R12 COT3 PM Workstations Schedule 2ndquarter Initialforyear2022

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Republic ofthe Phappines DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS AND HIGHWAYS. REGIONAL OFFICE XI COTABATO 3 DISTRICT ENGINEERING OFFICE |Lanao,Kéawapan Cly ‘April 4, 2022 MEMORANDUM To 1 SUSAN G, ERAMIS ‘Acting Chief, Administrative Section SUBJECT — : Computer Preventive Maintenance Activity Its informed that the ICT Staff shal be performing Preventive Maintenance to preserve the ralabity of your office equipment. Through careful inspection and maintenance, our Computer workstations wil perform better and longer than those that are neglected. It also allows us to detect serious problems before they occur and prevent system crashes and reduce ‘equipment downtime. In this regard, the ICT Staff will conduct a preventive maintenance on all ‘workstations in your section on April 20-29, 2022. The Preventive Maintenance shall involve the following actives: CChecicup of computer and peripherals CChecicup of network connectivity Instalation/updatng of ant-vius software Implementation of T Poices Removal of unlicensed software, games, audio files and other fles which do nat comply with the Department’ TT Poi Its aso advised that personnel concemed shall have backup files in articipaton to any damage that might occu. For compliance. san eae Repti te Pitpnes DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS AND HIGHWAYS (COTABATO 3*° DISTRICT ENGINEERING OFFICE ang rrapawan ry ‘QUARTERLY SCHEDULE ON PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE OF I. T, EQUIPMENT DIVISON/SECTION ‘a 2022 ADMINISTRATIVE SECTION May 2022 ‘OFFICE OF THe DISTRICT ENGINEER, OFFICE OF THE ASSISTANT DISTRICT ENGINEER, PROCUREMENT STAFF ANO ICT STAFF | l June 2022 ‘CONSTRUCTION secTION [Al Section Chefs are rected to ensure that all ICT equipment such as desktop computers and laptop computers are present curing thelr Quarterly Scheduled Regular Maintenance. f eau bse Recommending Approval: ‘Approved: NA asain Aagtant District Engineer ‘Tt Engineer

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