Ten Non

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Ten Non-negotiable Truths for every Christian 1. There is a God, and you are not it.

Therefore Christians do not follow their own will, but God s. Every choice we make reflect our faithfulness to God. Every choice we make should be decided by God s will. 2. Experiencing God is the only thing of lasting value. Therefore Christians place nothing of greater importance for their time and money above experiencing God. Every dollar we spend reflects our faithfulness to God. Every minute we spend reflects our faithfulness to God. 3. God intends to reveal Himself to His people through His Word, His Spirit and His Son Jesus. Therefore Christians invest time every day in studying the Word of God, praying through the Spirit, and living in Christ. God often reveals His will to groups, be in one. 4. God created us to love us, and have a relationship with us. Each one of us is of the greatest value. Therefore Christians live from the center point of God s love and value, and focuses all their energy on offering God s love to others who are of equal value to God. Loving the least of these on earth by the world s standards are the greatest opportunity to demonstrate God s love to the world. The work of the church is outside the walls. 5. We are not inherently good, but those who break God s will. Therefore Christians do not follow their own will, but God s and depend each day upon the grace of God and practice the means of grace God has given us. There is not a place where Christians can say they have arrived and need not progress any further in their faith.

6. Accepting the death and resurrection of Jesus for our sake is the only thing that will grant us life eternal. Therefore Christians do not live their own life, but live in the life of Christ. Christ and the cross is the content of our message to the world. 7. Only those who choose to love God back have eternal life in Christ. Therefore Christians do not love anything more than God. There is no plan B, this is God s plan A. 8. God loves us perfectly for who we are, but loves us enough not to want us to stay how we are. Therefore Christians are in constant change and growth toward the goal of a transformed character to be like Christ. Each struggle or moment of suffering is an opportunity for God to transform our character.

9. The Evil One seeks to get us to doubt, distrust, and deny the Will of God. Therefore Christians do not stand alone against the attacks of the Evil One, but stand united in Christ. Each temptation by the Evil One is an opportunity for God to transform our character. The work of the church is best done in small groups. 10. God s love was not intended to end with you. Therefore Christians experience God s love the most when they share God s love with others. The work of the church is outside the walls.

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