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The Homosexualization of America

Ped er asty in the Gay Movement The 1973 vic tory of gay pol i tics over sci en tific ob jectivity in the American Psychiatric Association had far-reaching consequences. After the fall of the APAs med i cal stan dard against the nor mal iza tion of ho mo sex u ality, gay rights ac tiv ists made tre men dous gains in pub lic acceptance of, or at least tolerance for, open ho mo sex u al ity. This fact is es pe cially alarm ing when we con sider that the APA has now taken action which some construe as normalization of pedophilia as well. The September, 1994 is sue of Re gen er a tion News, the news let ter of a homosexual recovery group in Baltimore, features an article about this change. Re gen er a tion Di rec tor, Alan Medinger compares the new set of cri te ria for di ag nos ing pedophilia with the prior stan dard:
In the earlier DSM-III-R [Di ag nos tic and Sta tis ti cal Man ual for Psy chi a trists], pedophilia was diagnosed as a disorder if [t]he person has acted out on these urges or is markedly dis tressed by them...but the new standard de fines pedophilia as a disorder only if the fan ta sies, sex ual urges, or behaviors cause clinically sig nificant dis tress or im pair ment in social, occupational, or other important ar eas of functioning (Medinger, reprinted in Stop Promoting Homosexuality

Legitimization of ho mo sex u al ity in schools prepares children for re cruit ment into the gay life style.



Ha waii News let ter, No vem ber, 1994. Em pha sis ours).

The APA has taken a step which can be interpreted to imply that adult sex with children is normal as long as the perpetrators are not un happy with their sex ual ori en ta tion. The APA has taken ex cep tion to this in ter pre ta tion. Although many contemporary homosexual activists, es pe cially lesbians, attempt to distance themselves from their pederastic comrades, the fact remains that pederasts (as was true in Ger many) have al ways been at the fore front of the movement, albeit often in the closet. And the right of adults to have sex with chil dren has al ways been a ba sic goal of the move ment. In Feb ru ary of 1972, for example, a national coalition of homosexual groups met in Chicago to draw up a list of priorities for the movement. Prominent on the list was the demand for a repeal of all laws governing the age of sexual consent (Rueda:201ff). Al ready in Can ada the age of con sent has been low ered to age 14 (Mulshine:10). The or ga ni za tions ded i cated spe cif i cally to pedophile rights or ped erast-rights in the United States are made up of ho mosexual men (Rueda:173ff), and in ma jor cit ies with an ac tive homosexual community gay book stores carry numerous titles which endorse man/boy sex (Grant, 1993:22). Tom Reeves, a self-admitted ped er ast who was part of the early gay rights movement, is one of a num ber of writ ers in an anthology called Varieties


The Homosexualization of America

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Cover of a NAMBLA news let ter. The most vo cal ad vocates of chil drens rights (i.e. pedophilia) are male homosexuals. of Man/Boy Love. He explains the role of pederasts in homosexualist ac tiv ism:
Al most ev ery one of the early openly ho mo sex ual writ ers was a ped er ast. Ped er asty was a con stant theme of early gay lit er a ture, art, and por nog ra phy. The Stone wall ri ots



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Ped er ast Leland Stevenson (left) leads a NAMBLA con tin gent in the 1993 Gay Pride pa rade in Wash ing ton, D.C.

were pre cip i tated by an in ci dent in volv ing an un der age drag queen, yet that de tail was not viewed as sig nif i cant. Curtis Price, a four teen-year-old, self-described rad i cal hustler, formed the first gay liberation organization in Baltimore. Many of the leaders of early gay liberation and the found ers of the ma jor gay groups in the U.S. were boy-lovers (Reeves in Pascal:47).

