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Current Neurology and Neuroscience Reports (2020) 20:35


Thrombolysis beyond 4.5 h in Acute Ischemic Stroke

Mark R. Etherton 1 & Rajan R. Gadhia 2 & Lee H. Schwamm 1

# Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, part of Springer Nature 2020

Purpose of Review The purpose of this article is to review the current approaches using neuroimaging techniques to expand
eligibility for intravenous thrombolytic therapy in acute ischemic stroke patients with stroke of unknown symptom onset.
Recent Findings In recent years, several randomized, placebo-controlled trials have shown neuroimaging-guided approaches to
be feasible in determining eligibility for alteplase beyond 4.5 h from last known well, and efficacious for reducing disability.
DWI-FLAIR mismatch on MRI is an effective tool to identify stroke lesions less than 4.5 h in onset in patients with stroke of
unknown symptom onset. Additionally, an automated perfusion-based approach, assessing for a disproportionate amount of
salvageable tissue, is effective in identifying patients likely to benefit from late window alteplase treatment.
Summary In patients with stroke of unknown symptom onset, an individualized approach using neuroimaging to determine time
of stroke onset or presence of salvageable brain tissue is feasible in the acute setting and associated with improved long-term

Keywords Ischemic stroke . Thrombolysis . Neuroimaging . Systems of care

Introduction onset; for example, in those patients awakening with deficits

(termed wake-up strokes) [5–9], which further limits throm-
The administration of intravenous thrombolytic therapy for bolytic therapy eligibility.
acute ischemic stroke is traditionally predicated on time from Given that the majority of ischemic stroke patients do not
last known well (LKW) as a surrogate for stroke onset. Using receive treatment with thrombolytic therapy and stroke onset
LKW as one of the main eligibility criteria for intravenous is conservatively time-based with LKW, there is much interest
thrombolysis treatment, alteplase is efficacious for reducing in novel approaches to safely expand thrombolytic therapy for
long-term disability in patients treated within 0–3 h and 3– ischemic stroke patients. One area of focus has been the ap-
4.5 h of LKW [1, 2]. Despite the proven efficacy of alteplase plication of neuroimaging-guided approaches to increase
for acute ischemic stroke, however, the majority of patients do thrombolysis eligibility in patients with stroke of unknown
not receive this therapy due to delay in patient arrival, inability symptom onset (SUSO) [10]. In this review, we will discuss
to determine LKW, and/or patients awakening with stroke the current evidence investigating intravenous thrombolysis
symptoms [3, 4]. Compounding this issue, LKW is a conser- beyond 4.5 h from LKW and the neuroimaging-based ap-
vative estimate of stroke onset. In more than a third of ische- proaches to individualize thrombolytic therapy in SUSO.
mic stroke patients, LKW does not coincide with actual stroke

This article is part of the Topical Collection on Stroke

History of Time as Eligibility Determinant
* Mark R. Etherton for Alteplase
The original alteplase trials in ischemic stroke sought to de-
JPK Stroke Research Center, Department of Neurology,
termine the window of eligibility where alteplase would be
Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH) and Harvard Medical safe and potentially of clinical benefit (Table 1). Time from
School, Boston, MA, USA LKW was utilized as a conservative estimate of stroke onset.
Department of Neurology, Eddy Scurlock Stroke Center, Houston The European Cooperative Acute Stroke Study (ECASS I),
Methodist, Houston, TX, USA was the first randomized, double blind, placebo-controlled
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Table 1 Summary of notable randomized trials of alteplase > 3 h from stroke onset

Study Imaging modality # Treated Time window (h) Outcome

ATLANTIS CT 547 3–5 90-day mRS < 2. alteplase 42.3%; placebo 38.9%; P = 0.42
ECASS III CT 418 3–4.5 90-day mRS < 2. alteplase 52.4%; placebo 45.2%; P = 0.04
Perfusion lesion-ischemic core
EPITHET MRI 52 3–6 Infarct growth. alteplase 1.18; placebo 1.79; P = 0.054
DIAS II MRI or CTP 125 3–9 Favorable clinical outcome* 47% (90 μg/kg), 36% (125 μg/kg), 46% (placebo)
EXTEND* MRI or CTP 200 4.5–9 90-day mRS < 2. alteplase 35.4%; placebo 29.5%; P = 0.04
DWI-FLAIR mismatch
WAKE-UP MRI 503 > 4.5 90-day mRS < 2. alteplase 53.3%; placebo 41.8%; P = 0.02
THAWS* MRI 131 4.5–12 90-day mRS < 2. alteplase 47%; placebo 48%; P = 0.89

