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1. What is the temperature in Degree Celsius of the absolute zero?

A. -32 B. 0 C. 273 D. -273
2. The scale on the map is 1: x. a lot having an are of 64 sq. meters represented by an area of
25.6 sq. centimeters on the map. What is the value of x?
A. 500 B. 1000 C. 100 D. 50
3. Solve for a in the equation: a=64 x 4 y
A. 4 x+3 y B. 4 3 x + y C. 256 xy D. 4 3 xy
4. Find the value of n if nP6 =3 nP5
A. 9 B. 8 C. 7 D. 6
5. When f ( x )=x 4 + a x3 +7 x 2 +bx +6 is divided by ( x−2 ) the remainder is 16 and when divided by
( x +1 ) the remainder is 10. What is the value of a ?
A. -7 B. 11 C. -5 D. 3
6. In a certain barangay, 80% of the population have cell phone. two people from the Barangay
were selected at random. Find the probability that the two have cell phones.
A. 0.32 B. 0.64 C. 0.16 D. 0.08
7. probability of event A happening is 3/5 and the probability of event B happening is 2/3. what
is the probability of either A, or B, or A and B happening?
A. 11/15 B. 14/15 C. 3/5 D. 13/15
8. If f ( x )=x 3 +2 x2 −3 x + 4 ,find f (5).
A. 164 B. 160 C. 168 D. 82
9. in the sequence 7, 11, 15, 19, …, what is the value of the 32nd term?
A. 32 B. 133 C. 131 D. 150
10. If 28% of a certain number is 1820, what is the number?
A. 6200 B. 6500 C. 6800 D. 7200
11. In the backyard there are pigs and ducks. they have 29 heads and 92 legs. how many of
these animals are pigs?
A. 12 B. 17 C. 32 D. 15
12. What is the sum of all the two digit multiples of 9?
A. 485 B. 585 C. 685 D. 985
13. Multiply any four consecutive integers and add one to the product. what kind of a number do
you get?
14. Mr. Williams coaches a 5- girl tennis team. how many different 2-girl double teams can be
formed from the players in the team?
A. 12 B. 10 C. 8 D. 6
15. How many factors of 1000 are perfect square?
A. 6 B. 5 C. 4 D. 3
16. Temple of Grace Church has two bells. the smaller bell rings every 12 minutes and the
bigger one rings every 16 minutes. if they ring together at midnight, how many times will they
ring to gather in the next 24 hours?
A. 100 B. 60 C. 30 D. 20
17. Before Don Sebastian died, he told his four children that the oldest of them will get half of
his money, the next will get ¼, the third will get 1/6, and the youngest will get the remaining
200,000. how much did Don Sebastian leave his four children?
A. 1,000,000 B. 1,200,000 C. 2,000,000 D. 2,400,000
18. Kyle says, “I have as many brothers as I have sisters.” His sister, Annie, says, “I have twice
as many brothers as sisters.” how many children are in this family?
A. 7 B. 6 C. 8 D. 9
19. a regular Polygon has 15 sides. what is the measure of each angle?
A. 24 degrees B. 156 degrees C. 160 degrees D. 50 degrees
20. In a certain year, there were exactly 4 Fridays and exactly four Mondays in December. on
what day of the week did the 25th of December fall that year?
A. Tuesday B. Wednesday C. Thursday D. Friday

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