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1/ Which one term in each of the following incluses the other three.
1. Bone, skull, ribs, vertebral.
2. Ductless glang, thyroid, thymus, pituitary, ovary.
3. Diabetes, islets of Langerhans, sugar control, pancreas.
4. Myxoedema, dwarfism, glandular malfunctioning, cretinism.
5. Adrenalin, secretin, insulin, hormone.
6. Secretions, chemical regulators, hormones, enzymes.
2/ Which one term in each of the following includes the other three.
a. Calf, knee, leg, thigh.
b. Mouth, nose, eye, face.
c. Head, hair, forehead, skull.
d. Trunk, shoulder blade, chest, nipple.
3/ Write in full letters the following molecules :
(CO2)2 : CO two twice ;

(H2O)4 :H two O four times

; (H2O)3 : H two O triple

4/ Write in full letters the following equation :

5ft + 0.6 in – 36 yd = x2 – y3
Five feet plus nought point six inches minus thirty six yards

equals x squared minus y cubed

5/ Give the equivalent measure :
1in = 2.540 cm ; 1Ib =454 g ; 1 oz = 28.35 g ; 1 pt =0.5682 l
6/ Complete each of the followingstatements :
1. The organs of respiration in man are the
_lungs _____________.
2. The actual exchange of gases takes place in the
_Alveoli__________ of the lungs .
3. When a supply of oxygen is cut off from an individual __
death_____ results.
4. The (a) ___epigloti_______ closes the entrance to the (b)
__trachea__ when food is swallowed. This prevents
7/ A petrol tank has a capacity of 18 gallons. Express this capacity in
liters : According to table 2
We know that 1gal=4 .5 L
There fore : 1 gal gives 4.5 L
18 gal = ? L
But 18 X 4 .5/1 = 81L
Finally 18 gallons gives 81 liters.
8/ Which one term in each of the following includes the other three.
1. Skull, spine, endoskeleton, pelvis.
2. Ball and socket, joint, hinge, plane joint.
3. Tissue, bone, muscles, cartilage.
4. Involuntary, voluntary, heart, muscles.
5. Bone, skull, ribs, vertebra.

1/ write in full letters the following shorthand notations.
5th : Fifth
21st : twenty first

in2 : square inch

Ib : Pound
2/ Write in full letters the following molecules and equation.
H2O : H two O

(CO2)2 : C O two twice

(H2O)4 : H two O four times

CaCO3 = CaO + CO2 : CaCO three equals CaO plus CO two

3/ Give the equivalent of the following English units in the metric
1in =2.540 cm ; 1 oz =28.35 g ; 1 Ib =453.6 g.
4/ Whrite in full letters the equation hereafter.
5 4
Y3 + = - 5 + 0.75 : Y cubed plus the square root of nine x
equals the fifth root of six x minus four fifths plus zero point seven
five x
5/ I Convert 1 pound 3 ounces to kilograms.
According to table 2
We know that 1Lb gives 4.546 kg
I convert 3 ounces to kg
According to table 2
We know that 1oz gives 28.35g
3 OZ =… ? g
3X28.35/1 = 85.5 g
But 3OZ = 85.5g
There fore 454+85.5 =539.5g
I convert 539.5g = 0.5395 kg
Finally 1 pound 3 ounces gives 0.5395kilograms
6/ Make a table of classification of the following creatures as
farm animals : goat, horse , sheep , pig
wild animals : bear ; tiger ; camel
insects : ant ; butterfly ; spider
Goat ; snake ; ant ; bear ; sheep ; tiger ; butterfly ; camel ; horse ;
spider ; hen ; dog ; pig.
7/ Which disease affects the patient on the skin which becomes
covered with red mark as a reaction to something he has eaten,
breathed or touched ? Allergy reaction
8/ Which minor illness that blocks your nose and makes you cough ?
9/ What is the difference between a pharmacy and an ambulance ?
the difference is that the pharmacy is a place where drugs are sold
and the ambulance is a vehicle for emergency patients
10/ Completeeach of the following statements :
1. The organs of respiration in man are the
__Lungs____________ .
2. The actual exchange of gases takes place in the
_____Alveoli______ of the lungs .
3. When a supply of oxygen is cut off from an individual
___Death_____ results.
4. The (a) ____epigloti______ closes the entrance to the (b)
_trachea___ when food is swallowed. This prevents
5. The regulator of the body temperature is the

3) Cells in blood that destroy invaliding disease producing bacteria
Red corpuscles
White corpuscles

4) When do carbohydrates and fats provide energy for the body ?