*terminated early due to publication of WAKE-UP

Abbreviations: CTP computed tomography perfusion, DWI diffusion-weighted imaging, FLAIR fluid attenuated inversion recovery, MRI magnetic
resonance imaging, mRS modified Rankin scale score

trial testing intravenous alteplase (1.1 mg/kg) for ischemic PA trial was performed [14]. For 2775 participants treated
stroke within 6 h of LKW [11]. ECASS I observed no differ- within 6 h of LKW, the odds of a favorable 90-day outcome
ence between alteplase and placebo in 90-day modified increased with shorter time from stroke onset to start of treat-
Rankin Scale (mRS) scores; however, the results were influ- ment. Importantly, in the 3–4.5 h window the odds ratio for
enced by the high prevalence of major protocol violations favorable 90-day outcome with alteplase was 1.4 (95% confi-
(17.4%) largely pertaining to imaging inclusion criteria. dence interval 1.1–1.9) with no difference in the hazard ratio
Shortly after the publication of ECASS I, the National for death (1.24, 95% confidence interval 0·84–1·84) [14]. This
Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS) rt- meta-analysis suggested that the time window of eligibility for
PA study group showed that patients with acute ischemic alteplase could be safely extended to 4.5 h and potentially
stroke who received alteplase (0.9 mg/kg) within 3 h of improve long-term outcomes. The randomized, double blind,
LKW, as compared to placebo, were at least 30% more likely placebo-controlled ECASS III trial confirmed this hypothesis
to have minimal or no disability at 3 months [1]. showing that alteplase (0.9 mg/kg) for ischemic stroke within
Building on the results of the NINDS rt-PA study, several 3–4.5 h of LKW was associated with reduced disability (90-
subsequent trials set out to evaluate the efficacy of alteplase in day mRS < 2, alteplase 52.4%; placebo 45.2% P = 0.04).
time-based windows extending beyond 3 h from LKW. The results of the early trials of alteplase for acute ischemic
ECASS II evaluated the efficacy of alteplase (0.9 mg/kg) stroke resulted in its approval by the United States Food and
within 0–6 h of LKW in 800 participants [12]. Overall, no Drug Administration for patients with ischemic stroke in the
difference was observed in rates of favorable outcomes at 3-h window and recommendation by the American Heart
90 days (mRS < 2, alteplase 40.3%; placebo 36.6%; P = Association (AHA)/American Stroke Association (ASA) for
0.28) with 80% of participants being enrolled in the 3–6 h use in the 3–4.5 h window (class
window [12]. The Alteplase ThromboLysis for Acute I; level of evidence B-R) [15].
Noninterventional Therapy in Ischemic Stroke (ATLANTIS)
trial was a phase 3, randomized, double blind, placebo-
controlled trial looking specifically at alteplase (0.9 mg/kg) Neuroimaging as a Time Stamp of Stroke
in ischemic stroke 3–5 h from LKW [13]. Of note, the Onset
ATLANTIS trial was originally designed to look at the 3–
6 h window but the study was suspended and time window Intravenous alteplase is safe and efficacious within 4.5 h of
modified due to safety concerns regarding the 5–6 h window. LKW. In an effort to expand thrombolytic therapy to patients
In 547 stroke patients randomized to alteplase within 3–5 h of with SUSO, however, neuroimaging-based approaches have
LKW, ATLANTIS showed no difference in rates of favorable been employed to function as a radiographic time stamp of
outcomes at 90 days (mRS < 2, alteplase 42.3%; placebo stroke lesions < 4.5 h in age and thereby define a subset of
38.9%; P = 0.42). SUSO patients that may benefit from thrombolysis. DWI-
To further define the relationship between time-to- FLAIR mismatch, the presence of a visible ischemic lesion
treatment and therapeutic benefit of alteplase, a meta- on diffusion-weighted imaging (DWI) and absence of any
analysis of ATLANTIS, ECASS I and II, and the NINDS rt- corresponding parenchymal hyperintense lesion on the fluid-
Curr Neurol Neurosci Rep (2020) 20:35 Page 3 of 8 35

