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MUSEO it all started with my love for U

MUSEO museo:
This is MUSEO, a new font family designed by exljbris Five (5) fine, nice weights ranging from 100 to 900 Dont forget to try it out






100 300 500 700 900
Typography < > ypography :: STRAE < > strae
Strange Hill Billies were seen after the atomic explosion

These cheesecakes are forbidden

drunken hOrSES

MUSEO text sample

FONTS MAY CONTAIN MORE THAN 15,867 GLYPHS, unleashing very exciting typographic capabilities. Many nonstandard glyphs, such as oldstyle figures, true small caps, handy fractions, swashes, titling letters, contextual and stylistic alternates. OpenType simplifies font management and publishing workflow. MUSEO 100 12/14 pt. FONTS MAY CONTAIN MOrE ThAN 15,867 GLYPhS, unleashing very exciting typographic capabilities. Many nonstandard glyphs, such as oldstyle figures, true small caps, handy fractions, swashes, titling letters, contextual and stylistic alternates. OpenType simplifies font management and publishing workflow. MUSEO 300 12/14 pt. FOnTS MAY COnTAIn MOre THAn 15,867 GLYPHS, unleashing very exciting typographic capabilities. Many nonstandard glyphs, such as oldstyle figures, true small caps, handy fractions, swashes, titling letters, contextual and stylistic alternates. OpenType simplifies font management and publishing workflow. MuSeO 500 12/14 pt. FONTS MAY CONTAIN MORE THAN 15,867 GLYPHS, unleashing very exciting typographic capabilities. Many nonstandard glyphs, such as oldstyle figures, true small caps, handy fractions, swashes, titling letters, contextual and stylistic alternates. OpenType simplifies font management and publishing workflow. MUSEO 700 12/14 pt. FONTS MAY CONTAIN MORE THAN 15,867 GLYPHS, unleashing very exciting typographic capabilities. Many nonstandard glyphs, such as oldstyle figures, true small caps, handy fractions, swashes, titling letters, contextual and stylistic alternates. OpenType simplifies font management and publishing workflow. MUSEO 900 12/14 pt.

MUSEO character set ! # $ % & ( ) * + , . / 01 2 3 4 5 6789 : ; < = > ? @ A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z [ \ ] ^ _ ` a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z { | } ~ fi fl fj

MUSEO OpenType Features liga (Ligatures) fi fl ffi ffl fj > fi fl ffi ffl fj dlig (Discretionary Ligatures) Th > Th frac (Fractions) 1/4 1/2 3/4 > 1/4 1/2 3/4 salt (Stylistic Alternatives) Set 1) TT T T > TT T T Set 2) Tn w y Tz > Tn w y Tz case (Case Sensetive forms) (h)-@{}[] > (h)-@{}[] tnum (Tabular Figures) 0123456789 0123456789 > 1110001101 1110001101

MUSEO font family has five weights (100 300 500 700 900) 3 weights are free (300 500 700) and 2 are payed (100 900) MUSEO is available at
2008 by Jos Buivenga (exljbris). All rights reserved

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