5) What does the body need for growth and repair of protoplasm ?
6) What food is said to be complete and universal ? Milk
7) A good source of vitamins A and D is :
Whole cereal
Cod liver oil
8) Write in full letters the following reaction :

C + O2 CO2 : C plus O two gives CO two

9) Write in full letters the heteafter shorthand notations :
ft : Foot
in : Inch
yd3 :Cubic yard
pt : Pint
oz : Ounce
10) Write in full letters the following expression :
4 2 3
– –( - 7) = 5 – 2.57 : Four fifths minus x squared minus open
the parentheses the square root of five x minus three sevenths close
the parentheses equals the fifth root of x minus two point five seven
11) Give the correspondent Value in the mettric system :
1 in= 2.54cm 1 lb=453.6g
1) Exercise
Complete the following sentences :

a. Matter is characterized as anything which… non-living

b. ..and…living substances… .
c. The simplest form of matter is an …gas
d. The smallest part of any from of matte ris the…atom..
e. Diffusion is an example of a …form ..change.
f. A combinaison of two or more elements without loss of original
characteristics results in a…mixture.
g. During a chemical change…compound .. is realised.
h. The compound water results from the chemical combinaison of
the gases…hydrogen..and ….oxygen.
i. The chemical symbol for water is …H two O.., for carbon dioxide
is …CO two.
j. There are …air..elements known to man .
k. The three forms in which matter exists
are…gas…,.liquid .and…solid … .

2) Why does a bottle of lemonade fizz violently after being

shaken ? Because of carbon dioxide

3) Alka-Seltzer tablets contain aspirin,citric acid,and sodium

bicarbonate.what gas effervesces from the solution when
these tablets are dissolved ?why ? Carbon dioxide , because
carbon dioxide mixes with air
4) What does the body need for growth and repair of
protoplasm ? Protein
5) What food is said to be complete and universal ? Milk
6) Write in full letters the following reaction :

C + O2 CO2 : C plus O two gives CO two

7) Write in full letters the heteafter shorthand notations :
ft :foot
in : inch

yd3 : cubic yard

pt : pint
oz : ounce
8) Write in full letters the following expression :
4 2 3
– –( - 7) = 5 – 2.57 : Four fifths minus x squared minus open
the parentheses the square root of five x minus three sevenths close
the parentheses equals the fifth root of x minus two point five seven
9) put in a proposition (in /for/by etc)

a. Helen is studying law…at…university.

b. What is the longest river …in..europe.

c. Is there anything…on… television this evening.

d. We arrived…in..the hotel after midnight.

e. Where’s Mike ? he’s on….holiday.

f. Torn hasn’t got up yet .he’s still in….bed.
g. Linda is away. She’s been away …since…Monday.

h. The next meeting is…on. 15 April.

i. I usually go to Work …by…car.

j. There’s too much sugar … coffee.

k. Kevin lived in london …for…six months.he didn’t like it

very much.

l. Where there a lot of people…at. The party ?


1) The thermometer use Celsus unit in French and Fahrenheit

units in English.
a) What is the boiling point in Celsus ? One hundred degrees
b) What is the freezing point in Fahrenheit ? thirty two
degrees Fahrenheit

2) Write in full letters the following expression.

5 3
9 52
6 + =
Six to the power minus five minus open the parentheses the
square root of x cubed minus four x plus the ninth root of the x
squared close the parentheses equals five elevenths minus four

3) Write in full letters the following expression.

3 8 2 2 2
C three H eight plus O two equals CO two plus Htwo O

4) Considering that 1g = 0.0353 OZ, convert 250g to ounces.

We know that 1g gives 0.0353 OZ
250g = ….. ? OZ
250 * 0.0353/1 = 8.82 OZ
Finally 250g gives 8.82OZ

5) Give the symptoms of diarrhea.

Stomachache and keep going to the bathroom

6) Which are vegetables among the hereafter words :

Banana, cabbage, zucchini, stwarberry, peach, peas, lettuce, cow,
eggplant, lemon.

7) What is a prescription ? Explain.

The medical prescription is a major medical act which
consists in prescribing a treatment on a document "the

8) When is it usefull for stritches as hospital treatment ?

9) Tramslate into French : Trains arrive in London at five munites

to every hour and twenty-five minutes past every hour.
Le train arrive à Londre à cinq minutes pendant chaque heure
et vingt-cinq minutes après chaque heure
10) Among the following minerals : Iodine and iron, calcium
and phosphorus, sulphur and copper, zinc and lead. Which
are needed to keep bones and teeth in good condition ?