attenuated inversion recovery (FLAIR) sequence (Fig. 1), is European multicenter, randomized double-blind, placebo-
one approach that has been used to identify patients within controlled, phase 3 efficacy and safety of MRI-based throm-
4.5 h of stroke onset [16, 17]. Several studies have shown that bolysis in Wake-Up Stroke (WAKE-UP) trial evaluated the
DWI-FLAIR mismatch can function as a radiographic time efficacy of alteplase in SUSO patients > 4.5 h from LKW with
stamp of stroke onset as it has a relatively high specificity qualitative DWI-FLAIR mismatch [21••]. WAKE-UP was
(71–93%) and moderate sensitivity (48–62%) for identifying halted after enrolling 503 out of a planned 800 patients due
stroke lesions within 4.5 h of onset [16–20]. The DWI-FLAIR to cessation of funding. Notably, 859 participants were screen
mismatch approach therefore holds potential to expand access failures with 455 of those participants having visible FLAIR
to thrombolytic therapy by identifying SUSO patients within lesions. Of those randomized, treatment with alteplase was
4.5 h of stroke onset that historically would not have been associated with favorable outcomes at 90 days (mRS < 2,
treated with alteplase due to unknown LKW. alteplase 53.3%; placebo 41.8%; P = 0.02). Rates of sICH
At present, three large phase 2a or 3 studies have now been and death were increased with alteplase treatment but did
completed in SUSO patients using the presence of DWI- not achieve statistical significance (sICH ECASS III criteria,
FLAIR mismatch to determine eligibility for alteplase [21••, alteplase 2.4%; placebo 0.4%; P = 0.1. death, alteplase 4.1%;
22, 23]. The MR WITNESS trial (A Study of Intravenous placebo 1.2%; P = 0.07). Importantly, the median time from
Thrombolysis with Alteplase in MRI-Selected Patients), was LKW to treatment was 10.3 h with 89% of the SUSO popu-
a phase 2a, open-label multicenter trial of alteplase (0.9 mg/kg) lation due to nighttime sleep. In addition, and in consideration
in SUSO patients with DWI-FLAIR mismatch 4.5–24 h from of the overall generalizability, WAKE-UP was comprised of
LKW [24]. MR WITNESS utilized quantitative DWI-FLAIR relatively mild strokes with median NIHSS score 6 and DWI
mismatch whereby the lesion was deemed FLAIR negative if lesion volume 2–2.5 mL. Another phase 3 trial of DWI-
the signal intensity ratio between the lesion and contralateral FLAIR mismatch in SUSO, the THrombolysis for Acute
homologous region was < 1.15. Of 80 participants, only 1 Wake-up and unclear-onset Strokes (THAWS) is a multicen-
experienced symptomatic intracranial hemorrhage (sICH) ter, prospective, open-label phase 3 trial of reduced dose
and rates of favorable outcome were comparable to ECASS alteplase (0.6 mg/kg, approved for stroke patients in Japan)
III (mRS < 2 44%) [22]. in patients 4.5–12 h from LKW was prematurely stopped re-
Subsequently, two phase 3 trials evaluated alteplase in cruitment due to the results of WAKE-UP [23]. Preliminary
SUSO patients using qualitative DWI-FLAIR mismatch, de- results for 131 patients showed no difference in favorable
fined as an acute ischemic lesion on DWI without any corre- outcomes at 90 days (mRS < 2, alteplase 47%; placebo 48%;
sponding parenchymal hyperintense lesion on FLAIR. The P = 0.89) and only one alteplase-treated patient with sICH.

Fig. 1 Clinical and advanced

imaging criteria for patient
selection in the WAKE-UP and Clinical Advanced Imaging
Criteria Criteria Candidate by Imaging Not a Candidate by Imaging
EXTEND trials of alteplase in
stroke of unknown symptom
onset. Abbreviations: CBF—
cerebral blood flow; CT— Age 18-80
DWI/FLAIR mismatch
computed tomography; DWI— WAKE-
NIHSS < 25
diffusion-weighted imaging; UP DWI lesion < 1/3 MCA
FLAIR—fluid-attenuated inver- LKW > 4.5 h
sion recovery; MRI—magnetic
resonance imaging; Tmax—

core CT
Age > 18 ratio > 1.2
CBF Tmax CBF Tmax
EXTEND NIHSS 4-26 Penumbra
core absolute
LKW 4.5-9 h difference >
10 ml

