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Juo Phace method

4n 2 phassmple method 4hese phases

method s ap ptiod 10 a
hase 1 40-his phas c h seopl0 pp teaAing 10 a fina
aur itarey
spectatty conSaruc d
Cmpte tnble
SCp-I hssegn a cost 0 a ch arctt freial vart tablc
and c Cost o 40 alt 0 t h e varttah l3 (en pla ce of

Ahei rt o n tqe nat coct) io the objacit ve

SHCP- Cons41tt( he aTt Xi1l rey P tn which the noio
ahject tvc functton 2 40 he maximt2 ed
h given set 0f ConeAratN4C
sHCP T Sol ht aurillar PP by Snpte oe methocl tntrll 2tharc
0f he fotl ot n9 thc
Mar 2 <0 and atie ast 0n e Qictftetal vartuah l0 appa ats,

cn 4he opimte hasis at a tve evcl n thes cas 4hc

gcyn Prtohle m doSny osseS ny fcashlson
) Mar 2 - 0 and atjeast n aretftetal vantahle aprt ar3 rn

optcma basig a 0' vet in thts Casc PTOCetd 40 phaie

edMax"=0 an d 00 tfeceal Vart cLb ( appaarcS he

Op4 emm bases 0 ths Cas atso proceLd 40 Phase-T

NOw assignhe acl ual o s 1o the vatuables n ne

cbjectivCfanca(on and o Co st to evCIT t ift ciat tattabk

Hha apn earts n ah opmm basts the
et o evet
M aem 9 Ihe ob) e cieve funci con
smple method
Mn 2 X-30X 2 3X2

in d X2 0 by Pha metho ol
sot max 2 2) t9K21313 1 0a t0 a2 D


has-1 Ma 2 (-2) X t0 Xo to 2 -a 2 (1)

2 t t 4M3 +a9
a a MRCX/2

9/ u
9et an
opimal so 0f 2
sence al rd
mar 2 -a2
feas ble s010
Therte sno

Mn 2

-X2 37 2
by the Phase method
an d X a 3 Y0
t 0.81 t0.82 t0.Q
So E" t 3T2 0 . *
max (t-2)

S 31 - - 3 S14 a =3

phase-1 max 0 1 40 2 t 0 9 t0:S1 t 0.S9 -aq-A2


and m c n -(25 5

42449 ,y29-434 SMXI 32
basIC TeasiDiC
an optinmum
Iven L.P.P. does nol possess
pseudo-optimum basic feasible solution.
to the constraints
method to maximize z
Sx, + 3N2 Subject
424. Use two-phase simplex
+4x2 2 6 x
and . 2
+*2 S1. 2x and an artificial variable
slack variable s, 2 0, a surplus variable s, 2 0
Solution. Introducing a = T and A, 6 with
L.P.P.. initial basic feasible
solution is:
A20 in the constraints of the an

I as the hasis matrix.

maximize z= -A
A. =

auxiliary L.P.P. is to

Phase 1. The objective function of the

the iterative simplex
simplex algorithm to the auxiliary linear programming problem,
Using now

tables are
Initial 1eration. Introduce y2 and drop y3.

0 0 -
CB YB Y2 y3 Y4 Ys
0 0

6 4 -1

-1 4 -1

-1 0
Since -

C1 3nd z2

C are egative, we choose the most negative of these. viz., -4.

corresponding column vector y2 enters the basis. Further, since min. Y2 0>i
0 sis I, which occu
1. which occ

for element yi2. y, leaves the basis.

Final lteration. Optimum solution.

CB YB Y2 y4
0 0
-1 2 -7 0 -1
7 0
z(=-2) 4
, an
hax. *<0 and an artificial optimum basic feasible solution to the auxiliary L.P.P.1
oes not pOSsess any feasible variable is in the basis at nositive level. Theretore, n c
425. Use two-phase
simplex method to
Maximize z Sx =

4x2 + x subject to the constraints

2x+X2 6x; 20, 6x, +

51, +
10x; S 76
8x 3x2 + 6x, S
Solution. Introducing slack 50, x, X2 X3 2 0.
variables s, 2 0 and 2
Maximize z= ir s, 0. the L.P.P. in its standard
55/7, 1 30/7. x3
0: maximum
A =
426. Use penalry (or Big M) method to
Marimize : =
ár, + 4x2 suhject to
2x +3ty ),
t2( and *z20
S the solution unique? If not. give two different solulions.
S 2 0 and surplus variable
Solution Intadusina Laal oribles
Maximum z =
15; x =
x2 = Xx3 = 5/2 and X4
x4 0
429. Use two-phase simplex methoa to
(a) Maximize z =
10x +20x2 subject to the constraints
0. [Madurai M.Com. 2002]
2x 2x2 5, x 2 0, *2
+2= 1, x +
(b) Minimize z = 2x t+ 4x2 subject to the constraints
2x + 2 2 14, x1+3x2 2 18, x1 + X22 12; x X2 z 0.
[Panjab Tech. Univ. M.B.A. (Dec.) 2010j
430. Use two-phase simplex method to
Maximize z =
3x *2 Subject to the constraints
2x +X2 2 2, x + 3x2 S 2, x2 S 4; X, X2 2 0. Meerut M.Sc. (Math.) 19981
431. Use two-phase simplex method to
Maximize z = 5x + 8x2 subject to the constraints :
3x +2x2 2 3, *1 * 4x2 2 4, x + *2 s 5, , X2 2 0.
132. Use two-phase simplex method to
Minimize z = x +X2 + X3 subject to the constraints :
- 3x2 *+ 4x 5. - 2x2 S 3. 2x2 + '2
x 20. *20 and,* is unrestricted.
433. Use two-phase simplex method to
Maximize 2x2 z =
X + 3x3 subject to the constraihts

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