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Descriptive Text

1. Look at the jumble words. Sort the words and try to match them with the appropriate
similar meanings of six words below.

Match the words above to the appropriate similar meanings below.

Instead of said Instead of good Instead of run

Instead of walked Instead of saw Instead of liked

2. Listen to this monologue and fill in the blanks.

Do you know the (1)______________ of England? Right.
The capital is London. Look at the map carefully. Here is London.
Can you see it? It is (2) ______________ in (3) ______________
England along the Thames River. London is a (4) ______________
city with a population of about 7 million. It is the largest city in
Europe. Although it is no longer (5) ______________ among the
world's most populous cities, London is still one of the world's
major financial and cultural capitals.
Are you still with me? OK thank you. Let's continue. London's climate is generally
(6)______________ and (7) ______________, although it can be (8)______________. London is
one of the (9)______________ parts of British Isles. However, the weather is generally cloudy,
and sometimes it rains on half the days of the year. With the (10)______________ in July of
about 18 C (about 64° F), London has warmer summers than most of the island. It's
(11)______________ during winters in London. (12)______________ frequently develops in

Now let me tell you about the city. London's

metropolitan area (13)______________ for more than 30
miles. Most of Central London is located north of the
Thames. It (14)______________ the city of London, the
city of Westminster, and (15)______________in the West
End. The City of London is the heart of the city The City of
Westminster is the (16)______________ the national government.

3. Answer the questions.

a. Where is London situated?
b. What is the population of London?
c. How is the weather in London during summer?
d. How is the weather in London during winter?
e. Mention the parts of London!
f. What is the purpose of the speaker telling us about London?
4. In groups, find a description of a city and compare it with the description of Singapore.

London …
The width
The number of population
Well-known for

Learning materials.
Degree of Comparison
a small house a big house

When we compare two nouns: comparative

When we compare three or more nouns: superlative
5. Complete the grid

positive comparative Superlative

Most dangerous
More expensive

6. Complete the sentences. Use the comparative.

a. Joe’s car isn’t very fast. He wants a faster one.
b. My job isn’t very interesting. I want to do something ___________________
c. The weather isn’t very warm today. Yesterday it was ___________________
d. People aren’t very polite today. In the past they were ___________________
e. This sofa isn’t very comfortable. That one is _____________________
f. This coat is nice, but I think the other one is ______________

7. Complete the sentences with a superlative: a.

a. This building is very old. It’s the oldest building in the town.
b. It was a very happy day. It was _______________________ of my life.
c. It’s a very good film. It’s _______________________ I’ve seen.
d. She’s a popular singer. She’s _______________________ in the country.
e. He’s a very boring person. He’s___________________ I know.
f. This house is very big. It is _______________________ I’ve lived in.
8. Choose the correct answer.
a. Tom’s car is bigger than / the biggest his friend’s.
b. Who is shorter than / the shortest person in your family?
c. Who is more independent than / the most independent person you know?
d. These sofas are more comfortable than / the most comfortable ours. e.
e. My brother is taller than / the tallest in the class.
f. Who is the best / better than singer in the world?
g. We are younger than / the youngest the rest of the class.
h. My hair is the straightest / straighter than your hair.
i. He is more popular / the most popular singer in the world.

Let’s Read
1. Match the words in the left column with their synonyms in the right column.

Unique 1 A Mirror
Venue 2 B Happy
Worthy 3 C Notable
Inspired 4 D Special
Expected 5 E Place
Welcomed 6 F Eye-catching
Spectacular 7 G Greeted
Reflect 8 H Motivated
Blissful 9 I Hoped

2. Read this text carefully and analyze the social function, text organization and language
features of the text.

Social function:

The Giant Glass Slipper Building of Taiwan

The Cant Glass Slipper building is a unique building built on the coastal
area in Chiayi, Taiwan with a height of 16 meters (55 feet) and a width
of about 10 meters (36 feet). This shiny blue building was made of 120
tinted glass panels and costed around US$686,000. It was completed
on 10 January 2016 and was officially opened on 23 July 2016.

There was no special architect for the building This was purely the
creation of the local government officials. This building is used as a
wedding venue. The Slipper building qualified for The Guinness World
Records certificate as the largest high heel shoe-shaped structure.