Another of the early lead ers of the gay rights move ment was David Thorstad, also a self-identified pederast. Thorstad was president of the Gay Activist Alliance (Stop Promoting Homosexuality Hawaii Newsletter, November, 1994:6), one of the larg est of the groups which formed in New York in the wake of the Stone wall riot. The GAA invented the strategy of zapping politicians, writes Marotta, that would later become [its] trademark...[they] had learned that ho mo sex u als could in fil trate po lit i cal gatherings and make themselves heard through sheer brash ness (Marotta:137). The GAA also de vel oped the strat egy of using these carefully staged confrontations to force


The Homosexualization of America

politicians to enact anti-discrimination policies (ibid.:150). The GAA re or ga nized early in 1974 as the National Gay and Les bian Task Force (Adam:88). Thorstad, along with Reeves and oth ers, later went on to form the North Amer i can Man/Boy Love As so ci a tion in Boston in 1978 (NAMBLA Bulletin, September, 1992:2). NAMBLA, which is the larg est ped er ast rights or ga ni zation in the coun try, cloaks its agenda in rhet o ric about concern for the rights of children to have sexual freedom. (Pascal:49). In re cent years NAMBLA has come un der attack by some elements of the gay rights alliance, who have tried to exclude the group from some of the higher profile media events. But this has evoked a violent re sponse from its de fend ers. When NAMBLA was de nied a role in the 1986 Los An geles Gay Pride Pa rade, marcher Harry Hay donned a sweatshirt printed with the legend, NAMBLA Walks With Me. Timmons writes that Hay, could not contain his outrage that NAMBLA was ex cluded (Timmons:296). More re cently, as re ported in the NAMBLA Bulletin, Hay was a featured speaker at NAMBLAs annual membership conference, June 24-25, 1994:
[He] gave an in spir ing talk about re claim ing for the 1990s the spirit of ho mo erotic shar ing and love from var i ous ancient Greek traditions of pederasty. A remarkably balanced and sen si tive ac count of the con fer ence ap peared in the Au gust 23 Ad vo cate from a writer who was in vited to at tend (NAMBLA Bul le tin, Sep tem ber, 1994:3).

Other homosexualist-run childrens-rights or ga ni zations in clude the Rene Guyon So ci ety, which was formed in 1962 to make it pos si ble for adults to pro vide sex ual stimu la tion for vir tu ally all chil dren (Rueda:177), and a group called Pro ject Truth (NAMBLA Bul le tin, Sep tem ber, 1994). (While were discussing homosexual splinter groups we



should mention the Eulenspiegel Society, formed in 1971 to promote Sado-masochist rights for homosexuals whose special concern is freedom for sexual minorities and particularly those whose sexuality embraces S/M Rueda:175). Mem ber ship of groups such as these in the In ter na tional Lesbian and Gay Association (ILGA) caused it to be ex pelled from the United Na tions Eco nomic and So cial Council in September of 1993. Attempting to forestall its expulsion, ILGA tried to separate itself from pederast groups but quickly learned that sup port for the boy-lovers was too deeply entrenched in the association. ILGAs ouster of ten-year mem ber NAMBLA and a cou ple of other high-profile groups caused European pederast member-organizations to step forward in protest. Division within ILGA continues (NAMBLA Bulletin, September 1994:3). Another apologist for pederasty is Larry Kramer, founder of ACT-UP. In Report from the Holocaust: The Making of an AIDS Ac tiv ist, Kramer had this to say about adult/child sex: In those in stances where chil dren do have sex with their homosexual el ders, be they teach ers or anyone else, I sub mit that of ten, very of ten, the child de sires the activity, and perhaps even solicits it (Kramer:234). Ac cord ing to Reeves, Queer Na tion and Act-Up were home to both boys and men who wanted additional cultural activity beyond...their illegal relationships (Reeves in Pascal:73). Pedophilia and its pro mo tion is not lim ited to male homosexuals. Virginia Uribe, a lesbian teacher in Los An geles, has been at the forefront of a movement to affirm gay teenagers, through school-based pro-homosexual counseling (Homosexuality, the Classroom and Your Children, 1992) Her own program, called Project 10 (named for the oft-quoted sta tis tic of 10% ho mo sex u al ity in the U.S. pop u la tion, a fig ure dem on strated in sev eral re-


