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NAV 224
1. Determine the index error for face right, if the face left and face right readings were given as
18˚24ꞌ52ꞌꞌ and 18˚23ꞌ24ꞌꞌ.
A. +4ꞌꞌ B. +24ꞌꞌ
C. +44ꞌꞌ D. +49ꞌꞌ

2. Find the altitude correction for semi-diameter which is having index error 25˚46ꞌ21ꞌꞌ and semi-
diameter 0˚26ꞌ21ꞌꞌ.
A. 26˚12ꞌ24ꞌꞌ B. 26˚12ꞌ42ꞌꞌ
C. 26˚21ꞌ42ꞌꞌ D. 62˚12ꞌ42ꞌꞌ

3. Determine the correction for refraction if the angle of azimuth is given as 62˚21ꞌ24ꞌꞌ.
A. 0˚1ꞌ0.74ꞌꞌ B. 0˚1ꞌ50.74ꞌꞌ
C. 10˚11ꞌ50.74ꞌꞌ D. 50˚1ꞌ50.74ꞌꞌ

4. On April 25, 1998 at 2300 GMT, lat. 20°00’N, long 13230’E, the sun’s computed altitude (Hc) is
4508’. The sextant altitude (Hs) is 44 - 49; IE = 5.5’ off the arc. Apparent altitude corr is +15; Height of
eye = 32 feet. Calculate intercept by Marcq St. Hilaire Method.
A. 4.0 away B. 4.0 towards
C. 5.5 away D. 5.5 towards

5. What is a sextant error which is either the limb or the micrometer drum may have a slight
imperfection in graduation?
A. Centering error
B. Collimation error
C. Graduation error
D. Prismatic error

6. Which of the following adjustable error of the compass can be corrected by checking if the index
mirror is perpendicular to the frame of the sextant?
A. Collimation error
B. Perpendicularity error
C. Prismatic error
D. Side error

7. What is the adjustable error of the sextant remaining after the perpendicularity error, the side error
and the collimation error has been removed?
A. Centering error
B. Graduation error
C. Index error
D. Prismatic error

8. Which of the following is a small variable error after all adjustable errors have been reduced or
eliminated on the sextant?
A. Centering error
B. Graduation error
C. Personal error
D. Prismatic error

9. What is the purpose of “taking a sight” using the sextant from a celestial body for a sextant
A. Establishing L.O.P.
B. Finding D.R.Position
C. Finding G.H.A.
D. Solving E.T.A.

10. Find the time zone of A.M. (morning) civil twilight on 7 th January 2019 in position latitude 30°00’S,
Longitude 112°00’E. (Nautical Almanac provided)
A. 6th 0712H B. 6th 2112H
C. 7th 0712H D. 7th 2112H

11. Find the zone time of evening civil twilight on 7 th January 2019 in position lat. 20°00’N, long.
118°30’E. (Nautical Almanac provided)
A. 6th 1006H B. 6th 1806H
C. 7 1006H D. 7th 1806H

12. On 8th of January 2019, D.R. position latitude 35°00’S, longitude 174°00’W. Calculate the SMT/Zone
Time of nautical twilight of the evening. (Nautical Almanac provided)
A. 8th 0759H B. 8th 1959H
C. 9 0759H D. 9th 1959H

13. What is the sextant reading as seen in the picture?

A. 59° 33.0' B. 60° 31.4’

C. 60° 35.8’ D. 61° 33.4’

14. What is the sextant reading as seen in the picture?

A. 29° 42.5’ B. 29° 47.0'
C. 30° 47.0' D. 30° 53.3’


15. In figure Z, what is the label for the graduated arc?


16. In figure Z, what is the label for the vernier scale?


17. What part of the sextant is in contact with the limb and turns with the micrometer drum?
A. index arm B. release clamp
C. tangent screw D. vernier

18. In Fig. Z, which parts are being referred if there is an index error?

19. In Fig. Z, which parts are being referred if there is an error of perpendicularity?

20. What type of twilight is observed when the center of the sun is more than 12° but not more than
18° below the celestial horizon?
A. astronomical twilight
B. civil twilight
C. nautical twilight
D. observational twilight

21. On 21 September 2003 in DR position 37° 58'N 52° 30'E at UT 01h 10m 24s an observation of
Polaris gave an Ho of 38° 35.4'. What is the latitude of the observer?
A. 37° 58.0'N B. 38° 35.4'N
C. 38° 58.0'N D. 39° 36.6'N

