Академ календарь ENG

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Rector rlf,A S.

FALL SIiMESTER September 01 -
Academic: Staff re gistration August 22 - Septembet 0|,2022
orientaticln week for first courses August 29 - SерtеmЪеr 0З,2022
Registr:ation of subjects (for students) August 25 - September 09,2022
Аdd-dгор week September t2-|6,2022
start о.г lelssons September 01,2022
Mid-term exams October 31 -Novembet 05,2022
Deadline to enter Mid-term exams (fоr Lecturers) November 05-1,8,2022
Final exams DесеmЬеr 05-|7,2022
Deadline to enter Final exams (for Lecturers) December |9,2022 - Jarruary 06,202З
Make-up (final exams) December \9-24,2022
Deadline to enter Make-up exams (for Lecturers) December 24,2022 January 06,202З
Training s;eminar fоr Academic Staff (scientiГrc work) January 02-2t,202З
Students December 24 - Jапuаrу 2З,202З
SРRII\ГG SBMESTBR January 23 - Мау 20,202З
Registration of subjects (for students) January |6-27,202З
Add-drop week January 30 - February 04,2023
start ol] lessons January 2З,202З
Mid-term exams March 20-25,202З
Deadline to enter Mid-term exams (fоr Lecturers) March 25 - April 07,202З
Final e:Karns Мау 01-13,202З
Deadline to entel Final exams (for Lecturers) Мау 13-30,202З
Make-up tiretaking final exams) Мау 15-20,202З
Deadlirre to enter Make-up exams (fоr Lecturers) Мау 22-З7,202З
Golden Exams (4 courses) Мау 22-24,202З
Deadline to enter Golden exams (for Lecturers) Мау 25-26,202З
State exams (2 courses) Мау 25 - June 0З,202З
State exams (4 courses) Мау 29 - June 10,202З
Reporting week June 05-17,202з
Registration оf summеr school subjects June 05-09,202З
Start of'summer school June 12 - July 22,2023
Deadline to enter summеr school (for Lecturers) July 24-ЗI,202З
FALL SICMESTER August zy, zv'l,z - Janua{y Jli l1l

Registгation of lessons I
August 24 - Septembet 09,2022 _

October 24-28,2022
-- exams
Mid-tc:rrrL 1

DeadliБ _
Iv{id-tй, 2
Fiпаl,Йms (GеnеIа'ББ.сФ December з1,2022

Deadline to епtеr Mid-term marks (Ьасhеlоr) January 05,2023

Fiпаl tэхаms January |2-14,202З

Deadline to enter Final marks (for Lecturers) January |8,202З

Make-up (final exams) January 26-2],202З

MuKe-"p (final exams) (General subjects) January 28,202З

HoL]ID,AYS January |6-25,2023

Mid-term exams 1 осtоЬеr 10-15,2022
Deadline to enter Mid-term marks (bachelor) October |9,2022
Mid-term exams (General subjects) November 2|,2022
Mid-term exams 2 NочеmЬеr 22-26,2022
Deadline to enter Mid-term marks (Ьасhеlоr) November з0,2022
Final exams (General subjects) January 02,202З

Mid-term exams 3 January 0З-(l1,202З

Deadline to enter Mid-term marks (bachelor) January ||,202З

Industrial practice January 09-1.4,202З
Final exams January 16-|8,2023
Deadline to enter Final marks (for Lecturers) January 2|,202З
Make-up (final exams) (General subjects) January 26-28,202З

Make-up (final exams) January 28,ZO2З

HoLIDAYS ]t January 19,-25,202З

Mid-term exams 1 October 1,0-75,2022

Deadline to enter Mid-term marks (Ьасhеlоr) October |9,2022
Mid-term exams 2 November 2Т-26,2022
Deadline to enter Mid-term marks (Ьасhеlоr) NочеmЬеr З0,2022
Mid-term exams 3 January 02-07,202З
Deadline to епtеr Mid-term mаrks (Ьасhеlоr) January I|,2023
Final exams January |2-14,202З
Industrial practice January |6-2|,202З

Deadline to enter Final marks (fоr Lecturers) January 2t,202З

Make-up (Гrпаl ехаms) January 27-28,2023
HoLI"DAYS January 23-26,2023
Mid-term exams 1 September 30 - October 0|,2022

