Freedom Green Crackers

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Crackers Without/Minimum Pollution

Submitted to: Submitted by:

Dr. Mohd. Zubair Ahmad Muskan Rana
I undersigned, hereby declare that the project titled “GREEN
CRACKERS” submitted in partial fulfilment for the award of
Degree of Master of Business Administration of A P J Abdul
Kalam Technological University is a bonafide record of work
done by me under the guidance of Dr. Mohammad Zubair
Ahmad, Master of Business and Administration, SRMS. This
report has not previously formed the basis for the award of
any degree, diploma, or similar title of any University

Roll No-2021101240
MBA Ist Sem
Shri Ram Murti Smarak College of Engineering &
Technology,Bareilly (U.P.)
This is to certify that the report titled “GREEN CRACKERS” being
submitted by Muskan Rana, 2021101240, in partial fulfilment of
the requirements for the award of the Degree of Master of
Business Administration, is a bonafide record of the project work
done by Muskan Rana of Master of Business & Administration,
Shri Ram Murti Smarak College of Engineering and Technology, U.P.

Dr.Mohd Zubair Ahmad

(Project Guide)
Shri Ram Murti Smarak College of Engineering &
Technology,Bareilly (U.P.)
I, Muskan Rana a student of MBA Ist Semester, sincerely thank
Mr.Dev Murti, the Chairman of Shri Ram Murti Smarak College of
Engineering and Technology, Bareilly for being associated with this
reputed Institute for my MBA studies.
I am grateful and wish to place on record my sincere thanks to
Dr.Mohd Zubair Ahmad (Project Guide) for the moral, academic and
problem solving support without which this project report would not
have come up to its present form last but not the least, I would also
like to thank my colleagues and staff of the MBA department and
employees of this elite Institute for whatever they have done for
helping me out every time in completion of this project report.
I would also like to extend a vote of thanks to all those people and
the websites who guided or directed me in bringing this project to
the reality. Without their guidance and proper support this project
report would not have been possible for me to prepare.
Muskan Rana
Roll No-2021101240
MBA Ist Sem
Sr. Page
No. Topics no.
1. Executive Summary 8 to 9
2. Introduction 10 to 11
3. Need, Gap and 12to 14
4. Solution 15to 19
▪ What are green crackers? 16
▪ Where you can buy? 16
▪ Features. 16 to17
▪ Types of green crackers. 18
▪ Difference between traditional 19
and green crackers.

5. Feasibility Study 20to 22

▪ Background study. 20
▪ Price of green crackers. 21
▪ Supreme court order on green 22

6. Plan 23to 31
▪ Conduct market research 23
▪ Business plan. 23 to 24
▪ Funds for business. 25 to 26
▪ Business location. 27
▪ Business structure. 27
▪ Business name. 27
▪ Registration. 27
▪ Apply for licence or permit. 28 to 29
▪ Open business account. 30
▪ Marketing strategies. 31

7. Conclusion 32
8. Bibliography 33
Crackers are burnt during the auspicious occasion of Diwali,
marriages or any other special occasion. These crackers are a special
part of any great event. But it's consequences can prove to be really
disastrous. The amount of harmful gases these crackers release
pollute our environment to such an extent that it becomes difficult
to breathe also.
Burning of crackers is really a debatable topic. Some are against it
while some are in favour of it. This topic won't end because banning
crackers may hurt sentiments of some people. Therefore evolution
of green crackers is a very positive approach towards it.
These green crackers reduces harmful gases in the atmosphere to
approx 35% which can prove to be quite effective. Some states have
banned the traditional crackers and have allowed only green
crackers. In order to make people aware about these crackers and to
enhance it's reach, certain steps have been taken as well.
These crackers are of majorly 3 types:-
SWAS – Safe Water Releaser
• They will release water vapour in the air which will suppress
the dust released.
• It will not comprise potassium nitrate and sulphur.
• A diluent will be released for gaseous emissions.
• The particulate dust released will reduce by approximately 30
STAR – Safe Thermite Cracker
• Does not comprise potassium nitrate and sulphur
• Reduced particulate matter disposal
• Reduced sound intensity
SAFAL – Safe Minimal Aluminium
• Minimum usage of aluminium.
• Usage of magnesium instead of aluminium.
• Reduction in sound in comparison to traditional crackers.

With an aim to control the increasing air pollution, Green

Crackers are being developed. They are eco-friendly and
comprise components which are less harmful for the

Given below are all the necessary details about the

development of Green crackers and implementation of their
use by the general public:

• The green-crackers are expected to cause at least 30%

less air pollution in comparison to the traditional

• The manufacturing cost of these crackers will almost be

the same, or may even cost less than the traditional
crackers .