The Homosexualization of America

cent studies to be nearer 2%), included a book for young people called One Teenager in Ten. This resource for troubled teens features lurid pornographic stories, in cluding a graphic les bian sex scene between a twelve-year-old girl and her twenty-three-year-old dance teacher. The apparent goal is to activate childrens sex u al ity at in creas ingly younger ages. At a con fer ence promoting Project 10 to public school teachers in Oregon, University of Washington so ciologist Pepper Schwartz ad mits targeting prepubescent chil dren for af fir ma tion, saying, At this point, getting the ma jor ity to say gay is good at nine or ten years old is going to be difficult, but just because it is difficult doesnt mean its not the right thing (Homosexuality, the Classroom and Your Children, 1992). The ben e fi cia ries of sex ual free dom for chil dren and teens are of ten pred a tory adult ho mo sex u als. The Na tional Gay and Lesbian Task Force is on record that gay teens should be supported in coming out (Mulshine: 10), but writer Paul Mulshine notes that the guid ance, and the sex, tends to come from adult gays who bring the teens out...A study pub lished in the Jour nal of Pe di at rics showed that of a sam ple of gay teen ag ers who had steady sex ual part ners, the mean age of the partners was 25 years (ibid.:10). He cites a 1985 study of arrests in 12 U.S. ju ris dic tions [for child sex abuse, which] showed...on av er age, about 40 percent of ar rests for pederastic ho mo sex u als (ibid.:11). Though some deny that the right of adults to have sex with children remains a fundamental component of the gay rights movement, the evidence suggests otherwise.



Alyson Publications, the leading publisher of gay titles, markets books aimed at pre-schoolers, such as Daddys Roommate and Heather Has Two Mommies, right along side Gay Sex: A Man ual for Men Who Love Men. The latter contains detailed instructions for pedophiles and pederasts on how to successfully avoid discovery and ar rest. Avoid sit u a tions, ad vises au thor Jack Hart, where a number of men have sex with the same boy, or group of boys, over a period of time (Hart:123). No doubt these guide lines are grate fully re ceived by ped er asts in the commu nity, a con stit u ency that is larger than most peo ple re alize. For ex am ple, Reeves claimed in a 1979 speech that he per son ally had met over 500 men who were strug gling with their attraction to boys. Almost to a man, said Reeves, they are teach ers and boy scout lead ers and boys club lead ers (Rueda:97). Scouts Under Siege Fortunately, Americas version of the Wandervoegel, the Boy Scouts of America, has largely been spared the prob lems as so ci ated with its German cousin. This can be attributed to its commitment to Judeo-Christian ideals as represented in its pledge to be reverent toward God (Hillcourt:10). Still, the num ber of ho mo sex u als that have in fil trated the or ga ni za tion is alarm ing. From 1973 to 1993 over 1,416 scout lead ers were ex pelled for sex u ally abus ing boys (The Wash ing ton Times, June 15, 1993). Be gin ning in 1991 and con tin u ing to the pres ent time, the Boy Scouts have been tar geted by gay rights mil i tants for their policy against allowing homosexuals to be scout leaders. An ostensibly spontaneous outcry against the Boy Scouts arose across the country, led by the once-venerable United Way agency, which pulled its funding from the Scouts in var i ous cit ies. United Ways fund ing withdrawal was quickly followed by other ho mo sex-


The Homosexualization of America

ual-controlled or co-opted entities including Levi Strauss, Wells Fargo, Seafirst Bank and Bank of America (which later reversed itself) (Oregonian, July 11, 1992). Self-admitted les bian, Roberta Achtenberg, then serv ing on the San Fran cisco Board of Su per vi sors, led a cam paign to co erce the Bank of Amer ica into sup port for the ho mo sex uals demands. Shortly thereafter, Achtenberg was appointed As sis tant Sec re tary for the De part ment of Housing and Urban Development (Los An geles Times, Jan u ary 29, 1993), one of more than two dozen ho mo sex u als ap pointed to high-level posts in the Clinton Administration (Grant, 1993:107). In the streets, the Boy Scouts was mocked by Queer Scouts, a focus group of Queer Nation (Bay Area Re porter, Au gust 1, 1991), while homosexualists at the highest lev els of gov ern ment at tempted to in tim i date the or ga nization into submission. Surgeon General Joycelyn Elders used her post to castigate Scout officials (U.S.A. Today, June 2, 1994) and Interior Secretary Bruce Babbitt signed an order prohibiting Boy Scouts from volunteering in na tional parks (The Washington Times, May 28, 1993). In San Fran cisco and San Diego the Boy Scouts were barred from operating day programs in the public schools (San Francisco Chronicle, September 14, 1991) and in San Diego, city of fi cials launched an in ves ti ga tion of the Scouts under its legal powers to prevent discrimination against homosexuals (San Francisco Chronicle, October 18, 1992). So far the Boy Scouts have with stood the on slaught, but late in 1992 the organization received a letter from NAMBLA pre dict ing that it will even tu ally suc cumb to homosexual demands. The letter is addressed to Ben Love, Chief Scout Executive, Boy Scouts of America, and was pub lished in the NAMBLA Bul le tin, No vem ber, 1992:



