
nuclear bombs. Before Scraptown came to be, it was a relatively
decent sized town called Leeside, with a population of around 50 000
civilians. Scraptown was unfortunately caught in the crossfire and
left in ruins after Australia failed to acknowledge the town’s
existence before detonating an atomic devastation upon the area.

In 2035 Australia successfully develops a nuclear plant and starts

work on atomic bombs. Australia tests their first bomb in a rural part
of NSW thinking nobody inhabited the area. Because of Australia’s
neglectful mistake, 50 000 lives would change in a blazing fireball and
radiation rain.
The bomb dropped roughly 5kms away from leeside and in that very
moment, the town’s doom was sealed. Houses were incinerated and
others were torn apart by the air blast. Debris and unsuspecting cars
were propelled in to people and structures and the Earth around
them was shaking and shifting under the pressure of a 1 kiloton
atomic blast.
In a matter of seconds 10 000 lives were ended, and a further 15 000
would be taken from the lingering radiation poisoning.

Leeside quickly constructed a bunker where they would wait out the
radiation for a year, surviving on nothing but baked means and food
rations, some resorting to cannibalism, after a year they would
resurface to rebuild the town to its somewhat former glory, if tin
houses and structures created out of debris is glorious to you.
As the year went by in the bunker, radiation levels were decreasing
and animals around the area had mutated. Food storages were
depleting and they needed to forage for more or enter back up on
the surface, but it was a tough decision.

In the year of 2036 what remains of Leeside’s populous resurfaced to

rebuild civilization. Half of the town was incinerated and the other
half was insanely damaged. Some houses conveniently placed on the
other side of the fireball atomic inferno were kept intact and
relatively unharmed.
The 25 000 remaining people began rebuilding the town out of scrap
metal, tin, concrete debris and charred logs and whatever else they
could scavenge. They renamed the town of Leeside to “Scraptown”
because most of the recourses they thrived on were scrap, junk,
debris and whatnot. The inhabitants began restoring the culture of
the past. Creating market places for their new capitalist civilization
and farms so they wouldn’t starve. The daily menu of a Scraptownian
consists of mutated cattle beef with grain, which is all they had.
Legend states that if you look hard enough in the rubble you’ll find a
can of baked beans.

Scraptown’s farms had a small range of animals, ranging from

mutated cattle roughly the size of an ox’s, 8ft kangaroos which have
been mutated to be really sluggish and easy to farm, and sheep with
wool big enough to knit sweaters for an entire army out of it.

Scraptown became a thriving community of mutants and skinhead,

with kids playing with scrap metal and marketers selling whatever
they could find, recourses in a dystopian radiation crap hole are
important y’know.
Everyone kept their heads high and tried to make the most of it,
public gardens with flowers and berries were thriving and
community spirit was high. Everyone was working for each other and
their main objective was to construct a happy and healthy
functioning society. Hospitals and Schools constructed out of tin and
concrete were operational and the old partially damaged
supermarket was still in business, the only bad thing is the internet
and cellular towers had been destroyed so nobody could use the
internet or could contact the outside world, but people used clubs
and pubs as alternatives for fun and children had activities and play
equipment to keep themselves occupied.
Scraptown doesn’t care though, the residents are happy reshaping
their own society to their liking. Scraptown was never repaired or
visited by the outside again, because the Australian Government
wiped the former “leeside” off the map and closed the roads off,
hiding their glorious mistake for eternity.

Scraptown became a thriving community, full of township and

comradery. And they wouldn’t want it any other way. The town of
Leeside was presumed dead.

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