• To differentiate green crackers from the regular ones, the

system of Quick Response (QR) coding has
• The main motive of producing green crackers is to control
the environmental disbalance.

• Green Crackers are environmentally friendly fireworks

and can reduce the air pollution caused by traditional

❖ NEED :-
• For Pollution free environment:
All species are important for maintaining ecological
balance. If one is lost, the whole natural environment
changes. To prevent the dangerous effects of Global
Warming necessary steps should immediately be taken.
People should not be allowed to cut off trees.

• To Improve Air quality:

Air pollution control helps to secure the quality of the air.

• To Protect human health:

To every human on earth, health is wealth; health is
paramount for the running of our day to day activities,
without which we would have to rely on others to live.

• For the planet Earth safety:

Above points leads to safety of our mother Earth.
❖ GAP :-
• Lack of Awareness:

People are not even aware that such a product also exits.
The innovations that happen in the market, many times the
customer is able to make reach there and Because of this,
lack of awareness is created.

• Product launch:

Using gap analysis, you can assess the current product

features and compare them with your product design
expectations. It also helps you to determine why sales didn’t
meet your sales forecast.

• Less Demand:
If you people do not have the awareness of our product, then
they will not be able to release our product. Due to which the
demand for which the product was there will be less.

• Low stock of crackers:

Green firecrackers are available now in the city. But their sale is
sluggish because of their high price and the limited varieties on
offer. Usually an animated market at this time of the year,
Sadar Bazar is more sedate, with only a handful of traders
stocking the permitted crackers.

• Less variant of crackers:

The traders claimed that there were only a handful of

companies in Delhi that could supply the environmentally safer
incendiaries. Because of this most traders have not applied for
a licence.

• An eye on illegal sale:

The cops have alerted the market associations and special police
officers in the markets to keep an eye out for the illegal sale of
banned crackers by the licenced sellers.

Green crackers or eco-friendly crackers are manufactured from

alternative raw materials to leave a lesser impact on the
environment and pose lesser health risks.
It has been explained that green crackers don't contain aluminium,
barium, potassium nitrate or carbon, making them eco-friendly.
Green crackers not only reduce air pollution; it has been reported
that regular crackers emit about 160 decibels of sound, whereas
green crackers have a sound level of 110-125 decibels.
However, for all their advantages, these eco-friendly firecrackers are
less expensive than the regular ones.


One can buy green crackers at a government-registered shop. Apart

from this, one can also buy green firecrackers online.


1. SMOG free
Few months back we saw how much our atmosphere was
polluted because of bursting of crackers during Diwali. The
thick dense layer of pollution can prove to be hazardous not
only for adults but for young kids too.

2. Less harmful gases in the air

The environment gets filled up with several harmful and
poisonous gases like carbon, nitrous oxide and other toxic
gases. It lowers our immunity & respiratory system.
3. Less garbage
Reducing the usage of crackers can lead to decline in the
unnecessary garbage as well. As our PM and all the responsible
citizen of our country are on a ‘Swach Bharat Abhiyan’,reducing
these crackers could be of vital help.

4. Safe for cattle and pets

These crackers prove harmful not only for humans but animals
also suffer Dogs, cows and other animals suffer because of
noise pollution and other in human activites.

5. Fewer fire-related accidents

Every year while bursting crackers, we witness several minor
and major accidents taking place resulting in loss of
property/life. This can beprevented by staying a bit more alert
and aware.
These green crackers have been given three different names:

• SWAS – Safe Water Releaser

o They will release water vapour in the air which will
suppress the dust released
o It will not comprise potassium nitrate and sulphur

o A diluent will be released for gaseous emissions

o The particulate dust released will reduce by

approximately 30 percent

• STAR – Safe Thermite Cracker

o Does not comprise potassium nitrate and sulphur

o Reduced particulate matter disposal

o Reduced sound intensity

• SAFAL – Safe Minimal Aluminium

o Minimum usage of aluminum

o Usage of magnesium instead of aluminum
o Reduction in sound in comparison to traditional crackers

Composition of Green Crackers – They do not comprise barium

nitrate which is one of the most hazardous elements present in any
regular cracker
Composition of Regular Crackers – A traditional firecracker
comprises of six key elements:

• Fuel: Mainly Charcoal or Thermite are present in them all

• Oxidising Agents: Nitrates and Chlorates which produce oxygen
inside the cracker
• Reducing Agents: Something like sulphur, which can burn the
oxygen present in the firecracker
• Regulators: To ensure the speed and intensity with which a
cracker bursts
• Coloring Agents: Multiple colours appear when a cracker
bursts, this role is played by the colouring agents. Given below
are the elements which provide different colours:
o Strontium salts – Red Colour

o Burning of metals – White Colour

o Sodium salts – Yellow Colour

o Barium salts – Green Colour

o Calcium Salts – Orange Colour

o Copper Salts – Blue Colour

• Binders: All the components of the firecracker require a

medium which can bind them
Green crackers will thus help in uplifting the quality of air and ensure
that minimum hazardous material is released into the atmosphere
with its fumes

Green crackers came into existence because of several reasons.
Discussed below are the same:
▪ In the last few years we have witness many legal battles for
thecomplete ban on traditional firecrackers which have
polluted our environment to a great extent.
▪ In 2019, the Supreme Court allowed CSIR to manufacture
green crackersin bulk and ensure their selling in the market.
▪ Petroleumand Explosives Safety Organisation (PESO)
approved the use of this crackers.
▪ Less pollution, less noise and free of chemicals like mercuy,
arsenic and barium were the factors on which PESO’S
approval was bSED.
▪ These crackers will release water vapour or air as a dust
suppressant and diluent for gaseous emissions.

As per an ANI report, the apex court said in its order, "If it is found
that any banned firecrackers are manufactured, sold and used in any
area, the Chief Secretary of the concerned states, the Secreatary
(Homes) and the Commissioner of Police in the concerned area,
District Superintendent of Police in the concerned area and the
SHO/police in-charge of the concerned police station shall be held
personally liable."

“Following these orders, several states including Jammu and

Kashmir, Odisha, West Bengal and others have only allowed the
manufacture and sale of green crackers”

1.Conduct market research:-

• Demand: Is there a desire for your product or service? Yes, there
is a desire of my product because it will cure many of the
environmental and health problems.
• Market size: How many people would be interested in your
offering? My market size will be whole INDIA.
• Economic indicators: What is the income range and employment
rate? There will be increase in income or in the employment
• Location: Where do your customers live and where can your
business reach? My setup situated in UP but I have strong
distribution channel.
• Market saturation: How many similar options are already
available to consumers? There is similar products but my product
is unique because of inexpensive, variety and easily available.
• Pricing: What do potential customers pay for these alternatives?
My product will not be expensive and even they will give give
extra benefits too.

2.Write your business plan:-

Lean startup format
Lean startup formats are charts that use only a handful of elements
to describe your company’s value proposition, infrastructure,
customers, and finances. They’re useful for visualizing tradeoffs and
fundamental facts about your company.
“Freedom green crackers” manufactures green crackers
which cause atleast 40% less air pollution.
Problem is of air pollution which causes health issues.
Green crackers are inexpensive and an individual can buy
them online.
Our target audience are childern, teenagers and adults.
7cm green sparklers
Fairy green crackers
Atom green crackers
Commander green fire crackers etc.
Freedom green crackers will sell directly to customers at
there stores and online.
Currently, the only team member is the owner, Muskan rana
with 10 labour to manufacture the product. As profits
increase, Freedom grren crackers will look to add an
employee to assist with social media and online marketing
and in the distribution channel.
Manufacturer(freedom green crackers)
C&F(of each state)
Distributer(of each city and districts)
As business grows, Freedom green crackers will advertise in
target markets—especially in advance of the festive season.

3.Fund your business:-

Self-funding lets you leverage your own financial resources to
support your business. Self-funding can come in the form of
turning to family and friends for capital, using your savings
accounts. Our self-funding will be 25,00,000.

Investors can give you funding to start your business in the
form of venture capital investments.
How to get venture capital funding:-
❖ Find an investor
❖ Share your business plan
❖ Go through due diligence review
❖ Work out the terms
❖ Investment


❖ If our company want to retain complete control of our business, but

don’t have enough funds to start, that’s why we consider a small
business loan.
❖ To increase our chances of securing a loan, we should have
a business plan, expense sheet, and financial projections for the next
five years. These tools will give us an idea of how much we'll need to
ask for, and will help the bank know they’re making a smart choice
by giving you a loan.
❖ Once we have your materials ready, contact banks and credit unions
to request a loan. We’ll want to compare offers to get the best
possible terms for your loan.

4.Pick business location:-
Freedom green crackers manufacturing plant will be establish in
UTTAR PRADESH because it is the middle area of INDIA and our first
outlet will be open in bareilly district.