Dear Mr. Love, At its 16th mem ber ship con fer ence, held in Chi cago, August 7-9-1992, the North Amer i can Man/Boy Love Association unanimously adopted the following res olution: NAMBLA calls on the Boy Scouts of America to cease its dis crim i na tion against openly gay or les bian persons in the ap point ment of its scout mas ters. This will per mit scouts to be ex posed to a va ri ety of life styles and will per mit more of those in di vid u als who gen u inely wish to serve boys to do so. I feel es pe cially hon ored to have been asked to alert you of this res o lu tion...I have also been a scout and a scout leader and share with so many in NAMBLA af fec tion for the move ment. We rec og nize, of course, that the ac tion for which we call is inevitable. What a great added con tri bu tion your or ga ni za tion will make pos si ble to all the boys and girls who par tic i pate in it when you take this step. May it be taken in the near fu ture. We share a com mon mis sion to bring greater un derstand ing and light and pur pose to the young as they grow. We in vite you to join with us in cher ish ing in di vid ual integ rity, and in seek ing the op por tu nity for ev ery boy and girl in our coun try to find their own truth. We en cour age you to help ev ery per son as so ci ated with your or ga ni zation to be able to ex press those val ues from them selves which to them represent for themselves the Good, the True, and the Beau ti ful. As we work together toward these ends Light will guide our way. We ex press these sen ti ments most re spect fully, Very Cor dially, Leland Stevenson Co-Recording Sec re tary, NAMBLA (NAMBLA Bul letin, No vem ber 1992. Em pha sis ours).


The Homosexualization of America

Stevensons let ter is rem i nis cent of the one Wil helm Jansen sent to Wandervoegel parents in which he told them, you will have to accustom yourselves to the presence of so-called homosexuals in your ranks (Mills:167). As we see, how ever, Stevensons ideo log i cal al lies have far greater po lit i cal power in the United States to day than Jansens had in Ger many in 1912. On June 28, 2000, the Boy Scouts pre vailed in the land mark Su preme Court case of Dale v. Boy Scouts of Amer ica. Dale, an open ho mo sex ual, had sued the Scouts un der a New Jer sey anti-discrimination stat ute for de ny ing him the op por tu nity to be a scout leader. The court ruled that forc ing the Boy Scouts to ac cept prac tic ing ho mo sex u als would vi o late their con sti tu tional right of ex pres sive asso ci a tion. Rather than ac cept ing this rul ing, how ever, the gay move ment stepped up its cam paign against the Scouts, tar get ing the do nor base of the or ga ni za tion. To this date, the Boy Scouts has stood firm. Un for tu nately, the moral cour age of the Boy Scouts of Amer ica is not shared by all youth or ga ni zations. The Girl Scouts al lows les bian lead ers in its orga ni za tion and has ex pelled at least one het ero sex ual leader who re fused to keep this pol icy se cret from parents. Brenda Mailand, a Girl Scout em ployee in Lansing Mich i gan was fired af ter she re fused to sign the fol low ing pledge:
As an em ployee of the Mich i gan Capitol Girl Scout Council, you may not proactively in form mem bers, par ents of mem bers, pro spec tive mem bers or par ents of pro spec tive members, or members of the general public (including me dia) of the Coun cils and GSUSAs po si tion on sexual ori en ta tion (Pri vate let ter, Feb ru ary 9, 1993).



