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☐ a laptop.

☐ Headphones with a microphone

☐ Pen and paper

☐ Good internet connection – try to sit near your router or use an ethernet cable for the
best results.
☐ Water, coffee, or tea 😊 – anything you need should be near you so you don’t have to
move much during your lesson.
☐ A quiet room


☐ Can you mute and unmute yourself? The other students?
☐ Can you download a file? Upload a file?

☐ Can you write, type, and draw on the whiteboard? Can you block the others from
doing this, and enable them to do this?
☐ Can you raise your hand? Can you see the others doing this?

☐ Can you write to everyone in the chat box? Can you write a private chat?

☐ Can you rename yourself? Put ‘Teacher’ in front of your name.

☐ Can you send everyone to different breakout rooms manually? Automatically?

☐ Can you go into a breakout room and come back? Can you message the host of the
meeting while in a breakout room?
☐ Can you change the view? Can you see everyone at one time? Can you see the main
☐ Can you share your screen? Can you share audio with your screen? Can the others
hear you clearly over the audio?
☐ Can you explain to others how to navigate through settings in Zoom? Can you take
and give back co-hosting abilities?


☐ Be patient – there may be a disconnect between your actual speech and when
students hear it. Give them time to hear you and think.
☐ Make sure that your students are engaged and interacting throughout the lesson.
Kelci de Haas, 2022
☐ You should be able to easily move between the different parts of zoom during your
lesson without strain.
☐ Pick your battles – some issues that your students have with zoom can be addressed
during the lesson, but some may take more time. Focus on your aims and always
have a backup plan if a student can’t access something.
☐ Plan before the lesson which features you will need! Write it in your lesson plan.

Kelci de Haas, 2022

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