Inspired by the fairy tale "Cinderella and her glass slippers, the
purpose of building The Giant Glass Slipper is to develop tourism in
Taiwan. This building only serves couples who are getting married.
They want to make the building a blissful romantic venue. This unique
building is expected to attract many tourists not only domestic but
also from all over the world so that it will increase the country's

A descriptive text describes the characteristics of a place or a thing.
A descriptive text consists of identification (introducing an object that will be described) and
description (the characteristics of an object being described).

3. Read the text on Activity 2 again and find the differences of the the building with the building
on the following text. Write the differences in the following table.

Casa Terracotta

In 2012, architect Octavio Mendoza created a building he calls Cassa Terracotta, in the town of
Villa de Levya, Columbia. Locals call it Cassa de Flintstone because it resembles the Flintstone
family's stone house in the movie.

The house stands on an area of 5,400 m² and the entire building is made of baked local clay so
that it is something worthy of Ripley's Believe It or Not. By using only natural resources for the
project, Mendoza wanted to create a natural, harmonious and environmentally friendly building.
Tourists are welcome to visit the spectacular Cassa Terracotta for only $3.50.

Cassa Terracotta is a blend of art and architecture. This house consists of a 2-storey building. The
shape of this house reflects a natural approach to architecture. The walls slope and the roofs
curve like the surrounding hills. The inside is airy with colorful mosaic tiles Downstairs, there are
several rooms, a kitchen, a dining room, and a bathroom. Upstairs, there is a main bedroom
where you can relax and enjoy the view All the furniture is also made of day

The Slipper Building Aspects Cassa Terracota



Certificate of appreciation

Year of building

Main materials

4. Facts or Opinions?
Facts : tell us what happens and can be proven right or wrong.
e.g. George Washington was the first President of the United States.
Opinion : refer to apersonal assumption, belief, or feeling about something.
e.g. Michael Jordan is the greatest basketball player of all time.
Why are facts and opinions important in reading?
To help readers or listeners develop their critical and analytical skills in reading and
5. Decide whether these statements are Fact or Opinion.
1) The Giant Glass Slipper is a unique building. ( )
2) The building was built in the coastal area in Chiayi, Taiwan. ( )
3) Tourists are always welcome to visit the spectacular Cassa Terracotta. ( )
4) In 2012, architect Octavio Mendoza created a building he called Cassa Terracotta ( )
5) The buildings attract many tourists from all over the world. ( )

6. Opinion and Fact Adjectives

Sometimes we use more than one adjective to describe something. We can use both fact
adjectives and opinion adjectives.

Article Opinion Fact Noun

a beautiful silky dress
an interesting young lady
an expensive large, round, wooden table

Order of adjectives
When more than one adjective comes before a noun, the adjectives are normally in a particular
order. Adjectives which describe opinions or attitudes (e.g., amazing) usually come first, before
more neutral, factual ones (e.g., red):

determiner opinion Fact Noun

size age shape colour origin material purpose
a beautiful old yellow German car
the small rectangular wooden dining table

7. Follow the order of adjectives (general and specific opinion – size – shape – age – colour –
origin – material – purpose) to choose the correct sentence.
Let’s Write.


Theme : Local Pride

Title : Let’s Promote the Hidden Gem of Our Town
Objective : To promote tourist destination in local area
Task Description : Writing a descriptive text (individual) and creating a travel brochure
Steps :
1. Create a group of four or five students. It is recommended that the students come from
nearby town.
2. Each student needs to think one unpopular or unfamiliar tourist destination in their town.
3. Find a picture of the object.

4. Collect as much information as possible about the object.

5. Write a description about the place.
6. Proofread your group’s mate writing.
7. Compile the groups writing to create a travel brochure.

Consider the following tips:

Paragraph 1.
1. Begin your descriptive text with identification.
2. Create a clear identification
 The name of the place/object
 The location
 Don’t forget to use simple present and adjectives to describe the place.
Paragraph 2, 3, 4 and …
Continue your writing by mentioning:
 The parts of the place
 The quality of the place (using descriptive word)
 The characteristics of the place which make people interested to see it
 Add other additional information if you want

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