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Language – is a dynamic capacity of human
- it can only be called language if it has :
a. system of rules ( grammar )
b. a sound of system ( phonology)
c. vocabulary ( lexicon )

Mother Tongue - the language acquired wile growing up ; also

referred to as the FIRST LANGUAGE

Language Acquisition - the process of acquiring the language used

by those within the community
Second Language - other languages learned through various
- it is learned by studying formally in school or
informally on their own

Purposive Communication - is an intentional communication that

happens within the bounds of
specific contexts.
What is communication ?

- is the exchange of thoughts, ideas, and views between or

among two or more people.

- the process of interchanging information, ideas , feelings and

opinions, with or without use of words.
Ex. signals
Why communication is important?

- used in all forms of transactions

- used for inquiries, validations and clarifications
- communication leads to understanding, knowing , learning
and eventually wisdom
- communication develops creativity, maturity, self-realization
and self-awareness
- communication leads to development and evolution
- communication is used everyday in every way
Elements of Communication :

1. SPEAKER - the source and origin of information or message.

2. MEDIUM – the channel that serves as a bridge that connects

the speaker to the listener
3. LISTENER – the target of the speaker, the receiver of the
information or message.
4. FEEDBACK – a reply, response or reaction to the information
given to the listener.
Classification of Communication :

1. According to MODE

2. According to CONTEXT

3. According to PURPOSE or STYLE

There are several sub classifications of communication
according to mode. These are:

1. Verbal Classification
- door-to-door salesperson who demonstrate product
- greeting/ welcoming smile then assessing customer’s needs
and answering customer’s queries
- initial meeting when you speak during the first minutes is
significant and leaves lasting on your listeners
2. Visual Classification
It uses visuals to convey information and/or messages

- signs - pictograms
- symbols - photos
- imagery - charts
- maps - diagrams
- graphs
- various form of electronic communication (emojis, animation)
- Visual communication now occupies an important place in any work
a. during presentations – use visuals transfer of data into digestible
b. it has greater success in catching attention as well as recall the
3. Non-Visual Classification
Almost all of us exhibit kinesic forms of language to reinforce
what we are saying :

a. FACIAL EXPRESSION – these are different emotions

Ex. Flirting, anger , sadness, scared , delighted by something,etc.

Ex. Show the hand gesture for the following:

- It’s okey - victory or peace

- your eagerness for a fight - nervousness
- boredom - I’m glad to meet.
How do you show the following with your head movement?

- You are sorry.

- You do not wish to see someone.

- Say good morning or hello.

- Say NO. NO way or nothing.

- Show acceptance or friendliness

How do you show the following with posture?

- Very tired.

- in a good mood.

- disinterested.

- Hostile.

- Shy

- Dominating
2. OCULESICS – the study of how eyes and eye movement can communicate

- eyes are powerful communicators, as the saying goes :

“Look could kill.”

- A breakdown in communication may result if the communicators

come from different cultural groups and may interpret messages of
the eyes differently

What do the following eye movements indicate?

- frown
- direct gaze
- raised eyebrow
- breaking eye contact with a person
- back of eye contact from the listener.
3. PROXEMICS – the study of how people use space or distance for
purposes of communication

- the term proxemics, which has the same root word as proximity
was coined by anthropologist Edward T. Hall
- people use the spaces between them as important carriers of
- deals with the amount of space that people set between
themselves and others
The Different Levels of Proxemics:

1. Intimate – where you keep people that are close to you, your
relatives, friend, reserve to very close people

2. Personal – People whom you can talk regarding your secrets; your
best friend, boyfriend , etc.

3. Social – people whom you regularly see on a daily basis but not
familiar to you like your classmates but not familiar with
them, you do not know personally about them.

4. Public – people are common through their face; but you do not their
background like the officials in the school , other staff,
public figures or personalities.
4. HAPTICS – a touching behavior is another form of non verbal symbol that
may express tremendous range of feelings.

- A handshake
- simple tap of the back or shoulder to console a friend/ someone
- a fist bomb
5. CHRONEMICS – a the study of time in communication
- the use of time is important in non verbal symbol
- it tells you how punctual or how serious the person
when it comes to time.
An executive who keeps appointment exactly on time may be seen
as being concerned, considerate and efficient.

6. OBJECTICS – physical objects are very effective means of non verbal

A wedding/engagement ring
The chair in an office ranges in size according to the status of
the person.
7. ENVIRONMENTAL FACTOR – physical environments reveal the
characteristics of the owner of the place and
also affect how a person communicates.

When a participant performs tasks in “ugly” rooms; they
experience fatigue, headache, discomfort, sleep and boredom,

Colors, lighting, rook size, noise level, ventilation, windows,

interior decoration, smell, music, architecture, etc.
8. PHYSICAL APPEARANCE – physical appearance conveys the kind of
personality a person.


A. Clothing can be a powerful communicator. It indicates your status. People

are better able to influence others when wearing the appropriate or
high-status clothing.

B. when interviewing for a job - -- dress properly.

In a power point slide:

a. post a picture showing any of the kind of verbal communication.

Narrate a short description about the picture.

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