Core < 70 ml MRI

DWI Tmax DWI Tmax

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The results of the MR WITNESS, WAKE-UP, and Several randomized trials have applied perfusion-based
THAWS trials demonstrate that the DWI-FLAIR mismatch neuroimaging to identify stroke patients with target mismatch,
approach, as a neuroimaging time stamp of stroke onset in defined as a disproportionate amount of salvageable tissue to
SUSO, is clinically feasible and expands thrombolytic treat- ischemic core, that may benefit from late window thromboly-
ment for patients that previously would have been ineligible sis (Fig. 1). The Echoplanar Imaging Thrombolytic
using conventional time-based criteria. In addition, WAKE- Evaluation Trial (EPITHET) was a phase 2, randomized,
UP showed that in patients with SUSO, treatment with placebo-controlled trial of alteplase in 101 ischemic patients
alteplase, guided by DWI-FLAIR mismatch, was efficacious 3–6 h from LKW [37]. MR perfusion was obtained in 101
with reduced long-term disability. As a result, the revised patients before and after randomization to alteplase or place-
2019 AHA/ASA guidelines state that the qualitative DWI- bo, which allowed the investigators to look at the effect of
FLAIR mismatch approach could be beneficial for the evalu- alteplase on lesion growth, reperfusion rates, and clinical out-
ation of SUSO patients (class IIa, level of evidence B-R) [15]. comes in patients with perfusion-diffusion mismatch. The ma-
An important question moving forward is, given the high rates jority of patients had perfusion-diffusion mismatch (86%),
of screen failure for DWI-FLAIR mismatch, what is a cost- defined as perfusion-DWI volume > 10 mL or perfusion/
effective strategy for resource utilization with this approach? DWI ratio > 1.2. In the alteplase group, decreased infarct
One approach would be to triage the SUSO population direct- growth (alteplase 54%; placebo 77%, P = 0.03), increased re-
ly to CT and, if no CT evidence of overt early/established perfusion (alteplase 56%; placebo 26%, P = 0.01), but no dif-
ischemic changes, then proceed with MRI to assess for ference in 90-day outcomes was observed [37]. In follow up,
DWI-FLAIR mismatch. Regardless, the results of these trials the phase 3, randomized, placebo-controlled trial Extending
employing DWI-FLAIR mismatch in SUSO populations un- the Time for Thrombolysis in Emergency Neurological
derscore the idea that there are subgroups of ischemic stroke Deficits (EXTEND) was pursued [38••, 39]. EXTEND en-
patients that benefit from thrombolytic therapy beyond the rolled stroke patients 4.5 to 9 h from LKW or the mid-point
traditional time of LKW-based window. of sleep with perfusion lesion-ischemic core mismatch on
MR- or CT-perfusion. The definition of perfusion lesion-
ischemic core mismatch was ratio > 1.2, absolute difference >
10 mL, and ischemic core volume < 70 mL. Notably, the
Neuroimaging to Identify Target Mismatch definition of salvageable/critically hypoperfused tissue in
for Extended Window Thrombolysis EXTEND was a time to maximum of the residue function
exceeding 6 s as compared to 2 s, which was used in
In contrast to the application of neuroimaging to function as a EPITHET [37]. Over 8 years, 225 patients were enrolled in
time stamp of stroke onset in SUSO, an alternative approach EXTEND with the trial being terminated early due to loss of
to extend the window for thrombolysis has been to utilize equipoise after publication of WAKE-UP [21••]. Notably, pa-
neuroimaging to assess the individual level of irreversible ver- tients in whom endovascular thrombectomy was planned were
sus reversible injury. While time from stroke onset strongly not enrolled in EXTEND and there was a significant number
correlates with progression of ischemic injury, there is signif- of patients with large-vessel occlusions (69–72%) in the study
icant inter-individual variability [25]. This has led to the hy- population. Similar to WAKE-UP, EXTEND enrolled pre-
pothesis that while time from stroke onset is paramount, indi- dominantly wake-up stroke patients (65%). The median time
viduals with a significant extent of reversible injury may still from LKW to treatment was 7.2–7.5 h. Enrolled patients dem-
benefit from thrombolytic therapy independent of the tradi- onstrated significant perfusion lesion-ischemic core mismatch
tional time windows of eligibility. (ischemic core volume 2.4–4.6 mL and perfusion lesion vol-
MRI and CT perfusion-based imaging techniques have ume 74.3–78.0 mL). Patients treated with alteplase were more
been applied to quantify the infarct core (irreversible injury) likely to have good outcomes at 90 days (mRS < 2, alteplase
and ischemic penumbra (potentially salvageable tissue at risk 35.4%; placebo 29.5%, P = 0.04) with no increase in death
for progressing to infarct). On MRI, the DWI hyperintense and rates of sICH (alteplase 6.2%; placebo 0.9%; P = 0.07)
lesion, which is secondary to cytotoxic edema-induced re- comparable to ECASS III. A meta-analysis of individual pa-
stricted diffusion, is interpreted as the infarct core based on tient data from EXTEND, EPITHET, and ECASS4-EXTEN,
its high probability for infarction [26, 27]. In contrast to MRI, emphasized these findings, showing that in 410 patients in-
CT-perfusion approximates the infarct core by using relative cluded in the three trials, patients in the alteplase group had
cerebral blood flow maps to identify areas with significant increased rates of excellent 90-day outcome (mRS < 2.
hypoperfusion as being high risk for progression to infarct alteplase 36%; placebo 29%; adjusted odds ratio 1.86; 95%
[28]. Both MRI and CT-perfusion use tracer arrival time met- CI 1.15–2.99, P–0.011) despite increased rates of sICH
rics to identify the ischemic penumbra as potentially salvage- (alteplase 5%; placebo < 1%; adjusted odds ratio 9.7; 95%
able tissue [29–36]. CI 1.23–76.55; P = 0.031) [40].
Curr Neurol Neurosci Rep (2020) 20:35 Page 5 of 8 35