Deadline to enter Mid-term marks (bachelor) October 05,2022

Mid+erm exams 2 October 31 -November 05,2022

Deadline to enter Mid-term marks (Ьасhеlоr) November 09,2022

Mid-term exams З December 05-10,2022
Deadline to enter Mid-term marks (bachelor) December 15,2022
Final exams December 26-3I,2022
Deadline to enter Final marks (for Lecturers) January 05,202З
Make-up (final exams) January 06-07,2023
Make-up (Гrпаl exams) (General subjects) January IЗ-|,|,202З
Industrial practice January 16-21,202З
HoLIDAYS January 2З-1|,8,2023
SPRII{G SEMESTER FеЬruаrу 01 * June 30,2023
Registration оf 1essons January 26 - February 02,202З
start of lessons January З0,202З
Mid-term exams 1 Маrсh 27 - Арr1l01.,202З
Mid-term exams (General subjects) April01,2023
Deadline to enter Mid+erm marks April 05,2023
Final exams (Gепеrаl subjects) Мау 29,2023
Mid-term exams 2 Мау 30 - June 0З,2022
Deadline to enter Mid-term marks June 08,202]}
Final e:xams June 15-17,202З
Deadline to enter Final marks (for Lecturers) Juпе22,202З
Industrial practice June 19-22,202з
Make-up (final exams) (General subjects) Juпе26,202З
Make-up (final exams) June 2б-28,202з
Mid-term exams 1 February 27 - Маrch 04, 202З
Deadline to enter Mid-term mаrks March 09,202з
Mid-term exams (General subjects) Apri| |7,2023
Mid-term exams 2 June 08-10,202з
Deadline to enter Mid-term marks }uле |4,2022
Mid-term exams 3 June 08-10,202з
Deadline to епtеr Mid-term marks June 16,2023
Final Eixams (General subjects) June 15,202З
State exams (2 courses) June 16,2023
Final Exams June 15-17,202з
Deadline to enteT Final marks (fоr Lecturers) Juпе21,2023
Jчпе 19-24,202з
Industrial practice
Make-up (Гrnal exams) (General subjects)

зо 4,5 COURSES
March 06-1|,202З
N,lЁt",:irr.rurrl, 1

P*dtirr" to enter Mid-term marks March t6,202з

April |1-22,202З
Мid-tеrm exams 2
Deadline to enter Mid-term marks
April 16,2023
June 05-10,2023
Mid-term exams 3

ffi marks June 14,2023

June 15-]t7,202З
Final exams
Deadline to enter Final marks (fоr Lecturers) Jлпе2]',2023

Industrial practice June 19-24,202З

Make-up (final exams) Jwе26-2],202З

Mid-term exams 1
March 0З-04,202з

Deadline to enter Mid-term marks Маrсh 09,202з

Mid-term exams 2 April 06-08,202З
Deadline to enter Mid-term marks Apri| |4,202З

Mid-term exams 3 A;лi|21-29,2023

Deadline to enter Mid-term marks Мау 03,202З

Final exams Мау 18-20,202З

Deadline to enter Final marks (for Lecturers) Мау 25,202З

Make-up (final exams) June 03, 2023

Interdisciplinary comprehensive exams Jшe |2-24,202З

FALl;SEMESTER September 01 * December 24r',1022
August 22 - September 0l ,2022|,
Academic Staff Registration
orientation week for first courses August 25-З0,2022

Registration of subjects (for students) August 25 - September 09,2022|,

Add-drop week September t2-|6,2022

start of lessons September 0|,2022

October З1 - November 05, 2022
Mid-t,erm exams
П*аГirrе to enter Mid-term exams (for Lecl,urers) November 05-|8,2022
Final exams DесеmЬеr 05-17,2022

Deadline to enter Final exams (for Lecturers) December |9,2022 - January 0t5,202З

Make-up (final exams) December 19-24,2022

Peadline to enter Make-up exams (for Lecturers) DесеmЬеr 24,2022 - January 06,2023

