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Telma Madagascar, a company in the Axian Group won the Ookla Speedtest Awards 2022.

received this prize in the Mobile World Congress 2022 which took place the 3rd March 2022 in
Barcelona. This award rewards the real performance of the network especially the download speed
and the operator internet coverage. With a 14.17 « Speed score », Telma is by far ahead of their local
rivals, and the chief executive of the company Patrick Pisal Hamida congratulated the technical
teams for theirs work.

In order to improve the coverage, the speed and the reliability of their network, Telma achieved the
biggest investments in the country in telecommuncation infrastructures.

The internet connection in Madagascar is mainly done by 2 Telma submarine cables : The Eassy Cable
and the METISS cable, which are according to Ookla assuring Telma place as the Malagasy operator
with the fastest download speed. This recognition also confirmed the evaluations done in another
platform speedchecker in the beginning of the year.

As a first telecommuncation operator in the big island and precursor of 5G technology in Madagascar
and in Africa, Telma is willing on making each Malagasy a citizend of the digital world.

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