Question :
1) Which are terms each of the following includes the other three.write it down/
a) Green beas, mushrooms ; cabbage, vegetables
b) Lettuce, onion, oil, salad
c) Leopard, wild animals , zebra, tiger
d) Water, alcohol, liquid, milk

2) Which are terms in each of the following includes the other three . write it down
a) Calf, knee, leg, thigh
b) Mouth, nose, eye, face
c) Head, hair, forehead, skull
d) Truk, shoulder blade, chest, nipple

3) Write in full letters the following reaction :

C + O2 = CO2 : C plus O two equals CO two
4) Write in full letters the following equation
5 ft + 0.6 in – 26 yd = 2 4
: Five feet plus nougth point six inches minus twenty six
yards equals x squared minus y to the power four

5) Give the equivalent measure

1 in =2.54 cm
1 lb = 453.6 g
1 oz = 28.35g
1 pt = 0.57 l
6) A petrol tak has a capacity of 18 gallons. Express this capacity in liters.
7) Write in full letters the following shorthand notations

In : inch
Ft :foot
Yd :yard
Ib :pund
Oz : ounce
Pt :pint

8) Grammar

Present continuous or simple ? (A, B)

Complete the conversation betwee two students called Duncan and Paul. Put in the pesent cotinuous
or simple of the verbs.

Duncan : are you waiting for someone ? you wait

Paul : yes _ for Neil. We walk home together most days. We 1…Live…….. in the same street

Duncan : I’m not sure, but I 2……Think…… he 3…is talking ………… to Mr David about something.
1 live

Paul : Yes, I 4……know……… .He told me. Hat about you ? What 5……are you doing……… here ?
2 think

Duncan : I 6…i’m looking………. for the secretary. I can’t find her anywhere.
3 talk

Paul : She isn’t here today. She only 7…works……… two daysa week 4

Duncan : Oh, of course. I’m…wasting…… my time then. 5 you do

6 look

7 work 8 waste

1°/ select the correct word or phrase for each of the following :

1. Blood minus all cells and fibrin : (a) corpuscle ;(b) capillary ;(c) serum ;(d) platelet.
2. Blood cell that carries oxygen to the body cells: (a) red corpuscle; (b) white corpuscle;(c)
platelet;(d) Amoeba.
3. Hereditary disease condition in which the blood fails to coagulate: (a) anaemia; (b) colour
blindness; (c) haemophilia; (d) plasma
4. Vitamin in blood important for the part it plays in coagulation: (a) vitamin A ; (b) vitamin D ; (c)
vitamin E ; (d) vitamin K
5. Disease resulting from lack of or malfunctioning of haemoglobin in the blood : (a)
anaemia ;(b) fainting ;(c) haemophilia ;(d) diabetes.
6. Cells in blood that destroy invading diseases-producing bacteria : (a) platelets; (b) skin cells ;
(c) red corpuscles ; (d) white corpuscles
7. The wave of heart beat is called : (a) tick ; (b) beat ; (c) flow ; (d) pulse
8. The largest artery in the body is the : (a) vena cava ; (b) aorta ; (c) capillary ; (d) ventricle
9. The instrument used to measure blood pressure is a : (a) electrocardiogramm ; (b) watch ; (c)
sphygmomanometer ; (d) arm band
10.The smallest blood vessel in the body is a : (a) capillary ; (b) vein ; (c) artery ; (d) red

2°/ How many liters of petrol does it take to fill the 16 gallon tank of a car ?

We know that ; 1gal gives 4.546 L

16 gal =… ? L
16* 4.546/1 =72.7 L
Finally 16 gallon gives 72.7 liters
3°/ Convert 250 grams to ounces.

I convert 250 grams to ounces

We know that 1g gives 0.0353 OZ
250g =…. ? OZ
250* 0.0353/1 =8.83OZ
Finally 250 grams gives 8.83 ounces
4°/ Whrite in full letters the following expressions :

+ + = :

Five squared minus open the square brackets three x plus seven sevenths minus the
ninth root of five minus open the parentheses three x plus three thirds close the
parentheses to the power minus five close the brackets to the power ten equals fourty
five x minus the square root of nine all over ten

5°/ Complete each of the following statements :

1. A lung disease which can now be almost completely controlled is Tuberculose

2. The organ which stores and eliminates nitrogenous wastes is the Lungs

3. The glands in the skin which produce perspiration are called Sweat glands
4. The organs which extract liquid wastes from the blood are the kidneys

5. The organ for elimination of solid wastes is the Large intestine

6. The regulator of the body temperature is the Skine

6°/ Select the correct word or phrase for each of the following :
1.A blood vessel which carries blood back to the heart is : (a) artery; (b) vein; (c) capillary; (d) platelet
2. The largest percentage of the body composition is : (a) bone ; (a) skin ; (c) blood ; (d) water
3. The liquid which bathes the body cells is known as: (a) blood; (b) water; (c) tissue fluid; (d) saliva
4. Blood is pumped from the heart to the entire body by the : (a) ventricles ; (b) lungs ; (c) auricles ; (d)

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