Aside from alteplase, several trials have investigated alter- awakening, several other studies have applied traditional
native tissue plasminogen activators in extended window CT-based methods to guide alteplase decision making for
stroke patients with perfusion lesion-ischemic core mismatch. WUS [54–57]. Two small prospective studies of WUS have
The Desmoteplase in Acute Ischemic Stroke Trials (DIAS) 2 demonstrated comparable safety for alteplase treatment [56,
trial was a phase 3, randomized, placebo-controlled trial of the 58]. The Wake-up Stroke trial was a small, prospective, open-
alternative tissue plasminogen activator desmoteplase in is- label investigation of alteplase in 40 WUS patients within 3 h
chemic stroke patients 3–9 h from LKW with infarct core- of symptom discovery [56]. Similarly, the Safety of
perfusion mismatch (> 20%) [41]. In 186 patients, no differ- Intravenous Thrombolytics in Stroke on awakening (SAIL-
ence was observed in rates of favorable outcome at 90 days or On) trial, was a small prospective, open-label study of
sICH. The phase 2B trial of tenecteplase for acute ischemic alteplase in 20 WUS patients within 4.5 h of symptom discov-
stroke, compared tenecteplase to alteplase in stroke patients ery [58]. Both studies were of relatively mild strokes (median
within 6 h of LKW, verified arterial occlusion, and perfusion NIHSS score 6) but patients were treated with alteplase at a
lesion-ischemic core mismatch > 20% [42]. Analysis of the 75 mean time of 10.3–10.6 h from LKW. No sICH was reported
patients randomized showed the tenecteplase group to have in either study. The preliminary results of these small prospec-
increased rates of reperfusion (79.3% vs. 55.4%; P = 0.004), tive studies of WUS patients using the assumption that time of
and improved 90-day outcomes (mRS < 2 36% vs. 11%; P = awakening equals stroke onset are promising. The ongoing
0.02) compared to alteplase [42]. Tenecteplase in Wake-up Ischemic Stroke Trial (TWIST)
Together, these trials using neuroimaging to identify per- [59], which plans to randomize 500 WUS patients to
fusion lesion-ischemic core mismatch have shown the ap- tenecteplase within 4.5 h of awakening, should provide much
proach is feasible in the emergent setting to efficiently triage more information on the neuroimaging requirements for
acute stroke patients for potential treatment with thrombolytic thrombolysis decision making in this patient population.
therapy. Moreover, the promising results of EXTEND suggest Based on the EXTEND and WAKE-UP study results, a
that a CT perfusion-based approach can identify patients with compelling argument can be made for a separate pathway
viable brain tissue beyond 4.5 h from LKW that may benefit for triage of WUS and SUSO patients. A triage algorithm
from alteplase treatment [38••]. The applicability of this neu- which would allow for additional advanced screening of pa-
roimaging approach is reinforced by the late window tients based on the inclusion and exclusion criteria within the
endovascular trials, DAWN and DEFUSE 3 [43, 44]. These studies would allow for potentially more patients treated with
endovascular thrombectomy trials utilized neuroimaging to thrombolytic therapy and improved functional outcomes. The
select patients for late-window endovascular thrombectomy, AHA/ASA updated guidelines in 2019 reflect the findings of
up to 24 h from LKW, based on the presence of salvageable the WAKE-UP study, and an indication to screen patients and
tissue (target mismatch) and showed a pronounced treatment consider treatment with extended window lytic therapy [15].
effect [43, 44]. The findings presented within the update of the 2018 guide-
lines does not account for the EXTEND study and use of CTP
in screening patients; however, we can expect future updates
Wake-Up Stroke: A Unique SUSO Subgroup to be more inclusive.

