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Nama : Eron Siahaan

NIM : 18.3393

LUKE 10 : 38-42

We admit that Mary and Martha's attitude was good when it came to welcoming Jesus. They welcomed Jesus in
their own way. Martha busied herself to prepare everything, while Mary comfortably welcomed Jesus through
her longing for the teachings of the Lord Jesus.

However, from the custom in the house, Mary should have been with Martha to prepare and provide everything
to host the coming of Jesus. Naturally, Martha protested, but Jesus did not blame Martha or Mary. But we get a
lesson from this story that there are things that are important but there are things that are more important, if in
front of our eyes there are things that are more important, of course it will not be wasted. Mary did not waste the
coming of Jesus, if Jesus took the time to come to their house on the sidelines of His busy ministry. Then there
is a quiet and relaxing time to hear the precious teachings of Jesus in his life.

The focus of teaching that we can get in this passage is how Mary was thirsty for the teaching word of the Lord
Jesus. Martha's protest against Mary's attitude to Jesus was answered by Jesus: "Martha, Martha, you worry and
trouble yourself with many things, but only one thing is necessary: Mary has chosen the best part, which will
not be taken from her." This answer of Jesus emphasizes the positive thing from Mary's attitude that she has
taken and chose the best for her life, and this is also a teaching for them and for us as well.

This story is not about to say that what Martha did was wrong, but the spirit of service and welcoming Mary and
Martha to Jesus both became a lesson for us. The teaching in question is when we combine the two ways of
welcoming them. It is lame if good deeds have no basis in truth, so also knowing God's truth but no application.
Knowing and loving God's truth must go hand in hand with action.

That is why Luke wrote this story of Mary and Martha right after Luke wrote about the parable of “The Good
Samaritan” (10:25-37). That it is not enough just to know and know about the truth of God's word, but more
than that it is necessary to declare the knowledge of the truth of God's Word in life.
The problem with Martha lies in the attitude of her heart, because there is nothing wrong with her sincere
intention to do what is best for Jesus. That's why Jesus said "Martha, Martha, you are worried and troubled with
many things". Her worry has led her to the wrong attitude to the point that she has ordered the Lord Jesus.
Martha has forgotten what and for whom she is busy.

Sikap marah-marah menjadi indikasi kita sedang dalam kekawatiran, Marta terlalu menghawatirkan
sesuatu yang tidak begitu perlu sampai melupakan tujuan utama. Sepertinya Marta perlu untuk
istirahat. Kedatangan Yesus bukan untuk makan roti yang lezat ataupun meminum minuman yang
enak, tetapi perjumpaan kepada setiap pribadi yang Tuhan kunjungi. Tamu yang berkunjung ke
rumah kita bukanlah karena makanan dan minuman yang ada di rumah kita, tetapi tentunya tamu
tersebut ingin berjumpa dengan kita ataupun keluarga kita.

Terkadang kita terlalu menyibukkan diri dengan hal-hal yang tidak begitu penting dalam perjumpaan
kita dengan Tuhan. Tentang apa yang akan kita pakai ke gereja atapun persiapan yang lain yang kita
butuhkan ataupun kita justru bisa menjadi marah seperti Marta karena sikap orang lain yang menjadi
penghalang bagi tujuan utama kita berjumpa dengan Tuhan. Pernahkah kita mendengar atau
mengetahui ada orang Kristen yang akhirnya memuuskan tidak datang ke gereja karena ada
permasalahan dalam persekutuan dalam gereja.
Jika kita kembali fokus dengan apa yang dikatakan oleh Tuhan Yesus dalam nas ini bahwa “Maria
telah memilih bagian yang terbaik”. Keramahan dan sukacita Maria meyambut Tamu-nya
berfokus pada tujuan utama perjumpaan itu bukan hal-hal pendukung perjumpaan itu. Sehingga kita
di ajar melalui nas ini untuk merenungkan kembali bagaimana ketulusan, keiklasan dan niat kita
yang murni untuk berjumpa dengan Tuhan. Sebagaimana Firman Tuhan yang
mengatakan “Kasihilah Tuhan Allahmu, dengan segenap hatimu dan dengan segenap
jiwamu dan dengan segenap akal budimu”.

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