22. Based on item #21, what is the position line through which it runs?
A. 044.6° / 224.6° B. 089.6° / 269.6°
C. 134.6° / 314.6° D. 359.6° / 179.6°

23. On 30 Sep 2003 in DR position 41° 15'N 175° 30' W at 20h 25m 15s UT, the Ho of the sun's lower
limb was 28° 54.6' (true altitude). What is the calculated zenith distance of the sun?
A. 61° 01.1' B. 61° 05.6'
C. 61° 11.2' D. 61° 16.4'

24. Based on item #23, what is the intercept?

A. 5.6' away B. 5.6' towards
C. 10.8' away D. 10.8' towards

25. Based on item #23 what is the latitude through which it passes?
A. 41° 02.6' N B. 41° 05.5' N
C. 41° 08.2' N D. 41° 11.9' N

26. On 18 Dec 2003 in DR position 42° 40'N 172° 10'W at 17h 29m 30s, the Ho of star Alphecca was
observed to be 41° 36.9' (true altitude). What is the computed zenith distance?
A. 40° 56.4' B. 43° 13.1'
C. 45° 56.4' D. 48° 13.1'

27. Which statement is TRUE about Polaris?

A. If you are in Cebu, Polaris wil pass your zenith.
B. Polaris belongs to the first magnitude stars.
C. Polaris has a declination of less than 89°.
D. The sextant altitude of Polaris will indicate your latitude.

28. What is the difference between position of a heavenly body when viewed from a point on the
surface of the earth and its position when viewed from the center of the earth which varies
throughout the day?
A. diurnal parallax
B. Irradiation
C. refraction
D. Semi-diameter

29. What does a sextant that has an “On the Arc” have?
A. Dip Error
B. Negative Error
C. Positive Error
D. Semi-diameter Error

30. When taking a sight of celestial bodies, what will happen to the bodies to the east and west?
A. appear to move on the plane of the horizon
B. change altitude rapidly
C. change altitude slowly
D. remain almost fix

31. What is the BEST heavenly body to observe for longitude?

A. Moon
B. Star
C. Sun
D. Venus

32. What is the BEST time to observe for longitude?

A. when the sun is on or near the equinoxes
B. when the sun is on or near the horizon
C. when the sun is on or near the prime vertical
D. when the sun is on or near the solstices

33. Where is the sextant error when the pivot of the Index bar is not at the center of the arc?
A. centering error
B. prismatic error
C. shade error
D. side error

34. What causes the error of collimation with regards to the four adjustable sextant errors?
A. Human error.
B. Telescope not parallel to the frame.
C. The frame and horizon glass not perpendicular.
D. The frame and index mirror not perpendicular.

35. In celestial observation, how is the azimuth angle measured?

A. From the principal vertical circle to the Greenwich celestial meridian.
B. From the principal vertical circle to the hour circle of the body.
C. From the principal vertical circle to the local celestial meridian.
D. From the principal vertical circle to the vertical circle of the body.

36. At meridian transit, where is the diagram used by a navigator to illustrate the angles involved
based on?
A. celestial equator as observed from above the north celestial pole
B. celestial equator as observed from above the south celestial pole
C. plane of the Greenwich meridian
D. plane of the observer's meridian

37. The location of the observer is at 20 North and the sun's declination is 23.5° North, what will be
the bearing of the sun during meridian passage?
A. Easterly
B. Northerly
C. Southerly
D. Westerly

38. At evening stars, in what quadrant should the first stars with an azimuth be observed?
A. Eastern
B. Northern
C. Southern
D. Western

39. In order to remove index error from the sextant, what should you adjust?
A. Horizon glass to make it parallel to the sextant frame.
B. Index mirror and the horizon glass to make it parallel when index arm is set to 0.
C. Reflected angle is equal to the angle of incident.
D. Telescope to make it parallel to the index arm.

40. You plot a fix using three lines of position and find they intersect in a triangle. Where should you
plot the position of the vessel?
A. Anywhere in the triangle.
B. In the geometric center of the triangle.
C. On the line of position from the nearest object, between the other two lines of position.
D. Outside of the triangle.
Reviewed by:

Capt. Ramon B. Mejares

BSMT, Chairperson

Date: __________

Approved by:

Capt. Gerry D. Enjambre

Dean, Maritime Education

Date: ___________

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