5.Choose business structure:-

The business structure we will choose influences everything from day-
to-day operations, to taxes and how much of our personal assets are at
risk that’s why should choose a business structure that gives you the
right balance of legal protections and benefits so, I choose sole

A sole proprietorship is easy to form and gives you complete control of

your business. You're automatically considered to be a sole
proprietorship if you do business activities but don't register as any
other kind of business.

6.Choose a business name:-

Our business name is “Freedom Green Crackers”.
Tag line of Freedom green crackers is “Eco-friendly”.

7.Register your business:-

I will registration of Freedom Green Crackers with GST registraion.
GST registration is another way of getting our sole proprietorship
registered. We can apply for GST registration if you are dealing in
any kind of exchange of goods and services. It has replaced the old
VAT and Service tax registration.
8.Apply for licenses and permits:-
Procedure for applying:-

1. Applicant may approach the Deputy Commissioners office to

apply for this license in corporation and in district
administration to issue for the district level requests.
2. Following link provides contact details: Deputy
commissioners : link1 and District administration
contacts: link2
3. Make sure that you have required documents to process your
4. Please confirm that you are eligible to apply.
5. Applicant must submit application form- 4 Or Form AE Or the
form applicable as appended to Cracker/Explosive Act 1984
with required documents.
6. Your application will be accepted with advised fee as per
7. This application will be processed further.
8. If, required police verification and enquiries would be
9. If everything in place and upon satisfactory ground the license
will be issued.
Note: Grant or rejection of permit depends on the department
Eligibility :-

• Applicants must be above 18 years old.

• Not sentenced or convicted of any offence involving violence or
moral turpitude for a term of not less than six months, at any time
during a period of five years after the expiration of the sentence.
• Applicant should not have any connection or executions in code of
Criminal Procedure.
• Applicant license under the Explosives Act has not been cancelled,
whether before or after the commencement of the Indian
Explosives (Amendment) Act, at any time during a period of five
years from the date of cancellation of such license.

• Validity of the Cracker License on Temporary basis will be

Maximum of 15 days and on Permanent basis for 1 Year (Financial
• Renewed every year (Optional)

NOTE : When applying for a temporary license to sell or to store on

seasonal demand like Diwali – This licence will be issued in a time of
1 week to 1 month as decided by local authorities.


ON (

PESO has its Headquarters at Nagpur in Maharashtra and serves

through nine Circle Offices viz Agra, Bhopal, Chennai, Faridabad,
Guwahati, Hyderabad, Kolkata, Mumbai, Vadodara and their
subordinate Sub-Circle offices across the country.

9.Open a business account:-

Here are things to consider when we’ll opening a business checking or
savings account/current account:-

o Introductory offers
o Interest rates for savings and checking
o Interest rates for lines of credit
o Transaction fees
o Early termination fees
o Minimum account balance fees
Here are things to consider when we’ll opening a merchant services

o Discount rate: The percentage charged for every transaction

o Transaction fees: The amount charged for every credit card
o Address Verification Service (AVS) fees
o ACH daily batch fees: Fees charged when you settle credit card
transactions for that day
o Monthly minimum fees: Fees charged if your business doesn't meet
the minimum required transactions.

Get documents you need to open a business bank account:-

o Employer Identification Number (EIN)

o Your business's formation documents
o Ownership agreements
o Business license

Benefits of business bank accounts:-

o Protection.
o Professionalism.
o Preparedness and purchasing power.




People are generally not much aware of these crackers and how these
crackers contributes in reducing pollution.

Educating the people through social media platform, print media,
rallies, etc. will increase the awareness.


Providing a subsidy for the sellers on these green crackers so as to

attract more and more sellers of it.


Increasing the variety of green crackers which will attract more and
more buyers of it.

4.Tie up with government:-

If we tie up with the government, then they will get the green crackers
made compulsory all over India and so that our demand incresses which
will lead to expansion and growth of the organization.
“Better to do something imperfectly than to do
nothing perfectly”
- Robert H. Schuller

Though these green crackers reduces pollution upto 40% only, these
crackers can prove to be effective in a long run. The earth is evolving
rapidly and therefore it's possible that in the coming years we may
see the manufacturing of crackers which produces very little or no
pollution. Green crackers will help in reducing harmful substances
from the environment and to make it more cleaner and healthier for
us to live in.
The traditional crackers make our environment so toxic that it affects
the health of many individuals. Green crackers will help to reduce
Till than we all can play our part of being responsible citizen and
contribute by choosing the green crackers over the traditional one.







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