In about a quarter of stroke patients, the time of symptom

onset is not known, frequently because the patient awakes Future Directions
from sleeping [7, 9]. Based on their time of LKW being prior
to going to sleep, wake-up stroke (WUS) patients are typically The implicit belief of these investigations into neuroimaging-
excluded from treatment with intravenous alteplase. However, guided thrombolysis in the extended window is that LKW is
there is a growing body of evidence to suggest that WUS an imperfect indicator of stroke onset and/or salvageable brain
represents a distinct entity of SUSO with the possibility that tissue. By using neuroimaging-guided approaches to either
stroke onset actually occurs on awakening [8, 45–50]. Several function as a radiographic time stamp or assess for salvageable
studies of patients with WUS versus witnessed-onset morning tissue, WAKE-UP, and EXTEND respectively showed effica-
strokes have shown comparable clinical presentations, CT cy for identifying SUSO patients likely to have clinical benefit
findings, and outcomes [7, 47, 51–53]. with alteplase treatment. Moving forward, there are several
The aforementioned EXTEND and WAKE-UP trial results important clinical implications and limitations of these trials
have demonstrated the efficacy of advanced neuroimaging that reflect the direction of ongoing clinical trials in ischemic
approaches to guide alteplase decision making in SUSO pop- stroke.
ulations comprised predominantly of WUS [21••, 38••]. First and foremost, these trials hold potential to increase the
Under the premise that the onset of WUS is contiguous with numbers of patients eligible to receive treatment with
awakening and LKW therefore is immediately prior to alteplase. An outstanding question, however, is how dramatic
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the increase in thrombolytic treatment rates will be? In the Public Health; member of a Data Safety Monitoring Board (DSMB) for
Penumbra (Separator 3D NCT01584609, last payment 2016; MIND
case of WAKE-UP, approximately 63% of the total popula-
NCT03342664, CURRENT); Diffusion Pharma PHAST-TSC
tion screened with MRI were deemed failures and not eligible NCT03763929, CURRENT); National PI or member of National
for randomization. Furthermore, the majority of practice set- Steering Committee for Medtronic (Victory AF NCT01693120, last pay-
tings where acute stroke patients are evaluated emergently are ment 2015; Stroke AF NCT02700945, CURRENT); PI, late window
thrombolysis trial, NINDS (P50NS051343, MR WITNESS
not equipped for 24-h hyperacute MRI capabilities. Similarly,
NCT01282242; last payment 2017 and alteplase provided free of charge
EXTEND required an extraordinarily long time to enroll 225 to Massachusetts General Hospital as well as supplemental per-patient
patients (8 years) of which the majority were patients with a payments to participating sites last payment 2017); PI, StrokeNet
large-vessel occlusion determined to be ineligible for Network NINDS (New England Regional Coordinating Center
U24NS107243, CURENT); Co-I, The Impact of Telestroke on Patterns
endovascular thrombectomy. How to incorporate the ap- of Care and Long-Term Outcomes, NINDS (R01NS111952;
proach from EXTEND into existing late window protocols CURRENT); Co-I, REACH-PC, PCORI (NCT03375489; CURRENT);
for large-vessel occlusion based on DAWN/DEFUSE 3 is an Member of steering committee, Genentech (TIMELESS NCT03785678,
unanswered question. A major strength, however, of CURRENT).
EXTEND was the reliance on CT perfusion as its neuroimag-
ing paradigm with automated perfusion imaging software. It is Compliance with Ethical Standards
intriguing to speculate on how the EXTEND approach could
Conflict of Interest The authors declare that they have no conflict of
be applied to facilities without endovascular capabilities and
patients presenting with intracranial arterial occlusions.
As a next step, EXTEND must be validated along with Human and Animal Rights and Informed Consent This article does not
additional trials looking at late window thrombolysis in pa- contain any studies with human or animal subjects performed by any of
tients with perfusion lesion-ischemic core mismatch. Several the authors.
trials are currently underway that should advance knowledge
on the optimal approach to the late window stroke patient.
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of tenecteplase (0.25 mg/kg) in large-vessel occlusion stroke References
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