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Ad ver tise ment in a Sac ra ment-area ho mo sex ual news pa per.

The Big Brothers/Big Sis ters or ga ni za tion ac tively promotes gay rights through its organization. In 1991 Big Brother/Big Sisters Board of Directors lobbied the Boy Scouts to change its policy against homosexual leaders, saying the use of non-traditional volunteers in the ser vice delivery to youth can serve the best interest of chil dren (Private letter, August 9, 1991). Homosexual big brothers and big sisters are actively recruited in some cit ies (Just Out, March 1, 1993). Ab sent a re ver sal in Amer i can cul tural trends, it seems likely that the barrier to adult-child sex will fall in the not-too-distant fu ture. What then? Can any so ci ety hope to es cape di sas ter whose cit i zens have, to such a pro found degree, lost the ca pac ity to re strain them selves and oth ers regarding sexual perversion? We cannot necessarily predict the fu ture from what hap pened in Ger many, but the pos sibility of following a similar path is very real. That path leads from sexual license to violence, murder and sadistic cru elty.


The Homosexualization of America

Atrocities The wicked prowl on ev ery side when vile ness is ex alted among the sons of men Psalms 12:10. Has sexual perversion led to increasing violence in Amer ica? For tu nately, to this point Amer ica has not ex peri enced the wide-scale atroc i ties per pe trated by the Na zis in Germany, but the actions of certain male homosexuals in re cent his tory are rem i nis cent of the worst SS butch ers. As noted in a January 21, 1984 editorial in The New York Times, Many of the most violent multiple murders have been com mit ted by ho mo sex ual males. The cor re la tion is even closer that the Times ob ser va tion would sug gest. Robert Hazelwood, a well-respected for mer agent of the FBIs Be hav ioral Sci ence unit, of fered the fol low ing in sights:
With reference to your question about homosexual killings, I will pro vide you with what I have learned in more than 34 years of pro fes sional law en force ment ex pe ri ence, count less train ing and ed u ca tional pro grams pro vided by the fo ren sic com mu ni ties (pa thol o gists, men tal health, legal) and law en force ment, as well as my own ex pe ri ence in having consulted on more than 4,000 homicide cases (cases involving from 1-30 victims) including over 300 ho mi cides in volv ing ho mo sex ual males. When a deceased male is found nude or partially clothed and the murder involves overkill (i.e., much more vi o lence than nec es sary to kill) and/or mul ti ple stab wounds to the heart or throat and/or mu ti la tion of the gen itals then the in ves ti ga tor be gins with the sup po si tion that the crime is a ho mo sex ual-related mur der. From my own ex pe ri ence, I can as sure you that this as sump tion is proven true in at least 95% of the cases (Private let ter, July 12, 1999).



Dr. Brian Clowes cites some alarming sta tis tics showing that eight of the top ten se rial kill ers in the United States were ho mo sex u als and that ho mo sex u als were re spon si ble for 68 percent of all mass murders (Clowes:97). The fol lowing is a list of nine leading homosexual serial killers, eight of which were among the top ten most pro lific kill ers as of 1992. Clowes sources are listed in the text and are reprinted from De bating the Gay Rights Is sue:
Don ald Garvey: 37 Mur ders...[a] nurse s aide [who] was con victed of 37 mur ders in Ken tucky and Ohio. Psy cholo gists tes ti fied that Harvey said he was a ho mo sex ual. The New York Times, Au gust 20, and Au gust 17th, 1991. John Wayne Gacy: 33 Mur ders...[a] pro fessed ho mo sexual ...who killed 33 young men and boys and bur ied them in his base ment.The New York Times, Feb ru ary 22, 1980. Patrick Wayne Kearney: 32 Murders...The New York Times de scribed him as an ac knowl edged ho mo sex ual and ...perpetrator of the homosexual trash bag murders. The New York Times, July 27, 1977. Bruce Da vis: 28 mur ders...killed 28 young men and boys af ter hav ing sex with them. The New York Times, Jan u ary 21, 1984. Corll, Henley and Brooks: 32 Murders. Dean Corll, Elmer Wayne Henley, and Da vid Owen Brooks were the mem bers of a Texas ho mo sex ual tor ture/mur der ring that captured and mutilated 27 young men. The New York Times, July 27, 1974. Juan Corona: 25 admitted homosexual, killed 25 male migrant work ers. The New York Times , Oc to ber 4, 1972. Jeffrey Dahmer: 17 Mur ders...a con victed child mo lester


