BSM Unit 1

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tte ‘i apa Plumbing for Buildings 30.1. INTRODUCTION : PLUMBING SERVICES Public water supply systems follow the sequence of water collection from sort of supply, conveyance to treatment plants, treatment including disinfection and, finally, its distribution. Ultimately, water is distributed for various consumption purposes in a building through internal water distribution system. In every building, adequate quantity af water should be available at required locations, to meet various needs of the occupan's. Before designing a building, water needs must be properly computed. The transmission of water within the building is carried through pipes which may run either underground or above ground. The water so supplied ultimately gets converted into waste water, Which hes to be properly drained. Various fittings used for use of water, and for drainge of used water are commonly known as sanitary fittings. The services like water supply, drainage, sanitation ete. are sometimes known as plumbing services. Plumbing is a general term indicating the practice, materials snd fixtures used in the installation or maintenance of all piping, ixtures, appliances and other appertenances used in connection with water supply system as well as sanitary and storm water drainage system within a building and its connection with any point of public disposal. The plumbing system comprises the entire system of pipings fixtures and appliances ete. used for water supply and drainage. Thus @ plumbing water supply gystem comprises of water supply and distribution pipes, taps, valves, storage tanks etc., while plumbing drainage system consists of wash basins, water closets, urinals, traps, soil waste pipes, vent pipes, septic tanks ete, etc 30.2 WATER DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM Water is collected from the water main through a service connection. The layout of water distribution piping may be basically a horizontal or vertical arrangement of Timited height and in which underground mains under pressure supply water to the fature inlets. Such a system is known as unfeed system. Alternatively, water is first collected in underground tank (known as suction tank) and then it is pumped to elevated Storage tanks, usually situated at the top of the building, From these elevated storage tanks, water can flow down and feed the fixtures. General considerations While laying out the pipe lines, mind S the following considerations should be kept in (585) 1. The lines should of water supply. For thi” 1B used () There should be no 3. In the unfeed system, this, lay out of pipe should be si be laid’ out as straight as poss Estimation of water requirements adequate pressure. For possible. The pipes should than residence may be found from Tak {TAMLE 301, WATER REQUIREMENTS FOR BUILDINGS OTHER THAN RESIDENCES $0.8, MATERIAL FOR SERVICE PIPES ) ‘The pipe leading from the distribution main of the municipal water supply’ to fa corporation cock. A domestic service connes 1. Brass or bronze ferrule, Ferrule or bronze, For a typical service connection to a house, a ferrule is fain, most usually an ‘under pressure’ connection which can be down the main. 2, Goose neck. This consists of a 40 to 50 cm Jong curved piece of flexible pipe made of brass, copper for lead. The goose neck pre- vents the breaking of the main service pipe due to ‘movement,that takes place ‘between the water main and low. However, ‘solution, Due to thi FIG, 901, SERVICE. CONNECTION. e f - service pipe, ths rovidi 3. Stop cock or aan Eating a", theta, depending opon the ation inte measuring, devi ig, an2 NUTATING-DISC METER of water. ae Tata. used in preference to Kept at a minimum. To supply water to the various pe of a buslding do no direcely 18 typical section of a storage tank. p08 FIG. 308 STORAGE. TANK. The float assembly works autom the tank When the water level falle down, the inlet valve. When the level in tank reaches the oat rises up thus closing valve. nt 2.5 em above FL. In case the water entering the tank averflows 4. Supply pipe or inlet pipe, admitting water into the tank. 5. Oales pipe with sop valve set about 26 to 5 cm above the bottom of the tank fr cutting of the supply to down tank pipes. 6. Drain pipe or scour pipe for cleaning the tank periodically. Capacity of storage tank ‘The cay of tank 4 ‘the ring factors: Dice aac cateasel (ii) Frequency with which the tank can be refilled during 24 hours. (i Rate and regularity of supply. poses depend upon rt ‘various types of buildings. the number of wat dation ing and conveying sewer or a domestic Septic tank, is. term Bima of howe drainage EeEne ‘conditions in the building water as early and quickly as possible the fixing of soil and vent pipes. 