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Reading Notes Chapter # 2

Name: Ethan Asay Date: 08/31/2022 Class Time: 11:00

*Many of my notes are highlighted in my textbook and annotated on the pages,

this is the abridged version*

Informed consent from parents is imperative

Child development was dominated by psychologists in early times but as it has involved

has included many groups of people that all study different areas of development.

Culture includes the knowledge, skills, traditions, beliefs, and values of a particular

group of people that is passed down through the generations.

European American middle-class norms and beliefs were used as the standard for all

other groups of people.

Diversity of person and context has moved to the foreground of development.

Culture shapes development by effecting what a child learns about the world

Careful scientific observation is essential

Development of a child is embedded in multiple layers of interacting systems, from

biological to social to historical contexts

There are five general perspectives or families of developmental theories: Biological

theories (ethology and sociobiology), psychoanalytic theories (Freud and Erickson),

learning theories (classical and operant conditioning, social cognitive theory, and

information processing), cognitive stages and structures (Piaget), and

contextual/dynamic theories

Many religions see children as valuable, but in need of training or guidance

Ethology focuses on biological processes in development and is the study of how

behaviors adapt to support the study of all animals

Freud believes that there are five stages of psychosexual development: Oral, Anal,

Phallic, Latency, and genital and if one stage of conflict is not resolved than the

individual will become fixated on the conflict for the rest of their life

In contrast Erikson’s psychosocial theory talks about the self and the search for one’s

identity and the individual’s relationship with others through eight different stages

Erikson believes that if an individual faces a crisis they can resolve it by embracing an

extreme position
Classical and operant conditioning explain how associations and consequences `shape

behavior for humans

Consequences that increase behaviors are reinforcers and consequences that dimmish

behaviors are punishers

Cognitive development is changes in thinking overtime and process that move thinking

forwards Equilibrium, activity, maturation, and social transmission

Piaget shows how children develop in specific stages that include numerical concepts,

spatial concept, social tasks, storytelling, reasoning about physical objects, or motor


Vygotsky said humans can only do things in cultural settings and cannot be

comprehended outside of these settings because we must relate to each other to have


Bronfenbrenner mapped the interacting social contexts that affect development, saying

every person lives within a microsystem that includes relationships and activities and

mesosystems interactions and relationships involving the microsystems

The goal of child development is to understand development that will help improve the

lives of children and families

Every test and theory is backed up by the Institutional review board for both accuracy

and ethical issues making sure families know exactly what is going to happen in these


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