The Homosexualization of America

and prac tic ing and ad mit ted ho mo sex ual, lured 17 young men and boys to his apartment, had sex with them, then killed them and dismembered them. He ate parts of his vic tims bod ies...Dahmer was ac tive in gay rights or gani za tions and had par tic i pated in gay pride pa rades. Mi chael C. Buelow. Po lice Be lieve Sus pect Killed 17. The Oregonian, July 26, 1991, pages A1 and A24. Also: Rela tive in Dahmer Case Sues. USA To day, Au gust 6, 1991, page 3A. Also Oc to ber 1991 Fo cus on the Fam ily Let ter. Ste phen Kraft: 16 Mur ders...killed at least 16 young men after drug ging, sodomizing and tor tur ing them. Rob ert L. Mauro. The Na tions Leading Se rial Killers. The Wanderer , Oc to ber 31, 1991. Wil liam Bonin: 14 Mur ders...tor tured and killed 14 young men...had sex with his vic tims be fore and af ter they died. Rob ert L. Mauro. The Na tions Leading Se rial Killers. The Wan derer, Oc to ber 31, 1991. (Clowes:96)

Wil liam Bonin was ex e cuted by le thal in jec tion at Cal ifornia's San Quentin prison on Feb ru ary 23, 1996. As reported in the Or ange County Reg is ter, Feb ru ary 22, 1996, Bonin, the so-called Freeway Killer, killed at least 21 boys and young men and dumped their bod ies along Cal ifornia freeways (our original source mentioned only 14). Af ter hav ing been jailed in the early 1970s for rap ing boys, Bonin had vowed that in the future there will be no wit nesses. Al though var i ous sto ries re ported that Bonin had raped men at gun point in the army and had been en gaged in sex with a man at the time of his fi nal ar rest, the me dia failed to identify Bonin as gay. Standard gay rhetoric denies that male-on-male child mo les ta tion qual i fies as ho mo sexual con duct. Here, the per pe tra tor clearly was ho mo sex ual in his adult sex ual re la tions as well, but the gay la bel was scru pu lously avoided. Thomas Hamilton of Dunblane, Scotland, is Britain's



worst mass-murderer in modern history. Hamilton killed 16 children at an elementary school on March 13, 1996. Ac cord ing to The New York Times, Ham il ton was ob sessed with boys. Ousted from the Boy Scouts in 1974 for complaints about un sta ble and pos si bly im proper be hav ior following a Scout camp, Hamilton later formed his own boys club. Once again, chil dren com plained that he was overly fa mil iar, made them take their shirts off and was obsessed with pho to graph ing them. Up set that he had been branded a per vert, Ham il ton ap par ently took his re venge against the town of Dunblane by kill ing their chil dren. In a spree of gay-on-gay vi o lence not seen since Nazi Germany, one homosexual man, Gaetan Dugas, was di rectly responsible for killing over a thousand homosexual men by de lib er ately in fect ing them with the AIDS vi rus. Indi rectly he may be re spon si ble for tens of thou sands, eventu ally per haps hun dreds of thou sands of AIDS deaths. One of the first known AIDS car ri ers, Dugas was known as Patient Zero be cause he caused so many of the ear li est in fections (Clowes:97). Even af ter his di ag no sis Dugas jus ti fied his con tin ued sodomy with the excuse that he was free to do what he wanted with his own body. Even when he was in the final stages of AIDS he would have anon y mous sex with men in ho mo sex ual bath houses, and then show his sex ual part ners his pur ple Kaposis Sar coma blotches, say ing, Gay can cer. Maybe youll get it (The Co lum bus of AIDS. National Re view, No vem ber 6, 1987:19). As re ported in the Marin In de pend ent Journal, Feb ruary 5, 1996, the first known murder connected to the Internet resulted from a homosexual encounter between two men in East Windsor, New Jersey. After meeting through an on line chat room, an elec tronic gath er ing place for gay men, they decided to get together. But their offline meeting Jan. 4 turned deadly, police say, when George Hemenway shot Jesse Unger in the head, as a


