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HeroClix Army Sheet

Name Jalir Durán Date Theme Justice League Initiative Bonus 5

WES Username jayniw Event modern 300 jlu TTPC Count 5
Cumulative Assigned/
Set # Name Points Sideline Total
Attached to
1 JLU 041AE Amazo 150 n
X/y 150
2 JLU 031A The Question 40 n
X/y 190
3 JLU 059A The Atom 40 n
X/y 230
4 JLU 054E S.T.R.I.P.E. 35 n
X/y 265
5 JLU 003 The Flash 30 n
X/y 295
6 -- -- -- n/y 295
7 JLU 067E Gorilla Grodd 10* n / yX 295
8 n/y
9 n/y
10 n/y
11 n/y
12 n/y
13 n/y
14 n/y
15 n/y
16 n/y
17 n/y
18 n/y
19 n/y
20 n/y
21 n/y
22 n/y

BEFORE Match Begins AFTER Match Ends
Verify Build Sign Off Verify Score Sign Off
Opponent's Name (Opponent signs here)
Did you Win/Lose Your Points Running Total (Opponent signs here)

1 W L
2 W L
3 W L
4 W L
5 W L
6 W L

You may be photographed and/or video-recorded, and you acknowledge that we may use your name and/or likeness in connection with tournament information about you,
such as but not limited to these photographs, video-recordings, tournament results, Army Sheet, and descriptions of strategies or play, without need to further secure your
consent and for doing so you will be allowed to participate in this event. If you are a minor, you represent that you have permission from your legal guardian to sign up for
this event.

Signing below acknowledges reading and agreeing to the above.

Print Name: _____________________________________ Player’s Signature: _________________________________________ Date: ________________________

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