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(Narative Text)

Composed by:

1. Ananda Cinta Bella

2. M. Fiki Eko S. Y.
3. Nur Fitria
4. Nurhalisa Putri
5. Pijar Narendra U.
6. Sania Medina


YEAR 2020

1|The Crying Stone


The Recount Text

(The Crying Stone)

In a small village, a girl lives with her mother. The girl is very
beautiful. Everyday she puts make-up and wears her best clothes. She doesn`t
like to help her mother in a field. The girl is very lazy.

One day, the mother asks the girl to accompany her to go to the
market to buy some food. At first the girl refuses, but the mother persuades
her by saying they are going to buy new clothes. The girl finally agrees. But
she asks her mother to walk behind her. She doesn`t want to walk side by
side with her mother. Although her mother is very sad, she agrees to walk
behind her daughter.

On the way to the market, everybody admires the girl`s beauty. They
are also curious. Behind the beautiful girl, there is an old woman with simple
dress. The girl and her mother look very different!”Hello, pretty lady. Who is
the woman behind you ?” asks them.”She is my servant,” answers the girl.

The mother is very sad, but she doesn`t say anything. The girl and the
mother meet other people. Again they ask who the woman behind the
beautiful girl. Again the girl answers that her mother is her servant. She
always says that her mother is her servant every time they meet.

At last, the mother cannot hold the pain anymore. She prays to God to
punish her daughter. God answers her prayer. Slowly, the girl`s leg turn into
stone. The process continues to the upper part of the girl`s body. The girl is
very panicky.”Mother, please forgive me!” she cries and ask her mother to
forgive her. But it`s too late. Her whole body finally becomes a big stone. Until
now people still can see tears falling down the stone. People then call it the
crying stone or “Batu Menangis”.

2|The Crying Stone



Batu Menangis

Disebuah desa kecil,seorang gadis tinggal dengan ibunya.Gadis itu

sangat cantik.Setiap haridia berdandan dan mengenakan pakaian yang
terbaik.Dia tidak suka membantu ibunya di laddang.Gadis itu sangat malas

Suatu hari,ibu meminta gadis itu unutk menemaninya pergi ke pasr

unutk membeli makanan.Awalnya gadis ity menolak,tetapi ibunya
membujuknya dengan mengatakan mereka akan membeli pakaian baru.Gadis
itu akhinya setuju tapi dia meminta ibunaya untuk berjalan dibelakangnya
dia tidak mau berjalan berdampingan dengan ibunya,meskipun ibunya
sangat sedih,dia setuju untuk berjalan dibelakang putrinya.

Dalam perjalanan ke pasar,semua orang mengagumi kecantikan gadis

itu mereka juga ingin tahu.Dibelakang gadis cantik itu ada seseorang wanita
tua dengan pakaian sederhana.Gadis itu dan ibunya terlihat sangat berbeda!!
“Halo gadis canntik.Siapa wanita dibelakang wanitamu” Tanya mereka. “Dia
adalah pelayanku” jawab gadis itu

Ibunya sangat sedih,tapi dia tidak mengatakan apa apa.Gadis itu dari
ibunya berteemu orang lain.Sekali lagi mereka bertanya siapa wanita dibalik
gadis cantik ini. Sekali lagi gadis itu menjawab bahwa ibunya adalah
pelayannya.Dia selalu mengatakan bahwa ibunya adalah pelayannya setiap
kali mereka bertemu seseorangAkhirnya ibunya tidak bisa menahan rasa
sakit lagi.Dia berdoa kepada tuhan untuk menghukum putrinya.Tuhan
menjawab doanya.Kaki gadis itu perlahan membatu.Proses berlanjut ke atas
badannya.Gadis itu sangat panic. “Mother maafkan aku” dia menangis dan
bertanya kepada ibunya tapi itu sudah terlambat Keseluruhan tubuhnya
akhirnya menjadi batu. Sampai sekarang orang orang mendengar batu itu
menangis dan orang orang memanggilnya “Batu Menangis.”

3|The Crying Stone



1. Orientation :
In small village,a girl live with her mother.
2. Complication :
a. At first the girl refuses for accompany her mother to go to the
market.The girl finally agrees because they are going to buy new
b. But she asks her mother to walk behind her.She doesn’t want to walk
side by side with her mother.Her mother is very sad.
c. She always says that her mother is her servant every time they meet
people.The mother is very sad,but she doesn’t say anything.
3. Resolution :
At last, the mother cannot hold the pain anymore. She prays to God to
punish her daughter. Slowly the girl’s turns into stone. She cries and ask
her mother to forgive her. But it’s too late. And she become a crying stone

4|The Crying Stone


Direct sentences, Indirect sentences, & Grammar

1. Grammar : - Unavailable
2. Direct Sentence :
a) The girl and her mother look very different! “ Hello, pretty lady. Who
is the woman behind you?”. Ask them.
b) “ She is my servant, ” answers the girl.
c) “ Mother, please forgive me! ” She cries and ask her mother forgive
3. Inderect Sentences :
a) She always says that her mother is her servant every time they meet

5|The Crying Stone



Chapter 1: The Recount Text

The text mainly discuss about a beautiful girl that`s are not obey her
parent because of her laziness and like to puts make-up and wears new
clothes. One day her mother ask her to accompany her to go to market to buy
food but the girl refuses, and then finally she agreed but she have a favour to
ask, her mother have to walk behind her she don`t want to walk side by side
with her mother. When the girl get a question from other people about her
mother, the girl said”She is my servant.” By the time she always said that,
finally her mother can`t take the pain anymore and pray to the GOD so the
girl finally turns into stone from above slowly, the girl panicky and beg to her
mother but the mother couldn`t help it and finally the girl cries. So she get a
name ”batu menangis” or “crying stone.”

Chapter 2: The Translation

Ada seorang gadis yang cantik dan mempunyai seorang ibu yang beda
dengannya.Suatu hari ibu itu mengajak sang gadis untuk berbelanja ke pasar
untuk berbelanja baju.Di perjalanan ia menemui banyak orang dan orang
orang menanyakan siapa wanita yang dibelakangnya, dan dia selalu
menjawab bahwa wanita itu adalah pembantunya.Akhirnya Ibupun marah
dan mohon kepada tuhan dan tuhanpun mengabulkannya,seetelah itu sang
gadiss menjadi batu. Sampai sekarang orang orang mendengar batu itu
menangis dan orang orang memanggilnya “Batu Menangis.”

6|The Crying Stone

Chapter 3: Finding Generic Structure

1. Orientation

In small village,a girl live with her mother.


a.At first the girl refuses for accompany her mother to go to the
market.The girl finally agrees because they are going to buy new clothes.

b.But she asks her mother to walk behind her.She doesn’t want to walk
side by side with her mother.Her mother is very sad.

c.She always says that her mother is her servant every time they meet
people.The mother is very sad,but she doesn’t say anything.


At last, the mother cannot hold the pain anymore. She prays to God to
punish her daughter. Slowly the girl’s turns into stone. She cries and ask
her mother to forgive her. But it’s too late. And she become a crying stone

Chapter 4: Direct sentences, Indirect sentences, Grammar

Grammar : - Unavailable

Direct Sentence :

a) The girl and her mother look very different! “ Hello, pretty lady. Who
is the woman behind you?”. Ask them.
b) “ She is my servant, ” answers the girl.
c) “ Mother, please forgive me! ” She cries and ask her mother forgive

Inderect Sentences :

b) She always says that her mother is her servant every time they meet

7|The Crying Stone

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