The Homosexualization of America

15-year-old boy looked on. According to the story, the last ho mi cide in this Tren ton sub urb of 22,000 was 10 years ago and also stemmed from a ho mo sex ual street en counter, po lice say. Other major news stories have had a homosexual el ement that as sumes greater sig nif i cance when viewed in the con text of the homo-fascist con nec tion. For ex am ple, just days af ter du Pont for tune heir John E. du Pont at tracted national at ten tion for his role in a shoot ing and a dra matic police standoff at his Pennsylvania mansion, details of his bizarre private life began to emerge. A single man who lived with his mother until her recent death, du Pont used his per sonal for tune to sup port his hob bies, which cen tered on traditionally ultra-masculine themes: collecting guns and mil i tary ar ti facts (such as an ar mored per son nel car rier he drove around his estate) and collegiate-style Greco-Roman wres tling. A Gannett News Ser vice re port pub lished in the Jan u ary 30 edi tion of the Marin In de pend ent Jour nal con tains al lega tions that du Pont was a ho mo sex ual who used his wealth to re cruit oth ers into the ho mo sex ual life style. You re ally don't want to hear the whole truth. It would blow you away, said An dre Metzger, a wres tling coach who sued du Pont for sex ual ha rass ment. Metzger said du Pont used the Foxcatcher training facility to gain access to kids and adults for ho mo sex ual re la tion ships. Around the turn of the millennium, America was stunned by a string of mass mur ders in pub lic high schools. The most horrific of these was the attack by teenagers Dylan Klebold and Eric Harris on their classmates at Col um bine High in Little ton, Col o rado. Fif teen died that day, including Klebold and Harris, who committed sui cide. There are two important facts which are relevant to our study. The first is that ac cord ing to fel low stu dents, the killers were homosexual. The Gay Today news website reported, in an article titled The Waking Dream: Ho mo-



erotic violence at Columbine High, that according to some ac counts, Klebold and Harris were al leg edly bi sex uals, which is a teen age code word for the G (gay) word, which teens, es pe cially high school teens in Col o rado, cannot use. NAMBLA Bulletin editor, Bill Andrietti wrote that
A gay an gle sur faced al most as soon as the shoot ings hit the news, with ru mors cir cu lat ing that the boys with the bombs and guns were -- var i ously -- cer tainly gay, ab solutely het ero sex ual, or self-avowed bi sex u als...Many gay public re la tions ex perts thought it best to down play Eric Harris and Dylan Klebolds possible ho mo sex u ality....[while a press re lease from the ho mo sex ual Met ropol i tan Com mu nity Church re ported that] Cam pus jocks re mem ber call ing Eric and Dylan fag got, homo, and queer be cause they show ered to gether or were seen hold ing hands. But asking whether Klebold and Harris were really gay misses the point. Like a wick soaked in gas o line, their re la tion ship was soaked with homoeroticism. The theme of brav ing death to gether in bat tle runs through the lit er ature of queer love....In his di ary, one of the two spun out a fantasy of living on an island alone with the other....Whether they had girlfriends or not, Harris and Klebold shared a pact unto death that, if twisted hor ri bly, also was romantic (Andrietti, Bill. Homosexuality and the Mas sa cre, The Guide, June 1999).