T*i"irg *minar for Academic Staff (scientific wоrk) January 02-2|,202З

Students December 24 - January 2З,2023
Геsistrаtiоп of subjects (for students) ffi)023
Илrury 30 - FеЬruжу 04,2023
Add-drop week
January 23,202З
start of lessons
Маrсh 20-25,202З
Mid-teй exams
гъudlirr" to enter Mid-term exams (fоr Lecturers) fuaroh 25 - April 0'l,2023
Мау 01-13,2023
Final exams
Deadline to enter Final exams (tЬr Lecturers.;
Мау 1З-З0,202З

Make-up (retaking final exams) Мау 15-20,202З

O*dtirre to enter Make-up exams (fоr Lecturers) Мау 22-З|,202З

Golden Exams (4 courses) Мау 22-24,202З

neidtine to enteT Golden exams (for Lecturers) Мау 25-26,202З

SИte exams (2 courses, 3 courses)

Мау 29 - June 09,2023

Reporting week June 05-17,202З

Registration of summer school subjects June 05-09,202з

start of summer school June 12 - July 22,202З

JuJy 24-З1,202З
Deadline to enter Summer school (for Lecturers)

FALr, SEMESTER September L2,2022 * FеЬrчаlry 03,

соursе errrollment August 29 - October29,2022

courses start SерtеmЬеr 12,2022

Midterm exams November 01 - DecembeT 02,'.|022

Deadline to enter Mid-term marks (for Lecturers) December 09,2022

Final exams January 02-20,202З

Deadline to enter Final ехаm marks (for Lec:turers), Golden January 23 - FеЬruаrу 03,202|\
рyяtylq stяfе ехяms and Thesis defense (master)
FеЬruаry 13, 2023 - June 30, 2023
соursе enrollment FеЬruаrу 13 - Маrсh |5,202З

courses start Маrсh |з,202з

Mid-term exams April 03 - Мау 05,202З

оеаайе to enter Mid-term marks (for Lecturers) Мау 10,2023
Final exams June 01-20,202з

о"uоtи. Ю епtеrFinal marks (for Lecturers), Golden exams, June 30, 2023
State exams and Thesis dеfЪпsе (Ьасhеlоr, lnaqlg_1)_
FлLIL SEMIISTER S.pt.rb*, tr2 - DесеmЬеr 30,2022
Academic Staff Registration August 25 - September 08, 2022
September 08 - October |7,202|2
start oflessons September |2,2022

lst module exams November 01-05,2022

Deadline to enter Mid-term marks (foT Lесшrеrs) November 08,2022

2nd rnodule exams DесеmЬеr 26-30,2022

January 09,202З
D."dl*. t" *t.r Final marks (for LectureTs)
January |6-20,202З
Make-up (final exams)
Master students
Б..."ф." Ю, 2022 - January 29,202З
ТЙчаrу, * May,!! ; 2022,
.ll ., ]l,,t:]i!]si]|:l l ll1]].!]1::]i.rli.:]|::i

Registration Г*uury 0З - Irebruary 28,2023

FеЬruаrу 06,12023
start of lessons
1st module exams
March 22-24,202з

Deadline to enter Mid-term marks March 2'7,202з

2nd module exams Мау 15-19,2023

D"udН.r" to enter Final marks (fоr Lecturers) Мау 22,202З

Make-up (final exams) Мау 29 - June 02,202З

state E]xams and Dissertation defense June 12-16,202з

FALL SEMESTER August 22 * DесеmЬеr 30,2022
Proficiency ехаm August 22,2022
placement test August 29,2022

Registration of students September |,З0,2022

start of lessons September 0|,2022

Геidtlпе to enter Final marks (for Lecturers') January 09,2022

Academic staff January 02-09,202З

Students December З0,2022 - Jапuаrу t6,202З

SPRI]ýG SEMESTBR January 16,- Мау 30,2023

Registration January |6-26,202З

start оf lessons January |6,202З

Grand Final (English) Мау 29,202З

GTand Final (Turkish) Мау 20,202З
Grand Final make-up (English) August 2|,202З

Grand Final make-up (Turkish) August 22,202З

Day of history and mеmоrу of ancestors November 07 (Monday)
Defender of the Fatherland Day FеЬruаrу 23 (Thursday)

International Women's Day Маrсh 08 (Wednesday)

Nooruz March 21 (Tuesday)

LаЬоr Day Мау 01 (Monday)
Constitution Day Мау 05 (Friday)
Victory Day Мау 09 (Tuesday)

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