2, The drainage pipes should be laid by the side of the building rather than below the building. ss Weta snl aay ek uno ee CT Seren So ye eT prt) mt ‘between the ooil pipe and trap by a vent pipe, ‘and (ii) use of anti-siphonage vine soe re eo aps _A ng ee as Sn ee a en le ee sn ras ee ene us oe te si Cd sma a a ara ade ncn = te 2 Saat rare Ee esc, sey et ty aie 2s oes tee Pee action. They should be non-absorbent = ee ee under deposits ete. are minimised. one ee es for cleaning, 7. Mts internal and external 6 Thaw erooth finish so that dist ee oes not stick 10 it. Classification of traps : Traps are casi iq) Classification according to shape @ P-Trap (Fig. 30.60) ‘This resembles the shape of letter P in wich the legs are 5 serve the water seal of traps, ria biog seen ofp te right angles to each ater. <<. Sail pipe of pipes are commonly wed in howe drinage s Waste pipe : horizontal caopieeeh a a Co 276 mm, waieerpipe: 215 mm mee (Cee + 50 mm Anti-siphonage pipe ® Connecting sol pipe “1 50 mm \ 5 Gi) Connecting waste pipe een a pe zee are Srere ‘hitler pre ‘A traps is a depressed : to each other, discharging in smesieetnpat i aaretetine mn, Se Fe Orman eninge reer ‘4 water seal. It prevents the passage | @)shows the development of é it allows the sewage or waste water to flow | Gee tae! Ge cltenpe”” iG, TRAPS ACCORDING 70. GEA, Floor trap or Nahni trap A floor. trap, Phat. (1) Sore namo gully alongwith ts vari- ations. A CAL gully is fitted in a masonry chamber as shown in Fig $08 (©). A water ere 7 ol er wae 0 O00 (Chou, FIG, 308. VARIOUS FORMS OF GULLY TRAPS. is provided at the ex- ternal face of a wall It thus receives waste water from baths, ktch- ens etc. and pass it on to the house closets ete. A well designed gully trap traps. Intercepting traps ‘This is a special type of trap ‘at the junction of house drain with the public soner or septic tank. It is thus provided in the last mankole of the Bowe drain carrying excremental discharge from water may serve two or three connections from nahni just similar toa grit cham: bows a combined silt yy 4944, COMBINED SILT AND GHRASE THA ‘ i and grease {FaP- soa1, SANITARY FITTINGS ings are commonly used in buildings, ter to the house drain: for efficient collection and Sinks Water closets ) Flushing cisterns. oop am ysny 0) wraRs suvatu £q adid [los ay 0} paqvequoD sf a9 Ue : ‘S1aSOTD ALVA 9108 “O14 Requirements of 1 water closet ‘The following are the requirements of a good siphonic type. Bell type flushing the typical example of valveless that the, surface of the pan should be smooth, 6, Flushing should be achieved effectively with 8. The water in passage of time. inals are usually of two types : ( ype in used in residential build stall urinal iss , | ] | s f action is broken. The I the ciste has more an water thus enters immediately after the ray be destroyed by the centre tocentre spacing + ‘through Tir enters from the bottom and siphonic ‘results in the opening of the inlet cock, ‘Should be noted that the chain should be released vr otherwise the partial vacuum caused by. splashing otry of air from the flush pipe. ‘The capacity of # bel between 5 to 16 litres H Toc urinals are collected 8497" Sa ype and discharged into the flushing cistern may vary a ‘Pipe through floor IG, 0.15 TE 30.12, SYSTEMS OF PLUMBING ap (nahn trap). Auto- J anwre ave four principal systems of plumbing for drainage of buildings + als, which operates, gle stack system One pipe system atic flashing cisterns are generally provided for stall type urin Jingle stack system and at regular interval of 10 to 15 minutes Partially ventilated si pipe system. four systems are shown diagrammatically in Fig. 90.5. ME Lenco ati. soit 4 ss ana ofa seins oi ING CONSTRUCTION ater seal of depth ly dispensed with "Ths | | |e ar NE Pascoe wich irs ie CSS eles arses fe es nel Sesame ne abe eae Sere ae eae nousepRamace tans persons ere pace ae The site plan is a se Peegius suet ¢ dove the other, so that the waste lischarged from various units at different showing onto it the po- eee ee ee! peed oe costlier than the single stack system ‘wash basins and ventilated (Fig. 30.17 c) : This is modified pipe system. In this system, the waste from eae only ae - 2 one common soil and waste pipe (SWP) ea ie eae However, in addition, a relief vent pipe is also provided which provides ventilation inal pace ee CG the traps of water closets. The traps of basins etc, are not directly connected isalsodrawn, showing dis the vent pipe. 4 2 ‘tances, invert levels, ep: C4 Two pipe system (Fig 90.17 a) fab [RAINWATER PIPE ; G=GULLEY TRAP ; LBLAVATORY BASIE : and waste pipe (W,P.) are provided. The scharge f wl i hs WATER Closer; $SNK = MANHOLE Gee ee ee ere position and level of the Tos NTERCEPTING CHAMBER f : Saaaua) tape. are, ‘public sewer. FIG, 3019. DRAINAGE PLAN OF A BUILDING. PLunaING FOR BUTLDINOS sd at some distance away from em lower than the inlet pipe. The sludge, say once in 6 to 12 months the bottom is cleaned peri for the escape of gases, covered pit dug in the ground, tank is discharged. I is generally dug in the pe: Fig. 30.21 shows two forms of soak pits Lined soak pits are used when the inne be of bricks, stone or concrete blocks, with dry open joints, and with atleast 7.5 cm backing of coarse aggregate. However, if the inner vol brick aggregates, no lining is required, except for the masvat¥ ring provided at the is kept empty. The lining may FIG, 3021. SOAKPITS which the sewage effluent from the house drain the depth varies from 2.5 m to 4 m. Tein Hoge haw oe sch = rl ‘of about FIG, 9022, SLUDGE SOAK PIT is emptied. PROBLEMS 1. Describe, with the help of a neat sketch, the method of taking a house connection for water supply

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