The sec ond rel e vant fact is that the kill ers de lib er ately se lected April 20th to launch their kill ing spree be cause it was Adolf Hit lers birth day. This choice was at trib uted, by surviving stu dents, to the fact that they be lieved in...what Adolf Hitler did....Theyre white supremacists (Meek, James Gordon. Littletons Casualties of War, Gridlock Magazine, undated, quoting from The Washington Times and The Wash ing ton Post). Not all of the school mass kill ers were al leged to be ho-


The Homosexualization of America

mosexuals, although a possible homosexual connection was raised in sev eral of the in ci dents with the high est number of victims. Michael Carneal killed three and wounded five stu dents as the vic tims prayed to gether at Heath High School in Paducah, Kentucky. Carneal de nied be ing a homosexual, but had been accused of being gay by fellow students (Martinac, Paula. Lesbian Notions Called Out LGBT Re li gious News Ser vice, May 24, 1999). Mitchell Johnson (13), the older of the two boys who killed five and wounded ten at Westside Mid dle School in



Jonesboro, Arkansas had been repeatedly sexually abused by a relative of his day care provider when he was six or seven years old. It is as sumed that the abuser was male. (Arkan sas Dem o crat Ga zette, April 7, 1998). Luke Woodham at trib uted his mur der of his mother and two students (nine others were wounded) to rage over a failed romance with a girl, but he had also been angered over be ing called gay at school (, July 6, 1998). By itself, this is rather unpersuasive evidence that Woodham struggled with homosexuality. However, we find it most interesting that in a pre-rampage explanatory note to a male friend, Woodham re ferred those who would be look ing for clues about his mo tives to a sec tion from The Gay Sci ence by Friederich Nietz sche (The Cincinnati Post website, 11-09-98). The section contains Nietzsches fa mous commentary on the theme that God is dead. The Gay Sci ence is not about ho mo sex u al ity, but we won der if ref er ence to it might be in tended to con vey a cryp tic message about Woodhams strug gles. (Nietz sches ho mo sex ual ity is an ac knowl edged fact in gay cir cles these days -see Charles Stone, Of Whom Nietzsche dreamed, Harvard Gay and Les bian Re view, Win ter 1999.) In ter est ingly, Woodham iden ti fied this and two other books as his fa vorites: Necronomicon, a book of magic, and Mein Kampf (ibid.). More sig nif i cant than the pos si ble ho mo sex ual in cli nations of the killers is the fact that school shootings have arisen in the context of ram pant moral de gen er acy among students. The degree to which Americas children have been corrupted was documented in a 1999 PBS Frontline special The Lost Children of Rock dale County. Fol lowing a 1996 out break of syph i lis among teen ag ers in the middle-class com mu nity of Rock dale, Geor gia, of fi cials were shocked to learn that large num bers of lo cal school chil dren, from twelve years old and up, were rou tinely en gag ing in group sex to gether. Girls of four teen were ad mit ting to hav-


The Homosexualization of America

ing had from 30-100 sex partners. Not only were the children not ashamed of their ac tions, ac cord ing to one health care worker, stu dents were laugh ing and high-fiving each other as they tested pos i tive for syph i lis. Three years later, on the one-month an ni ver sary of the Col um bine mas sa cre, Rock dale County be came the site of its own school shooting. Fifteen-year-old Thomas Sol omon shot and wounded six of his fellow students at Her itage High School in the city of Conyers (Grigg, William Nor man. An other Lost Gen er a tion?, The New Amer i can, Oc to ber 23, 2000). Grigg writes
To [the] grim in di ces of cul tural de cline must be added the recently coined cat e gory of school shoot ers -- mur derous teen age so ciopaths....One of the most potent in dict ments of our degenerate culture is found in the...FBI report The School Shooter: A Threat Assessment Perspective...listing the warning signs intended to help school of fi cials rec og nize and eval u ate po ten tial shoot ers within their student populations. Relatively few social com men ta tors have been will ing to ex plore the un spo ken as sump tion be hind that re port -- namely, that our pres ent culture...can be expected to generate teenage mass murder ers on a reg u lar ba sis (ibid.).

As we can see, our na tion is al ready reap ing the de structive consequences of having embraced the gay ethic of sexual license. Once a nation of high moral values and strong families, we are now a fractured and morally confused so ci ety. It is not cer tain that we shall go the way of Ger many, but ab sent a re ver sal of the cur rent trend, it is very likely that we shall face some form of cul tural di sas ter be fore the homosexualization of Amer ica is complete.

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